Among the guests who arnved the pm! week are Mrs. F. J‘ Haefncr and dung?» ter. of Kansas Cxty. M ).. Mr. and .\lr>. W. S. ()wcu. M A‘ Sxect .‘md daughlcr. Albin Steldel. M". and Mrs. Emery J Levy, Chxcago. Ml ;s Myrtie Bourgmns. Miriam Orenby, H. Branch and H. C. Wagner of 0134 Park. .\Ir< S 0 Wright and Mum )3 Wright, \hhmn, “'15.; Mrs. Helen M‘ Gottfried, Joplm, Mu; NlrflEzta Edwards. 5:. laws. Ma. and Mrs. Harriet F. Bun. Kcnushd, Wis. The Eigawo d B )wlm; club of Chicago. 37 in number. held than annual banqurt here last Thursday, larcr cnwymg the opera at Ravinia. Mrs. W. H. Bowman and children, and j. H. Ohl of Hmsdale, 11L. Miss Elsxr Shendtof Milwaukee, W11, Mrs. J. U Weiss and son Harold. and C. J. Schubert of La Crosse, Wm. John Champion, Texas City, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. W" E. Trude and Mr. and Mrs, J. Bishop. of Chicago, were among the week-end guests. On Tuesday, Aug. lSth. there will be a Japanese musical tea for the benefit of the local Young Women's Christian Association. Besides music by well known artists there will be a Japanese sketch. "Along the Road to Tokyo," with characteristic songs and dances by Mrs. Michitaro Ougawa. Mrs. Ougawa is The regular dansant will be held Sat- urday evening. Those formerly held have been very successful. characteristic songs and dances by Mrs. ' is , Michitaro Ougawa. Mrs. Ougawa known in Highland Park through her ap- pearance at the ()5501i club. and needs no further recommendation to those who have seen her. Exmoor Club John Tuttle. L. E. Hart, W. .\i. Plant, and (heme E. Moore tied with a score of 87 in the lS-hole blind bogey or “kiskers handicap" on last Saturday aiterncon. On Saturday morning, Aug, 15, there Will be a mixed foursome at 9 o'clock in which members of a family are eligible. with a spectai tropy for winners. present. ed by Mr. Wm. V. ()‘Brien. Mesdames A. B. McCaughey and Walter E. Carr will . bein charge. In the afternoon there Puling oi Old Hon-u. Ridi-rs and walkers through the Ne“ l England untryside and viilngm '01er to look i' the venerable houses. innny of them ('leniennriuns twlt-e over. which not only distinguish this rvtion. but tit .into its inndsmtpos with u snitahiliti whir‘h newer building's somehow Int-k As this interest groxvs the observer be this to notice that they are all too run idly disappearing to give place to mod ern houses which are certainly no im pronlnient in Workinnnshlp and art-hi teoturnl deï¬lzn. und nnt nee euurily an perior in (-mnfnrt and convenience If the old housi-x are properly handled in liming these nntivnt buildings We are iosinu not only pziri-els of history We are loainn quite as much a digni tied and ï¬tting style of domestic an tii tecture Willa) is all the more effectin- by being severely pluiu. ~Boston Trans cript. John Tultle‘ L. E. Hart, W. M. Plant, and Gears E. Moore tied with a score of 87 in the 18-hole blind bogey or “k1:k::r> handicap" on last Saturday afternoon. On Saturday murning, Aug, 15, there wm be a mixed foursome at 9 o'clock in whu‘h members of a family are eligible. with a spectal tropy for winners. present. ed by Mr. Wm. V. ()‘Brien. Mesdames A. B. McCaughey and Walter E. Carr will be in charge. In the afternoon there will be a 4-ball foursome in an 18 hole medal play handicap; the total score of all {our balls to count. A spectal trophy will be awarded the winners. At 4:30 o'clock there WI†be an approaching and putting contest with a special trophy The total score of all three balls tomunt. Madames Paine and C. N. Thomas were in charge of Flag day at Exmoor on last Wednesday, Aug. 12th. Winners in the “match play against bogey." of Wednes- day of the previous week played ï¬nals on that day. Results will be printed next week. ' John. Convkiod on Chart. of Running lindl’i‘.SotFm John Murray of Highwood. who recentâ€" !y was indicmd on a charge of conducting a blind pk and who was sentenced to thirty day: in jail in addiï¬on to a ï¬ne of $00 was released from cuetody Saturday byludae Per-on: under the pauper act. Murray had served more mutiny days in jail but pleaded an inabilit to pav the QAIISIIEISPAUPERISRELEASED Daily’s Ready-to-Wear Phone l 072 Highland Hall Mamtamed by F You are Cordially Invited \ to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. Every day except Sunday Second Door West of Theatre 072 HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. nrst Church pf Christ, of Sample Shift Waxsts. while “my last . Closing out balance of line Children’s "bfrérsses, 59c .up Boys Rompers and Wash Suits, 49c, 98c and $1.25 White Pique Dresses, size 36 to 44 $2.50 . L371 -\ t .56 ZhSUI‘I _, nlCnt‘ If SI\; . C ThlS li a step m the right dircction as heretofore the rcnl estate uperatnrs have been inclmed to hold «.15! sule property m large blots which make 1t Imposstblt- for persons of ax'erngc means to secure home sues espccmlly as the terms are so low. Mr. Franklin. the manager, Will be at Tel 21H. FUR SALE modern 5' n and (hump other hnusc Tel. 333 FM SALE bed. Call at Mr. Franklin. the manager, Will be at the Highland Park Press utï¬ce on Friday and Monday cvrnmgs togivc information. ad\'«24 Annual Galleria. of Lake County Va!- ennu pt Waning-n Next Week The thirty-sixth annual re-union of the soldiers and sailors of Lake County will be held at Waukegan next Wednesday and Thursday. The general program an- nounces a “camp ï¬re" for Wednesday evening. baseball games, dancing, con- certs by a brass band and quartette and other amusements. The pnncipal speak- er will be Bishop Fallows, Department Commander of lllmovsl Cooling Water Without Using loo. To cool water without using ice net a slender gins: tvst tube from any duty. store. Half till it with nitrate of am mania units. an up with water. cork tightly. Shake till the suit is dimlved Be careful to wipe the outside of the tube dry In order that all traces of the nitrate may be removed Place thin tube into a glass of water and atrium a you would a spoon The water in rapidly chilléd. The nitrate of am monia units can be bought at any drug store. This is a far better way of cool ing water. than putting ice in ILâ€"Nev York Worid the Sandâ€! Dan Alto-r all. I Mine the meal and "vowâ€! flay- arv- not tho-.- on wmrn anything ‘n-ry «$an or random)! or etc-Mn: happen but just more that bdrm. dmnlo little plenum. fol town: um nnotfl‘or softly. like puma clipping of: a string-L. H. Montgom When men In rightly occupied use" Imminent grown out of their work. as the color peuls out of I fruitful flowerâ€"John Rnlkin. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS RE-UNION Scigntist, of Highland Park Big hne of and colors 5 lines or less, 1 insemon, zac. nun-u- ldltional line 5c , 1 Blind ads, where replies are ordered asem to this ofï¬ce, double rates. Advertxsemems ml] not be received for {publication In the current leUC allcr 5 ‘ p. m. Wednesday. 1 Licensed Employment Agency % Warmâ€"An kinds of female help: 1 American and foreign. Wages $7 to $10 ‘;a week. Also ï¬rst class help lumished ‘ion short notice. Apply 124 50' First Sreet ; Axe, telephone 263. Mrs. 14 M. Deming. “ as n I'm.FORRElT,l-‘0RSA|£ â€"â€"EMI’L()\'ME.\‘T Auaso' ~ Women de- siring work, should register. with me. ‘H van need help address Mrs (Leo. Smith Jr., over R‘humm‘hcl's drug store. Tel. 320. 86 1f FOR SALE FOR Sm Heat lots {or a home It prne asked m Highland Pdrk 8313101th rallruad. cnnunnnl tn whml‘ Moraine howl gult dub and rmlnnv «muons. all nnprmum-ms m Fur pmtu uldrs addreï¬ ['uhmr .\ \hm gunk-n k :wmmg Mich. 213 24 [UM hnlhrhn H nr -\ Add n-‘s \ su’xhux Ir-r FUR Sum luuxlthy 'mh \\ JIM) main 1‘ Mnilhy, Ht'i 1 70¢; DJ )‘11 lumpvr $404). (cm ILH'HIL’Q pm vm‘nt.‘ H Rcapw Hlm‘k Chxnsgn. >1 hull. L'u. [, alsn both {“21er Will rent paymrms 5cm] ywur t ~‘.ld\-n:' I’mnu SImp, 31 Waukrgun. 1H. l'hulw FUR SALE Scxcral dwn v \urielxc: 0! tumbler plgcuh: Address wa‘ Dean Ave. TL‘I‘ 21H. 24 FUR SALEâ€"A! a bargain price, my new modern 5' mum house nn (vrcen Bay Rd and Chk‘agu .-\\'6., extra easy tc-rms. some other hnusc.» Address Jnx-ph Delhaye FUR SALEA Spiral bed spring for double bed. Call at 247 E. Central Ave. 24 pd FOR SALE Several small coltagesfrbm $1500 up [1) $5,000; cash or nmo Also houscs [u rem for the mnter, furnished or vacant. Addresï¬ NY A Aldridge. Er- skine Bank Bid. Tels‘ 345 and 803-1.. 24 FOR RENT Japanese couple wouid like position in ‘privaie family. Man is cook and wife will iact as maid. H. Dodo. FL Sheridan. Tel. FUR RENTâ€"~6-room flat. all modern im- provements. Alfred Hull. 53 Green Bay Rd. 8.13“ Tutoring mathematics. Telephone 761L 0. t}. laylor of Deerï¬eld- Shields High chnol 238 E. Central Aye B â€If $1130 Will buy a pedlgreed Engl. Hack- ney pony. :rap and runabout. sleigh and harness. Cost when new over $500. All m perfect condition. Can be seen at resudence of W. 11. Field. foot of Wemv worth Sr, (Elcncoe. 24 WANTEDâ€"Washing and ironmg. Ad« dress 901 Sn. Green Bay Rd. Tel. 1028. '24 WANTEDâ€"Competent girl for general housework. Tel. 511. 2‘ WANTEDâ€"Gendemans home to care {or fluring the winter. by responsible small adult family. N. A. Aldridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel; 345 and 803-L. 24 SITUATION WANTED l’osxrlux \V.-\.\'TEl)â€"â€"B)' colored butler or houseman. Firs! class references. Tel. LOSTâ€"Top from automobikat Regului ballpark Sunday afternoon. Plea-e re- turn to F. D. CIavey. Room l. Enklhe Bank Bldg. 24 Posmus W'ANTEIHFIrst class cook wants steady posxtion. Tel. 6. Lake Fu- est. 24 pd LOSTâ€"Blue and brown striped vest. 8e- tween Montgomery Rd. and St. Johns Place. Finder please return to F. Sordyl. 116 E Central Ave.. Highland Pith. 24-25 pd Losrâ€"dA purl sunburst pin on Wm Laurel Ave. Sunday. Findq plane 39. turn to 121 So. Second St Ind receive “- ward. f4 Srrmrnm Wurrzn A By industrious man. handy with carpenter tools dad painting. Address Pren- ofï¬cc._ 24 FUR \‘\ .. 1.! 1) FUR SH r. F( )R )R SH {4 Sl‘umnprr I.) (H lï¬lm’k. \‘mxk .nni Milwnzkn An- . k ll 1!}1.L\\r M (ll 1 insertion. 25c. each “- It "Hl' (‘Wh me .‘u' .m ‘n (‘.|\\ t‘\\1\ A kn, mum .1: H36 MnixxAukn' .-\\(’V, 23 34 pd ah“ NJ)†puma In rent wr wll on easy ur “Hung wider hcro x, 31.1 N» (Lt-ncsu- St. lune 3‘37» “8 II ml dn-n v \urielxc: 0! >\n Hui \\ tmhm‘c, x-sz .n. Knum .315 . rmun sen [‘rlu Ilmlly >1 'lc-l n80. Hngtnn 5!: ngal m‘ an ‘plumlnng, “um-mun H .1†u)! '15. Mum‘dcd. nus [Kirk 3.114 pd up“ H H ill] mu knhna lll B115†HI! Hu 11h 13) nfllu â€it by â€I. m H:. van Mm Mlluu Mu Mr. Hun Lht' Hum! ; the ï¬rm-I n erty \‘nlmw A» 1! h vmw, it is either Very dust} or n 15 muddy having been left H. a vet} MM mmhtibn by the Chicago and Milunxekw Electric Company a! the time they removed their tracks from and ~Ir'u't us before It was a good nog Beaumont and Imprompm HUH‘OI I! I Movmg PIC‘UF. Snow. "Win-w “U “ml ln~l mum] ï¬nal I frmun-nlwr of mmiug |v|-lun- ‘2‘ l'«'-‘. "[lwh- nus u acme h. mm H! HI" 11mm nlwum: u umn nud n ulrl. .wmw.‘ |u\~ â€x |\l‘\lll;.', Sh.- wus u [Ul'v'lh :irl â€x |\l‘\|“}.'. 5hr was u [Ul'rll‘ -,_':r: um! In- mm :1 one. umnh. 3mm); Yr! luu, .Ilul of ruum Herylnul} \\:n dwln') :ntvn-stml In me Mvtuu- 1th ul lln- l-rm'iw lenm lunl [hr l"t'l.~ Hp.- lm-t some mun In tlu- :IudM-m c- r) plum-d with u ulgunnc y-lmt'h‘. \erv at llw “huh- lwune blew up With spun tunmus hllurkmu luuzbter. ‘ "in this picture scene (here was a third ligure. that or a man “bu imd been the Ioverl meeting and wim Win-u he saw (ht-m kin turned nwny (rum them to smile. He was. to be sure. milinx over the lovers; but an he ioniz- td out on the bonus II “D muuwnt with that "on. on his ho. ho awn-ed like I ml my smiling In approviulre under-mom of will! 5“ Just Inp- perm! in the audit-ore. M the Film! of his nuiiiuu fun (in Mum-e "nun biew up. But. 01' aim. the pit-mm new on moving I" the time. nod in hni! a mini“. the lulu-m1- hm! on 1 more nub-d down to luok un uguiu It the pic-turn; In the usuai quiet"-.\'cw York Sun. mums over me iuveru; uux ll m- mu:- (.0 out on the bonus II “D muuwnt with that unit. on his ho. ho awn-ed - like I ml my smiling in approviulre an of what W Just Inp- pened In the audit-ore. M he Mum of his muiliuu fun: tin undo-me nun-mi biew up. But. 01' mar. the viflum new on max-lug I" the time. nod ln‘ hull :- minus. the lulu-ow- hm! on 1. more with-d down to luok un "cum I! the pic-turn; In the usual! qulel"-.\'cw York Sun. I". Clr'lod IL I“. lrixn -l admin your rat-vu- to much. Mr Dumb". l dmy mm 1 coma carry some of your brink-mt «olefin: It" with me. Mr. Dunnerâ€"i I'm!“ you will “7. “din. Yoc'nv varâ€"Influx on my W1 and. up? ulna! [Abdoo WK ' f “noun: lu‘. ' n mu b0 snubbed oocinuy. : each count: four impur- our apa- Four in Usflm Pbobiun is In Iddltion :0 fear (in other no. for worry). I! ammo-I be nnhveiy noun a socini pun! of View ow b nun to In victim Did it not «war 00 roll that fem mu cum I MM: and I Milfy. mu! m- an pot-ohm In (In mon- uunlou- “c 'ur poverty. In ten? dim-033. v: to" death. we fear that AM :7 tot wort in a donning, mum. 'm. ltnovmnypoophoddkuato the In. of ten. . man. To the psycho!“ hub tho but upon-in of 3!! am M poop" ind-m Ninetymiu and buy- roor one bnndn-dtb- pof can at ' u nmm u- : dmfl II I, I5 marinaâ€"Klimt Purl m h A“ I". Clr'lod IL m- lrixn -l admin your rat-vu- to much. Mr Daub". I “My WE ut Wnlcl About Hi‘hvood Paving P \1 Luzâ€): hgnmg hm! (Ht \ ‘ p...» p Hmhvnmd .\\c:‘ n- :2 \' ‘x' I..A~ I‘H,’"Ipll“«'l1 bk 4 Av} ,,» \.~HH‘ hxn Inn-n Htlv} ".v P: -x' I In, [AN’EII lulpwuo-H ENLIVEHEJ TL; PLAT. "11' .n «u fur th Wnukvgn: ' m A pmrmrnx “us puxw. u} (num'il again, hmmg In» uzrl ul-uul u mnnth ugn m uli 'whnn-ality u. the .wwm 1 [hr nrdnzuncr. Hu- ubjm'tu: 4.} nut of 1mm; proper!) m1 «mo, helng the (‘hirugo um w Elwxriv Railroad (‘nmpmq | H Hanson of Milwnukvr Rudolph of (‘hn‘umn Mr Sui ‘iq-I nf ('hicago and Mrv \V. l- f Hughwuod. prvtpvrty (mners hung or. am all m favor of punt.“ n it Will improve the py-np Lzh had an HHP‘N’IHY ..; Il'l'lnll~1_\' durmg H: [m run-or of Mr. Amh-rwu Hr l'l‘nvrsul ('cmenH'om v\perl on hand while n1 (44:14! nun-d had "Hikhwmfl ublic Service Company mumf ï¬rm! lun- ‘2‘ .-.~.~. “I HI" INHI‘ 3mm; lu\~ pl'rlh -,_'irl , 3mm); Yr! rleuh null d ll Trelted L .\H.('n lrn‘lq' m “n†l huugm) â€The nr~r (111} I [1!“th Ill SQUID Afrlrn l \Hlnrnm-d 2: small lm'hlvhl (hut will h-xl 1L- 0““ nix-r) Nrolhnx through Hu- mu u! hurl-nu In the ear I} umrum; I saw :1 great hulking linmr (‘nrrMnu u bumHv of wipers (0 Hm door 0! u m-wn ngrxmy, “km" 3 â€(Hr [my nut-nut [vb your! of nuv wal- “nullâ€; tu nn-hv Hu-m 'l‘ln- linthr \vr} n-npw Hm!) lvlnrai tho- buudbe on [hr uu-pa on â€w mum.- h-H and [00“ ml uun)‘ Hr Urns hunwdluu-ly rem.“ n1 nnd mm! mun-mm,» ‘\'ou chm-k5 da-HI' nhrmnd Hm cum ‘Uuw duri- \uu lvzue (In- mun-n awre' Ter :he luxurHe lulu the shop a! once und un Mr H! T-lu Kunmr ulh-mly and humbly ('mhl "Axum the lunar urn-3rd When at- lnnt un- vuml-M'h'd [hr um» 00" con lruuvuwunl) pollute-d to [be dour ‘Uel out' he MM men umHe tin-d " "The lx'afhr tm-Hm-d tau-rem], and booth-d out of the shop I. though In! lng Deane ul nunny The child did no! men unite The sheet on an face Vin â€There being no rota avail-bit the upon-men out in those mm hue I habit of Itirt'imz up a lion and pursuing Cd! W S‘IIII the poor hem-t with whoop- and yen- J until it drop: dead of exhln-tion and . . . Ictttnl tngbt The poor mm have‘ WM Rem-Ween No-I-bo- bevn no ("Torin-d that when they we 0! (M Fri-nice. Sou. 0.1014 a white mun they whimper from fright. TM- fear lbi'nl'nl the life of the lion: , _â€"â€"._. wâ€" Ind unlenl drastic atom are tniten to . put I atop to the cruelty there won't ' â€Wk-4 ’0‘ m m he any of the Inlmnln left in A971“ "° Mails clone :1 follow): 5'9" Y0“ Worm. ? 7:13 I. m for nil point- north; 8:48 a. ’m. in: all points except Ion! north;11.49 '0" N â€0".“ a. m for all poilbnorth; 12:35:: tn. tot Pbobiun is In Iddltion to fear (an I‘" paint: "a†local M 1) 213 In other name for worry). if ammo-e for n11 WWW mm and WHWM‘EOI be nnioveiy from a nods! punt of unfo‘vam Hith- view ow b (an! to in victim â€$330,, ‘27†all szpogn - I o .- u-.. â€"â€"--r"â€"v Did it ever un-ur to you that fem mu ..__..... _ runny and - Int-PI hut n- “5:16p mfor 1w) Nd of Northern lHinois causnme fHE KAFFIRS. PITY THE POOR LIONS. Mm son the pawn." ordered the THE . Mn 1.! :l»‘:‘ 1min†0‘ "I .w'l' lu ‘UH (hr) Will‘n llwn number: are u-vlwnnng Lhn“ bel- :. n; mum Unhau 0‘ T. Arthur Simpson .55" (1‘1de ' ; Don’t Waste Your Energy at the Expense of the Coal Fire henna: “GET A RUUD†NORTH SHORE CAS (0. ALL mm SHORE mums GI. Wnter Heater This little beam supplies them emcient servie. an! makes homo- keeping my I“ the details of the toilet and bath I pleasure. Installed A! little expense. Number 25) A COLU WRITESA of th. mm»! 1‘. (h promo!“ rats on the NI ed in the is“ Pram 1m Jul} ward:- was “pl '[Ilhunr Th“ vnrflMO com the Tnhum' nnghl we“ be of me Hughh lmmwruw ll tamed a very, p! estrvuuon Amenrun It! In â€W mm av,_\xh;' y â€I“ (‘flhty 1H? ,1 hupeh-x» desp '15 so pronoun in Lhr nature is fortunate I gr‘ea‘ Influel ing a more i natural bout uplands and < cow»! to VINE due. To us i? the ad“ Jensen n~ on m] "who h interest in ‘ (hill of l I 39 1h?†1‘ deh‘am {roll uys. 1‘ il may be lbhl counsel h i dilposll t urvuim of hndl mm“ crud“! such a I [Illev (r0. 1 \I|~h ‘0 1 1h: \I‘Hef Gab ud‘ ll Jone L01 in. Story J Am" 0‘ could m active an in I Everyo u to Sta ly 111 I11 “ion of in than Mr. Jam mmnl 1 would k wood p‘ planing 'r-vinu ‘ tho“ 1.. their Ill] He won! {orut I provemaw mind! W wouM HI parkway: mm