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Highland Park Press (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 1

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uter, elec- .in wind< rims and war, elec- uger: the dc of 1": "ease cups 11 refinzu new cat- : way xm- is zinng I fourteen quiet 25 IA inches >ox. This ion at the i make 31'- mediately. 34 I hve a lodels and *75 (it-ta 'ned ‘ instrucâ€" D. I! is explana- ‘ndex 225-] Tolncan iculars l: is Number ‘) L... ..... ,.._____.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" CLARENCE w. DIVER um ._ ON NEW GOVERNMENT? THhI‘SEElTTlgccglfiNCIL C°"€I“I§§“I§€SI§¥°I”IԤ3{‘IE H' P' mums cum PERSO g comm CHAMPIONSHIP A $3 SHHEINDHEI’ mWNOUGH P50 E VICTORIOUS “MKS THE COMMISSION FORM IDEAL ‘ ANNUAL TAX LEVY ORDINANCE PASSED OPPOSES BILL AS IT wnukeuln Commissioner Explain! How Ordinance Being Prepared to Su Syfltm Hl' Worked 0‘“ in “ii : Chic-go Milwaukee Eledric lel Cuty‘ Believe: it ‘Nould Ben- on Both Side. of Roger eh! Highlnnd Park Willhml Avenue gomemn : \\lUl l‘ticl'mu‘u reaso:.~ 101' old Agnim'mm “and [hm th‘ ple in nghlund I’ ested iv; muwnpu are <rckzrig mf'ml'r be 01' "lJl‘n‘ {Ix-lief: The l‘ummlwi'm l‘ni'm 01 hover!)- ment is not nut in principlel It marks a n-tui'x: to the ideal conditions found in tnwm in the early history of the republic “hey; thc cltmins gov- erned Ihcmselxca in muss meeting where the :hmer: lender: were in‘ structul liy thc pupular \Me to do or not to du certain [hlllgx It is a re- turn [0 that period \Vhll‘h was the cxowmng glnry of naunxipal govern- ment In America, mei‘efore it is in harmony With our democratic insti- tmions and is not, as some insist, a (hparture from the fundamental idcas of democrncy and a blow at. rep- resentative government. “’hen we realism- hmv rapidly we as a nation are becoming urbanized when we reflen-t that during Lhe‘last rentury the populatim changed {run three per cent city dwellers to about forty pcr i-em we can easily see the immense Importance m! City Gown:- mént to our people. In fact there has been a general awakening M a realization that the old form of City Goyernment, based upon the gemrxl mncbl of our nationâ€" al governmem ls weak, inefficient and undemocram and that the necessary result of such a cumbersome form of Government 15 that It easily {1.115 a prey to unmrupulmls bosses and special inuresls. In nl’del' to mom» our (‘mes from the rule of such as these the (inmmlssirm Form of Gnuâ€" ernmem was (h‘Vis‘ed. The far! [tut then are more than two hundred and thirty: cities mat- ing under the (‘nmm'usxon Form «at Government whh the prospect of flat number being dnuhled within a year is evxdeme of the success of thtt sys- tem. It is interesting to know that lmong those cities adopting it are iarge cemrrs pf pnpulnmon, such as Galveston. Texas; Spokane, Washing- ton; Kansas City, Topeka. Knnsls; Springfield, ”Innis; hubuque, DB Moines. Iowa and many others that could be anlrd which wu-zld seem to contradict Lhe amtemem, sometime- made. that Lhe Novnmlssion Form of GOV'ernmen! L~ Hut practicable in large Hues. The first “'3' Lo :ulnpt the Com- missnm Form «if limw-rnment was Galveston, Tnas. It is unnecessary for mv m state fihc- cirrumstances which culminated in the Commission Form uf Government for Galveston, inasmurh as the stury of the great storm on Soptemixer ith. 1900 when the tnlzi’. mm- strut-k Galveston is known tn .iii. 1: is Ad’flClCllt m say that u! that time tbr ruy was prac- tically bankrupt. It had defaulted in the payment of intmmst upon its bonded indebtedness, srript saleable only at a big discount was being used to meet current bills and the public buildings. streets. and city property in general were in a ruinous and de- plorable condition. Although these conditions were known to the popula- tion in Galveston the appaling disas- ter brought it home to them with ter- rific force. (rushed in everything but superb minnge the (‘ity of Gal- veston huriwi m ”M fm‘m of Govern- ment with 12> til-will and almost before the storm \\'ll',k‘l" rwwlwl from their homes if: sun/m- :‘nrinwl this new and :1‘ jm’ ‘lw ">~-~' 'Hm Hf (Vity (20v- €rnnu~i \'!‘.i'l‘i;'.| luv AIIU‘NH. In 1“ ('3an pnn iIim‘r who men? H‘Stc 39‘ mg \Vd‘unr v1- \xpez'xm‘lty ['Hldtl Suit-m m prmcipie‘ It the ideal condxtions the early hxstory of gnu-Um! Lu \mte 'mu‘n- in (he Conl- the wank-M 1n 11'») 'n (no; my el'nlnty over the stem, 1 undexu .x V. unlwr of peo- |"r\ u hm are inter- nrl'nn's and who .xtlun whu'h may to H «bland Park. Alderman Buckley mm‘ell, «wondâ€" Shr-nhcn, {hut the rumllng 0f the nnnutm [m pn>lpulléll until after Yhe opt-mu: «I 'lw Hills fur Boiler". Carried. Bids received new boilers for tho: l‘mnprg Sumun ed by Alderman for I'ux'mrhlng 1“ n were as follows; The Babcock 5i “'lluu I'um puny . K roeschell SLUTJJM Brothun (1.1“. Farm of Govern xhuse The Hig’blmm Park P355 p4)! s been drift- ) nr‘ the peo- .‘n upon Innniripulit)‘ Um'vmment :hc Com- t m the guns my over the I undexu to the en- cities in- mun puny Lindy” Alderman But-Hey ed by Alderman Nichnl~ 'lmt the lnds he referred to W'. N. .\l« .\' lHH, vngin- eor in charge, with ruinv‘t that hc ro- puxt to the Fire and Watt-i- t‘uninnttm- regarding same and that the Firm and Water (‘nmmittve repurt to the City tilt-\x'1i_ xt‘L‘Ulllir (‘onnctl at its next nit-vtinz. ('arr’wd. Alderman Stevens moved. $00171“le by Alderman Sheahen, that the peti» ltion presented by the Edw. Hines iLumber Company requesting per- mssiol to lay a swiuh tiatk across iWalnut street be refetred to the iStreet and Alley Committee 1m re- yport w the City (‘owit-il at its next ‘regnlar meding. Curried. Alderman Putnam moved, wcond- ed by Aldrrman Stevens. that Mur- shnll Field 5: Company be m-mpelled to pay vehicle tax on twn marhines. Carried. . ‘ Aldennan Sheahefi move-i second- ed by Alderman Buckley. that the *‘fitginelta repon relative to Vine ‘ Ave. drainage be referred in the Pi- nance Committ-r. l Carried. -\ldn~man Buckley moml. second» de by Alderman Fearing, that the il( ity Clerk be instrm-ted u. iiUlif) the l‘Public Service Compan} to put the lstreal light. heated on Linden Park 5 Place back to its original pnsilit)“ Carried. Th- Stroex :and Alley reported as fallmvs: Tu 'flie Homable Manor «Ind Altlt’l‘< men of the (‘ity of Highland Park. Illinois. Gentlemen: t'unimitlee (‘llllllllerHi‘ .i... tum of nirrrhnv-t \.-~\.-'.~ x': lht' trad.- l~vl\\t'b‘il tht- \t'..i"tn. 12:1,2' ur' l‘ucitlt- pulls 'lf tliv l"llé‘tl \‘tnttw and 'llt' ports uf Ventral u- d Smith Aim-nut, uml z-lsenheru l‘Iurnin-I tn inuct the lL‘<[\il“Q‘.'iit'i.ls ml the {-II' eign t-ommert'e M the l nitud Stutw The l‘lll proudtw tint the (ilflt‘l'ltlllflll “shall subscribe tiftymne pmw dentum of the dork «It lhls corp-tru- tion zit par and the :mlancc shall lu- offered to the pul‘litg" llill‘~lllilill‘i}' {0 r The bill nuthuriles the Govt-ru- ment through :i "\hlpping hoard" consisting of ”’10 Stt'n-tary uf the Treasury, the l’mtnmster General and the Set-retm'} of ('ummerce. “to purchase vessels, :uitnhlo for the purposes of suvh mrpunitmn. with a View to t‘ruisf't-rrmg them to rul‘h corporation." in puynvnt fur which vessels, “such rorporutmi <hull ilmlll' to the United Stutxw (the corpu- mhon‘s) gold llf-lltl.~ inning mun-st pvt t‘vntum tx-r lls at not less than .‘um annum." My present inclination is to Vote miiiist the tnssage a" this l-ill un less Mane chlngw an- mud! in it. You will not: that the propond cur- y‘rrlfl'fln iii tilt utitbm'ized ta “build" additional shit» for Hut' (ore'cn trade but u "purchmw" them. In the main, ships. nvailn‘tnlv fl.) pun-halt at this Illllt‘. iuitablv znr tho {swimsuit in qurfi ‘wlt-nyinn In thr- mm at war and the pnr» xll these que<tmn arr- "w Iv (mmfiries If: l'Iur-qv which are tin“ u\elt'~’\ of trmlr. Nu‘nrly for pufllfi“ shim are Gmnmu \¢‘~.\'t‘l§, )‘n my ln<t lt-ttx-r l ilk-d attuntmn tn the (‘IIHVQ'HUIII at. lamb-1 (11.09), um: th-vernmnt parti. in which umr . . l ,l’-â€" . .x .u City at a can of $135.00 abut that the Toilfl Houm and plumbmz at the Lake Front Pirk had bt-ev: rumpleted as directed a: u cos! of snmm As the $300.00 appropriated by .Lhe Faun. til fur this work was not iut’fn‘lenl, your 'aommittee have tmnsfrrred the balance of 31“.!)0 I‘Pmaimnz in the mourn apprvpriated for we pur- chase bf ll horse, to make up the (le- firit fur Toilet huusm and pLumhing. With refenm'e to requen fur street lights on lberfield and St. John's Ave'nue we find upon mun-dunno“, than the Sheet Lightnu Fund is oveidrawn nd recommend that the request be (hmied at this time. (hrried. A‘Hermun 'Dbee reportui that a 'horn- (had burn purrhased t'nr the Alderman Fearing moved. seconded by Alderman Stevens, the susyension of the rubs for th purpose of ji‘tlng upon the report. ‘ Carried. Alderman Fw'mg moved, seme ed by Alderman Suvens, that the re- port of the (hirman of the Stu-ct and Alley Committee be accepted. Carried. Alderman ()hee moved. swnnded by Alderman Stevens, that the City At- torney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance for the construction of a Cement Sidewalk on the easterly side of Dean Avenue to complete the walk Bv Bessie Stu-rt C l‘hc Lectun- 0n Ellnlunw T“ rmfivth Cvnmz'y lw l‘.-»~ Campbell as mld m Hm" m‘x’ mg‘n prmcd rkvrpllunailx ,_ l the audwm‘e vmsn't .15 MYLW‘ .‘ hue 51M) 1:) hear .1 m; in L‘mnpbrll's reputation. n ~ ' The pmgrdm included ;,-' nu by :‘llSS Jefilt’ Green and .\I: l.l Miss Campbell rented. "'l'lu- l. Summer" most pleasinglv m. on the piano by Miss Anna sides other beautiful poems Mn: recited s [ETURE AT HlGHLAND HALL Jews Green and .\I: Lw-Sl-“rrby unpbcll rented. "'Hu- [..1>!R()>cnt r" most pleasingly nuwnpnnted piano by Miss :‘uum H‘at‘r. 15c- her beautiful poems M x» L‘aynpfwll some of her orignul nncs (Continued on page Fair Sized Audience ampbe” Enjoyed BY «Whiniâ€" {hut the [m pn>1punéli “1"hvlhlisfm' \m‘ed, hon, \H'lehlll): nu. :IprLg Sfutlun In this 3911. lenti-m m :n WHh HUT {HIT Ire-whim m Hm «h-Ntzmd H w ably by the chum L1H r-x‘mm‘nl xhuH Muruw prupusum l l Slop He Claiml (hut lhc Present Plan V In Be Courting Difficuluu with the World Powers Now At er In Europe m 31m Ufl) 1|. Au [mm of merrhuv-Y \l'~\l':\ x': thn (I: imhu'vn {hr \1'..w!n. 12:132' ur' I‘uc pm‘tx Hf thv IV‘IIe-d 9:;ntvx and ports uf Vermul u' d South Arm-n um] z-lse\\heru Ipllwtl'tHH‘iX Euro] In nu-ct [he xcquw'vvm-Ms uf the f 21g!) vommert'e M the l mud Slut. Thc‘ I‘lll proudtw Hunt the (Emu-run consisting of the Stl'H-(ary uf \he Treasury, the I’mmmster General) and the Set-rem”) of ('ummeru‘. “to purchase vessels, :mmMo for 0w purposes of suvh mrpummm. with a View to h'uxsft-rrmg {hem to rul‘h corporation.“ m {nunwut fur “‘hM‘h vessels “such «'orpm‘uhm‘ <hull ilmlll' to the 17mm! Sluhw us (the corpu- mhon‘s) gold mud, mum”: mun-st at not less than (um pm wntum prl‘ annum." HIGHLAND PARK. fix my but let! to. 1hr (‘lum'e-nluu m which um um vrpated, 'Whlt‘h (i uf an unemy \n e’fievtrd aftvv flu fix my 1fl<1 leth-r I talk-d attunlmn nu 1hr (‘tum'e-nluu 4.3‘ Lamb-1 (11.09), m which um um: th-vernntnt purli. ”fated, 'Whlt‘h (ix'hlh‘d the transfer uf an enemy \Hu-I (u a mutrul flag e’fievtrd aftl-v flu aflhrcak uf hmtnlI» hes, to he \nM n"!!‘\\ \' ‘3 prnw-d that my!) Hamil-y was mn made in order m ovudr Hn- «'n'zsequenres‘ In which an vm-nr} u-sm-l, a) surh. is e (pusvd. {if r'ourse {hr ”mm-mu new «wrung Lhrfl- idle shim “mm «H them, If at a“, hrrause a! 1hr :hmgrn to WhH‘h lhr)‘ Would he l‘\[m‘m1 {rum u-m-my w-ssfls if (hr) I-r‘gngI-d m x'umnwrve under their PFPBQ“?! "(-umtr)‘. Thc' lu-lr “germ“ nutmn} “111 trunh‘frrs in mud fers are mm}: In (‘ormtlon um! Ihv to mil the wu< umh- will be $917.04. In; u... Europe and rimmed u and thai autum would tified under thc Kenn» tion 0! Londnn. The argument may lu- mun than our foreign cummerrr needs mare ships. Granted. but What is to he gained when under the ememncy conditions now prevailing. which fur- nish the feusnn fur proposing this law, the ships :n‘mlnhh» WI” be subâ€" ject to capturn- by the I’mwrs at war. even after comm): umh-r our flag and under American rvghtryT We wnll be greater knew ruthvr than gmnrrs under such a plan. :! warns to me is not But more lmptlr‘tzmt flidrratiun IS the ml the terms n!‘ thu in}! is not In xnnwhnw‘ ' E‘x-‘V’mmrnl “M" \ ' ’ “‘P’ “H' Lu'llmd uur ‘Lw"':"' - ' “wy ~IH \‘0'.~'l(lc‘r \‘flitl, ,. t' 7H 'r' " m. 1;.» .yj th prop0ie1i ‘Ivflw! t’l-V '~ 1‘ by 'h Gmurnnlcnt ..f 1hr l Wit-vi Mun-s. u <uch. And thvn-i' 'n-s Zh‘ .iungm H Khis bill. If \\r }>v"~l~! m guilt) ahead with such a plan, we are cnuz-t (Continurd un page H 'nwzw'u: in I 'Innsfl'er then ”thw- wank. 11ml xhuH ~ut»~. wt" k Of a l‘lrl}w’.l'lw" l!‘ ufifllhimwi’ '?~~ ‘umlum “Juli", 3w zpment, t‘mu'vhu' of mrn‘hu“! xv“. Ai'b‘ll {hr \1'..w!n. u Minn gn-rm “H I'm Old H n} \\111 regnfl these vmd I? IN {runs- zulr In lhh‘ proposed an! Ihv \l'ssl’ls attempt m“ uInh-I uur flag they I In; Um wur van-ls of lmmrd 1|~ prizes of war, m would wrm [01m jus- ht' Kenn» nf the Drtlm‘a- \‘l ”"" ”mi "Pu“ ()n Lulu” I‘h) lhv (Huh “""‘ "7 m" “““" met. defeat, the h-dwul Lifw 1} 2' n!‘ I‘MW' cugu lurmnx 1hr (r1: k by the | Stat.“ 3"”, "W 3 m 1‘ hood pm’lxx and m ! S‘m‘h Arm-Hm. mg were HKMIH n-.~pm..~xMr 53' Eurnpvl \01 back. ~L1'112H u .1 “‘p'h wmed (ht NOW STANDS WIN TWO RA'ITLING GOOD GAMES hnxmg In |' \Vhll'h thu- vnrpnrnh \:'~l‘ \hirh‘ i' ILLINOIS, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 191: than {hut lu- math than pul‘zl t ion ch'ul tmn of pu h: i “hit-h H'mw h-rest“ .u h In” “'ould Creicenh Receive Two Trimmmgn. .‘ h c“... for Luler summed to. Nu! Sunday. Two Local Tenmn May Play Sericn of Game; PF mi N). M. The (‘u‘scev‘l mnuz‘au the h: I'M) team u! ‘ by the rnum w Nit-nH-)m' um} ‘ mg Weh- the ‘w‘fllfl' defeat hurled {(Il‘ 1hr muchrd up {w ‘ H'M‘t'lfls' 12? lulllblt‘a. The (‘rqu-Mn will he nllu m-u Xm- day. no gann- being uhmtulnl he can“ many u! the player- nnd {um Wlnrtn wr (hr twu Wnukegnn Mums In one of their Cll)‘ serum gum”, wbh‘h starts next Sunday The Regulars hue been nppnmched for I peries 0f Elmo; to begm 3 “wk from Sundn), There ni no dnuh but [hit utilflrtur‘ nrr‘angenmnts mm be made Ind thin the mm» “11] wk. place soon, :5 Regulars are jun u~ anxious to meet the ('rncenh I» (he ('remnu an to meet the Reguhar» B) n Bruin Fun. The liwhhnd Park ngulnn hVOYCd :- doc'nm‘ nrtory c~er the strong Glen Vuw tum Sunday by the Mme 0! I! to 3. nm. 1: [he find time thni I Highland Park “mm but ever de- ." "£3! a (2‘01: Vin mam Ind the no- wry will sun-l)" go down in history new-f l0 ruru . lea vhnwk ul ix. fut (In 111-! -x your: 3 "flex hm boon arr-urea helwrrn [hear nu: lean! HM this is the ins! \lm for "til-Jud I‘m-L hurrah 1hr “)ml" A 0H. Uur nruzhbum {rum mu cominb‘ hm! h on U! («k I long “Mr I“ :1 Hm? I.\ Lhnugh the) urn- gm in; a slip u ou-r nut-m )udgmg (mm the “my Sundx)’: game lookrd for u M I'hllc but 1hr Rnyulun {v.uliy got math“ mu! (hr uny the) pum III-Jed Llnl hull nmlnd Wu pkmsant hllhl fur ”I: long] 'nn» Jusl “'4'!“ ll \I'Y'\ Uh" Vll‘l’ “pom-d 1hr gum: ullh n 24H] r'flhl ) the .03"! when “nnlm. doubb, lemrlvrrg bum-d. “W h)! a "under to 1'hr112num. whn p!n)u1 it to third and naught (Hahn, “HUI Mfr on (in! pump: for Highland l'urk threw low 10 um nnd the hull rolled (hr Wold gum; A“ Lhr way to Lhml “"1 stand when (.11 rm, 1.“; (v‘nrnfludt Into rrnvni, (:hv ls!l‘1‘.50n Shannon's nu) gruundrr Shaxmun was nughl nuppmg MY 12m. ‘;.‘rxw allude to ”WV?! Iv. Pun: In ”I."- Now boo- “ill of Jim-m R‘ Hobbs. Th- um of the In: Jun“ R. ”UH“. who vmh hu- wafe Vere inim- nmnul in foundmg the Hothodilt Humane): ()rphuhnx‘c I\ Lake all)“, ‘In and. pub!" m Chit-'0 but wpk and u expand, n nude I what-n- lm hrqunl lo Hw- yplmage. the amount hung UNIX) H1 momy Ir” In (run and Ive-uh 1hr nu umnns In hr usrd lo! M l'\\1',vyull 0! [hr numunnn l'rol. J. J. "my erlxnl l “willing lo 3W1 {or 1hr methodu .‘uimwod m “Rimming \hr don-buns In -\-- “ham the an lkvunl) Law and "Ilh'r 14-4-30! \Imll Huh-1M2 PM“. J. .I Hnlu)‘ of [AM lures! l‘unerluly, ('ul‘ u! the fort-marl wiuruon In [hm {mm-11y, an» H-Mgnuhuln frgm (-xnlu-nce ll Wnuke Thr .uxmunl pan of tin- Hum“). 1m Mnhh" that orxumuumn puttmll)‘ dm- h .urt'} h” “huh? '1‘ 0170115. gnu Sun killed nl \Vhlk- )m may rou' Yum “nun: 13.4w“! 1m: M \lund sure: ‘1 UN \ Hu muruud. h\w..-luu. Adam Mlle-flu n! Alum. Mllew I \ nnnlnn {In M North Grum- .11”th (If «4" Hit {ow-)uu md uu. M, 2.:33 \Mlvlw ~174w'., “14> xun (n'm .v .1 nutmxxl) Like-‘1 Ix) n lrum belong. “g to ”w I ‘1‘! gay 5|vath (0.“ pan): The Reguhnx duplnmrd “hen R. lad 0" with .1 unglr Hm 1hr hlt an run P8111: must-d and Row! wus x in second. Penn inn-Ii 1hr Mr“ I. pik‘hcd for n ("Iv-m: slnyln- Hu- I)“ followed wnh u Irrrmr mun}: right Which chukd WOM .n'-i I'M scored, Ike pulhng up m thxwl 'I nex‘ two men it"? Xukvn wmr r~,’ the infield, Nuthmg dmng from 1hr fin! 1n ning to the sixth when Wold s‘mrd m deep left. Dufiy genmg the pmwuul, Shannon doubled to right. Prrry anc- rifit‘t-d, Goldhm‘h smglwi. Shannon scored, Goldw stole second and acm- ed on (‘lnrk's .~ingle‘ Barrhuum struck out. Smrr (Hen \'n-u Rvy ulnrs l ‘ It lnukc‘d had {or the Farah, as up in thn tnm- Rugun Wm (mug fine. hafding the Reguinn in {mm hits. three of win. h umr «hnfkmi up in the first mung Anyway u! (h:- ha” bf the -1\'.h Highland Park IUI smile brawn» um the «WV? stood ' Krmxlurs. T).;- z~ Wm! MY: H422» 11v. ‘mt w» m IML’)‘, Rom" Kw to Fv-ft. l'ufi'} L u'n n won-hvr lhm_.gu hum-1mm NI»! R Kilh)‘ 'A'L’. .ru! H wym tn secnnvi H“ ”11- pinx plane. Tearm-y held thud. musswi ('ul'fi gruumla-r and '1 and H. Kilhy 5(0le firm-me OU'. Ht Hr- L'l HUI} [V U) It w» Rom" l'ufi'} mt! mm Th I‘m Conn nucd un pagt ( rrxrrnl f in lubllc uhxl‘ “HIV Hu- HUN) ‘L’ 'll‘ll “hr-r: 23mm (hr I‘m (Vi FOSS GETS NOMINATION FOR CONGRESS 10th DISTRICT Small Vote C 1 Thr velumn from .H Precmdl out 09 lb. . For Counly Judch Par-or“ 3131: C For Supermlrnden! of St hooh 56.1 For Counly ( Icrh Hendec 30].; W F01 County Tic-lure! McDonough Up to the Inn. 0‘ gum. ‘0 pr“. we Democrun vole. uhhou‘h n u concodod nominated and lhnl Vlrkerl and Shank“. NEARBY NEWS NOTES OF LOCAL INTEREST LAKE BLUFF ORPHANAGE GETS $20,000 h: Fouv House Hm ‘\ ' mlrodured 'u-Turr ‘hr Hunt u? Hrpu'H-nhh“?! June 1?). MIL '} lm ur‘essmun ‘ 'un. M. Thor: mu ..! 1hr VII-nth dit 'xhnt‘ hulhmzvny 1hr vmmhmtmn (if n lull hndyr .ur'n~~ l'lrukm' nnd Nip- Lnumk lain-u Hell thmr pom! of m‘ wry-(tum, um [nun-d h) Hu- House Turndu) u.’ lust um-k and now {wax u) the Srwntr Al Xhe Um! the [nil was lHlehIM-d by Mr. Thomson 1! uus rrfvnwi to (he rummntu on [Lu-nun. and hwrlgn cummrrce. 'l'hr commllu-r mlnnnted a favorable report and (hr punwgr of the 1nl| 11..»‘5 place ;: . from”. min-f .=z.:! Armin! pu- flagr, mm», £:.x“)!,‘.l material, m . This In th- Inn! \mu- that local HAH'hII'ILfi huu- but! an uppurwmty Yu 1 Id on (ht-m- mpplm: and n goes w ~hnu that the inn-«u! luddc'rr are mmrtimea at home. Hugh School Suppl-e- [0 b. Punk-nod hr {ow-)uu . .t. 1033 \5Alv1r w .1 Hutmxll) L “g to ”w I‘ nu Y-I Old Boy Killod in Eva-uto- LAJI Wool. H000. It'll No. [7,267 WOO P-ouod by the Hon-c. Now (.0.- lo Son-la. LOCAL MERCHANTS GET (ONTRACT m-~'!\ l'u‘ I) ~\ R .‘m’c lhru anmy ndly. \\ (‘dflt'xd >tx'r 2‘) W until ulhu “(I ("HM hm: I” \‘rh \ru lull ”ridge- I Mug rou' Yum 13.4w»! Hunky. -: .un Uu "Y d. "JMHPKUM. A1 mu md um n! ,I with” ~174‘r1. \\ U) lute-‘1'») n1 Ming” ." m Highhnd P:I|l a Cast Throughout the County, Especially the Democratic and Progressive Parties. Return. are Yet Incomplete R. Rummage Sula R at Hughlnnd l'ark anr mmml Runwvmur 5:11er ru'xdm .md li‘mxrfn 'N‘n- it \mg \hr don-um: u- h: lkvunl) Law and MI Huh-1M2 PIX“. J. y lures! l‘unerluly, ml wiuruon In [hm uh}. {mm-11y, an» I" H-Mgnnhull from uhnw oxnnttncekn lb (170115. Wnuke b. inhrx I~ Prenmu out of lb. 37 m Lake ( oumy (we the iolIom: ich Par-or“ 3131; Orv“ 1208. den! of S‘hooh W 2732. M‘ Kenlic 1233. rrh Hendec 30l6; Woulcrficld 1318. Inlurcv McDonough I771, Roun' 1‘59. Hepburn '0”. ol gum. Io pro“ we .7. umblc lo [0! lhc Profrouivo n“ nou‘h H u concodod (In! Munro. Pro.. (.nhnm, Do... Ivor. v’nrkefl and Shank“. Roy. a" \unnm for Roproulhfivt .uxmunl u! momy «Iv 1hr nu ”man In -H 0! [hr nummmn 1h! ~xn r*¢-~:~fu| Mdâ€" Yu-m hr‘d Fhwldr Pu rd m {In North n. M H111":- L" musum of Adam Mnlm'k), Alum. Mllfl“ \\fl> lun "\"I lrum belong- dump 1n mH) run wandered 3‘) those puhtu'ul umpul‘n 1) h‘xv per 'Lr Emu-r mppher hu" .‘1‘ In! ! mu “H Block “ m (I 1.. Murder Jrs. bum. ('11) of Lulu- Forest. Yrt-devu‘k P. Buynlun and Wife ho J. A J Whmple W 1'. $10.00. Pt. II R3140“ 5 and 1'. Lots t», 7 and h. Block “m_‘79, (fly 0! Highland Park. \odiat! Tho. I’. Rafi" w Jtmcs Ryan W. Blufl,”)- 31.09 1.015 I, 2, 3 und 4, Block 6. 'pk'lflu H. 1!, 13. H Ind 1.3, Block 2, ”u“. and Lou 38 w 42. Blow .3. .u in mount “cortichl l‘urk, Laud memvomem nomy Ann Sub” VIII-gr of Deerfield. "'5'” MHYRIIH" Miller and husband to mmn l-‘Au-nni A Mochllnll “'- h 31.“). w term ('ndm Km um! I):- “dr_\" \ulrr \\ lhnh ‘ ‘ p0) ! s H! Propony Exchange. Recorded m Put two Woot- Mir} ”I“ Teru'llhgcl (n Mirth. I-LouHe [be-unison Q (I 81.00. 1 acre in l,o\ )2. (‘xty of Luke Fore“. Thumar Paul and vnfr to Funny L. Quuyle W I) 31000. Lot 15, mark 2, m (I 1.. Murder Jrs. Subn. Marylin-Q Miller and husband to Edward A Mochhnx W. I! 31.00. W. ‘1 S E 114, SET 1’1. and N w.1.A N. H.14IIH1K!!S“'14V,El-‘ Set. 2h, a” m “Perth-Id 'I'up. Hrnry Evan and “If? to \rt'hihald McPherson and “‘Ifl‘ “' 11 $1000. PL but I], Blork In, (“my n.’ Highl-nd PI rk Sumnel R. Arem a W'ilklnmm “' I). 5 Block 2, Rldgnup Highhami l'urk. (.hhk F hshlmrm and vutr 10 “'m. J Mmhmmid W I! SHIN“ 150 scroll 1L 3' W 1 4 SH _"-. lH-rrhold Twp. An Imporum trunnurlnm uf rm] vslulr \uu negolmtod hm wrek when the pale by Chas l-. hrhhm‘k to W'il- hum J, MacDonald of u lrurl of 1.50 urn-h of rolhng land In the- mud» weuu-rn section of (Pm uty VII mudr. Thir lund adymn the Cult“ N. Kunlml! vsum- twat Hreen Bay Road and Ir said 14: be “glued at $1,000 an an! or H mm of $160.”. Thr trawl rompnM-r purl of what u kmmn m Lhr old Huhmk farm. It probably WI” be used an sllefi for huge rounlr)‘ reside-non. but there are sud U) h;- two group: n! men con- ducting negotiation: {or 11,- purchase {m use Il! ya” Iinkk If rim" on. of lhrw lrmmm‘tmnn mnu-Haliu it in and 1! \MH m\0l\e mmt- Yhnn 3200,â€" um- h‘ par! payment ‘hw purrhnwr [nmvyI-d par! of hp wxluinwion In fuv'Hh' (L'a't, Hymn \IoYl.]:1}-::' of hr! uncir, me. A:.«ionm._ “huge auto- ")on he ~10i1l from Kin.» at Park earl) u‘ an flux-1.0m}. Hr nun- given a hmnng before Justice anh ind bound over £0 the grand jury 01. 81000 handy, L‘pon {tiling to wt lwndmen he Win when ‘0 the coumy jail at Wluktgun. Thm- If Quuflr and ulfr lo Th0: I'I-Mrv “V 1' 10.00 Lu! J. Hrwn Ba) Addu, K H) u.’ Lunr lore“ gun-t (L, I, HIH‘Ht um DON/Lb ms w mm LAM) Adyoimn. H. C. N Knmboll Lune on Ahoy Bic-hm; Lmh Ind Slrnlm‘ Auto LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRAINERS 50. Green pr Rd Nay Br Uud .allr ( oumy (we \hc {ollowC-j ARRESTED IONDAY NIGHT Hm'hlr) and \l sir h» Murâ€" lggfmn W I) 310“" E. 200 ‘ [Hm k 4 u ”This-2d Park. from anmul I. Go” Lmlu 5" .4 1h. qmdnduwa luv u} Hm “\Ir!" und ”HI! kl ‘H'nk‘ 7,5“) pollmi xmwad of Ian «M ndnnlrd by re- J{ T un‘ x_\ precmcts. lht nnd vufe» to Harry sgmwml Lot 6, Plrk hut Volume 4 I’m k Subn., Hm

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