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Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 1

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nld sun-'R Aftrr the ‘,l “:IHLV ') 1. and the the piano attenlmu. low g \\ n.» lt‘ .r Ling. (mgr E ravuby fist Hdvxk linu‘ng .n ‘ say; {he dfmvuity be men": UH l um} m‘ en wnwu me in m H is worn- in ‘ '2‘ 3 UQ‘ m :«l ,md Sunday. Sept. 27th. Muir-cc at 230; Evening Show Sun: at 7 O'clock Uri Sunday awning. Sept. _' Spoilers," in a twin hour prnduczimi mil be shiiwn at the Highland Park Theatre. This is one of Re( Beach' 3 thrilling stories which mingles with lm e, light liner!) and mmamc in the nurthland William Famuzn and Kathlyn Williams play 1hr leading mics in {his splendid story. Maurice Sunday at Lil]. while the per- mam'e in the :‘vemng mll begin at sen-n O'Cltu k, Hi ' l‘hc curd .xil)‘ wunvirx'tu mg tux planing cru-m! WI} mskuvtxw im‘turr- m Bruce I.c~";:mzw2‘ ‘: the Mum n" w: Fr'u‘ O'cluck, "I ‘m: is (mun ems", um: (-33 gum) 0ft.“ hu'r-L HM .“ Oflm n, Finally. the bill provides that the usc LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ur occupntxon at any of thus: buxldmus now cvstmg, for dwclling purposa “ls hereby declared Imurinus tn life. to the publtc health. morals. safety and welfare Hamel ll Muller to Alfred Hill and wt. 0“ said lilstn'ct 0f Coluhtbta mid, suuh In” :9 1nd :0, sub 0t blk 7‘3. Highland Ubé or ouupatxon of an) SULh building of other structure, on, from. and after July Park. w v ~ I A J HOBO l. 1913. shall be unlawful." Si J' \\ “‘pplefnd “f to Emn’m L‘ Through the cnactment of this law st 9:11“ 31. .mts h‘ " 8 and part 10“ a and is hoped that the erection of new build‘ . 7'0 l ' ‘ ‘. . . . “ l "Hand Park “" D‘ “0‘00' Hugs underthwe condmonswull bestopped Garret chllcal Institute (0 trustees at l md that within the next five ye.“ the“ 2' M‘ L Kl‘urk‘h 0‘ Highlafid Park. Q- communities of disease and vice may be “'0'“ l wiped out entireiy. "Operty Exchangu Recorded During Put two Week- William Bruce chfingwell because I): 1:; mrn-dwd Uw’ m m- (mum making. Ill-.nwm mv'm \r‘v‘n‘! ‘11 NW productmn Hf f'mdc'nv-r: " "3 ,md ‘hax‘ \ l‘ apparann ur' :wwinnl \H A” students an unpn-cedcnwd nppuz'vunm K.“ v tor \‘erurmz kHl)‘-N:c‘d,ft‘ rclmzu n .l largr and gmwmg sun:- Industry. Comm-Adar W. A. Moffen Arrived Cummundcr “Ilium A. .\ll)fl“{t, l" S S, armed at zhv Nam] Tummy: Szatmn a! North L‘hxcug'r KO whn’h mslmmun he has beau tr1xhh~rred .lS cwnnundunt. and 0| Thu lumv lierrmu-nt «yr {hr I'm- x'eratty rt Ilim‘m MN :m! 111m! J vacuum pan fur the mamnuturz- m cumh‘nscd mfik and x< {hc only dmry dcpurmwnt m (hr coun'rv w z‘qmpped. T‘nvre is 21 gm sing demand hr geneml instrurrinn in the manufacture or mndcnwsl :mlk H fun by Lu)! Hcorgr Wtzh hi~~ Iava. Em: ‘ \Va‘hinqtar «H 2w Cm the {Hat H n rt “-1 i») .\d\'j. Darn ix: offixmis n.’ \V {LN-(“VKI‘ 1' max ly st Jed $3.1! kin "zhr‘: "A. It me Lhimu‘» \1?T.\_..;kcv 11:: met! Campy?) ha; rm‘en‘ed v--v~ , \I AM)»: " mg 4”"" ‘ the L'”.f"‘.'l . 118.11.]? \ An H'r‘fl lhd' :‘Arv‘ the \\ av \ chu-v-n “ me rvw':‘ S, armed HI zhv .\.uu at North L‘hxcug'n {0 w has beL‘n tr1n>h~rred The etamm .\ H rnrrtw rt‘m‘ImsK szrm" ‘md at by 1 has Park, \\ 0c: {an‘ She “THE SPOILERS" AT LOCAL THEATRE Sheri»! 'AUIEGAN T0 PAVE WASTINGTON ST Wlukrgan W'est Ssden Wm “unday's (Lune. Commander “offs” has Arrived at Naval Station. Troop; to Return NEARBY NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Number 30 Visit the Commission Form of Government Headquarters in the Erskine Bank Building and Ask Question' 35 6n iiICESobjeCt': FREE LECTURE AT MORAINE HOTEL Wlshmahan 5!. Paying to Begin an; H'Ccln‘fl h\' I!"- "n1if’.f«"!]‘, CR3 Welt Sidtrl Victorious Sunday m1 32.: wxli hear turr~ J1 ,l'JtIlIhln In Ewing d. \‘cry 5: speaker. and It Is hwy-r1 .1 (and Univ'enity lulu“; Dniry lumv lierrmzcnt u! z \\ itizens CordiaHy Invited cm I) \J‘ (my Troops to ReQurn IHI'Knt‘Y )C .1111 M (h rem r‘nY lr'x wrmvw At $215 \. unnphnwmary Iu- :zmuagulhcnt llt‘!) mr'vml aver R Clarke. who, I!“ l’x 1.:\\( T be Highlanh )d l?! “'1“ Speak Mr. \Vxllmm HI 1nd m HY 1H 8. Vc‘ry H: J V. 9 H‘ «II‘HV 7.)! w m Hx‘ nn It mcmhcrs UK that p.1rty nus mm IILL‘ pm 50ml“): slnu't'. Um .dthmxgl‘l iw 3m: knocked about the wurld u wmd den during hm hte, he ant‘r saw ;-m_\'rhmg :4 cqual (hr squalur .md leth .mnl Ihk‘ un healthy and mdm‘rnt uvmhtnmx‘ Hm! pn- vml m [ha-s: nllm ummmnmes The Alley Hull )USI passed bv ”1C”Uu>( weks to put an em! tn rhvx vondltmn HI (hmgs. The bill makrs It unlawful :0 build any dwellingon any parcel ufgmund tmmmg on m .lllcy or nthrr Llwruugh- fare unless <nch alle)’ 15 at least thxrt)’ Irrt md 1 {m ih‘ vnure length and runs smughl in and opens out upon two of the straw; hurdrnng the Nflllllt‘ .lntl IS s‘upplwd mm icwvr :md wntvr m.nn~ And 5.8.x ur r‘lvfll‘u‘ light As [H dxwllmg lmuse> nnw cxxsung on thcsr bllnnl Htslm- alley s. the bill prm Ides that where then have (lr-prn‘mXe-(l nr Hex-n damaged nmrrlhun unc ha 3 :hen‘ nngmnl value they cannm be repain-d nr rcmn structed for dwellmgy plm'es unless {he allc)’ ur thnruutharv i< nmdc In cuntnrm tn the cnndxtions rvn-rrml nu .llXH'Lh (axe: \tures “nuld he opened m these tn- slde blocks and they became more nr Ie» usulnted onnmnmues, \atnruil)’ these were nut lh‘alt‘ttmt‘ dwellings. The huuses wen.- thmply eon- atTUCYe'd and the rx‘cupants were very Dunn On: (an scarcely behcve that tht re the tittv surh squares nr blocks 1n the beauti- tut nty ut Wa>htngton As the tenements hmegnmn mid and nutut repdn‘ the must unhealthy and unsumtary cunthtltrm h.l\ e mnne tn gum all m these places. Tuber- t‘1|ll)3l> and uthet‘ drseases hdxe became \'c!'§ common among the people hung there. m dddlfifln to this they have he- cmne ventable hrcedxng places fur Crime and wee a: the lowest snrt Conditions are so had in many 0t these Mocks that At the tune the House Cunnmttee on the BMW? at L'ulumbld. In runncctmn “1th rhetr consideratlnn nt the bill. \l>|lt'd ‘hem for the purpose of mspeetmn. togeth- er wath 1*. committee 0t men gnd women at \VJ‘hHHUUn representmg “we 41 A} «'thltithle urgdttx/tttmns. .t wrt at rm- \ancvd guard went ahead to prepare tun fur It‘il!‘ the p.n‘t\ might sttnnhlt- n};- unhenm .md t‘nnthtums untzt tor rc- <nm :tn‘rfv m-nnic- tn natnes; Unt' H the s‘pm :1in‘)‘ pumic- mchK-rs at t! :n 'Lk- (JR-y tran cnh ‘.\"’:v zentwi «:I‘mut exvlusively In Culnred penple. In some (‘lh‘m at the 1015 near the. <tn-et. Some real estate dealer saw his oppurtunity‘ He went Into one uf these blocks and uttered m huv the rmr portions n! the deep lUIN‘ \Vthll their owners had no use fur and were glad tn w-ll. Having seemed the rear ends «)1 all the lots m the block. he had a big square pic-cc ut ground entirely surrounded by the lots farm: the atreets on the tnurstdes of the block and backing up to his land. built an v\tx'a law 1»! tenen {Etc :‘ndtiir u] the Mpx‘n spun .mcr hr Lad p11! up his mum runnmg‘nmuxxd (he uuhnlx- prupe-Itv. Having Wurked If um- “:Im‘k he: It‘prdlr‘d II 111 ml] Then he subdwided his land putting u 90m} runv oi lltflr‘ n-nmnrnls c'nnrc-Iv :1 round H. faxing m toward the ccnh-r u! the Mm k, 1€d\'lH){ the narrnw upcnmu an 41w ~1lic' leruimg um Immc n! the urn-1". Su'wrzxnuw “hr-w I'r hdd vnuuxh mum in- Thereupxm he bought one of these out- side lnts or half .1 10!, Just enough to gun- hxs properly an outlet one o! the siren-ls. 1m :1 [Rh-“1mm! Prcndvm \Vslwn WJ} m greatly xmcrestrd and 7' 3r 'hr‘ :1 was I)! whxch sh:- exprexwd a wuh a {CR h m» bx'lurr her dculh. In lhv iwmg um nf {lac <-’xm~t> In \\'.1_~hungmn, a number u! very dwp blm'ks or squares were crvmed. In thew blocks 'hc luls‘werr lrrqucntly threw- hundred fem dv ~p and same-tunes more. These blocks mnmmed lnw prh‘u] rz-SIdz-ncc pruperiy Those who hull: homes herv put them on the front WASHINGTON'S DEPLORABLECONDlTION THREE INFANTILE PARALYSIS CASES TEAMS MEET AGAIN NEXT SUNDAY Relief for file Tenement District in the The Following Article. in Circuhr Form. C-me 0! Son”! Sid. Purl. Sundlyu BM Bill Just Paued. The one Which HI: BeenCirculnled by the Mayor lle wu anlun Third Skiighl Mn. Woodrow Wilgon W'ork- and Dr. L M. Bergen. Hoahh Win Over Croat-u. Nurly ed IO Hard for Commissioner 800 Fun With." Battle CONGRESSMAN THOMSON HEALTH COMMISSIONER REGULARS STRENGTHEN OUTLINES ALLEY BILL MAKES SUGGESTIONS HOLD ON CITY TITLE “Hi the bl“ RnnWI 1 Mummy By Chas. M. Thomson nllm ummmnmes Hull )USI passed bv the HUUM‘ an em! to thix mndmun Hf bull makrs It unlawful :0 law I»! tenemcnu dnmx he Mpx‘n space rumdmuz»: 11" v has n m 'ked {his plan in u m when: Thru- Ihc» l>1~tn \ !\ thv‘ ‘H II IlLHldIan H 1H con- Mnnv Fine Spelkers to Appelr. Rev. J mar“ W. Thompson to F1” Pulp-t ~ uw Here Sundny ".1111‘: M; M]! be "m \pxnkvh m. l'nlted Mungrlnud pulpits “Ll In: ”sum: pastum Hus Sah'mh it «\[x’ctwi H‘Ht Rcv ( H Sta‘ltfzu'lxm Cedar Rupuh‘ [.l, and J. \V Thnwgm presiding cider uf Central l’vnnulxnx conferencvs In \\'x!h:xm~;x1rt_ In. '.\x:. . :w :2]: cupy lhc- Ema! pulpit Svlmol 5cm. :9 >u ndn \ h, u rch hum, lfil 1m] 1- A!“ be "w \pxnh l'nlted Iimngrlzc. hv Hsmnu push»: «\[x’ctwi H‘Ht Rcv Lhrlshan limb-m: Mandy Chum 1:. L‘! 86:» 23111. I'm! " :nduc! 1h" gn-a (waning \r‘r‘ n r u vu‘r. l‘hr'prmm; H. M. Fulmngu Smurdnv :hvxr w. grunr .\r :vn .n [1: mil be m \hargc at Dr I. Q .\. L‘uxr‘.‘ Im'hcr l'r""|4$ And cnnrmrm " l'minm: I: r “when N F burg, I’JI. «'7 AUTO TURNS TURTLE 0N SHERIDAN RD Friday Evenin“ No One Hurt. Damage- About One Hundred Doll-n wore tMv \‘nung mm m the "Run 1hr than or z?1.~ a'ruienl, Mr‘ nx-nhex ..: 'hc'u A,“ hurl, Th:- .1 \\'1scwn~:n (Al .mJ nus damage badly, I'm- danmges amounting !: wxll sub \c-ntum Mn Fnday cwnmg~ p \ mla Park (-mrnnn‘ an '«vrd Rhythm-r Iurnvd D. A. R. RUMIIAGE SALE POSTPONED Haulth Commk-ioncr Fun Spreod Inf-mile P-rIIyIiI Hmlr ()n atmum .n :he smrral \A‘L‘ wt Em fdnulc E’eripls heu- xhe hezméz ur"::m>- smner has rcqumtcd the member; m 1m: D. A. R. to p0~tpone the rummnm- >410 which was announced In last wrek's “4:55 to be held Sept. 29111,:th and (M. 15!. The sale has been postponed Indefinncly wnsmlr " .1 common mun: 'I'hv mnnlu’x r'f. an: under mmmmmz- mth [Pu («K r; or [hr (nthrrs “hn .Arv pvrmmz-d In ‘ \Iild go. Thls l\ \‘Jfllflfldljf In (his rim 'l'hz- «Dumb are, >0 [Ar .Is mm In- mvenld. m nu pu-wnt «ngrr but lrelm- “alchlulnrss Is bring nIallHdH While Conjwhnn‘ at :vrr'wnt (on .u at the best rxpcrr .mth-vmvl dun mirmm the ylmnn- wt \‘(hnuli . same mm- pmrnh u! .vry you”; ('11 dren whnun- AI Hm :xmn- ~us.rp'1’\!r age and \Kht‘fl‘ h-mpumry Abscnu- 'zmx" work H at nun” Ivnpuxmm v rm.“ not b0 crlzu’lzz'd Iur krrpum >LnP1 pLH)l:\ unl h‘mpulanl)‘. prmuiul xhry ?x- kV-m .1' Emma. .-\s In [he L‘Jv'nlYIN)>(U)IH1.'H‘1~ (healses (hr- gwulht Innh‘un- at >.:':-'\ [ix-s m (\w'ithmve wt thv mm min": H: A“ bu‘ho id at lex' \hwnqw L‘hxldrrn 'M'yp’ \fvm-h .n F “(or I‘mn "1n (‘ \‘w (11mm! PH]! P161”? .5 MUN rvgun! n \wllr' Aldrlv distribuzml ledHUD.‘ 'M-U the tracks. We haw- bn-n unablv I-- r p-wcr anv dun! cummumnlllnn hot“: these famxhz-s nr m Irzu'r- thvs‘c mum pm m1 (hr md md L‘ nc humhrd «lnilars enhr. l‘hc Ii: »I o "r'r'flt HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1914 I‘hr CONVENTION AT MOODY CHURCH Q .\. Lmr ,I(’dlr’.\‘ 1hr .amednx n! snurmg $.1th y and m;)rmtw.1un l'k'h P H \\\M\~, \1 M “Hm! \, Hm HH [hr Ill ‘\\ \\ h); ('JH‘: ph‘n “HY LH’ \I mtunl t kuncnmug nun-nth”) wn 1 ) us! nonh HI : Shandan {M i turzh- TX 1 {he wuuhmr uienl, Mr" nix-1M: I"! ILIJ)’ 1k 3'11“)!“ 1 [.‘lz‘t‘ LA“ 'Ht‘ II he H LII: th mum dnul‘xu pun ul u)lH)!l‘X~ H-mx Man-d the [uni wuh .. IH't' " ;» gut d Mln'u‘h hn «m .2 pup In 23,; I) llufiy lmlm' to In 1d. Rrvd 1 ‘m’ulld .n; L‘diwll'fi bunt M an ',‘ hum. A puswd ball .‘xdumud ’uf m-rs a peg. l’ussn‘ bunxh-d ‘ x. x Lou's grounder and Rcrd \. «am: Pcms scouted to thud (m .m .1 rd (luublc; stall L Nutty ud~ ".11. would but Fetus beat hmm F .‘x n-turn The Maroheyk whim! . run {u thmr (otal m the surh lellins' smash sailed Into 1hr hm lch field and went for a homer h The Cray ems began (hnr saving n the ‘x‘venlh when (ht-y put mar onr run Cane“ looked ovpr four vudr «mm and rude home on W. Krrmn’s 1w» hau' UM in left ccmgr. The Regular: canm ugh: back in their halt and hung up hm mon' (allies for the Flinn'I to shoot at Sykes doubled. Harley slumuled m (mm: at!" Reed's wnnop to center and It event Mr a triple. Sykes counting. Pems hhcd .1 Iona uctifice fly [0 Harley on whuh Redacted. Midi: Sykri hurlni Im thr- Rrâ€"gulm uni l'uncr. thr- wuvh mdr Idnl, “r v Hm mound In: [Mr (Iran-nu [w pm hers \lmr‘ hx' quuc “My, but l'nH Ad) h)! u‘n-n Iv" mrnn'. nm~ '.\' )\L\(‘\var Hmvn maltcrrd Pam-x \\ Z‘Hxh'ht‘d up Inn “mm wh‘ uuH»;>~ .x! \vkes for mu" l'uttrr alrm‘k out rirn Roublari'whllr 5';er tnnnrd \l\ u! t.‘ (“Nu-m: I‘hru-fre-r (11px 1') $.73: X “Her and ~)|\c-~ l~~"l(‘d 5n frcr pmw 1m h pmhwr P::' 4 barn-r l’um-r rt.“ imHhv’wm-l v! (va .ugunun! 1);: mm] hclun- (hr \‘n ~K‘Ndch In! .1! “mm .L. 7 In J. [34' gamr w.“ Pun-aw ‘ .31! 17-r1‘3\l£!ll (u hmnh but \hnuuw‘ ‘: Hriu .u\ “('H‘ |,n (up through 4~ I \(--.'.-r (mm m-x- (hm In danger”! Imu- .ry' llkv-n .45 mm secured a mu mr‘. ‘z .1 1 m xhe- [hm] muxnfi. rrglulrrml 1w: 0.4er In tho MIPL ~>nr in [hr “uh .md !.\~ In the wvrnth Innings. whilr 1hr \ n.‘th~$1d«~xu \M'rx- Hum-l helpless In: \I\ I"II.IIK‘I. when In 1hr seventh the» man Age"! to rrmsu-r mm hrs! tally. IIHK‘k «mm mm; paw-x HH' Mb 9» hnnm tlll-r h 'hrJ- xh um ‘21 hr mm “mow éParh Press «pp: \Vn Log I“ By "(‘rcnrcnl Fun" By "Regular Fn" 1 rib: (In: Rz-yulnx) z'xd th 4.1L?“ ( I\.x”\' \(‘Hh-J \ ~ dv-Vrll'rd‘ I ~r 'h '~ The sum- \ -n hm”) m the r m [’1' hr .ugunun! . ~l th-n In! .1! my the m-w HM Rm 11 14 .n In; .‘Hux )H ml Mk. H h UK 01s [ppm] UH PM Drum San’nnhm-d h. H:- Home Ah” Hugh (“mud 1,. (o, ",0 new 30“.” u \(p,....l Hgnug Pumping Station Scrncu BQ'II'IINII. nl Hal! Alley To. O’doch m Pioubyhflnn Church \r\" £12m!“ ml! Ir Rally [My all the l'n-leumn \ Hun h The prugum u an Inl'nmn thh- u haul, MILK); church In" \|\k‘.\‘11(Ildl“h|\h(ln)f‘mmml and graduatnms trom dxfleml that. w” xakr pla r. anardmg ol caution!!! .md_ Instaildtwn a! new officer! Ind Itarhrr‘ 1hr” null he (mum by the Jqurn and u \hnllrulk by Mr (i. (i. lx’t‘t‘flr' Res K L’alvm Doboon with [n- Immumr man the" In” be a Peace u‘nur on (M uh uh scent-dance lo the l‘rm‘lnmalmn sent out by the W The fin! Yap" Icrvteu ol the yen! will uh phcr at 41) p. Ill. October “h. MRH'KH m" be in lb: form at Penn sen-rc- Alta «mum x! mus! hr \nlrd on by the people bc-hm- they bnvmr- rfln‘hve '1 1w \nmmmmon form n! Uovemmenl due-3 dim vulh Puh' Pnlltict. Illbohshel (hr “Hard s\ stmu there can be no xlalrs nu L81“ uxrs nu political com‘ binalmns 2! \nl! «ngnnnr lheritygovcrn- mrm (m .1 buxmms Mus insure buxxm-u rthnrm \ and mm in .1] result; l‘hl' k ummlhlvm Farm 0! Government In any «:h ,uhmvnstmrmn “mild brdlvvd- n! .:.'ur Yu' \h'pmtmvnh, VIL depart» mrm ul publu' afimrs, department 0! Ic- \ mums and 1”th rs dqmrhncnl u! pubhr hl'.lllh and ,\.H('I\‘ drpmlmrn! 01 9‘1er .md puhlu m pzmc-Im'ms and depart :mm H! mmhr [mum-1H \an The Following Outline of the Commission Form of Govern- ment wu Drawn up by the Publicity Com- mittee Fot Publication By [he Pubhuly Com-ah!” will mean much la the good u: 1hr \ ndm flu Linn” :~>mnFurmUl(}U\'¢11I-‘M‘ generation ll we“ "’ '“’ ”W turn! our ”2.1)”! and (our ummnumnen arr Muted hun‘ 1hr HIV at large 1%! pmrrs grnrulh (he samr an the pom-rs U! the when: mnyor and alder- ncrp! .n (hr rxerrioc n! (he-tr 1hr pcoplr «lmlly hold the rcun of [Du- mnrvnmrnl. 1. they Ire salmuaydrd h\ ”11‘ yrlrxrndum Inlhlllve All ham hum granted by (ht , ‘ . . .. , ., AYQ‘ IH(H. foam.» {HM YnaH 'futIl'c emu-m 01 Hm my, all “huh thry Ire n justly proud, and be . ready, u-hrn “Med upon. lo vme With that usual nan-fly and ln‘elhgem‘c. W fr.- N-yor d Salt 14h. Cu, Dc)! Sn. chlfina to your inquinn o! Scptrmber 2nd. Ihc Conn-1mm Form 0! Govern mm hu provcn were-uni m mu cit) LETTER FROM THE MAYOR 0F SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH COMMITTEES HOLD MEETINGS STUDY NEW GOVERNMENT H1 ”nan: ml l r r” HAROLD UEMINER IMPROVED ru‘hnr .1! RALLY DAY NEXT SUNDAY .~ at u hum“ gnu-n “Lu .'}.r lug}: xhuulsludrnla "l.1« wlum .4! [hr u’huul 10! v'nn'v‘~'wmv{1fllr 1hr lrrshmrn "\~h'1H"/‘1 "PM nm‘," I game 'D.r.sn;v'1~ Lnr up and Drum! «N 1.. 11.11 1h: gauntlet through I 1):.4111‘.’ \Alnlk‘ll paddlrt. ln'mlnrl was tunrd to undergo 4m; u-vrmuny, uhrn one 01 th. ,uk thzn on 1hr u‘lnlu' nrne. Hun n «um-what Improved \d r e \ w'in n the supercmrnd- .« t‘ .I'Ad can?) 0! UK tour - v .uh wpcnnlrndrnhd m Hx tum department; ~\; mm w rhurrly H'- : unit dune 1n hll dr- ' w 'u rmplnyrcs would ‘1‘»~ v. unncd tor cmuem‘y Y-nl "Ir"h vemw. ';‘.- Ally!) nl mquury g .mh-r (his form of mm autumn-bk n-ply H.“ nnghbur, Waur 1'4...“ an m Ihe um r ..n uuvrrmcnl. lhr n ~ mnda, the publn «'ll‘)‘7|"hm, ind ”Ar 1 "Nils genrrIHy. W ;» .mn ll)‘ t‘lllnmlllt‘f. H gm‘uzd Park in look “1"”"1 .‘hnngr In nut .« v ‘,,.nyr Y? t-\ hvlu-u' 1n |!\ .md .4 summar) mung 1hr pun-dung mum-d cupm there-- \ .\H the duly Ind u! gvnrrnl cm‘ulauun «us-ms who uh.” Ip- wfhxl'01lhr nty rink \th Hi m. ul ('nuvrmmrm mun] shall rich ;\l:’r! term. a de- m at all rmrlpls 1~ High x hurl ndazn ‘Uh ul g In. It )6 only Wed lo by old lme polmcinm who are unable to handk- rhe- pnronuge under the lantern. 2nd. It has pmven succeuful because . Through the pnmary system and gen- cnl rcprmnunon. "girdle-I oi mn- phy. the but men have beenodectedlnd the cummwuuncrn an lea-able w tax- ‘paycn wuhoul delay 0! lormahty. «h. In awarding DUNK commit. nu five! I: uhuun and the walk nn'anably “on (n the Mural responsible mom I 31h, h has organized Hu- (Hy gun-1 u me-n: upon a Duane» bans m 1‘ at'rn nl kvvpmg n-wuhs. audnmg and m-nrml 1-: gamlamm 81h; Tranuaclu busmru with grcal expedition. holding lug: umnmssmn nw-etuub h week. That u nu mm, m nclmg on pclmum and umacung Ida: “(h Has hecn able in pa..- unhmn du'nmm leuululou mraauxr.‘ uuurrmng (unbundn‘ hquu! and mhc-x muparmnl why-cu whn h appcan-d In In Imp-psalmr under the- «M (mm. -\- .. spu’ml momma ul thv I n) 4 «mnrll luld i-day might the cummct “:1: iv! to: [hr mm-shxnx and Prn'hnu .n 1‘..- pumpmg plum, two sn‘lmnal Ht» H )' water tube bmlm‘ sci m unr h..UI'Y\ n: cludmg bnck work Ibox r fimn hnr .md cquuppoâ€"d uuh >hrm~kiran ahakmg gran-L In 1hr “1:!th \r\ AL u) kn 1-H 1hr sum 01$“)?! Work In be dnnr :n m Curdancr With the plum and spam.“ honu accompanying bid and undn (inn non Ind Iupcn'mon 01M! Wm H \1 Munn. (MW in charge. lmh bah dcputmrnl ul « my gm r111- men! I. under the Immcdlalc ‘hmgr u! 4 rummusumrr whu Is. wnhoul I‘UMIM'H. rewmuhh' in! 1hr Condurl M M- ne- panmrm 'l‘herc arr numermn nxhn lm‘f‘ mum hr 'm'nuoned but ”14' . » perhap. m: must Ivmwvum I~ Inn eflu‘lrd IM this r w m z ' drpartmrnm have buw um 1r The amount «:1 work v‘vum any pmnous pvrmd (:1 tuna : and the largr nmynn» n! (In pray to he natuhrd SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 3rd. Employes are hnred 1m fitness, reamed lur rmcu-ncy and drummed 1m nncflmmcy‘ Fearing we may nm br hble m mam each one ml"! lot their generous donations to the Childrrn'5Home It Lulu Btufl It the recent Harv”! “much-stun} we urn-h, through 1h: kinda. ol '1 m Pita”, to thank you all In thu publ‘u manna. We always but Inn: 01 our (mend. In High!!!“ M Dad we duply twain: (hi. Incl. Hoping we m-y “my: be worthy of you: support. we are You! my My. Lucv J. Juuwn. 6(1). ngamudn pun’huamg (2(1va men! and Ahmed a sawng of App!!!“ mam) NILUIHU. 7th. Suva} no") 10', m 30'): (rich. '0! pubtnlworh‘ The bond prmmed by (ht Hmklmml Park State Bank covering my dqxnfl‘. wnh flu- Ilhnms Sun-{y 0).. an an .Irv'h', Iva:- In (pH-d. Fro. Duane“ It CNHm': Horn: u bin M. ”(N-HM Kod- donu Minn Depend.“ A Wm “THANKS uY‘ H’V) Huh mm L‘ l"Â¥k,,\1h\’u Volume 4 m k ("h x\\r§ ‘rl‘

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