0 PURDYIIONS In the guests on Sun: Select your next order rather m Chicago ‘ M Les] R. S( of Records from our; end :mtff} M,‘ catalogue and the order Mr Edwm Bim week end guest 01 milks dams: temp a n m D. '\. gubject to your approval 3 39"" '3" m" ԠLl. AI...._v hr FOR RENT ColumbiaGrafonolasi and Records ErskineBank Building ERMA-Rad Hixblud Put Greenes News Stand P. 5. Get the latest books .written by but author: at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. “UM Telephone 632 .1... "I Entered as second-class matter Much I. 1911. at the we: ofï¬ce at Hxxhland Park. Illinois. under the Act 0! March 3.1879 WMSIMnYeï¬iflv-a PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. Unaué at Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois": Telephone ;: 2: Highland Park 562; FRED SCHAEFER flUMBlNG THEMWNDPARKPRESS Choice Office D. c Puaovavsons ac Arc Agents For All THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1914 E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue 'OUAUTV Is Koo-om in the IIYAILIIICI: IO‘M AH Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines The Junior Guild of the Episcopal Church gave a little play enutled “Even Girl,†which appeared in play form in St. Nicholas magazine. Wednesday "nine in the Parish home. ' . um u-y Ul unemucr. A. U. lUH, or a Mr. and Mrs- H- 13- F310“ entertained [soon thereafter as the business at th as their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. court will permit. T. H. Lantrecht. formerly of Glencoe.;‘ Said supplemental special nsM-Nm-n lnow of New York City. ii: payable in one installment All pm . Ions desiring may ï¬le Objections lll sail Mr. C‘ Terry Of Chicago m“ be themourt before said day. and may :ippru week-end guest at the Beatty home 0" ‘ on the bearing and make their dcfensc. Sheridan Rd. ‘ w. E. Brand. 3 . Mr. H. F. McFarlane of River Forest. : Ofï¬cer appotnted to make â€'d '3’". . . ment. 1“â€- ‘3 to be the week-end guest 0‘ Dâ€; Dlted at Highland Park, lllinons,‘ NUVt‘nL and Mrs. Lloyd M. Bergen. ‘ ber 25. A. D. 1914. 39% 4 Wednesday was ladies night at K. of C. : Mr. and Mrs. W. A. French and two daughters are spending today. Thanks- giving in Edgewater as the guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Sowcll. ;bmher ML Fm}; “mm 7w Adzmnof October. A. D. 1914. and the lawful St. Chiea otoda' ' texpenses of such proceeding, the ordi- ' ,3 " j’nlnce for said supplemental special as- . Mr. and Mrs. Doan 5. Boynuon, of i tenement being on ï¬le in the ofï¬ce of the Hawthorne Lane. are receiving con- 1 city clerk of said City, and having applied 'mtulationa on the birth of a daughter. ito the county court of Lake county {or born Monday. Novt 23rd. fan assessment of the costs of said im Mr and Mrs W A French and t [provemenL according to benrtits. and a I . . .' lementalapecial assessment tlicreul daughters are spending today. Thanks-7w†giving in Edgewater as the guests of their i having been made and returned to said ' l . ’ . d M l. W. . court, the ï¬nal hearing WI†be hat. on the "I‘m†Mr 3" " SW’“ filth day of December. A. l). 1913,01' as Mr. and Mrs- H- 0- F310“ entertained [soon thereafter as the business or the Is their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. court will permit. 1‘- H. Lantrecht. formerly of Glencoc.;‘ Said supplemental special 85>t'~\n‘t-nt now of New York City. in payable in one installment All pm l - loom desiring may ï¬le objections lll Saul Mr. C. Terry Of Chicago m†be thetcourt before said day. and may appear week-end truest at the Beattv hnm- M t .. . , . , M.ss Ida Naas of Chicago is the guest Itoday of her father. Mr. George Nazis, ‘ t W. Central Ave. 1 i Mrs. A. B. Bastin left Wednesday for3 iAnn Arbor,Mich.. where she is spending f the week-end with her daughters. the3 'Misses Rowena and Dorothy Bastin whol J attend school at that state university. i Mrs. James Warren of Kalamazho,’ Mich. was the week-end guest of rela- 5 lives here. ’ Mrs. S. A. St. Peter and Mrs. John L. ‘L'dcll attended a luncheon given at the rhome of Mrs Anna Sand: of Oak ‘Park : on Saturday Mr. Alvar L Bournique has started a Idancing class at the Highland Park club. ; which meets every Wednesday afternoon I at three thirty; it is for the children of l members only. Mr. F. Ohrens of Shermen'ille. lather of Mrs. C. Werhane of Green Bay Rd, left on Tuesday for New York where he will spend the holidays with his son Fred Ohrens Ispent last week visiting in Milwaukee Mr and Mrs Arch. Abercromby were! the guests on Sundayot Mr. .Abercromby’ s ! father m Chicago. Mr. Leslie R. Schaumer was 1hc week- end guest of Mr and Mrs. E. P. Sedgwick \ir EdWIn Bimrose of Chicago was the week end guest of Mr Alden S Baker. i \I n I"! L- . ’ «mt-’5 {f 0. mar“: .Csagalsémp Mr. and Mrs. Anson Petersen ovaans {on were the guests on Saturday 0! Mr and Mrs. M. C. Conrad. The Misses Exa Morton and \ Iola Pansie left yesterday. V‘ edncsday for Oshkosh “25. where they will spend the remainder of the week wnh Miss Pansie 5 parents. Miss Anna Bahr wnll leave to- morrow and spend the week-end with the girls. Thu Red Cross committeesof theOssnh Club and the Highland Park Womank Club announce a meeting to be held 1n :hz- Presbyterian Church on Tuesday at- tcrmxm, Den lst. at one o'clock, to Sew {or the Red Cross. The T. C. Wnnxams famxly haw mun-«I from their home on Raxine Place to the- Huync house on Lake Aw- .’ for the “in‘ [er Ydir- H.1rmrJ game ( Edward Knox, hrr son Ydlc. Rd Mrs. John .~\. Schreurs of Lincoln Ave, made an overland (rip last week by auto, with his brother. Mr. Alden Schreurs (u Muscutine‘ In, the home ‘Of Mr. Alden Schrt'1;.'_~ ’in Chicago over the we‘ k-end. Miss Mildred Thayer spent last week Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Cbnrad and chil- in Madison. Wis.. as the guest of friends dren. Irving and Eleanor of Woodstock. ‘at which time she attended the Madiuon- and Mr. and Mrs. George F. Conrad and lllinnis football game‘ children. Priscilla and Wesley of Antioch, Miss Adah 0‘ Grundy “"11 attend the will be the Thanksgiving guests at the council of English teachers ti) be held ll M. C. Conrad home on McGovern St. the auditorium this weekend Miss Helen Golden o! Lawton. Mich. Miss Alice McElrath will remain at the who attends school at Waterman â€1“. Mt‘Crystal house and have as her guest Sycamore. lll., will be the guest a few during the holidays her sister. Miss Mc- duys of this week of Miss Helen Conrad. Elruth who attends F“†“J†-" Lake- } Mr. and Mrs. James Grant will have as éthcir guests today (Thursday). Mr. and 5 Mrs. James Russell and children. Florence and James of Oak Park. and Mr. and ‘Mn George Grant 3nd son Robinson, of ' Evanston. Miss Nancy McPherson visit‘ed friends in Chicago over the we« k-end. Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Brown. In. and Mrs. Andrews and son. Gordon Andrews 0! Chicago, will be the Thanksgiving din- ncr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown. St. .\1r.$(cwart Recd Brown of Lincoln w. \[vcnt last neck m chmgton. K31. a hxxsmes< tr'p Luci m ï¬som um I «mucl F Knox 188:1 lilbl “[‘t F Knox of S Sheridan 1:1)! “t‘t‘k to attend H 4: game on Saturday. Mr i: a studcnl a! Schumachers' Chocolate Cream: Always F resh Mr. Charles Geary. Sr.. has opened a delicatessen store at 132 E. Central Ave, one door west of the post ofï¬ce He has installed a soda fountain and IS carrying a complete line of canned goods and candy. in their house at 334 St. Johns Ave. unul their new house is ï¬nished at 328 Nonh Sheridan Rd. They spent the summer at their large. {gin} {1‘ Chgsqning. Mich. Mr. and Mn Palmer A. Montgomery have returned to the park and will hve Miss Helen Gourley, who has been at the Alice Home hoopital. Lake Forest for the past three weeks, wnll return home the end of this week. The Luther League of the Evanxehcal Lutheran church WI†meet 1n the new assembly room of the church Fnday eve- ning for a business and soual meeting. Rm- bemg called home on (Nuluhl of the “‘3 la'd “â€d â€1" {â€â€œmm "1"“! ’3 “"w â€â€˜ serious Illness of her mnthrr working nrdvt [he blah khnani surlur: r . r . _ are aln-adx n-warcd Ln 1hr tum? rr M: 1219 .\orth bhore Ldmuhc \\ uman's ‘ p ' I H . , WI†lean' (hum a hnmn Hm In harmun League and hung Ladies Auxxharv vml V . ‘ , Ize wnh the unodvmrk and I?» \« nun! gn'c a card party at the \\ mncxka “0- room tun xlur . ‘ 1 8 man s Llub, Dec. 5th. “fldflt'. cuchre, . ' ~ . ’ . . I ' ' ‘ r and ï¬ve hundred wl†be ley-d IuHuv.'cd Mr. bmxth 3pm†“uimsmn ,mu Ihura b). dancing day at the l‘nn'crgm u! lllmum, when a , ‘ twodavs mnt sessmn ut ut\' su x-nrr The Luther League of the h'anxehcal ‘ J ' ‘ lendenls and boards of cdumnun. rrprc» Lutheran church WI†meet 1n the new . ‘ scnung the mint stutc. “as hrld. 1h: assembly room of the church hulav pup. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Maury and 1.1mm of Edy-Water arr thx- guests 0! Mr aney's parents. Mr and Mrs. John me-y and tummy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rac mn- lmvmg this mmnmg tor New York prrpamzory to xaxlmg for Scntland on Salurduy, Mrs. Rm- bemg L‘allcd home on nuuum of the serious Illness of her mnthrr mugs by the chxldren. \u-w Hh‘ features at 1h:- cmertalnment wlmh “as given m runnm‘tmn with the Enghsh “ark 0! the srhnnl. The Ravima school held a Thanksgnw ing entertainment In the schoolhouse Wrdnesday afternoon at two. o’clock The exercises “ere m the form of two little plays, "Pilgrim Life In England and Holland" by the ï¬lth. SIXIh and wrenth grades. “The First Thunksmnng? by the ï¬rst and secnnd grades. and groups or Miss Alice McEIralh will remain at tho- McCrystal house and have as her guest during the holidays her sister, Mus Mc- Elruth who attends Ferry Hall .qt Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Trig; Waller and Mary Trigg are mending the Thankqiving holidavs in Chicago as guests of Mn. Waller’s father. Mr. F. H, Warren. The ladies at the Moraine Hotel have formed a sewing club and have so: aside every Monday morning {or the work. They are making bandages. nighuhirtl. and various article: useful for the soldier: wounded in the European war Mn. E 1‘. Bradley has been elected managereu of the club Mr. and Mn. Hugo Schneider are I ceiving congratuliliom on the birth of son, born Saturdw, Nov._21§(. Ipf‘ the {or the for The next regular moon of xhc ()uoh Club will be held in thenfilghland Park Club Hoooeon Thunda evening. Dec. 3rd, It alght o'clock. prov-m will be the Walter Number of the Owl: in chart! 0! Mi- Laun Kennedy. Woman («2 1M) lh-lnvr \ tw'l'Hi , ‘1 dav .md Lat.“ " “‘1'- n;.,~' -- 1.. and “(NY t‘VJ'DNt'd by n.l I“: ',- u! â€w dd) “l‘lr Mn H k l .hannmn, mantra M Mt-utuzms Ah PQWINH', H('h1\ I “(Ht'f \ .1131!) son. Inhn “ILH. UN» R Julhw \T bmxlh, J H Md n-ulr, lax I.“ Mlud H Nmnmm. L, A “Hm. “I Mlud H Nmnmm. L, A "Inc. “In M book). H. L Mzils, and 5115:“ L Dana The rnzular mat-(mg of the club who held fund .y 312;!) p. m, In the parlor! o! the Picabyknan Chunh, Mn F, Schaclcr repent-d that [he tunds ultra In at the can] puny were $145 Sill) of "III unoum was gnu-n (1: [hr \mun‘ nurse- and 1hr u-nmnnnx 34:3 I.†put Into the H 1inl:|hrup\ lund ul 1hr dub The program was mdvrd a \H) llllt'l’fll my one. Mn W. A Alrundrt sang heaulnfull) sacral sung: auulnplerd on [he pulm'm Mrs C U Alumndn Among the amp rrnda-rcd wasthmw 31H Avvmuy nl Holman with a drhghllul nupn \ulu ()bhgam bx Muss Heir“ Maw: Mn N A Prssrmlll.$ mlk HA "H: K. 1".‘“ Woman n: 1M) lh-Irm- \‘e-vl-n: , ‘1 . Err dav .md 1mm" um rx;.p~' -' i. 'o~‘ ng and “(NY t‘VJ'DNt'd by n-l [‘1 ' u! â€w (Ll) “l‘lr Mn H f hunt, .haunmn, .lrvwlrd In ‘Htxtmzm; A (. -~"~\.~ A Thanksgnmg party was given Tucl' day evening.“ which “me the Lamp Fire glrls give I very pretty play mulled ‘Thc Pilgrims." The sums of honor were their mnlhc-nL Cocoa and uh.- were served and I very plenum umc was had by all. Cleo Saturday murnmg, when: dxflcrcm lines olcharllable work was dxscuucd‘ The Highland Park groups decrdcd m unis! the Umtcd Chant)- movement in Chicago and mi] select one or two families for then particular charge Any» one dcudnn to aunt in lhu benevolent work can m‘urc Intormanon by con- lernng wnh xhc accreury, phone No. 6fo rhc Museum}! and Craig and Met dimes I‘ayhn. Peru and Sean) attended I Camp Fxre Guardian: mean.“ In Chi- ’ Mrs. C. (L Wright, wrtrul Superintend- ent Wright nf the Lxm‘nln Nttool vnll demonstrate thr -:.;akmg or L’rrnstmaa candrestur the [Mme-mt Surnve club Wednesday ('Vt‘nH‘bfl [My Jud Mrs. anhtm a gfadtmh' u! tr.r Hunwstlc Scieme deparrmrur at rhc Srn'c l'mver- Iity at L‘hampalgn and 1hr Y W C A‘ are extrcmrl) fortunate In hanng her anistam‘el‘along (hls lune vahland Park W'oman's Club The children have hmshed xhenr plan!- ‘ing of bulbs {or the seawn. Since (he ï¬rst of October, over three thousand bulbs were sold m the pupil: at whole- :sale prices. Nearly a lhuusand u! {hm bulbs were potted and stun-d away m the dark, under the floor 0! the new budding ggï¬org‘mg later on; our xvm thousand .bulba were taken to the VENOUS homes, acifher for forcing or for beddxng purposes ‘out doors. chief {opus considered were standards ofefï¬ncncy in teachmx and desirable education legislatuon to be pn-u-mrd at the coming session of the stalc ’eglslilurc Let us duulr nurwiu-s Ir, and appnuulmn u! 1hr 5mm] wmld 2L1: HH‘ â€mu .: mun-d “d: I! Whylr can “ rum)“ :11 lb ll; gross prvsmww II.‘ own best qu , ‘ :4†Hum ‘11 u h-derunwn M [92¢- llevmg .1: 114‘ Fallwrhwnl n! (2'. BH‘IHIQ‘HHN‘d 0! Man. Kano." “Uh n..1mn land ml} [haunt-(15mminvzntumx In (‘Vl‘H hm†and (H.411: ~I...1 Tht‘ pukw 1;! one Hulwm!) \Vurk mm the k:r.d:-yx.u:m progressing slmdaly Thu ï¬tml Lrl us (inclupc the our our. heart». gnu-n 1x Miss Flotencc Holbrook, pnnupal ol the Forrestulle school H‘. Lhn‘ago, ad- dksscd lhl pupils I [cw da): 330 on the work or the junmr Pean- League She gau- 3 \rr_\' mlcn'stmg (1cm npmm or the Peanut l'agmm gncn a! FUHCHHHK‘ Ichool m Scplt'mbcr Mus! wt {hr pupxla at Elm l’lac- arc- \M-mmg 1hr badge of [he Jum-Ir Lunguc and hmr wharlbcd m. and rxmmwxn-d 1hr [’(un z- Lin-d Aprogram of muucal Delecllonl and other exercu-eu appropriate tor Thunh- giving, was gwen in the nuduorium yel- terday. A set 0! lantern dudes, illuamt- ‘ing Plymouth 0! today and lite m the days of the Pilgrims was duplayed. Mm Anni: Jeweu. the new supervinor 0! music, had charge of [M musical num- bers. Muss Jewell has aroused great In- tcrcsl In all {he grade: {or hcr spcual subject. Ossoli Club Elm Place school closes today lor the Thmksynnm recess and MN not rcuptn until Monday. Y. \N'. C At Elm Place School Imimn :11 lb “yuan! pm :w 21! UHH hrs! qualmm, 1H h-derunwn m m- unrld ht Faliu-yhmnl u! had and im- PAk 1*. k V? kl K 34:! “4‘ {WI [rd 0! [hr Hub 8 \(‘l) mltrtfl Alrundrt sang ‘n land vmh iand. Inr' in “Maude“ “(1“ 1 (H.411: dunl‘ [Ln-h (- Hulwm!) .dmxutru .umrx 1‘ Thu ï¬tmn .ur be- hng plant 13 Imw In 1’, \VS m [h ‘b \hmer Amdden. (d and im- {hr study l (he 1n Frederick W. Schumacher Volland’s Chris‘tmas Cards ~ and Booklets EARL W. GSELL PHARMACIST, Why not haw your clothmg renovated here this week and give our work a fair trral " ()ur CLEANING AND Drama of ladia' and gent‘s gamments. oriental rugs. carpets. portiers. drapencs, piano covers. lace curtains, etc, cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner, as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. we†as mod “'12? Thv “A ten dmcrvm packages u? We have a line variety of Volland's Christmas Cards. Booklets, Calendars etc, now ready for you to look over. It will make Christmas shopping much easier for you if you will come in early and make your selections. Send (I Sampler 3;; "THU! I VINO! Making a SIXfClEilI}' of loans on improu-d rm} (Matt North Shorv territory including Rogers Park Ifmnsi melle, Kenilvvorth. Winnetka. (Hrncoe. Highland J‘; Lake Forest. Security under mortgages 11‘; Mus :m: continually enhancing while the rate of IHICH'SI 2‘ " INCORPORA TED 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Telephu Highland Pad 265 North Shore Trust Company Capital 3 100,000 Dyers and Cleaners wagon will (all for and deliwr your garments “The Imperial†“095009: North Shore Trust Company at Schumacher’s Telephones 144 and 363 Sump/(7‘5 an sold ulsu m W17 {film}? ’3 MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-3133 Lincoln Avenue. CHICAGO Lincoln - 1m DIV MORTGAGE BANKERS Organized under the Banking Law: of the State of Illinois The Passing Show Highland Park, Illinois I m J an m Panda: ,2, Let Mun gm up“ taste. and nngma nmama‘ (and) aswrlv 2! H7313 \Vh) no! numr Kudzu and 1H us lake ‘arr M van (iolhn to! you Yum Cleaning and )Uul aux! and nwn'oax Arr {hm arnlrd m wnnk 1rd “r want )(-u to (all and gn'r mu go xi vnnk n‘ reveals men s apparel In a“ (ondmun: How about L 71m ’1 Huh .~ A: Curl/((110715 pound 51a Dlvency - 8152 Preuing Telephone 23 (.KI‘NN (nun (‘( ai h ((MK r3. ITS THAN! W|TH ARC mu c M all sht km tn boa annual flu)“ M ruc In the leg b. ( me! [0.1 V9 ,74 Th: t r! us