.16 15%}. . ${BJ1A “é“; J‘.‘ hudmrk to be Razed lot an impromptu nature of recitation Another of Lake County’s landmarks is i and â€"89 by the children. The party i due to fall before the scythe of father l 10 “I“? place in the church parlors. time. It is the old Slack residence which Ebenezer Evangelical Church :stood for a period of 65 years at the cor-l The special program arranged to - net 0f Belvidere St- and Glen ROCk Ave, 1 Christmas will take place Christmas evi Waukegan. The “mall"? “’35 built by l and will consist of recitations and song George Slack. one of the best known 0f V by the children and a Christmas he the earlier pioneers 0f Lake County. 1‘ laden with presents for the little ones. i is now In the hands 0f workmen who are ’ stereopticon story will be told entitlei engaged in wrecking it “The Life of Christ." Program will be Thrre is a wealth of history wrapped ' gin at :45 around the old residence. It is history The First Baptist Church pertaining to the earlier life of the city. The Christmas program of the Bapt’ . is It; close connection to the old Waukegan cottage. the best known of all Waukegan. ('11 l! Church. which is to be qu1te novel well as entertaining is to be a play roadhouses in its day earned it fame as ‘ Shadowgraph entitled “The Good Fellow the gathering place of many of the men that made the earlier history of this sec-. ‘ Special music is to be given bythe churcl choir; there will also be the Christmas tion of the country. " . ~ tree. candy and presents for the children wfleleu Shm’fl Nu"! Comvh'd lThe feature of the party is to be that Owing to the favorable weather con- leach child is to bring some suitable ditions work on the wireless tower at the < present to send to the Maywood Orphan naval training station has been progress- E age in Chicago. The program will take ing more rapidly than was expected. In l place in the church at seven thirty Wed consequence. Contractor Pense states. - nesday evening. On Sunday there will that his part of the work will be ï¬nished ‘ be special Christmas music during the by Christmas. This in spite of the severe 3 church service. cement tests which the government re~i First United Evangelical Church QUlYE‘S- A WWPTfUl searchlight ViSlble! The Christmas program will consist ol for miles from the station and which will 9 miscellaneous numbers including recita- be a great help to navigation on the'lakes tions by the tiny folks and speaking by Will be lDSIalled 3! the [09- lthe older ones. Special music has been Saloon'a Face Annihilation iarranged by the male chorus. A cantata That the saloons of Waukegan amj‘called "Ten Virgins" will begiven. Ex- North Chicago fxe annihilation at [he‘ei’cises Wl†bcfll“ 3‘ seven "“an The hands of the United States government Christmas tree “ll“ be W930“1 and 3 El“ and that every effort is to be made at The PUbliC l5 cordially the request of the authorities in charge of the Great Lakes Naval Training sta- tion to have the saloons within a radius of ï¬ve miles from the station wiped out is declared to be a fact according to in- formation received from an authorized source. â€"-Wauhegui Gazette. New C. 5. Church for Park Ridge The Christian Science Church of Park Ridge which was dedicated last week is modern in every respect. The auditorium 15 spacxous. With a seating capactty of AUTOMOBIUKIURN DOWN LIGHTS! about 350. and in case more room is, "r “A needed, the wmdows partitioning the ’ Emimn C°DMM 0‘ Brill“ All“! auditorium from the foyer. may be folded He‘d u‘h“ Preventing T5." and 75 more chairs may be added. Chairs - 5°05“! Sign-laud Crossing. lnSKelld ot pews form the temporary On Saturday. a communication wastre- seats. Light is furnished by the beauti- ceived by the local North Western dipnt "ii opalesceti: WindOVVS and semi-indirect - agent. E. C. ()hrmund from the Safety 0 cctric lighting. The walls are decorat- . committee complaining that automobilists v: ,n s.lnd finished plaster, and wood standing at the station are leaving their -\ rk in white enamel with mahongany é headlights burning. making it almost im- At the rear of the building andipossible for engineers to see signals, :i n in: direct entrance to the rostrum. l crossings. etc. For “Safety First" a f ".27 rooms for the use ’of the Firstlauggestion is; ‘Have automobtlists turn Rt ader. Second Reader. Organist and l dut their lights while standing at the sta- 5‘ ltion and thereby prevent accidents for every child. it.vited. Trinity Church The Sunday school carol service will be held in the church on Thursday. Christmas eve. at 4:30 o'clock and it will be followed by the Christmas tree in the 'parish house. The children will bring gifts to the tree and they will be sent to the poor children of the Cathedral mis- ,sion in Chicago. Q .ilf‘ >.‘.~‘.' Supervieor's Revoke Licenle Rex. Thomas R. Quayle appeared be- fore the Board of Supervisors Friday at~ ternoon and declared that the license which was issued to Charles Cross of Deerï¬eld to sell malt liquor was illegal for while it was two miles from [)eerï¬eld it was one and a half miles from High- wood and one mile from Lake Forest. Under the statutes a saloon may not operate within two miles of an incorpor- ated city or village. State's Attorney Dady was present when Mr. Quayle made the statement and he bore him out in it. A: a result the board voted to revoke the license. They had granted it in good faith, Mr. Dedy declared that it no im~ material to him one way or the other whether the license was granttd but that he would be compelled to prosecute in case I complaint were made against the‘ Croce place. The license was issued last i Tue-day. ‘ The deputv sherm: unrk-r farmer Shem? Green l‘nday presented 'mm \\‘!I}171}l£lndv some thv Lodge Mamnng Hm: SM Wilt. a dmmwnul. The rim: :5 d handwmc on:- and speaks ‘nudly u: :fw m'ce-m m which Mr‘ ï¬rm-n :s hrid. liu- prrscnlarinn was mad:- :'1 lhc ahvnrf'wvrï¬cc. Assmdm Shut-1'. Attorney Run).1rd made the pre- semanun spcm'n, Ex Sheriff Green I’m-ant“! With Ring. Christmas Tree. (hulk. and Man; Wuhington St. Paving III Wnukc- : for-nth. Children. Ch!“- EVO { I uni: now Completed. Land- i Soon. to In Most Mr mark to be aned . Night m Year NEARBY NEWS ITEMS OF [OCAL INTEREST Number 42 Wuhinflon Sheet P-ving Completed [ix-Sheriff Pretented W'ith Ring preciseiy 1:31) u'clnck Friday morn- m iast brick was shoved In its place ~ “flashington Street, in Wnukegan, c c )mplcung an uperauun (3f pav- : ti‘ ‘ ‘treet {hm fur nearly 20 years :21: u wince: ..{ m'rrcx‘z and desilc ~ par: w! the (my m grzwrdl. The ccmn I): the upemri-m created :1 'mckxmy lrum :hc hvur! M the cux Thchrman Lutheran Church of W Central Ava. will have it: Christmeh prngram Christmas eve at seven 0" lock Theprngmm Is tuconsisl of miutmns and songs hv {hr children, to be follmn-d h) lhc L'hrtsmms tree. with weak-ms .md czmdy In: the thlldren. - 'I‘herew to be a specnal.serncr nn Chnsrmn murnmg at ten [huty vu'xim n the \I‘ trum :i' y IHYIIZQ Iultlb H :E'w hmr! M the cux Chnsrmh mur z»: I: meant the con» and in the me .9 x1: I n‘ c un probabh The trm‘hvr: uvrlnnt thornu'ghnur dm‘xdvd Ln gzw c prrscnlarinn vrï¬x‘c. Assnldm made the pre- The First Bsptist Church The Christmas program of the Baptist Church. which is to be qune novel as {well as entertaining is to be a play in Shadowgraph entitled “The Good Fellow. ' ‘ Special music is to be given bythe church gchoir; there will also be the Christmas tree. candy and presents for the children. lThe feature of the party is to be that [each child is to bring some suitable <present to send to the Maywood Orphan- age in Chicago. The program will take Eplace in the church at seven thirty Wed- -nesday evening. On Sunday there will ‘ be special Christmas music during the church sen ice First United Evsngelial Church The Christmas program will consist of ,miscellaneous numbers including recita- tions by the tiny folks and speaking by l the older ones Speeial music has been iarranged by the male chorus. A cantata ‘ealled "Ten Virgins" will be given. Ex ei’cises will begin at seven thirty, The ‘Christmas tree will be present and a gilt for every child. The public is cordially ii.vited. l l l I Trinity Church The Sunday school carol service will be held in the church on Thursday. Christmas eve. at 4:30 o'clock and it will be followed by the Christmas tree in the parish house. The children will brfng gifts to the tree and they will be sent to the poor children of the Cathedral mis- sion in Chicago. The Ninth Avenue M. E. Church Wlll haw its Lhristmas entertainmo-nt 'l‘liursw d .y evening at eight o'clock, December 24th,;1tthc church. The program, “llll'll i is to be slightly different from those ul : former years. is called "Around the Manager." There is to be a Christ'iias tree. candy and presents for the Chlltlrt‘n who are [u give recitations and the choir wxll iurmsh the music. St. John'u Germ-n Evangelical The St. John's German Evangelical Church 15 to have its Christmas celebra- tion on Christmas eve at 7:30 o'clock. There will besongs by the children in I‘German and in English. a lady quar- jtette. the Christmas tree, candy and . presents for the children. On Christmas ‘morning the regular Christmas service I will be held in the church at ten thirty. l Pm. Church , The crime‘ km. W m m. lmary departincntl of the Preebyterian Church will have their Christmas enter- tainment Tuesday afternoon, December jtwenty-second, at taro o’clock. There? will be a Christmas tree. candy and presents for the children, and a program ' of an impromptu nature of recitations' and songs by the children. The party is l to take place in the church parlors. l‘ l Ebenezer Evangelical Church The special program arranged for Christmas will take place Christmas eve i and will consist of recitations and songs by the children and a Christmas tree‘l laden with presents for the little ones. A stereopticon story will be told entitled “The Life of Christ," Program will be- gin at 7.45. The tyiu‘hvrs of the Sundzn' sch/M? h dm‘xdvd Ln gz'vr' the Sundzn schm»! x (in-n lpnrzy m lhc new a>sembly 1w nr the church. Saturday. Hx'ccmhcr ‘3' at Mtrvh nmc {here WI†hr the {up L'rmszmas tree. candy and [H‘t‘sz‘nb {flu (hIMrvn, North Avenue M. E. Church Germ": Lulhonn nwrnmg rxcmng. A $7,000 Kimball organ has been pur~ chased for the theatre ()wmg to an un- avnidable delay the organ cannot be m- installed for about ten days. until whuh time other mustc will be provided. The lheatre has 650 cnmfunable morn- - co leather seats. There IS no balcony m the place. RU‘ The “Hoyburn†in to HIV. Severn! new An orgamzatmn of this kind has long been needed for Highwood and now that the people have shown interest and en- thusiasm there is sure to be a change in the conditions of the City. The next meeting 0! the organization will be held Saturday, December 26th and It Is hoped even a larger attendance WI†be present The name of this organization as It now stands in The Higbwood Welfare Associa- tion. On last Saturday evening, Mayor Joseph ‘1 wood called a meeting of the llighwoodi taxpavers, in the City hall for the pur-i poseot suggesting the organizing of a? welfare assocmtion so that the crty will: be taken better care of espeCially in itsl sanitary and moral conditions which they believe llighwood is badlv in need of. There was a good crowd present. in fact almost each property owner was represented The idea was deemed a giaod pl’ilfllt‘ai one and immediately Cnnl~ mittees were appointed. Mr. Louis l’ease was the speaker of the CVCHHIK. ML Reddic was appmnted chairman. while Mrs. W. W. Wagoner was elected secre- tary protem. Those appointed on the committee to frame up by-laws were SIX in number including Mesdarnes (l, S. Gooch and Mary ()‘(onnor and Miss Rose Fagan; Messrs. [-oUis l‘ease. Herman Swanson. and l A. Brad). 1M th Sevenon and Mr Louis Pulse of High-i ‘ l hh your hunting. and ICC! tit-u car load to l weapon hwoe. Pickin the roo girlish u him: “Sr Sinilin with his ~urely tl that. bet ridge to from a P1 wife strx thctrigg W“ 3 r0 in». Al! Win Improve Snail." and Moral F ditions of the City .0 W." n Uplift And look Afton it. ABOUT T0 ORGANIZE AN Assocum PROPERTY OWNERS 0F HIGHWOOD GET BUSY Futon- for I Movie Hon“ EVANSTON'S NEW THEATRE HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1%; 1517 TIME FOR CHAIR WARMERS Wolf-r. a ndmber m (hr last month Hr was ar- rested in Lake Furrs! .4: he 4mm u m the «icscripflun u1u-n.Afh-r Intt'H mu mg hm; H i! believed thr man :5 â€I‘dâ€? as he telllauory n! being an Innme m 1hr Damillc. Pennsylvania lnsam~ Asylum. also says hr was a law studmx Tuday he Ii" bf taken In the County jail, Wau» kegm. Where he mil be held pending a heariq before the county )udgc. Ayoung man, who gave hu name as Michell P I'mbn k is bring held In the MCI! jail §U[‘$)‘D‘(‘d m be the guilty pry son of name (1 these huuu- breaking aï¬aln o! “huh xherc has been qunc . Another home win made ud through! an'ncmdent attendant upon the old time; lbw-m. "ldtdn't know It was tmded".‘ pg}: homc was ~)hlt of Mr. It‘d M t ates DIil who live at the come: off {Eighteenth and Victoria Itreetl. North} Chicnso. The accident occured abouti “23) Saturday. He thought of ctlhng a doctor and rulhcd m the telephone. “1' wmmoned Dr. L. B. Jollcy who â€rived on the Irene of the )cudcnt [as quickly In potable Winn he arrived there he made a hasty ex-ninlhon 0! the wound Ind pmnum‘rd the woman dead The lead of tho! had entered her heart and death had been Insuntanmu‘ â€Shout lllt' tht In thv hc-art†Smiling ltnl mxwd [hr ,4 m m .4 lru-i with his “xtr'~ tncnst He (in-vs a ‘lx-ad ‘urtly the gun w“ not luadrd. he- knew that. bemuw hv nrver penmttrd a cart ridge to rcmmn In 11 after he rrturnrd from a hunt. The “bead" was “Kb! Hts wife stood NmIlmR. awantung the pull or thctriggr-r â€('l hudnnd pullrd It Thcrr wu a roar, tlw armle that had graced thr- face of the )nung woman turnvd ll) Iï¬~ any n she fell tn the floor Her husband unable tn grasp a realtntlon ol the tru- edy, stood as x! turned to stone in: a moment. The gun slipped from his hand and Cluttered to the Ioor In another moment ht‘ was trying to null lllt‘ mm the limp form by his lgonued calling 0! her Mme 4nd bv shaking her term The awful nalxzatmn came to htm that the might be dead. The red spot tut Covv eriug her dress and the ï¬mtd wound m hct breast met hu eyes. Picking up the gun he started nut 01 the room He was confronted by hn girlish Wife, whu Iaughinxly demanded of him: hunting. Dail ucpped Into: bedroom and uccured hxs shotgun. He Is and lo bt-u careful man. Ind never allowed a load to remam m the chamber of the weapon aha-r he had cum-d It Into the hwoe. lumen Dail, a well known young nun 0! North Chicago. not! from the table am the noon meal and announced to hh young wile that he wu goinfl rabbu M Chiu'o “an Kilh his Young Wile “HE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS LOADED" While ' Latt yenr a number of ï¬m and I nun:- ghgbcrul neriouc Acctdenu resulted from m .' not taking proper preautiom in regard 1". ’ lo Christan; tree; Fl!» Christ-\nhrumo nl johnuv‘ â€nod Ofrcbeer and ham shook! not be ad- !Mdenedmm. sacred day by the burn- at i in; of home: or the injury to our Ion-d are through can!“ I Christ-n Tm Don't. Don’t leave the lighted tree unwltched. Don‘t put cotton beneath the tree to ‘make the carpet look like mow covered f ground. Y Don't let rhnldrm touch the tree. Don't use Intoom of ordinary tissue paper or cotton hitting on a tree. Don't use ornaments nude 0! cellulmd Don't remm‘e present: Hum the tree Unit] the tandles are rxnngmnhed hun't permit a draft 0! art to xuay the hramhrs u! the tree whlle t‘andles are lighted Mm Holt-n Li Fluvd. “5an 0| thvln Fund, fur [bury-fur \rau a rrudenl ul Highland Park, paswd «may at the Pros bylenan Hmpxlai. )ulrrday morning. lknrmhrv 1n. Alt-r an .Hnrn u! Â¥P\CY'AI “(TAB She I! ï¬urnu‘d In hu- daugh (cu. huthcnnr, Janr 1, Mn L' ( Jammmn, LAIUIBO‘, and Irrnr l'mwral arn‘ncr. unll ht- hrld a! (he rcmm-nvr, (2h Crnnul Avenue :1 I‘m. (.«lmk Fnday hilt-â€mun Rm R, Calvm Dntvsnn, pull»! of Pruhylrrun Llhuxch~ ml: conduct the hen-Ice lntflmem Will be at Lake Fore“. Died an Proobytor'un Hoopcul Wod-u day, Don-bar I‘ll Inurmoal Will be a! m. For.“ The morning Chvnlmm 5(Y\n(‘.\1|[ the Prrsln trnan ( hum h prmmw-s In hr 3 do hghtiul nm- and vnl: take plan r Sunday morning a! Hnrn 011m k I‘hr pm gram â€Mludfh Lhrulmas (and. by lhe (hmal Sourty" quanrllc :nlus \‘(xll )ulns and \‘lulln Du’os. 1hr €\ rmng pro gum, “huh “111 beam at right ()«hxk II mdc-rd very alluclwe. I! which U" (- Mrs W , A, Aï¬cxandcr M urn "The Chm! Unld," unh wohn nbhgalo, Mr (home R John wnll render um vmlm wk» numcly, Romance by Debuuy. and Lu Precmu by Krealeâ€"Cnupenn. Ind Mr Howard T Willlnml will I5“ I bin- lone uolo A cnnuu given by ck Chord Soc-fly, under the dm-cuon of Mr. Curl H Booth called "The Sm of the East,†by J $.an1wlullwbe gum Thoae do mg to!†wort In the cam-u Ire Ml. Mumn Manon, Mn Herben R Snmh. Mr R Lovell, Mn W A Alexandrr and Mr anhl About lnrtv vnues um- puu- [Lr « hull}: "THE STAR OF THE EAST" TO BE GIVEN A Cantata, by [he Proobylcrinn Choral Sonny, Under lb. Dirt-(hon of Carl M Booth LHH"!1\L<IHRJ mu: be Used tn H-pn v-nt xntm mtht-t «m H! and“ a tree, be nquw the same cu'htt tau be nhtmnei b) UNI)“ :tslx‘stu: ur lhlnrth] wool “P.1d: l9 5.110 (.Hr shuuld b:- takl'l in 241‘ that thr â€indies are weurrly tandem-d to the tree and w arranged th-t they cannot set ï¬re to the bram‘hes of the tree or the {resents hung upon them. Always ex~ ungunh the candles before beginning to remove the mm from the tree. prn Chn'nm. :- a Time for Joy and Hart. To Cgrry Should no! be Snddo-od by the Sula Burning of Home. Through Pm Card-unto. DO NOT PUT COTTON BENEATH TREE SUPERVISORS CLASH OVER $300 BILL TIME FOR WARNING SUPERVISOR T. [CLARK XMAS TREE DON'IS UPHOIDS STATE’S ATW HELEN C. FLOYD PASSED AWAY purlnnt h! 1‘ hmrl rd Unchimod Mail '07 the Following Por- sonn Romauu in Loal Ofï¬ce Mn. Hr»: vy }‘ Adamk Mt. Mans (ax- uH Mu I'rm- I)ln"lddbf.2|f'tff§ Mr. 'X (.uw Mrs P. A Helmnck. Mm Jase» phmr Mmdstaadc, Mrs. 51th AV Tuplor. damn H necessar) against law break-rs Mr, Irene Bdnvnddlc. Mr; H L'. E,- h-h Mu. Edgar Hurt, Mra Jno J Mmhcl} Mm Edward Muon, Mn Wm. North. Mn. V. Net, Mr. M. Pculcy. \ mrk “I recall 1 viii! nude six year. “(1!“th Fox Luke region on I Sunday. I \ mud afvml hotel; booking tor I per- Inn and Hall (hot drink: were sold her- ly I even took I lmle one myodf daughter on the buard), but (ha! was six year. no" Mr Llark't rrmark brought lath other ('0:le 1mm the bond Ilan‘ similar linen. erh made hm motion Iomethina hkc mu "1 move that the luturt policy 01 (hr board be that we aha" refute to al- luw their den-(11v: bill.†BIU'SKUW-<"l behrvc that (hit is loo drum Ihchevo lhrre mav bcmmn whrn Ml Indy nerds the urrvicrs 0! dr 1mm" u, other nutter: than salnnn darkâ€""l never had I drink there, I «mix say uh]! I have heard." \\ ch h "You \wll mike I good wimess tx-hm- the next strand )ury. 1 hope Mr. hadx make-s a nmc of It ' ‘1! I51â€! rcar whethrr the board wavm mv tn prm‘ï¬â€˜d m (heu- casce or no! 5.411 Mr Imm- In rnnrlunon. My “vim referred to the incl that "hhn'i pugs" (vprtnlr .‘all over. even In Drum-H mwmhnp, nnd mu brought \uprnwr! (lulu M Lin KPH. He and ma! 2! u-snlvrd Ilsrll In the Qurï¬- 'mn ax. m meme: the bomd wn to baak up 1h: p'lmrrulnr ur nul He said he km-u .. ‘Imnd pm" operate-d 1n Darrin-Id, "tux hr added. “It's outside of Hig'nhmd Pan a hail mile " rd UH “I (ha: told him to let me an the bottle which he had quickly shoved back under the bu. He hunded n 2 out I light-colored bottle I told him that can not the bottle I wanted-l wlntcd the dark bottle he had roured from He nmntrd that I! an 2 per cent and I said: All rnghl He ï¬nally, alter much penul- sum fll\t‘ me the [on]: I asked tor. It uas n lx-rr bottle With the label x‘rlu‘h- nun:- nu uku vulw I“, % “Dnnng wFox Lake, U fl w manual-aid“) , m. “than!!! l‘_ “ drink Tin-young man net maxim MMmlwburâ€"ndhau- hmthegluu. ldrnnkeoouzh of "to k'mwvtatitwu hlmnell no! cvudence against one along- keeper m Lake Villa town“. “r. P; 31.4111‘. plmnh thal he did not appmu- n1 rxrn drmtnra going on! (0 play Mn! machines 10ng rndrm'c again“ (he uu'nt'rs. Dadr asked how In the world endrnce (nuld be mured i! it wasn't done that way. fu).1\ Y 3' .-,' hr hm! pfaxrd : um ‘51â€! 71237 Jun ~ .2! , Hut u! 314.3“ .x‘ a rust 0! 'vl"um1nnr a! N‘ \rms. makmg xhr 15 .13341';v1~..\flaxn um .30 unis gun, wag .4 ha! Hr MM H unuidn‘t work nui just Hm! adv He frl‘ that 11hr llt‘d In In athn‘an' '3 w-uit‘. nut be rxpctlrd he “l)h;t:1l“!hl‘ mm. when indium“ In ML Dadv then told the board how he \\ I 5% MM Cgrry on Cr‘udo Agn'm-l Blind Picn, Stnlc'l Auornoy Dndy WI... anilo'o ol Hiring Dcletlivcs (0 [cl Evidence ): ~tzltmrnl hv Mr Clark that I'd should go on word as rm (hr luau“; aHmm-y, {he - .' m 4‘» m hum u! pcmmhng is (0 hur dvtnlnra when be u necessm) :u gr! n Aden‘ :- ADVERTISE!) LETIRS X'mew mm To Harry on ‘ Ha xvusadr against hlxnd .mv; w): mmhmrs (when urrzs rutuvgf‘d tn hue due-aura hmâ€: Hymn»! Il-c g-flrndrrp‘ {I fur 3‘08 Ki u) u‘h ~â€mu-d a (-1 Hr Nzrr .~ Mmrney N do in! Mark hum up n: â€W mu: win “an! In '3hl~ tnmxd L~ banking 'Int cm In Supervisor T. v y «,2 1hr Board 0! 1):â€) but Fnday, 1Ҡ:m.‘ (3.5(«1 by a 1mm: Inu- pnwnt- mm To (am on pf “mum-gin. qua- ? 1hr dz‘lr-(‘QH-s Mt Hm uuuld mah- 31A l.'\ 15hr! Volume 4