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Highland Park Press (1912), 18 Jun 1914, p. 4

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Whimsmnvma THEIIIGHLANDPARKPRESS Puma) anmr av Joan L. Uosu. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone Eaten-d u secoodclan muter March 1. 1911. the poo: office It Highland Park. llhnou. und the Act of March 3,1879 REAL SATISFACTION You must use Nun-Finish to‘ have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get NI-Fiflilh malts without Nun-Finish. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince and in the ma] way but what I Qzflegence! No dust Gym: In the‘ _ room to tattle down . Every speckistnken up and t en cub-not jug! dined up. And. anhdnme lime. _ with no enn work your furniture. woodwork and harawood floors are cleaned Ind polhhed. Try a 25c bottle. IOTAIUMD 1.74 n c P’unpwv sous Themed wnnderful of." freezers. By menu of its utonishing “rating spmns it whips air into every pu'liclc of the fleeting cram, makingic'e cream mat is a revelation in texture md delicacy. It break: :11 records in speedâ€"- mkquteglgew D. G PURDYM3 SONS Electric Wiring Telephone 954 Lruud nul- J F.» H Ana“ ROBERT GREENSLADE City of Paw Paw Why not spend your vacation at this delightful resort? Boating, Bathing, Fishing, Tennis and DANCING. Lake Brownwood Inn and Cottages â€"W In" a m Reqnim much has laborand uses less a and salt thus my other {reach See it before you buy a freezer. 134 S. Snood 5!. Phone 805-L “20:11 Rah-iconic" in the Cng‘tloL Senate. Congressional Libnry. to Food Lnborntoriel, Hos ink. Fora. And on Battle Ship. .ho McCray bu stood every best And proved its superiority over every rivnl. Allows the worId IcCrIy Refriger- Iton m recognised u unkindâ€"um work“ but Mflmwr. When you buy 1 new "hiya-tor get the batâ€" mmzhmwwdnw’duu nail-cum. ”(clashingâ€"or honor "“1.le lg lg!!! kggngbolygg our taunting 5‘! (Kristin: “W D. C. Partly Sons THURSDAY. JUNE 18. 1914». But it must be done rightly. There are estab- lished rules and inspect- ed materials for rhxswork I employ such men only as know their business. who are specialists in this work. lcan'taflord to put an inferior work- man on any job. IS not so expunsn'v a: you men think; 1n MCI it IS compdrunwlx mcx pensive, Wh\ not let me give you an estimate on the cost of wiring your house? [furnish appli- ances of all kinds for your comfort and help Marian H. Craig Miu Helen Mayer P919?! 0‘ h, 8 mm #P‘hr cum an Toucher of Violin Booklet on request "CORPORATED Highland Park 562 I! ‘ A Reading class composed of about twenty ladies meet at the different homes ‘every Tuesday morning at eight o'clock ;The class is conducted by Mrs, Florence :Bverett of Chicago. ()n last Tuesday the first meeting was held at the home of ‘Everett Millard. Next week Tuesdav the Eclass will meet with Mrs. W. E. ’l‘en q Broeck. ‘ Mrs. Charles Comstnck and two thil- dren of Bronxville, N, 3" Will arriw in Highland Park today and spend a turt- night with Mrs. Cmnsttx‘k'a brother-m- law. Mr. J. P. Smith, on Prnspx'cl .-\\r. 'Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Morgan have rent- ed their home on Linden Ave. and will spend the summer months in Mackinac, Mich. Mrs. John Harmon and children wxll tspendjuly and Aug. InBeaumont Cal. at the g home of Mrs. Harmon's mother, Mrs. ‘ Boulton. Mr. and Mrs. Hammn have rem- [ed their home on Park Ave. for the sum- imer months to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson of ‘ Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gregory Beardsley have rented their apartment at 5614 Wayne Ave, Edgewuer {or the summer and will spend the month of July in Geneva, HI. .Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McNeil] of No. Green Bay Rd.. are receiving congratula- tions on the arrival at a son. born Mon< day. June 15. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stein of Chicago have rented the M. H. Shannon house on Park Ave. for the summer. They took passession on Mondav. Mr, and Mm George Jones and familv are now occupying Mm Clara 1‘ Tre- maine's home on Oakwood Ave. They will spend the summer months there. Mm Tremaine will live during the sum- mer at Mrs. Van Riper on Park Ave. , ,Mlss Alice H, McElrath mil sun] on Smurday from New York to spcnd the summer months Iran-ling In Eurnpo Miss Mary Phillips, who for (hr p.151 year has taught in St Mary's Schoul for girls Ill Ashnllc. X k, llda xrlurm-d In her home on Na Sherman Rd Mrs. B. A. Hamilmn will spend several weeks in Fon-du-Lac,Wis. before gn'ngtu Mich. where she will spend the sumn er. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Morgan will leave soon to spend the month of July atGreen Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Day 01 St. Louis will live at the Morgan home during their absence. Miss Dorothy Femnden has returned from an extended visit in Ft. Leaven- worth. Kansas at the home of her sister, Mrs. Eobert E. Peck‘ .\“s$ Adah ()mn h [hr mat \\ hrrv she spend mu months :1 Mr» _\mlml|c \Xm dunuhh I \_ thc Mn» sz \mlmlm \Xm R dunuhh I \_ thc Mh‘w-s Vin Run-r ulil knun- Ix. 1hr summvr :1! I‘hwnun pun-st m Mus (hmlnx ml! Hrs! go In .\id).1.l.'. L‘l'y M IrShdl Urn \Vmg um mm :1 quid :mr Ln! wrck scnpmm for sumc hcxng >t.n::~ A. Luwrrmce Mst. Mr. and Mrs. E. S HArkmangmd1.1mm have taken the H. M. Bacon hnmr 0n N Sheridan Rd.. for the summer “awn Mr. and Mrs. Bacon and tamxly “:H spend their summer at Onekama. Much . where they go every year Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sandwick and family will also spend thexr summers at Onekama where thcv have a cottagel They will leave Saturday. '. Leonard Wolcort returned this week from Williams College where he has com- pleted his sophomore year. Bennet Schauflicr returns :oday from Williams College where he has finished his freshman year. After spending sev- en] days with his flmily, he will leave for the war to spend the summer on a ranch near Helena. Mont. Among the summer guests stopping at at. Laurel Inn are Mrs. Eleanor Stuart and Mr. and Mn. Forte Hall. of Chicago. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Spiesberder and family have rented for the summer months the B. A. Hamilton house on N. Linden Ave. The pigeons that were raffied away by Mr. Frederick Johnson last week was Won by number 18. Mm F. Siljestrom holding the lucky number. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Eduard will go cast this summer and Will a part of the time at Spring Ld'm‘ later 30mg to Rockpurt. Maxnr. Mr. and Mm F. W. Cushing hate re» turned from the commencement exercnses at Vassar where their daughter. Miss Margot Cushing graduated on the 10th. In addition to taking honors, Miss Margot is President of the Senior class. has taken a prize for Economics, and has been awarded her Phi Beta Kappa by the faculty. In fact she has taken about all the honors that can be awarded to one student. All of the girls from Highland Park have done especially well at Vassar. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Card and fam- ily leave today for the east. They Will spend the summer months at Saulters Point Mass. Mrs. H. 8. Clarke of E. Central Ave. returned on Monday from a [sh days 'visit in Muskegan. Mich. . Miss Dora Johnson will leave today for Setters Point, Mass., where she will re» main for the summer. nrlmg .thr can-s Fr uh)’ UY' mt! hz' \Hl Sxmlh spend H MnThomu Bellhouemfi litdedagthâ€" i t:r are making a monthqvhit in Alto. Georgia. . _ , : Mr. wd Mrs. F. E. White ‘Ind (Imily of Chicago have rented 1M Wllur E Carr raidence on Prospect Ave. for (hm month: Mr. and Mrs. Cart Ind small daughter Katherine will live; during the summer months at 226 Elm Place. Mrs. Simeon B.Chmcnden and children will spend the summer months It Non- quitt. Mm, near Saultcrs Point. Mr. Willard Kitchen of Chicago has leuscd the Chitlcndcn home for the summer. Mr. W. M. Lowrie, who {or the past three weeks has been coachin'g the high school senior class play at Goohen, lnd.. is expected to return home the latter part0! this week. The Misses Annie McKinlie and Nina Anderson will leave on the twentieth for Champaign, ”L. where they will take a six weeks library courseallhe University. During their absence Miss file-sale Hay- burn of Oconamawac Will act' as librarian Mr, Liegh Bittengcr, who “tends (017 Jean? at Kalamazoo, Much. W]: the guest a few days of (his week at the Thomas Morton home un So. Green Bay Rd. He left Wednesday for Mmocowa, “'15‘ where he mil teach school during lhv summrr. _ Mr and MN M C Cunrad spent a {cw days at 1:151 vu-rk With their ‘mn and daughter m law, Mr and Mzs ()ru k- L‘unrad and favmly at Antioch lil {mosh \lll\\ uukm H Kn: I n n I‘ht- dch'gahw u! Hw 10m} \Vwmnn- \lu‘x “hm are Mtrndmg Kim (mm-ml Frdcmtmnut Wumlm'x Clubs .1! IPn-n luvnnlul rum (-ntmn hold At the Auditormm Hulcl xn (Imam: Luv Mrs John Pulndm, Mrs. Henry Thaym. Mrs. Thomas L lellams. and Mrs. Henry Pnor. Many other members are amending, \1r Hun \I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christman have taken possession u! thexr recently pur chase-d home On 335 W Laurel Ave. Mb klww“ gm \V Inkx' u: k H Miss Agnes (firmly and Mr. E‘ Mead were the guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs: Frank chucnder of Kcnosha. “115' Mrs. Albert D. Persons of Des Plaines. formerly Miss Lillian Burgess, was the guest a few days of last week of Mr. and Mrsi Clarence Smith of PL Sheridnn. Mr‘ and Mrs. Wm. Schmidt 0! Mr Govern SL, wull haw as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marck and sun Krnnclh, Mr .md Mrs. John Hnysr and sun inwuxd, and Mr. Geo, Schmidt. all ()1 Chicago Muss Alh’t‘ linmfi (It So Fin! SI. ch Mn Sulunlm In! (yu'nulh‘, ()hlu, whore- ~hc-w1H nth-ml :lw cmnman-nwzlt v) ('n‘lsv.‘ n! llcmsm‘. (nllvgc of “huh Mus llazcl Barley uf [Em rlty, will gradual:- from this )vur. Later Mus Phans all go to (olumbus, ()hm, where she Wlll be the uncut ul 5115: Lula Hymn for sen-ml weeks. Mr. Lester L. Levin of So. Fin! SL, will leave the first part of the week for Marengo. Iowa. where he will visit in- definitely. MISerlen Conrad of MUmu-m $1,. waI lemr on Munday {or Woodstock, 111. where she mll \‘mt her brnthcr and Mstcr-m-lzm, MI and Mr: M. M Conrad MISS Helen Cieser was taken to the Augustana hospital on Sunday, where she underwent an operation for appendi- citis. Miss Gieser is doing nicely. Ncn Sunday the Ruble School of the Presbyterian church will meet at 9'30 o‘cluck m the nmrnung and the church services wull follow at 11 o'clock. This schedule wxll connnue through the sum- mer months. Chxldrcn's I).l}‘ was observed last Sun- day at the Presbyterian church. Those havmg attained the age of seven during the year rem-wed biblex Mr and .\lr~‘ Jnhn S. Reeseman and mum) law an SAturduy for Constantine, Mn'h, when: they wxll spend the sun» mer. During their absence Mr. and Mm John Francxs of Chicago will live m the Reeseman home at HS Glenwew Ave Mr. Franms IS the general passenger agent of the Burlington Road. The qurteenth annual banquet o! the h. S. H S. Alumm Assocxalion was held las( mght, Wednesday. at Highland Hall. DGSELL PHARMACIST .\lr and Mrs ("n ,\h PHONE 23 ToL Save You (ll Inuit. Pym Rd x (-1 :11 \\ e-rks meldClothing x ‘1‘“ VOLUITDISOF Am \H‘I \Vu H1 llh ("I .\1 ”()Wl' H! ”H‘II \u-l'k :nd In 5.11» L H Sr HM \h and .\1x h‘ Mu h J x\(‘: 'I 238 N. 50. Job- Ava. u ( (“a rm! gmwh My Photo Al h Sn Mun: Mun MnLB. Holubiql at Ft. Shut-Um. met with an accident last week. while walking down min, clipped and [all which mulled with I (mauled trite ‘fimurjom Learning left Sunday to attend the summer whool o! the Cute Teacher's college It Gmlyl Colondo. Later she will viuit ha uncl. Mr; John G. Cropocy at his ranch in Unnd Junc- tion. Colo. Edward Knox returned [at week from Yale College where he has completed hie sophomore year. Mr. and Mn. Frederick W. Steerm will leave Saturday for the cat where they will all from boeton June Nth. to spend the eummer abroAd. They will spend several daya in New York before going to Boston. Mr. and Mn Steam. have been living at the Exmoor tine: renting their home on Hawthorne Lane several weeks ago. Mr and Mn Kohn of (Imago have again rented {or the summer ueuon the Joseph L Holbrook reudcnce on Rlvine Dru-c, Mn. Holbrook and d-uahm Frances are spending I fortnight ll Sprung Lake, Mich, and Will be a! Se» wanec, Tenn during the summer. Mr. and Mrs A B‘ Holaburd have I. the” guest this week Mr, Raymond Hume-r of Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. WardW‘ W111”: with Ihvlf lhn-r \ Inldren, Helen. "amlyn and Mdin-gnr 1m Wrdnesday fur [hr call. whrlr thuv ml! sail fur Europe. Thry mll ~Ln'nd tun munths mnlnnng abroad. \\'1ll;.m.,\iumnngradualrd last Wed- nesda» 1mm (hr St Paul School In (on and. .\ H H(' wxll go on a momr (up w New London before returning m High- land Park early m June. Amung those from our city who at tended the commencement cxcrum o! the Northwestern Military and Nev-l Academy at Lake Geneva were Mr, Ind Mrs. George A (album 3nd Min Ahcc Davidson President B E. Sunny and (heprinc: officers or the Chicago Telephonem bnemeen in number. who Ire on annual Inspection tour. spent Wednesday night at the hotel. ‘Among the recent Irrlnh {otthe sum- mer are: Col. and Mn. E. L. Roberts. Mia Virginin All-(in. Mr. Bartlett Amtin. Mia: Rose Carey. Mia Joanna Fortune. Mr. Ind Mm Alfred Austrian and family, Mr. and Mn A. A. Reeve. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Barlcr 0! Chicago, Mr. md Mn. Geo. M. Hawes, and Min S. S. Hill of Evanstun. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Nelson Morrio and family are a! the hotel for a months my. Muss Manon Craig left on Wednesdly for Brownwood Lake Mich. when-she wnll spend 1h: summer. (irncva The graduating exermm were held on Monday ant-moon at 1.300'L‘Iock ex Conan-53mm George Edmund Foot dchvrred an uddnss lo 1hr Senmm k‘apL A T Jesse-rs gave the Valednc‘ory. rhrre “we xwrnlevn bu): who mldulb ed mxsyear. n being 1hr large-n clan cu-r umduanng from the uhooL The \‘lns n! 1911 ,zmt- to [he uhool a new «and ml culnrs ll sun prrwntrd by Capt Jnhn A thmk. 1: At the Sun- Capt Jnhn A thmk. 1: At the Sun- day mmnmx wnrxhup the Ru. Myron E. Adams at the hm ”apllsl church m Chrcagn addressed the graduating cluu. On Sunday evening they held [he Camp Fxre Sung Senna. The Cutler race (of (he Chapln trophy occurred on Saturday and was won by Company A. 111-! eve mng they had the Sham balllc. The re ccpnon and dance Wu held in Kaye's Casino on Monday evening. Mr. E. Tyner and family have “hell I suite in the new annex and will mead mother month It the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed A. Smith. and Mn. Paul Smith will rem-7n I! the hotel until their new homes on Linden Ave. are completed. Commencement cums-s of the North- vu-smn Military and Naval Academy an: held last Saturday, Sunday And Monday, June 13. 14 and 15 ll Lake Dunnathxs season there will be (In Dans-m every Saturday. commencing this week June 20th. from four to Iix~ thirty, under the direction 01 Mr. Martin C. Carroll. Admission to theoe nlhin will be free and resndents o! the North Shore towns are cordially InViLed. The regular dam‘es Will begin on Slturdly evening, Jum- 20th and will be given every Tuesday and Saturdly evening thereulter;the musnc of which will be furnished by Krell and Spam". If weather permits, I floor will be laid on the tennis court and dancing will be en- )oyedm the air on Saturdny evening; 0n the evening 0! July 3rd. the first open air vnudeville will be given and etch ll- ternule Saturday evening themher. Reservation: mav be made for table- by telephoning the hotel oflioe. Mn F. N. Bawa and daughm. who have been at the Moraine {or wme weeks. 1:1! for the can today. Mr. Earle. me. mains at the hotel for tome woekllon‘et. \!I~ H Moraine Hotel «'In‘ Rn~xr lLu H150!) ls ~;><-ndmg scwr :1 vu‘vk: M! Mr.\ R Maul Ihnna a ”4‘ ~unmm ‘Idrmr UH I; n\\(‘\.\l()ll Lb! inwuiusa Mk in UH. kunn \K'mm-lkn Yum ml‘ ~pcnd hm ~unmm Hlnl‘lhb Imm an Him 5 \IH Ul Jill! r 1hr Making a‘specialty of loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evanston, W3]. mtte. Kenilworth, Winnetka, Giencoe. Highland Park and Lake Format. Security under mortgages in this territory“. continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractiv; North Shore Trust Company Capital 3100, 000 Orgtnizod undet the Banking Lam of the’ State of Illinois mutual, One entire room given over to 5 and 10c goods. Don’t pay 25c for an article that you can purchase in our store for 10c. We can save you money if you will let us. You will find most every- thing in our 5 10c department Chas. H. Warren Co. mcomuno 214£ASTGMRALAVWE qubuWPaflZGS Why not have your clothing renovated 'here this - week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND Drama of ladia’ and gem's garments, oriental rugs, carpets, portiers. draperies. piano covers. lace curtains. etc. cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most Sammy plant in the West. A wagon will call for and deliver your garments “The Imperial” Dyers and Cleaners North Shore Trust Company THE MOST ATTRACTIVE EFFECTS MORTGAGE BANKERS MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2138 Dood- Av-oo. CHICAGO Highhnd Purk, lllinoi: . “1.18.th Human... T. H. Decker Co. Hindnu'mflufiu luau-mu... M201 ltlaybe Hui-outflow How do you expect to keep warm next winter? When in doubt, call on are ruined it your cost- ume ahom spots. sulm or wn'nklet Nowaaays nothing can excuse un- tidy apparal. Thou: who look well all the time are customer: of ours. Why don't you send some glrments M u: regularly for our artful work m l‘av: 10! dam-gel h’u‘uonl which C. n. we! I]

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