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Highland Park Press (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 6

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Up to Us. “The human m-‘e ii vh'im: nut." 'Let pnstpriry worry nu-r that." “How aggravating you am. Multrm‘ m! Than? wnn‘t be may posterity"- IAuLItiHe CHLTil‘r Journal, The Poor Man. Sheâ€"Thu" <3}: mm: can't throw Straight. hm n'hnn a girl throws sly [haves I nu'im- she gem-rally hits the mark, ”9 (recently hmrmâ€"Ynsâ€"th.‘ my mark â€"I'.nstnn Hvrald. Tint-Inn. Tantalus mix a king of Lydia in Greek mythology and is rrpresentcd by the poets as punished in trades with III insatiable thirst and placed up to the chin in a pm)! of water. which dis: .ppeared win-u he attempted to man- lt. and othvr mululiziug punishmentfi were lnflh-tul fur hi< mm The mother M-nrvhed the eyes of her loll sharply. Then she sold: “Nope Ynu‘ll have to think up some hotter excuse for staying out at night?~ -New York (:Iube. “Mother." 83“ the son. "I made a Ibtnke when I elm-ml chemlstry. But I: Is not [on km- to change even yet I. win: to take astronomy instead." “Talk to yuur mother. son." direvted the father. will» was reading the spur!- Inz pane. A Chip .« an Cid Block. “Father." said the student. "I want a talk to yuu about changing my course of study " 134$. Socond SQ. ROBERT GREENSLADE HM R> 8 a. m. to 6 p‘ m. I Tuesday and Friday Evenings unnl H.120 Telephone Hi!) HAS BEEN MOVED FROM THE STATE BANK BUILDING T0 124 F. CENTRAL AVE Western Union Telegraph Co. Electrical Contractor Highland Park, Ill. Roadway Lamps and Brackets Velvets. Beavers. Velours and Fufs Remodeled into New. Classy Shapes The Turner Hut Bluchory Co. 20 South State Street. CHICAGO. ILL. Hal! Block south of Madxsun Street SAVE $5 to $10 0; Writ: or “lobe-e for “bloc-r illustrating filer"! Jain: Miss Ruth Berg THE OFFICE OF THE DRE\S\'AP\X\( 1."! meuin Avcnu‘ Highland Park Phone SOS-L Your New Illinois was not a very ple-usnnt beginning of my turn: or sen-ire. Without making any rnlliy tn the rv-murks l nskmi the lady whnt i could do Mr hvr to make her "unrunuhlm This :iiwrtt-d her mlutl from iwr unnmu'wiutiw sun. und shv told me- nf so many thing she wished fur that I had H” i mum-d t0 du tn m‘nvldu tho-m. X lmd :lm‘vmwi this ‘imntiun in order to ru‘nvor from n (‘HIHHHUH ui‘ xm‘ nn'n and (mum! 1”)»:va HIHWI n: In in-JH‘ :1 delvwwsinn ni' :tnulhvr. UH.- \\~Ii}d HID- paw that I had mm!» mum-"- “va fur nnwii’. Rut thi‘. in nu» y'vxym-It at INN. was in»: sn. My uwn dim-mm {on M Hu- :rnmnl iu-fnre the :n-wtwr mfâ€" furixx; nr :nmtho-r .\'r~'. Sn-Htin-rinnd wns .1 hard mistress, fimiin; (unit with o-H-r)‘ r-iw. fw-lndin: ho-r an n sun. but t'r~-m- \n-n- m-mzvnw “rum iwr ner‘ W hm in: «Who to .1 [Wind wf rv-‘IL she 411-an :en emit-w!)- mm runt <ii:m sitinn hurim: tin-so intvrruk she ner‘ W hm hr: vn'm- In .1 pn-r'invl wf rv-‘IL she mound :en emit-w!)- mm rum JRM sltSnn Purim: Hit-so intvrruk she showed lmhmxnllwl lm‘r fur lmr sou um! l‘w Hru‘ Hm! if he wished tn mar vunwetc-nt to take rare ur my own n!â€" fnlrzu. “Milli-i. he («insiders me Very lrksume :Illll I‘m sure i~' film] to cet rid at me. However. be ls more duti- ful than tum-t sum, \\'llu don‘t hmltalte to {:ill in luv» with the- first pretty hive they see. and thmu- \vhu linu- pour old lonely mothq-H will not wrnlnlv to mar- ry and lc-uve their nmthers out In the cold. 8:". llny t-un‘t do that wltlmnt my cous- at unless he is willlng tn give up the family fortune. whirl) my hns~ band left entlrely to me to dispose of as I please. and Hay knows that the moment he takes :1 wife to usurp my flfitt plum; with him he will lnse every cent of it." Thls was but an unw-h‘d swquel to what Rm' bontherlnml hnd told mound "i dunt envy the w-u-k lmtm-u pm. 1 am sorry to turn my [mar lltfllhl't‘ over to anuther. hut whe- Hfi'd“ other care than mine. Quite likely when you return you will he in the same (-undition as lulu)”. it' s.» 1 “ill do what l ‘1111 to make it up to )‘011. I dutt't cnusldar your salary any pay far What you will have to «111]!HK A thousand dollars a month “will! not iutiurp me la nude-rtakv the can- or my mother, and twice that \mtlhl not Induce me to give it up In any one else I! I had not come to the end of my mm». It ix essential for hath lu-r and m» that sh.- shuuld he cared for by sumo one else than mo." 1 could understand this situation. and l t-unl‘osn the young man won my earnest sympathy ’l‘lw prnstwvt h0- little nest egg. 30'! agreed to go. MN. Sunthurlalkl‘s son, :1 young man of twentytlve. brought her on to the steamer, where I had gone shortly be {ore to prepare her stateroom for her and unpack needed artlvlc-s. Roy Southerlnnd was eVIdently llllh‘h tmr- "new! by hi»: tnotlwr, “lum- In-huui wmlitlnu hm! evldvntly ('MlllllllniruH-d lbw]! to him. This is n mnmmn w, (-urrvmv. The-re is nathlnu that will hrvnk down nue‘s [wt-Yes quIvkn-r tlmn taking awe of a nervous wnwk While his mother wns resting in her state room before the ship 0th nfl‘ the ynung man took mo aside and said tn llm ow, much bruken down in health. m-rums and irritable. I Was 30 dual-pointed nt the prm‘povr hofnre me that I den-Hum! the wwltinn. This mmvd to emu- Mm. Sumner- lnnd‘s desire- (or my svrvirvs. and she doubled the offer of "Mary. Slhvp I would be m nu expe-nw I should HL turn with sume $1.200, whivh. with what I already had. Would give me a little nest egg. 30'! agreed to go. When my‘ mother died. le-uvlng me llone In the World, I felt so dvsnlntv thnl I mnslden-d lt 5-swntlul fur ma ;(0 do mum-thing to dlwrt my mind lfrum my trouble. 1 Sll’llllld be (Ilulim‘d 5!“ make- my own living, but I possess- :ed A few hundred dnldnrs nnd would not brim: myself to lwgln the \\‘ul‘k till my money was all gune. h seemed to me- that this Would be a Knot] opportunity for me if I would obtain the situation. I mum» Within the limit of age, for i W211 exam-(LY twvnty. As to the cheerful dispositiun. i bore my misfortunes without inflivr ing tin-m on othvrs. but i sun-l)- did not feel cbwrfui. i “intend the ad vermin-mom and. having hwn invilvd to rail upon the lady, found her a wid Scanning a newspaper one duy I <qu an udwrusement of a lady who d.- Iln-d n muuumiun with whum tu Inn'- 0! ulmmd. The flpplh‘fll)! must he he» (“w-«n twenty and, thirty-flu» ,wurwnld eduvun-d and of a “heel'ful disposition. Be-Fidw‘ her expenses. she would he paid $50 a month. «It-r «If. -HH:o-ri:lnd in; TM)" n Xhlltvr -t-:I\ Yhmr- ”30‘ mm l Dmnx MN. I "Worm! (H :“e up ”w min-fit anro. Thu! [mm {uh-d Than I uqu-rml myself with ”w it hrrilnu- w The uflpr was acvrmml I did rim! nut. m tar as gunning “HUM I'IIHIIN- me In (In SH. that ~l|e hm! ls-ft Inn" m'gxwt) tn nn- homun- -In- “ithl Iwr ml: to nmrxgr Hm wmu :III II! hrl‘ <I|Hirv nqu l was hvr n-hun-e. Bho- “:h u ~in:nl;n “mm-nu :md hml lnnt knuun hu-r (ur mum time- I u-nnh; HUI hnu- Hnulo ht-w-l ln-F 50! f‘ “I naturally u'wnuh-rvd.” hv «annulled. “whethvr ,wu hnd I-xu-rtul any luA flllenve upon my mothvr to bring this uhout. l mu Mire )nu hm] nulhlnx to do with rhv mulh-r mm! “141- lulu-rum. Murpmw-r. l hun- Io-urnml from “hut yuu hnu- In“! HIP my nwlhvr'u rnumn fur h-zu'ln: :1“ Mr prulk-rt) In you." I Was [on «hnnfuumlwi tn Hln-nk for awhile. lull! prrw-mly I Hfiko-d him “hut than n-nsun u'ux “’l‘hnt )«vzx mu“! {1qu our fur )wbnr I stood suturing M Mm n1 though he had mmh- n amlmnent Involving an In)- pounihilit)’. “All my umther‘s prmwrt) :Ifln-r a few smull Imam-fies ls ln-qnmnwd [u you." “I'M mntIu-r --\a~r (all; In )uu nlmut hnw who hm! Inf! ln-r pl‘npo-H} '."' "Sln- tu’d Lu- ~hu- hm] lo-l’t :1 “Hi :It hnnm lwqum‘hm: )nu vu-mthinx, Inut m'hlm! ”III! In \':I\a- _\un mnrriml “le out hpr «ohm-m ~ln- “mild . hungv H " Win-n I said thi~ :lll rum-“inn I'uum un-r hi~ {11w- uhh-h «vim-d tn indh'nn- that lu- hm! Mlvin-d “hut he hm! Im-n span-hing hr. “0 did not spvnk "mum for u fe-w ummenls. (In-n In u change“! \‘uire fluid: lrlllh Hun. "\utllin: “1].”: Sim “de «'an In \‘i‘lil‘\\t'\, In”! ~l| \\'hih~ h. tiwln luv u nry "1m yum kmm' in it?" “'lmf f \\ln~n I rt‘:l"llt~| .\nu~rivn l “rm dinwtly In my hunw. .Vul lung uhvr my nrrh‘ul Hwy Snutlwrlund mum] upon um. um! {rum [hp lunnwnl I Hi» ta-rml Hu- rumm who-ro- lw “nu l kiln-W tunwlhhn: IIIIIIIIQ'HIUIM luul hnlmq-nul H}- ~'|mko- tn uxo- in :I rn-w-Hml tum- you my H .\ fc-w mus after Mr-z Suulho-rlnnd‘u ”with wv finned on our n-mrn [H Ann-xiv”. l mu.- Huy Ms mnlhe-r" will. but he- \\ :m [on IHIII‘h :Ifl'wtml 15“ her [Ms In opt-n it. thruxllm: it into hu an {Hr :l _\.-:ur {rm wring hvr wrvxre, .\ f’c-w thus :lflv ”with “'0 fitnrtal nu- I klx'nn m (1v (li‘ 9.1011 Hm. [my h- «h' at lhl»: Y. but] “1.1110- qumthln: (IrN-rmmm 'hI-r “Mn Ray Harv-d nt ohm: to 1011] 111 but .‘lrl’h'ml tml Iuh‘ 10 WW hls lnnlhn-r nihv lnHile' ti‘» lnq “m-k nf hrr Ilft‘ 3hr lwvunn- .nuln- Hm! .‘Iw lmd but .I Ecru-m ill‘illllllll)‘ runtulmul (hunk-4 lo we fur :H'IIHL’ u- hrr nluumwmli He w-t‘lnml 1"”anme anI'thun :I’mIH Ill! anwr, Mm! it \vnu mldvm llml he “us It H‘n gum! and um» Hunn'c- «ml “'9 THIV'he'd Sully-Hum! m Hm hot “euthvr 01w“ hv-ro- was vumtu: um, and l nmk my vhnrue In :1 Hum]! hwlo-l on Lulu» Hellmzl l hm] how-d [ln- Suns umunlznn :nlx' w-uid tlu hq-r gum] mm] 1 do Hut doubt H “mm hum» 11mm in hm] It nut Imo-n that hvr \Hn‘zt) “as grmluully {n.1in: Purim: “Ur utny in Su'nm-rluml l \\ :lll tuhl by [nlunvlnnn “hum 1 had AMIh-d In that Mn- “nuld I}!!! but I! fo-w \\ mix I wrnle prhntn-Iy tn l{u_\ Suthq-rlund of nm rqmrt. i Sim-e I “role In tho- man-r’u mum» the mm rt‘l'Hvd dh'w'tl) In lwr. l-HI bin not lllllw. In Ill) urn IPHI'I' 1 Nut”! that the pnlhmt “an fwdim: poorly 1 “Nu dire-Mm! h- wrfitv H "tub-ruin!) well for :l hruko‘n down Old woman " Ulw duty h-ll to ”w that l fuund rpry dimwuh. er Southo-riund dim tvd me to “me every few dug: of her cum)!- (lun to her mu, 1)! ruursv «he read Hm h‘flI-l's I “rntv. I tried telling the 3mm: mun [hut his nmllu-r “an. doing \u-H und Imprmlnx nnmdily. Thin let- (e-r nln- {urn-d my to \\ rlte- «We-r, h-Hluu 1.1m [hut aho “us no bent-r nnd uuuld wa'er In- uny better. I obeyed (he or- dn-n but rum-9 1 Wm. mmmlnnh-upd “uh lln- pmting u! the h-llrr l manual H and put n posl'u'rll-I xtulhm [hut tho Iu-th report Wm his umtlwr'n nnd ‘I'LI new girl she would not mm! b 1" his way. We had not owned (In. ou-an before Illelllo'ed not only m a g dplwndence upon me to do things for; her. but Imam tn rvly upon me fur, rompnnhmnhlp mnl fur'uympnthy. Her sun had pmvidml ln-r with n-udlnu nun. . I lvr. und Ihe «tum-1| me- to rm“: (0‘, ('1 hr. 1-”! l mm at unw- Hull the hunky“ ‘ [u- h H! St'lfl‘1'h’1l \H'lw Iur nlun‘c- his I I‘ ann-r'x l'mlulrunc-nh. l Yunnd mm. M' \n flu in th- 41”" iilurm‘). um I) l \1 n-ml m m) ‘h Aruv :‘L‘l Iv) lll'vl _: ~~ xwl ‘ I’ll.) ko-pt he'l' {rum Mann-1h: n1.“ Lug Ll l uzm Hmhlml In In.“ pn' h lunr and I I (lo-\nlod In [his Hulk [drum-Inn). \1 During Hm lutlvr «Imp n! lhe Inn-an ‘ \Ir_\:l:..'¢' 1 got Mn. Smnln-rlzuul nu Il(‘('k “I wt-zuiunulLv, tmd' she wxm Mun-Hind by H‘ ”w [lure- Mr or flu wI-un “hm.- ulr- m rvnts \wre unuerw [ML hut “In-n “1- rub-rod the Hunk.- um] lw-rlwllml rains in of London she {vii lvnk to lwr prni- [M nus vumlitiuu Uni} uhnl ~11. \\'l1.:t Jul xln- Tlmt I u.“ h. h-rlmnm! Hm! ‘I‘ \\i\llt‘i |lm rnhl . llilll :tl Hm! sh: :llll fan-in: do rvquirq ' Hwt ~‘ho- \n- >\ on m3 mam PARK Pam mom PARK mmoxs H. s:.:.;..._.. _; 2:: 3.: 5...: 3:. «32513:. __:~ 1:15.. r37: 12.1215...“ ::. 21].. __:..... A7 I..._,:::Z_:n E: I ,1... :..7 7.3:; Sin 3:, 1.5:. I“ .nuln- Hm! .‘Iw lmd but In luv mm ruilml In .| l l l :Ixo- in 1| rt'M-I‘H‘d h’ln' mun- uf 1h.- rnnIvnH “1!! <4) {Jr as it I'Ilel v s :1 “1H. 1 Wm <In- had (UM “'0 n 151 Iu-furv ~m' I :t lluuru-r. It \\:1~h.1[ ~h~lzul muko- :l “HI \th her In [mun].- fnr llnme‘ lln'lllfl, lndel. h'lt' [u't' hm! ~1i;nu|.1!wi In the in lshnuill [-1- [mid m; ml r {rum (hr dnh- nf n;_\ v” ma after my thin l'tllln' It XIII [old In. -H yum t"\l II“ III 11m r1'1.-.l Ix» that In I “ll“‘l‘ ‘ur- hut “In-n “(a nwllml ruins it) lwr profi- ~ur1|r H1 lxl c‘lh‘ u snl “In" (I ha ll ILL! ;:I|l|~l H glu- Hm Glrl nln rm- ‘rur‘h at [hl' ;vn mda-bâ€"Mon'yf \\h..t u ‘ln-mlm‘ rrvm'n! I wish now I'd mum! at hmnta w.“ you? Second 1; r: d'vrtnlmy mt. run I ‘rllh M (midnru thou- “(m-n Md Buston Tmnwrun .”[Wl run With (‘n-dn ’: (61- “I ('N’Yulnl; 11M plh’flnt "I'm-Hi «mum-«1m! “HI. .luurnal‘ ”All right. Mmm-r ”up!“ mm for calmn' )e/w‘nllin' .‘t‘ are."-l.lfe "Now. Mulllmm. )ou III-Nurtu- gan for calling him u liar and I :1qu me cause " An Apology. ”This II no plnre fur such 1! pm!)- Iqulbble." HIM the [Mitre 0mm judge lhmmhl lo hnn- Imd the um.” .«I .I very early mm. and this h “Ml my prlllnx. judging: hulny from 11w 1 21.11;. man's fondue“ rur the pun- “V.“H (‘olumhus (Human-rm Anwrh-n hu- hmn‘l smoking lmlulgml In by all the Inlwu or Indlnnn. hut 1h» practice hm! n ro- Ugioun aunt-lnthnn to them. Fruln Sun In Domingo 10h": r0 mu Inlrndlh d In!” Spain und Portugal in 1350. hut n ma then um-d In the uhnpe of nnufl Sir Walter Rule-uh. howeVPr. In In» and man of nutv In mun: smoking n {unh- Ionlble huh“. Origin 0' Smokmg. The origin of Hm «usuun 0' MIN In Veiled ln nus-wry The (him-n llnmght lo hnn- Imd the bum very early mm. mm] thlg h “HI prlllnx. jlldxlll: hulny from 1h.» 1 2 \HN ”w u! hur‘h (If I Tmu lHInv. [K’r anlllllu 1 lm- Ghuhlwn Jinn-urn“ ~u “'nlpvlo- 741' Hf “I! lih- 5c lvq‘huupx u I“ 1' IJ‘hluI: \lzm-h l'.'. I I-nmu Mr Sam? mm :1 ~llu~'llh-~ HIMV' “rm ll ('o-plllu: .l ~ll In (luv mu I-v‘ “11H In (‘hnm Mlmll Inlw [hr *1 rnwl‘ (u prrfuzm grlmh-rx (h Sun. In In hnuyw . for 8‘.’ R)H:In l-IH‘Vu-rx h In limb!” hu- Ln} In” unlrrmx um! ('1‘ about [hm ”mum. I)!!! lev (1;;rm ('hl'll‘l ~<I.:[| "F‘- of (mu (‘vhlu n u uH-k (wh- NHL) H1 and will! mum“ :u. lmlit-s’ hm: !ur H mm.- ‘ual ‘.‘ 41ml. pm! In Turin-y burl-en lln- m; In H'm‘ In Haw! lnmvpenn 11! um] N ~h.|n.1~m (‘09! 0‘. parts nf anlun a amn- lh m-uw llnllun CNN-v4 l . l-Iurpl of [hr “H [In In I Thmr Pncou AN Low and Mnlhodo In Somc Cau- Art Crudo‘ Thv hurlM-r lhup- uf (hr ("Mind Stairs :«In! "unmin nro- Hu- hmwt 11. [he unrwl nml (‘hnrm- Hn- hump-r prim-s tummy-mum} h-u nun-o. ..1 Eurvlm uw Amerh'nn «Inmx :HM ”1;:va of [In-vu- an lhvlr burl-«r ~Imp~ 1n ”-1. “H [Inn “1H. nu-n'l furthhll‘; Hurt-h TYN' Statr [he [-rh 1-- Tlmt “In-mug fulrh lnmk Hw I'm-am Hum {rum Mr Mood)”,- [wan-HI Smh n tnlL ('uuhl not he- guHm-d M ln)’ Lnnnn HnqunL Mr Moody (‘nrrini M- lfnthh nudienmm “Mn him {mm llmt lwxrnnmfl lo I)“ Inn-u Inn-r- ' loving a V“. a! Thank. Wu. No. In 3 HI. Luw Thu Nnghl. f Dwight L Manly durum MI 6!!! mm In kngluml nth-nun] :- Int-0110‘ at 4I|II'|I Hw [Carl U! fihafh-uhury I'ul :(‘lmirlnan The dun u! prulmlu; l .\’Ulr Hf thanks “as unluuul In [MD and ”Ar .lnllullln'rlln'lll umxh- ”Uur Ann-rum. mam“, Hn- “IT M! Mum!) or ('hhngu, um “U“ anr n \uh- u! [Lulxkx m 1hr Inn-mp mm uh“ [011w 'lmlvlv Purl {I-l' In {I L' HI] mun {Mu uu-nlnu' | «I‘m! - “v ”14-1141 thunk him um m: Iw :1vale lhnnk us: \\ tn 1: n1 ‘ Hwy nflvrwl to thank ulll’ \Ir fur prrndmg own a [hm-Hm: in h? HUI-[ted II. ”c Inld lwtl Uh hi: duly um! (ht-yd In”! 1nd- ”a Hmvmhl it wnn “In-Ht nn H- MH XIFUIHHI N l. Mood). And [In-n Coll-1n My [crulln'r Inn tho-r“ null. Iln-hl "Hu- u-nkvr hn- mmlr Inn lulu-s 'l‘n begin uHh I'm not [hr Mr Mun!) at nll lm plum I! l. Shh-d). 3 Sum!“ Prhuwl “4 rl-uunl the nu Mum!) \uh- ul In“ pr. Tho- hlr NI (‘llllill n! [In :l lmv‘ul “1:! HIV [ho' “Y“: I Hf [In I'm OLD WORLD BARBERS. -\m] Somc Brmuh Sinocurol hIHII!rl-\IHK With Credit Only. u (N1HIV\ )unr incl [n‘x ll 'lnqmrwl the (-hun h hm. Tho Other Wny or ('hnngn, um “U“ anr n { Hunk! h: Hu- m-Mv rm} Ihn I-xixlml on lhh 1-H “MUM nlmlc- Hung uu- QIJH- mu of umh )4 line \\ 11!: um Hlll'r d)- ..f . n)n\I'th|m}1l_\ ln- bur»! upon .111 we Mlh Hw luml ummuuu‘ ’n'll'fl‘ HOODY ' REBELLED. I.| w1~lvvm~ thvu w ’mh-‘S In {he- «In \I' (.’.ol1~lnln- llnlhzr : |H~hunnv lmw un- lf H \\:l~ .4} in nhh'!) H . run-d m.n~unl ur mull) 1 lha- PvnrN-r‘ « ‘. r2110!“ nml m1 ‘Inl‘lllll: un H) ler unrk. ju~r -- tn Amarh‘n , I!" on [my I I I'm not \<H)F Ann-H ly the (me n! (ind lm} :lo-nmtml “1111)..” mum k for hm |ln dr- n WV about Hfl‘ \. u: o! t!- lvlv Purl {I-r In :I y ulxrv LI h I ! Hum mun) n- I». Ht! 1-} (‘tln r: mm! H km] rlmzz hi hi qu “hf H \‘H‘ (rd |\* Win] \xrw “urn. ('_’(II| min” Sluvtnxur uhllr uh rnllin' )0 Hat )9 lul rl wr remix-min! ”w 2”» ~4 ln-H‘r any mun Latin-9' Hume ullh hu rt. ‘Ne lwld le. mu! lo’lllvht ‘ 11 I!) ”H \‘ull H) n! ”NW Th. lulhr «mm EN ”10- hm“! rm- ”11- my!” Yr“ I IIh-n «huh and mu 'lwr ~lm|m 11. .. ‘rm‘ml‘; slum-p. nun" 1: {Mn . 0‘. 11 I N MM! his! mmlv Inn mi- ) I'm not ”w Rn lm plum [mu-m _\ Privml unrkI-r nun Ann-Mum n. 1~\an ukc' HH'H’ o ll” -1~ 4 1mm- n1~ hnryml Hn'lr lthL' uur I! 1. The "llu'l flee ln-nn to ----- who-n Do found he can” um um n ----- berth In the III'ODIII‘ cur, 2. The firm- or mun! corn tn order to have Inme {0r m: ~ - - and her rhUdnâ€"n Annwm- No, 1. Low". qucr; No‘ 2. Row, sow. hm. Spoiling, Two Meaning; The word: In I!" (be Mank- In. In eavh wulvnvv. tum-Mod Illlo. but In" dlflerem sounds Ind Int-mum“ An Eltmcl Byrd TM- L'ru-nt rank, “hh h ‘lrlt' HIM] 1“ gram! munha-nu nlnnu vho- \mm AHnn Hw rum! L'nlm: In Mnnnu-r u~ (my nnr‘lh nu Im-mnd ur (irwnlnml )I- nuw MI «“1111er «\leI. All that h 11-“ of Hm- Ivht't‘ Kn-nl MM lrll-c- h- n h-u mm”: rklm- In nmn-uml. The nut “in ulmux the unu- II» u a well gm“ n Know. and when IlImHn‘ prev! had I hn-lyhl of uhout (“0 fm The purnm of thin II'kwnrd and harmlm M711 {or In- vnlunhle fI-Ilhfl"! M lo It: mm con» plele dafruvtjou. in Hut-III \\ h} h n Mn I1|u~ n It gm-H Yn-m mouth n “.1" Phh ltddln. “1.) in u rounrd In n A good Lnlfrf' lhwnurw I Im-ugm lulu mHun “mun“ AIIII‘OW'Iâ€"‘1‘7'flhL Eldp .lmn u-um; scar, uhnie. pluk. alum nuuu-r “'htile. I am I tumult-1' huh I mr and I am wall and r<vl-\|~I Wlmlr. l mm H lnrlum 1mm | um and I In: :1 “Hum: nun: Whole l mu n I‘ll“) mum; brad me and I um Hu [mm m “'hnloa l mu mum-Hm ~..' Hm: Flu-head me and l um um! mun-r W lmle wound Clo. lurr M. the hem! “'Imk‘. but! nu- outdoor! In Ha-hrnd me am: nun vnrr) an umhn-HI lo that] we Whole. | um I: \d-w-r. Hm! um 1hr u-a ”when“! me and 1 my a pan u! you Then I'll - yn'nt parade of mum-s In the I’m-"ugh or HruokUu. 59' \url city, a :bort time nun It an umr about thmugh the udwm or tum; FRI. th'h In! (‘rlt-hhalvd lhrvnyh out the MU. The parade In: made In nutomvbnu. mud hundred: of mm- fulkl If”? ln Hue. Ivrnmpann-d hp thrlr mothom and mhnin-nt The [Irv-II Mrnt of the borough and “tho-r hluh t-Mvtnln nvviwm tho- pun-m- torNho-r I‘ll!) ”mllllndl n! poop” uhu an- In lrn-Itrd 1n thr \IrHIn- uf r-hiMro-n The Ilnnrr o! the [flu (urn for the hell bah; In ltnu-kiyn nun Httle Ml” erk- Inn-h" Mane h- twc-nu Irrrv: months old. nnd nho- Int: “VH4 a per Null” (If M“? Thnt Inc-Mn thut she both! It"!!! our Int-Ink n prrfw‘t tmtnv â€"â€";hlt II. to far at hmmh in mum-run} \\P \\t\ “'th I! \\ h} ‘1 n {1.1; drnlc'r n. Who": I am a HBer‘ rr “Mn-ml me mm “'hnlf O I’M, by Amelia”. PH. Mm mum Pvt-(l! \ouov bullnny Fly “luv-fly! I! I hm: "mum hn v0. Rullorflv mum d’e' (‘nn ho In your finger Ruined ohm. youv Iva-41 H \uuv Iva "‘00 linger I.) I pun mum-0' I'm-(n nu» maiden Mav I [-lnv with \nuY Ur nu you nunn. fur Lilllo Hay HM)!" vhu-n More I I dulmy lat!)- Ahrr ll h" namrâ€" Hlnmhnu Illh her In! In hurl Hrmh fur (h. [Ima Phylum Tor-mu. Tmml. Irnnlg on the lawn Un - pummcr’l d-\' (m: I 5560' Two a mdo! Tun av lnur can play" For the Children his hnxlm-nl u u girl not I In: nu h an Into-r). w lnu‘ pvhmn. ! " [Kw-nun- [hrV l Inn n ”nu Bebe-d llu' m .1 l nm I worn and l Mn n H "I!” II Plum: [In and [mu lull (me In nr I \ am I mount-1' Inn “1-“ and n mm H [mum 1 In: :1 “Hum: IL lnm n “hm; Mano Dannhcr, Pruo Ilhy 01 U'ooh'yn l "I N “hand-n9: m ounwv! ‘: llmml V mu: 0! furm I m: Ynnml u] huh ”rm-m1 ”‘hql m H. AHnn fur nurxh lww ntl 'ff 0! thw- v slum-d Illl'l H. I! “1- l‘ lhrm H: h: no r“ “in! anrl I“ “r H. Tr h'phono 7M 91mm 20; h suds-u mrm‘u North of Doafield Rad EnudC.N.W.I.R. Box No. “4 Haw FIFE lr|coho~ "I‘M.“ Purl m-Y-J Automobile Tina, Meal. 8: Rubba'l A SPECIALTY ‘rlphy undue." und Con-truc- hon Work. 30 year. in En‘iIIOOP mg, Surveying nod Conquucfion. ("phi W (antral Ave {car Surveyin‘ And End-coring. Typo- mum Isl VENCEL MUZI'K nun snor Chas. E. Russell um um um County Surveyor I )mp me a postal card or telephone me and I will call {or THIWAI- noun MI! J. Smith Whlealcnlleflbuhh Iron Rags Metal Rubber Telephone 632 LOJ'HI' tha horde: “.1” up (and b I. ~ Sash, M THE "HUMAN 5N0, " "‘39. '§17!Q~IISI Ono N EEDLECRAFT SHOP Children's Drone. 1 lo' IO your: “It“.dufick ”demolished-1...!- Iafiydlhnfiy heudliltml ind-u Sub" -5ud6mliuum Hadfhlhylu News You win duty. find I good about u the High“ Put Thou" Emma Steffen “1h Perk of Paine" Every Other Tuesday FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING NIB-MIN” C. MIGATES PAINTING "P" "WI-J “M63. 701005... I”. 11min Read (73¢!qu r ark Paper, etc. “Trey 0' Hearts" lad-u- my... 1.: 5:41 Every Friday Highland Park hull-y Ave. ”in!“ much- lmunuv run-Ma. youth” \ hum mm mm.- V|II8Y Tel-115m: . 54‘] Second S Hour. g. I. 12 ‘5 5L John m1 .- n-mn \ nul- Suur t 5 Yaht- m Rum-.3 o! 51 you! '90! In Tokphofl ILL 21‘ “our rte" pm 7 JOHN ionswcr soft] Pags'gl LLATI v won. *filFIN First 4 Repail gun ra1 prmm 'Il up: ll (QLOI Lu;TRI Fn .‘m "IA tum

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