Mr. and Mrs. William Grant of 120 Laurel Ave.. announce the marriage of their daughter. Helen Isabelle Grant to Mr. John Strang of Chicago. The cere- mony took place on Wednesday evening at half after seven o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. The home was beautifully decorated in the rich shades of autumn leaves while the bride was charming inlher gown of white silk crepe with a princess lace overdress. Miss Catherine Grant. sister of the bride. was her only attendant and she was (owned in a pale green crepe de chine. Mr. William Grant, brother of the bride. served the groom as best man. Only close relatives of the bride and groom witnessed the ceremony and panook of the reception which followed. After a short honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Strang will be at home at 858 Fletcher St. Chicago after November 15. l The Friday night bridge club will have ixs ï¬n: meeung on Friday evening at the home of Mmï¬George W. Child: on N. Sheridm Rd. The club meets every two Miss Mary B. Humphrey of the Detroit Free Press is to lecture at the Moraine an interesting address by the honored guest, Mr. Frederick Moon presented Mrs. Keeman._in behalf of the lodge, a large bouquet of red roses A delicious lupper was served after which dancing took place. On Monday evening the Mystic Work- ers gavea reception 1n chmpliment to Mrs. Alice M. Keeman. who is the dis- trict manager of the lodge. and three other Grand oï¬icers, all of Chicago. The attendance was exceptionally large, After The committee in charge of the enter- tainment given at the Moraine hotel Oct. 23rd is: Miss Ethel Spencer, chairman; and the Misses Margot Cashing, Con. Itance Shields, Mary Sedgwick, Gladys Spencer. Dorothy Schoï¬eld. Dorothy Clark. Marjorie London, Dorothy Loudon. Margaret Deming, Kathleen Bergen. Blanche Mason. Jean Sterling. and Ruth Gregoryi Mm Andrew Bloomï¬eld entertained eighteen little fri‘ends of her son, Harold Bloomï¬eld, on Saturday afternoon in honor of Harold's fourth birthday. Games of all sons were played and the little tots all seemed to have a good time. A very pretty wedding of interest to few Highland Park people took place at high noon Monday when Miss Helen Jacks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jacks. was married to James Arthur Crupthï¬eld. Ensign l'. 5. Navy. Thel bride was attended by her mother as matron of honor, and her sister. Miss! Frances Jacks as bridesmaid. The cere- 5 many took place at the country home of the bride's parents at Geneva. Mrs. T H. Decker entertained a num‘ ber of friends at her home on Saturday alternoon In compliment to Miss Helen Isabelle Grant whose‘marriage to Mr. John Strang of Chicago took place Wed- nesday evening. The affair was in the form of 21 miscellaneous shower. The Philathea class of the First United Evangelical church will hold their annual banquet at the home of Mrs. T. H. Decker this evening. Mm Harold Van Hoesen of Sheridan Rd.. entertained the Fortnightly club 0! Wilmette on Tuesday at luncheon and auction bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Garrity of Mo Govern St.. announce the approaching marriage of their daughter. Agnes Garrity to Mr. Edwin Mead. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mead of Highwood which will take place this evening, Thursday. at half after snx o'clock at the Rectory of St. Mary’s church, Rev. J. D. O'Neil per» forming the ceremony. The bride Will be attended by Miss Anna Bauman of Glenview Ave. while Mr. Walter Garrity, brother of the bride will serve the groom as bestman. A small informal reception will be held at the home of the bride's parents with only immediate friends and relatives present. Mr. and Mrs. Mead will be at home after Oct. 15th on Victoria St.. North Chicago. The Social Side of Life 12 piecw 25 pieces 50 pieces . Under/{News Very moderate prices on F unily Wuhings, ironed. AS K U S Telephone: 178 and 179 ocal Affairs of the week By the ()hscn cr Mr. Cresweil read President Woodrow Wilson's Proclamation to the churches to observe Sunday. Oct. 4th, as ['niversal Peace Sunday at the morning service and took as his text "Seek Peace and Pursue it." Union services for the same purpose were held in the l'nited Evan. gelical church in the evening. Mr Houser of Des Moines. 13.. preached. Rev. Leuer of Crown Point, lnd.. is to be the new pasmr of St. Paul's Evangel- ical church. Rally Day services will be hrld in the Presbyterian church at 10 o‘clock next Sunday mommg. Miss Sedgwnck of Chi- ago will have charge of the promotion. Mrs. Richard Supple gave a report of the Deerï¬eld Parent-Teacher Association for the past year at a meeting of the ex. ecutive board of the Parent-Teacher Association of the Highland Park schools Wthh met at the Elm Place school last Tuesday. Elm Place. Lincoln Ave. Ravinia. Highwood and [)eerï¬eld Gram- mar schools and Deerï¬eldShield High school were represented. A division of the Deertield Day fund gave $129 to the Parent-Teacher Associa- tion. The indebtedness on the piano and moving picture machine were cleared and a balance of $8.77 placed in the treasury for future needs. The Associa. tion has raised over $500 during the year, all of which has been used for equipment. The Village of Deerï¬eld received the same amount which will be used to buy a ï¬re hose. The entertainment given by the school children in the as.embly hall Friday eve- ning in conjunction with the movtng picture show was nmel and pleasing. “The Singer Song of Sixpence" motion song by little girls in the primary room and the "Coming through the Rye," folk dance by the older girls were charming. The reels were largely educational. Pine- apple and cocoanut industry in China. rice industry in Japan. and climbing the Alps were followed by an amusing cat and mouse comedy Hereafter more dramas will be included, The next pro- gram will be given Friday, Oct. 16th. and the boys gymnastic class will szive an ex- hibition. l Deerfield News Items Mr. and Mm Charles Schmidt of St Charles. “L. announce the betrothal of their daughter, Ernestine Schmidt to Mr. Harold C. Harbaugh. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harbaugh of E. Park Ave. The engagement was announced at a lunch- eon last week at which Miss Dorthea Kohn of St. Charles, was hostess. No date has been set for the wedding. Mrs. B. H. Kress entertained a number} of friends in honor of her birthday an-i niversary Wednesday afternoon. 0n Tullily evening the members 0" Mr. and Mrs E. H. Willman were the the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor held guests 0‘ Mr. and “m Vi. 1’ â€5mm†asocial meeting in the parlors of the '0 Chicago Sunday church. After a business meeting the Mn. â€038 and daughter MayflofRORfr! young people had a very exciting candy i hfk. WCTE â€'1? weekend guests 0' Mr. J. pull in the kitchen. Miss Davidson and‘C. Wolff- Mrs. Dobsnn were the cooks and the1 Mr, Samuel Delmagee l)l Chicago was younger folks helped to pull the molasses the truest or his nephew. Mr, W. A. candy and the taffy which was very good. . Whiting. Mrs. “'alter McNeil of Wade Ave.“ The Womans MlsmonarySix‘n-tyuf High- will entertain informally at tea on Thurs- ' land Park will entertain the Womans Mis- day afternoon from 23 to 5 o'clock in com- 1iiionary Society of the [hired livangelnal pliment to Mrs. W. A. Jones of Buffalo. ' churrh of Deertield In the churrh parlors N. Y.. and Mrs E. M. Sherman of Elsi- v Thursday afternoon noie Cal Mrs Jones has been the guest i A minister from thetieneralLunlereni e at the McNeil residence and is a sister of which is being held at Hamnumn “â€1 Mrs McNeil ‘m‘r unu m. mum. ..i m. l mini it man. Miss Adah Grandy was the chaperon on Wednesday afternoon when her English clam went to see â€Hamlet" at the Blackstone theatre. on "Russla and Russtan Refugees," on Friday evening, ()t‘t. 23rd. at 8:15 o'clock. Miss Humphrey has spent some tlme in Petrogard. Russia where she has had ac- cess to the Imperial Library and accord- xngly Miss Humphrey has a tine know- ledge of her subject. During the after- noon preceding the lecture. there Will be an exhibit and sale of Russian embroidery, toys and curios. There Will beafternoon tea served at 4:30. List Price .35 It is stated in the ï¬fth chapter of James that “The prayer of faith shall “V0 the sick." There is no ambiguity About that language. It is not indefl~ nite at uncertain in any particular. It I’R.\ YER Another subject that enters into the religious life of all people is that of prayer. Since prayer is the medium through which the conection is estab- lished between the human and the di- vine. it is, therefore. of great import~ ance for every person to ï¬nd out what constitutes true prayer. What are its chancten'stics, what is its nature. and how may it be employed so as to bring to the one who prays with cerâ€" tainty the blessings which the Strip- tures say shall come as a result of true prayer. Christian Science, therefore. pleads for I rational and demonstrable un- derstanding of (End in place of theo- retical and speculative beliefs about Him. Continued tronV ).l'(‘ i l h dam of (30d, 01‘ the Kingdom Of Heaven. is a luculity. and that it is necessary for people to the and go there in order to become (‘itizens of that kingdom. in reality the further they are from alienating themselves from it? And the more sincerely they believe that sort of thing; the more their sincerity will stand as a barrier to prevent their progress to- wnrds that kingdom, Miss Elda Hurenherxrx' “As 1h:- \ux-k end guest ()5 Miss [(14 lelrr mt L‘hnagn Mr Lester Stung†IN: \I {or the South \t‘hl‘H‘ hp ml the winter. The bazaar “huh “as pun-n bv the Ladies Aid Souot) ()1 St Paul's Evan- gelical Church 0n ’l‘hursdu)’ m e-mng, (XL 15!, was an Imnu'nx- suu'css MK l'd“\ and ï¬nancially. Thrhall vms (leworJtr-d In white and thc numerom hum!» Hmdr an attractive setting ’l‘hcrr vn-rr xandv fancy work. apron and qum huuths and to the great delxght of [he vhnhhrn, A ten cent grab hug I‘he- hm Ihmg~ which remained unsold at In» 54- m-re- auctioned by Mr J C. ,-\Hlt'\ Mr. and Mrs J L were the Rue-sh In! Mr of Chicago Sunday Mr. “'alter Antes lef: Wednesdnv fur Powell, 5. D, where he wull rcmzun fur some time. Mrs. Mary Wischhocvcr or South Un- cago, who has been the guest 0! her sister, Mrs. F. Neuhauwn fur unm- Mme. returned to her home- Sunday. MI. and Mrs. ()rcnnmg u! Shrxmer- ville. announce the marriage ut their daughter. Aberunr Urennmg to Mr Christin Willman or [)erxï¬eld. A minister from the General Contcrrm e which is being held at Harrington. \nll occupy the pulpit of (h:- I'mlrd Eumgel- ical church Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fabry and son, of Chicago were the guests 1»! Mr and Mn. 1. A. Stryker Sunday‘ On Sunday rvrmng, Hut .‘SIH. there- wiH be a saured cuncrrr 1n {he Hnly (rugs church. The membexs m the Mu Slgnm Chi were entertained at the home or the Mines Hornbcrger Fnday (‘VcnlnjL M11 “Whit? U! Chicago “4‘ of her sister. Mrs. 'l‘hm 1mm- Mrs. W. .-\. (ulr o! \nlmm- .\ 1!. “ha has been the guest at hrr slhh‘l, Mn N H. Krcss for the past munth, rrmmc-d In her home Sunday cue-mug Mr. and Mn H‘Hnrn I»! (hudgn \Nx ed friends In l’rrrvtrld \nturd n .u'u! \un day. Mr. and .\1xs.A-\. H Mg‘hékr \wn- :hc guests of Mn. Muhlkc a nun. Mu. George \v'ettrr 1:! k hit my Mmda) Ewald Wintrx and Mn» \\ mun-d l‘laggc are attending Lem: Immurr. Muss Plagge is taking 1hr Ainmrstn' u‘lrnvr course. Mrs. B. H‘ Kress and her guest, Mrs. D. E. Welch of anrapohs were the guests of Mrs Dunlap wt (Imago a few days of last wrek A LECTURE 0N CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Min Jennie Karch had as her guest over Sunday Miss \'1ola Engleuft‘hncago. Min Florence Osborne 0! Highiand Paul: was the week end guest of Mill Lillian Schlie‘ Mi- Arlinc Slull of L’hncago was the week-end guest of Muss Anna Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Durham. Sr, ofUIk Park, Mr. and Mrs Howard Durham. Mrs. Wolf! and Miss Julm Urmxng o! Kenn}- worth were xhe guests of Mr; and Mn. Reicbell, Jr.. Sunday. Mr. Fred. Cowlin of Pasadena. (2:1,, who hll been Vlsmng his father in Wood. stock. "1.. was the week-end guest of hi! uncle. Mr. John A Renhell. Tl! Dotcu Society of the Medan church will give a surprine pack-3e Iocill a! the century home of Mr. Reichelt, Sr.. Wednesday evening. The packlget will be nuclioncd. THE HIGHLAND PARK Pm HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS nd Mn Ln munmg um! during (hr guest .Hurdu)‘. family lignrt Every man who my duim u know how (0 nah true prayer. All As each one shall work out this question for himself, striving to ur- rive It tint conclusion which sh." best satisfy him is to which is the true theory of prayer, one other thing can he mentioned to 15d the inwim in reaching thnt conclusion. Ind that is that through the Christi-n Science method of prayer hundreds of thou- sands of sick people have'been hauled. II not this [mt nrrey a! proof by demonltntion It Ion-t Iuflicient to put every thinking pemn upon in- quiry, lest the Christin: Science theory of prayer muy not, in foot, be the true theory. ()ne perilon say: i! that is true, why, then, do people aeem to have .0 little good, and so much that is not good? Let u.- look at that {or a mo- ment. If one drop: an object the law of gravitation will pull it down to the first obstruction, but if the obstruc- tion be removed, it will pull it down further and furjher its the obstruc- tions are removed, until at lut. i! ciery obstruction were removed, the low of gravitation would then have its perfect work, and would pull the object to the center of the earth. That I! precisely what happens through the operation of spiritual law. That law is operating in human corisriouaneu, just as far as the nhntructionl will permit. whirh obstructionx are mental qualities-superstition. false belie“. human will and the like. A: they are removed, the spiritual law Will oper- ate further and further in human consciousness, bringing good deeper and deeper into human experience, until at last. when every such ob- struction shall have been removed, when the human conscioumeu ahall have been completely evangelized by truth, and every mortal thought shall, have been brought into obedience to .Chriet an the Scripture commanda,‘ ‘then the Ipintual law will have ita, perfect uork in human conacioueneu.‘ In that day men and women will walk the earth free from every evil condi-; tion, no longer in bondage to sick- nesa, sin, poverty, old age or death, but shall then be found in the con- scious poesesion of that dominion which God said in the beginning be- long: to man. Christian Science. upon the other hand. teaches its adherents to make the prayer of‘realilation. the prayer 0! Affirmation. Christian science teaehes that God is inï¬nite good. and that it is wholly unnecessary to beg or petition inï¬nite good. to manifest good to us, for Inï¬nite good cannot do anything elite except manifest good to every creature. If one should let {all an object it would be absurd to beg or petition the law of gravitation to operate. That law would operate automatically. and Would pull the ob- ject down to the ï¬rst obstruction. Christian Science teaches that God in Mind, or Principle. and that Mind governs through spiritual law, which law is operating throughout the en- tire universe, and is a law of inï¬nite good. and is manifesting good and nothing but good ceaselessly to every human being. it not plain that so long u people go on in the belief thnt it is the {unction of prlyer to chnnxe the mind of God to meet the hum-n desire. in reality the further they Ire getting uny from the true theory of prayer; and the more Iincerely they believe that Iort of thing, the more their very lin- cerity will confuse their underetuid- in; nnd will prevent them from nuk- lng the pnyer of faith which, the Bible aye. "shnll uve the nick." Yet, I†the While that this form of prayer huh gun: up from unnumbered millions of agonizing hear“, tha Bible has declnred than God is un‘ changing. If God Is unchnnging, u the Bible dcelnru Him to be, then in It can be [lid that almoet every person in uught to make the prayer of petition, the prayer of pleading, They are taught to petition God for whatever good thing they desire, ii d also to petition Him to withhold uni-tâ€" ever evil thing they ml: to inml. Running through the prayer of lich- tion, and in fact, its very foundation and eslence, ill the belief that the mind of God can be changed by the petition. There in the belief that, but for the petition. God would not do the thing He iii asked to do. else why ink llim‘.‘ Or that but for the petition, He would do the thing and Would send the eVil, that He iii asked not to do or not to send. la, in fact. aa poaitive and tilted a Eatat-a‘ant u can be made with]:- 'luan language. And yet. h would faean that one ottwo thing: nut uecaeaarily be true. either tht state- meat in the Scriptuna ia ibolly falaa, or alaixpaopla have not known how to make the“ prayer 0! faith throughout the centurion. Except in sporadic inatancea, the pick have not been aaved u the mull of prayer. It. thenlore, becomea a aubject {or legi- timate inquiry in ordet that it may be determiped, if poaible, Whaler or not that statement in the Scripture. in true. Many people aak i! Chriatian Scientiata pray, and how Christian Science prayer diï¬era from that 0! other church... and it will doubtleaa prove both interesting and helpful if the diflerence is explained. It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loam and Insurance THE ERSKINE BANK Offlo- .-J Yards Eh Hm And Fir-l Street FRANK L. SILJESTROM KW.SCHNEIDER,13 St Johns Ave. Telqh|e331 Wear One and Convince YourseK 1 (vu ( nnm plied hum (‘7.(‘ nlhun Thrv IH' 1hr Ihftc \Hnl pom†runncctcd \t'lih lhf pro- ducnon (,2 SAFE MILK Bowman Dairy Company Order your coal or wood while the weather is good PERFECT PASTEL‘RIZATION Dcstroys all pathogcmc ' germs. . BOITLING IN THE COL'NTRY at the source of supply when- the an H; pure removes the dancer 0! contami- DAN“ l\.\PECHON Assurcs clanhncss Bowman Dairy Company Tolspbone 67 Crou Creek Lehigh North Shore Fuel Supply Co. W. ll HILLAR, Manger Lake Geneva Ice Just telephone 65 and the God or Ice Man‘will call that the Bavaria Sweater Coats and Jerseys are the best made today for comfort and dura- bility. Prices $1.75 to $8.50. 121 Vine Avenue 1H H‘HUNES: HIGHLAND PARK, 9. GLBNCOE, 7o Hard and Soft Coal Wood, Feed, Lumber and Building Material GOOD BANK I be sun‘ \Ou are 99mm} Sale Milk unless sup- A ? om u â€guns I! pass†\Ou! dOOf gully --COAL-- SAFE MILK 230 N. St. Johns Ave. that a box of our confectionery 'u the awn-dot kind 0! a gift. They ma) dlï¬cr about othef thing! but the) arc all of one mind m declar- nnx our randy the moat dehnous made, Take I box with you on your nrxl call. The sweetness of he! hunk- WI" much lhczswcflnm a! 1hr ‘andy. AllYouglaiaAgree Gear)": Home Bukery Scranton 1.3.»... a 1n (he ï¬rst IN that God created‘ chat everydling q 3004. and flatly. (H m Hi. hm, I“ I neu, ‘nd that he 1 the â€and "count. gory abom God earth. Ind mixinml ‘n nun. The". {all Adam and Lye. II Eden, and \u- an sleep fell upon A. sin upr. "I derod bunker. Iï¬â€˜ an. cm the and been I sinner ull with God. fourth“ and ill 1mm unbr- mriu Inn arm Adlm-lnlfl u b mnde in the inl God. 1nd yet an Chrhdu: Sc: Sinâ€. m" one! player. found health Another “fluid “ (m1 (~0an "by,“ of «th no subject vonnafl mentioned In thel there '\I KNOW mm there Is lb. nurprilinl how M Who do not even I two accounts of I BiHe. Thr ï¬rm. found in thc ï¬rst! and extend: down 1hxrd verse at tho yummy "uh who Mu'nnd Phlpmr, ti “mum that u; '11 the ï¬rst .0. 1h Bib“ 01.! an Adumâ€"ll God'l inane or ï¬ll (.hinkiM P‘H‘U" ‘ how u, pra) u peaches. men! m: we I mun ducribod h‘ reg! cmuon. AH have vuinly ,nn'n' dam 3nd “I! w auon of L uinna, Such a doctrtm‘ mblo. It GM man. It unkn- ‘. I" of “It Ii!" d I" of III from tho beat proof that R :1 ha- mr all hovod it from .1 How puff“! mln ï¬ts though o! M! for that h M3 dam-man. MM 3 dutch-mud! H Um: God cm a: guve him I M body? And i! ' long it people cl u bein‘ .moflll deathâ€"m, no Ion w remain in pa! Christian Science have lamod a. being. And of H ship to God. men in jun will! a. that be 'u m him in M. m i own “km: U fact. Ind um Vl- hu never M become impel!“ of touching. aim hr. “at "on I “pm. the†3m: mom] or or of u: pmiu‘! .- on u pnlr of would than loo verse. He I never remove ll mun the m object mouth “ for it would b. which be low nocuun {of M to mm: ml mm in hominid him merely in I lenses through d In like manna 1 animus“ and uteri-1 willbcmoot they .ll