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Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 4

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izavu .3“ -""I"l I I. 3:! .55; Select your next order of Record: from our catalogue the order will be delivered to you. Columbia Grafonolas ’ and Records Greene: News Stand P. S. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circulating libnry, at 3 cents per day. FOR RENT ZJKSHeriaRud WM Erskine Bank Building Telephone 532 n. ' Every an mum: attire-am! «iii-me. your um ure. W floors nu and am “down taken no occur-work “XS?“ dun bu Nod room It. with woodwork-M ha cleanednndpoflshed. Trynzscbotlle. REAL SATISFACTION IMActoferchllm WWSanYw‘IMm Entered a 324:0!!!th mute: March 1. 191].“ (1* post 05cc at Highland Park. lllmous. under Punusum W'BEKLY 51' JOHN L. tom at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: :1 Highland Park 562 mmrmmssé n G PURDYu' SONS it FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING Choice Office THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5,1914 Are Agents For All 39 St. Johns Avenue E. F. PRATT. Pup. mm ‘74 in the All Columbia Records play on .Victo'r Tnlking Mlchines , Mrs. Wm. Kopp has returned to her thome on Lincoln Ave afler spendmg iseveral weeks mth her water. H ‘9 \ Collar of Burlington “w Mr. and Mrs Aberrronzbv and daugh- Juliet will be the Sunday guests of l f lter :Mr. and Mrs. Arch bald Xbercrdn b\. of ,‘ Mr. and Mrs. Carleton M. Van have a returned from a fishing mp in the north- 1em woods near Fificld. Wis ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Gntfin ut Chl- jcage were the week-end guest: ot Mrs. 1 A. 0. Mason of Rafine Place. j Mr and Mrs. C. Hughes of (.reen Bay Rd.. will leave their home next week and take rooms at the Lau'rol Apartments for two or three weeks after which they iwill leaxe for Seattle. Wash to remain I indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Caldah of High- wood announce the birth of an ccghz pound girl. born Sundav. Nov. 151. Mr. and Mn. W. M. Plant ur‘ .\. St Johns Ave. are In Cincumau. Ohm’as the guest: of Mrs. Ham's mother. They expect to remam about one month Mr, and Mrs. C. X Thwmn Am? 2.“me haw taken zhc FUHH'hbt‘z‘ Emu.“ at H! St. Jnhm I'luccv Mr Thnnms [Wed at the Exmuor ”H5 summer and Mrs Thomas spent the :ummer m the cast with her cinldren A meetmg of the Junmr Auxdlary to the '51)th Shore L‘athnhc Woman's League “I” be held at the “Innetka WomansCIuh on .\'m T: The mfiurs ‘of the auxmarv are as follows. Muss iLueHa Foley. EIanston preSIdcnt; Miss {Calhen’ne Murph) Winnetka III‘e prcsI- {dent MIss Beam Connors Wilmette. re- gcordlng secretary. and MI” .\elhe Fuz- \gerald of thing”), treasurer. MIss WInI- jfred Stm‘kxwli will gixe readmgs and ;Miss WinIfred (.IHespIe Mill contrIbuteI piano selectxons, A number uf local‘ , people are members of the League. I Mr.and Mrs, Norman Mason sailed from Naplc: ltah‘ Tuesday and mil be the guests Hf Mr» A (‘ Mmun upon {her amqu 1:) tins \ :1; Mr. and Mrs. E F.1iartmanofChncag0 “ill take the Hughes resndencc on Green Bav Rd. for the winter Mrs. Jacob Baur. who has Inn-d 1n the C. C. Hughes house on So. Green Bay Rd for the summer, has returned to Chxmgn and IS living an 115 Hellevue Placer Miss Cecil Vail, who has been I“ Presbvterian Hospital for the pa weeks has returned home. The Ravima Club held it: annual meet ing and electwn of officers at the Black» stone Hotel this morning. (ThursdayL The executive committee held us session at ten o'clock and the general comm'uee at eleven o'clock. Mrs. Frederick Mains of Rwersudc. In Mr. and Mrs. J E Blltlnger M a haw visited friends here on Saturday. ,spem the summer in Walxmn 1‘ \\ Is, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mead or Nurth F haw rewrncd t0 Hilhland Park Chicago were the guests on Sunday ot‘ Mrs‘ Edward Moon has rr‘turhni m Mrs. Mead's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E Highland Park after hung for N'u'ral Daniel Garnty. 1-year: on her {run farm m Fenian chh Mr. and Mrs. William Harnwn had as} _Mr and Mrs. Charles E Follansbrc their weekâ€"end guests their son. WilliamInioved from "it” home on St Johns Harrison and Miss ()llie Hubbard of Ch: Place to their new home 0n Muramc c330. Road 1331 week. Miss Helen Young. the vismng nurse of Highland Park arrived in town on 1 Tuesday and will begin her acme work gas nurse on Mondav of next week. Mia fYoung is from Wilmctie and will hve at jthe McCrystle apartments above the i post otfice. Mm; Mane Armstrong had as her Mr and Mr: F.('. Ho week-end guests the Misses Ethel lnder- 01 Lake Ave. and Sycal mine and Allle Armstrong. both of Chuc- ‘ Wednesday for their cazo. ‘C'mcago at 120 E. Twent Mrs. John Frederick Baker and >00 ! Mr. and Mrs. Bowen Charles C Baker of Chicago were the-late entertaininglhu wee Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S J. IMrs. M W Wriflht of Charies C Baker of Chicago were the l are entertaining this week as their guest, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S J | Mrs M W Wright of Jackson Mu M, Baker of N. St; Johns Aie. {who Is Mr. Schumachcr' 3 master Mr. and Mrs. William Harnwn had as} :Mr and Mrs. Charles E Follansbrc t Mr, and Mrs. William Ewing of St.i ‘Louis have taken the H, B‘ (2. White} (house at 1305 Laurel Axe Mr and! iurs \\ hm- hmc mm'ed to La (.rangeg ' .Hl. Mrs. M. A. Mihjlls; who has been In Chicago for the past three Weeks as the guest of her daughter. Mrs, (‘1. W. Ros~ setter. has returned to her home on Fore-st Ave. Mr and Mrs. A. 1. Drum and famil) of Montgomery Rd. left Monday for Iht‘ll’y winter home in Chicago. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. I), F Kelly and daughter, Mus: Eileen Kelley have closed their home on Circle Ava for the winter and are lmng at 1353 North State SL. Chicago Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wardmp will close their home at 815 Lincoln Ave. on No- vembcr 10111 and will take an apartment at 411 Brlar Place. Chicago for the wm~ ter. Mr. and Mrs. George Caleb anh( are receiving congratulations on the bll’Kh of a son. born Thursday" Mr. and Mrs. Howard B‘ Hodge and family. {orm‘rly of Washington. I). C.. have taken thé Lovell residencc on Prus- pect Ave. for the wmter, Miss Bessie Baker spen: the week end in Irving Park as the gucst of Missurace; Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Pansie of Oshkosh Wis. were the gfiests last week of Mr and Mrs. Fritz Bahr. Mrs Frank Bock. who has been ill {or several months with neuritis was taken to lie Presbyterian hospital. last week where she is under the care of Dr. Billings lwwmrmowms’l A v c been I“ at the the past two il meeb I ()n acumnt of (he HIL‘CKIHK ul 1hr r Black- , Northern llhnors Teachers Asun’mhun at .rsday)‘ I Elgln. “L. Friday and Saturdm u! VIhlS session ‘ week. thérc will be a hohda) a! the Hugh wlucuamdcx L‘dl. ner costurm- twin.- the most Ol’lfllnaL Dancing and .m u: gamzed play wnh a tnp around town kl” p‘lvted a very pleaaamcxemngs dnczv m The Y. \V. C, A headquartrrx htnv- been the reupucnzof some \cn “Mm: and ornamental gifts during the pas! week (or which due apprecxatvm Minn-n H4” .A ' v' 1L. “J“ , the“ [DH(”~,‘ mrn‘hrr .: 1?, “huh tunnriu L Mr Mon“ NH II a trrxhn‘ax; .‘t \ «ad has be‘mm- an .nl \(‘ r~hman {Onrbail pmyt‘d ”Uh hi1): \ilhnugh Cornell hm! the game A! a!“ rn‘ mi :hc'lcén‘ a (ham. r fu: 4 nice {up '('.i." 36(rh ya.” :1 Saturday night the Chippewa (my; Fir» group gave a party, they (00 mm: maskcd and 33in dressed. Suppcr u“- scrved 3! 5,30 and the table tanly gum. rd wnh good things lo cal. A prizc a“ awarded to Elsie Blomdahl‘ who reph- sented a black cat. her Costutm' mm.- thr most Ol’lfllnaL Dancing and .m u: gamzed play wnh a tnp around town kl” p‘lvted a very pleaaamcxemngs dnczv m Friday ex‘enmg the Blur linulv km'qr Fire girls held their Halloween path .n; came dressed In fantastic garb A prin- was offered for the one who atsplaym: the most ongmallty In making (ht-It costume. the prize a box at canth' urn awarded to Naomt ()lmstead A Scumd pnze {or the most grotesque Lo‘tum was awarded to Henrietta Shrew -\ regulation Halloween supper wa~ w: -r'l followed by dancmg. W in ht 'Fnursday evening (hr >rw:ng IIJ\\ held a sheet and pillow rau- parn vml. a hntunetcfler()n hand that yrcauwl. great deal ol mernmem. Danang ml lowed and ICC crean1 and lake uwvv scrvrd. hon {OOHTS “'Cr€ '-t‘|'\ r year Thu gymnasmm w. black and yellow mth ma goblins everywhere The three m?“ «1358:: art added In the dam‘ma C1355 The mem‘v-rshlp I.‘ growmg rapndl} and all are xcx'j. cu lhusiaatlx mcr the xeakher \1~~ [mm Humphrey Thk‘ Halhmu-n .’l‘3(l'nt.x.~ "f- nun Mr. William A Avenlll formerlx ul QHughland Park. and a teacher at the ,Deerfield TUMllShlp High school, mm of Alba"). N. Y. has been EMF” .5 pusumn as Secretary n! Education ot the State 0! ‘ New York, which. bv a Specxal act or the New York Legislature. was created for him. Hts work. consisting of the mapec- 5 tion of schools and suggestmu at needed! improvements. was started m Rmhutrr. N. Y,. and Newark. N. J Nir. Pblmle Pallaru‘n. uh“ vum nut place 111 the recent contest at lhlrt) me; American trained pianists lrnm all mer the United States. and who appeared on‘ Monday evening with the Chlcago Sym phony Orchestra in Orchestra Hall. vull give a recital in Union Church mulencoe Friday evening. Nov. 13, school Friday Mr. and Mrs. T H Dakar “err the :gueats of {nends 1n “aukcgan on Mon- day of this week Mrs. 1. Foster Van Ewra, who wanted irelatxves in Pontilc. “I. for sexerdl weeks -returned to her home on So (Era-n Bay de Saturday. Mr and Mr: F. H Hoync- and taming: 01 Lake Ave., and Sycamore Plan- lefli Wednesday for their Winter humr In: Chicago at 120 E. Twenty-first 5L Mr. John S‘ Reeseman returned on Monday from a three weeks' stay m West Baden. lnd.. where he arm on amount of his health. Mr. Recsrman x~ dulng fine. Mr. and Mrs. P D. Pironu and son» 01 'Lugano. Switzerland are the guests 0! yMr. J H Shields {or 3 rev» dab Mr. ‘and Mrs. Pironti and [ht‘lr >mL~ arr en- !routc for California. ‘ Miss Doris Humphrey has been select- ed to instruct the newly onumzed danc- : ing class at the Moraine Hots], which {meets the first and third Wednesday ! evenings in each month. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coon rctuxncd to their home on S. Second St , after several weeks stay in Stevensvulle. Mich A dancing class for young married people has been organized thtjh meets gevcry Monday afternoon at the \ W C. A rooms at three o’clock The member! 30f the board of the Y. “1 C. .-\ desire I ‘ large attendance so as to make the clan l more complete. Mrs. Wm Amnwald “In the week end guest of her ton and daughtcrIn-Iav Mr, and Mrs. Gustavo: Arm,“ aid or thi- cago. c Oshkosh. Wis M". F. Blhr it the guts! for several mks of her giuer. Mm John l'anmc of Miss Dona Drew, who has a good ”- silica in the South Bend. Indiana Hhh achool. spent the week-end with her parents on Hutl Ave. Mrs. Wm. Kopp, who sen-ml Weeks ago underwent a very seriou» operanon at lhc Augusuna Hospital IS \c'n much improved. Them dance held at F6n Sheridan Saturdly nigh! “a: largely I!- (ended. Y. \‘V. C THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS “C Schumacher t’, \k S be! Iqr placed ,, [hr maw «unndm The regular mum» 531?»: up d‘l‘d :4. mg 'cn obtamrd Yrun‘ Mr Lea a nu dev- Waukqnu :m- g r1: used 3hr ~.u~ r min)! as the bum The yudars «.1 win [um len- Llaxtm. \unkerJiu-lyn1n 1m and Earl Run, \h-rk Pnul “JIM-r I‘hrresunul the slral votc‘ was In Lnnr of the l‘n-grrmnr l'anv \rlh [he- (‘ht‘pllOll u! 7| H Harnh' uhu lust [u I -\nhu1 \m‘pyw It” kwunh >upcnn! vzmvl (vi 3} hr. K La“ Thumim \1' Rnlph Pt"."ll An‘e you) Huron \ .Auuhu-n n1 Rrgmh mm [by :nd m: 'I uesda)‘ a rcguiax rir hon '25 held the booths three m mxv' «(K has \1m.~u' m. ‘: Irrmhnx m !u xx .1 Mlblifn! ,1 .' '?.c \ nt-ul, [Mr M n, .u wr‘nyluhmt M '.‘.r iwfirrrnl \(\‘$""‘ I w rtsuh u' ‘:.v‘ Ln? :nmlhs wuh A.- My“ Noyes wxuun :n‘rnrd (he KIFJH x! r‘unix-r u! rurllemr. Mm Mun seekm Uu- Irv-r3! (allurra. and Mr Mk 1.831.: ”sum {hr bra! Mtrndlmr Mn. ?‘ :nh‘fl‘sf and ( mun-'9 n; ~ ~h.)\\r~ ' f' A parents. and am» \‘A\\ Hemâ€"n \ \uung. ”he nfi ”all” g IJ' ~(' Man. Hunk: iare due Mr F: 1/ [1411 In! (hr heauuful ‘rnsn. uhu h hr m ,(c-nrrou‘ly um met (or (he Indlc‘ .nm fur the palm} uhuch helm-{tn make {he hail \ery prcu) Mn. ‘Thomu Clement‘ u .0 chanman u! the ‘meetmg. Manvtharnarr.1..z {hr \lx9~r\ \ fw! (hr h‘il) .nu‘. >«AHKP‘D‘In gnu" .N-m‘or ert'» I” ‘n w-mmg a' " \U 3‘0“: , MRSandun'n has begun a who: of talk ghen wc-ckh n: (ventral Ammhl)’. "Hdv lb Nudx thru- HIM are of urn! benthl‘lu {hr >1..v1cr.'~ Thcjootball (cam vull play Rnennde ”Iv! School Saturdu'. «(u-moon (-n the school {ac-Id at .’ 4". ever \ onr as an rm urr Hu- Mlu Lauu h N reldmg "The Budr Bu! h 1 \lmp . .1 Sormblr Ya? ~:.v-\~ followed [hr 'n :n. There was teachers (m I o'clock m the- program Mud: pretty “4) a~ ”00(1). u hm 54L The first Inc-(tang of the Elm Hate; Dn‘mmn n! the Parents and Tcachen', Amxamm will meet 1!! the x‘hool‘ audnmuun at i {1‘ p m Wednesday \m 18, MI» Martin head of the kmdn guru-n dcparlmcm »-' the (‘r‘nrrun n! Chhqgu n m~p¢ak f The Rev Dr Herman Page‘ uhu m to :cm‘duc! the Mmsmn u no“ knnln to ‘many at our people, having brrn u-nm 0! 5L P.Aul'~ qhun h. Chsclgo tor rho pap! {ou'necn )cmxs Mr I; a man at deep re humus numu'unn: and wade experience and. broad svxnpuhnes, a (ran whose teaching has Mum's been dusnngunhcd by Its IISdUIL, 11> um!) and us “hole lameness Epmcopa! Churrh The purpogc n no! to .make people- Ephcopahanr but to make them bcurr Chnflians and boner netghbon l'x‘rlealauical umumezun wull hr careful!) Hooded, kin-none quI be welcomed m that sen-Ices and II I~ hoped (ha! the) may be a help [u nanny m our communny Ibo are not m any uav “muted uzth the Epmcopa! Churrh The purpogc n no! The x-nuee In addmon to [host usual» on Sunday. \HH be a celebrauun u! the; Holy Communion at 7;!) (fried: may; momma, a conference on personal new upon cad) morning at 10 o'clock. at! whidl queslmna may be asked 3nd? answered a hnet Informal nrvncc euh‘ cvenmg at Hmmck and manna; (9-? pedally lur rhfldren on Thundly. Friday and Saturda) afternoon: at 4 okhxk,‘ thqrc mll Alan. he 2 39:03! Sunday men- Ing scnu'c at X ”dock on November 15. The Mvumn which is to beam m Trim!) Church on Sunday morning. No vember lSlh has fov it! purpote (he 1â€"- vivmg 0! personal religion Tm- fillphlall will! be plm‘ed upon rell‘ious dunes and spiritual truth), thing: Whlxh are apt to he [leak-(led and overlooked In that day; that are ~o crowded Wllh external acljutlcs, bu! uhbch nevenhelm. are Ole really Impurlanl concerns 0! our lives Thrlnulatlon the! in extended :5 come apart and lest awhnle and “nude-r the great spumual rcnlmeu 9A "Shaman." using the word In In Jane, I: '.a mum 0! sperm! xn‘m be!!! In! the purpose of qunckening hr. hovers and convert“ unbelocvers" It in) Inn to the 00d W acme-(ant! nvnals, but In the Minn chunthea It i. Without the ”Wall leuum ‘huch ' have brought revinlflmo disrepair Ind I iqan appeal to the cot-deuce and rem-on rather than to excited 2330001“. 5‘ High School Notes At Elm Place School Trumy Church Note: wsdux 3‘?!”th than in the urn evening .n rlflhl I audnormm The c-ry lhlclhllf‘fl and us Mr \ 311 H \t {he "(11141 and In! ”11hr pull-1N: a! r Yr‘dwls and “cm“ \ \uung. Man. Hunk: I!“ (1)11 ‘1!“ NW Ltd! Yhu ,g.ur a \I.‘" {II (hr n)...” Hu M Yes We Have It Frederick W. Schumacher EARL'W. (SELL PHARMACIST, Hub-:23 We are Offering the fOHOW’ng Cameras at Arum 3) x 5§ “a: 825 mm S?” Anaco 3) x 59 an 10 non *1 w Anaoo 2) x 3} In 8 now T Anxo 29 x 49 u. 12 no» :x was s Anxo Vest Pockfl In 37 50 now $6 The menu for the New Edison Diamond Disc I’honograph “TIMI I V”. huh. Making a specialty of loans un Improved real estate 2:: the North Shore (ermnry xnx‘ludxng Rogers Park. Evanstxm. le- mctte Kenilworth Winnetka (ilenxue Highland Far and Lake Forest. Sexum) under mortgagm in this terrmm is continually enhancing while the rate or Interes‘t 15 at rax me. Why not have your clothing renovated herr (hi: week and gave our work a {air tnal? ()ur CLEAMM; AND Dunn. or ladaes' and gem‘: garments. (mental rugs. camels. purtiers. draperies, piano mvers lace cunams, Ho. cannot be duplicated by any |0ml (leaner. as vw have the LARQEST and most SAN” AR} plant m the Wm >1 wagon will (all for and drhtw‘ your North Shore Trust Company Tabb...- INCORPORA TED 214mmams Imwiuzcs Dyers and Cleaners “The Imperial” We can Sell you one ot theSe 1n~ struments for less money on time than VUU can buy it 111 Chicago and can give you a special dis- count {or cash we shall be glad to explain all particulars to you and demonstrate the musical qualitiesot it to you :mytlme you wish to drop m North Shore Trust Company g2 3.0M >25 ‘25 23.23 US...- >3.....V 01.953 flail . .0: 91 MORTGAGE BANKERS Orglnized under the Banking Law: of the State of Illinois The Passing Show Soetb-ninourWil-bw Highland Park, Illinois Capital 3 100,000 2.4.. Wh) not Come ludiÂ¥ .nd let u» take are u' \ «u «huh» [or you from Cleaning 1nd :neabe '~ (1. > appmc. A‘ A” (‘ondthurh HUI Ibu \nur aux! 4nd mrnoal Air [hm xnled or Inn): m1 “r uanl HA; In «a. am] ,0“ w.” 30x1 umk ' Divmy ‘ UISZ (annals reduced Pnces l 1 mm (at. ITS TH: W‘TH A \\\‘ and Wom Want Men season at One short Ask for El 4 N.- Alh: AlsoSUX) During Aal mm ”SI hr “()1 m H1

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