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Highland Park Press (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 4

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FOR RENT City of Paw Paw Why not spend your vacation at this delightful resort? Boating, Bathing, Fishing. Tennis Ind DANCING. Booklet on request Full line of Garden Sup- plies including seeds fer- tilizer and tools at Lake Brownwood Illa-damages You cannot get Nun-Finish faults without Nu-Finllh. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal. M by m :: 124N.Grool Buy Rod Tel. 7634. Miss Bertha Friedman You must use {flu-Finish to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. REAL SAHSFACHON WMSlflnYe-rilflm hand a second-clu- nutter Much l. 1911.“ them 060: at Highland Park. much. under the Act 0! Match 3. ms. dusi'in :b'e' usu'ai VJ! but what a (Inference! No dun flying in thc' mom go lenle down 'n. ' Every week 3 taken up and 1 en out-"not just aimed up. And. at the same time. with no extra work. your furniture. woodwork and hardwood floors are cleaned and poluhed. Try 3 25¢ bottle. I"A.L!I|.D II‘I‘ vowâ€".825 awnâ€"ck 5 Hon: r. conâ€"h 8 $5328 18F En no.5? 5588 u . u FRIES. 13x ma $W‘ID'PARKPRI'38 Telephone 954 Min Helen Mayer That's all it cost to operate a good fan. Less than one-half the currant comsumed by an ordinary electric light is used. And you can move the fan wherever you please. You can flood any room in the house with a refreshing coolnm ‘ Simply connect the cord and plug to any electriclight socket and turn on the current. The best fans at $9 and up. Just phone me and I'll get one to you in a hurry. ROBERT GREENSLADE 134 5. Second 5k. Phone 305â€"L A large stock of the best Lawn Mowers, Tools, and Garden Hose at A few cents a Week Harder’s Hardware D. C. F’URDYw'D SONS KEEP COOL Marian H. Craig months. An rlectric hm crmtes the most mnhng and rezrcah- mg brr-ezcs even though 1[ IS blxstering hot outdoors and not a leaf stirring Choice Office summcr In: \nn d1“. an alt-cm; {gm mi from the trymg he. I mm Pupil ol THURSDAY. JUNE 11, Harder’s il I Handout dusting- Teacher of Violin inthe WOIPOIAYID dl‘ ’V. x‘ (he hum : Khis whcn 1914 ? Miss Marie Kopp and three Chicago friends spent Sunday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kopp of]; 8 W Lincoln Awe ; Mr. and Mrs George Fitch of Peoria iJill will be the Sunday guests of Mr. and «Mrs Fayette S. Munro. Mrs. Montgomery Ward and her daugh- ter. Miss Marjorie Ward, who spent the winter in Cal.. are at the Congress Hotel in Chicago They haw not yet decided ; whether or not they will open their home f in Hi‘hland Park for the summer. Mr. Walter Garrity of Morgan Park was the Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Garrity.‘ - Mrs; James G. Gould. formerly Miss Isabel! Ewart is the guest this week of Miss Virginia Folks of Chicago. Mrs Louise Kraut of Indians, visited the John Hoerenberger's last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Troxel have pur- chased the Howard Wrenn place on Mor- aine Rd. and took possession last Sutur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wrenn will live at the Ex'moo'r during the summer and plan to spend the winter m Chicago. Mr. Raymond Lovell is in New York. later he will go to Baltimore, Md, to mecl his sister, Mrs. W. T. Underwood and her sons. Lovell and Tom, who will arrive in that port next Tuesday, June 16th.'on board the S. 5. Frederick dc Crone. from Bremen, Germany. Mrs Eranklm B. Hussey left Wednes- day for the east. She will attend the Hotchkiss commencement exercxses in LakeVille, Conn. of which school her son. Robert Hussey is among the graduating number this Junta Mrs. Hussey will also visit in New York before her return trip about the 23rd of this month. Those returning this week from Kem- per Hall school in Kenosha, Wis., {or the summer months are the Misses Helen Warner, Elizabeth Loudcrback, Virginia Austin and Margaret Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Dean and famii)‘ left Saturday for a western trip; they will HSit places of interest in Cali- fornia. returning to their home~ on So. Sheridan Rd. within a fortnight. Mrs.)amesP1erce has left {or Lake ville. Conn. to attend her son's graduatv ing exercxses at the Hotchkiss School for boys. Mrs. A, R. Bnggs of Cocymans. N Y. IS the guest at the home of Mr‘ and Mrs Hugh R. London on No. Sheridan Rd. Marion Leffrrt. {he aide-91 daughter 0 Mr. and Mrs. ()uflave Lcn'err, 131 (Urn new Ann is I“ mlh scarlet fever summer l Children' a day exercises will be observ- Mr. and Mrs. George W. Swigert and ed next Sunday. The service at ten Mr. and Mrs Charles Canfield olChicago o'clock will be conducted by thelchildrcn were the guests over Sunday of Mr. and and the evening service at 7:45 will be in Mrs. Eugene E. Andrews. charge of the young people. The publII' Miss Helen Shclper of Goshen. lnd. '5 cordIally "”le- was the week end guest of MISS Dorothy I Although the weather was ver) warm Basxin Miss Shelper Isaclassmate or on Sunda) nIght about fifty people at- sts Bastins at the lnhersny of LhI tended the L'hrIstIan Endeavor muting C380 Whlul‘l Is beInIz held In the hammonv Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mauran of Ra vmia are spcndxng a fortnight with rrla hes in California. Mrs Homer W Weaxer accompanied by her snster returned last week from}: Fowl Riv,er Ala. where they spent the! winter. \lr. Weaxer and two sons Mr l Herbert and Mr. Walter Weaver will f6 ‘ turn later to their home on W. Lincoln; Ave.,where the family will spend the: summer, I Mr. and Mrs. George W. Swigen and Mr. and MrsV Charles Canfield ofChicago were the guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Andrews. Charles Schaumer left last Saturday fur the cast. He wxll spend the surmncr With his grandmm'ner. Mrs. Manvcl. at York Beach, Maine. Mass Jenn Ten Bmeck, who attends Wclleslvy Collcge and John Ten Bloeck. \\ ho attends And wer Academy, will an my: home the latter part of tlus week \lr. and Mrs, Ten Brneck and tnmll) will >pcnd (he summer in Highldnd Park. Mr and Mrs. Charles Camicld uf Chx mg» haw rented for thc summer month: (he \\ ,Ilmm j, Fyfie rcsldcnce nn H luxurrl Mr. and Mrs: Fyrfc and clxlldrcn \Hll ugazn spend the summer a: “'uuu in- el..un Nantuckut, Island. Mrs. Ansun Mnrgun and chzldren Id! th week w spcnd xhc summer at (ircrn Lake. Wis, where they have a (onagr. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Garrity of Laurel Ave.. ; have sold their home and are now living ; with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. i and Mrs. W. J. Schmidt of McGovern 5!. :Mr. and Mrs. Garrity will build a new lhome in the fall. 'Mrs. Frederick Boynton and family ha‘ve left for the east. They will visrt Ior a tune wnh Mrs. Bovnton's mother. Mrs, Leavenworth. later going to their summer cottage at Wauwinet. er. md Mrs. Irwin Hembrook of Mc- Govern St., have as their guest Mr. Hem- brook’s mother of Waukesh'a. Wis. ’Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindstrom are re- joicing over the arrival of I dtughter, born Saturday, June 6th. IMiu Helen Conrad of Mwovern SL, “'13 the guest a few days of Int week of Miss Grace Niemeycr of Cliicago. ers. Carter H. Harrison and party of Chicago dined at the Moraine on Sunday. Mr. and Mn Frederick Cashing kff a: Monday for the cut where they It- handed the graduation exercises at Vassar of which their daughter. Min Mug!) Cashing graduated this year. ,. . Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Block: .Illd family 01 Chicago. have taken the F. W. Steam: house on Waverly Rd. for the summer. They took possession Saturdav. lmmmmsomms] to the great number of young people er.- lgaged in domestic work in this city. The young women thus engaged are upedlh lv desirous of having a church home and more so because they enjoyed this privilege before coming to this locality. 5 The congregation is steadily growing and ; hopes to be able to realize its plans for a church building in the near future. ! During the summer months the con- 1 gregation is served by Linus A. Herman. in divinity student from Rock “and, Ill. A cordial invitation is tendcrd to the I Scandinavian people particularly, Ind be- . sides to all frienda. to cooperate with us in the work. IGSEH The Ladies .md Somety oi the Swedish Lutheran church of Highland Park VIII give a supper at Library Hull, Friday evening from 7 to 9 o‘clock. The Society is actively engaged in raismg funds for a church home which will no! only fill its ordinary purpose of administering the means of Grace, but also serve no a gathering place for social enteriainmem Swedish Lutheran; Church PHARMACIST The dance on Saturday night was a success. The srcond one of the- season will take place thts week Saturday and continue every Saturday thereafter. The weck-end guesls at the hall wire. E. LT Ranach. Br Reynolds. N. Gardner. Mr and Mrs. Henry (E. Root Ind the Misses Helen and Elizabeth Hunt of Chlcago. PHONE 23 'I'hv ngsts h-re HHS week are: Mrs. Juhct ‘1(‘>L“r} Van Schunruck. of Naples. Italy, Mr and Mn. L‘. W. ChurCh. and Ruth Jumh. of (Mk Park. and Mrs Wm. Rmkmryer and L. RNkmeyet u! Mllkukce, Wu on Sunday night about fifty people at- tended the Christian Endeavor muting whuh us bcmg held m {he basement when: the atnmaphue 1:; always cool and comfortable. Rev. J. F. Van Even is wstinglm special meetings at ElmhunL Elmer Gleser prrached hIS initial ser- mon on Sunday morning. using .5 hi: subyect "TheCredItibihty o! the Resurrec- tion of Christ." Rev. F, Scott McBride. Superintendent of Chicago, Illinois State Anti-Saloon League. also spoke. l'hc Cunmtl'lncmrnt exvrcises Will be hrkd at (hr school huuw on Tuesdéy eve- mx, Jum- 16 The graduating gas. Will do an thry can to make everybody ue|~ c we L43: Samrduy several of the (‘hlldrrn muk pan m the County umteat held at kan‘npxllc. Ellsworth Miller Mood su'und m the gengmphv contest afid WI“ H‘L'CHC a mlver) Im'ingx‘up as a prizc. 'l'hc Cunmtl'lncmrnt exvrcises ml! be On Tuesday the eighth grade Look the coun'y superintendent's examinauun a! Lake Bluff. Allhough the day was one o! the lit-(lest u! the year. the children mudr a Imc showmx. School closes Fridav with a big picnic. AH friends and patrons of the cchool are cordially imiled. Buy that paint and Kalso mine you will need this spring at Leslie Schaufller will In»: Friday morning for Boston. where he yill nil Tuaday. June 16 on the S. S. Clevelmd, accompanied by his aunt. Mm' Everett Wrenn and her son. Mauve! Wrenn. for a yean' travel abroad. Mia Bknche Mason. “in Madelyn, Woodrufi and Min Dorothy Dustin re; turn next week from the University of Chicago for the summer. . Mi. Much will be smong the graduating number. . ' Mrs. David Gray is wt 1 fort. night with her mother in Citmn'elie. All. i Miss Msrjorie FOSImbee will return? um week from the 5mm. wmud school ' for girls in Troy, N. Y., to spud the summer months with her puma. Mt. Ind Mrs. Charles E. Foillnsbee. ' Thou returning this week Incl Vassar College. Poughkeepde. N. . '..Y "e Catherine Schumacber. Mm Cashing. lid Gladys Spencer. the laiter‘tlo be“. members of the graduating due this June. 2:38 1.8.0.- ...A. :3 505 23k at; .02 an; $3303 .3 12559.â€" 532.3 .31 calama- 333 5034 .62 Harder’s Hardware Highwood School Notes L nurd Lungclu‘ll Church .\OC(| mmcmmrmzimmmm mamas , 3,” mm ‘iaeowt' 7 ’! f'i . ‘L.’ In. 11ch Adams dine. __, Quality the best Highland Hall Photo 'lnlent create- I work; geniu- town It from am; â€"Emenon "It was: but. then. I took a lecoud look "â€" Buffalo Express. ”Then an the fellow with the tool: tlln pen be nld to ho «win; an: coded vapourâ€"Town Topic; Cund. “I thought It was I cue of Don ll Irn light." ”The pen 1- mightier Una a. sword." Maw-I. "Bm‘I I story Ibout I mIn tub I cork leg. I cork Inn. I rubber «Ir. I [I]. eye Ind I wig.” “Be man be one of thou defectiv- Kangaroo Toad-nu. In Anna-am kunnroo running In an. Import-n: luau-try. The hides arr valuable. and the tendon. uuvmrl) Una. “Ida-(L they are tho best known to sum: for luring up wwndn. Ind expect-Hy for boldln; brokeu‘buncv together. being much liner and mum than «AWLâ€"London Globe. Con-nu chofll Yuk. Tm... Each l'Imml Stun-n remuâ€" n-pun n.1- mnenls n rumpllntlun or Mull-Um {m the eutirv Inlulll"). and murb Ulllr l- n-quirn-d lu nmke nu urnml rumm- uud to pumhu me mulu For rlun. Me. In Hn- wrunun u! umnufuvlurrh uniform rvl-uru mum be mun-d [run more Ulnn 270.!!!) wtublhluurul- mm In the n-munn of :Igrn-lnxurr (mm mun lbuu GAIUUJIIJ {nrms In (-ulm um: um Uni-1 from ununulau [urn-rs. hlruwh- elu‘trh- Mum and [wuvr phmu. elwlri- runway: um! other Inn-rum: II In urn-II nary lo flilul n sum-Inn lime to til out [be rho-duh so u not to Interfen with [be mudm t of private but-lam, Pere'l so much agitation IbOIlL"- But nlo Expreu. "You would maybe greet youmlL' was the solemn answer. "If you I'll!- up my"- uml [Ind xu Mule [0 III." An amu-‘Ing ~10?) nlu-m Dr Arvhl hn'd I'm-Mme the l-luuivmn. .hu‘nll‘h 11114! N “NHL 1* leI h! Frnl'l'il “M” H "'I‘hn- Hunk «If I}! h'rlll’L’Il \IIHwIUlQ" I" I'HI'NIHN‘ “:1! Hal ”"lel N - 'Hlfi'h KIWI. bl” un “(19‘ ll"'l‘|-'Il hr lmok W! use In n : hnn h (nun n ~I|u\\t‘l ml min Th9 wrmuu “'u- vuummm: nn- Inn [In pn‘nChe-r “m- van-vuul. nnd he “‘0'" cnplmuly mud n: I! mun-d to I‘ll ralrne, Irn-lm‘nmly Ho- turm-d In m. uni} uthw occupant n! the cm“ r slulld mumn man and wlnl-uu-n-d ““‘hnl nu «firth gar: «In-cur?" “The largest were cupoln “sped. nod l tho-tr use was prubnbly manned." beg further Inn. "to tbooe of royal bland The: were yellow, whlte and red, It lrf Immune-d that the yellow one- wen-i made of Imu- Ind were I klnd at Del l met. that the whlte wn tbe crown 0!? upper EL'Fllt and the red the crown 0! lower 15;:pr The pot-bent. I combine ‘ Hon 0! the white and red. wu com-m ered an the nymbol or the rule over the" Inn] Lower Ont crowned c11- Wr'f‘v wurn hull) alone and ore-r n bun-d, and «mu-Hm” ulth n “rut: under thr . hll to lmld the lwudllh-ve Iu [tlnl‘l‘ Tlr hnm- “lg‘ “‘0‘" [lrnhubl-r worn lum..l the etmn-n ln-ndx. Mu lt l: illlbt-uu'd that :l the lh-nu Ilmu-n bond was I: prrrl ‘ lent In Egypt an M In uuw lu trump. ‘ A‘ln " Shapes. Colorn and Sogmfic-nco o0 Ola Egyptv-n Hoadgcnr. The n-Ih-(s um] pnlnllngn on Hut Incl!» uf Ihc mmhs um] lwnlm-fi (I! [luv lia‘l- “ill!" hhw“ Hull [hnl ruvr HY [mark nun: thlvk and rlrgnnl ho-nmlrn-nw- ”Al! “uh brim: \\rH‘ nmunrmi} nu known Thu-Ir lwmlgu-nr umfluh-d 0! “1:1 hand: nnd runs "'l‘lu- “an: “en- n-r) like!) mmh- m llnlr or run. (ur their :rwl uizr mum nu! lmu- hum mmh- by (Irvâ€"~11...- ul 5 (n-rwn‘u own hnlr, (he mm “vn- «Inn rvry Darcy and high and made 0! upon» rm! whirl) nu to It- kind (‘In uni} br gnu-sued at." my: ('hnrk-I [-3. Km!" In a M‘lury and dcrelupmvm of luau mm bwldbfl’ll‘. CW m W5. Study In Wont ‘ Mom at Thu.» Vick-ms. ' i All It'umtplbllu'd nmtdk‘ut. "I! I "New: «human «tulle- Mt- «tut-mm ,dlmmm tho-It watt puma:- H Ito- um I and (nth- Illluu than In tm- truth-n I! b 0! "Item! to mu m- ‘INNI gunned. win-nob: a «mum dun a g Part-Inn bemoan my: upon the nut-of E «minus 0! their “film ; The" ht In common «yin: In Pram ‘ that [hing tum bump- (and mum». ‘3 nylon tlutt in not ham art-fwd by the- Pat-tutu hem-r. If our Hutt- ' the Serb-mm on tha- dnyn u! cumin: .1101: (or the MW'I dogm- bv Irm ,na- In Intending light The mu. . (tan. npvmttch. cut-It with h!- dk "on ‘ ury under bl: arm. on bl. way to an“ A Iimllar Irene may be wllumod It the flute! de Ville an the any. 0! u nnmmtlon {or mrtlm-ule uf ubllll) for n-uvhlnx. Whoa more are uu unmlnl Mom in prung-u [hen- umy luv rnm-I. And to them to lhv beggars. fur Hume firm and ”mum; men nn» nulur‘ouah uuwmtnloun - “’nnbluglnn Sun Tm- slum" prediction III'III take- edm-t. The mllemnn pulls out nu- purne. and mo bexxlr turn: I“). vhm'kllug The undid." burn" on ”You wil‘ be bllckbnllod. “mm-tour.” the beta: mnllnuu. the humans Lulu ref-Ion. on me we oeu- M which all his future dwpndq A crowd or Imam nun-«mud (In-m “A you. mumleur; . tunnel of band." the begun will my to a 00an "II will bring yuu Immune-n" WIGS. HOODS AND CAPS. A Roanon For Tenn. A Ovation. the mun [m , Highland Pnrk, Illinois AmlJBaLh-‘lu IAJ.m.Vuh-ih “cum“. Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in th North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evansmn, W3, motto, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glenooe. Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory i. continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractive, A wagon will call for-and ddim your gar-"mm Bathing Shoes, Caps, Wings Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND Drama of ladies' and gem‘s garments. oriental rugs, car-pen, portiers, draperies. piano covers. lace curtains. etc. cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. . We have them for the whole fam- ily. There are none better made North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 OrgnnizodundatheBmking Lamof the Sate of lllinoiu The Water is Fine 214WGNTRALAVENUE TWWPdZfiS Dyers and Cleaners INCORPORATED Chas. H. Warren Co. “The Imperial” ’ BATHING SUITS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE EFFECTS North Shore Trust Company but don’t go in unless you have one of our MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2133 Lincoln Aves... CHICAGO MORTGAGE BANKERS Garters T. H. Decker 8; Co. Pat” h and Ila lulu Huh: I” I. Count] Ave. Phou 20! llayhldfnuhflu When in doubt, call on How do you expect to keep warm next winter? Clothing nnd are ruined if your cosl~ ume nhom spot; sum: or wrinkles Nowadays nothing can excua un- tidy apparal. Thou who look well all the time are Customers of ours Why don't you send some garments tn us regularly for our careful work m - 8152 Pays to! damage I fru‘hoh‘ which Cl m not .1 P1101

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