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Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 8

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unmetmng Sunanle. r"" 1"” 3"”1" "" “ “\VLIIII ;I ~I..II-~III.III ll.‘|~‘ \flHH‘IUiHK ”my «mum-d “'0" to my ut him ~;I\‘ il ” \HHI .‘l “mm-(ms Hm! “' mum! 51.! 1mm. Int this I‘Ulllinuul getting up ””5"“ “’3 -“'"r3 of ‘ and II. km: IIII "\Q‘l‘_\ SHIIJQKI IIIIder the: , “”9 ”' "um """r’ IUD II:~I {n.- l'w sake ur :IIIIIII: IIuII's “NH”: ‘1‘” or 9 name En 2m- II:I|nIr<~woll. that sort of ’"“"~“-“' [I Au" thing: mum «alwmannhlp a bad name Bun-nu 9" Stuttsth ”A depquIiun visited I jeweler's. ~' ‘ “ ‘We wum Iu buy II mud silver mt P" teepoz' [be "flkesmn u” "Pugh-'1, what i~> :I "in III In nir' And the jeweler "Why?" nbbed his hands "Thin \‘ll'l'y ~:|'\~‘ “It's for a senator.’ .hl! .m-nn-nmn,“ “In wax case. air: and the Jeweler. "“h‘ I“"' I‘“ 9’“ ’you win wan: something with I mi ‘0'“"0 “‘"- 3" .oIJL“‘â€"(‘Mculo Henld .curryiu; 2 rc-nmni Itl'llvtinl “H": Imps. Inimu ‘by "*':It Inrmling" i“ UV illlI‘cl‘I ' HI. bf tln- ( hiII.I. nun 1!on and rut 1h ’m'vih'. ”It' Amid 1-1.1: 1'.‘Ill "0 cluu nu. u 1‘ nuunznnn-au-a [ruin the plnzm- strlvkvn mt tn ntln-r run and from rats tu Innn by muum of Hons. :H the prinvipul :tgrnt. )‘t-t it inn been delertnhml many tinnw that llflmliilt: a rut tintt itzl! ll‘v‘ll tic-nu" uf pirlglh- only a few hunm give-s the infwu‘nu n'mnst Instantly. 'l‘wn small buy“ whiiu piny- Ing in :In ttnmml n-linr futtml tln- had, 'of n ~in-ml mt. 'l’h» curlm- was Intriml with unusnnl rum-ml hunuru. In flirty» eight hnnrw both were ill with lmlmnll- plague. A lnlmn-r tinclin; .1 .-i.-k m: an thv \\h:IrI' ph'kt‘d it up with tin- nah-cl ham! and threw it into tlw buy. l)“- wus win-«l thru- «bus later with humane. lint tin: that is tho- u-hh-r En il'uintnr. Fleas nlmmlnn :1 ml don-Hi pf pingin- and g” in :«mrvh of living - ngs wlm 34“” have warn) hint»! vir- bnlnting in tlwir wlnw. Biting Illull they inm-nhm- into him Ilh- li\ in: \‘irtH I‘iuiv-h \iJlI‘ tin- tiisvnwa va v I! .Igma is n dim ‘1' till:. In rat- whu lnu never seen this utnlngv nmnl (.wtntinn of nature vrlnnut turn: any Mum at its awowunm mum-L This m‘iipw l1 :t recurring phnnum» Fuk RENTâ€"Jimmy“ “lflhidnd Park; also to: N. Berube, tel. Til-L. t'il‘”! At the cm! of every period nl‘ FUR RENT-’i‘hree 9.49.194,” yp-nr‘ and olm‘en 1L1,“ [118 With or Without light} (noun outnm lx‘tWH-n tin- mrth and blocks from R‘ R. stal Hio‘ «m at just such an nnzl-I that the «ink light is Connth'lt‘i! shut on from . :1 portion of the World and partially hm RH‘Tâ€" ”Oust: fl shut off frntn a mm'h largur part.â€" monthly. also small 3“" Xpw York World. N. A. Aldridge, E Telephone 345. A BILLION DOLLARS_ Fuk RENT Furnished V _ 2|? W. Central Ave. Te Th. Time it Would Take an Expert to Count Thom Singly. i w-In-lvr if we realize when w.- tnlk , or :I hillmn dollars wlmt :In unnrnn-ns other. mun of mum-y it Inn-”1H? FUR RENT Lower 341 \\.- .Ill Imuw li-m' l':uvili!_\’ :IH tutu-1'! (in-en Bay Rd, [{ destret Numb-r ur wulnw “ill Innnumlnlv tin-tn nxsheti hwhen and bedrv Fun REN râ€"-4 roam tip stmm heat $16 a mnnth \uu I‘ll“ \I'ili‘l‘t‘iV follow lln' ltwlimt uf t'l‘ I'" ' "LU" llt' I may ,;N'- “I". kgt'tlumte- lut-simms. nur can tin-y sun-v any gun! pnrgmse in uny mnntnunilt Halsllnriun-l fll’v wvll "gm-ml tlmt t':tt~ In- :t l'ltv) In» w filthy in tlwit' huhit‘ :ts IQ'IIHIH" of tltv N‘Wt‘l'! and :15 ft‘tfiit‘l'! on n‘\'t'l_\ “ling dirty and oliswuml that it i< nu Winnie-r tin-y urq- t-nrrle-r‘ u( din-aw. pnt'asitrs :tml plague ittl'm‘tinn. That rats un- umit-te-d \\ ith many til,» on“ umru- than hulmuir inluuuv is t-uu- Irma-d h_\ llr. ltupvrt Hum sumwm general u! [hr l‘nltnl Stilt-s publln- health nenirv. who. qnsnking on ”ll" point. .vmys: "1 "ho-r tuft-"thus U? tlh- rut nn- tn-mntmlo-s. ur Hllko“: twtudv-s. 0r tutu-uurms; mum! Worms? limit-20a. inm-ts and n rulin- nlia-hvlwi" m the rats exnutinnl in Sun anrlvn 2“ per t-vnt \n-rn- lu‘ lush-ti with tun-“units. l'lugllu is prinmrily a dist-:Hn- ut' ttn- rut, It I‘lllllllllllit'il'l‘d from the pluztu- stricken mt tn ”tin-r ”It" and from rats tu tnnn by “hill!" of tit-nu. :li u-rmnx nu-Imn-t- lu Itt‘flllll. twttmtmhw. ut' 1‘ A tutul vvlip-‘v n! (be Mm i< x wem~ dertnl uigln. Who-re the wlipw l1 tmt imrtixl tlw a!i<k nr the- moon I'lll ‘ t-rm‘p nwm-u th Tut-e of'the sun little by HHIP. but will Men-r mmplvto-ly uly~ M‘Vlh- the urn "‘lt uprre "totality" ow-uri the sun at an (IV?!) DIINIIFIII “til I» t-ntiro-ly Ithlilt‘rlh‘d Mn! the lnlmhl» nun of tln- n-gium-s :u-ma- Willt'h the him-k hum! Vt ill nth-twin will perm-lye tho: must Wumlerful phenunu-non known III nuruuutuerr the display of the "cum ‘ mat" of tip- «in. Urn-at wan-s of im-amlmvvnt 271‘ liltnnlrmh~ ut‘ thnumnds of mile: ton: rem-min: mu from the mn into the etho-r. will I)» twrt-t-irs-q. The ounntry~ wiz- will take. on a dulster. night gray mtnrl and tmu or nature will pale and «hauls-n as at twilight. the telupet‘lture mill diminmh «*nsihly. the birth. he» lie-Vin: night it.“ route. will t-n-uw lltv-ir mug :inal aim-k their main .\ nomun wlm hm never seem this utnlngv tnani (.wtntinn of nature vrtnnut turn: any ltlt'fI u! its awowunm mum-L var H). cll'm ERADICATE THE RAT! H\ Lake Forest Garage v is n dim-”~1- «lln- In rah :Ilnl Hut In mm or din-U £ only nm- thin: In uln t” a-I‘mlivuh- (h.- rnhfi Thi< by mukin: “:ur nu Ilmn ‘ixuu :nul ~[:|r\.ltiuu. .‘llnl Ht Mamtainédf by First Chun‘h of Christ. Scientist. of Highland Park Phone for Demonstration L. F. 14 Studebaker Service Station We are now prepared to meet any emergency call, with our derrick service car. STUDEBAKER I“! :nul ~[:|r\.ltiuu. and against lhrm; that n nut. .\s u ro-snlr lulu-:ue (-phlmniv in l\ tln- mqn‘nnf I‘nu You are Cdtdially Invited , to make use of the privileges of the CHRISHASI SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Hours 9 to 12 a. m.. 1 to 5 p. m. Every day except Sunday HARVEY A. BEILGARD, Prop. [1.pr [hut Misthlimlogdmiddwfiarmmm wthm you may puu‘hase Your hulldav nulls and also have V: Jewelrv repaired J! lens than wholesak pnceu. We .2150 hsn'e hand A large amnmcnl of Diamonds. Watches and Jewelry :m l MA.POKRASSC0..Iahndfl'n-dknh MAW“..I~I930.3GS.SNQSMCHI¢I.W MMTM.MW6IZI H! :III I that "i'ilj'fl, what “Why?" "This \‘lul'A' y I”! c‘w‘llh‘homn. "Hh‘ )o'x. ,\ Colon-d \(‘\f_ curryiu‘ 2 m f~vl'tu'l))u-:II’1llv\\|Ill|dHIHIHUH In- ll.l|l uni)‘ WIIHHHJ INLNI’JII} of HIV”) :lml Hm! In vuunr MJKIJMUUMJU would u» quin- In: _\:-nrs of steady u'nrk m [In- run- ->! uixln hours a day during awry “urking «lay of every one M me I”: years.-u l‘ Audi". Funnvr Chief «.r \H‘Pl 'l‘ln- [2'1‘:I\ll."_\ siEn-r VIII“.II"‘ up .11] 1h} inn; \\'ur!\ ll.’ \‘i: ”\In'l‘l ""lth‘r uni <i \‘rr Alull : um 1r tutu: :1 SLUIIUIN." ’H Hm: i\ un'_\' I~III‘I'HH‘H(\' uf ,‘hIUIIu: HRH) mm- a: i~ nn'y Illl‘ In-umlm ym-Ms of :rmt rimm- 1- man \\'vl'q- [1) :II un 114mm Hn- mule rut» .\n Noun-bean Is a light He had probably lwn fountain yaâ€"nfn Hum-ton Electric Starter Electric lights Complete Equipment [N then- was a! Mo! on SOLAR ECLIPSE. Posted. ~> nu «\‘r‘lllt'hn on nun (-mmtrnx I‘ll I» ”1' \[M-NI also have vuur Hf lho Ir Ill'l 50. rust 3!. mp4 SIN ATIUN “'ANIUPB) Ermg‘hl’. uni :4» do “com! work. Tel HT. 46 x-d Pnsmox WANTEDâ€"By Sweduh gnl. new» comer. Address Chnslmc Em ksnn, H6 50. First 5!. mad SITI'ATION WANTBD~By man as chauf- feur. age '13 yea”, 3 vcars expericrcc with best 0! references; six years With last employer. Address 114 (mu-mam Ave. Tel. 73] M. I’usnuw \VANTED-As tux-M ‘mzw- man. janitor or yard and ham nun (mud references. S. H. Harvey, {M Jerk-mm Ave, Glencoe. Tel. (Hemm- {34-}. 36 pd “WNTHHâ€"A mud flunk (:1 eral work ax Highland Park \ phtlnt‘ 330. W \\ l‘l-Ill Sewing at hmm (in) l’hune 7097]. \V \VH-‘Hâ€"‘Nashing In H f‘hvm- 709] FUR RENI‘ Lower 341me in at .‘h SH (ht-en Bay Rd. If dPSll’t’d m.” ‘H «\v (m rushed Lurchcn and bedrmm 111 :18th H711 FUR Raterâ€"4 room ”,1: all xmxh-rnavd simm hrat $16 a mnnth Applx at thus “flier. Mpd A. Morube, tel. Til-1.. l) 1 H FUR RENT-Three lurmflwd mums. With or wnhout light lmusrkrcpmg tvm blocks from R R. station. 'l‘c-l 840R “5 yd FUR RENTâ€" House: from $33 lo $150 monthly. also small sum- on \'nu- Ave, N A. Aldridgr hrskmr Sank Bldg hlephonc 'HS. 5% ka RENT- A Moon: huuu- at :54 w \'mc Ana. two garages. um- larxr .md one small‘ Address '3” W \‘inc Aw HELP WANTED WHIH) Yuung girl in an v-n‘ 2): inch \(html k .g Fm: RENT Nicely Yurmshed mm. 215 W Vme Ave, Tel. 102’- H {(1 MW RENTâ€"Two nurly lurnmhtd mama newly demracrd home-like table board, 13% Ravine Driu‘. Tel 108'! Mind FOR RENT 5 room flat. steam heat. a'l modern Improvements. lnquxrc at Subcy‘s matket, 210 E. Central Aw I) IN If Fun RENTâ€"Store 3! 2w E. Central” Ave. Inquire Sobey's market. 210 E. (cen- tral Ave, IN l! Full RENTâ€"[hirahlc 5 room rm :u‘. 117 N. St. Juhns Ana, .1“ modem um- . vemcnces. Tel. 573. D '21 If' T Somohmu Happen. 8o FUR RENT-Steam healrd aparnm-ng 6. "Th“ ("m”) "3" P'W' "'7 Y'" moms and bath; two aura room. It deg" 501M.“ In I nu! ’l‘u-vmy sin-d. 47 St. Johns Aux phones 49 and! Hun 199‘ F. P. Hiwkins ”311‘ III 1hr lax! lnorh-d lurk r) FOR SALE-Acre- lm In Rxdm-wx-(l ~ul> division $1750 and 50 h 101 on W Linmln Ave 31“”. cash and terms .\ .~\ AL dridge, Erskine Bank Bid: l‘e-l .‘HS .16 FOR SALEâ€"4m: base burner hmun.‘I stove. Tel. 824-L £6 run snugâ€"«mt Dax' Durmr hmungI stmc. Id 824 L $6 FOR SALEâ€" Baldwm hanu l‘lanr Inn-3 hogam use can b:- aum had to am plant). Address 512 s Sheridan Rd. Tcl 53: .46" lexcepllonal 300d )n\r~lm(‘nl Edw. W‘ Lamg, SKL’h E Park fland Park. i »â€" We hau- A MW 1111 \ru‘.e- tment Bonds (m the Hint (ennui Ava- }paving Wthh we nncr at .1 rmwnahli ’ discount. There I- nu puhln‘ Px‘lu-fit {assessed against xhu \wrk, HH'H‘YUH‘ .m FOR SALE~TWO {use burner hfdllnfl stoves. good (OHdIUOH. mll scll mumm- ablc. George Tutker, Rngcr William] Ave. Ravinia. Tel, 451 .16 FOR SALE-Shomngcr piano: and M. Schulz Co. pianos. also playrr pmnn in both makes; Will rem or 5r” un may 'payments. Send your lumnx uxdm hrre IAldcns' Piano Shnp. 313 Sn (.rnrsn-e 5L. Waukegan. III. Phnnc 39:3. [)H u l FQR SALE S-ruvm voltage «m lkrrheld iAvc., tor quick salr $1200. 1’. (L Pun 134 FOR SALE 25 1mm 11 lings for $l2; BIN) smm- In: and l self-feeding heallng Flrst St. 111.862]. FUR SALE Chunr 3041. Ms In our new subdivision along “uukrflan A\e., nurih of Vine Ave. I’m-r S300 and upwards, termsSSOor more. (ash balancr. Easy payments. 0. A. Lewis K‘ Lu. Room 218 Reaper Block. Clark 4nd Washingmn 5'15. 0r2156 Milwaukee Au- . L‘hu‘axu I) H U -â€"l-wa1.oYm-:sr Acmci' ~ “(mu-21(16- sinng work. should rc-gister. wnh me. It you need help address er. Urn, Smith In. over Schunmchvr's drug >tun'. Tel 320. [E ii EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€"F i r a 1 class help received for all household positions. Employment of all kind; for women and girls. Mrs. T. Walsh. 238 N. First 81., near Elm Place. Tel. 700R. “18H! Lie...“ My”! Agency \VANTED-â€" All kinds of Icmalc help; American and turcngn. Wages $7 to 511! a week. Alw first class help turmthed on short notice. Apply 124 So Firsl Sm: .Me., teiephonr 2015. Mrs. J MA Donshg D} n SITUATION WANTED 'Advcrfisemcms will not be rrieccivd for publication In the current issue utter 5 p. m. Wednesday. slhuahlimzxuclql- dim! 5c. indies. where repliet are ordered rho Bl am this 005cc. doubk rum. RENT Furnished from Central Ave. Tel, 10911 ME! mfllâ€"Wl m mam PARK m mam'wzxmmons MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 25 hm“ n lt-ghurvn aleu smm- large hc-ns FOR SALE FOR SALE In Hugh“ NH \‘.Ih‘ (hemp rrk, mmrtun‘ .‘In urn! Inqlmr 01 MR .-\\r, High- H H >(u\t‘ .ll .l"¢~f h\' the {05 pd In um‘. [)1 iii-pd “3 "1 Md :md ll 1 bd mg _\‘ \run any-TH!- IH'I I Bldin- lan’r : faull‘y II _\uu lu nu» yon *ubuuklul unoko n I” ~I4mhm Tran-tram. Fnflnr Foot. 01. In“. l-‘Awer (Inning just accepted rig-r fro- oom-Aml what do you pay for than! Sonâ€"Two for I quartet Fm tber~WhulI And I content mpm In. two for a June! Son-Well. )wu ino'.’ did. our rum IN dllcrrul H Ilflm'u |"" w ‘ ‘1 Hw l‘ inlwlm» v~ u «.1 .4 . «Hulln: ~I-\-: ' Hn' “HA 1"" ufnuvu‘w- ILA! '“l.l~li I'Y '-\l~ ’ "‘Vhi‘ "Ill? L'l’qul and (lit-".7 ~m-~'\Iu~ul frlllll. Tutu“ ,1, .wl HH‘ In yer) Ilwrm In In: (mun-r II um)‘ “'1! 1w IH'HNI:H\ {H (mm In" lb! n! game In: runner shonhl we thnl Man 1 I: not 1h-pI«-h~d In; upon-awn (In an! 'I IA~\\ ur! HIIIIII‘ SnnH lull! 'r mm In 501m: \l «uh-n ~l~n- 31H «~r:-- l'lhn 1m ufh-rh-wn Mnkmg sun cl Her 89-09 a "I Lyn-w \nll uq-yr nnnml Innkm in PH” OH nu nquf' uh! Ilrfll' I‘lh' Jlmuu. o-rn III.- ”p.” lul?’!'l1 H I I1 (I? Ith- Ilinptlwn 'flllflnrpwi'l In” f'lo- ' Wmd Ind the Sun. ‘I \\'1|ul .1." not avnnyw gm «luvu‘ 1 [In- MHI. but luny bluw :‘um I: 1 inn ”(h-r mum-L Ir “1nd Mm rm l||> .1 law pn-vunu- nrn-n lwtun I m-l H I! anhlp lu Luv-p luvm'ng In It 1~ “Hm! nml mllnm-rmm v--~ .. If n In] HHlN run-Hy :It IH‘LIHI .- wt nm- In“) rat uumml ‘hrlt H..- »{ lunvvllh-H'k‘nl dcprwulun 1! [Mn I \hlml |r‘x)\\1 (rum um tu lulu! In ‘ ,1 mn) Alli]! ul uumwl um! rn-u-rw . ’ Hun I! 1! do. the Fume 11 HI num'fiw tlu- nun'n rmlmnt I‘IH";‘ Hm L'Iml [nurt- Ilmn H dm-u I'll' u Hm l‘llltl “nrmu HH- u 1', H14 lr|~¢ run!) um] It rho-x pro-1mm: ‘u 4 gin-«urn “re-u. mu] nmh-r :un fr-np Hu- m‘vrln I’ll-hes in In H' II nun-u! 1.1m] mn-In In ‘9‘: Hum ”:le wnlo-r. and line dlvw‘tI-m ..r nun v *{V H‘nul Hm (In: mu} nut n \\.I\‘ 1‘ v3" 1M1! mum. an rug. null”, ‘ . :Ill. ('IW'U'IUII vmulmun- nml ux may wrrrnt 75¢“ ant J-mnmx I‘M! II- IMII L --ulm 1m: um -lu-'- ln-fl ‘lann' r "'I’a-I'lelrn “thlmr Hun «11.1 m-u um (11st Its manner of prudm Hm: H Um xamr Hm nnxjcrn methud~ hnu' mlrr- .- dt'ld‘llflllulllphrd('"hlt‘!1«)andfilm ozmi .ulaptabfluy .md .n HHIIL‘ . have greatly docroaud cm“ In cuulomon. Take the ordinary vehiclr whorl. The-rt ts evidence that u “an known to [he Avruns-a people su- far bclorc hmon' that our lqulintancc “nth the-m u game-d only by cxamanmg (he slrm‘ {uzc n1 language. Thr uhrrl m )usl 1hr surm- today, nnl) u:- nmke 1hr sputum u! metal and put xuhhrx UN; on 1! and propel u by drunk ux gas- nhne power. A: m ‘ Electric Light Fflhor a! lh. Public Service Company of Northern lllinoi: What Bobwhut. En- ;va ,. ‘ ‘1 Hw "pm TIeTn'lwislo file-"UK LIgh! The King u! Armiual Lngm H hut wt can pmhabh mrry .wt \nu m a prupumhmn In .‘L rump H. H you will lelrphnnc n: mule u: a rrpxrsrnhmw mll (all. will Hu- im|.- h-uI-rhr ‘- ‘(r I jlhl n-mo-mln-vv-‘l ’l Lulllp l-uilim: un Hu ‘IY Hm Enc°uragmg d rurth-II Hm! rt? 1! Hm luv-Iv! » H~ and n h!" In ("u -Vo-<Hl u' “1"" unrhw'. hrvmhmllg’. M NH IUL’L‘IwH-d Vha‘ n-nm :oml In- u.v~ m-n Hu- mir-llvw I :Iqmd fun! 1.- u hi< ‘nfinv-m v V4 n: An I»! Hm Mr: M In. mhu [hv‘ hull~r HI [he lttrh?’ "M Dnndmugm nulnrul Ii”: 1 [Inn-(AI “1.4 .H.‘ ,. , .. ,. WW... “ “ ~ lint. ,‘w‘ i, , .- ». Hn- lww' Hy . ‘ I nu: 7|" I u I .1 . ”.11 vi H“ 4 { H '- l‘ ‘1 -l {>1 . \ \‘ ».. "V“I‘ "Ijlf'~l"l-I n , h v 1 .1 y I ’ '1 "'\IH~th u.‘ n u I 1 . A;- ,.v ...- I 4“ H1 [hr 'un!\\1,v. . _ > ll 1 .. I.\ up... u _ ‘ , \ Minn-r um um . UV ‘( I rr. n...“ >1-HnL'nr d thy-mum n.1,: -I.nl;.: , \ou . -\l:|!\ {n H-HI-Hr I! gaun- [Huh (w m \ thnl Mu uun (.un: . ‘h‘rwn'n' 5"“°"‘ ”0| hi no I' uh .Ith - I Yv-Hnl' HI ‘M“ “I lw-I I- House Wired Fer "luv-I \II ‘1, Hr ulmun- nml amm- ant J-mnmx IllIIIu-v :- HIT fur lln-H u'vllly llzlnnlr- Illqzyl rh-v !!‘um um lml Mm!!- Y'H -.~hr-1IFY r ml hr n \l .‘U Karin I- run of moor-do; human) '1 of «word: “We dMn't hr. IolL' â€" 144:an OoudnJonruL 0U! “H' Tn uhmlrl out I'll!) llw rnt 1h. Ink f~v1w«\\m up“ 1‘ \. V hum-d Mm (I lllv‘ll' Irhlh I‘wll'l lrlv'l (Illr ”mun ho Manon-r. ”v. -.!)d your Inn-wt “II! In! tw-Inluli‘iuv' 9" “MIN. II In: -I mm! {m lIu-n» In ,I .'»---u u! \u-\\ \w'L l~ Ephu up.“ um L \ ptrm‘lJ mm iln'w dzllnml A m HIrmu-hr~ -l. ' I -\wnnl In ”H ”“11 h- H hr \H-‘rr l lr-l .Iml With Hm I' Hf ppm Inluh mm“ in lu lhr IV\unl )IHI: Iluunglu “RAIN-l hi- . Ilu- ~Hglllo-Il ”'41?! In H '11- (In! ‘hlrl H). ha .1" ”no [In "H “r H W-I Worn by Ch-rho Bonnet! of the Old Donor! Tonm, I l ' u 11-» m-H Hu- hnlhl .‘Hv luv u! half \'lo'! mu FIRST CATCHER'S PAD DOI' Mat. Church Work -r mm I: duo-l. thunk)“; an M0- 1..‘~.r Hm l’u-nm-H- - Ilwlhmu llml Inn! :1 {Hill TH. Rim Huh upon hvm Iu- would VIII hlln IIIIIIVI‘ um [In ‘ Amnhl n-lumlni IunL u ‘va \c-I \uuL “'uv‘ld m Il-pul’l lnh- I 1-0“ m mu! m l~~url an if rum hnd In “I? lhe but! :- Th1! n ,4 Ilhl - H- In! (““441 m Tug, mn give you n v.1 yum {amflv mon- Ic-l unfit-(nor. And (omion, and nave you mun- lm r and him: Mun Ihc um: amount 0! money could poulbly buy In any other hvuyehold COHVCLICMP, Phone us m-d..y, 0v bcmy .2111, \n\' .»_y uhuwroum And m 101 vourul! what lbn woudulul bcale- um no ET awa y from 1‘ .c c ‘-d fashioned water heating methods.S.1\c 1 me. labor and mom-v. and have genumc hot wmcr comfort. hmhmg means more m your household. The Ruud Tank Water Heater Every Member of_ Your Family Will Enjoy This Hot Water Service ho- l I lmlHo umxlnl ‘v-V 1hr I hl~ hum“ MINI 'Illll‘. .hm-t I lxhunl r\|N'l’H-|: I :.xr UH-z H1 nm-H unlu'luy u .u u Ind.” “in! It “urinal hm- Seldom Do North Shore Gas Co. n-H Ir )L‘! I\ Mr ml-ll Huh)“; um! um HI'IIIWH‘ -II.I[~'II III :1 {Mill lt-~rll| «51 [Ml 'M [U lh u 4!”: an! Imy. ”huh; lllull~ .. n-m lull." r! lhr h- u I] III-n! hr-Y Tckphonc 194 Inh- 'll ml L' Lounru “ ml T clan..." o I nuler run-Vic, nnd nth-Hug Um (I)! h is gen known hwr-xev duHM's want; of \ulue and nervlcc. drr‘ nu' men-h :nprd Mme 5-: \~ rm uuueul stmuidr'-~ mum at bullum turn up. Whnh [1 means znv, uqumn ripsâ€"boner It :A H A e M‘.‘ can inlrrntwrn M‘("Un\ uvnh {alvhgx k and Inn lapel: fur I lmuvrh Ln nn \nur thunl- dc! \ snx y \nhcihe! rinnn m but -m-11 up over â€"-.‘rt durable, washing hcumfulh hunnnl mem- l\’ riveted nn And regular l.'n.au-I {or wuvmth and randomâ€".19 BuVIHah' They're clan-y 5 hp- pe -' .m-f hqid the" chap. SI .00 Matima Thur. and 5.1.81.” Studentl' Rah. Wdudivufioc Little Theatre "‘ “" bâ€"Amlh. Sundry Lovers Interwoven n shoul- Collar made in three Ii. E. FARM ER $3.00 to $9.00 I It. um. Ind (Yrs-cm Ibo-~- rut..." h...“ “'4 Urerfind Av‘ In ll‘houl buiifinu mt m nuriy M U C l'mdx and Sum d Whll L~ pmbublyt munch 4-er gwm ghey hung the sum Hu ‘l‘ ' L‘ Imu'u' herb ,vr (Hx Man 3 anc ngtl,“ erI in 51'“ aplhr quw I Mu Sham "loan mum (hr \ hl‘ a;- hn a yum .- D. C. 'urdy .34 5“. 1h- t m Mil HH \upq lHt’l‘ «lnxfkmg Pup: V! run ”A Iht Hm‘ hth 'r If“ k Lu! na- (Hmyr: uh datum-m axamu the 1 up I {rang Mud H1 rumwd Vn m.» 31!!”le \ru apt \ unnrmv rrchm... \ tn makr It but pmmmp 1hr dm'li sannan srwagt shall ruzhlrrn Irv-l. 51* H Wu U! Q‘- ‘mm .\ II build if"): 11 and rm gm [Din ”nu h the pan ma kahan An hind! Qulgln hm du Med um pm‘ny IM- mad IH'II'V A numb?! at E Imam hrld a nu Smart um Monday “1 dusrusflnfl 1hr 5 qurslmn h “as d 3‘"an 1:! [ho dmru \‘fklpu! H llu- (.uu quaranlmr n ml pht‘n I! I? mud "‘1 u. I» ax ;: hum 1mm n-I [rub I 1 Illirn» Wlhht‘C I GETS BIC HARM “'3? In “UH krr; EVANSTON RIM NEARBY NJ OF I North venom Hal SLAM ‘er hrkdth mum .'- drmand u hl‘kp' A “final“ mm ..- nvdm Non}: Che-[o In Both C4 Numbry riflluln-v A" and” Ir‘l hm (1.» my Hul- \ TIM.- (rt-n t. 5(171'01 rsh‘nn hm Nu Luke Zion Cu, II m.) p x hl “1* t hum 1mm h- Muwr wrslr'l. I n’anllne I . Monday A m the “1 pm"! nu 1v IHII “'N. I Hunlrvl HE IN ‘ n-gmfli I l . Hu- ‘b’f’fl In xhr Ir "1 3v I“ lhl all hm at

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