Exmoor was gay with dinner parties on last Saturday evening preceding the dance which was well attended that eve- ning Among those who entertained at and were: Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. John F. L. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tapper. Mr. and Mrs John Glass. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tyner,,Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Van Schaick. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradshaw Egan. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Glidden. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Moore. Mr. and Mrs Charles McNear. Mrs. Sarah Wilcox Cregier, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Schumann. Mr. and Mrs. K H. Hunter. Miss Mildred Swlgart. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. London. Mr. and Mrs.»M. R. Mavor. and Mr. C. L. Woodruff. Among the luncheon hostesses on last Thursday. July 2nd. were: Mrs. Frank L. Ween. Mrs J. F. L. Curtis. Mrs. A. B. MscCaughey. and Mn Earl Spencer. The Ravinia committee for Arden Shore will give the annual lawn party on thegrounds of Mrs Noble Crandall. Roger Williams Ava. on Saturday. July 25m. The members of the commute:- are: Misall Lnunse Darby. chairman. Mrs. Carl C Bullock, vice chairman.M ‘ Thomas lerler. Mrs. Charles an Mrs. Walter McNeil. Mrs. Rhea Bolt. .\lrs.Rlchzml Fulsnm. and Mrs. Joseph Fearing. Miss Tcssie McClnry of F1rst SL. emer- tained the cuchre club Monday evening. On Us! Timrwim‘ evenxng, 311% Dornthm Miller of Shore Chtt, entertam- ed a tew of her boy and gul friends at a beach party. After the delxeioUs supper served un the beach the young people spent the latter part of the evening m dancing at the Miller home. Campbell Chapter. 0. E. S.. will enter- tain Mrs. Cassie Gregory Orr, Worthy Grand Matron of Illinois, and her _staff ofï¬cers at a dinner at Highland-Hall this evening Mn Jon. Mooney of Deerï¬eld Ave... er.- temined the French class of the Lincoln Ave. school in honor of the birthday of her daughter Agnes. Mrs. T. N. C. Fitzgerald of 598 Cherry St.. Winnetka entertained at a reception in honor of the North Shore, Catholic Women’s League on Monday,E July 6th. Mrs. Wm. Dooley of Central Ave. and Mn H. Mills of Green Bay Rd. attended. The Women's Home and Foreign Mis. sionary Society of the United Evangelical church meets this afternoon with Mr; Fred Botker of Park Ave. " ()n 133: Monday evening Mr.:and Mrs. C.- F. Mather Smith entertained at a camp ï¬re dance at their home {an Circle Ave. The affair was given in honor of the Misses Margaret and Helen; Chnst0o pher of Benton Harbor. Mich; who are visiting at the home of Mr. md Mrs. Burndge D. Butler, Among the affairs given this. week in honor or Miss Corona Williams'of Berk- ley, Cal.. who is the guest of her friend Miss Gladys Spencer during the month olJuly,was a dinner on last Monday evening at which Miss Cecil ‘Vail was hostess Miss Spencer entertained for Miss Williams at a luncheon this after- noon at the Exmoor club. ‘ The Social Side of Life; :‘VP’A" (rm this hot weather wand Having it ROUGH DRY with an,m'r- weRx IRONED at the rate HUNDREDS of Families 3 are sending us their laungiry Lbcal Affairs of the week High Class Laundrrm and French Dry Cleaners { I! in"! worth your wkih to day“! own laundry Wyatt“ ban it don: a: cheaply as (his. TRY IT. By the Obsener Telephone: 178 and 179 Several affairs were given in honor of Miss Irene Zentner of Milwaukee, who was the guest last week of Miss Lillie Bella ()n last Friday eveninga beach partv was given for her and on Sunday evening Miss Manoric Aldridge enter- tained Informaliy at ten. The concert given last Monday evening. July 6th by the Mystic Workers. in the Masonic Hall. was well worth hearing and well attended. The program was opened with an overture. "Fiargo." by Brand's orchestra; "La Cinquantaine," was given a: a cello solo by Henry, Schauï¬ler; piano selections were rendered by Miss Darlene June; Kathleenl Krueger, and Salome Brand; Miss Jones and Miss Hilda Larson played: a piano duet entitled "The Mosquito Parade;" Goodrich Schaufl’ler rendered u‘ a violin solo. "La Precieuse" arranged by. Kreisler. Mrs. Frank B. Green gave a number of her clever readings, which1 needless to say were thoroughly enjoyed ' by all. Lester Levin was an “added at-l traction†secured too late to have his‘ name on the program and therefore was: a surprise as well as a treat to the audi~ ence which gave him several encorea. Other orchestra selections given were "American Home Songs" and “Calif of Bagdad." an overture by Boieldieu. The music committee was composed 0! Mrs. E. E. Larson. Mr. Ed. Bock. Mrsi Jones. Mri Wm. Salyards. Mrr Carbonargi, and Mr. Mr Kutzer. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin A. Armstrong en- tertained at a Fourth of July supper at their home last Saturday cvcning In hun- ur of lhmr guests. Con. I>aac R. Shcr- wood and his daughter. Mrs. lxnnrr Sherwood ()l Washmglnn. I). C. The Mimes Laura Fisher. Mildred â€(S- slm and Margaret Mayer of Green Bay Rd, gave a farewell party in hnnur of Mr. Alcx Smith of Green "av Rd.. on Tuesday. Mr‘ Smith Icm‘t’s sbon In r:- sxde in Minnesota. A large and appreciative audience at- tended the piano recital given by the pupils of Mist Katherine Robinson it Elm Place school Thursday evening. Mary Fay. Kathleen Krueger. Bessie Salyards and Darlene Jones were tle pupils who participated in the interesting program. Miss Gladys Tucker of ()akuood Ave. entertained ï¬fteen of her girl friends a! a lawn party on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Tucker entertained the euchre Club on Monday Regularsâ€"Cunrnd skied to Cham- hers. (ireenslide waiked, and so did Reed. (‘hristmton hit to Swnnn and wax tagged out, Greennlade Ind Rood adxnncinx. I; Dufly produced the 1hay maker. a lher to center, and Reed and Greenslnd. counted I. Dufly tak- <ing second on Schnfldt's poor return totheinï¬dd. IL Dufly wascaughtofl second by (‘ronin Richards making I pretty catch, and when I Dufl) made a dash {or mind J Duiry hid the inn waiting for hlm.â€"1 hit; I error; 2 runs. Fourth Inning (‘ r e s c e n ta -â€" Christensen booted Richards' grounder. W. [)ufly forced \ Richards at sound. Penis to Christen- ‘son Cronin truck out. J. Dufly skied to L. My. ~80 him; I error; 'no runs. Flinn M do“ L Witâ€"No hi“; 1 error; no runs. ‘ Crescentoâ€"Hutthl‘on dropped Hap- ko'n throw and Day}. m Info. mob and Patti: got Doyle at aocond on Schmidt's bunt. Flinn hltwlnto a double killing, Hupko to Petth to Hutchinon.â€"â€"No hits; 1 error; no rum. Sixth lï¬llnr Regularsâ€"Patti. out. Potter to Flinn. Wohlbruck struck out, [)0le throwing him out at ï¬rst when he muflod the third strike. Hutch'uon also brazedâ€"No hits; no runs. Currantsâ€"Hellman was hit, Rich- ards fouled to Hapke, and the lattar also got W. Dufly'a high one. Potter struck outâ€"No hits; no runs. Sen-nth Inning Regularsâ€"4’0““ slipped up on Hapke‘s bunt. the latter reaching ï¬rst safely. , Conrid laid down a sacriï¬ce and was thrown out. Potter to Hutchv ison, Hapke reaching third on the play. Hicks whifled. A paused ball let in llapke. Reed walked and was out stealing. Doyle to Christensnn.~ No hits; 1 error: 1 run. SECOND GAME Hm lnnlnx Crescenuâ€"Heilmnn fouled to Reed. Richards atrutk out. W. Dufly flew out to Wohlbruck.â€"-No hits; no rum. Regullnâ€"Reed went out, Svnnn m Flinn. Christcmoh bmzed. L Du!- !y retired. W. Dufly to Flinnâ€"No hits; no runs. Second Inning Grandmaâ€"Cronin lined to huh. J. Dufly singled our second. but us caught off ï¬rst Gmnuhde to Hutchiâ€" wn. Chamber. out on strikeu.-â€"â€"l hit; no runs. ‘ Crescent-â€" 0 U 0 Regularsâ€"hail doubled into rizht ï¬eld crowd. Wohlbruck, Hutchison and anke fumedâ€"l hit; no runs. Third Inning Cmscenwâ€"Bchmidt Ikied to Wohl- bruck. Flinn. fouled to Hutch-on. Swnnn was lab on Pettis' boot. Hail. man fouled to Realâ€"No hits; 1 error; no runs. ‘ (‘rescentsâ€"«Potter “ruck out. J. [)ufly hit to Humhison and Hicks cov- ered ï¬rst completing the out. Chum- bers boosted one into Wohlbruck'a mintâ€"No hits; no runs. Regulurlâ€" RH}: (‘rescentsâ€"J. Duï¬y lifted to L. Duf- fy. Chambers out on strikes, Doyle bent out a hit to Hupke and moved to set-0nd on Schmidt's walk. Doyle wall nippwi swiping third.~»1 hit; no runs. Eighth Inning lirgulursâ€"«Chrifltenson flew out to limimun. L. Duï¬y popped to shun center. I‘cttis forrod L. Duï¬y at soc- und, J‘ Duffy to WY Duffy. Hinn niufl'ed Potter's throw to ï¬rst and Penis made second. Wohlhruck Penis made second funned.«~1 hit; 1 error funned.«~l hit; 1 error; no runs. ('rcsm-nts â€"- Flinn doubled over third. Heilmun out, ('hristenson (o Hutchison. Flinn holding second. Rich- ards skied to L. DufYy. W. Duffy popped to }lapke.â€"â€"1 hit; no runs. Ninth Inning Regularsâ€"Huuhiwn walked and moved up a peg on anke's out, J. Dtu to Flinn. A passed ball put Hutchison on third, from where he scored on Conrad's inï¬eld out. Hicks popped to Richards.â€"â€"-No hits; 1 run. Regulusâ€"Pct“: arched to Schmidt. Wohlbruck Ind Hukhinson out on strikea.â€"No Mb; no runs. Fifth Inning Crosccnttâ€"L, Dufl’y nude 1 beauti- ful catch of CMmben' screeching lin- er. anke mflfod'Schmidt’l pop fly bnck of third, ï¬chmidt taking second. 6513114 PHONE 23 rmmmmmmpmnm mmmwmmn "Wynn-cum hon Our-into†hp“- dpLNo has: no my MM †am an“ Hm arm-M eastwards amdmuwm MW.DIRyPNom€Mm Wmmum mummumwuu. thWnfl for. hit. WWLDIIL www.0mwmon to â€can! and L. Duffy unplug on i With one game to their (rodit the Regulars had conï¬dence and came back strong Sundsy “Bob" Green~ ‘slsde \Iho pitches regulsrly for the ‘ Regulars pitched sgsinst his old team- 'mstes and hsd them "eating out of his hand." “Bali" inns in rsre form and pitched the greatest gsme of his life, ,allowing ï¬ve mesaely hits and strik- ‘ing out ten 0! the “heavy hitting" Crescents. With three men on buses snd one out and the "clouting" Pot-1 iter st bst “Bob" cslmly winds up sndi 'lets ï¬re and Potter tskes three heslthy lswings snd goes back to the bench. He lwss put in to “pinch hit. " Next man up struck out Apin with men on lsecond snd third And one out "’Bob' struck out the next. two men. The; Crescents sprung s surprise on the Renal-rs when the umpires snnounced i the betteriss in Sundsy' s name. They; slso sent out the scouts to ï¬nd s piteh- , er for Sunday's [sineâ€"Potter hsv-; in: worked Saturday. They found one ‘ ‘and none other thsn s Mr Swsnn who in now pitching {or the Guam Fed- ieral League teem. Swen pitched s :good game, the Reg-ulsrs getting but Iï¬xe hits of! of him and he striking out' itwehe, but he lost his own tune by {walking Greenslsde and Reed, who Iscored on “Ike" Dufly's hit, in the third inning. as the stcents were helpless with “Bob-x". M A wild pitch adv-nod both man snatch. Mamlhdmsmnand w W out while Chrhutuon m hold on third. Wohlbmck struck out. â€"â€"1 hit; 1 orror; no rum. Seventh huh; Calcuttaâ€"Cronin zipped a liner to right. Connd made a pretty catch of J. Dufly'l hood (0 right center. Chunbcrl dolinnd a gnu-cutter over mond.-Cronin being held on sec» ond. Gmnlltdo fumbled Schmid": roller And the bum were crowded. Potter. who In. sent up for Flinn, ntruck out. Ind to did 8w.nn.â€"2 Ma; 1 error; no runs. Reguhroâ€"Potur now on flu! in pine: of Flinn. Huu‘hiaon hit to [ï¬ch- nrds and was given I life on A wild throw, bolting at second. Hopke dumped one to Swonn, who threw but ly to third. Huu'hison scoring and Hapke pulling up It second. J. Dufly boobed (‘onrad'u roller, Hlpke reach- ing third and Conrad ï¬rst. (‘onrnd stole second. Hlpke registered and («mind took third on Greensladv'a in- ï¬eld out. W. Dufly to Pmu'r. J. Duf~ {y and Pom-r put snide Reed. ('onrad wmr‘tlnk. ('hrixtenson out W, Dufl‘)‘ tn I’mvr. No hits; 3 errors; '( rum. Eighlh Inning ('nwvrnts Hmlmnn hflmi n high ("V In “rt-d. Rln'hnrdn hit to .xhorl hfl. W Ime_\' hut in (in-vrnlndr and Rnhurth “us form-d nt semmd. Penn 111M“): the throw. (‘ronin smashed one mm the trees in right ï¬eld but lhv ground rules he-ld W. Duffy on ‘hlrd and (‘nmm on second. J. lmfl)’ whifh-d. 2 hits; no rum. Reyulnn .J_ Duffy and l‘unrr srt down L. Dufly. Peths popped to «hon right (‘entvr and stole wrond. “'uhlA hruvk and Hulchlnon struck ouL~~1 hn; no runs. 0 0 0 00 t) 00 0â€"055 Regular:â€" 0 0 '2 (l 0 0 3 0 xâ€"544 Fifteen hundred fans crowded the Crescent Park and (‘entral Park Sat- urday and Sunday and watched the mighty Crescent team go down to de- feat before 'the “mightier" Regulars. Never, in the history of baaeball in Highland Park. have two contents been more bitterly. carefully and closely fought. The Crescent: must be congratulated on their plucky ï¬ghv ing throuthout both conteata but they must “own up" to the fact that the Regular: are their auperiora. Good sportsmanship was shown on either side. The ram" were clean and faat and kept the thouaand and a half (an: “on their feet" almoat throughout both games. It lure was a treat for the apectatorl to vitneea theae battles at thia time o! the loaâ€" aon aa there had been a treat deal of diacuaaion, some very hot, aa to which was the beet team and now the quea- tion is settled. Both teams hnd their reguhr line- up, except one position in each game. Owing to the {net Lh-t neither tum carries more than one working pitch- er It was necenury to send the scout: out to look up a man who could ï¬ll the position {or one of the games. The Regulars were fortunate in ï¬nding Pitcher Harry Hicks who worked in Saturday's game Ind won. Ninth Inning (Te-scents ~(‘humhers was out, Greenslade tn Hutthmon. Doyle was sent up for Schmidt and {annat P01- ter also funnedr N0 hits; no runh. ( rmcnh- KHJ‘Z. THE ERSKINE BAN ? Telephone 331 Telephone- hko For.“ 617 And 139 srAcuz'rn Funouo luau. Kahuna! R A VI! Emm‘l‘c â€mum-Mfume" Punk; MUSIC MMMforwto 150 Poopb 5‘, R. W. SCHNEIDER It’s Old and Strong 1' cent interest paid on Savui Real Estate, Loans and Insurance ,4 Michal-Anon. And 11 Street, CHICAGO Antique Furniture Repairpd and Refinished right in your home HERES a_ great deal of satlsfavtmn 111 being: able to appqar. withn'ut :1 mm and yet know and lel that you are not at :1 disadvantage. You will always feel com- fortable in an ‘ ARROW Vincent Qua-rta SHIRT whether your,coat’s off on. $1.50 up; GOOD BANK Gents Furnisnings FURNITURE STORE 'MICHELI’S LAKE FOREST, 1 and we extend to you the l o! the anon and mvite yo! here and leave your order! for THE BEST MEATS I POULTRY for your Sunday dunner have (ha! we run plow )ou .~ nut. that you ml} I'Inl u, n d of}; hemhfl 13 S. St. John: A‘ WEI-'1‘ III! we wnd you It’s Summ robot... «1% \>0' I.|' 3» Han 1 born 1 9070’ (ul )1 dl\b [our Uni ()n did pit uflll 'IN hud- lhc‘ much “on‘l HI Fret I am