T. Arthur Simpson Candid.“ for Republican Nomination At the Primâ€, Suit 9. 1914 Phone 1072 Ladies Dress Skirts, 811 k 1nd Blue Sn 9 Spec 111 8 $2 98 Daily’ 5 Ready-to- Wear Infants Wear County Superintendent of Schools Practially every phase of heme life. is dependent on n plentiful hot water supply. No convenience is more important to the prompt dispatch of the manifold household dutia and to the comfort nnd pleasure of the toilet and bath. is s marVel for supplying hot water quick, and at. a low cost for fuel. The heater is fully guaranteed. and will be installed in your home complete on small monthly pay- ments. Visit our showroom and see the heatgr operated. Chil Jen's Black 3 lJlebca mm -m. N m _, Boozies. P'lllo“ Covers Carriage Robes, Stork Pants. Yes: and Hose. 2 t0 6 up [0 Long and Short Coats, cashmere and crepe. White Dresses and Skirts. Kimonas. Knitted Sziques and 1 lot H 1 10: 5mm Waists dezxtlunmi by Fxr:l k North Shore Gas Co. You are Cordially Invited to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 East Central AvemIc Hours 9 to 12 a. m., I to 5 p. m. Evm‘y day except Sunday Second Door West of Theatre 072 HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. The RuUd Tank Water Heater Children’s Summer Dresses 1111's. Lawn and light pcrcalc. value H Iâ€). Special, . Dresses and White Percale Aprons . . ,.25c Highland Park n Christ SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Supplemental Special Warrant No. 74 Public Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Lake County, Il- linois. has rendered judgment for a second or supplemental special as- sessment to pay the amount of deï¬- ciency in the ï¬rst assessment upon property beneï¬ted liy the following improvement: For the Grading. Draining. Paving and otherwise im~ proving of St. John\ Avenue in the City of Highland Park. from the north line of Central Avenue to the north line of Vine Avenue as will more ful- ly appear from the certiï¬ed copy of the judgment on ï¬le in the collector’s ofl'ice. That the warrant for the col- lection of such assessment is in the hands of the undersigned. all persons interested are hereby notiï¬ed to call and pay the amount assessed at the collector's office in the city hall. High- land Park. Illinois. within thirty days from the date hereof. Harry B. Evans l :25 (‘ity Collector. ; Dated at Highland Park, Illinois! this 20th day of August A. D. 1914. l to see our Bread and Pastry as it comes from the men It not only looks good but is It is Appetising Very Healthy because it is made of the very best material and well baked. Let us be your Bread and Pastry cook this summer and you ml] ï¬nd it a sgving of money and labor. Geary’s Home Bakery 'cnnsl. of leghland Park 50c FUR ; Apply ‘5 Ave. '1 FOR MLEâ€"Lhulce 30-11. mm: m mu ncw subdivision alung Waukegan Ant, nonh of Mn: Ave. Price $300 and upwards; terms $50 orimore; cash balance. Eauy payments. 0. A. Lewis Cu. Room 218 Reaper Block. Clark and Washington Sm nr 2156 Milwaukee Aver, Chwuwn B H U Fun SxLE-Shomnger mama" and M. Schulz Co. pianos. also player pmnu in both makes. Will rent or sell nn easy payments. Send your tuning Hrde-r hrrc. Axldcns' Piano Shop, 313 Sn (hm-we Sn Waukegan. 11]. Phone 393 B8 If 5 hnes or lea, l insenion, 25¢. each at!- dinunal line 5c. - lllmd dds, where replies nu- mdcred wn: m this ofï¬ce. double rates :\(l\ amusements wxll noc be {CCL‘i :cd {or puhlualmn 1n the current l>~ll«‘ am-r 5 p.111 \\'Cdnesday. Licerued Employment Agency UkN'rEDâ€"All kinds of lemale help. -\nu~ncan and foreign. Wage: s? m 810 In “cc-k. Also ï¬rst class help furnished un short notice. Apply 12-1 50. First Srcct Ana, telqphone 263. Mrs. J. M..lk)nslng. FUR SALEâ€"At a bargain pm v. my new modern 8-r00m house on (irvvn Bay Rd, and Chicago Ave; extra mw (rum; Sulnr other houses. Address Jun-p11 lk-lhnye. Ty], .533. B 16 l! ~EMPLI)YMl-3€T Aczscyâ€" Women de- siring work, should register. wuh me. [1 YOU need help address Mrs. Geo. Smith Jr, nwer Schumachex's drug store, Tel. 3241 86 If FUR SALEâ€"A seal 5km )m km. cheap; sizv. small 34. Trl. â€(Bl-L 25 FOR SALEâ€"Large sulld Mk dmlnn table. square. Addres: .‘M Homewood Ave. Tul. 845w. 25 FOR RENTâ€"Modern 6-room bungalow, Tel. SOS-R. 25 pd FURNISHED Room FUR RENTâ€"Fink class people only‘ Apply '31? W. Central Ave. Tel. 1098. 25 pd FOR RENTâ€"First class room. handy to transportation. Address 24." E.‘ Central Ave. Tel. 483‘ 25 FUR RENT’SKeam hezurd apurlmcm, 6 rooms and bath; two extra mom: I! de- sired. 47 St. Johns Ava. phones 49 and 199. F. P. Hawkins. B3 tf FUR RENTâ€"Store at A18 E. Central Ave. Inquire Sobey's markel. 31‘) E. Cen- B4 I! tral Ave. quxre flat. Will Fore RENT- provements. MISCELLANEOUS. Tutoring mathemaxics. Telephone 7611. G. G Taylor of Deerï¬eld-Shields High chool, 228 E. Central Ave. B 11 t1 WANTEDâ€"TO rent an H-room house with bath; modern and all conveniences; good location. Address ll. (2‘ Benedict, Morrison hotel. Chicago 25 pd SITUATION \VANTEDâ€" By competent colored couple. Phone Evanston 2375 or address 1833 Bensun Ave. Evanston. Ill. 25 pd SITUATION WANTED _, By Competent chauffeur and mechanic; good references. Presently employed. Address Chas. Ein~ hous. 246 N. Green Bay Rd.. City. 25 pd WANTED~A maid for general house work. 3 in family; ï¬rmm cottage. Aq dress 219 50‘ St, Johns Ave. Tel. 3% 25 pd WANTEDâ€"Girl for general housework. two in familv; must speak English: no washing but ironing. Apply 321 Prospect Ave. Tel. 15. 25 WANNEDâ€"High school girl to act as mothers helper in small family. for board androom. Beginning September. Tel. 480. 25- 26 pd LOSTâ€" “luv and hruwn ï¬rmed vest, be- tween Montgonwry Rd and St. Johns Place. Findcr plc-asr rrturn to F‘ Sordyl, 116 E. Central Ave, Highland Park. LOSTâ€"Top CUVl‘r for automobile 'at Highland Park Regular baseball grounds Sundav. Aug. 9m FIlHlCl’ please return to Room 1. Enkmr Hunk Bldgl an.d Ye- ceive reward, 25 t LOSTâ€"Saturday, Aug 15. a small black purse containlng mom-y and key. Finder please return to 18 Dale Ave. or telephone 482. Reward. 25 Mails close as follows: 7:13 a. m. for all points north; 8:48 a. m. for all points except local north; 11:49 a. m. for all points north; 12:35 p. m. (or all points except local north; 2:13 p. m. for all points south, and Highwood; 3:01 p. m. for all poims north except High- wood; 5:42 p. m. for all points; 6:30 p. In for all points. Sunday: 5:16 p. mfor all points. FUR CLAW â€WC RATES ' newlv rem I Tel n RENT- ! John ‘ Tel. 711 'el. 716-L RENTâ€"h ;ALEâ€"ChUIC€ 50-“. lots 1n our new RENT Highland Pll’k Mn.“ Sonic. SITUATION WANTED BNTâ€"â€"A cozy, modern Srroom v decorated. also large lawn. reasonable to nght party In 3. Richards. 24-: N0. Green Bay 728~R. 25nd HELP WANTED -6-room Alfred FOR RENT FOR SALE “room house m Hmhwood. Sheahen, 451 W‘ Centrll 259d LOST ï¬at. uH Hill. Kl modern im- (}reen Bay 8.13 If BS tf William C. )IcKenzio CANDIDATE FOR IUIJICT TO THE chfllofl 0' TN! Iva-um m St Johns Avenue Clearing Sale Buporilco-donl 0! School- of nearly all made at We will place on sale a large. assortment of Electric Appliances comprising examples Owl--- .VII. VIII Below Manufacturers} Cost Some of the goods are slightly shopwom, but all are in good condition and ready to work. Discriminating buyers will find Bargains, such as are rare indeed $3.50 km: $1.00 Clearing Sale It lasts One Week August 24 to August 29 Public Service Company of black and white Everything Sold for Cash August 24th . A. BLOMDAHL / During the week beginning Monday SUPPERS Prices good for this sale only Public Notice is hereby given thnt the County (‘ourt of Lake Coon . Il- ‘gl'mois, hns rendered judgment or n lnemnd or supplemental apeclnl n- xessment to pay the amount of deï¬- Iclency in the ï¬rst assessment upon 'pruperty beneï¬ted by the following improvement: Thr- conntruction of a !cunt iron lateral mam water lupply :pipe. together with ï¬re hydnnte Ind thut»ulY valves. and rpecial cutin‘l, gto be constructed and laid ‘lon And |under Roger Will'ums Avenue the City of Hi‘hlend Park. County of Lake and Stete of Illinois, connecting with the water main on Sheridnn Road It 1 point 12 feet south of the inter- Iection of the center line of said Roger Williums Avenue thence weeterl per- ellel with the center line of sold 1' Williams Avenue to the easterly line 0! Railroed Avenue. as will more ful- l; nppeer from the certiï¬ed copy of e jud t on ï¬le in the collector's otYice. t the war-rent for the col- lection of such tenement in in the hands of the undersigned. And 3“ - eon: intemted are hereby nod to cell 3nd pay the amount nee-ad It the collector": ofllce in the' city lull, Highland Perk, Illinois. Within thirty days from the date hereof. Hurry B. Evan. 25 City Collector. Dated at Highhnd Park. much. thin 20th by of August, A. D. 101‘. Sl‘PlfLEMENTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Supplemental Special War-run No. 97 of Northern Illinois Prices be uppmved and sad estate declared healed and closed, ' Dated this 17th day 0! AW A, D. 2 19M. STATIOPILLINO'S \ hmmw LAKE COUNTY s“ 0‘ mm In Prob-u $04 To Geoige H. [Aim and John W. Lama. Hein 1! Law 0! Alexander Lung. db ceased.- You are hereby notiï¬ed that the under- signed will on Mood-y, the 21.: day of September A. D. 1914 at ten o'clock in the {on-noon, o! u coon theredter â€the mane; can be hand. pram! no the sad court hie ï¬nal account and repon :3 ed- mininntor of the hate -01 andel’ Lain. due-celled. and uh that the same Ebwnn M. LAM: Administrator of the Baum of Alexander king. â€and. E. 8. Gail. Attomcy 25 65"311 Telephone 247 WW Number 26 â€OISON IS Objocll to U“ Sehnh h"! 81 vvhn-h w mum and iv 1m- a grave vurri fl suffer!- H 15 mMish Hue I Mail IJIH‘.‘ B“ and South Al Unwed sum-I Europe.†' 'While we I an! Murine ‘ made of 0!. practically I sign trtde. Mme†‘0 I out any hnc~ Fume. {he G coast; of t)- Amaricl. 0| on, even ind 'm pent w I from them Q bill. in I privnu 4 It vu dr {on than pram! l adv-don of such I ownership The hill ‘1 the Navy 1 United 8“ playing not. his due“ impairment of the In" continental we» count. ted Sum of South I Uniud SI Europa." In the I of tho Nnv lubjct 4 then m for till CI uni-Ed which is 4 until: And could be While ciu sow fortunlh unlm it: in: the Ii ble to“ bill ma cussing rine w fl it! with drama-d q dly you“: bole nov ‘ er. and pou- n ()0 lbipu or in tint 0cm, mih, I yield W'hnch DB an in