Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gunckel and Ver- non Gunckel left Tuesday evening for Gale-burg. UL. where they will reside in the future. King Rene’l Daughter. 3 three reel dram and the Magical Acrobats were given at the picture show in the Assembly lull Friday evening. Misses Mabel and Bid: Hombd’gcr have issued invitations fora Halloween party no be given at their home Saturday evening, Oct 313:. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gaddia have gone to Vim Ind. (or a fortnight: visit with Mr. James W. Gaddis. Mr. William Rely received a large silver loving cup given by the Airedale Terrier club and two ribbons, three prizes in All. at the dog show held It the Coli- seum Saturday for an Airedale puppy from his kennels. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church was entertained at the home of Mr. C. B. Easton Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Burt .Easton and Mrs. Mason Shaffer‘acting as hostesses. Mrs. Reicheh. Sr.. presided. The ï¬rst chapter of “Child in the Midst" was studied and those who took part appear ed in the costumes of the countries which they represented. Mrs. Reichelt, Sr. was the American woman; Mrs. Reichelt. Jr.. a Chinese woman; Miss Woodman. a Japanese; Mrs. Boles. J r.. a Persean, and Mrs. P. H. Meyer. an African. The. study of the Philippine Islands was con-‘ ducted in quiz form. each member amwer- in; a question. A message of sympathy was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Croft who are in the West Suburban hospital in Austin lDeerfield News Items The Chicago Colony of New England women held a reception for Mrs. Frances Sedgwick Smith of Chicago. DI’CSldt‘nt of the Chicago Colony of Women. and Miss Leila C. Brown of Chicago. second vice president at the home of Mr: Frederick Steele on Saturday afternoon which was adelightful and pretty affair. The guests were received by Miss Brown and Mrs. Steele. and after ex:hange of greetings Mrs. Benjamin Fessenden read a paper on “Martha Washington and Her Times." A feature of the at'fair was the presenta- tion of the beautiful bar pins for the in- signia presented by the colony to each of the exrprcmdcrs. St. James Parish House. Highwood is now a pretty sxght in its decorations of autumn leaves and flowers and useful articles as the annual bazaar is now in progress. Last night was the opening and was indeed very encouraging to the ladies who worked so hard to make the. affair a success. Miss Rose Pagan, who is chairman of the various committees. as well as the ladies who form the com- ~mittees have proven themselves very able to an undertaken of this kind. This‘ afternoon. as was mentioned in last weeks PRES. is Forester day and a large crowd is anticipated. Friday evening a delicious Friday dinner will be served. Special mention is made of the closing dancing party on Monday evening of which the young ladies have charge. Little James Watson. Jr.. at Hzghxs Ind. was host tn .1 number of friends on Sun- day afternoon, the occasion cclebmung his fourth birthday anniversary. Thc lmle tors played all sorts 0! games and all seemed tn have a most enjoyable Ume. Marys .BJrCrlf N. St. Johns Ave. entertamed a few of her little fnrnds ml at a formally on Saturday aflernoon Hallouem party. The Children present were: Mary Kimball, Mary, Margarvt and Isabella Mann. Norman and Betty Hunt. and Torn Mann. The Social Side of Life Rough Dp‘y- and Assorted Flat Work 12 pieces . . . . S 25 pieces 50 pieces . . . ._ ' Under 12 pieces . ListI Very modente prices on Family Wuhings, ironed. A S K U S Telephones 178 and 179 Local Affairs of the week nqwma By the Obvrwr Miss Mildred Whiting entertained I number of friends in honor of her birth- day-indiversary Monday evening. Mm. Almon Powers and Ray Reeds wen: the out of town guests A number of friends of Miss Josephine Woodman pleasantly surprised her on Mondav evening in honor of her birth- day anniversary. Mrs. Dr. Ozanne of Oshkosh. Wit, visiting her aunt. Mn L. C. Hole I other relatives in Deerï¬cld. Mm Arthur Memer and Paul Gilfallen of Chicago were the weekend guests of Mrs. James H. Fritsch. Miss Elda Horenbeiger was the guest of Mrs. Chria Willman of Glenview Thursday. Mn. Herbert W. Allen of Detroit. Mich. is the guest of Mrs. Wm. A. Whit- ins. Mr. Samuel of Calgory. Alberta. is visiting his mother, Mrs. L. C. Hole. A card party and dance will be given in St. Patrick’shall for the beneï¬t of St. Patrick's church Friday evening, Oct. 13. The Dramatic Club met at the home of Mrs\ Geo. McDonald Tuesday evening where arrangements were made for a play to be given in the near future. Mr. Ray Reeds of Chicago was the guest at the home of Mr. S. P. Hutchiaon last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. WIHman had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ostcr- man and daughter Florence of Chicago. Miss Irene Hutchiwn, who has been the guest of her aunt. .‘h’m Holmes of Beaver Falls. Pa. for the pdst two months returned to her home in Deerrield Satur- day‘ evening. The production at the Evanston Theatre on Friday and Saturday of this week of “The Lost Princess Bo Peep" by Mn Reley and Mrs. Gayner promises to be a gay affair. A matinee to accomodate school children will be given on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Saturday matinee will be at the usual time two ï¬fteen and the evening performances will begin at eight ï¬fteen o‘clock. Great enthuaiasm has been expressed over the charming lyrics in the opera». and its haunting melodies. This will probably be one of the biggest social events of the Fall. Mr. and Mrs. erze> llt-pburn of Everett Flare ware plrasantly surpnsed on Mon day ewmng by a party at their friends Who came In to celvbratrthexr ninth wed- ding anniversary: Mrs. (has. Butler of Montreal was the only out n! town guest. Dancing was the feature of the enter- tainment altar refreshments were served. “:1 Saturday cwmng Mrs, J. L. Martin or Lnndcn Aux. was hostess at a dinner party at which Mlss Julxu Hall. her sister, was thc guest of hunur. .‘IISS Hall. whose htmk' IS ir'x Melrose, Muss. has been Mrs. Martm's guest for the past wccks. At thc same timr of the dinner party the huabzmds of the la<ixc> present were de- lightfully entermmm! .2: the home 0! Mrs \Xm Schmqk an [Jurrl Ave†at a stag dinner. List Price James (‘. Boylan. (ifl’icer appointed to make said assessment. Dated at Highland Park, Illinois October 15m, A. I). 1914. LIVE-:1 Said supplemental specinl assess- ment is pay-ble in one installment. All persons desiring may ï¬le objec- tions in said court before said dny, And may appear on the hearing and make their defense {centvi ll"\‘ mi lllnum Stun-i “ill! the menu-z like of Marin bti’m-t produced southerly in it~ t‘UUI‘M‘ m'ru‘x said iBlOOlil Stit't't, zllwi (in “KN! Street, from Bloom Street north to n point 25 feet south of the south line of Walker Avenue; also on Marin Street from Bloom Street north in distance of 363 feet; also on (‘lark Street. from the said sewer in said ravine. thence northerly on (‘lark Street to a point 25 feet south of the south line of lot 4 produced west in its course across said Clark Street, in block 2, Port Clinton, which improvement was pro- vided for by an ordinance passed heretofore on the 19th day of May. A: D., 1914., and the lawful expenses all such proceeding, the ordinance forl said supplemental special assessment being on ï¬le in the oflice of the (‘ity Clerk of said City. and having ap plied to the County Court of lake County {or an assessment of the mate of said improvement. according to 'beneï¬ts. and a supplemental special assessment thereof having been made and returned to said court, the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be had on the 2nd day of November. A. D. 1914 or u soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit. Slrovt, .'V “(‘I'thl‘l'l} ills“ UH I Avcmu- ‘ can. Supplemental Special ,‘35v‘hfllt‘n‘ Notice No. thA Native l‘ hen-t.) gnu tn ..‘. per. 50m n‘tex‘vste‘l that the ('1!) (mnmil of the (‘tty of llxghiatnl l’dln. 1 nunty of Luke um] State of lllmnh. havtng ordered [hut u supplemental >peciul asseSanu-nt lye lt‘\l(‘ll tn pa) the deï¬- ciency of the l'thl of the work and In- lterest for the wnstructmn of a con- {nected system of sewers, in the City of Highland Park. (‘ounty of Luke, and State of llllmm, “'llh manholes, flush tanks, and house connection lslants as follows: ('nmmem‘ing in lthe bottom of the ravine which runs {through blocks «17», 4'3 and 47, and be- ;tween block «W on the north 1nd [blocks ill and 35% on the south. and loommenctng and connecting thh the manhole now located In the publicl .sewer 1n the bottom at said ruvtne It, a point where sand blocks TEL TH andl .48 jotn or tnuch each other, thence lwesterly through Mud ruvtne to St.‘ Johns Avenue. thence suutherly alongl ‘St. Johns Avenue to Hugh Street, now: known as Murat!» anl, Ihezn'v went-l erly «)n silltl High Street In :I tmxnt 2.3, i l l feet ezh'ler'ly from the eustet'l) lme of Waukegun Avenue. Also on St, Johns Avenue. from the pull]! “here said‘ Avenue, from the pull]! “here said mvnm 1'!0.~.~€~ mu! 5!. Juhn.‘ Axe-nut. thenu- I‘Ullhn'lh In Highnnmi Ave. nur- [ht"‘((’ \kt'slt' {I} uiwu: Highwmxi .‘\\("‘.l1(’ {4- J punt ". mm n." [he Judgv (II Fuurm W.†Budding, Nun (men undrr dd)’ 0! (khlbi'j ()1 liilm Third “'er bcr 4.3 50.51, J Second Ward Elms: t; Burrlll corner 0! L'cntml Aw mu“ Nun} dan Rd, First Ward Fxre Depariment Huxldlng. corner of Central Au: and Gwen Bay Rd. Second Ward Elms: t; Burrlll 5 store. corner 0! L'cntml Aw .rui 3mm Shcri- Uâ€H'l':\ “Shall the City of Highland Park Idem the Commission Form of Municipfl Government." Shall be hcld In the City of Highland Park on Saturday the 24th day of October A. D. 1914, between the hours of seven 1. m. and ï¬ve p. m In thc several ward; as now exisnng, and at polling places u follows. Public HOUCC is hereby given that I special election on sand proposition. Government." To the voters of and City or Highl-nd Park having been entered therein, [n the County Court of Lake County. The requisite petition havmg been ï¬led with the undersigned Judge of the Coun ty Court of said Lake County and In Order submitting the proposition "Shall the City of Highland Park adopt the Commission Form of Municipll Sun: OF ILLINOIS I ‘5 COUNTY OF LAKE ) ‘ On Friday morning about 2:30 o'clock: thi' Chicago. Milwaukte 8: St. Paul dept It Deerï¬dd was robbed. The Intruder; wccceded in getting away with about four hundred dollars worth of railroad tickets. ‘ Mia Christcne McMahn spent the week-end at her home in Waukcgan. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Blown! ‘5‘! Notice of Special Elution \\( the “I! .\t)ll( l- I’HIJ S! 111'! ~[ SUM H Sll'k't'l \\ c SUN )H In .I‘. [mp '11) (mmoil .Hn. 1 nunty inl‘. havmg ml >pwiul I h ‘. Logan , thvm‘e 4"“ fr?“ 5!. Jnhns ‘gwruh‘ \\ .n An- I dis Lil? the the >0!“ vet hh! .nuvi (DH of XK‘ I!" June: C. Boyhn. Oflioer tppoinud to make aid Meat. Dated at Rithhnd Pnrk, minoin. October 22nd, A. D. 19“. “~35 .. Supplemental Special Anon-eat 9- Notice No. 180. d Notice is hereby given to all per- d aorta interested that the City (loom-II .. Of the (‘ity of Highland Park, County .c of Lake and State of lllInOIa having I: ordered that a supplemental lpecial d aaaeument be leiied to pa) the de- .flcienc) o! the coat of the work and {“ihtereet (or the grading. draining. ‘lpaving with maradam and otherwiae y Improving a connected uyatem o! . ltreeta In the (It) 0! HIghland Park. . .County of Lake. and State of lllInoIa, "» a follows: HIghwood Avenue. from 1 Le west cOIporate lImitx of said (‘Ity g (If lllghland l‘ark. thence east alon‘ d‘hid HIxhwood Avenue to a point where the center lIne of and avenue ' ‘ in: the center lIne of that part of ..t. Johns AIenue uhIch rum south Lrom saId â€Ixhwuml AVenue. that xrt of St. Johm .-\\enue “hlt‘h runa uth from llIgthuml .\\eIIue {ruma "VIaA-t Int where the cenleI lIe.e of and *‘girt of St John! Axenue jolm the , mnter line of sand “IRhWUUd Avenue. theme south to the north line of High Street now known as Moraine Road “except where Mid St Johnn Avenue Pintermts the budge at a point about I (50 feet north of mud llIgh Street); 3 that part of St Johns Avenue extend lhg north from “IRhWOOd Avenue. ' St John! AIenue produced north ' in ts course, from the north line of ‘ the paved roadway herein provided to , he conltructed on and HIghwood Aver due. thence north along said St. Johns Avenue, and St. Johns Avenue pro- duced, to the north corporate llmttn I g! the (ll) of Highland Park; Bloom tre'et from the ealterl) lIne of Wâ€"au Regan Av.enue thence northeasterl)‘ and thence easterly to the west line ‘ of Oak street; Logan Street produced in it! course from the south lIne of the paved roadway herein prowded {or on Highwood Avenue, thence utheaaterl)‘ along said lnzan treet to the northerly line of the red roadway herein provided {or on loom Street; Went Street and Went 'Street produced from the north km (1 the paved roadway herein provided {or on Bloom Street. to the north corporate limits of the City of High- land Park; Broadway. from then“- erly terminus of the present macadam ‘ luvament on aid Broadway, tit-Ice I met along aaid Broadway to the eaat' lli_n_e o! _the paved roadvay herein pro- I 811d Inppknunul special nu“. mum in pubic in one insullmont. All pom duh-in; my ï¬le ob- jccflonu In llid court bofon aid day, nnd may spur on the honing and main their dean... and I III pplamonul upocinl no... mint them! having been nude and returns! to aid court. the ï¬nd hou- incthcnonw‘illbo hndonthoflh day of November, A. D. 1914 or u soon Wtcr In tho business of the men. in remit l1 Plrk. which improvement wn rovid-E ed for by an ordinance p. here~' more on the 19th day of Key, A. D"! 101‘. ma the hvful expenses of such g Wading. the ordinance for utd' supplement! epoch] uuument be-: in. on ï¬le in the office 0! the City] Clerk of said City, And hnving I plied to: the County Court of Luke unty‘ for en Minor“ of the cons of nï¬d' inpromeqt. According to banana! um 01 me paved mu mm ro- v‘ldod {or on Cluk Street. and rk Stml from the toad! line of Bmd- my. thence north to the north con aorgu l_ir_ni_u‘o{ the City of Highland Adjwdiuuon Notica l‘ubln‘ name Is hereby gncn [1m 1hr Subscriber Admlnlalralrxx 01 [hr hum- uf Catherine- [Jartxmd) Mmkly, d.5U known as L'alhrnnc Darmud» Manna“, dm‘tased. \HH attend the tummy Luurt bf Lakc County, at a term {turn-u! u» tx- ruldcn at the Court House 2n “aukrgan. n smd CounKy, on the his! Mnnday at January next, 1915 when and when all clanml mm“ sad estate are nonhcd and requested to preterit the same (o and Court tor adjudication ANNA R. Dun-com f Admmmram Wlukcgan. “11mm. Sept. 2X. 1914 For full mlormanon in regard to the; Icopc and character 0! the cumin-hon l and. for apphcanon form: nddrru the‘ L‘, 5. Civil Serncc Cumnnsswn. Wuhlng- ton. I). C.. or the Secrcury o! the L'. S.‘ Cm) Scrvu‘e Board of Examiners ll any ‘ ol the tollowmg‘mmcd (mes. Boston. Mast. New York. N, Y.. Philadelphia. Pa, Atlanta. (n... L’xnnnnan, ()hm, Chr ago. 111‘. 5! Paul. Minn. 5!. Louis. Mo. New Orleans. La. Scottie. Wash. San Franusyo, Cal.. Hunflulu. Hamill. and ‘ San Juan. l'nrtu Run Examination: Ire held monthly. crept in December. in 400 o! the principal cities at the Unued 5mm. and npphcauon- may be ï¬led with the Commissioner at Washington. D. C. Youu men who m willing to ucept appointment at In cmnnce salary of .840 to “1) per annum have excellent opportunities lor appoinunenL Advance- ‘Inem o! capable unpainte- iu reuomblyl ‘npid. Occasionally uppointment "u made It I ulnry o! to much u $1.200 per en- num. Io: Inch salary only thou who unit: I rating of It last 85 per cent in the subject 0! "why Ind Ibo hue had It teat two mn’ practice] odioeex- ‘perieooe will be aF-uï¬ed' . The Government nemee oflen a de- unble ï¬eld to bdxhl and unbiu'omï¬ young men. I The United Civil Service Commbiim hm that it has been umblc to supply thedemmdtormlcmolflvbe" and typewriem in the United Sutulm" ham mice. will! " Wuhinc- Ion. D.C. â€wantâ€"OCH Sonia-Coda“. . Whoâ€"nib“. Showman-‘77,.- WWII!†NOTICE It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loam and Insurance THE ERSKINE BANK FRANK L. SILJESTROM 0‘ka and ando [In Phco and Fun! 5"... K W. SCHNEIDER, 13 St. Johns Ave. Telephone 331 Wear One and Convince Yourself Lehigh "UUnI-J" â€mu,“ Order your cod or wood while the weather is good Bowman Dairy Company Telephone 67 230 N. St. Jbonn Ave. North Shore Fuel Supply Co. v1.11 mm Mange! TBLHPHUNES Bowman Dairy Company 121 Vine Avenue BUILDING MATERIAL HAY, GRAIN ' Croo- Lake Geneva Ice Just telephone 65 And the Con] or Ice Mu will all that the Bavaria Sweater Coats and jerseys are the best made to-day for comfort and dura- bility. Prices $1.75 to $8.50. These are the three vital ints connected with the productnon of Safe ll.k All our prodticts are safe. Boa not apply to Safe Milk It is the chapes article of food that you can buy. The Retapesnl Pnce has not been increased Dairy Inspection 4 Perfect Pasteuriztion Bottling in the Country High Cost of Living ka --COAL-- And thereby cut down your living cost Use More Safe Milk ' GOOD BANK HIGHLAND PARK, 9 Ind delnuom as they can be, lume our roll: to our customers nary momma Let m add your name in the list We are deln'enng rolls and brrud In your nenghborhood and we know you'll llkf them a: well In your neighbors do Which do you prefer? MIIL hater, wean: or bunt Suppoue you try a tea of f.“ Gary's Home' Bakery Hot From the Oven Scranton 74.»... u ULINCOE. 70 know whl fort mean nerves an It'sthc lnsolct :1 foot sink! antly inu cmirc shot u try cum Slip 3 pair “ Comparc‘ (hit that for com {on suit In‘ d u r I h I I 1 t y with my uhoc you have WOT“ . The M1 N 0 mo: aching, * give you non fro: ments, d uncvcn I WHO: Dial. rva~r