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Highland Park Press (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 2

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I am in favor of public improvements and especially good roads and will work in so amend the laws that the moneys expended would go into the improve- ments and not to 3 lot of high salaried offitzals. Thankmg you an advance for any favors that you may show me, I am Very truly yourx HENRY B. EGER. I have been Supervisor of Libenyville for nearly five years, and as a member of the County Board I have tried to get value received for money expended. l have been Mayor of Libertyville for four years, and my friends say that I made good. I run the affairs of the City the same as I run my own business. with the resuit that we made substanna} irr- movements on a very low tax rate. I am a candidate for Representative in the General Assembly from this District. I think I am qualified for the office. I have been in busmess m Libertyxille for over twenty years. and my reputation for fair dea'ing and honesty is unquestioned where I am known. Subject to the Decidon of the Republican Primaries September 9th. 1914. (crldlnvd a daugh er g noon u. hm; day. . turet Mrs John Bunnell entertained at an fu informal twovtable bridge on Wednesday in honor of Mrs Schofield's afternoon Sister. Mrs. Strange of Kingston, Canada. Miss Mary O'Donnell entertained the Euchre club at her home on W. Central Ave. Monday evening Through the kindnessof Mrs. Schwalbe of High] ind Hall. the girl: of the Y. W C. A have planned an entertainment tor the benefit of the association to be held at Highland Hall Wllhln the next fort- night or so It Will be in the form of a musical tea from 4 until 7 o'clock. M-s. (ie 1. Hutter of Grcen Bay Rd en~ (ex-tamed a n.m er ot friends of h r daugh er kdillfrlne on Tuesday after- noon in hunoz' ut Catherine’s eighh b r h day. â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_____ Deerfield News Items I Ameetigg was held Sunday morning ion Mr, W. A. Whiting's lawn, where ;plans weir perfected tor holding a ‘celebratiofl’ on Thursday, Aug 27th in be known ‘95 [)eerlield Water I’m. Tlir following pffim‘rs M the Deerfield [Mn ASSOt‘lflIlOil were t‘husen. Mr W. A Whiting. {*esidcnt. Mr. B. H Krt-ss. \irc presidentHMr Carl Rommel. secretary and Mr, E ”rlllpStedl, treasurir l‘hc president then appointed the tollowmg committees. Finance, Messrs B H. Kress, WAN Whiting, 5‘ Pi Hutt‘lnson. and W E Bevt‘hani. EntertuinmentJul n Wlmdmam] A Rt‘lt‘ht‘ll, Jr. F Hrmp sft‘ll'. E H. \Vxllmzm. I. Humm- Ernler, lhqur Hew'i 1m. and Janie» \‘v’nr l’etlis. A delightful tea was given last Friday [he parade m” be led by the Allendalc afternoon fromrt until6o'clock at the and (xlenwood school bands. Any home m- “N _\ 0 Mason The am” costume willdo; come one and all anc was given in honor of Mrs. Edmund makelit 331313 Scam?” Lonic {dressed Henry Eitel of Indianapolis and Miss asacowq,any m 0 an amma, tame Emma Smoot of Beaumont Cal Those or wild; 2g circus horse; back-rider; an receivmg with the Misses Marion and,acrobat; a.queenot’thetrapeze. Costumes Blanche Mason were: Mrs. A. 0. Mason I used in sch“), p'ays' Shakspearean plays and Mrs. W, D, Messenger Among the ' or paper agstumcs may also be used by ladies who assisted were: Mrs Sellar those whqhave them m the” WSS'O” Ballard. Mrs. Geo. w. Childs. Mrs. Geo. On Friday evening the telephone Randall Roberts. Mrs Henry Atwater. operatorsgare entertaining with alinen Mrs. Frederick Preston. Mrs. Samuel Show" a; the home 0f Miss TCSSiE Holmes, and the Misses Lois Williams. Johnson 5'? honor 0‘ Miss Agnes Garrity, Edith Lovell. and Miss Marjorie Mason whose matriage to Mr. Edward Mead of of Gales‘aurg, lll. Highwoodé will take place in the near N'r: lohn Rnnnn” nntnrO-ingr‘ a. A- fun”? ll lu~ S '1...,: mening Mrs. john Ir 1 \\ l~ :1 dinner hostess ti» . _. tr her home on l’rospct‘t Ave tn :: ‘ .- '1: her SISKt’r, Mrs Chzi'im Clark. “'l‘ui «:11 «on leave for China Mr and .\lr~ _l B. Terbell twin- and hour); git .i dinner party un last Saturdm evening at the Onwentsm club in Lake Forest in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Show or Cleveland. Ohio, who are the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Glass in Ravmia, ()n last Sun‘lzi) evening Mrs. (ilLiss entertained at a up- per in honor ut her guests. A delightful tea was given last Friday afternoon from t until 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. 0. Mason. The affair was given in honor of Mrs. Edmund Henry Eitel of Indianapolis and Miss Emma Smoot of Beaumont. Cal. host ‘l‘T‘iv Rzfi'inia club takes pleasurt' in an- nouzic n; hat this afternoon. Aug Nth. erx William Spenccr Crosby Will give lllr- story of Richard thgnrr's "Siegfried” in words and music. The pcrfortiiant‘c \Vlll begin; precrwly at 2.13 tn the park pat iliun and prmnptness in lelt‘lllldlhl' l: earnestly~rr:'quested. The annual (llll dreri‘s carnival. under lht‘ :iusptu-.~ ot the Ruvtnm club “Ill occur 'l'hursdgiy. Aug 13th. There “'lll he a L‘ll’t‘US parade at 3 o'clot‘k, on lllk‘ ruthlctit‘ field. .-'\ll are \Vt‘lt‘tttttc‘ tn’ lulll. Those taking part are asked to assemble- tit the pavilion at 1 13. The parade will be led by the Allendale and (llenwood school bands. Any costume will do; come one and all and make it afala occasion. Conic dressed as a clown; any kind of an animal. tame Those or wild; 2g circus horse; back-rider; an receiving with the Misses Marion andiacrzbat; ai‘queen'ofthgft‘ripeze. C‘mulmes Blanche Mason were: Mrs. A. 0. Mason use m s; 00 p "-‘s' a spearean p ays ind Mrs. W, D. Messenger. Among the' or paper mstumes may also be used by to Fortune. Wis. on amount (it the serious lllttt‘x‘5 of Mr. Kart‘hk Sltlz'l. MKS Martha Ka-rt‘h “ll” lS‘Hvtt exported to ll\'(‘. WANT MAIL BOXES INSTALLED Pout-l Deportment lune: Roquent to Patron: to Aid Service l’ustal officials are again making their x-mtannual attempt to get Cllllt‘n3 to supply their [CSldt'nCt‘S Wllll mail boxes and to plan- numlx‘rs on the houses. The effort heretofore has not been very pro- ductive. the people generally appearing Willing to “kick" about a poor sen/Ire. but to (onsttler the effort, or expendttun‘, in making this slight effort to better the servtce. foo mut‘lr for them. Following are the notices issued by the department or. er the: Signature of Postmaster Dooley: f By direction of the Post Office Depart- ment. the attention 0... Of na'rnnc nl Henry B. Eger Candidake for State Representative .I the 8th Santeria) District The Social Side of Life ny] Ml If u!“ :« EYERYBODY come to n‘yn Denna“ Dnm‘r U:~L1nnr1 there is ONE PLACE where you can have yonr Laundry or Clothing put irj shape, ‘as good as new and that is U Lake Front. Park, Highland Park Day, andffiif‘ in having” a good time, yourr‘wilt down your ohirt; and collar or if it rains and you. get‘_s_o_ak_ _ REMEMBER ncal Afleii's of the week By Ihc Obs. H.155 Eleinor Meyer gave a luncheon last Thurséy in honor of Miss Irene McCadic ofChicago and stses Cathryne and Mane Run of Crystal Lake Miss Ruth Rrickélt gave aIIawn many in their hanor in [by evening. Miss Rugh Krcss arm-named a few friends Fr‘ ay evening in honor of Miss Dorothy qud of Indianapolis «who is the guest of M§s Gloria Beecham. Telephones _1 78 and 179 Mr. and Mrs. H. finder and Miss Florence finder of Chicago are vzsiting Muss Clara “finder for a few days‘ > The annd‘al Sunday school picnic (f St. Paul's [jutheran church will be held in Knickerbocker's grovg Saturday. A1 g. 82!). f Adeline find Mane Miller of Arlington Heights arq‘ (he guests of Miss Eleanor Miner. nas already been subscnbed toward He guarantee fund to be used in case th: day does énot prove to be financially profitable. ‘Any profit from thc rein-sh merits will go to the school and all other profits wxlllgo to the village treasury. Mr.and:.Mrsr Hoffmeyer of Chicago were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Qunckel, Detonation", } C. “'Ult't. Stet-fen Flv3d Sanger. O. Beecham. W Todd John Huhn. Ed; Segerl and Robert l‘ettis. Transport‘tmn, W. E, Beecham. C. .-\. Selig. (led. Karel). and B. H. KH‘Sé. Material. P. Duffy. Mr Stangcr. 5. Pt Hutchisongl“. H. Meyer. F Hornherger. and Arthuf Ender; Parade, 8. H. Kress, Dr. Davisfand L. Perm. Reception, 0. Beccham,1 Waring. J A. Réichelt. S. 5. Love. Mr; W E. Buethum was appointed parade marshal. Much enthus‘asm was manifested‘by those present, and every effort willbe made to make the day a memorable‘one. Several hundred dollars has already been subscnbed toward tle guarantee Iundto be used in case the day does énot prove to be financially profitable. ‘Any profit from the refresh ments will go to the school and all other profits wrlllgo to the village treasurv. my; Hmuryls. C. W Perm. H H. Krcxs. Steffes. F. $6115; and Arthur Emit-r; Re- freshmems. Mrs. Su :plc and cummiuee of her choosing; Advemscmcm. J. War; ing. ]‘ Wogdnum. f Hempstedt. and [)r Davis; Lighting, W. A. Whitxng. F Pen-r sm. (1, Stinger. and 'l‘hvodOre Knadk D‘m'nrznion; } C. “Rim. Slut-fen Hv3d Hgml’avfl Thls l‘ a math-I n! ”w utmuyl mnxr. H 15 (131]) .‘xxummg mnrc anve zmd lhn-au-m (u wrmusly the effectiveness of the serum the public will lend us Coopcra cheerfully c0 nplying wuh (he tr request 65m PHARMACISI \.\~ uunrx} ”Um Inc u<c HI Huh re~ w [H .1m 1‘.) mum-1m: the 5mm expense nmnlved .-\~ (hh orhcc 1s ”nun-sled m turmshxng lhv bus! possmh- «runs at the least cwprnsv, your cnmplmnce wuh ‘lht’ {ureunmg mum-shuns “1H Ix- mmh apprn‘mu-d. In addnmn m 1h:- fnn-gmny, patrons .ln- urgrnih' .md rc-xpcx'ttull)‘ rr-squesu-d I’wpplv the dr finnrlxk‘al uddrrx‘s. ellhrr rm- firm-r and number, building and room number (in-Jun as >urh utht-r dcsmnm tum wmu-n 0r pruned on ”3.1”?an be mmlml. .1\ \HH enable pus! nfiive ('m- ploycm handling mud nmltcr m quu‘kh' drh-rzximr :hc (\J'Y lm'allun uf the ad (“‘(‘NF’CI' It has been \imaz'. by Mimi vxpcrmncc that m- hcnrnh «ix-rum} 1y pntruns of mu :h'hu-ry Ylnm thy u<c HI snuh re~ u [H .1m 1..) warm-nu: me \HmH o-\nnn‘- nun Withm d 1mm Ixmz m umkr dvhu- (m nr nrar 1hr rm] varlu'r hum. 3150;: great convenience to the house- holder. obvxatmg the necessny of respom‘- mg to the carrier's call at Inconvenient moments and permitting the safe de- hvrry of mm! In the absence of members 4)! (hr: huuwhuh}. Hwy .tlw pvm ('nl lhg tmtdalhlml Ilt't‘l_\\ll\ at :1 rarnw‘s Dro- t‘cuhng vll hm IJHtt‘ u t mut delncnng nun bmnnsv n1 lullun- tn answer hII ring WithIn d :czwumhlc tnnr, and rnable Ixmz m nmkr (it"lit'rh'w tn pnnuns luring (m H!" nrar 1hr rm] n! [hr HIUIC at an FOR RENT i l’ustal otlicials are again making their semiannual attempt to get Cllllt‘n3 to supply their restdences Wllll [llJll boxes and to place numbers on the houses The ettnrt heretofore has not been very pro- ductive, the people generally appearing Willing to “kick" about .1 poor sen/ice, but to consuler the effort, or expenditure, in making this slight effort to better the servtce. too much for them. Following are the notices issued by the department 0i. er the Signature of Postmaster Dooley: By direction of the Post ()tfice Depart- ‘ ment, the attention of patrons of this office is invited to the advantages of pro ; viding facilities {or the receipt of their mail by erecting conveniently accessible boxes or cutting suitable slots in their doors. Such action would enable the postmaster to give a prompter and better delivery serVice With the means at hisl disposal, Since the carriers can cover much more territory in less time if m ti compelled to wait for an answer to ‘their l i l i ( it ring Private receptacles {or mail are i Erskine Bank Building Mr and MH Kurh hau- bm-n CuHed In Portage. Wis. on mum”! ()1 1h:- serious 111nm> M Mr. KardH sun-r. MKS Martha Ka-n‘h “h” ISIH»)( («pt-fin! (n ln'c. “hm h [bur Mr and Mrs, Amnunn L'hlcngu u'vxc (hr gmwts H {Lumsrhzld mu Sund .»\lv:ru Haunsrhnld bm-n \‘h‘itmg hcr w Hzmnsdnld lur 1hr; Miss Martha Knruh ls sprnding her \‘ucatxon 1n Madhon, \Vls. A moving picture show “i” be givén in the school Friday evening, Aug. 7th. Miss Elda Horenberger is the Hues: of Miss Ida Bchrens 0t Mirna»: [Ins week. Mr, Wm. Stryker and family of CM cago were the week-mid guests of Mr Stryker‘s sister, Mrs‘ Geo. (Eulzlcr. During the mumh of August no evening services will be held in the Presbyterian Church MEI Ruth Relchclt is the guest 0! Min Cathryn: Hun of Crvstal Lake this week. Mrs. J. C. Wold is on the sick flu th‘n week. Minus Elizabeth and Dorothy Rdcb’elt are vusiting Miss Dorothy Reichcll of Ft. Madison, Iowa. Mr Choice Office sz Umtrudc Sur)‘ uf Emlbtnn l3 (ht- ml uf ML“) Hon-m k' Caml‘m. I'HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS h z:mi.\!rs.1rg and son Leonard. (nu hum vmtmg Mr. and 511%.; J. Iv! fur (h: ILL‘I month, rmurnm! to wmc m 'I'upvka, Kunms u'vxc (hr gmwts of Mr and Mrs in the W M. Dummy Postmaster 1hr utmual Impor )leng mum ”UPC! .1) wrmusly nnpair the serum unless us Cooperation by wuh (he tore-gums: “1 Run nun” d h:‘s :mdlmflhn, Mrs, H. ~t tun \u'vks. u) and family 01 Adjudication Notice Public notice is hen-by guru that the Subscriber Public Adnnmstrator of the ‘Eszaxe 0! Merrick A. Mnhxlls. deceased, will athnd the County Court of Lake County, at a term (harem! In be hulden at the Court House m “.zukt-gan. In said County, on the firs! Mnnday n! ()cme-r next. 1914 when and \\h(-r(- :le M‘rwns having Claxms agriml sand estate are nonficd and remit-Med Io prru‘m the same to said Court for ad)udwat:on . . . . , [’ubhc Emu!!!) VX. Malluwuw \ Admmistrator Waukegan. llhnow. August 3rd. 191‘. noun-es~ “'Ilh \rlm-h they haw N) do and insure fmr roturm- m thou- ~who may imost 11. projects 0! those lands. Under such laws, the dex'elnpment of our natural resourves mould he prompt and would be upon a (an and equitable lmsns to all (‘UIH‘QTHHL I hope. therefore. that all these bill- may soon l-e onm'ted mm law. It su-ms In me that the terms of these leaning iulls Math-guard the in- Lerexts uf Un- publiv m the great re- Bl pmuduw 'lhat the prnple lnhuhmnx bald h-ythu} «in “Kn-r and dulun’ that the" {nun-r dlSt‘lflll’n ull rzghl and title tn tho unnpprnprmwd puhlu' lands lung unhm \md levrltnr) and thtt (hr Hum- ~hulI lu- and remain M U):- solr and f‘htll‘t' dxsposltmn u! the l'mled Stun-x" Tho (ulnrmiu mm- Mitulimmi «mu-1mm) (in! minm mm). , ,, .......... ‘ns absoluu-ly taking from flu- people of the and Wm»! some n! We mmtt 5a- ,cred property Ind pohm-al rights they have, not only row-rung the lradlhuns of this governmem for uu-r n hun» dred years. but Huluung the \cry run- slilutimwl guaranties upon M‘thh Show stutm Wen- udmlumi mm this r17mnn." “Hm nm_.1m~:l I) ultrn)‘ .nm hdul- ed l-y Un- HH‘N' reading of (hr enabling ‘ucl («y “hlch Mr. Trulnr's (Mn state. (blurs-in land (kw Aamn- [hum upphes to all {Pn- puMn 4hr! ~1.1'.-.~». “nu nd~ 111”sz natw 1hr ‘W *4: ha .. l land dtmn an 1: (01:11.1 1». [u- -m- t In thr udm'xssum uf 1hr ‘ Mr H In (m- l'nmn. the ujuphm n.’ n nwulunm by the ronrlildtrmul roan-1.14m u.’ 1hr smu- "In my judgmrnt this bill is in via- lation of the moral, legal and run- stitutionuf rlghta u! the Western smfea; m rmztrawmmn of the enabl- ing an by “'thh they were udnnued mm [hr {'mnn, and In that l-xtrm are unrnnsutulnunal. J Junk upon this In” )n-nllemen nrsume lhut (hr puhhc lands and 1|” the l'll'hq-> [how Inndl ('nuluin. ‘M'Hlmi u'zlhw the Inmtr of thrtr ~tutv~ un- 1hr prom-Hy «J the pwuph- Hf I-hnn- sum-m Hut lhl‘M' art- hhl {hr rl-uuurCl-s- of the “trier” Mums, hut the- rewuwm of the Na- tmn Thv)‘ du no! brim]: tn 1hr pen. pl» 4)! the! ~mu-~ (Humming the pub. lu' lands but in Khv people of all the stun-x. Thv fnlhmmg purngrnph qunted from Mr Tu)lnr’.~ mxnurn) r9- port on (his MI] l.‘ the very crux uf the argument of these representative-n from thv West. Mr. Taylur says: "In my judgmrnt this bill is in via- lation of the moral, legal and run- hix ~}‘hn‘. of {mum}: 1hr public lumis 1n thum‘ \shu \\ Ish In drvelup the nnlurn', vanurmw. 1~ Puttvrl)‘ opposed by \rur n’ [hr rrprru’l.tuh\v.~ of lhuw ~Zn'w m \shn'h thus? lamb are lm'utmi H'r Hf ”11‘”! IMr. Tnylur a! (‘nlurnniun Pun 111ml a mum!!!) rrpmt on Ihh (um-m1 lt'lanL’ M?! Those m-nllemen nrsume that (hr public lands and 1|” the rn'hw [how 1mm}: By Chan. M. Thommn ()ne of the conservation hills which lh” been reported to the House by the (‘ommittce on I'ulrlic Lands, concerns the dewlupment of the ('(ml, nil, gns, phosphate. potassium and smimm de- posit.» ('untaim-d in our public lands. Except an to mull. the 1):]! upplws to 'Aluxlm u.‘ well as cnntlnvntul ['nited State!- .\> in the vase of the Alaska (\ml lmnmy lull, this lull is luwwl on n ~)‘.~h-m n’ lt'i|$(‘~'. nml m m'm‘rnl. It fullmw the tvnm.~ n{ that lrxll, In which I han- n-{rrn-rl In :umtlu-r lrttrr. It .wnnh tu mu tn lw \nw In prw Vida {or tlu- «ll-u-lopmmt of our nutâ€" urul H’Suutt‘x‘.‘ lu_\' nu-um (If n leaning ”dealt It. «~«It.uz..‘) xhuul-l yut lu- unr {will} In lumt upon-hulls H. ruul, nil. pm nml the other things then- tionwl ulnar, 1m tlw public lmlllm to thuae wlw llun- mum-5 Hmugh to make tln- lmm- xnwnmwh that an» ”l ndiny 'lhat the prnple Inhl h-ythlu «in “Kn-r and < they fun rr dlm‘lalm ull ‘5 WANTS GOVERNIENT 10 IE? cm 1'80]. Congreuuun Thocuon Futon Com".- (ion Bi" but Reporud to Hem by Connit'oo on Public Linda FAVORS LEASING ALI. PUBLIC LAND RIGHTS Thi that the prnple lnhuhmnx I} «in “Kn-r and dulul’t’ hum- HIH‘MH If the fields H 23-26 gn-rnnon Inndl It:- of ur nulâ€" lensing 10! he I. run), 111 E. Centrnl Ave. Shoes -- Oxfords - Slippers mflYm-flnl’kanud Fir-(Shoot ERANK L. SILJESTROM LAKE GENEVA ICE It’d Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance THE ERSKINE BANK ‘olophonoq Lula Forest 617 And 139 Our new summerline of Oxfords and Slippers are the best money can buy. You’ll like them. Wevguarantee our repair work to be absolutely right and done by hand. PETER LIMPER SHOE SHINING PARLOR ANNflUNCEMENT For Ladies and Gentlemen at “(W2 EAST CENTRAL AVE. SATURDAY, AUG. 8th Antique Furniture Repaired nnd Refinish“! right in your home Shoe Laces and Polishes of all kinds for sale. Hat Cleaning a specialty. Your patronage solicited. I wish t9 announce to the citizens of Highland Park that I will open a Vincent Quarta GOOD BANK -:-COAL-- FURNITURE STORE FIRST CLASS L Shoe Store Frank Redttenwnld, Prop. LAKE FOREST, IL'uNbls Why nut order murrou" you order he'e mll prove worth Ihrmonr'y and sans!) the most particula: " experlrnrr to know [hm our .mous mrals are good EVERY CHOICE CUT IT DOESN‘T TAKE A CHEF Sobey's 3": Sunitary Shop rclepbono 431433 Scranton 703.950!“ 65 a ruast 1m to 81”! UN” ('30? I)! ll dun 1hr u II and no“ uf 01 l‘u due um. 11h \ m. ) nu 3.th g huh Pm xhc 0 CL

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