in?» " CHAPTER I. l ‘ j: e p, In Search of Gold. RANGE thing- breed in the deserts of southern Californla -â€"some of them beautiful, name or them symbollc of endless end terrible thirst. There are three thirst: in this world: m: for wealth: the one for life; great- at of all. the thlnt for love. The ï¬rst and the last expresslon of our civilization la the locked door. and from the time the primal carpenter hid down hls tool: and went withln ‘hy rude house the door bu stood to; all time u defense end an opportunlty. In the long vista 0! life we and many locked door: and gatesâ€"door- to hop- Olnfll. to life and to love. Fancy to yourselves thlnty men knocklng with neared knucklee on these doors. Then realize that sooner or later experience tells them that they cannot enter without a key. “Who holds the ‘tnastgr key’, to all these lock- _ed doors?“ We cry. 4, I This was the silent question in the hearts of (“in men. Wearily struggling through the sage brush toward the rp ridges of tho San Jacinto moun- uins ln southern California. “i wonder." said Thomas Gallon. ï¬n- gering his prospector“: guide. â€whether we will ï¬nd ma: goldâ€"(he gold the Indians told us about Yes‘ I must A Noveflud Vet-don of the Motion ï¬lm Mlnuhctuflni Company. 111mm! Indians told u and that gold." “You dun't 999m to reauze that you have a partner.†snarled Wllkeraon “You are always talking about l-lâ€"l Haven‘t l 20! a share in this? Haven't ,I dug up money? And yet ynu don’t . seem to think that I‘ve any concern 1n thla matter " “Excuse me. partner.“ sald the other man. flxlmz nls dlm znze on the moun- tain. “I'm always thlnklng of that girl of mine. You know she's ln school. and Che's got to hn ve a good edul-nttqn. and I've got to work to pay for It. Excuse me. partner: you know I dld not mean It that way. but when I remember her mother"- He broke on abruptly. and both men stopped. "Her mother?" naked Wilkerson. "Yes. her mother." choked Gallon. "The glrl deserves the best there Is In thls world. I'm all s‘hé‘" cot. and. by heavens"â€"ne shout hls tlst toward the dlstant blue h!|lsâ€"-"sb0 shall have 11 If I have to tear that monntaln apart â€Hi my ï¬nger nulls" “Well." said \ViEkersuu impatiently “let's camp I‘m thirsty " They stopped in the shade of the fal- |ow plume of the Yucca and made their little ï¬re for com-e. but before the blue was well started Wilkerson pk‘led up thy water has: and took a long drink â€is compamon suddenly flashed in nncvr “say. partner." h? said steva. "that 'ltel’_ has to last as dear to the muuur "In" ‘ Wllkprscn flung his head back nnd‘; laughed. "W by worry? Don't you see} the snow were on Sun Jnflntn leak? That mans (reeks down every ravine and gun-n “ Instantly (:ulxon's eyes dulled He mum] :0 ohm: more subside Into a‘ “1 never heard of and“): gold by »moonuxht." Ms partner muttered n, Mull. “Let the old man dig around 1! ha Wants to." And immediately once hnou be yielded to his physical desires, 'thh time for Ileep. ‘ I A“â€"â€".l .‘- “I guess (his will hut till we reach tell those foolhllls." he said But his com " punlon MK! no attention to aim. stul hut w, preparing their slender meal or coflee and beans, ym‘ When Hwy had eaten Gul‘un brusque- , 3in ly motioned to Wilkerson to clean up‘ Int ‘thO camp and men silently started up ur'( the gulch 1 you "There‘: When they sald the gold was.“ be muttered "In one of them (niches up there. Gold! Gold! Say. WllkenOn. we'll get that gold. but,†must save the water. I didn't mean Gallon uendiii'mdged around the NIB. following the strain: to but he couludlbckmw thawing-boo,- in, harm. partner. for calling you down for dr1nkim: that water. but I‘ve ‘0‘ ‘0 K8! â€in! gold " - Wilkemvn uuve more ruched for the water and (00k a long drift. THE MASTER KEY COPYRIGHT. old by . Wilkerson once more yielded to his snw a solitary twinkling light. which wed tug Vhyflwl desire f‘" “999- but was meant a humnn habitation around ‘ awakened by the barking of a coyote â€i'll get him m .. he muttered m,“ i? once' mi ‘hQ hill He suddenly raised him. U The were “(of amwmm ’Wh desires. l self and let nut a curse agaiglt the de» died in his "1an He rpnlized that he stmyer of his sleep Then he uwiftly' bad no water and the overpowerinz ind the realized that Gallon was still awake. : thirst burned "n his very marrow but be sitting by the ï¬reside. writing with .. . .. m “I†m “m stub â€no“ i I cnnt nuke in be thought to him 'nlcur. 191;“ JOHN FLEMING wnsou Motion Picture Drum or the Same Name I Illustrated With Photocrlpho from the Pictu I Wilkerson turned Iluggiably in MI ‘ deep. “I ‘0nder where the 01d man is." be muttered to himself. “He's shun j prowling round 0‘ nights." 3 What was that ï¬gure slinklng around 'the blun'? Something in his partner! ilttitude n he stopped directly In the : full sheen of the moonlight made bun lately alone. Chance, the master of u- all. delights ln strange freak; Now at this moment. when he felt bured in MI heart for Ms partnér. when he knew that be had come on his mm quell with q Weakllng to coddle along. Ml: tress Chance laid her qulck ï¬nger on Mn: and whispered1 "llere'" . k , n u...- _.._ . _., He heard that ‘ngbt wimp“ and dropped his gaze to the ground. A no meat later be was furiously hammer- lng n the outcropplng of rock that threw}: sharp shadow down the um The}: got something," be thought. “Why does he not come down In Ho Pullod Out Hm Revolver and Fund at the Man. camp? I think 1'†309." So he wrap ped himseif in his bKunke‘ again, but his eyes Were open and turned on his partner; A few moments later Gallon cnme to camp. heavy footed. an lf bulf asleep dropped his hammer and klcked we are to a blaze. "lf 1 ball z: proper partner there would be com-e for me." he said ln to tone loud enuugll to reach the sleeper “What‘s the xlmtler. old pal?" “$de Wilkerson. apparently drn“ sy “Oh. nothihg." said Gallon “I jnï¬t [bought )‘uu Inlgm have left sume ('uf fee" “Did n0! ï¬nd nnythinz. did you, part- ner?" asked \Viikersnu "Nopey; numiug‘duing (311955 those Indians did not give me the right hunch." Wilkerson turned war as u once more going to sleep, hut M" Pym were oven. and he saw 02M. marking down sume notes on u piwe of paper. "Did you say the Indians did not (“'9 ynu (hr Hum hum-h?" “'HIu-rsnu asked suddenly “How â€fl?“ h.|\v I gut to tell you wv'n- partners I he have If you cut n strlke you wouldn't tell me .\ rv we partners or not?" "Yes, m-‘rr partners all right, I haven‘t {out unythhm." "\Vlmt “1H Hm! stuff ynu had In your hum!“ :mkt-d Wilkersun drow- sily "\un‘n- always bringing lg 3 Int n! dirt and looking It m‘er. but I lu'tlm‘ yuu'kind 0! keep that dirt In your hand the Same Name Produced by the Unlvcrnl ho from the Picture Production. â€That‘s my pencil." he thougm dull]. "There Is not another pencil in un- desert. How can 1 Wm? to Dolom 1! Old Man Gallon walk: 06'!" He took out of his pocket 3 worn leather wallet and drew out the Mo mm of I woman, whose mlm, cold fea- mrec. unadorned by the photomphcr'n In, ygrg appeuhux to the man appetite; 7.,V He looked at this a moment. and then all the morbid ï¬re in his blood flamed toward his heart. Love. life and happiness deln-xlded upon the pot maion of guld. Therefore. with this ï¬re in his [)0an Wilkerson suddenly got that nbsuiute thirst for gold which traverse- deserts. which hu killed [Indra people than the arm]. And in his sudden access of physics! desire for gold in order to attain thln woman he rim. to his feet. Ind there came upon his face a swln exprqun. Itennhy but dt‘fl’rulhh'd. ,,,; ..-.\. He put the pixumgmph away and. pautheriike. smiv into (he simdow un der the hill and toward (be man who had been his partner. but whom he. was n-soived tn kiii He cram niong. taking I“ prwuution. swim-x dinurb hm a single pehhle, until he stood over Gallon. and in the full moonlight he saw that ()nliun wn-x drawingv {he Ilium and marking the Iocntiuns of a mine. “How far." he thought forwruiiy to blxmcif. "inns the uni mun gone What gulch is this? What place is this? He has found the miici‘ and I‘m gning to have it!" He still wnlciwd thv pcnvii and mw him irun- in rude iclu-ru: “This will nmko- ynu imppy." Tmu munn-m (Lilian snw \\'iikerson umiiing at him Sunk-u and (mm. 3 ‘el’ have mum- {hm and me um (In of “'Hkrrsuu ~(irn depths hm “HRH “'kasun awn? Wu guld than ht‘ hm! (ur years? \\'Hkv~r~'nn h shoulder \\‘Hk.~r-uni “MM-mm: uu kersnn? Tlu-rv mm! 1m no Wilkorann‘ He pullm) 4m! 21H n-vuhrr :md ï¬rm! at (he mun mumâ€: :11 him frnm Hu- ahnduw Wllkcmnn omptlw] hh rm‘nlwr n! the old man Hut Hullnn‘s trnhwd rye. hacked up by him m1-rmnntvrhm pm: slon. hnd dirw-tml his \n-npun mo sum ly Werrsun rvnlizvd that his one mv'n hullpt hm] gonv hunn‘ ly Werrsun rvleiz my's bllllvt hm] Kunv SUH “‘llh the Mum! Gauon pulled out the glrl and {)nï¬siomltvly L'uder tlw slut“ he trnmpvd on As men see timr real world in mlniuturu and their ldt-ul Wurltl uulutllllml, :13 we all d0. ['11- nluull. liumilnu lts light down upou his path. did not appear within his range or vision lt wnq only the little pin points of stars in the purple black sky that he discerned and in the mldst of this armament. as i! horizons had been obliterated he tmrx surrnw null lnugh h- {hi-a “‘urm “hat 1! la. n,- uh Un- suturnhn- Hamm- Lx ~(irn-d Hullun m hl: \\'11kvrunn know? â€:11 rn'.’ “Eu Ruth tn 1mm â€1“ hm! (Hum! urn-r an Hum» vrm-n hm! pm-ru! m‘cr hN Mach-uni “HM-mm! “‘1! rv 1mm 1m no Wilkorann‘ HY {1H rvvuhrr :HM flrvl‘ mumâ€: :11 him frnm Hu- nnv hunn‘ nod hm in his hurt. the ph-mn- u! a little vly kisswl IL your mother. Ruth." o! Eu- of m. diff {(754011 um um un- huin of me. He mum (lml pmh'r mud mud.- lbe [Mn and (mum) me†Mr 3mm fully HIM lib- ('llln lual Immi- Una-rd [maven aim] cum-d u-ln-un-nm unm thuru-I (MM! mm .1 prr'rrl drnrmm m mud Iin'aun F.†nun: nu (hr mh lln- turnin- lmrko-d nh-nmny No lumn-r utrnlrlm) Hkn- I mun uh win-d. Inn “HI: un.‘ ~lv~lic hr um; ulul dun’n Hu- lull 4m! mu np-vu Hn (unnl \'Pl “Ir!" u.l~ utlll In llu- «ï¬r:- uH (he luunluo-ruhlr ~1..r-. um! I.» mm d ulul dun’n Hu- lull 4m! mu np-vu Hn mun \‘w (Inn u.-~ mm In Im- en"- Im the Immune-runny ~I.ur-. um! 1w mm d In)! â€I ll)! (Iln-(‘Hnn In bl! mind, Yul 1n Mn nu‘vumuu-d Hum In») "H .Ip main-d hrfllmm and gm ullur 1'th Kw LUI In“ Al â€mm: In munwnu “ hm (he dq-nd uâ€" mirfl Ihhh [umlu-d Im- (hr-nut n1 Inn-ed Mm in «mm. In- Ml me um- glimmering Hum. uhhh mark-d me plnw wherv hr Inc-W HnHun mm Rune Mile. and [mum bwume to him 1: nothing. :9! ï¬nally through his mam vm-d mm m- nmvllvd wan-r nnd :- thv I I] 'll rl'tlng 0“?! Sun .lm-mru mmmfllm he fell fnw dawn-uni 1n . A “N‘m‘ Some hanvt (uh! him I I (num- were hull! um thI that "m.- queully to ï¬nd the tnwn hp Ihnn A â€win-cm So he MrnL'Klrd “mum .1 le curvem. drnxuinx In: {wt h|~ -': hand ellncbod lulu the folds n! {1‘ ~Hn over the wound In m- ht -v “M mu Imuldodng 1m» nnnn- uhu - m the fnhwu n! hh phyilvnl sin-“gm hm! horn hmrml Hf m. pnrhwr “I'll get him )o-L" hr mmn-nd. CHAPTER II. I“You In undo: arnfl,‘ \R away on "W ammo (lley Ht dawn nnnflhvr mun Urn- port In: the- name Hum Tin-um- (mum had rraHud (hat In» In: ‘ufmurdo-rvr \th “mud ham-on in "mi If he Were mnnru-d of kmhm his partner? Tm. ‘un the mmugm nhirh drm‘e Mm nnamunrd mwurd rm- Intlc Ila-ck nt'nnul the mm. (‘urv In. a! (be rnctun. at the mgelmnh nb In. a! (be rnctun. at the mgelmnh nb svlute‘ly .uumlndful of the Milk» gm Hm mnde by but your] nun. be trumped Iteahlly onward. and an n.- dad go there “an furumlnu-d In M- unnd a plan not only to rune Ihc- mm (or his daugblen but to saw m4 (tht-r'l honor It In true of lights nnd Menll that the (umber you follow them (be flinler lhvy grow. and It Will with utnnI-h un-M thlt Thomnl Gallon suddrnly round him-elf 1n the mm! o! \'Il|e )I“‘ There I! I In! of nilont lnflm-nv‘r In Im- more “gm 0! rim-0d dnorl Haiku. Innked .do‘n (he nth-«t. and e! rry dour “ll! cloud «new»! one No hm-plmllly (Hm ntngie Mg“ alumni Hunt hut and unlvr. Ilia,“- Hgtlnnl hrhl their urn) (Hm ntngie Mg“ alumni Hunt hut and unlvr. Ilia,“- ngnnl hrhl their urn) Hr num-rvd nn (mum! the (“-011 Huh: which mnrh-d m.- urn-rur- “law In tin-re b:- hmnd an uh-n deputy "Who are you?" "I am (‘mllnuf' he MM ï¬rmly "le untlnwl have gm my parhwr Ind near 13‘ mt me?" 'lhv domm hwkvd at hhn Ihrt‘VHIH n moment and IN mud uni-ï¬n} An in 94!: Int Inn-r lu- VI n- un In: fm-l Inn ang on hl~4 [It-It and rr \uhvr 11ml 1:: I bu um! Ilmtuol ht' hm} hru-thn-d rm In) [hiâ€"l the old mlm-r um} was lunvflm; nut lnui whm nmmn-mly unv- 3 mm“. ï¬rm-l Hallwn vllxnl) hrurd m. vnl, Hm one lfll ughl um- (u play m» [mm 1-» HW and \"IHIH‘ Hu'w uwu ï¬nd I») «with-u! hm gold" .\ mnxm-m Ian-r n mum!“ on (lu- mum nor-nu lhv nth-ct un~ luwvrod and 1hr «ll-tr nzwmrd "\\h.-|('s the nmth-r'“ )wlvd In full [hunk-n (ellmt. n-«nm; um "\lutnm Is nlll :u’uln'" trim! (hr dvp m) "(h-t Hu- ulu-rxfl Thm lnnr um! t!..~ rmuw'. 1."an r 11m: rm turnn! In IMHO!) flllHlnrHJHH-H um! um: Hun murh (1M \un hwy?" ".\url|l!u.'." «uld (L'llw n "\\'t- (In! no! ~trxlu- anything. Mr! mm thought wr Hm with n quh k gr-turw trn- â€I'I'H') ;r-q~;-wl umznn'. \\ r251 nnd wanml h|~ (mnrl (ll-closing n mum-t "\err «M wu L'vl this?" ho Mkml 'Hn- um mun stun-.1 duwn nuptdh :1 mm w;\ru\__h t nf cum llv hm! rrlrflt'd [n nunwr In and ~4,1id qllhqu' Wusmi a (“nun lnh- the ova-s n: 111' TM! nun tilted no time In run.- "minutes but quickly roared. “Which wu?†\V “Got your nor-c|._ hey: " hm“) hrur') m. vnl, um- (u play M» [mm 12.1 Hu'w uwu mm m I" .\ mnxm-m Ian-r :1 Lawn nor-nu lhv nth-ct at hhn nurvwdl} ' ‘rh'd (hr dvp Thu lnnr L'UI 11m: rm turn“! H-h u m! Iuld "At the rain at tun no tho- upon II an: ant Mn N {hon 'uh~o (inHv-II 0‘1 rum hum url- - H»- IIn-‘WI ""‘Hrli ‘ "(0" rlwrlfl “Well. thank God Il'l olynuu. â€".u the Ihvr"! tn Gnlhm “1 rum to Mn N your pannor I†right now ' And ru-n II he sputt- the dunk luddonh he num- rum-bed hy the nun o! the '00 mm: in the an The moment 1! axrwk the bran un h1- pnny‘l hrMIe Hullnn 1m ulununl: rum-d In Thmuth "h hllllrrfd â€no he mutton-d. “0010' 1mm 3" lnquhtng on were rm» uni-râ€? than-d Mn Inked. "“‘hnl mud?" M m. num- m-mnt tame the deputy on lhe um" tide of him "Ray, cbkf. be II]. were run no ‘nld (:nlbun‘u fun stay from him. “I (blot l (mm loop um.†IMO the thorn. bl!- dnrk (1)011qu 00? trowiul Ill-r11. So um- cum-ado undo m my lhmugb the (rub hummu- dawn until (hon urn I Indden bra-t m tho mm. The delruty threw nu! m- band "Thvre are I hundn-d [niches In [hm umunulnl Whit-h om ll IL pirdnerr M (be won! “[lrflner†(:nllou puhod himself tom-met The [mar of the bra- on the horse'- bud-u†and that wont Kbould he tell them the bounce of that gulch? The stroke or one Imm's hour mluhl awn-u the mother Mia, Ind yet he had told them the out law: had “Ho-d “'chrnon Hh bone mumbled and threw him When he got up be [unplug]: pointed m- bnndn 101nm (be um- and mm (PI-ed. â€Th-l My buysâ€"that'- when (hey gm Mm†Hal-f an hour In" the men In! [mm-«1 thou: me dead are. and the the-rm I'll Harm; n I bluod null-ed billlkl'L “The-n hnl Inc-on trouble." he Mk! nhrupny Thom he turned on (hllun “\Vhy h thin (\vï¬w hm?" In- “M Mung up the pot Th» hmaqne tum-9 of the Iherm rut my um." um fm In W rd "I dun'l m yuur man I dnn't undrr Itnfld Inl- You arr under urn-M 10! (m- muniw ofâ€" â€r iunlnd “1 5.1),." “"1 (hr old mun lmulunlnflly mm "HUM-mm " AH day the lawn†IND tinnnn uh. arm: ptnluned brhmd blm mrrho-d nu- .mlllm- and guichu ft»! the man “hm-v Mun-d ï¬lmed blllnlu-l (hr) hnd hum] The- «M1 Innn. lndmrn "I New nwrrl) MM m l! run-anus hp mn- "! h" animus gut hm.‘ “hm: (In- full [noun h'u, rhwn um! lha- mum llh- of 1hr dame-v1 fund Inc-gun gnarl-11w Hfr, hum u! m-q-lmu {Mm- mn! Mmrrv nhndnun tho- nlu-rlfl (mu-<1 n 1w! luv lhr runyun "L nhr IMc- U! the gun†um whirl! llwx \u'n- n'unun-d HH‘ urn-riff: my. I. f'un'r n nrv l! “n. ngnun-t a r-rL u M h rnu‘ “hilt-I) «mm-r Hw num- «mum um“ um ‘hnm-v- Hr umLyd L;- \"|\ h- lhr fln- uni In M'Hv n! l’n Hr limped htwu [he Iwnn-M our unt‘. “112,4. '4 «w- m! “us uh M. \\n\ dun'; (hr hm In!†Hu- mtnt utmh ram-d Hu \nlm NH! â€11‘ [HH‘H‘ 1;! Mr hursva h-mf: m H)» rung!» Hmh- u! (hr (â€Hume uu'uh mm! â€W L'unrd "I mum | “HI hme n cup of (‘nflee' hp said 1-» hhmu-lf sh-«va and nluu git-My Mrrh-hwi thHM-H A Innumm Inlvr he flung "w s-mm} cum-«pm mm tho» dnrkum “Sheflï¬.†he (Th-d. “hv'~ ‘UIH'N' your If The (nan! «m Tth rude !“ 1hr wim‘ 0! thr 1m and hmkwl dnun mm nu iridamm'm n- â€r rub-l n uu-rr pool I»! curdnnu moon Ihlm- Hullnn rwh- quN-kh un nn lunxc-v uwking fur n light, but for durknomn nml )o-l m- m IN! the pum quh'pr un (In him m- Mun-e†felt a utrnnuv Irv-m or \HHWN-n “"9 â€III 111‘» unnu- whvrc- lu-hind llml H-H “up I.“ «mum and tho mun u Im knew the la nth-11M Hlv r1: Pu-xl H.IIH- In NH L'""',Q‘H 1'“ f.†hm "Ho"! rm turn} from un. ban" and tho .m-rm "We‘ll ne‘er nnd tmn than- " 1|“qu um! :Ilnl ll‘.’ (hr mw‘Ythn ~Ir:1x.,_--- ~11!“de um! lunhlulnmt M lhr (rt-Humtimzr furIw-F ‘I hh h Innlw um (hlhan-In Hullun found Mum-vi! 1.1m» Run-I) mmhu-npd In HII~ thrnn: lw “m: :u hr hupm! to N- l'u-rHu-d at (Iw [uh-r “In H un-nnnhlxn qunrtrrxnzw u-rs u! Hu- grlxzuwny nnrl A sign hum: on Un- rnll vulng "\Vq- mm M 94.‘ “'th he roar-Ind his mhln Gallon "4-1111th («wk 0!.†(rum Mp ‘u-Lm a fnidrd [IflIN‘l and luutu-d n! H He mm It on the “mu- (‘uveflng Hf {he hunk and once more dipped mm m- Sarina TM: Hmo H "I the pkmn 0! 3 Km â€I will are n for you “ hp murmur 00 w him-0!! The ban mum hold H \Hv. “new, Inn ruched om and (not _.. At ._L We nun-I gut him he Ilwhfl Hfhd My: lanky (urm M ht n mm.» mmmm-n! “Win†9"!" hr yt-lh-d Hun mun Unlhm“ nplwd (hr Y I mm horI-I In) a.“ marred the 1..“ Strum Sun I‘m! .11 Inn-r .2 hl~ hum]- um .m 1' (M! (hr «(mink mu! mmm (unrx uu-m lnhr hr “:1:- ulu'u- [Put hnv-n-p ‘lu- grlxzuwny nnd A sign hum rnll vulng "We In“ M 94 .u m. 1mm am- In 1.11.4." mum out. I?†“1an 0" Mm d h†burl! or?! and IIII-l mm“ m. ; I~1*H\\Nh‘l (rum u \rn our 1: Huh \\ I 0-! HM mul- nu hl' “0’ch lit-d the she-râ€! In! H hr! lullalr 7H W arm» ‘rf.’ T? of ‘W a M 0! “11m workmmw and "com! 0' than Ilnds (Salton .0009- ed over and pnm-d .n the m1 n no. open to his lunch. we be u' then a sinus. Mtlumnnon of truck. An 100‘ In] there. hwmuuna but “unof- mm H. pll'h-d H up and an be dlfl .0 one o! It. born! «In» m: out. To Mm n was a simmer omen. and be lured for I mnuwnt. clutching (I m- hrl'lll. Tbvn m- ume way to the tuner“ 01 the Dunn-d and the haunt-id. “I don‘t know whmw god you In.‘ be muttered. "but 1! you mun have n ~qu R." And two the open socket he thrust (he paper that mm the no crfl of Mo mme. Thu steep wnk'h h Ute I shot in the ban over-wot (inllon below the Sam- Clun wu well to â€I. He urn II‘II- coed from u by the wund u! an clut- C. than “You've got to put bat-l laid - volce m In ugly lone. Tbrn In a mull-dc of mom. Ind than the neck beneath him (nu-d slow ly. The about and down the dock to wand more Glllon loch-d :12. chest. Guard it acro- me am and men booked back to no In enormous Inn 0! VI!" Tm- WI†crumpled. faded. "You I". yet ten Mm hmtble‘ What was the mun-r? Then be an huge column- 01 nmvkr vuurm‘ out (roux 1114» after pan 0! the mm H wu not the In» uonbte nut! Ivenfln; us. but are, He uw Hw bout:- :0 over 1m- I100 He saw ('0 men struggling m the topoâ€" yfl I! was I art-am. Mn (‘unsmnunm-n mm but no firmâ€"one the that mu «minim-d the tenet of m. mine. IM other the key that hnd uric-O “Hm“ Hm! ntrnnm- and lam-u dt'xxmnory 1h? mmurr of :- er [in Ru hour. Ialrr a hm were u! urwlagv n; hat-b hem-nib a cliff shore ()u it I‘ll a ma H], Mum-l uuvunwinu In rrnul lu-vnnd (he I Reflux bromkrrx (IUH‘ “up Thumnu «Lnlmn Hr ~11 1m: Wu ‘n-rml mm M41 ï¬nnnnu "0717‘â€: 1:17 .' Hut 1 "T? N hv H‘M (hrnnyl: ?‘ pun fwd "P‘- “lï¬ Hn- vmwlu hm Hart-1‘. up M Ilu- blur pk) m (mun! Ills “mu! m nth-v uuflhm HM â€H \Hlkrmvn Ir nllu- l flu-r} any Ill Hu- mum- \\‘ hm! Hu- m-t'rol u! “fhr Mn-' Thoma:- Hulluu (hon phi Irnw rm and dull) umkn mmwnu “Fumay.†be thmm m (“mu-IL “that thut outmm-t Hm! | In“! to Drake nbon! but mu ‘urm-d up" He himhlvd the ll'tlo-r nun-nnmlL but (be nnuw «‘uugm my: .3â€. -J-v|m lmrr A! Hm! \rry umuu-m le mum! i'flfli' rhlugnl nn-ml} InlU mum and In full. brawn) hum mun sunny uuuu mm lnr r-Ht-q'l Ml" Iun- m (mud He touh u! nlwul mm null n lnnm-d eye M:- NH! tlw nm-lnnx u! a mine upon (he mxr u». lrn-sllr vruulhm low-rd the dump the pump houseâ€"nu (be flirt plnwuanu Iv! .1. mth unm-_ but be all: pcru-tu-d Um! the slump mm I'l- shunt (lulu-gm Kn 121“:wa mun-r Mlm nus pus "\\ lu-rr I: Mr (Hilton "l |‘ (MTV 1;; llwl (hr n-w) John [bun uhnuhu-m-d and “rm mnen) up Hw m hr hum} mun-1! {ah-xv u pm! Mr “win! llnn'l an un- nrvnm u\ “Thy Hurlrl Kt')‘ "I'm lntm lborr' tu- Mum uuhunrd'.) "I rum (0 M1: My Hutton I mm the new tummy wnulum-r ‘ Ruth Inuko-d nt hlm (nth-ally Ho- uns nuttmt; HM- tlw turn atw I'm- ("u-d lo I!!! ('lnthq-n wn-rr good Hr (Mr!) Urrutlu-d soup and I'Hh'r‘ and his very nmmreut strength 316“ «-d be m-nth u Hwnr. smooth skin and we“ pruportlnhvd limb. Then IM met ht! eye. In frank admiration .- . A ,‘_ “ll“ “I'll call father." the said. but In. mu butt-(2d Thu gentle pinto Mouth! the blood to John Dorr’l hoe. Bo mun-d an! un- to I moment 5. voqkl aim-3m In. lund Mr) ll hr! Hwyw luul m lode!" be :m in mmwlt Hr lurm-d lu n :1 Min: “us missing um! “shed. h unnrv 1h In; the mr. Ialrr a heavy m-a drm’e I Y urwlage up the ('ruthm: hem-nib a cliff on the Urn-mm ()u H in n manâ€"brine drem‘h ul'l uummwinul, but um aMr I lu-vnnd (he n-Iar'h of the ï¬n hrmoko-rx «Mm-Mun 3 hr) H “mm «Lnlmn I dun n um} start-d at "N burn - lu- had M-H. hlmly he wmrm Humr ntruuue nnmln-r’ NW! NW pundit-m u! that \c-swo Iv dnlnu‘uuu (ur on! an IM- “M5,, ."gnâ€"Aoo w MING" I! Continued hen week 1h P“, 3‘, L". numb In "~aner Hu-m" l I- pru-rhmâ€" Huh-HHMMI le 1h 11qu hungnkm In {1b KH'HI RI‘XUIHFH‘ m hm mun-d g n u-u m‘lrnd n! â€W Murmur. i» land tum-h in! w Q) fl llnn'l all In:- urv‘hn, AH HIHIHI'II! hnlhlu‘n o..â€" .. at or ‘W 11 uVI-l ND u‘ltlhuh hr) knl'“ '1 run ‘ n 'n h H “HR 217 V W hâ€" ‘5 St. John- Av. w m.†W only In mourn-:3 â€mum. .. BI urn. 1.12m and cum: ‘;__h_ .4 Admission â€Luna-inn“! mutant! .0! 30-†Mini. and. nun-{â€1 '"nuc- a 17"“ "(fl'llhllllbfl'n lml hmn){1u~'\<l um um. I“: :“IKTLEciâ€"Gnï¬ â€CHI-1! unbl- Inn "Nahum-u I mum‘s-mldm a A hand-NH" ("I‘liun "f I Chas. (Adlai-I'D“- Sunni-c II in. Edna Stu â€(1st m ,’\ rm PAIN Pm! thfl" TIM Wednesdl‘: 114 cum .,-4 [Arm 5A9! [blula II C. M. I "411A and \ml (,rm “1|,rouuu‘k“ mu 1 . nun-u arm-"y l mum “mm" .,_..... Fm torml SISTERB o! l 00an Inn-"I'd at I“, W'KInr my .091...“ .‘ mu,» u m High P' k ()i \ Lice \1‘ mda unï¬t-V L 11/)?“ Int/hr!!! Marina/ll . HA A1 '51:.