in G PURDYI SONS '6 'WY IS M- Greenes News Stand E. r. PRATT, Prop. and mm, â€3",ng '5. __. ;, not b. urxed to bugiiï¬glgt dim-3E But come a: noon. on Easy Terms Lam Records on Sale Here Columbia Grafonola $50 “Favorite†u: u‘ help you-foroilhut-l mmmmemw M m Th. one my. hat FOR RENT You must use NI-Fi-i-h to‘ have real ‘dusting satisfactionâ€. You cannot get Nut-Finish results without Nil-Finish. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal. P. 5. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circuleting library, at 3 cents per day. REAL SATISFACHON Entered as secondclzu man" Much I. 1911.3! the you ofï¬ce a: “13th Park. llhnou. under the Act of March 3.1879. cleaned and Sciatica. iTry' a .23.: bolile‘ Whimflfln'wiflnxc 23 N. Sheridm Road Highland Park Punusuzo WEEKLY BY JOHN L. Uozu. at Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois Telephone :2 :2 Highland Park 562 MWPARKPRESS Telephone 632 D. G PURDY'I" SONS *6 w; FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING Choice Office 39 St. John Avenue THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1914 â€noun. ‘7‘ i: - marvelous dusting. damn . lishmg h- am it It you just min the usual 'Iy" but that I difference! No dust flymg in the . room to nettle down a lin. Every speckisukcn up and ta en oux-- no: just stirred up. And. at the same time. with no extra work. Your furniture. woodwork and hardwood floors are ‘MYY IS SEW. ‘IYACLDM 0.7. >Depcnd on that page loc_h-un¢ uph- in the All Columbia Records play on Victor Machines Mr. Dudley Putnam of E. Central Ave, and his son Dudley. who were at Green Lake. Wis. as the guests of Mr. and Mn. J A Putnam, returned on Monday. Miss Ruth com“ Collins. who 53 well I Mrs. Geo. Vetter entertained a number . of friend: at her home on Tuesday after- k"°‘"‘ by "Wm“ Park â€â€9" h†"‘ noon, the ocauion celebrating her bnrth- tumed to her home in Chicago on Oaklday “.11an. In the "wing the SL. after having spent the summer at “500†club me and happily surprised Ravinia as the guest of her sister, Miss 3 the bonus. The Nile wmners Wye": Mr. E. Bock and Mrs‘ Albert Lamon. hrst Fm" “‘5“- . Iprizes, and Mn. Edward Bock and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Putnam. who‘Albert Larson, were awarded the can- have been at Green Lake. Wis. {or theISOh‘iOfl prizes. Mrs. "0â€â€œ “85 WP- past three weeks have returned to theirIscm‘ed "“11 a very Wm" S‘m‘Im‘h home on Prospect Ave. I f3 Miss Ruth Coflin Collins. who is well known by Highland Park people. has re- turned to her home in Chicago on Oak SL. after having spent the summer at Ravinia as the guest of her sister, Miss Flora Coflin. Mrs. O. L. Oleoon of Moraine Rd.. en- tertained Mrs. P. J, Schafcr of Chicago one day last week Mn. Frank Matthews has returned from Waupon. Wis, after visiting her mother for six weeks and left this week for Cincinnati, Ohio. where she will join her husband whu IS in that city on Miss Helen Whitney has returned from a three weeks ï¬shing trip to Lake Kosk- Miss Catherine Sullivan has returned to her home on Park Ave. after a three months stay at Mackinac Island. Mrs. D. P. Shelhen is visiting Mrs. W‘ Horn of Lake Forest this week. The Royal Neighbors wxllentenain an card party on Friday exemng at Masonic hall. Miss Cornelia Barlow of Delevan. Wis. [S visiting friends her: (or several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ami: .\ the gussts on Sunday n: F. father in Chicago, Mur! rem! Mn, Samuel T‘ Shwlds‘ of Chicago is the guest of her dzmghte: Mrs Arlhur )1,va‘.\r1c atRavxhl.1Pazk, Mrs. H. Schaley and son Tilerman. who haxe been the gurus of their rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Thumas Welsh of E. Laurel .~\»e., returned (0 their home in Chillicothv. Ohio thn m-ek They motor- ed there in compary wzzh Mrsr Schaley's brother and Wife, Mr and Mrs, Ed. erah of Rnnma Iliuk uhu vull \‘i>l[ relatucs in 0th for sexem! weeks ï¬lt‘ Mr. and M‘s. A. L Adamsof Wmnetka were the Sunday guests or Mr and Mrs. D. B. Brand. Mr‘ and Mrs. Clam: H. ngree have come here from Bloonnngton, Ill. to re» side at 510 Lincoln A»: Mr: W. T, L'ndc-rswud and her (Wu sons. Lon-ll and 'I‘hunms. formcrly Ol thls uty hme gone to Ann Arbor. Love“ is a freshman at the l‘nwersity of Michi- pan and became a pledge member of the: P51 ['psflon fratermty. Sept 39m. when he was the guest of honor at a dinner celebraung his eightccnth birthday. Master Thomas is a Jumor at Ann Arbor High school. Mrs. H. M. Bacon and son Robert. of N. Sheridan Rd., returned from Orekama, Mich. where they have been all summer. Fr 1 >\\ .\I Mr M tun" wen- The Philanthropy committee of the Ossoli Club are to give a beneï¬t card party Oct. 15. Tickets for the party may be had of any of the following ladies who comprise the committee: Mrs. C. N. Kimball. Mrs. M. S. Hastings. Mrs. How- ard Hitchcock, Mm John Glass. Mrs. A. Carqueville. Mrs. A. L. Drum, Mrs. Mc- Gregor Adams. Miss Catherine Cashing, Mrs. M. J. lnsull. Mrs. W M. Forrst. Mrs. C. W. Buckley. Mrs R. C. Jacobsen. and Mrs. W. H. Baldmn. chairman. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hdscall and daugh- ter, MiSs Harriet Ham-all or Chicago, and Miss Adele Jeurgens hf Freemont. ()hio, There is tube a bazaar held at the Evanston Women's club Monday after- noon and evening. Nov. 2nd. (or the beneï¬t of the winter work of Arden Shore. Mrs, O. 8. Tennis of Evansxoq. is the chairman of all the North Shore com- mittee: The Highland Park committee consists of Mrs. McGregor Adams. chair- man; Mrs. Burridge Butler. Mrs. Wiegand. and Mrs. Chulcs Boynton. There will be fancy work. candy and cake booths. Besides the bazaar there will be infor- mal dancing in the evening. .\I .\[ I LOCAL AND ransom NEWS] M .x:<1~ necessary fw: 1x .\{l$$ H J. Lunpuxx U hrxc Sunda» 112nm: Mu" “are the “(1'er Mr and Mrs .\1 x‘ L‘unmd of MC .~ Hzlda Hoï¬r‘. Akl'n suddenlx 3 attack of up ad to thc Am uncd Mrs. k 1 V and Mr: Â¥ he guests on Sunday of thelr rela 1n Bhwmmgt “on :mk \Vumax member: thIk’.‘ N Irk. I\ ‘4 .‘x-n mmb)‘ u ere {r Abercromby's 3.1 ht \\ m-x \\ I .x’h'lidcd l} ? .\‘ 2:}; bhurc ' the {ht KUt‘Hj U mic 1 gm rug“ Med D mdu) ("Udall Rd ’f. ht \\ l‘t‘rc 'C H II Cll‘ The Fall opening heid a: than. H. War ten C033 store 15 prm-mg (u be the most successful opening en‘r Leid m that store. :1" an ‘ Anny of ten ladies motored to the woods north of Zion Clly on Tucsdav fur a picnic. Mn L. F. McCIcrnan and Mn. Paul Chapman took the party In theircan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tillman and ‘ d;;â€";{p family hue moved from W. Central Ave. where u and Green Bay Rd to their new home no 1 said a}. Homewood Ave. 9 present 1 The Mille- Anna P and Cora a w. :diciu'oa “am... who since [hear return from ! Europe have been spending a week at ' WIukeï¬l the Martino hotel. WI†open {helf apart- 3‘ s_ (; ment I! {W Astor St.. Chicago [his week. : ‘ Mn. Elmer Evans has as her guest her mother. Mn. Rasmussen of Racme‘ Wis. Mrs. M. C. Conrad, who was I“ {hr several days is able to be aruund agam Vlrs. Edwardl “I‘ldlr'y' ‘: Iflm \zl’a was the week end gun‘s: M Mr .mi My». Oliver S. Brown ‘._~ F‘IJHLM Mm Bumn IS Mrs. Bradley» ~we-r Mn William .\'. tum! 1s rmcrunmng Mr. E. H. Hoard and (mull) at Red “mg. Minn. for a few days Muss Marie Arum {Saturday or Mn. 1.:- {State 51., Chnc up: Ia guest at a IHLhnAlA Ilahn A, Luggm .md F mgzm‘. by Mrs. [c.m; Mrs. (MHz-x Ii l~3 ta ancnd H‘m Hwy-h: dredth anmu-r x Dr. Rnbcrtn i ‘0 _\Ir returned 51:1.(5 ,. m the can! i' \I .l' r paints of imrxn: .\ Ln Mrs. Tligg \\ JUN. u! Chlcugu and me List last \sc-c'n : y: a Tuur. “I. The :21!‘\ v the ï¬fteenth. M2“ \\ guest of Mrs. “A: . r Mr. Carl Wllwn uf Munwz‘ mm: ‘ was the weekend RUM! u! H: mm! ‘ Forest E. Maralzv .‘ Mr. and Mrs. >1 5 Hui ; .-~ um fbeen livmg at the l'Hman huh.“ wn ,‘lral Ava. all summer. han- xeruxm . their home on [.mdcn Au‘ the Emma \\ Miss Margot Cuzhlng and MI» ( Spencer are taking qx'x‘ml muw Civics and PhlLHHhD-LH at IN" svhl Civxcs and Philanthrmn U.. .u‘ Mr. Arthur Pave u! .\ru \wr‘n week-end guest of Mr and M Thayer on Sheridan Rd Miss Mary Sprdum- of (ham: >p€nt Sunday with Ml» Flnyd n! Lvntrai Au- Miss Sprague h.l~ jLX‘I rriuznrd from Europe. The “'mnan'> Hnr'm .t..1 Mar :2 sionary Socnety m 1hr hm 1 mm! P. gelical Church “1H(-nh'rmxnIJcI’vt-r SOClety this aftermmn In Ihz' 2-K N ' parlor. Mrs. R I thxu n1 \ LIMAQ‘ read a paper on "New Amen“: U11 Mrs John 15 the guest erseman I! 5'. Miami Mrs. Edwi: gun! of her Mus Prarl gurst (.1 Inc! Mr. and .\I [ll nmtmrd I gun-~15 of Mr Mr and M turned qu! u The Tenth [)lstrl¢‘( of {hr “mm, 1*"ch oration of Women's Clubs ml] hnld a meeting at the Highland Park I’m-sh)- tcrian Church as gursh Ml 1hr Hlflhldlld Park Woman's L’Iuh un I‘m-«Ln (k tuber X3th. 3:10:30 u m Lumhr-nn vull Ix- sened “12:30. “le {hr '1:("‘,?K'Y\H?I?H‘ ()ssoh who Wish In JUI‘IK! ‘mmih nun!) Miss Jessie J L‘h‘uzdlvr. kwrrz'qwnd'nx Secretary. Mi. Evelyn Baxlcy, who has been the guest at the Phllhps resldcrzx'r nn Show dan Rd. for (hr past (hn'e ucékx. left Monday night [or her hume at Fort Leavenworth. Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Jcmmc Kn-grx u! (Elen- coe. the latter being formerly Muss La- vina Oimstud of this city. annuunct the birth 0‘ a son. born Monday. (M 31h. at the home of Mrs. Kreger's parents. Mr. and Mn. W'. H, ()lmstcad of Elm Place. The women of the Trnnm- Church Guild will hold its lint all day meeting in the Parish house on Monday, (m. 12. Luncheon will be sewed at noon and since there is a good (lcal or work to be done. itis urged that all members be present. The prcsxdcnl U! (h:. (lunldll Mrs. E. W. Spencer, whxle Mrs. (icorge A. Mason is head of thc Women's Auxiliary. SIrs 'Hu‘ “K‘s“ 'H‘h I L hupfcr “1'. Katy Walthcrs is on the sick liu. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, MELAND PARK ILLINOIS 1m In west \Ir k C.“ (1 In \1 uhs d\(' All bid: must be uocompanied by I 3 certiï¬ed check (or ten per cefll o! the, amount 0! the bid‘ I The Fire And Water committee ne- scrveo the right m rt‘ect my or all M; W. Bocnn. l Chdmnn Fin md Witt! commune. 4 Dated ll Highland Park. Oct. 51h. 1914. I Notice to Contact.“ | Sealed bids will be received by the Fine, and Want committee at the comm‘ttee room in the city hall. until eight p. m. Moodâ€; Oct. 19m. 191‘. for furnishing all mating and labor memory for tho erection pad completion 0! n nation to me pumpirh mum. inducing (m:- rion for boilers. en; in Mace with: the plum and speciï¬cations on ï¬le in the .‘ ofï¬ct of the city deft. h Public Notice it hereby given that the Subecriber administrator of the eagle of John Hurt deceased will attend the County Court of Lake County, It I term thereof lobeholdenuiheCourt HoueeinWau- ‘kegnn. in aid County. on (he ï¬n! Mon- day of November next 1914 when Ind where All persons having claim. mint: said cit-re are notiï¬ed and requested to present the same to aid Court for Idui- John Hart. In. Administrator Wankeém, Illinois. Sememhcr M. 1914 E. S. Gail. Attorney 29-32pd h inxpcnenw a: m: ('sher] [)3 Mn. Lrshc \1. I'henmy "'1 11¢ Impxmlmr‘. of the H. vzn‘zal.†l2. Mrs J I’ I’m-Iv: '1'thch 'm'n paswd b\ the Bwnmn',†by MI: Rex Junm and a talk an the Bzcnnla! m grneral and sts Znnn (mic-s speech. h) Mn. F‘ I) Everettl Thr laurr all-u an noimced 1hr mxt memlal \\uuld be held :u'New York Cli)‘ In May 1916 The hmtepcs for UK day weu- members at (he house commute: Mrs‘ Henry Boyd, cluirman assisted by Mesdamcs J 5 Bell. A. L. Renning, W. E. Bletch. Herman Denzei, J. F. Scott.and Miss Estelle Clark 4 liimnml and Mn \uung > >pc~e<’h by Mn. Frank (hcrz‘. 1215: Menu] 1r: “urn “11.1! 1nd Mrs. I'rnmpacker‘a “Wonk n! \\‘riéun,r.†by Mrs Hrmy 'Iha)rr; "51) The Hlflhllnd Park “uman's Club held If! opening mrema Tuesday atkmunn at 3.1!} o’clock Tm- aurrnoon (mom-d unthirrcrphun Cu me zr-A member: The pmgram “4‘ A: (mm internhng one Mu. Jnmn Pu:x..¢~ pzrsadem. gm: 2 shbn talk atu-r uhn?‘ M! > A “with. pianm. undue-d tun dehghx'ui sch-c Nun's. “Thc })|1,Jnn1|3(‘“, by f’adernukn. and one m R‘ e'mrnu anse urn- qunwed h) ‘\r:.c â€1:. l,l\r >1:ng,' b) Swims .1" av cm â€c n\.:!.!rl That an“: :n m:- :mmnr L-lkum xhclhrnmal. {hm «err .xs hm u: (mm-ml (hullptmn 4 “(ennui and Mn \qulx > >p¢~e<'h by 88. 13. 75. E. M Clemens. 1U. 10. TJ. J F. L. Cums. 34, 8. 76. W‘ C Jacobson. 84 13. 71, winners 295 36-holc comés! hanfltcap, E‘ H Lceman, winner, as. 82. 31. Total 139 56 hole handlup for guats H‘ Hngbue. mnner. EU. SM. 32 Tnul HS Letch Sprung cup (or guesu. 18 holdmedal play handncap, L. Wuh‘ beerqxxm. 87, H.73.u1nner Th: he 0! the Hand! Day cup was played of! Oct. er; Mr. C, E. Wnlcox tanner. numbrf yrrw me! bcfure. Saturdav'o reoulu were (ball coma! 1R hole medal play handicap (2 H Rndcll In sddltiun m the urmu: lecture: u- ranged in! (hm season several high class Photo Play: will be gnen On Tuesday the L’Tth \Inl be reprrsrnlcd â€The Sea Wolt'A To {Militan- [hr handlln‘ut there {:1ch .suhyecls \u- hum mm luumachnnn instalird a'nd vu' n‘uy .ungmmlatc nur- sehn (m hmmg mt up In datr an mnal â€Minn {h .m) n. the £|rUHlY" H'v'ghland Park “'oman's Club Friday the 16th. i. very annously betnr looked tonrard to by the young people I this in the commencement 0! the Motion 1 Picture; Numerouu requeeu hue been? receued by the entertainment committee. to have one 0! the am] atone: whnch ; ure- .0 popular at the pretent time (wen! during the wmter. after caretul Invest»; anion and enquires they tune to thef conduuon to preoem "The Perth 0! PIu-‘ line", A number of the member! have: already seen these pictures express I de- ' sire they be repeated A large pro- portion have only been odd numben and ‘ wnh to follow the story to It; tonrlusiun. xnul L‘I Tuudly the 13m in the opening reap “on and dance. the lollowina Thur-day tbeOIIdi are haVifll Card My 10' (5: ï¬nd: of their Phflanthmpy Fund and I lame aucndance in thd. The cemmittec is working very hard to make mi. one of xbeir big mace-us o! the [*‘Highland Park Club I The program (or the October cnleruin- menu pronum 1o keep the members busy (or the remainder of the month‘ SJ! Exmoor Club dre 3 yam [)3 Mn. Lrshe mern 1hr held hut: (-rr “I†he EARL W. GSELL PHARMACIST, -- Telephon‘eZ3 Why not have your clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies' and gent'a garments oriental rugs carpets portiers draperies, piano Covers lace curtains. etc. cannot be duplicated by any louil «leaner. as we have the LARGE? and most SANHAR\ plant m the West. “TIM l Yum! h Making :4 spcnalty 0t loans on Improved real estate in the North Shun- It‘ITlIUr)' mcludmg Rngers Park. Evanston. Wil- mette, Kt‘mlwut'th. \K'mnetka. (ilenpue. Hmhland Park and Lake Fun-x! 50x urlt)’ undvr mungagt-s m IhlS territory is continua“) (-nhnncmg whrlc thv rate of mum-st Ls attractive. FALL \ PICTURES / North Shore Trust Company INCORPORAT ED 214 EAST (ENTRAL MENUE Telephone Highland Pad 265 Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial†wagon will call for and deliver your gm“ CHAS. H. WARREN C0. North Shore Trust Company Guaranteed Silk Skirts Special for this week z>rz 21.0w >20 (<05 N_Nu.n_wu C'sâ€"s >403... O:â€"ï¬>0° fineâ€"l . no; 9! A new Skirt ‘if it rips. tearsor sphts ALL COLORS MORTGAGE BANKERS Organized under the Banking Law: of the State of Illinois Autumn Styles Highland Park, lllinoin Capital $100,000 Ill J LU] ha Pv‘m pp! m ‘1 HM $1.69 Ansco Camera to cum»: {Mme-twill:- abk to our careful work will (estate your or- menu and make than fresh and dean m ma will not and : maze- of :Se laundry are extremely dainty and Inactive. but may of the fabric: m “an 1w unr gr: \um' ï¬lms and v»? 11> gm? Mm \HH gel the Div-no, - I!†(1†l J (JUICY. Cah- r _\(m want Pall Mews fun 2.1 mu “Dbl! to 01 the pron Telc most the a FIR: 57ml staff. the | mi quu gun d1“ llltl. and l {he (I why (hen hall. I â€hr \ uh ( Ipi‘ Sutpl i In“ pub†Hunk Hr! )r‘ aim