Sites and ages were donned in \'rll'tHU\ costumes. making the effect mast pleasing to witness. Among the p’irnders in; .i group of funny clowns led by \lzss Litiu: Kenneth; Indians, gipsics. mid benis teddy bears. bare balk riders gm l: (It butterflies. iugglcrs Zlnd mrobnts The program which followed dirttth filter the parade around the l :iinpus tun sisted of a medley of dances and ac ro- batic stunts held in the pavilion at 2 o'clock; the front seats being reserwd for the marchers. The Allendulc and Glenwood school bands furnished the music. These were led by MiSS Rowena Bastin and Miss Edith Lobdell. Follow- ing in the line of march were children from Ravlnia. Highland Park, Lake For- est. Lake Bluff. Waukegan. Libertyville, Rogers Park. Evanston. Wilmette. Kenil~ worth. Hubbard Woods. and Winnetka. The line formed at one o'clock at the pavilion. Mrs. Edwin Lobdell was gen- eral chairman of the carnival. She was assisted by a representative chairman from each of the North Shore suburbs. A pleasing program is planned for the children this afternoon at 2:15 in the pavilion in which Miss Edith Fenner Will sing and recite children‘s songs, and MiSS Evelyn lsom will do interpretive dancing. Aspecial feature in the theatre today will be a moving picture ï¬lm of thé children s carnival of last Thursday It will be exhibited in conjunction with the regular motion picture performance. Ravinia Park was an unusual scene 0: gayery and frolic on last Thursday zim-r- noon when several hundred ynungnrrs from the North Shore lowns {mm “Klu- kegan in Rogers Park inclusive. participnb ed in the annual children's C3rnl\llli I: was truly a beautiful affair and very successful in spite of the threatening weather. The bovs and girls ranging in Those who were present, (notwith-‘ standing the heat) at the Japanese Musical Tea for the beneï¬t of the Y. W. ‘ C.‘ A. at Highland Hall on Tuesday after- i noon. Aug. 17th. felt more than repaidï¬ A most delightful program of musical ‘ numbers was given by well known artists, i all of whom are members of Mrs. B. 5.; Schwalbe’s household at Highland Hall. It was through her kindness andcourtesy that this entertainment was given and enough cannot be said of the deep ap- preciation on the part of the Y. W. C. A. members for this extreme kindness. A sincere vote of thanks is extended to the artists. who. being very busy people. lent their services so generously to the cause. The program opened with piano selec- tions by Mr. Leo Sowerby followed by a contralto solo by Miss Latham: Miss Elsie Schendt rendered a mandolin solo: Miss Ivy. Scott sang several delightful soprano solos; Miss Lena Mason sang the Aira from “I! Trovatore:" trio for piano. violin and violiiicello by Messrs. LeoSowerbv. Hermann Felber. Jr.. and Hermann Felber, Sr.. was thoroughly en- joyed by the music lovers. Mr. Felber. Jr., played as violin solos. â€Meditation from Thais". by Massenct and “Der Zephyr," by Hubay. Delicious punch was served between the ï¬rst and second half of the program at ï¬ve cents a glass. A beautiful and artistic Japanese musical sketch entitled, “An Afternoon in Japan" was given by Mrs. Michitaro Ongawa with Miss Helen Victoria Ryan at the piano. Mrs. Ongawa, in Japanese attire, revealed much of the life of a girl in Japan with her enticing little Japanese songs. dances and legends. Some of the songs were sung in the native tongue of that country. The room was prettilv decorated With Japanese lanterns and Wisteria. Candy and handpainted pro- grams were sold by the camp tire girls in costume. The Misses Marjorie and Dorothy London will entertain at an informal bridge on next Friday afternoon, com- plimentary to Mrs. Hawkins and Miss Lawrence of Minneapolis. who are the guests at the Loudon home. Miss Mildred Thayer was hostess at an informal porch tea on last Thursday afternoon at her home on Sheridan Rd, in honor of her house guest Miss Mar- garet Smith of Des Moines. la. EVERYONE that appre- ciafee good collar work sends " u_s theii‘ cq ars because we starch -â€"- -A LI-‘Am on The Social Side of Life Deiafee good collar work sends us their'co ars because we starch them just right, give them an excellent hand work ï¬nish and create ample tie space that makes it easy to adjust the tie. We want your collar work. No Cleaner can do better work on WHITE FLANNEL TROUSERS than we. Local Affairs of the week High Clqu Luanda": Rfï¬aï¬k W94? Telephones 178 and 179 By the 7 PvK Olsen er :‘nnvtlish l,lllll(‘litll clitiit‘li iii lliglmood Rev C, li. Luntlgrcii assisted by the Ru» Ti 1: Johnston Willpt‘rforiiithccciciiioiiy 'l‘hc bride \Hll wear a gown ()1 “hitt- crrpc iiictcr trimmed in real law and H Vcil at tulle Caught \\’itli \allcy llll('> aiiiti Wlll carry a shower bouquet of \illlt‘) lilies, while- the maid of honor. Miss Jcii nic Johnson. sister oi the bride elect. mil wear a whitt- crepe gown triniiiiud in tille lacs. and the brulcmmd. Miss E5lllt‘r‘ lohnson will wear pink and carry plllk‘ kilarnt‘y roses as will the maid of honor. ‘ ()nly relatives and intimate friends of the young couple have, been hidden to tlit- banquet and rcception Ilt the Muriiinc ‘ hotclt After a months honeymoon in the west Mr. and Mrs. Landin will he at home after October first at 79:30 Escuitha Ave.. Chicago. Mrs. Samuel Levin was hoslcss weight [nines on Thursday afternoon m mmph- mm: to Mrs. H. Ewart whn leaves Sch 1~t far the Isle of Pines. and Mrs. Jnmrs Gauld who \Hil ‘u-avu sown zwr her homc in ()lcndulc, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Swan Jnhnwn amwuncc [he uppruuchmg mm‘rmgc of Ihvirdaugh tvr ‘\I\ («1.1 In Rum Juhn A. 5. L‘mdm, of CLxAgn which M .1} [ARC plncu Hus mum nrmn l'l‘thx‘ei.1_\'I at four o'clock m thu SAulh'I: Lutlnvmn (hunch 1n Highmxnf ‘llldhC Ult I’L‘lllklu nun. ‘....v.v An engagement of which is t-f interest successâ€"Auguat 29m. to many Highland Parkers is that an- nounced by Mr. and Mrs Frank Jared Mrs. Hess u! Chicago was the Week end Gage of Hubbard Woods of their daughl guest of her Miler. Mrs. J, C. \anft. ter Jessie to John Francis Danley of Chi- ‘ Mus Mildred Whiting was the guest 0t cage. The wedding will be an event 0t Mrs. (has I. Powers of Ravenswood. September. _ .: __r l.‘:.._l ll..-â€"i-.n nn Qmu-i-l ‘ On Tuesday afternoon a large bridge party was given at the Exmoor club at I which Mrs.‘0tto E. Osthoff entertained. EM: and Mrs, Osthoff are spending the isummer in Highland Park and are livmg l in the Elisha Morgan residence on North ' Linden Ave. The wedding of Miss Dorothy Lois Engelhard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Engelhard of Sycamore Place. to Michael A. Lane will take place Satur~ day afternoon at four o'clock at the home of the bride‘s parents. “The Lodge:" Dr. Herbert Francis Evans willoï¬iciate. Miss Margaret Engelhard, sister of the bride. will be the only attendant. Henry S. Bunting of Lake Bluff will be bestman. Mrs. Joseph Richards of Orchard St. entertained at an apron showeron Friday afternoon in compliment to Miss Alice Evans whose marriage to Harold Larson of Green Bay. Wis., will be an October event. The table was artistically decorat- ed in yellow. The out of town guests were Miss Catherine Murphy of Win- netka and Miss lrene Campbell of Chi- ago‘ Among those giving dinner parties on i last Saturday evening at the Exmoor" were: Mr. and Mrs J. H. Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs George A. Schoï¬eld, Mr. and Mrs. John ‘ Glass. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Peabody. Mr. 1 and Mrs. Richmond Dean, Mr. and Mrs : W. S. Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Schu- mann. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Butz, Mr. John Evans, and Mr. Paul Maekel. l i | i Mrs. Charles Clark, who is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Irwin Marshall, is being extensively entertain- ed before her trip to the Orient. On last Friday a luncheon and bridge party was given in her honor at which Mrs. Mar- shall was the hostess at her home, 636 Prospect Ave. Invitations have been received for the wedding of Miss Alice Blaine Damrosch. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Damrosch of New York. to Hall Pleasants. son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Pleasant: of Baltimore, on Saturday afternoon, Sep- tember ï¬fth a 4:30 o'clock. at Westport- on Lake Champlain. at the summer home of the bride's parents. On Tuesday afternoon a large bridge ndrVU um: given at the Fxmnnr t‘lul) at UkllKn 1.1. III. U1 an BUUII tllclanLcl an the lmflness of the Court will permlt. All pet-sot» desiring may tile objec- tions tn said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated at Htghwood, Illinois. on the lmh (lay of Angtxst A. ll. 1914. Joseph Severson J. Meyers W. M. Sheahen Board of Local Improvements of the Mt)†of llighwnod, Illinois. 2-1-25 t Miss Lyda Gourley will entertain the members of the executive board and chairman of committees of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church this evening at an informal social at her home. 115 East Elm Place. and Frank Dry Clea-n: “him. 0! us mum 1h 11w pcuplu m lk-crtield .Hv: umkmg \'(‘I\ Indusummly trying \my hard 1n Imukc the Dn-xï¬eld “uh-r (urnnal a successâ€"Augmt 29m. Miueo Joy and Winifnd Webb 0! Irving Pll'k have been visiting Mn. H. E Mm Miss Elizabeth Reichdt gave a flank supper on the north branch of the Chi« ago river Friday evening in honorol he! guests. Misses Margaret and Gertrude Schneider of Jeflerson Park- The Women's Missionary the Presbyterian church wi' mined by Mrs. Ormond Thursday afternoon. The Sunday school of the Presbyterian church Will have an ice cream 30031 and handkerchief sale on the lawn of the Junior Reicheh home the evening 0! Labor Day. sts Eleanor Meyer is \‘Isiung re|auves m ()shkosh. Wis, Mrs S. P Hutchxson was Called to Waukegnn Sunday on account of the dmth u! her father. Mr. Zochlcr, Earl 'I‘uwnc, 1.15 Hudson. Joe Hanra ha] and Jean ()‘Xc-IH from L‘hu‘ago. and Mr and Mr; (mile 0! Glcnvu-w were on- tertained at the L‘amlan home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lnrtz of Chicago, Mr, and Mrs. G. Buck and family from High- land Park were the guests of Mrsr Fred. Hme'rbcrger Sunday. cm! :Er.:: 2.7:} :1; :1 +293 35.: : 3,? 96:7,; 7:: 2:; 33:; .7, /,:.77 ,.:.,...::...,/ 5:: :22 717510 ; 'I‘hc- LunhcsAui Snaety of St. Paul's Luthrran daun'n was entertained m the homc u! Mrs. S N‘hwnb. Mr Emory Whrrrng, whu has spcndxng thv .[mst rwu rnnnrhs m Buffalu. N. Y.. re- mrru-d hnmc SarurdJy, Mr.“ Mrrrer Kzrrdr, “hm hus lwcn Hum); {[16th m L'rrlssY‘lnIm-sr returned ht) m- \nur‘dw MN Walter Ik-ulmm \\.1~ rim guest of mr rrranu-r; .\lr~ Murrlsun n: (Irlmgu gum! Mr W. A. \Hmmg has 1m! rcluxm-d frum u busxm» mp to Nun Yurk .md PhlIJllL‘lthL Notice of Final Henring on Special Assessment No. 54 Notice is hereby given to all persons interested. that the board of local im» movements of the city of llighwood, County of Lake and State of Illinois having let the contract for the min- struction of a concrete cement side- walk four feet in width in, upon and along portions of High Street, Sard Place and Pleasant Street. and a con- crete cement sidewalk ï¬ve feet in width in, upon and along the south side of Prairie Avenue from the west lines of Railway Avenue to the west city limits, except where concrete ce- ment sidewalk is now in in the City of llighwood, Lake County, lllinois, and the same having been completed and accepted by the said' Board of Local improvements on the 28th day of July A. 1),, i914. and the said Board of Lo- cal Improvements having ï¬led in the ('ounty Court of Lake County, Illi- nois on the 5th day of August A. D. 1914, a certificate showing that the said improvement conforms substan~ tially to the requirements of the origi- nal ordinance for the construction of the same, the cost thereof the amount estimated by them to be required to pay the accruing interest on the bonds or vouchers issued to anticipate the collection of the assessment {or said improvement. A hearing will be had on said certiï¬cate. as to the truth of the facts stated therein at the Court House in the city of Waukegan on the Hist day uf August A. 1)., 1914 at 10 o'clock u. m. or as soon thereafter as the wanes.- ut’ the Court will permit. All per-50m dosiring may ï¬le objec- tions In said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated at Highwood, Illinois. on the [JUN 1g» Inr NATL!“ Mr; Mr, Wm. 1m m>l of hl> 1m l'hr M .6513LL PHARMACIST PHONE 23 Me: [11 H1 HI Curt yn mcl 111 I 1H )(‘gvll mu .‘il\\' (men (I [H x_\ prepare- lh-leld t)‘ u! Chung (her. MN '1 \Ntmg Ichhw: m L111 d.|\> Muionary Society of hurch will be cuter- Ormond Rockenbach Sells Photo Supplies \\ |ll bc (he \H't‘k SL'hIt-rdt‘l d A y ht‘ld 'Ihclr (‘ «at 311%: I‘uzty {hr held m Aug, 21. is the 5' L131 pd! n) “5 .\;(h n ‘{ um! :VsH ‘H‘AIHH Imvnfn m- \\ .drl m uhu-rl) he Livmnln. l3! ["'I|I‘ y; imm- f‘n'v. T (Lu. of “d h: :‘(l‘ I M Be it ordained bgtha 35rd of Com- linoia: Section 1. Thu the followinll auma, or so much thereof aa may be author- ized by law. be grid the same are here- by .p printod for corporate pur- poaea or the ï¬nal year commencing June 1. 19“, and ending May in, 1915. Parka. Boulevards. Driveways and Parks. Bonkvnrda. Drivewaya and Boating Basinâ€"For vauiring. lay- ing out. umbliahlng, constructing and maintaining parka, b0ule\|rda. drive. ways and boating basins, â€(moo Salaries of ()lltera.-â€"For salaries of secret/a ', treasurer, attorney. on- gineer, cler a and other ompluyex, in- cluding a police force, 320000, Total Amount Approprialcd. 81000. Section 2.’ All unexpende-(l balances «if any item or items of any grm‘ral appropriations made by this niiliiianre may be expended in making up any (li‘llClt‘llt‘)’ in any item or iu-in- in the same general a propriiitiim mud {or the name general) purpom- mi in ii like upprupriation made by this unlinancc. Section I}. All ()rdlliulit‘t‘\ «yr parts of ordinances int-(iniei‘itvnt lion-“ill: lie illlli the same are hercli) rviwailwl. ‘ Set-tum 4. This (il‘llllilln‘t‘ ~hnl] lye iii fort-e from and after it~ jilansitfll‘, iipprm‘ul and [)Uhlll'fllltil., l’linï¬l‘d August 17, NH Apprmed August l7. It'll l". W. (‘uahiiikr President In’ â€iv â€(and (if (‘omniinmm-n uf t)“- Highlniid l'uirt flux! l’nrk [listriit AMEN: J. Hi-rlwil film il Secretary (if limtiil iif Linden Avenue. in the (‘it_\' of High- ‘nwl Park, (‘ounty of Lake and State ‘af Illinois, from a point nine 19) feet ‘north of nnd parallel with the center line of Maple Avenue, thence south- 'erly on said Linden Avenue to its inâ€" ftersection with the west line of For- rest Avenue (excepting certain xtreet fintersections and bridges] as will Imore fully appear from the certiï¬ed [copy of the judgment on ï¬le in the .collector's office. That the warrant L{or the collection of such assessment is in the hands of the undersigned, innd all persons interested are hereby notiï¬ed to call and pay the amount as- ‘sessed at the collector's oï¬ice in the lcity hall, Highland Park. Illinois, Swithin thirty days from the date here- ,vr ‘ y n: 1hr 13!?! .\~ x~'! » H mm- xiv-[wru- lu-m-t'nud I») Tim Zniltang 1n mmum'nl: ('nn‘hmizw'. «’ .| \:|~X mw Intern" mum “am mull) yum \gxh tire hydrnnb. >hu1vi'. \;.i\r\, um! nil Ulh~-r rxm'e.~\:nl’) ml" u h and M‘mhmcnh. hm! Mum: uni undvr Izm-nln Au-Ixuo. C(7Y\Y,(N'l")_‘ \\:'h [PH- \\..h-Hnu|n m Fun-s! Aummg Ihn-m‘o uhfrrl)‘ alum: the wuthvzr) >nio of [Hm-uh) Axvmw to [he Lulthvrly hm- u!‘ Ht-wh Sum-I 1H “1H Hllnlr (ml) up {mm 2mm 1h? ((-rtil'mi «um hf Uw y; 13mm)! on ï¬le In lht'1“ll«1“l\ 0f hw. 'Ihut the “arram {m the (“Net (Ln. nf surh .‘\P~he.\§nu'l'l 1~ H. (In- h: ML of the umlvrsxgncd,um1 all [M'I‘ I: ~. mlerestml are hrrvby lutlnvd (o In! und pay the amunm Mrwwu‘li nl 1h. collector's ofl'k‘e lh [hr 1'11) hull, Hmhlnnd I’urk “hum: “1!th an'l)‘ rim < {mm the date ht rel-f Harry N HUN». :3 (It) “Mlle-CINE Imtvd at Highland I'urk Illinois, [has L’Olh da) 01' Aumht I’ 11.14, Harry B. Plums. 25 (‘1ty Vullecbor. : United 3! Highland Park. Illinois, lthis 20th day of August, A 11 1914. Sl'l’l'lJEMl-INTAL SI’H l.\|. ASSESSMENT .\()'l‘lCE Supple-mental Swill \\ arranl .\n, 88 f’uhlic Notice is hen-Ly anon that the (‘nunty ('ourt of Lake County, ll- iumm. has rendered judgment for a second or supplemental sperm] assen- nmm to pay the amount 0’ Reï¬ne-my m tho ï¬rst assessment upon property beneï¬ted by the follnwmg improve- ment: Grading, “raiding f’xuing with macadam and otherwise Improving of Harry B. Exam. 25 (My (‘nllm‘tuh Dated at Highland Park. Illinois, this 20th day of Augun A. I), 15014. Sl'l'l‘LEMENTAL SPECIA l. ASSESSMENT NOTICE SupplgmcggllASpgdgl W_Irrlpt No. 90 Public Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Lake County, ll- linois, has rendered judgment for a second or supplemental special assess- ment to pay the amount of deï¬tiency in the ï¬rst Assessment upon property beneï¬ted by the following improve- ment: Grading. Draining, Paving with maradam and otherwise improving of Broadway and Oak Street In the City of Highland Park, County of Lake and State of Illinois, commenring from the intersection of Broadway with the west line of Sheridan Road. formerly known as Port Clinton A\enue, thence west along said Broadway to in point 12% feet west of the center line of ()ak Street produced south in its course across Raid Broadway. and Oak Street from its junction Wlth the north line of the paved roadway, herein pro- \lklt‘d {or on Broadway. thence north to the south line of Walker .~\\enue otherwise known as Shoridnn Road as will more fully appear from the corn- twd copy of the judgment on ï¬le In the collector's office. Thu! the war» mnt for the collection of such assess- ment is in the hawk u! the under- signed. and n1] pox-mm on-rnwh-d are hereby notxï¬ed to cull nwi gun) the nnmunt assessed at {by vollevlnr's of- ï¬ve in the city hall. Highland Park, H. lmois. within thirty day {mm the date hereof. ('umnnn’um Highland 1‘ “Elf“! I, umi all pA-I‘ by mum-d to ( 2n>~r~~rli n1 [hr 1'11) hull, “AHIIL Hm’l)‘ the Park (iq il LAKE GENEVA ICE. Public notrce is hereby given that the Subscriber Public Administrator 0! the Estate of Merrick A. Mihtlls. decanted, willattend the County Court of Lake County. at a term thereof to be huldc-n at the Court House in Waukegan‘ In aid County. at the ï¬rst Monday of October mxt, 1914 when and “ht'rt‘ all Demons having claims agnnst said estate are notiï¬ed and requested to present the name to said Court for adjudication. / Pubiic EDWARD W. MLDmm ( Administrator Wlukqan. Illinois, August 3rd. 1914. THE ERSKINE BANK Bowman Dairy Company-‘9 DAIRY INSPECTION ~Assurcs cleanliness. PERFECT PASTEURIZATION - Destroys III pathogcmc duchon of You cannot be sure you are getting Sate) Milk unless sup- plied 1mm one of Our wagons. 1! passes you! dour daxly. It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance germs. BOTTLING IN THE COUNTRY at the source of supply where the an :5 pure vâ€"removes the danger of contami- natton. These are the three wtal pomts connected \ch the pro- Toiephoneo Luke Fore-t 617 and 139 Bowman Dairy Company cm- W "COAL-'- smm % FRANK L. SILJESTROM W OffluAulYudoDâ€"Phcoudmw Tobi...“ ’ Shoes â€" Oxfords â€" Slippers 111 E. Centrd Ave. cmmkmoaao AND REPAIRED. AUTOMOBIIIS ALL MACHINE REGULAR on SPECIAL CUT ON SHORT N011CE. Nonh Chicago, Illinois One block north of C. N. W. Depot, near 8.]. Eviaduct Practical Gas Engine Machine Works The Modern Shoe Store TBLBI’HONBS: HIGHLAND PARK, 9. (ILBNCOE, 70 Adjudication Notice Our new summerline of Oxfords and Slippers are the best monev can buy. You’ll like them. We guarantee our repair work to be absolutely right and done by hand. Antique Furniture Repuired and Refinishcd right in your home . Just telephone 65 end the ice Men will call Vincent Quarta GOOD BANK 121 Vine Avenue FURNITURE STORE SAFE MILK WORKWGUARANTEED. OVW BOUGHT AND SOLD. LAKE F CREST, ILLINOIS F rank Recktenwald, Prop. FOR RENT EnkineBandelm Choice Office in the 413 Subject to H Chosen Party 107 d and 1! Ned (ion to: my mac admit salary a"! W I \1 NM ‘h Coun‘ Iâ€! “(a perqumle." I when county w admins-tn Your