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Highland Park Press (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 2

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Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler of Lake Forest, announce the marriage of their daughter. Daisy Pearl to Chester Lunham of Lake Forest. which took place Wednesday, June 17m. Mr. and Mrs. Lunhaml will be at home after August first at 1845 54m St., Chicago. Mrs. Lunham is well- known here as she was a member of the '09 graduatmg class of Deerfield-Shields High school. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Englehard an~ nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Lois to Michael A. Lane of Chi- cago. The wedding will take place sometime in the late summer. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Putnam enter. tamed twenty guests at a buffet supper on last Saturday evening at their home in honor of Mr. and and Mrs. James Offield of Chicago. Mrs. Frank 8. Green entertained a few of the old time friends of Mrs. John R. McQuiston at an informal afternoon at her home last Wednesday. Miss Charlotte Brand of Second St.. en- tertains the Silent CXub today at luncheon. The North American Union gave a card party on Wednesday. June 17 at the Masonic hall. Six prizes were given; the first lady’s won by Elizabeth Ralph, second by Mrs. George Francis, and third by Mrs. Stafford of Libertyville; men's first by J. Mllone, second by Charley Rafferty and third by Mr. Reed. Mm Bock of Oakwood Ave. entertain- ed friends of Mrs. Salyards and Mrs; Clow on Saturday at a lawn partv in honor of their birthdays. About fifty relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John Sheahen pleasantly surprised them on their 201}. anniversarv. Mrs. Lee Adm of Winnetka enter- tained about twenty friends of her sister, Miss Edith Muench of this city in honor of her birthday last Saturday. Miss Bertha Campbell of Park Ave. was hostess at a beach party on Friday to about twenty friends in compliment to the Misses Nita Anderson and Annie Mc- Kenzie, who left Saturday for Champaign. Illi, where they will take a six weeks' library course. Mrs. Edw. Bock of Oakw00d Ave. gave a beach party on Monday afternoon for about 25 children from the Lincoln school. Among the affairs to be given in hon- or of Miss Harriet Holland of Atlanta. Ga‘. who is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Holland, will bea beach party on next Sunday evening at which the younger set are to entertam. The Mises Mnnorie and Dorothy Loudon gave an informal porch On Wednesday afternoon M Bloomdahl of Green Bay Rd. 3 Martha (iipp of Second St.. and their friends gave a beach party D. C. PURDYw" SONS “COMM?" The Social Side of Life \Vhy build an extra room? Equip your porch with Vudor Porch Shades-r- then eat and sleep in it. Let in air and light, yet keep your porch cool and private. Menls will mean hunger. The air. (he ‘ren! nerve-doctor, brings deep, unbroken Heep, which soothes nerves and batten them to health. Porch Shades IOTA...“ IO?! The Reliable Cleaners Summer Apparel Local Affairs of the week '1 [geis stiléi‘lfeasy but can be as promptly. restored to its orig- 95in'alifrgshhess. if you send it to us. We employ the best methods, skilled experts, and make it a point to get all work out promptly and satisfactor- ily. Why not send us some favored costume of yours .this week? Miss Elsie and Miss 1d a few of By the Oboervcr Phones 178 and 179 3! Rev. T. F. Quinn entertained the Altar and Rosary Societv of the Holy Cross Echurch at the parish house in Everett {Tuesday afternoon. party at their home on N.Sheridnn Rd.on last Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Holland. On last Saturday evening at eight o’clock Occurred the wedding of Miss Pearl McCord, daughter of Mrs. E. A. McCord, to Luther Boone Hill of Chi- cago. The wedding took place at the St. Paul's Episcopal church in Chicago and a small reception followed the ceremony in the parish house. The wedding was a quiet one, only the intimate friends and relatives being present. Miss William Parks was maid of honor and Doris Oliver of this city was the flower girl. Dr. Charles Reed of Boston sen'ed the groomasbestman. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will reside at 6225 [)orchester Ave.. Chi~ lDeerfield News Items I About seventy members of the Deer- field-Shields Alumni Association attended the banquet and dance held at Hughland Hall last Wednesday and which proved to be one of the most successful affairs ever given by the agsociation. An ex- cellent menu was followed by several speeches and dancing to the music of the Ted Phillips orchestra. cago. Miss Lillie Rectenwald of Deerfield. who‘rlived at the home of Mrs. James Shethen for the last three years, was married on Monday. June 22nd. to Mr. Charles Workman of this city at Wanke- gan. Mr. and Mrs. Workman will be at home after July 151 in one of the Hines cottages on First St. The West End Embroidery club met Tuesday with Mm Walter Cope of Vine Ave. Mrs. James Sheahen gave a miscel- laneous shower in honor of Miss Lillie Rectenwald whose marriage to Mr. Charles Workman took place June 22nd. During the week various arrangements will be made by the trustees, J. Ryuund J.C.Endetwiththe help of a building committee. J. Keefe. Geo. McDonald. Geo. Karch, P. Demgen and Peter Duffy to move the Holy Cross church some few feet back. The ladies of the United Evangelical church will give their annual bakerv sale and bazaar at the town hall Saturday. June 27th. In addition they will sell ice cream and cake. _ Misses Loretta and Ruth Kres, Mrs. J. H. fichtl. Maui's. Alex Willman and Robert Greenslade attended the Alumni banquet at Highland Hall Wednesday Levening. Mr. W. Kirkwood of Milwaukee and Mrs. R. Murphy of Libertyville were the guests of Mrs. B. H. Kress last week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moon of Galesburg are visiting Mm Jarvis. The first commencemem exercises held in the new Deerfield Grammar school were given Friday evening. Miss Ida Knaak played a piano solo. “Rigoletto”, by Liszt. Mr. Hugh A. Creswell delivered the in- vocation. The “Anvil Chorus" was sung by the pupils of the {our upper grades Lora Peterson read an essay. "Why Birds: should be Protected," the Orpheus Male: Quartette of Chicago sang in their usual delightful manner. Mr. C. W. Wright: of Chicago spoke on the Value of Educa- ; tion. and Mr. Peter Jorgenson of Wauke-“ gan related some incidents of his sojourn in Deertield as a teacher. Ralph Horen- berger’s class history was clever and ‘ amasing. The valedictory was by Mara garct Kress. Supt. ’1‘. Arthur Simpson ; presented diplomas to Elsie Beckley, ; Ma‘rtha Hagi. Ralph Horenberger. George 5 Jacobs. Mildred Knickerbocker, Margaret] Kregs, Jens Petersen and Lora Petersen. i Mrs. Eugene Ender entertained a numâ€" ber,of ladies at a luncheon in honor of Mn Geo. McDonald Thursday afternoon. Miss Winifred Fairfax Warder of Cairo‘ Ill.,.is the guest of Miss Sadie Galloway. (See Additional Observer) Misses Lila Glynch and Christine Mc~ Mahan are attending the Univenity at Valparaiso, Ind‘ Mr. and Mrs. Decker of Chicago have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albért ngi. Mr. Nathan Corwith and hi. mother. Mrs. Corwith were lhc guest: of-the lat- ter’s cousin. Mrs. Frank Hempmnd Sun- day. The Woman's Minimry Society of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Penis Thundny attempou. the president, Mn Reichelt. Sn. preda- ina. Mn. Reicbelt. Jr. gave I r990“ 01 the summer meeting of the Women'- Miuionuy Society at Rivenide. Mee- dameo Pratt Peterson and C. k. Ouhornc am "The Whole Wide World for Jesus." Messrs. George Carlson and George Anderson of Chicago were the week-end guests of Mr. Carl Rommel. Mr. Frank Supple was married Wed nesday evening to Miss Mildred Nichols of Austin at the home of the bride. Miss Winifred Supple was maid of honor and Mr. Nicholson was bestman. After a wedding journey through the eat If. and Mrs. Frank Supple will be at home in Austin. Mr. and Mn. Irving Webb oLIrving Park, Chicago were the gust: of Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore Saturday. . Mrs. FredMeyer told of the need- 0! Cuban children; Mrs. Clark read I story of Cuban village children. Mn. Hutchi- wn's story was entitled “Pindinc the Truth in Porto Rico", and Wu! nod training school work in Port. Rico Wu told by Mrs. Gardner. The society will invite a number of children from the Bohemian Settlement House to n pknic. Misses Florence Soderholm afid Eva Clauson of Chicago were the week-end guests of Miss Ruth Reichelt. Miss lone Reynolds of Waukegan was the guest of Miss Irene Hutchinon last week. On Tuesday evening. June 16(1).“ the home of Dr. and Mn Knuk occurred the mnrriage of their daughta. Amanda. and Mr. Romayne Stryker o! Chflcaao. Rev. Leo Schmitt of DownenGrove. read the service, which was performed under an arch 0! green leaves. The home was profusely decorated with pink' and whim 55m PHARMACISI PHONE 23 See Blomdahl’n' Display of white shoes and slippers. Chic-p. Ill. Popular Price Restannnt "II stood the TM! for 30 your. law-Shi'# 32 N.Fihh Ava roses. Mr, Alvm Knaak “as bestman and Muss Ida Knaak playrd the wedding march After the m‘ddlng supper Mr. and Mrs. Strykcr It“ fur a journey ithrough Wisconsin They vull be at ‘home after July 16lh at 5203 Calumet Ave._ Chicago peonies. The ribbons were stretched Ly Misses Elfneda Knaak and Elizabeth; Reichell who wore while lingerie gownsi ‘ The bride's gown was 01 white meteorg crepe trimmed with silk lace and her tulle veil was fastened with orange bluo- ‘ 30m: and she carried an arm bouquet of ' brides roses. Miss Flureme lx‘schauer, ofChicagn. the maid 0f honor wore a gown of lace nvrr flesh mlmrd net and had an arm bouquet ut Aumn Ward Twin som were born (0 Mr and Mn Gent Sunday mormrg. Jum- 2X Mn. E. Knichetbocker was hostes- at dinner to a number of friends In honor of her birthday anmvemry Wednesday. Miss Mabel Horenberger was the week end guest 0! Min Clan Dmmcre. A three reel pholu play 'The Star of Bethlemcn" was given In lhc L'nltcd Evangelical khurch Salmdav evening, Eugene Field's "Little Boy Blue" was read by Edna Rehm and then shown in muving plduresv Mrs. Holmes of Chl- cago sang. Miss Elizabeth Clark of Irving Park was the guest 0! her sister. Mn W. A. Whiting Thunday. Mn W. A Whiting wu home“ at n inlormnl dinner plrtv Monday in com- pliment to Mm J. H. Fichtl o! Sapulha. Ole. who in viuiting her sister. Mn. Krm Mina Rose and Lydia Weiner 01W Falls, Alice Rehm and John Rehm of Downers Grove were the weekend M of Mr. and Mn J. Velter‘ Mn. 1. C. Wold was on the sick list last week. Suppkmenlnl Special Anna-em No- tice No. 9‘ Notice is hereby given to all non: interested that the City Coupci of mg First Street, except where said Green' Bay Road intersects the paved reed-l way of (‘entrnl Avenue. and exceptl where said (ireen Bay Road intcr~ sects thiit part of Laurel Avenue. pro» Vidal to he pan-d in an ordinance oil said city, passed April 51h, 1904, Ind‘ First Street from itu junction withr said Green Bay Road, thence northerâ€"l ly to the north corporate limits of the! (‘ity of Highland Park. which im-l provement was provided {or by on or-‘ dinnnce passed heretofore on the‘| 12th day of April, At It, 1:904. whit-hi improvement was provided {or by anl ordinance passed heretofore on the 3rd 1 diiy uf Man-h. A. IL. 1914. and thel lawful expenses of such proceeding.I the ordinance {or t-Rhl supplement-ll special usressnient being on file in. the onice of the City Clerk of said ('ity. and having up )lied to the Conn-l Al v..l.- 1 An..." In. an 1-. l l City of Highland Park, Couniy of Lake Ind Slate of lllinoin. havin or- dered that I supplemenml 3 i5 “- sentiment be levied to pay girdeflciâ€" ency of the coat of the work and interest for grading, draining. paving with macadam and otherwise improv- ing of Green Bay Road, sometime- known as Green Street and sometime: as Chicago 8: Milwaukee Road from S. cur rate limits of City of High- land ‘nrk. thence northerly tlong Org-en Buy Road In its junction with \ It). nun ”av-u. "V ».-»_ .v --.- VV_.. ty Coun of Lake (‘oumy {or In ll- sessmem of the costs of said improve- ment. according to benefits. Ind I supplemental a p e c i al nut-uncut thereof. having been made nnd re- turned to said court, we finll hear- All sizes - all weights - all styles NOTICE of Nonhern Illinois Supple-ental Spechl Amen! .\'o- tice Sci 126 Notice in hereby given to ill person: interested that the City Council of the City of Highland Park, (‘ounty o! Lukemnd State of ”Imam. lawn or- dered that a supplemental Ipecin a.- aeumont be levied to pay the defici- ency of the (‘05! of the work and inter-cut for the flying. dnining. PlVill‘ with mgc: , And otherwise mproving St. John- Avenue (noept st Bridge). from tho' southerly line 01 Blonine Road formerly known}: Huh street. thence southerly to its Said supplemenul sped-l uneas- men! is payable in one installment. All penona desiring mny file chec- Liona in said court before said y, and may up ur on the hearing Ind mike {hi-J dense. W. )5. Brand Officer appointed to make said uneumenl Dated at Highland Park, Blinds. June 250:, A. D., 1914. 17-18 in: thereon will be had on ch. 110: day of July. A. D., 1914. or u soon thereafter u the busineu of the court will nnit "he ,,_ THE ERSKINE BANK It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real§£state, Louis and Insurance To“... [4be .17 ad I” snow-rm: Puma-Wilma” RAVIOLI ' amendâ€"am mummy“. W9C PMDi-hgloo-quOtoleoopk SINGING Mich-n Av“ and H Stud, CHICAGO Vincent Quarta : FURNITURE STORE nmrmwuw rightin'yourhono NOTICE GOOD BANK MICHELI’S1 LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS It's hard to Choose whax to have when all are so juicy. tender and dehaous You are Just as sure of gcthng the be" cuts when you 'phonc us or send the children. as when vou personally choose your Meats here. Ire healthy and hearty and well, if they eat our junction with St. Johns Plus. and Q- Johm Phce. from its junction ' St. Johns Avenue. thence south to tho north line of Vine Avenue [except 1‘ Bridge), which improvement was pm- vided {or by an ordinance passed her.- More on the Huh day of May, A. 1)., 1914, and the lawful expenses ol such proceeding. the onlinnnm- {or said supplemental bpet‘lhl assenm-fl bein on file in the office of the City Cler of said (my. hid harm): IP‘ lied to the Count) (uurt of bk! ounty {or nn ashessment o! the costs of said improvement, accordin‘ to benefits. and a supplemental sPO' ciol Assessment thereof having bed nude and returned to said court, tho final henring thereon will be had 00 the llth day of July. A. D. 1914.0! u soon thereafter u.- the liur‘u (-35 of the mum will permit. Said supple-menus] hpeuul amnesi- ment In unable In one mata lment. AH persom deunng mu) Ht- ob et- dons in said (ourt l-efure sand :33 and may up ar on me hearmg a make their efeme James ( Bm lan Officer appointed 1’ make and asseumqfi Dated at Iiighlnnd Park Illino'n. June 25th, A. 1)., 1914. ‘ 17-1. THE WHOLE FAMILY QUALITY MEAT pey's Sanitary Shop rchpbou “‘43

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