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Highland Park Press (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 4

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Mails close as follows: 7:13 1 m. for all points north; 8:48 a. m. for all points except local north; 11:49 a m. for all pomts north; 12:35 p. m. for all points except local north; 2:13 p. m. for all points south. and Highwood; Sfll p. m. for all points north except High- wood; 5:43 p. m: for all points: 6'30 p. m. for all points. Sunday: 5:16 p. m. for all points. th uim much less labornnd men In: ice :qnd salt than my other frees" See it before you buy . freaer. arm .7. it whip- air into cvefy pcrticlé 6f the freezing (-mm, mkinglce mun mt is n revelation in texture and delicavy. It breaks :1! records in speed-â€" mummies“- Ins-huts. D G PURDYu' SONS *- “The Mr with the Aerating Dasher” The most wonderful oft" free-en. By means of It: utonithing lentil}; spying: You must use Nu-Fini-h to have real 'dusung sun-raunun', You cannot gct Nu-Fini-h results Wllhoul Nun-Finish. Every user becomes an cn~ thUAIUSL A Ina! mil gonxmx you It has no equai. Sisaitiu rm 51.50 3: Ya: i. Mme Emcrrd a: «condcizss 'nzner March 1. 1911.2! the post uflicr: at Hanan} Paxk. llhno‘s. under the Act of Mucn 3. LS" REAL SATISFACTION PUBLISHED WEEKLY 1w JOHN L. eru. at Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois Telephone 2: :2 Highland Park 57 THEEGHIANDPARKPRESS FOR RENT Pupil of hi Sank hm: he“. M. Prru. lain. German Telephone 9 Columbia Mignonette $100 on eary terms See it in the Window ErskineBank Building D. C. PURDYn" SONS "4C THURSDAY. SE91 EMBER 17. I914 Hi‘hhnd Puk Mail Service 'mnm‘ Miss Helen Mayer Choice Office Teacher of Violin OWTV IS [CW llvnluh‘fl m7. in the Green News Co 39 St Johns Ave lm‘d :r- a ll hr- r‘a-L \ a!“ at the Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Porter and Mrs. A. L. McPherson returned Mon- day from a mu::th's stay in Rex Ter- race. Michigar Miss Ruth D'Angerra of Onwent- sia avenue, who has been spending some time in Chicago, returned home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Drum and two children, who have been in Nantucket all summer have returned to their home on Montgomery Road. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Norrross and family of East Central avenue have returned from a five Weeks' Visit at Long Lake. Wisconsin. Mrs. W. S. Kent, from Ohio, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. E. C. Day, of S. Sheridan Road. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Gregory of S. Sheridan Road have returned from Vudsare. Wis.. where they have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Durv ham. Mr. and Mrs. Durham are from Winnetkn, and with their chil- dren have been making their sum- mer home in V'udsare. Mr. and Mn. Gregory motored as far as Eagle River. Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. ()rson Brand Were the week end guests of relatives in Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Mrs. U. W. Church, who has spent the summer athizhland Hall has re- turned to her home in Oak Park. Miss (‘lara Waite had as her gdests on Sunday Mré. W. Blanchard and daughter Bessie of Waukegan. Clara Broms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Broms of W. Laurel is ill with infantile paralysis. The Wm. Plants or taken the house at avenue for the winter. Mrs. Mary Kelley of Kansas City, Mo., whu is visiting her mother, Mrs. Christine llangren returned Friday from several days' visit with rela- tives in Antioch. Illinois. Mr. .ll)>t‘])h Blum of N. Second street is studying manual training at Stout l'iiiwi‘sity, )reimminee, “'is. Mr. Ilium is planning In [much after finishing hi.‘ L‘OUI'M‘ at ihc university. Miss Elizabeth Hern of Chicago was the gun-st on Sunday of Miss Eva Morton. Among the funnhes whv summer here annually and who aw returning to their prospective hmmu this week are, W. A. Kirchberger. .1. Ruth childs. F. I“. Min-kulls :nwi {hr B. Y hit-("hers nil of ('hlcugn, Mr. George Bueluw of Chicago “'33 the week end guest of hls relatives. Mr. and MN. Fritz Buhr of Laurel Avenue and Second strect. Miss Helen (‘onrud “111 by the week end gutwt of Miss I‘ilhum f'vh-rsen of" NM Main street. Exumtnu Mrs. .X A. Muses Wlh taken ill on Thursday and was remand to Elgin. where it ls hoped she wxll 1mpmve rapidly nt' Sypu-ml-ur, '14, '_'.‘> mu} Lifith ut Stemwuhrx‘s Stow, Hizlnumtl, fur the benefit ut' the church. I’rngram Will be rendered each day and refresh- ments “’1” be sex-vat 1m Saturday. Sept. idth from 4:30 n'x'lm'k to 9:00 o'clock u hump wwkvd vhu'm-zr ~eupper Will he sowed. (Ia/nu! \l h ana Lea and Lemar Fearing. sons of Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Fearing, of Ra- vinia, leave the twenty-first of this month for the Howe Schnul. in Indi- Miss lsabell Kimball of Brooklyn, New York, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Kimball of S. Green Bay Road. Mrs. R. Be. Bait. who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. P. M. Terry of Linden Park Place, for the past six weeks. has returned to her home in Ottawa. lmmmsbmnfls] .\I \l .\.‘ .\[ nix-191m .\l he ,1 x'tm‘ymmh lulu! |\ Inn! Hmhw month Hy pt‘ hr ()k l\ HHl‘ [Cumin ha> ,xhwmn. for u \ isit with w: and fam- [hr week end (ML A\\r. qunlhh I rugo have St. John's “ls \H‘ HHllt‘l St. Juhx I’e K31 IIUUHCC Herman Lifith ut fur the ram WIH “xi! mind 0 \\ h (01. “11> hnwfl'l‘ >KUlhl‘5 h Inn 1f l 4 the week Mrs. John D. Vnhy. of [Mom Michigan, is the guest of her aster. Mrs. John Glass of Cary avenue for Mr. and Mrs, Trlgg W'aller. and daughter Mary Trigg of N. St Johns Place, have returned from a six week's visit at Charlevoix, Mu-hxznn. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Fletcher and Miss ll. Mi-Mahan returned home ‘Friday after a delightful trip on the steamship North American. With the Apollo (‘ommandery No.1 Knights Templar, on its second Innunl week’s cruising trip on the Greet Lake; They visited Mnekinac‘ lslnnd. Parry Sound, Owen Sound, Goderich, De~ troit, Belle Isle Park and Buffalo. At Owen Sound Mr. Ind Mrs. Fletcher were entertained by friends they hadn‘t seen for fifty-four years. and at (Eoderii-h the mayor declared a hol- iday and entertained the entire com- mandery. Mr. und Mrs. E. (‘. Dny of South Sheridan mud, and children Margu- ret and Vlctorine. have returned from a two weeks visit in Green Lake. “'Isconsm. Ml~> Edith H. Muss. Mr. H .\L Baum and daughter Betty “amm, of N. Sheridan {Had haw: u-turned from ()nekuma, Mwhuwn, where they have been all summer. Mrs. Bacon and son Robert are expected hume ()ctoher :Emt. Miss Marion Mason of Rennie Place returned last week from New York and Princeton, N. 'Jersey, Miss Mason. has been east {or four weeks. Muss Marne Wilson, who has been th» guest of (‘apluln und Mrs. BHtt‘l n: For! She-ridan. all summer. ex- pvx-L. (a {fine for Ten» ('ny. Texan. the tuentythlrd of thls month. Ml” Margaret Bates and her mothrr Mrs. Bates will accompany her, Minn Bates and Mrs. Bates are mtendmz tn join Captain Bates. of the 27th infantry who is suitiuned u! Tunas 65m PHARMACIST? M' ..w: .\1r.~ S \ St I‘rxrx MI. and Mrs. John 1,. l'dvli “mu [0 Muyumni Saturday nnd “be“! “can end “th rz-lutluu lhrna xtlw PHONE 23 India! house )1].~>(“ Ellen (Gume) Hertha (Hume-r. hen Urlfl'm. Miss [sum-1 teuvhmu i', Wilmeth .‘liss Helen Thillxu, who Is a music teacher, has opened a studio in the MtVryslnle house. Thr fulhm'ing Elm Have teachers hauc tuner: rooms With Mrs. Mcr Fustulc on Central avenuv: The The {allowing High School (cub. ers are at the MM‘rystule house, Misses Adah G. Grundy, Marguerite Marks. Louise Shulcs and Louise Noyes. Rev. M. S. Wlller of Hillsdale, Michigan. preschod the sermon It the Baptist church last Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Waller will conduct the servii-es on next Sundny also. A cordial invimtion to attend these ser- vices is extended to the public. Mr. and Mn. J. H. Shield: of South St. John's avenue Ind son John have returned from I two months' Visit in Wauknzoo, Mich. |\ )Il‘~ M w Ric” “I. \~_ (x‘l‘ll'n' \\\' Mr: Juhn RUSSCE nf Huh l‘urx. Ayhh-l nt' Mr. um \II~ .Innu-x 1-1 M, uhn has [pt-0:. 1m fut NHMQ' (Llnc \X Hz ML“ THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS r‘cluln 1" ,lll blah AHvL Pun Luke ( hivngu fol .m: are qullhx “hm stutv, \ hitn; turner. Xxx-nu Jon» and Eva Muss lsulu-I [huh-lie. who i~’ i', Wilmetha and Miss Marie I'M-n, “hm 1< trm'hlm: at Ra also at Mr Mrt‘ryxmlv n t‘ “ch I(l\t'< l \xlth Pu \rnulr nth) \‘h \\ t‘ J n-lu' col! v h .\h> (In H R My HUI Photo Supplies (Ll) Ha: x u ivh the week \ hitnzg {mt-"4h Dny of South Luunsv Bonn-Ir 31:.“ (In (’11? u: (upper pvnd md H‘d K'm me .There m a four bnll round mu. uydny, Sophlnber 12. Score: E. 1. Finns, 96-25-71. R. H. (‘mu 1m.”- 8;: K‘locc. 884345. 5. 1'. Buynmn, ”171‘ Total of the {our mores, Honorable marlmn yen- mmfrrred upon I number of exhlhztur~ The prizes will be publicly presented It the annual feslwul of Wild it‘lt‘rs and golden rod uhu'h Will be hrid m the n‘vino ampithetvr some afternoon towards the e-nd of September The list p! pnze Winners 1r. zhu mmam (towing corztrsl WI” be unmmlu'ed I! tilt time. -T'be finnln {or the Premdrntk (‘up mrc played 06 on Sunday Mr E. B. Mchuxhety was the wmm-r For pmtod ntarlgold‘, Raymond John-on, first; Russel Gan-rl. second; Sflvln Muses, mm. For .uh'm plunu, Robert “cruel. first; Murgaret Arnsu..li, xex‘vmd; Stanley MON“. third, For (‘II€Y1’1U:M:, Leo'm'r' szlh‘, Willinm Dwzmi, second. 'For display of zinyzm [Aonore Smith, first; Mary ”bond; Wllhum [)enzel, thu For potted zlnnils. “m “Vlin. first; Raymond Jun.“ 'ond; Mildred Lavage, thud For dx~p|.n) of new unnwm.‘ “‘lllln‘e Mohxam, first. Ira ' Mum-Ln ”pond; Arxhur Bletach, :r .A come In l'hr Jury Hm awards “unslfleti of M' Joseph SJHHHH. Ind M Clementx hfLy-nme mr‘ entered vxhnula Tm winners 13’ mum beIou “For p-mm 4519!: L Margarr: \‘rlwaid, >0“ mm. (hum “Mum-.g Hr huh) \\;A\ ha? " play H“ u~tcm~ and “(LI plunh H‘.I'_ ma hum ~' p‘um '2u.‘-t' n. (he ~p' home- In 1w «'J.l.\ne:1 r_\ the” H“ IKA'HQ'HS N pllpl1~ n-\h;!‘1h-(i tulnutv vim:- uim, In! the («run to rcmtlmw untll helium! come nu Thy jury Hm h _1 W A! ellh pnnldu wnhm lun‘ rulc [H04 \\' t‘ "v pl: p inu .n H \\ \1 hm Rm 1.. C. Smith of the Kmflmll avenue United l'hunm-lwal Church, Will preach It the Inca. first l'mu-d Evangelu-ul chunh mix! Sunday {morning In the I' It"-'~’ Hf Hm \\ .ut em l'mun Folk-gr Mir: Marflfllr! Hufivw w‘ HAHWI.‘ Mr‘ and Mrs. J I. Hnlbrook, who have been traveling m Trnneswe and in Michlgan have reKux-m-d to their honw on R-vme uwnue Mr, and Mrs. ()Us Beardsley have returned to their home on Lincoln avenue ufxer I Khru- months' absence. . Mr. Gray Stubbs of Hue) avenue lean-snort Mond-y for St. Albnn'l Cathedral school In Washington. A! film PL’u Fig.1..) \\;H "r . u~tcm~ Mimi Hui Lmi (MM hu.‘-t' m the I" 5‘" «'J.{.\I(Q‘ Exmoor Club .uwcL‘ HI 1min} ain‘t" ‘ Min-v \l ,uui “ H gruu; r the r (en M.‘ \\ nlw (whmll HI I .-\h|tu{.~ um nf made the fznm 9, MT in Thnmnn Hwn‘nx puplhi Sweeney. Asoms jun prxzr Th 0' I'r er h «key {3' ml {he- hn [hr Muss h! rgr AAA/K. P‘- 2“ W. Alllllkh H! m l’ Chas. H.WarrenC0. Mukmg .4 NHHh \E. mettv. kv Lilkt‘ FUN umtlml 2‘: North Shore Trust Company BETTER PREPARE NOW A wagon will (all for and deliver your garments Why not have your L‘luthing renovated here this week and mw um “ork a fair trial? ()ur CLFNNINL AM! IHHM. olladia’ andgcnts garments. oriULmI LLLgN' ( mx‘ts. portiers. draperies, piano covers lac: um um L-tL . Lannot be duplicated by any local L‘lmnm. as m- have the LARGEST and most SANITAM plum m ”It West. INCORPORATED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Heine W Pd 2‘5 Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial” ’HULMLL l’.’ \\>I’ )i.i\t {1 thing tw \. h \V! lwh(\( North Shore Trust Company Ours are Extra Quality Nuthmg likt- a pair of SO“ \VHH‘H‘H Blankets (m a mid winters night 21232133 l4n<oln Avenue ASK YOUR FRIEND SCHl'MALHI‘R'S [)ch STORE The RO’IV'QIL 3M 34x 53 .‘g :2 13$ wwmm 9.23; FOUNTAIN PENS 5 Capital $100,000 Organized under the Banking Law: of the State of Illinois MORTGAGE BANKERS nan MAIN OFFK I. AND WORKS Highland Park, mines. Highland Park [Ancoln - 1948 *NQ%W%N%M%£%MI H but Halc- xmprovcd n-al «mm 1:; the g Rogers Park. EvanMuu \\ :l- (,lvm‘oo. Highland PM}. and mufigages m I!» tm‘mm'x IS .11 rate at mien-\i xx 32:11“le (a rm atsm'mu ; Prns not tend your doth. to u. tummy? It lddsmuch to your appear-nee and mat! little. suit different men. But a good imprmion Ind make a suntan-ml appur- anoe. ()ur every man must have hm clothes dean. and neat if he would cream ?H 3cm :4' Ami CHICAGO S] (H) l J (JUDY um lust Hm \rmo'm ()H :md Tel The pk

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