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Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 2

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it: £2 . . 7"“- ---~â€" ‘_-“. “" joyable on account of there being so much space. There were twenty-six guests preoem. The member!‘ of the Luther League of St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church ,were royally entertm’ned on Thursday evening at a Halloween party at which Mr; George 1. Schuman was hoszv The Mises Mildred Thayer and Marie Armstrong were hostesses at a very unique party on Saturday evening. There was a dinner at seven o'clock at the home of Miss Armstrong on St. Johns Aw“ which was followed by music. after which the guests all went over to the Millard house on Sheridan Rd.. which is empty. There was a grate fire in the? living room of the house and the guests; had a sardine party which was quite en- l ,A,A_L|, home wa; beautifully deeorated m keep- Mn Charles Ru>sell Mt Mundm murn mg with Halloween, and yellow Chrysan- m“ {0" Barnard south Dakma “he” hf. themums were seen in abundance every- WI“ be the guest or his brother. J h. where. The favors were pretty yellow Ruse“. Chrysanthemums. The EUCSIS came Mr. and Mrs. John Lockman gt ()len‘ dressed m ghost costumes which was in- View were the week-end guests of the deed a surprise to the host and hostess. ’ larters parents“ Mr and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Fred. Tucker. Mr. Chas. Larson. ‘ Meyer. . Mr. Fred. Tucker and Mrs. Albert Lar- Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly of South Chr- son were the successful prize WinnerS. cage and Mr_ and Am I I: “mm..-- .\lrl zm.‘ Mr), S T Reblmg Were hes: and lumc‘s to the ‘nght Riders" Fne Hundred club on Saudi” evening. The home wag beautifully decorated m keep- mg with Halloween, and yellow Chrysan- themums were seen in abundance every- where. The favors were pretty yellow Chrysanthemums. The guests came dressed In ghost costumes which was inn The semors of the High SL houl gave a very pretty Halloween party on Fnda}; evening In the luncheon room at the High school. ‘The rooms were made- yonder- fully attractive in yellow and black crepe paper and Jack'ulanterns. The young blksgchame in masquerade and took part in the prJgran: Wthh {\as Qtiitr varied and Very" amusing. Therc several good impersonators. such 3: Esther Ktng. a. Pavoluwa. in the Rusfldn Imperial ballet. The Mary and Miriam French. Raymond (mt-r and Luther Sandwrck a: Carl ”warn and Dorothy Dickson m the .\il£l\‘.\l<‘. Mamie Siljesttum iitipermnatmu \ladarttt- Bruno Stiendel m a rlute Colin Sanborn as the Magician “as very good and had numerous slight‘of hand per- formances “thh he executed \Vith re- markable abilitv. The program ended With piano selections by Mr. Oscar Meyer. who played,"The Rustic Dance." "Trau men." and “A Spanish Love Song " Re‘ lreshments and dancmg followed the pro- gram. \\ t‘l’c Muse: tirzd .‘C'llli Little Mary Elizabeth Marr. and her sistrr Margaret were hmtesses at 3 Hal- loween supper on Saturday fuming when their l-ttle friends sutpnsed them b} coming Hi tor >upper at 5!\ u" .Ivt'k all unbeknms'ii to then‘ 'Il‘um- tirex‘nt were l.)'dlu and Mari-tn Hurling, Lu) and May Larson and Mar} , Baht-z. Alte-z‘ supper lltr children tnok lick "u ltll‘ilt‘fll.~ and \\ t-nt :ht- neighborhuml in ghost C')>HlÂ¥l‘tt‘\ (Hamil , . ...‘ klllllJlLA. Iâ€"IIRLA .. CK lcfll'litloll of the eighth btrtlidm nixt-rszir, of Norman Pt‘lt‘XBOH. Faith RCthCl[ held uric tor hcr lncnc: in the evening. and a large it part} tur‘thr zntermt-diatc boys and I .at the have of Ralph l’t'ter i wa< licld 'l'l‘c‘wu v! the upper gtfldrr ~ pupu‘ ia.nt: :ir wings 2t: \‘ihttlmr .11 he cr‘ FI’HIJ)‘ met \VlHCh nah tuiiowetl by duizt'iritf, A n mg picture Ml“ be held in sclttml etcry l‘nday melting iiistrad :en: :ii the school show The buu‘ urrlie: zirxt Friday '-1:'.u,l :rnz'; th‘l') two .kt‘fh), mil play The funnr} >uld .it KllK‘ 1 ti”: {he klill>l1 the t’arith plt lLZt‘ ‘J i'»\ :llip .\l7.~ Lydia ”l')! celebrated birthday annnrrsar} Frxda) tut: 3::th her 9 The Altar and Rosary SUCK‘Y)‘ 0! ‘i Holy Cm» church uill meet at the ho: of Mrs. H. Haunschild \‘v'ednt-sday aft ”()1)". The Mti Sigma ("lit held regu monthlv meeting at the burnt m M Irene Hut \th‘ll lhur>d n exennig II~ .\lt~sc> Marie l\t’t~s> and Mtitlt'cd Win in: arr the guest: n: .\l:~~ lilz'uhc Clark at lr‘ttng l'tlrk, M: Rn). llutt'ltistin w: “I“itiltcsztizt \\ the “wk and guest n: his. ILlTr‘lZIx .\" and .\lt‘~ .\ l‘. lt.i'i.lim:1 ll: Q _l luv: “m the Klimt \‘l M: .\:ti ..z (Linn-mum. 1”. 2.1.4 mt “t. .\lr~ ll. H Krem‘ :inr‘. ‘ll'i l'. l Knit‘ Harry Mulls. Orren S. Peabody. Abel A. Putnam. Robert W. Schneider, John A. Schrcurs. C. A. Smith. Clarence H. Thay- er, and Mrs. E. M. Watkins. and With Mm Maud H. Shannon. chairman of the Civics committee. assisted by Mesdames C. W. Aldridge. Josnah S. Boyer. George H. Campbell. Ernest S. Gail. Charles F. Gram. Jogeph F. Leaming. Arthur L Moore. John 0m". and L‘rople) (l. Phillips. the affair :s bound to be an m‘ mtcresung one. If you wish to attend and do not play cards. bnng your kmttmg or fancv Work and :n)oy a sonlnl utzez» noon I run n Uiiiau 3 u“. - u.un-uu VI Club at the home of Mrs‘ John (liner. $30K. Sheridan Rd.. Wednesday after- noon. November eleventh. The ladies are very anxious to make this party a success and in order to do so they need the cooperation of the members and their friends. Under the excellent superiision of the different committees the affair should be one to be remembered for sometime. Mrs Fred. Shqefer. who is chairman of the Philanthropy committee. with her able assistants. Mesdames Charles F. Drake. Charlotte H Boyd. Stewart R. Brown. Carleton A. Harkiiess Lucius A. Hine. William R. Jacoby, Wil- liam H. Lambom‘. ()liver A. Leonard. Harry Mills. Orren S. Peabody. Abel A. Putnam. Robert W. Schneider, John A. Schreurs C A Smith Clnrnnra Ll Thar, The Misses Shields gave an informal masquerade costume dance at their home on Prospect Avenue Saturday evening Mrs. Frederick Noerenberg was hostess on Wednesday at a luncheon in (unlpll- merit to Mrs. Robert Rodiiian ut Allan» dale. N. 1., formerly Miss Emeline Alford of this city The out of town guests were Mrs. Henrv Brown of Chicago. who is :i sister of the guest of honor Mrs. William Hodge of Chicago. and Mrs. Charles T Ford of Waukegaii Mi» [.0in Meyer. (iit‘l’lek Ate. eii- iertained a number of little tots on Satur- day eieniiig at a real Halloween part). All sorts of pumpkin faces. witches. andi spook y things were in eiidence The little children all declared they nei er had a better time Among the large card parties which The Bridge club met at the home 0: are to take place within the course of a Mrs. Paul dird on Laurel An.- Wednes few weeks is the benefit card party to be mg evenmfl. given by the Highland Park Woman's Club at the home of Mm‘ John (Mixer. {SON Shendan Rd.. Wednesday after- noon. November eleventh. The ladies are very anxious to make this party a success and in order to do so they need the cooperation of the members and their , . friends. Under the excellent superusmn “F"; N J" "Tm“ M'ss Emeline Alford The Misses Shields gave an Informal masquerade costume dance It thenr home on Prospect Avenue Saturday evening Mrs. Frederick Noerenberg was hostess on Wednesday at a luncheon m (unlpll- ment to Mrs. Robert Rodman ut Allan» The Social Side of Life Help support Highland Park by supporting Highland Park trades people We sure do a raft of Dry Cleaning and Press ing for people who are particular and critical. We welcome you as'pur patron Telephones 178 and 179 Local Affairs of the week They Like Our Work “99%: ParK B» the thrxrr ’ - ‘ IJ -0[ v 'r ‘entu' Ali's. k‘, \\ ' keyhu-n and tam“). U} thA (L n 8 pm L cagu .11:- thng Mrs. Kerstan's parents, Mr. and Mn. L‘ W. Penis. Mrs Kcrsteri Omcgcgzpomlw t" 'I" is on her way to St. Louis when she ex-. Dated. Deerficld. och,» peers to remh- m the furure. Mr‘ and Mrs. Hitchcock of Uncagu wcrc lhc “wk-end guest: at Supplcdflc farm The Young Peoples Mnsmonury $00er of (he ('mted Evangelical chuth was en- tenumed at the home of 51153 Wimfrrd Pldggec Saturday evening Miss Edith Stryk‘r of Chicago “a: the guest at the home of Dr. P L Knaak Suwdav Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly cage and Mr. and Mrs I. were weekend guests at Mr. John Carolan. rrhm‘kv‘f attended :1 tarp! hnmc Hf Mra. Ruben 50>!" \ Illc \Vcdm-sduy. Mrs. F Mrs Lydm Hm)! (ch-brand her 91m blrthduy anmwrsar} Frxda) The Altar and Rosary Snot-t)" or ‘(he Holy Cm» church \uH meet at the home of Mrs. H. Haunschild \‘v'edncsduy after- ”()1)". A large number u: Hniimwen panics “(It gnen Saturda) arternm-n and rye- mng (me for [he ynungcr cinldlcz‘. nus m (deflation of the eighxh bzrthda'y :m- nn'crszxrj: of Norman Pvtez‘wn. Mus Faith chhclt hcld unc tor hcr purl fncnc: xn the evening. and .1 large ghost pun} Kur‘thr zntermcdmtc boys and qarLs wa< hcld In 1126 lwn‘x- nf RAIN: l’ctmmn . 'I'F‘c Don M the uppcr grad” MIHR pupu‘ur wngs 2n cmtumr .u he cmrr Mr. Samuel Rockenback and Mrs. Emma White were married Saturday aftermmn. (kt. 21th at four o'clock at the home or the bride m Chucagur Mr, and .\Ir:. Rockenbmk are at humc u! the Mann- xn {)r-c-rficld. Deerfield News Items e show m“ be held in the ry E‘nday (\c'lulh; mszmd m «cc-k», The bun‘ unlit-5U“ at Friday The THHHC} on '1 the mmh wld at Hm Int nest Iv: 311mm” .‘l’JKCLiMwHV : “2% MW “Hm: he. Lx. 2.1:! xxm k and Mn: I: of South Chl- E. McCaffery [hr home of .u he cr‘ter I: J Knick- f at the u: Librrh u: LliX'fl} ndm mmn l uhert- hc thcr. J K. i gt ()Ien‘ sts of the rs. Henry South Chi- McCaffery home of :0 “a: the L Knaak r)‘ Socnety ,h was en- Winifrt‘d Uncagu uppicdtxic \. of Chi; Am A cast iron v. my :2 _.H ~: ~ i'l trrnal diameter to In Luv: 1:. ik-czY mi ,-\\t- from Wooduaini .\\r In (I pumt In) fret east of the “1‘3! Hiltuu- illvilh. In the Village of {Merrick}, ”winding tin- iv.- drants. gatevvalves, cit (Unlpit‘lt’ and m‘ ‘cluding all excavating [xii ktilhng, Inhwr and material. th»: ordxntmt {‘ in: [hr NHLC‘ being on tile in the MM c- u: thr \ iiiuxc clerk of said Vliiagt‘ and lhv mini \iiiiigi‘ having applied to thy \‘fi.41‘.!\ (uurt of Lake Countv. Illintm 2n: fi‘m tlbbL'Ssnit‘nl of the cost of said imprmvmem. incurri- ing to the benefits. and .u. tlE‘Cant‘I" thereof having been :1 .Itir and rvturm-d to said court. thefinal r in inflthl' mm m H be held on the \:\.t‘r'nl:. (Ln Ht- Nm‘cmbcn 1914. or gu u ur; [in It'- atter a: the busines: n: tn:- mm: u;ll permit. All person~ desiring nmv hic- nbpectmns In said com ik'ttirr' and den and m ty appear on tlzt- ht- tr ng u d :i. ii“- [ht 1r defense. Said ordinance prm tdc> mr the mitt-\- cctmn of said assesann nt in hu annual mstallments with ant Uti mien-fl at! z m- of five ptr tPY‘tIU' §>¢ ..z. w c‘ g. k .J l>l7l18> l‘ The dancing clan um mrrl m Andcr son's hall Saturday mcmnx the home 0‘ Mr. Henry Endcr of (hump, “as (In memng ‘(he )ev Y‘ Special Aucument Notice .\ntnz- 1‘ hen-b) \ \e-z: m I Ink‘rd‘h‘d :hdl the M is“ . inn the Vlilagc of Dew" ‘ ' ‘ 'v ,4. \ that a \yflcm u! um. L an the IuHuwmg ~ \ \ u~ “HIL‘X' supply pipe .‘ : v' I 'nc luxd In N'Cund ‘ , ilw Au- tu Huzri [\n‘ H- , \xv (mind :\\c to Wqu ‘\ :' ward Aw from “m” \ VI: The monthly :m-cng a! th- I'.:r:\( Teacherx" Assncmtlun \\.1~ Held .nyjm. school assembly hul! FULL“ ant-mum The program mclude-d hlnfllnu hr th'c- up- per grad: bow In \‘ 4.: fu.n"1pamlllt‘n{ and xnera! pianowtn in n» h\ _\l;~_~llpu1 Krnl it” of \Athh .u~:. ' l:~:..1hf\ rm“) (‘d by ”AC fllldik'rhv \f'r" .‘ \P‘nr’ hUM‘ nc» pruxrum Aim H 'I " yum n mt me law firm 1|fHa(C\dI'(‘ l.‘:wr'.;\> '1' (hudxu. <pukc {rum her . u" rqwr‘v-n‘ >- uz'h tnmmula. laung 5m» y.’ r 'W m~ upon the Importance of 'I r .\ w :' ”(Eu-u ~ 11- flurnn- mrr her k.:x.1zn at? n'vd :n ‘tam‘ra “he-re b<nx "rut: .‘wl\(‘ be?” ‘avrd 2mm 3 grzz‘ 7.4! Mfr hm! (hm mothers realized Harm IK'\[V'IH~")HII\ In time. “Is: Thmwpwr; A~.I\YUL1I‘HK uf psvaholngy and lhlt‘!‘\(‘l\ vrnrrcstrd :n her profession and her rrmarlu “we w‘losely followed bv hm nudwru'v‘ A Fauna] hour with sen 1:1 In rctu-shnwms {concluded a pleaxm‘ ATV! nutrmmc ‘meeting r i 9 t l 1 Mus Christine .\L \I.. the Sewmg club Tue-win €"thurmatnm' \xlli‘nr Paul's Evangelical chum! inning. The SCFHCCV m?! ' and German A very succefiful Lard parn and damc was given In St. Palm k \ :mH 4t hen-(t Saturday evening M: um: \lr‘ Fzgu k \ure 0! Chicago m n- Juanim msr puns 8nd “I “m. 5(6th A'H! \‘Yy I“! n ‘ caster “on the cur..~.ui.ut.~n pn’xm .11" Mrs. Ruggu of Eau Llano \Vh 1~ \mt mg her son. Mr. Alix-n Ragga The dcdiulllon u! the new part 0! the Holy Cross church by Chamrllur Dr, Ho’- ban of Chicago, ulll ta'ru- place: dedy, Nov. 8th The Ladies Ald .Nm Evangelical church wzH of Mrs Phillip mem- ”00“, Mr. Herman “all” sxtk list last week Mr. and Mrs. Rhnnhar: Km‘blrm and Mr. Edward Koeblcm urn- the guests 0! Messrs. Koeblem's pan-nu. Mr and Mn. Koeblem. Miss Frances Hetdehmdl was the guest of her sister. M185 Isatx-Hv chdersmdt of Highland Ptrk Sunda) guest at hIS brnlhcr‘ M Sunday. . Mm Gloria Beecham uua hnalrs- at 3 Halloween party In honor of her guesu. Muses Virgina “'anzcr‘ Lulhan Sherwin. Messrs. Rolland LUdIIR, Joseph Murrmm, and Ralph Slwyt-r 0! thcagn The spirit of Halluuecn “Ilh all “101d -time festivities was muyh in undone: Saturday evening at the home ut Mina ‘, Mabel and Eldu Hurenberger The 1decoration: were rimraitcnstu‘ ut Hal» Ioween‘ \"nriou.~. interesting game) Vere indulged in. the gram: inieirst hem‘ centered In guessing fwilr>h thi- first prize: acre won by Mxvc: Lure-Ila Krrn and Mildred Whiting The dining hall which was extensnch deunuxrd with filtchts, cats and pu'T‘ple: mi All sites, made a may plfa‘li‘fl Jinx-arm“: he following were prev-m Rmh Rrwiitli, Mildred Whiting. \hrw and Loretta Krcss. Lylu Glimi: [in-n Krni. Hermina Haunschild. Martin. karch Eleanor Meyer. Irene HutkthH‘. Uaru Pyle. Ruth Collins. Mane Rank-r lrenr Hennrm. and Josephine Tessa-i a! khu'ngn and' Gladys Fletcher m 1.0” Mumuhohubmmum; mu “coin! in Chicago for the 9‘1”} mouth returned to his home Sawfly. ; Mina Ruth Mnris. Marjory Palmcnet. lyia Johnna. Henerma Palm ana m. odd of Chicuo “on: Sunday x ISINi" qt the home 0! Dr. H. (iaufield. \ Milo Mary Houua left Wednesdnf hr: Independence. la ' 1' ( VILLAGE OF DEERFILD rammpménasamom PARKILUNOIS IR (if ’v 0: (hr um” “i” desIrHHI may ’1}:- I hcturr mud den -hx-erng .md mim- {he mdln- who turdnnual ”Ml“ 1% a! x‘m 3"!" \\\ ..: N Paul‘s «r: 4! the home [fixzudayfaner- rwhmtrd In 5!. Sundl) mum: be In, English ‘H \cwmrm rvlurm-d ‘re‘un \A 1” (Ln Ht- tag” was {he Juhn L Endrr Hln‘ ix pt it)» n the mm“ m» Ur furthvr JU‘TTZH“.I);.‘. L-r 'hmu- mnvp-mt lltt‘e (‘IUIPhl fl'r {hr “11 :lvu'y :n m» nuumnve :rmt nnuxlmr an be had (rum the lentho‘r case at the next flopping plum Travolun' Walh Clowel Ruml duh: u! (‘nllwn unnpu-vu-d mm mi but Mu- oxpnnd “In-n they are Ilrnnml mm I'nlc-r m In.» nu of the «film ur,\ rave cloth. 'l‘ho-M- Mr sold 11'“ u! Hmlll, In a ”er MUD-«cu tune, and lhu; LIN] {nor “an Hm uumuu who 1x but)“; ralmll) ,.. rnp‘dl) [’I‘Il:l'1":‘X l’ "U"! bux hU i-n l‘ (u (If) il'htz‘r II I. 5133:8111 hr [1:1 RM] “110 H‘ mn'mm» Ur furthvr JU‘TTZH“.I);.‘. L-r 'hmu- mnvp-mt lltt‘e (‘IUIPhl fl'r {hr “11 IUYHIH' "(H1 ' juut \\' (\vrvfm. llll'h 1‘! “UHF .1 1w n‘km Whh‘ll In u! \. (‘mm [h- ll:- h)" a H” (in!) (J I Fab-1| by rln-n OHM ‘1.- 'rllt" (UJHHHIK nil-gnu Inc-4| 'I‘u um- :nllnn at half wmfu) [mid \HH’.’ 1;! xxx}! ~~m~ mhlmI-mu one l:l’:1vx[xhulrlll 4.! ~12 Fain-d “luv :nruwm- by rill-m: HI :1 Minn.- Mr 1:! L and In"! “Ilium” "18le Hall tun-A .H‘n-u um] 1h. ll] Hu- Haw (o Clo-nu Thom So Thcy Pro urvo Thom Lovof‘nou. tvnlu nu- of y, Il'rll‘ In Uh Huh! L‘Hill bin-<1 WASHING DELICATE FABRICS. 1'11er INN“ I’m up ‘\m 5w“ rn‘ldn (LIHIH uLer m.l_\ In IVI\ IMI nut! Thv-re will he rub-m n-ntv‘ If wnllwge ulxlvb IIL drum: drum: of the {-Ir IUH‘le Mn pn-Hy eve-uh”: furl. ..,' mu ‘1'} Pm [he n-qulrruu-m m- roquvllish dunn- {lu- ‘. w.’ M durm; «Iv-“Hang.- UItH Tubng Om w. 339 [H “11‘ FI‘.«‘:' -. " h 1V I‘ IV!” sllh‘ ~ :IJnrm: 1‘ “il‘ '5‘ Nu m 1 ln- (1:le n» X [N‘Fuvuu‘ ~IY 't‘llHINl .‘lf. l I want In I mm” hru. H or pun} “Him“ ‘ rry 0r ulfilndo-r : uhud» u! Inn-m! “1|! nmkc- n d'll' my 4. m, Mum: m. rum- gall“; or th't' ”my I..- [prn‘hhil I“ ‘V\ n» fur Huâ€" ninth-n! lI-Iul Charm-0. Frock 01 um For (M CO"... 0691'. EMMlimntu htHIM IIQ ' l~..n- k IIH-IH‘ “le1: 1: nppOh-d umLIlhIn ~klrt '1 hr- (unh' In H! ‘lv'il m-x way-pm! l:_\ a Mark lm. ’l'ln- rilw“ have-\t‘u nn' fin frilh. 'l'ln- Mln- l’urv ll ‘ .II‘ of ‘ n rlmllmm; u-»~w\~r'\14>nu- VI IIIQ It"ll.lh~l n vh'LHm. luv down I. Imn‘v 1 Hum r: I! FOR EVENING WEAR. (lo-:Illllrld “I'll! IHMh h [In l‘lllk‘ lun'r ~ h: “HI: .\ll\ (I-l‘ |lll h harming mn-nln: H n {ushmm-d ~Iml m-t All In nlflmn 1: nppOh-d t‘ \\ “"11!“ t rnp‘dl} 4- (M Jr} ‘1 “if“ H‘ I um! I! flnf'h 'HINIHIIHHPDU mum! n-I'rnlnu but u ulnlnlc' m‘ flaw! I! \ '0 (rm-k “H I! luv! (UH: 1.114;” Ill HI HM ll 1| \llfl nl'll Omn- T h. 1| H“ [Dc YIH‘ lt’s Oldlandetrong 3 per cent interest paidfon Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance THE ERSKINE BANK FRANK L. SILJ'ESTROM Office and Yard. Elm Flute and Fun! Short Telephone 67 North Shore Fuel Supply Co. Order your BUILDING MATERIAL HAY, GRAIN R. W. SCHNEIDER, 13 St. Johns Ave.', Telephone 331 Wear One and Convince [Yolnself Bowman Dairy Companyl Cross Creek Jun telephone 65 and the Coal TELEPHONES Bowmag‘ Dairy Company Lehigh that the Bavaria Sweater Coats and Jerseys are the best made to-day for comfort and dura- bility. Prices $1.75 to $8.50. The»? are (hr {Ima- \ [in] m Ihc productmn o! mrv K 11k arr sah‘ Dairy Inspection Perfect Pasteuriztion Bottling in the Counln Does not apply to Safe Milk It 15 the (heap-s: article of food that \()u can bux Thr Rétm. Prue has not been Increased High Cost. of Living W. H. MILLAR, Manager GOOD BANK And XhCH‘h} rm duwn yum in mg cm: coal or wood while the weather is good Use More Safe Milk Lake Geneva Ice --COAL-- 121 Vine' Avenue HIGHLAND PARK. v, L- Gary’s Home Bakery 230 N. St. Jhom Ave. dn \uu preirr' Mllk 'ualrv “emu m buns. Supposc \UL 113 a few of tad! murmng Le-r us' add your hand to the 1m Hr arr deliver-um: rolls and bn-ad In \uur nmghborhood and we hnnu yuu'll like them II erI as )nur nmghhnn do “'hICh and dclmom as {he} (an be our roll» (0 our :Luuomen HoLFrom the 0m unt> umnumd mu lk Alimut pmdurh Ice Minn will call Scranton Tali-phone ‘5 (;I.EN( ug (In Ilvlrnrd Cum ' ”u- A ”HM: hr” "Lr hm : It III II Hu- '1 In of 1 ofl MM Tho- I! 'u lxl A Ron! LU (nan Rod In. ‘. In \ nm I n! ”W H oma‘ H u-m- VIN" Nu. m».- Hlv 3m 1 lb» u m“ \1 fl). Luru'n ' l'uf MIN \\ In Iu In >h' Nd lml I" M H“

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