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Highland Park Press (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 8

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ELECTRIC: FANS t and up All sizes--all requirements fitted Public Service Company of Northern Illinois Letter Mailed to Vehicle Owners? By Police Committee The fans this season as usual represent the good taste, hard sense and mechan- ical skill of the makers. $9.75 mnrnmg at It hm >11} )6 't "(, numc fur (hr An mnmtwn samh-d Imcd EMPUH'MENT AGENCYâ€"First class help 1 recm'cd {Hr all household pusnmns Em ploynu-nt of all kinds in! women and finds. Mrs. T. Walsh. 238 N. F115! 51 n‘ar Elm Hart Tel TUU M 3 411‘Xm â€"-EMPLUYME.\'T Anna» “'unlrn dr- Uum-d Ex nngelu‘nl Chunh Notes A menmnal servu‘c in honor of ou de- partrd loved 0an WI” be held Sugdmé ROBERT GREENSLADE 134$.Sooond5t. Phenom Faithful you can be sure that the job will be faithfully done The will and the effort to see that you are satisfied with cveri detail is my obligation. Andi am meeting that obligation squarely and successfully in} every job I undertake. Your good will is of the great- 1 est value to me. When 1 Con- tract to do work for you. X en- ter that contract with an earnest intention to faithfully fulfil my part of it. When you give me your - 2| W”. Central Ave. Jake Gordon Shoe Repairiné Shop First Class 1045. The pastor will ube as ‘Um llmu My Home." Special w mu‘mu-n xx being prepared n |~ curwhd In all who have Electric Wiring M a V Service 1914 1 F0! RENTâ€"For the summer. furnished pine room house in Ravinil; idealy local. {at $150 per month. Tel. 930. 13 1 FOR Rmvâ€"Fuminhed bed and home- :keeping rooms. Reasonable. 231 N. St ”on: I Ava 13 Fol! RENTâ€"7-r00m house. all modern ltnprovemcnu; hot water heat. Inquire 0! Jesse Sobey. 210 E Central Ave. t! F0! Run-Nicely furniehed rooms on out dde neat business diltrict. Gentlemen only duired. 215 E. Central Ave Phone 913. If 199. F. P. Hawkins. (1 FOR RENTâ€"â€"Desirable 6 room fiat. 210 E Central Ave. Steam heat. Sobcy'l mhrkct, 210 E. Central Ave. N Fox RENTâ€"4 room flat at 130 Onwcn- ts'u Ave. near Exmoor go” ground; In- quire next dob: cut. I! ml Ave. If FOR RENTâ€"Steam heated apartment, 6 rooms and bath; two extra room: If de- lircd. 47 St. Johns Ava, phones 49 Ind 199. F. P. Hawkins. u VFOR RENTâ€" House and burn at 429 W. Deerficld Ave. Tel. 709 W. H FOR RENTâ€"Fumished large convenient first flat. With or without piano. Address 231 No. St. Johnn Ave. or tel. 790-W. :1 FOR Rm~Store room at 134 E. Centnl Ave. next door to postoflica Inquire 01 A. W; Fletcher, tel. 126‘ If FOR RBNT~Store at 208 Ave. Inquire Sobcy'a market, m1 Ave. FOR SALEâ€"Typewriter, Remington. No. 7; as good as new. Must be taken alonce. wm sell for 515. Address P. 0. Box 184.‘ or tel. 35. pd l3 FOR RENT-â€" Furnished room with all modern improvements. Apply at 124 $04 First St. Tel. 263. J. M. Deming, !0-13 pd FUR SALE~Team of hemy horses. 4 and 3 years nld. lel sell cheap Trl.6(lb Fred Bolker. 323 Park Ava, Highland Park. I“. 13-14 pd FUR SALE Rare nppurlunn)“ my new 19H mode-l 3 passenger. forwmd drne- “lwh clvclnr car, has (ml) run 1.300 mules and W211 sell at great rvduvnun. can he seen and demonsnau-d n! m) corner Beayh St‘ and Llnuxh, garage. ls: Aux Walter C. Han-1y. FUR $\1.E4,~\Hxath\v “u-«imi 1m xhun‘c m-aghlxnhwnd. for [hr hume, u]! aucrlfiu'; also small Iuts u-ry rrnwlmhle- alsn T” {I In! nn Furcst :\\(-. umnxvun? Inlng moms, $4,500 N. A. Aldridgr Tr} snwg Wurk, xhnuld H‘RINM‘L vuth nae H \‘nu nvcd help uddrrsa Mrs (mu Sn‘ltl. Jr , mer Schumm hn‘s drug war Tr! " |. If Liconood Enp|oymcnl A'CDCY \\’ANI£I)«AII kmds n! (cmale help. Amcncan and foreign Wages $7 (0 $14» a week. Alan first class help {urmshrd on short mmcc Apply 112 50 Pint Srect Ave, telephone 261. Mrs, J, M Donsmg FUR SALEâ€"Angora Cats and kittens healthy km; \ulh hem y coat), all colors. alw males for serum Cats boardrd Maltby 1949 Lum tel Rugcrs Park 7M3. l" 13 pd Waukcgan. Ill. Phone 395‘ (1 FOR SALEW 19H bfollt‘! (hu'kcns dress- ed to order Addn-ss] P Sh-flrn. 'Iel 909. H FUR Sliiâ€"Shnmngcr pianos and M, Schulz to. pianos. also player piano In both makcu Will rem or be“ on easy payments, Send your lumng order heir Aldcns' Piano Shop. 313 So (.‘rnrscr SI. Waukcgan. Ill. Phone 395‘ l! H‘ ‘IH 5 line. or Ian. lriwnion. 25c. etch ad- ditiooal line 5c. Blind ads. when replies are «den-d sent to 0:50 olfia. doubk: ram. Advertisements will not be received {or publication in the current issue after 9 I. m. Thursday. FOR SALE SALE OF GOVERNMENT INDIAN LANDS. Almor-l um- miHu-n :ln'ro-li 0! land that surrnuncl- Mullwter, Ukln.. the garden qml 0‘ [hr l‘nih-d State-h; good rlrh mII In thr mutter-l um] gun and ml “('IIH In tho 1'mlwl Staten. Lulu-«l Ill 1hr happy dun-hug hm- lu-hnn-e-n lin- lngnd nurlh and lurrul N-uth. MrAh-nh-r x-lljny- [n-rlmpd [hr mmxt hamllhfu) nu “I'll I! ”w mm! Alvlnphlful nlnuutc- m ”w uurM. jih! vnuuyh ynntrr mud gum llll'l in lmnk ”In nmmmmy of the nl~ Imiulul h'llllwluhlh' of pprmg ulnl n‘A tmnn. Hm nu. summ- that run no! 1 HI” Ila-ml m any thludv m nlhtn nu! Ila-u l m $ :11 any uvunh) nulmum “I“ .1 m with. Nuuul Resources FOR RENT u'llll- “Hy Hum“ I'fll1h \\ E, Central 210 E Cen- ninlmrnl HI‘ H‘l‘lilh HKIAIA \HI «l1,- If M“ Mnila clone :- follows: : 7:13 I. m. for I" point: north; 8:48 L; m. {or all points except Iocxl nonh; 11:49.: a. m. for All poinu nonh; 1235 p. m. for? all point: except 100.] north; 2:13 p. m. {or all Moon"; and Highwood; 3.01 p. In. for all points north except High- wood; 5:42 p. m. {or all pointu; 6:30 p. mi {at all points. Sunday: 5:46 p. m. for .u points. I MISCELLANEOUS. WANTEDâ€"Sewing by expenenccd scan:- nress. 244 N. Green Bay Rd Tel. 728~R 10-13 pd Improve and protect your property with an omamenml lrncc. Benedict and O'Neil, Wnukegan. “L. 417 Phone 1194â€"] U SEWING “'ANTBDâ€"Expcrienced dres- maker and neunutrea wanu sewing by the day or week in famine. along the North Shore. Tel. 367rR.127 Homewood Ave. 13-“ pd WANTEbâ€"Work by fire day. first (law; cook or waitress. will do housedeaning‘ ‘ Apply at 124 So. Fzrst St. or (6.326. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"For summer sea- son. as butler or houseman. experienced and first clasx John Bea], now u 315 E. Central Aste. References. Mrs. Eugene Alfiouniquezghone Highland Park 423. LOST ()n May24th or 25th a black leather wallet. marked with name of own. er, liberal i’cuard {or return with con- tents to 250 E. Central Avr‘. Highland Park. 13 Lusrâ€"A 5”fo match tub m the shape 013 mam-M- «run. with bar pm attached. ()wncrs name engrau-d on pin. Finder please return to Press office and rem-iv: reward 13 pd \\'A..\H.h \mmu man {x-r Mme 100m “mu, shady [Nihilitm tor right man Mug! be (wt-r 21' )t'me of age Apply a! l'rcss “Who. 13 pd \VANHI umk Ir: fun \I‘ l’ockvthon‘k umtmmng Hun“ nun laaxr awn by young mi and firm MUIHK )anc'll} kaH ~\nMH mrnlahrd hours from $300“ up, Aim brzaunlul hmnc mlh gumgr finr umundx garden cm ”A ,Mdrmr, Er sLmr Ham. Bldg Tri A45 1.“, hm RENT JI'he property at 535 Fora! Ave. sumn’l [u 311?. the-re IS a Ining rounL km hen, scrcenrd port'h, 2 bedrooms, balhmum, and sleeping pon h Lan rrm turmshrd nr vacant, (hung: m-ar bllalllfsh crmcr. Nur qunmhc-d ruum lnr one nr nu; grntlcmm. $3 and $6 a week Alwsmulb er rwuns 5'2 10 $4 Will rem 1m 6 mumhs anravtnrl) fur mahc-d 3 14mm hounz shod Imatmn, um \cmvm (“535111011 and lake. Fun RENTâ€"Large flat with or mxhout ban) and «'hu‘krn yard Furmshcd m un- tumlshed. 231 N 8! john: Aw- Tel. I‘leW 13 BUY NOW SAVE 50, %. Imported and Domestic Wall Paper SPAGHETTI Famous Italian Rentaurnnt R A V 10 L I Hi‘hh-dPu-ilhilw MUSIC SITUATIONS WAN TED thng 1.1;» fur CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Houm9w123.m.,1t05p.m. 7:30 to 9 p. m. except Wednesdays and Sundays Mflnmncd by Fin! Church at Christ. Scientist. a! Highland Pam HELP Evening Dianor 75c Arrnn'cmonh Much for Moloeruliu Print: Dining Room for 50 to 150 People ‘ Sll Selections canbe madefio suit all cunditlons Hnnre Stock of large vanety covering all gradts BTAIIJSHLD 1.“ Interior Decorating And Pd-tin'. Gmml Wood Finiuhinl 19 N. WM Av... CHICAGO FOR RENT Michigm Avenue und 1] Street, CHICAGO FOUND LOST WANTED THE ALMINI COMPANY You are Cordially Invited tomakeuseoftbepfivilegesofthc “H 13~l4 pd 1213 MICHELI’S hither money h-r Hm a: 11!!" pd 15 A special country s'yle dunner NH be oerved at Highlnnd Hall on [Marathi]! Day at one o'clock to: $100 a piate ‘ D. G PURDY'I" SONS Telephone 954 LENGTHEN THE LIFE OF YOUR RUGS iI dinin‘uuhrd in fine fluuu and". at" and lrcxhncuA il you orde! of m. (or (he qu-hu 91 the Mr." I: scll n Ila-u “nuke. lory. Try huyln‘ our Menu Ind prmc 1h. nmlflion M our murlel. the connegy ol our urnce, [he promprncn of our delivery and our rcuonuHe ['VIch MM listed m \ augh- an'tSeed Catalogue «an be flurchwsd at R. W. Schneider For Divers Reasons Hitler's Hardware Min Helen Mayer Tucker of Violin You’ll Be Pleased Sobey’a Sankary Shop yf'éflfi We also rent ”7m I074 at Chicago pn'ces (Euarnntwd and mld by £57,. 2,ch fix, 8 $02. .23 do: :3 2:. 35;: :5» a 1:4 3. I: 31:. The bamna bat} Anton-anon! Tolephonfillfl 433 Every Cut SINGING Adv. 1mg ‘ 10 TELEPHOI gmdr lung 4 h Ime “hut, n in ‘ far de‘nu ht< lake 11'» 50”! hot: 101 mL Thl « Hrnr} ~\ long (1M (he 01 mt are new cable I! did slurmvlooi P number! of WI‘ when lht‘ “1'“ With me anc sled unce cablr mm more pain 0! G upon which (he! mm nation to! In]! be snippet“ for this one ml ditnncz of loan be on md (hm will be upload. Ware. no cable over long drum is equipped with "loading coil." ‘ ycln Number H (‘llu‘> \A ‘ 11 ‘ Nurlhl-r of huh lb'wph- z: to KL b 8}“ [In an bu “h: I'HQ‘S Because of (In or docml path current which a vow: ”dorms 1 sun (It. voice an over long dull coil" is and. 1. regular Intervals reinforce the can vmcc and keep (1 losing ".5 Damien prrfrmh' u the: The died at snund wavn in bllnplt and Hamill Sun shuuld grasp rUpt Intent-d 10* and ehhkr (he I unh a waxr likel would travel h'ol But these WIV‘ smaller or Wraka before rrudung 1 two or my" sml Hm- mpr at c-qull “nuld m (um, 11 Ium so that Wh‘ [mat l' uuuld be! “rake-r than H w Hm ”1hr" rnd 1 1m res 1hr ru-ctw tt-Ie-phunr .m uil ”w wan manna (nu 11‘ “ mrH \t’ kmc m. 'ng Min 1 In “IE IcHENl Lain" x. 11M More I’m: W «ml: wuli l» med YUM}- k? 1. hr H lung dxslam 1 ml n? ”rm and an 'I Salurday Eveni Feat! put! I HIGHLAND H Hn \a!u!da) a land Han wnH h; tor xhr sumtnel mam Icalurc of the mum to! w! Pntchnrd'o and tenure. have be a Saturday ova Ioverypopulul Mx »r(- HI knuk )N LJHN Thou“nd Addod lo share W“ “it \‘blih Wire Mil xi: I ahh‘ 3“ MH( '24 IR.“ N bdl \1 N'IVJ m "d HHII m (’84 nlr !)(|l um h 1 r11 lld

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