the H1- ind 15 Harder’s Hardware Depends on the health of her people, and the chief cause of ill health is directly traceable to defective. inferiorsnd frequently insanitary equipment in the kitchen. Good health and economy demand the mod em. improved range. which reaches its highest type in the justly famous “Round Oak Chief" (cabinet or leg base). If the Round Oak folks could make the Chief better, they would do so. The triple-wall construction of copper-fused non-cor- rosive metal; the oven and high closet oversize (we show you with our rule): the exclusive reservoir con- struction. enabling you to heat the water quickly and perfectly. and bake at the same time; the double amount of asbestos in wall and bottom of the flue is all essential to the perfect range and is found only in the Round Oak Steel Chief. You will be an enthusias- tic booster for this masterpiece of stove construction once you get acquainted with it. Let us “show you" these vital improvements. Raymond W. Schneider The SUCCESS of the NATION Highland Park State Bank Large Capital Surplusâ€" State super managemnntâ€" these spell Seam!) Combined with servxce and SCCUFII)’ \ .Shu'ler not alone for your fundsâ€"-but 5 yuur valuables in our sally deposi! vaults Let us enroll ‘yuur name oh our boo No where else do you ï¬nd without cost \alue and character furnished by a well to Its patrons. But service in a bank demands for its cou: now. Make your selection early. A small deposit will: hold any article in the store. Complete line of Jewelry and Gents F ur- nishings, Watches a specialty. Capital div Surplus MORGAN, Pn'suic'n! / C. F. GRANT, L 13 St. Johns Avenue Telephone 331 Will there be a Victrola in your Home this X‘ mas? We have a complete line from $15.00to $200.00 Just as cheap as in Chicago Come in and let us play the machines for you Every day you are with out a Victrola-- -is so much pleasure lost. Samuel Levin Agent ï¬nd. without cost. Szn'u'r and security We offer you ECURITY HELTER ERVICE 372.000. .U. AI’} EL \n‘r PM) lshu'l our books today but Shrlh'r alsu for '. counterpart Serurm' supervxsmnâ€"Capable 501'"? of the managed bank f A abort musical program was given on 3 Monday during the regular singing per- ' iod, at which time Raymond Geer. Man- dolin. Seward Baldwin, banjo. and Mr. Peru. asiatant manuel training teacher. piano rendered "Barcarolle" from "The Tale: of Hoffman" very beautifully. On account 0! the Illinois Conference. hheld at Urbana Ill. Friday and Saturday .of last week. some of the faculty were not present at school and the school was Iviaited by many teachers from other schools. Next Tuesday the women will meet in an all day session at the Presbyterian Church to sew for the Red Cross. Thou- coming in the morn-ng are requested to bring their lunch. Dr. Herbert Framxs Evans will prench at the First Bapnst Church next Sunday morning at 11:01Jo'uhxk. Sunday school at 10.00 o'clock. Mrs. S. Simmer. who underwent an operation at the .-\u;zu~‘lana Hospital last week. 15 doingxzuely and will soon be able to come hun‘x dcclnmatiom were on the submz n1 “Peace;" Miss West's ï¬lth and sixth grades, who presented tableaux sugges- tive of Thanksgiving: Miss Allan'ugrades, Thankniving dialogues. and Mrs. Bum": â€idea. I “Thanksgivmg Drama." There will be the usual two day: vaca tion at the Thanksgiving season. The pupils of the school gave 1 Thanks- givmg program In the assembly room Wednesday afternoon. The grades um tributing to 1hr P\€r(lSC§ were Mn Freeman's sen-nth and enghlh gmdrs, Lucius Hint, who read the l’resulcnt’s "Proclamanon", and others whose i-.-~‘ u. ls". \ IIHIII SIIUuIlI \lllK'ldlf lll‘ There were about forty tableszirranged l steel “jump" trap. on the stage and the ball room, in the, The afï¬x-mus cruelty connected wit! center of which the cabaret took place. trapping is just mommy known to lht Nearly one hundred and ï¬ll)’ 11119515 we" , public, and when it is thoroughly under entertained. Those who took part in the ‘ stood our men and women “Ill find out program were: Miss Grace Andrews. ap‘ } how furs are procured before they purl pearing in a dance; Miss Marjorie Loudon chase and wear them. and their revuluon and Ellis Faxon. as Mr. Castle and sister l of feeling when Wang-d or the fact! in modern dances. “'h'Ch were charming; will ï¬n‘llIy result in the enlorcement by Mrs A- C Torbert, in "CRT" CONN“? ; law of the use of none but humane trap. who had many entertaining and tunnyland many restrictive measures that will 1.0881 Mr- 0601'!!! JON-’5 With his “0“" i reduce the cruelty to a minimum. was very good and much applauded: Miss Many people. aware 0! [he “a". Dorothy Loudon and Mr. Ellis Faxnn ing entailed. have solved the problem {a were entertaining in a Chinese dance. Ithemoclvea by mum“ to wear furs. sub- while Miss Laura Kennedy and Mr. F N. Ititutinx warm woolen gumemg instead. Baylies kept the company amused by This is the direct load to complete re- their DOW" "take 0“" on all “'hiCh had ‘ form as {or as the InlelduIl is \‘Uthfn- ‘ been done during the evening. Perhaps l ed, but thooe who do not feel called upon 9919 part 0‘ the program â€108! enjoyed ‘ to give up the luxury 0! turn should cer- iwas the negro niinstrel show which was i “injy be mumg to assume the moral re- lgiven by the following gentlemen “'h°~,smn|ibility of seems: that provisnm is dressed as negroes and served the Hues" made by luv for the QUII k and painless llMessers. Gerard V3" Schaich. “I R death 0! the creatures which are sat ri- ?Tapper, 1' M, Tuttle, and Jr L. Martin ticed go, their coats Thc orCheslra which was very good was comprised of one pxano, one vmlm and two drum; Refreshments of “‘3, coffee. glngeralc, grape )unr. Cldt‘f. and sandwiches were served. The entertain men! ended wnh an Informal dam:- ' The Cabaret \‘audculle given at the Highland Park Club Saturdav evening. 6was indred a very pretty affair and can- glainly much credxt is due these whose I‘untiring efforts made the aï¬dl!‘ a perfect I success. Call up No. 144 and order a pound of SCHUMACHERS’ Peanut Brittle gn cu ml: h M the Dick} High School Notes pub! gm. J Lincoln Ave. School Notes The thank oflerxng made up or uumu placed In the alms box and of {he offer- ings at the early sen-1c: Sundav nmrning was one hundred dollars. (hls “111 be used by [)r Page {or his work in [he nusmm dlslrlt‘t 01 Spokane. Althgclhc‘r the- “wk 01 mmsmn Wlll no: 5mm be («gum-n Doctor Page won the granludc and re- spect ( f all who heard hnnbx hlS wisdom ' his clear vision and his Lomuralcd com-l mon sense. He was or great help to many who vame to consult him about their personal problems. The "“38“â€! was a most gratifying luc~ cess and made a deep :mprcuum upon the large number 0! people who attended the scrwcc day by day It Will leave l lasting effect for good upon the congrega- tion of Trinity Church and upon the com- munity in general, THE HIGHLAND PARK m HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Highland Park Club Ht‘ ( Sunday Sch 5 mum; I'nskf \vrv hlgh tin» prngr Mus (arm-r 15m plm ‘SULN and choruses h dmlr under the dm-x' Trinity Church Notes nr Ii [0 ()n 1m)! M‘nl Ik-lmum gnr a me Monday (-xx- ('1 (I33 prngr u nwm Mus agatmn at- H at (h: {-H‘mngf‘y 1 hunnr d {Mr k‘ RCLI Imus Rhc‘ x-ny Said supplemental special argument is payable in one installment All perv sons desiring may ï¬le obn-cliom In 5nd court before aid day. and may appear on‘zhe heuim and make their defence. I W. E. Brtnd, Oflicertppolnud p nuke said I“! man Dated 731 HMA Park. Illinois» Nov. _ l Notice II hereby gum In all pers‘rrA mtetflted that the u!) \‘(tulk‘ll 01 the t :w n! Highland Park, County of Lake am: State 01 lllinou. humg ordered that .- supplcmenul spenal assessment be In ml to pay the deï¬cnency ut the cost of the work and interest for grading, draxmng. curbing, pawns “'llh concrete mead-m. and 0(hcrw'tu Imprm'mg I connevted syltem of streets In Ridgewood Park nub- "diviuoa in the city of Highlmd Park, comudna 01 Cane Ave. DeT-mble Ave , Beech 5L. Ind anmu Rdt. vhtch my provemem up provudod tor by an or dmance M heretofore on the let day of June' A. D. 1910‘ thh Impruxr- ment was provided {or by an ordinnnce passed mallow on the 6th day 0! (X- tober A. D. 19“. and the lawlul expenses of such proceeding. the ordinance for Mid supplemental Ipectll "tenement be- ing on ï¬le in the ofï¬ce 01 the cnty clerk of aid city, and havmg npphed to the county court of Lake county (or an u- :1 seamed! ol them-u of end tmpmvr- ‘ meat. accordin‘ to beneï¬ts, and a sup ‘ plemenul medal mt theme! having been made and returned to aid court, the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be, had on the 11th day 0! Daccmber A. D. ’ 1914. or a soon thereafter In the busi- ness of the court will permit, her 25th. .C D. 1914‘ Supplemental 5pm 1a! Ask-union! Bum :- The In§mlll killrd {or road are gnen Instantaneous death (he system m use In our modern sttxk yards Mung been re- duced to I Icienrr This has lung mnre been I netwityâ€"ra demind u! humane sentiment. Why should not this unn- nu-nt extend to the animal: slam fur {lotlmug’ Why perm†the-m In due by mchefl from half a dozen (mm: m! sum-x mg when I spark of humamty on nun I part ought to be bum‘ lent In rural wmr humane melhud’ The atrocious cruelty connected with trapping is just becmmnï¬ known to the public, and when it IS thoroughly under- stood our men and women “I†ï¬nd out how furs are procured before they pur- chase and Wear them. and their ft‘VUlSlon of feeling when possessed of the fact: will ï¬n‘IlIy result In the enlorcement by law of the use of none but humane trap. and many restrictive measures that will reduce the cruelly to a minimum. TenncsSu- hm alw n adt .1 mark-d ad vance in the protection of anlnlnl: and bildsln thls respect, and many other stitcyare beginning, to have strong con- victions m regard to the manor No Itatcin the ['mun should tult‘rutc‘ the steel “jump" trap. Ian! ()1 I: rm ., n... n.1," 14 xi}. 4. [Mud 4/ â€Ion Him; \ x uni.†m u H†'u.,’ n «In fnlh yum, w a ' m5," Um! u! 1m": 1m,†"11h an up. may u’ mm. Him \‘I nu)“: \hul/ bc' "4MI.\/-;ll1 In “ mu u' u"! . “(Hing "NI hum/ml! .Im an "Jpn /~/.~m. n/m #th u! th‘h/ul†at (0:110 5‘10, Imp an ¢ m {mu} mm] 0/ â€nu/hr! uni/taut tho 111,154 M II] Int/mg m (In turn†Ihl'rml’. acid an) [vmm u'ho Hm}: rul.‘ Io FISH (I! laux.’ mm. m ru'rnh mm Imun, a flap wt or mmnrmm 1/ In Ium 0111.") h pm:- Ik‘rd h.» 11"!sz 0! no! trrrrdnu: furnh do"- mi: †31.1“.“- 1hl~ (inn Inllnu'mg‘ "51m f‘ C4‘Hllnurd from Ftrsl Eng: lllh‘nded tor the trips. It ha been es- ‘Umatrd that '15 per cent or thr (nature. caught ate animals utth untlhless pelll. htd: and cats and dogs 'Ihr golden maxlr up .1 \ICUH‘I 0! this surt. and hi. ('XpVHt‘Ilu .- should seru- m show the nut->51!) tor securing lcgtslalmn to ab- ï¬lls?) the torture inï¬nt‘ted upon Innocent annuals by the steel trap Parttcularly shuuld thts be acmmpltshcd tn lllinou and Mmhuan, in whtch state: the trapping 01 small fur~bcaring antmals has bu'utne gum: an Industry. ANIIAL TRAPPING A (RUE. INDUSTIY ONTHECORNEI dwlfs I‘m. l-rgm Sqda Water is always in Season at Our metain Non:- W hats' No matter what the weather \lum \: R! m flaw better on a cold day than a cup of Hot Chocolate. Tomato Bouillon Bouillon. Beef Tea or one of our Palate 7 Pleasing Hot Dn’nks DALE swmunn's PHARMACY I,“ We also handle nll kinds of Budding Material Highland Park Fuel Co. "IINAN DENZEL. fr†102 N. First St. To»... 33‘ “"e Keep the Best that Money can Buy Our “Want adsâ€bring results Wanted Women and Men ()ne shon block west on Deerpath Avenue. LAKE FOREST Special to Highland Park Gentlemen Dunng November Carfare will be refunded each trxp when a man Bowls 5 or more games Also $1.00 for hlgh score each week for Highland Park Bowlers Begin now, when many new Bowlers are starting their ï¬rst Season at the reatest indoor recreatmn. Ask for the "gowlers Guide." MATT SHIEL Mgr. 4 New Alleys - - Boot 0! Equipment. Phan- 5‘0 DANCING Five u: I trial order Ind be convinced CINE REBORED AND REPAIRED. TEL. ALL MACHINE WORK GUARANTEED AUTOMOBILES REGULAR 0R sranL CU? North Chicagn, Ilhnois One block nonh M C. N. W. Depot, near may be. you'll always ï¬nd PalatevPlcasing Drinks at our Soda Fountain [J] TmomeWamfn-mfaou m HLTERCO â€Would-3c. mmcn‘lcuan How my faucet: have you m your house. can we you estimate You don! have :0 bathe in muddy lam, and the .dvnn- In: in ugmg dean water In the laundrv cannot be over BOWLING M A POKRASS d to 1930 North Amman 3H3. - Boot ol Equipnonu Convenient C. M. E. Service A lunnlhh nI-n Ind a hbrul uummumn on end] orï¬ex. \u-nn vuv “DU ‘25:» «( pry mindeprnduu. an the number n! uydrn 1 ha work (an be done m \«m: Inwur um: Ind non‘. nut umnxl with vnuy pyroen! dunn N. unnvmenl or [unmuo (\LRMKQ neat-“1y Wt (uynn) 1ul‘ «gamma-m 1m VA nu in: pan. uh" l0 ' Tho N'ovuy Company Spin. and Undo-0| M Ncw Yorï¬ Everybody's Dclinutor to sell the most remarkable bargaimn the magazine world (bu year a Are union of Diamond Jewelry Novoltiea [)hmond Setters and En'nvcn. Now-io-tho-tim to 3d acquainted with a Reliable Miniature OVERHAULED AND REPAIRED BOUGHT AND DIAMOND JEWELRY =FOR XMAS: Total 1342‘s.: 1805-1 Lamps and Brarkrts House, Pawn (md Moror Wiring Estimates Furnished Robert Gremslade m m, m Rrgular Pnce Waukegan’l most up to-dale Dance Hall Every Saturday Night AT SEARL'S HALL, 3130/ $1.5m SHORT NOTICE. If 1E CHICAGO. ILL. TELEPHONE 200 GEARS BOTH Clam Phone 560 \ mdml 413 EN-