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Highland Park Press (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 4

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MWPARKPRESS WhicflflnYuri PUBLISHED Winn! 31' JOHN L. Uonu. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :2 :; Highland P111562 Entered n econdcbn mun! Mnmh 1. 131}. n (be post ofice at Highland Put. lumen. under the Act of March 3:183. REAL SATISFACTION You must use Nil-Finish to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nun-Finish results without Nu-Flnl-h. Every user becoma an en‘ thusiast. A trial will convince. you it has no equal. u rvu .5 -r. :21 tcxkurc and ulcixvm :’. It immks all records in speedâ€" mkcs perfect Ice cream In 3 minutes. Rmuirm nu.. h 1935 labor and mos less inv mul cult than any other healer. Sm- 1t before you buy 3 heat-r. [01AM I." “The Freezer with the A firming 1311:2222?" s>v D G PURDYpr" SONS D. C. PURDYF" SONS City of le Paw Why not spend )our vacatzon at 9:15 delightful resort? Boating, Bathmg. Fishing. Tennis and DANCING. Don’t Swelter While Ironing Lake Brownwood PM baffle; ham Ln“ ‘9 04th- Pri. Pvt-s. Iain. Gunny his hand ROBERT GREENSLADE 134 S. Secogd St. Phone 805i Allover the world McCrly mm “on m wind u undueâ€"me with but retriunwr. When you buy I new raft-{censor m the 5."- one that in summed to give absolu- .thhgdom Il:Cny Refrigentom' 1n the Ca ital. Senate Congressional Libmy .g’un Food [Aborawn'eg Hose} nab Pom, Ind on Buttle Shipc. he McCray In: Itood every test 3nd proved its superiority over every rian lwwr‘wmn‘r‘BFâ€"oflla V033 :5. .86 F i T» =- 53. <0: 0.: innâ€"dong SE on ‘82 Egg ‘elephone 954 Miss Helen Mayer THURSDAY. JUNE 25, 1914 The emiest and coolest way to mm, as hundreds of house- wn'es will testify, is by using an electric flaiiron. N0 gas or coal range to generate extra heat. Mam‘ steps saw-d from board to range. as no changing of irons necessary when using an electric iron. An electric iron may be used in any room. Simply attach cord to light socket. No muss. A good iron costs only $3 and consumes only a little over three cents worth of current an hour. Think of how much discomfort this trifling sum of money can save you! Why not phone me today a bout an electric iron? D. C. Purdy Sons Book‘el on n was! 1 Marian H. Craig Pppg of Inn and Cottages Teacher of Violin INCORPORATED Michigan , on Suhday, June 20th the Swedixh their daughttr. M153 Rebecca Hanson‘ {Good Templar: of Chicago held their an- 1 737 EHis Au- Chlcago haxc rented the ’nual picnic at Ravinia Park. Concesslops , W 1H1am B.\H11te rend: me on E Central iwere granted and the park for the da) AH“ Th‘Y “Wk V’s-565510“ 13!! Tuesday i resembled a small fair ground, a short 1 and “111 (MUD) the Piaf? until (MObflH E soccer game held the interest of mm”) Mtss I nube \lnrns of \\ aterburg, Conn one dancing in the casino was enjoyed Is the gurst at the Hanson home. Mr. !while [he folk dances were ghen in {hl and Mrs “and .\ Hansun, Jr, arelivingi fopen The shmxers later in the an” m the John H, Harmun ht-usc on Park : 'noon rather shocked the festixites al- AW» {“Y m" >“”“““ though aconcert was given in the paullun Mr, and Mrs. R1-.\ Lauder Jones and _‘during the rain and moving pxctures in sun, Seymour juncx Ml“, Ioda), to spend“ g the theatre About four thousand "t' 51x “'(‘t‘kS on a ram'h 1n \\ yuming. ‘ tended. , , ,, The Deemck Farm Catering Company has apened a branch. similar to the one operated in Emu-ad Park, in Lake Faust. W. M. Lonnie returned last Thursday from a four weeks' business trip to Gotbcn. 1nd. Mr. H. M. Prior, who has been serious- ly ill with blood poisoning for some time. returned from the hospital last week and expects to be able to attend to his business within a'short time. § Mnund Mrs. Herbert Martin of Chi- }cago spent the week-end with Mrs. Jnhn | Sheahen of Central Ave. § On Saturday, June 19,Ra\inia Park had the first U! us numerous summer picnics. when a crowd of approximately i 1500 persons from the Presbyterian Sun~ ‘ day schools of Chicago gathered [here to ‘ enjoy the day. Immimmsommsl During the absense of Miss Helen Con- rad, who will spend the next three weeks visiting in Woodstock and Evanston. ML. and in Lawton. Mich. Miss Eva Morton will act as reporter for THE PRESS. Mr. and Mm George Phillipa the latter foxmeriy Miss Marguerite Kreger of Glencoe. have returned from their wedding trip and are living at the Phillips home on Sheridan Rd. er’. Maud H. Shnnm-n and her ml» Swns have ban living at Mrs. James B \IaCrystlc's sim‘e rermng Ihmr hL-me Thry expt (t {0 lem 5 swan to spend (h: .er :11 l’tllcgm l ' c, Wis. Mrs. W, T‘ [ nder‘m 0d and sons, Louii a 1d Thnma: arrived in Highland Part. 1:15! Saturday excmng. Thev are staying at the home of Mrs Wm. M. Lovell. 3X1 Prospect Ave. Bennet Schaufiier left Sunday night for the west. He will spend the summer on a ranch near Helena. Montana Mrs. Carl Hansen and iamlly of North Chicago mauled relatives here las! Satur- day. 3:“:5 Anmc MrKenzie and Miss Nita Andcrsun lcit Saturday for {he Unwersn) of Illmuis where they mil take a 51x “'t‘c'k3' librarian course. Mrs: A A. I’umnm s sh-r. Mrs. U:-r‘mm-n \ Mrs. J. A Blomdhal had as her guests Sunday the [arson family of Ravens- wood at her home and the) later attend- ed the picnic at Ravinia Park. .‘hss Clampztr, who has been hung wuh hcr brnlhcr. Nichnm> Clampitt 0n Grew! Bav Rd. has returned to her home in England. Mr.’Frank Matthews left Thursday for a several weeks business trip to Cleveland. .\lr. ahd Mrs. Fred (ireensladr spent the week-end at Lake Buehla. Wis. the guests of J‘ B. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hextcr haxe‘ Mr. H. W, mer m! taken -for the: sunmzur Ihc Eugene wrmd laq m-rk fxmrx [h Bwurniquc hamc on [5. Central Avc. .‘J'. :1 u. Lv \' Run “\2 and Mr): Ummiquv and family, “E «w th been hung fur sen-r31 Â¥\‘tk> at (Lu Chicago “filth hhtri. 113“ c lcfi fur HM e33: where :le _.' \x .l‘ spmd thy Max:291 3t Amisquam. .\I.2:.~. Miss Helen Gieser of Green Bay Rd‘. is in the Augustana hospital where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mm W. Kelley and children of Pittsburg. Penn, who are returning from an extended trip through California and Washington are the guests thus week of Mrs Kelley's sister, Mrs. John Bell of N. St. Johns Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bell of Wadsworm Wis. were the week-end guests of Mr Bell's father at 127 Highwood Ave‘ Miss Edith Davies of N. St. Johns Ave has returned from De Kalb Normal school Miss Hclen Holmes of Cincinnau IS the guest of Miss Margaret Englehard. Miss Holmes and Miss Englehard were class- mates at Bryn Mawr. Mrs. Irwin Hembrook and children of’ The music dag of the 1mm. McGovem S“... will leave this week for Concepuvn school gave a musk several weeks visit with relatives m Wis- . Tuesday evemng a! the school hall. consin. \Ir \\'vn Frilh' and can Ruv nl Mr. and Mrs. Casper Sanu of Hugh» wood are receiving congratulatmns onf the arrival of a daughter, born Tuesday, ‘ June 9th. HIS, Juhn R. ,\IcQuzs!nn of Van \14 'r. Tums is the guest of her brollwr .xnri skzcr-inJaw. ‘ 1x'. and Mrs. F. B. waL Mrs. Byron J. Stevens, who has been ' ill. is able to be around again; Mrs. Walter Ludlow of Highwood IS in the Presbyterian hospital “here she un demem an operation for appendxcms, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Blrxmehl of firm 11 Bay Rd. were the guests la)! Sunday 0! Mr. Blcimehl's faxher for Arlmgmn Heights. . Mr. and Mrs‘ Moldaner of Green Man Rd., and Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Central Ave. spent Sunday a: Diamond Lake :1ch Hakim!) “2H upvnd H mm m \V‘ (021‘ 112 l Mn. Earl W. Spencer. nccompadhed by ‘her daughter. Min Ethel Spencq' and ‘sons, Egbert and Dumaraquc returned {last week from the east. Mi. finely! {Spenten who has also been vleitha in fthe east since graduating from Vanar. ; returns home toduy. She will brig her ‘ friend Miss Corona Williams of’Calllornia i with her who will be the guest fit the Spencer home during the monLh ofJuly. pace: 0! interest in Swimpum. Miss Annie Cobb left for the In“ Friday to be with her father. Mr. Danie! Cobb in New York Miss Emma Evans spent the week-end with Mrs. cheman In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C, P‘ Woodcock and son. William left last Saturday night for the west. Thev will make their future home in Seattle. Wash. , The following uflicers wereelccled a! ihe annual Christian Endeavor business and soual meeting of the Presbyterian church on last Saturday evening: Miss Lydia (Eourley, presidcni. Miss Charlotie Welch, Vice president; Miss Mildred Weldi, re‘ cording secretary; Mu» Luis Green. cor- responding scrrrmry. and Junior;Schu- macher. treasurer Miss Charlutre Brand nf 9:6th 51. M". Ruse Mclbnald of Bnminwood. 5P6!“ ”W WWR ”1d “1m 4” “M “NW1 W13. is. usmnx her mmhcr. Mn, Mary fncnd in Cnmn l'mm. Ind \kHwaln (,1 Broadway 8:. Mr, and Mrs Frank Sixcltun expect («I Mr. and Mrs. George Huber and Muss move mm a nrw humc an 913 St. Johns _\1_.ry Zimmer, who hau- hem spending Aw. next W Wk wvrral wrcks at Lake Kmktmonx. WIS. Miss Cora \VL‘]\h ut \Vaukvgan was (hp .nx- expcclrd bmk [his un-rk Week-end guvst M Mus 1%)th Campbell Mrs Sara Snyder 01 Second St. IS 01 Park AVC- vmung her Sister m‘Mnhluan, MISS Lnnngnn and Mus Moxmhan of Mr. and Mrs Fn-d Rm“ (5 Evanshm, Chicago 51*!" SUNNY 81‘ m“ C» P- 5”" arc being Congratulah-d on the arrival 01 Miss Emma A. Folsom and her sisu'r. st. C‘ C. Bullock lean- Fnda) for the east where thvy wil! spend thc summrr. Thry will gr) first In Burial.» and “1H later motor through :he “('Ylnhln‘ Inli“. Miss Charlutre Brand nf 9:6th 51. spent the wrc-k end “uh :m HM “howl fncnd in Cnmn l'mm. Ind Misslmnngnn and Mus Monahan of Chicago spent Sunday at [hr C, P. Sui- Hvan resulcncc (In “HR Aw Miss Olive Crawford has amt-med (he pnsniun of atcnugmphcr at the Rlilroad Men‘s Home to succeed Miss Kathe-rune Kenry, Miss Kcnry has du‘rpltd I p031- tmn at Raxima Park. Miss Hazel Bailey. formerly of this city graduated from “(Hilly)” College, ()ran- ville. Ohio last week and has left In! a visit of several weeks in Maryland. She will visit in Highland Park latcr‘ Mr. and Mrs. Barg of Ravcnawood visned at the Fitzgerald home on Flnl 51. last week. The music class of the Immlculate Conception school gave a musical on Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Brnwn of Webster Ave. have .13 the” guests [hm week their son and daughter-In-law. Mr and Mrs. Chas Brown‘ Jr.. of Chicago The dch'xdtf's frrtn the Osmli Club who amended the biennial cunvention o! the Umvml chrrnlnvn of Woman's Clubs hm! m L hrcagn at (he Auditonum haul \u-n- Mu “m J. Fyffc, Mm Walter H 1%.:ldmn, and Mrs. Rex L. Jones. The alternaxcs were Mr; Mar- ~hal| E Sampscll, Mrs Wm. RA Tapper. and Miss jessw Chandlu Tm. Dent ls drk-gaxm 1mm Lhc- Woman's Ciub wcru Mn. Jnhn A. Putnam and Mn. Henry J. Thaycr, the alternate! were» Mrs. T. C. lehums and Mrs, Henry M‘ Prior‘ H T K1115! “4n the dch-gate from thil Kn) tn the lec (.rnrx. Studrnt Y M Q A‘ gun? an me “I u h aw- (I last week Mth a record .lttrnd muo 0! 850, Mr. and Mrs. Dand N. Hanson and their daughh-r. sts Rebecca Hanson, 737 EHis Ava. Chicago, have rented the leham B. White Ft’Mdt‘nCt‘ on E‘ Central Ave. Thcy muk possessmn last Tuesday and W111 occupy the place unul October. Miss Lnuxse Mnrns of Waterburg, Conn, Is the gun: at the Hanson home. Mr. and Mrs “and N. Hansm1,)r,_areliving Mr‘ Wm Eddy and son Roy. ol Mar- at the Dells. cngo, Iowa are expected to Visit a! the. Earl Fritcl Samuel Levin home on First St. 00011. degree of do (35m PHARMACIST PHONE 23 214 Homewood A See Blomdahl's shoes and slippers for summer wear JOHN C. BORCHARDT Carpo nler a: I Rudd-1 TIS-l SeHs Phou) Suppfies Hmhlnnd Put ‘1 n-cn And Slnnn Sub Hubert n: Inn! plunm jtaxcs ‘ Miss Sarah Wading. who has been :wsiting relatives in Iowa {or a year has 3returned to Highland Park . Rev. J. H. Camber of Shannon, “1.. ispém Wednesday with Rev. B. R. Schultze and lannly. . . "‘ amihtmdy Janina: "I 9" M . Mrs. Clam! hu relumcd from the {Evansmn huspula) and h spending I Inc [dayl with Mn. Louis Bcrube of First St. A Cumplnmrnt.xry plant: xecxtal will be given Thursday evenmg, July 2nd at Elm Place school auduunum by pupxll 0! Mil. Kaxhenne Robinson. MM Robin- son was muucal director of "Trial by Jury" at Illinois Theatre June 1611:. Mr. end Mn. Forrest Nelson of the Int. 0! Pinee. spent until day- with Mr. end Mn. Jame. Grunt pl Ravine Place. Mr. lume- H. My he! completed the work on the We books and he: re- turned to Wenkegen the largest venom] property menu that he: ever been turned in it in said. It nmounte approxi- mately to seven million donut Just 63 years use Mr. Duffy's grandfather m assessor of the same towmhip and the county treasurer rem-rked the great dxflerence in the amount 0! pet-wall 3113. {\"H Visit Lr: 11:1 Cny, ‘I m.» Mud-I awd Mn Mthald .mJ? son havr 2.1km: ’ 1: Ft 5! undan. .sparimr-v ' sUJl swtcr, Maw J \\ ashxugmn S: r v~1.w ‘: ;. Rf! 9'1 u' “'1 I! B. L. T wants the name of n lure-’ handed company to pm In the but he is‘ runnan under that head he might use the (hxcagn ’l'elrphom‘ (0. whu‘h. for the purpose (rt bunldlnx a cundull some time next year, cndcmly, has had an unsxghl Iy plh- ht hm A) wn Hu Pvuszml H mm m !(:.\'n 1m mu Iuwln'fldha I M Ups Mr. and Mr; Wm. Gran! who have been vismna in Scotland are expected home this week. Mr and Mrs. C. Dawdton of Saskat- chewan. Canada, are being (ungralulated on the birth of a son. born June 1?. Mn. 1);“ idaon was formerly Mina Olive Break- WU” And she 15 vismngfier mother, Mn. Breakwell of nghwood. July Slmucl Hyde 01 Sterhnx. Ill. and Mn 1. L. Rees: and daugmrr, u! Pontiac. vuitcd over Sunday wnxh (hcxr sister, Mn. J. F. Van Evera awn. born June 17 Mrs Ross was formerly Muss Nellie “mu-rs of WauluL “an Ave. A converted Icwuh Rabbi wnll pretch the morning sermon for Rev. J. F. Va: Ever: at the L'mu-d E‘vangchml church at 10.45 Sunday. Hrowmc Batchcldcr to spending hn u c mon in Clinton. Ind. Miss Nettle Moon 01 Menu» Ann II waning her parents In Mnchlgln Miss Helen Nelwn 01 Fun du Lac. Wu. us visiting her Ii|lrf, Mn. Fred Zahnle ol Vxne Ave. Ind Mn. Dmght Trenton of Sheridan Place. w nc‘ Mr. and Mrs. J NIC' Rkketu 0! Cedar Rapids. npenl several dzys last week Wllh Mn. F. C. Nocrenberg 0! Second St. Mr. A‘ B. Hill of Homewood Avc._ lul- lered I sumlroke Tuesday whale working 111 Wilmette and was brought home in an ambulance. Earl Fritch of Highwood received his degree of doctor of dmhslrv at Non}:- wulcrn L'mvcrsuy last week Mia Priscilla Noeu-nbetg. who spent last week with friends In Shannon. 11L. I: anendmg (hclntcmarionalSundny School Convention 1n Chuvagn this week M25: Cum Hmlgcs n1 Ravxma has rc- talmcd {rum .1 tun ure-ks' \stl m Raum‘. Wu. Mm» ll «hrs ma as Mr gum Mm (.Ladyp Phelps pt l’unland. Mtg Mr Harry Eduards or Ureon Bay Rd. \AllOlSlli”1thI’LMJHIHUhospildl,“ do mg nicely" and ,, r\;n!x-d hum: next Mm Laura Ht‘WIH )s m the Evanflon hooplul uhcrr she underwent an opcfl‘ (Ion. Mr; T H_ Decker will luv: soon for I motor mp through Wisconsin, stoppmg n-cn M t H MI d \’ m MM Hr-nn \1 W ,1 hwy u :h gm: .1 mmn 41c \nvrhjan km lrtl lo ,hapiam Ruc- at Texas lmr the humc u! m: R(‘kl(‘n\|.|ld of u! I Ins m [rum-m n han- guts! FUN rnh 3E3E’§i North Shore Trust Company ppm: $100,000 Organized under the Bulking Laws of the Sage of Illinois H} Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evanston, Wil- mette, Kcnilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe. Highland Park and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractive. VACATION CLOTHES Cheap Durable and Good Looking CHAS. H. WARREN COMPANY Why not haw your 11111111111; 1'11111n'z1111d 111-111 11W \x‘u‘k 21nd mvv our work :1 {1111' 111.11 Our L‘1‘1FAMN1, AM» 11151111; 111 1.113;” .11111g1111'> 11:111111-n1s,111111111111 1111115, 1‘;1r1)1-t‘ 1111111111 1?1‘..1)111111\ 111.111111‘11x1-1'~. 1.1111 1‘;11'1:1111.\, 1-11 1711,1101 be (11111111 1 111 M .1:1\ 111.11121-1111111.:1s \111 11am 1111 11 111. 1‘ :11... 111115: 8‘1‘111 \M 11111111 1n 1111-“1-51 INCORPORATE!) 214WWAVENUE Immumzes Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial” It-will pay to see our line before buying elsewhere 1 Wagon :g‘t/lr North Shore Trust Company THE MOST ATTRACTIVE EFFECTS Rompers. from. . . . Beach Suits. from. , Bathing Suits. from MORTGAGE BANKERS MAIN OFFICE AND wonxs 2123-2131 Lama. Ava-u. CHICAGO Highland Park, Illinois for Boys and Girls Highland Pals, Illinois I ”Luv-rm [JCKUIDY.C all for and dt’lt'z'm‘ your cm mrm T. H. Decker Co. ugh-u uranium IZOLCcntrulAvo. Phone 20! It Maybe Ho! Enoqgh Now BUT How do 3m: (‘\p( keep warm newt \\ mu \Vhen m doubt Clothing And are round if your (as? um shows spots, stain: or wnnklcs. Nowadays nothing can oxrux un» udy apparal Those who book well all the unu- arr custumnrs of ours, Why dnn't you Mnd yrnlr gamwnh It» U5 rrgularl) for our (awn! work In DOC up 50c up 50C up Divot-toy - OI” Pressing? (all N0. 1 Arm hrs 1 Ime Bavl We:

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