DC» PURDYF‘ SONS Require much In labor and male- ice and «It than my other freezer. See it before you buy u frwscr. norm urn The mmtwonderï¬ll nqu froezew. By menu uf its utmishing aemf‘ng spoons it Ihips air into eve-r3; partwlv of the t‘n-eznm: cream, makingice ore-am mat is a revrlation in texture nod delimry. It bn‘ab all records in speed-â€" mummies“- Ina-Innis. “The Freezer with the Aerating Dasher" City of Ppw Paw Why not spend yOur vacation at this delightful resort? Boating, Bathing, Fishing, Tennis and DANCING Booth! on request Lake Brownwood madam.“ ROBERT GREENSLADE Telephone 134 3. Second St. Phone 8054. You must use Nun-Finish tow have real ‘dusting satisfactlon" i' You cannot get Nn-Fini-h results without Nuol’ini-h. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you n has no equal. IU°FINI$H is a marvelous dusting- cleanin -puhshmg li- uid. ‘nh 1: you just us: in the usual wavu but what .1 dlï¬erenm! No dust ï¬vinq in the ' mom to senlc down a in. Every speck istake-n up and ta en cub-not Just stirred up, And. a: the same time. _thh no extra wuyk. vour furnilure. woodwork 3rd hardwood floors are cleaned and whshcd. Try .1 2x botde. I3TAILIIOCD II‘I‘ Marian H. Craig REAL SATISFACTION Entered u necondclasa matter Manch l. 191Lat the post ofï¬ce n Highland Park. Illinois. under the Act of March 3. 1819 WWSIMpquina-ce PUBLISHED Wnux By JOHN L. Unml It Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois: Telephone :2 2: Highland Park 562 1 ITIEHIGHIANDPARKPRESS Electric Irons They cost only $354); and they use up only about 3c worth at current an hour. Then. ton you can do your xroning quick- ernyou save the of nme chang- ing irons. No ï¬re needed. An electric iron cuts out that trouble and discomfort. Iron anywhere-0n the porch or wherever there is an electric socket. Simply at- tach the cord and in about ï¬ve minutes the Iron is hotaand stays hot‘ D. C. PURDYw" SONS Miss Helen Mayer P\:Djl of Inexpensive THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1914 'encher of V'iulin INCORPORATED are Michigan Mr. T. H. Decker of Second St., v13 ted his sister at Druce Lake over Sundav. Prof. Clarence Noerenberg returned home from his duties at Champaign, on Saturday evening to spend several week: here. Mr. and Ma J. Foster Van Evera have returned from a two weeks stay in Terra Haute. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Goodhue left Sat urday for their home in Germantown Penn. They have been visiting {or sev- eral weeks at 'the home of Mrs. Good- hue's parents, Mr. and Mm C. E. Wood- ruff in Ravinia. Mrs. C. M. P. Wright of Ravinia will leave the ï¬rst part of August for a visit in Southern Canada. ,‘Bastin arei: Elizabeth Sedgwickadith ‘Atwater, LMary Anna Ruï¬er, George Frederick Childs and Bobbie Page. Mrs. Arthur W. Jerrems will leave Fn" day foraten Jays visit with her son, Arthur. h.,:|t a boys camp at Plum Lake, Wis. ‘ Miss Madelyn Woodruff of Ravinia, will leave Friday to be the guest at the home of her friend Miss COrene Cowdery at their summer home in Grosse Isle. near Delmit, Mich. ' Among the little people who are attend- ’ ing the summer outdcor kindergaflen un- | der the supervision of Miss Rowena Mrs. W. T. Underwood and sons, Lovell and Tom Underwood expect to leave this week for a visit of a week or so in Ann Arbor, Mich. Miss Corneha Kellogg of Milwaukee wull be the guest next week 0! Miss Jean Ten Broeck. Mr. and’Mrs. Harry Warren and family of Waukegan werr the Sunday guests or Mr. and Mrs E. A, Warren of W" Central Ave. Miss Helen H0)ne has retmned In her home on Sycamore Place afu-r a \‘isxt of three weeks on Mackmac Island, as the guest of Muss Dorothy Derbyr Mr. and Mrs. Rabv-r! ï¬rm and Hrs-Thumb Wzlih-r, 21“ are making a thrm- \wcks c u1>e alum: Lakc Mch‘luun Lia}. Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Car! LI Bullock. a. pamed by their aster. Miss Emma 30m havé rcturnr-d to their home, 5‘ Shendl‘h Rd , after a mnnths' I [up through the Berkahxre NHL»; .‘ Miss Magy Highley of Ravinia is mak- ing a severat weeks visit in the east. She motored with a party from Buffalo to Scrantoti where she will spend several days: Iamr she will visa a classmate in the Alleghnny Ma 1 Mr and Mrs. W. R Palm’s.“ lmw tn: Hmmn “HS Wc‘tk, "hey “Nil mnru' through Akin: ‘und the Ncu- Engl‘n,“ states. Mr Wm Harrison of “ heaton “1.. was the Sunday guest of his parents Mr 31d Mrs Wm. Harrison of McGovern St. 1! Mr. James Loudon of Winnepeg, and : Mr. George Loudon of Minnesota are the lguests of their brother. Mr. Hugh RI _ Loudon on N. Sheridan Rd. E Miss Cecil Vail ig ,pending the re l mainder of the summer at the Vail cot- j tage in Ephraim, Wis. Mr and Mn S. f Vail wfll go there later in the month. Miss Corneha Mrs. Earl Spencer and family will leave the early part of August to be at their cottage in Ephriam, Wis. until September. Mrs. James H. Bishop is spending a fortnight at South Haven. Mich. 31sz Anna Krueger of So. Green Bay Rd. has returned from a weeks' Visit With relatxves in Ciscero, Ill. Mr. ,L Schaifcr has JUSI openud an electric shoe renairimz shop at 23 N. Second St, near Central Ave, and us ready to do all sorts of shoe repairing. The Evangelical Sunday schuul has chasm-r1 today, Thursday. {or their .mnunl picnir‘gat Lake Front park All sorts of races have bm-u planned and pretty prizes for the Winners. The publlc ls Curdially muted. AILâ€! Mnran of Scmnd Sr, had as hm guns: last week hxs brmhcr of lulu-t. Ill. 1‘hq(‘.!enc<w Chapter or Myslxc Work;- ers. eikhrccn m number. are going [mum the local chapter at their nrxt regular meeting In Augusl, The mvetmg Mun- day was wry well attended. Mr and Mrs. Charles Clark uf W. 1LaurelAve., annuunce the birth of a :j‘daughter, born Saturday, July mm. ’ Mrs. Chas. Gastï¬eld of w [.Aurcl Ana. is quim 1†but is some Improved Cla'rencc Meulbergcr of HmnmumH Ind, was the ueck-end guest at Delmar: Chm‘.‘ ‘ ME. and Mrs. Chas. Brace of Highwood had as thmr week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Chas Johnson of Edgewatcr. Mm I. Hembrook and children of Mc- Govern St.. have returned {mm a three weeks visit with relatives in Waukesha. WIS. l d i guest (ms ween mm. um um Inter. Mn Mrs. Walter Cope 1nd son wul spen Frank Rew of Pittsburg Pa. next week with Mrs. Cope' a mother Mrs. Amick of Austin later going to Grand Mn. Arch. Abercromby 0‘ Chic-go 1' Rabi“. Mich where they will spend; the guest (or several weeks of her father, er. S. T. Rebling 01440 W. Central Ave. several weeks visiting relatives. I Mrs. Frederick Fisher, Sr._ of 50, Green. Mr. and Mrs. H- R' Smnh are receivmg Bay Rd. who has heen ill for the past :congratulations on the birth 0! I dun. week, is able to be around again. 5 born Wednesday. 1â€â€ 8' Mrs. Mary O'Donnell of W. Centra Ava, who has been very ill I; her home for the past week with heart trouble, is reported as somewhat improved. [focumnmsommsl r! Ore-1g wuh Mr Idrr, all or anmm \chs mlvmr bum em ,rg'u n m m Mrs. Alexander Carquewlle, accom- panied by her two children. Catherine and Jrfferie Curqueville, and her motlwr, Mrs. Jefferies of Kenosha. left last Thun- day to spend the month of August in the cast at Dennis. Cape Cod. They will live at the Nobscoset Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sellery. who hid their home on Bronson Ava, moved to Wa ie St. and remodeled. are now occupy- ing the place. Preparatory to this Mr. and Mrs. Sellery and family [wed in the Saffurd bungalow on Cary Ave, ' Mr. and Mrs. George Allen Mason rd Ion. Allen Mason. Jr, wi'l leave next week to spend the remainder of the sum mer at Wauwinet. Nantucket. Mum, where they go every summer. 65m PHARMACISH Melville Cobb is on a months' businou trip in Wisconsin. was tor this city thrre weeks visit in the White Mm Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Brien announce the birth of a son, Robert Emmett O'Brien, Jr‘, born July 6th. Mm. O'Brien was tormerly Miss Kimrah Fouldt of Mrs. John Grenvxlle Mott is thrre weeks visit in the White Mrs. Frank L, Wean left Tuesday M the east to spend several weeks with her daughter. Mrs. 0. Dickinson Street inthe Berkshlre Mts. Mr. Wean will Join hfl family next week. Thc-y will go later to Boston and Canada. Mrs Fred I) Porn-r0! Rm" la is en tertalng her aunt \Irs Haman Q! ( hi C.agn (ln'h (lzrh tum rcuunm m (hm heme on Um" Aw (â€It‘l a turmlghx's nsxt on n mrm m JZK‘kSUDVIHC. Mich Capt, and Mrs: R. C‘ Williams and chndxcn‘ \\ h.) haw been slammed 3! Fl, (larkï¬, 'I‘mns tor sexeral momma, are Hsmng hay a! the hnmu u: Mrs W]!- hmm ram-Mm L. (L ‘11wunHuzclAve Saull >1. \me Wrrkw'nd \ch A number of Highland Park people motored to Diamund Lake Sunday and cmnyrd .n ph Im' there. Mrs. Arthur Herdklotz and daughter. cl Woodatock. “1., are the guests this week of Mrs. Mary Herdklolz of 50. Green Bay Rd. ' Miss Genevieve Shields 0! Chicago, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. M, Lowric of Ravinia Park. Mr d Mrs. Frank Wagner announce the b of adaughter. Mane Elizabeth. bun Wednesday, July lst. ill for the past two improving. th L‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. Bjork of Highwood an- CONTRIBUTED nounce {he arrival or a 9-pound dnugh- ‘ The Swedish Lutheran congregation of ter, born Monday, July 13. ; Highland Park is greatly hampered In in Arthur Lowrie, Jr. who has been quite . progre. because it lacks a church home. :n (A, ‘L - M Mixs Evelyn “why of F! Lcavcnworth, Kansas, formerly 0! Highland Park, Is the guest for several days at the C. G. Phlï¬lps home on N Shendan Rd. Mr. and Mrs. John L, l'drl! anddaugh- ter (iludys. ()1 Vine Ant, won- the Sun dug. guest» or u-Lmn-s 1n Maywo‘ni, 11]. Mr and Mrs Plinllet have mat Ic- lurned â€om Holland. Mich , whrle. they \mted friends last week. he the- MIN, 1‘ Mr. lhrlr u ()l (ilm ‘- Mrs: John Hayes and son Edvard of Chicago, Arc the guests of Mrs: Hayes bruthrr and snstemn law, Mr. Ind Mrs Wm. Schmldl of 1158 Mdim‘crn N. Miss Helen Conrad has returned from a four weeks visit in Woodstock. Ill. and Lawton, Much. Mnss Golden of Lawton. Mich, accompanied MISS Confad harm- and will be her guest (or the weekend. Little Harold Genly was taken to [he Augustana hospxtal on Wrdnesday where he underwent an operation {or append:- cnis. He IS domg nn‘cly. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond J. Cowlin tnd Mr. and Mr; Mathias H. Conrad and children 0! Woodsux k “I. were the Sun day guests of Mr and Mrs M.L C.Conrad. The Philathea clan. of thq United Evangelical church gave a lawn social on Thursday evening on the lawn 0! Mr. W. Noerenberg. Ice cream and cake was sold The affair was very well at tmdeci i Mr. and Mr; H. R, Smith haveutheir Iguest this week Mrs. Smith'a sister. Mn ;ank Rcw of Pittsburg. Pa. Mr. and Mn. John Russel and children ; of Oak Park were the week-end guests? of Mrs, Russel's parents. Mr. and Mrs“ James Grant of Ravme Place. ‘ \Vl" THE HIGHLAND PARK £13m HIGHLAND PARK mums . “flux-m :mdduughlcr Hrlxn 1 Mr (I scxeral “oaks Vialt at m Dr Watsun spent the h Ins rannly m that place. Sells Photo Javxer and two (‘hll weeks. is repon¢d1When a mission is surted the people a need to assemble as frequently :3 pouible iclds of Chicago, is m order to become well acquainted L Mrs.A.M,Lowric Social mtenuurbf has a tendcmy to bring about a {echng of tellowshxp. and when this I: based on common Krldllflflil, l Wagner announce . . rehgmus, 5003]. and historic, an organiza‘ >r. Mane Ehzabcth. . . . tlun WI“ result Wthh WI“ become a pow- ‘er in the community, It the result 0! )tz and dauï¬hkr- ‘1‘ such soda] Intercourse IS a religmm or- 9 guests Fh" ‘weck ganlzauon. thc bench! to any community '0†"f 50‘ (â€â€3†isolthc greatest value, and of (nurse ‘those aï¬illatrd \nth the same are the' ‘Iand Park people greatest bcncticmnc} There I: both Lake Sunday and room and nm-d [or a wrong Swedish lst. making a PAINTING Pi!" Hum ad Duo-man. 217 '. C“ A!- “MI! E . The winners m the “lnvttatmnTournt '. men!†last week tx-gmmng Thursday. ‘July 16th to Saturday, July 18th. Inclusive were as tdluws Donald Edwards. ï¬rst Ctp‘lace, 2 and 1. Walter Egan, second place. l3khqd 1; R. Calvtn Dobson; third pike. f2 ana‘ . H. L. Thompson; tourth place. 1 lup. Fr flight was won by L. R. Rutter, 3 and 2; flith flight, C. L Woodrufl. 1 up. Winners 0! cchsolatlon flights. Winner at ï¬rst flight. FMCII Blossom, second‘ lflight, E. 1. Stevens. 2 up and 1, third flight. L. Russell, 3 up Ind l, tounht )flight. T. J. Prindivnlle, 2 up. In the women's tournament against bogey, Wednetday morning, July 15th, the tol. lowing were the winners: Clue A, Mn. , C. W. Buckley; Clue 8, Mn Henry Titsworth;Clnss C. Mrs. Femald; Cluu D, Mn Arthur W. Jerrems. The day was in charge of Mn Herman Thomas and Mrs. A. W. Jerretm. The mixed foursome on Wednesday afternoon. July r 22nd was in charge of Mn: Sadee Buck- ley and Mrs. Foster. On next Wednes-l Emma Steffen DRBSMAKER 207l.$ounl$hu WHILIIL gr-mmg and g» :. .' .. dav ngmnnd Mka for d \wl‘dmh ; A'va" pdnsh wauid 1“. ‘ 42 r Nun“ Uuraxn I! m .1 guru: \M rk. â€mi u: suppnzl and “ï¬bulaâ€. (“my rgur â€III "'okpbono 794-L mother and sister. Mrs. H T. Browning and Miss Hrownmg 0! Datum. Mn'h. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warn-n have as thmr guest Mrs Warren's nephew Mr, Palbo! Frew of Oklahoma City Mr; Wm I) Mann is enter! mother an! sum-r, Mrs. H T and Miss Hrownmg of Datum. Mr Tracy McCauglwy, who has been vxsning his 13:11ny on “he Ave‘ returned (01h? east this week. Mr and Mrs Chan. Sire-ï¬ber «4 Second St, haw as their guests Mm. FII/g‘rdld and Chlldrt’l] 01 Maywood. Ill Mrs. J. Halcn and daughter LIIIx;m wxll be the guests a few days 0! this wrl'k u! er John erson of So. Second St Mr ..'Ind Mrs. Sidney J. Holland had .1: lhrnr week z-nd guest Miss Dornlhy Dux ()1 (Hem lcw. (_)Iga Kehrwald of Highwood was one of the eighth grade pupils to receive I Lindly Scholarshipthis year. The Kholar- ships are awarded to pupil: makmg the highbsl average In their work and are {m a four year cnursc m any State Nur- mal school. i The North Shore Chapter 01 the D A. R. presented to the Lite Saving Crew on the morning of the fourth of July an American the nine by twelve thch wu raised on 3 ï¬ts stnfl sixty feet In heighth. :lt wu presented in penon by Mrs J L. Fearing vice' recent 0! the North Shore Chapter. who ï¬red the ï¬rst salute. Mn. Gordon Buchanan. regent. was unable to be present It the exercise; Mr. Jooeph ‘ L. Learning and Mr. A. W. Fletcher both' Sons of the Remlution and Hunter Jerry LeanIIng ï¬nd the next ulutel. The re mainder of the twenty- one oaiutes were gnen by the crew. Swedish Lutheran Church Mn. Frank Green is 2::an her sister. Mn Frank Carbon 0! Dull-I. Tenn this week. Mr. Ind Mn. George A Schoï¬eld and (nmily have returned from the east. They attended the Smith College oom- menoement It Hampton. Mm. when their daughter, Mia Dorothy Schoï¬eld graduntcdlut June. Before returning‘ Mr. and Mn. Schoï¬dd visited for a week or so at the Virginia Hot Spring; ‘ ‘. M. GATES [H x- wnr m [hr xmoor Club Mann is entertaining her FM: If \xvllHH v if {he prnplr “All?“ w.†Hl'urv The “41m- “I J05! M {of x-xcry (-mis “If! md I“ ECO-ad Ave. SAVE MONEY by contracting for your heating work now. For several years boilers and radiators have dropped 10 per cent in late winter advancing again, 5 per cent in July and 5 per cent in September. . You am save about 10 per cent by contracting a! once. 10 per amt/or three months is ()1: interest. Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies' and gent's garments. oriental rugs. carpets. portiers. draperies. piano covers. lace curtains, etc, cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. Chas. H.Warren Co. mm I. max, rug... Telephone. Making a specialty of loans on improved real (mate in the North Shore territory including Rogers Park, Evan'ston, Wil- mette, Kenilwbrth, Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. Sewrity under mortgages in this territory is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is attractive. INCORPORATE) 214 EAST cm AVENUE Ideal Dyers and Cleaners wagon will call for and deliver your garments MWIW “The Imperial†North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 Orgmizod undo: the Banking Luv: of the Sage of Illinois Drives away F leas, Mosquitos, Math and all kinds of Insects. Will clean and disinfect most every- thing. Comes in Quart, Z-Quarl and 1 Gallon Cans. One of the most wonderful discoveries of modern times North Shore Trust Compaliy Highland Pun-k, mam YOUR APPEARANCE MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS “23‘?!†Lincol- Av-oo. CHICAGO Automizer free with each can MORTGAGE BANKERS SOLE AGENTS gunman-u ï¬lm.“ Tdephu KW Pad 265 depends to a great ex- tent upon the neatneaa of your apparel. 11 you with to insure an alwaya at- tractive appearance have your clothealcnl to u for M 201 - 8152 and Stew (‘Ommfllfl and thl hon revel paid I cpl quired to nme each hour: we: of Md. a 1nd I mo COU‘; Ill