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Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 3

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Spare skill. proâ€" will Tuo‘lw- \v'lr‘i :lfh‘r the marriage 0f HUN :1 ml .\Ii<- Snylve be 0m» :lny hand- «1 h.-r hl~c mm H! ”Mr pn-nlu-tlnl nzrw-nmnt tn :1 separation In rage their nun-riuzv yn‘m'e’d :I fz'llure. It sure her t‘u- um'rm- of hvr lifv. She had lis- tmml In his iukps nlmut what hus- Mmh nm<r o-nuluru hut vuniiderml that Hwy wrnn: {rum :1 dvsire tn he‘ face Hum. Sh.» wzu uwnre of what the WIfP mint vmuro». but during the term of ywnx' <91” hm! hmfll mnrriul her good fi"',\b‘ Lm‘ [KAREN] m'vr ”It? [heflflPS' 1»! 'imw;~orio-[,t-.~:I yuuth. and she had ' tr- rn mmhh-r than on the mine f'l' .' tn ntlmr nm‘essnry evils and 2* , :‘ -< rh» \Hki‘ of both pnronts and t“ thm' must he passed over W'W ~ ime dl<mrhance as 0083")“- Xr‘ v. n-nziml that it was far vuwh nth r 1‘.” tin-5' eru fur hotter thzln Viv} .imnnlrwl .\[ lr- st they trial tn .x]-;u--ir “hut tin-y um'». but win-tin" if t " Vh'vv'wlwi nr nut is an "{N‘ll ill1r*~i "ii ' ‘ \: HIV 1 .r :: Emir of \m h tutor- (mm-w (11w. n'é-rv nmrriml Eiiis‘ pro- uutu! :xzn-vnn-m us to squirntinn in unw- Mimi" marriage [urm‘evl :| fniiurv “.1“ [rut in writing Ho gave his bride a copy :11”! km»! in vum' fur himse-lf, ’I‘in- l‘livifi‘h iivvd tnszvthor tvn years thhuut any mnrn- luzltrinmuini Illa- :Izrrvvnn-nts than YIM- nVo-ruzv married ”unit... [Illi'i|.: 1h.” [wrind {our chu- «h'vn wivw- tr» ‘iw'n. twn hora and two Lil'i“ \Iiiiis t‘v'nnim'd in award with [iwv- whim ii 11:»: nt mnrrhuv which i: am (mm m popular of rmnnt years. Win :1 m- \\'9nt tn [luv thmitvr and heard :Hl P'IHF «l'tll'k inkws‘ Hillitl’nth‘o 0f wim‘ :n hush-ind 1mm vndnrv h» “'unld amt] am! Vw'ift'r-‘lwhr [lo- rvml n navel on the tho-mu u! dumpsth- llllil'lppinPis and rm-nmxuvmh-d it In :I I'm-ml The trim"! hnndwl It inn-k with tho- mm- ment that m-itln-r he nor the mm]! was intorvstc-«l in tln- suhjw-t trvnzmi. .nld- In: that \\ hut was mum-«l war» ct 'rim of murrmd mmfnrt mu! (:Hnilx‘ affec- tiun. Hilts hmkvd upon the with ever nth-r as :l mun of Very nnrrnw nwntni (‘numnss Mix“ 115' 0‘. whom- vlews on the wh- jevt of marriage had been influenced by the matrimonial troubles of an aunt rather than a mental bent toward the discussion of nbstruse problems. arreed with Mr, Ellis as to the pre cautions. but {ms "at son" with regard to the re-Im-ily Sim shrank {rum the breaking 1111 uf a family~ennwthing a woman W‘llllld he more likely to feel than 11 1111111 sinve the maternal ls stronger than the paternal instinct. She railwi tn aw how the damage once dom- vnuhl he runwdivd. Anyway. it would l1-:'.v1- :1 tvrrlhiv scar. linwmw-r it [fills dill not mun-rt her (to his \ low; 13 in 5vpuratiun. llrUVllll‘d t11:1rri1 _'o- [rmwl :r failure. l1» finally pen-trului l1-- 1» mrm-nt tu his [11‘9- mxptial 11:r1-1-1z:1-1;tv ll» “‘ih‘ [wrfw-tly =:1ti~'l¢-«l u t'1 1111+ law-:luw Rllk‘ “a“ .1 L'll‘l \\ [111 “will mwr :n hark nn her prnnliw ’l'l1 l:\ml n1-:11~ 1-11rl1 Htln-r. mvt f’i‘wl'1--'-t‘\ :11111 l1\' 11111111:1l agrmu mvt T'I‘w‘l'i“ uxvnr n-fr H but my mum A] I! in: fan apru wh~ \ wru Ed \\ '1‘3‘1 I» In Hi3 Theories Did Not Work in Practice A MATRIMONIAL: ‘ IHEORIST +Iâ€" h NIH] By 55mm wmonvun 'Ist :m In se-pur: :0 ['rm'wl :r (nil! 3m! bur [.. v‘uns‘v :x:r»-.-1z:v-I;L [Iv -‘ u ::Hd<,!>v-':1 w “wild I1M'0‘K‘ I ‘ Th MM” [11‘ by HA H m: it: 41". 1“ \th-u :I:e of skopth‘ism rq-znrd- No there are mow whom.- ix runnnt be shukvu. The-)- are who haw hwn happily mar- ,; :Hmut whum rhildrt-n Have To yup-h marriage- is their mrhl. The'y are I]!!! hltI-rustml um n! the plans whh-h are in fur (-xwriun-ntul marriage or nirvt'. To them the h!“ H!“ :1 MM! is an irrv-[ulrnhlv unflfur- .l '|th {umii} 1|! :1 “hn‘v [he wvmr pun-ht is the zh-nhwt m Y..1’ (’Illl M'an {hum ’Emr (luwo whmo mnx'rwl 11!.- H 1mm HI if 1 m.x:'rx;x:v In"); «1 ml! mamL:o~..11t\\.-i;m-d the x I! it w :l {xiim'c- it iiuro \r'rie-d Ht 1 Hum trying .. mm'inm‘ 1r tin-y n‘vru fur lu-(ter gunlrwl .\t h- s‘t they 1r “hut tin-y “ow. but Hm H Emu ‘HH‘ UK’ (has.- \\!w !:-l\n- rim] nt :in who un- «wk fur thv \n-‘Hm ‘n 1-1’ 1hr 'hu furmvr lleJL 3' wk» _\' :uhuu-in: m-u Home the lam-r. mm :1 {aw I‘muly to jump into um!- I wumiql-‘mtiwn : Hmmurrlvd g-vrwm in haunt in rim- [mm-1' -l [tulle-n11 S-LVIM. \ um. I'm '\‘{wl ix; H~z «l h mm! h! In HM Ihv.» lh. lh‘ m -H-H+-. o a ‘ +H-H-H-z-M-m v :l’."\‘Q-HH‘£ r h" h ~:IX'}‘ In [in IHIHI. In)! h‘x-l "1),l'll'l' plum- in mix I lm‘x t‘lmmnu i [inn h" Run} II”! ,\!1\. lfifii‘ lm‘ llhu’t'l‘ HI" “3"“ :m [n Hm m-[nll‘ n;-n'\-'~>;:r_\ lur I] m-huwix' in flh-X \h-I'c t'\ (ultut. , \\':I_\'\‘ 5h”! "I l "They will not help tlnm- wlm are happily nmrrind. nml. fl! fur thnw who are unhnppily married. find help tin-m' That was the end of [-Illiu' mutrimx» ulnl thmrivs. When nrter tlmt lw nnd his wife had a spat. («wording In an nurwuu-nt thvy made after hi‘ return. they made it up before fining in slmxp that nizhr Thifi they found in l» :I m-nt advantage in mnny wan. Flrwt. it enriml Hm <unt: sun-0nd. it :0! them used In (\mir'u: chart ihnlr riln‘pr- I\l1m~<: third. the-5‘ soon inn-:mw ”\011 to wlwiciorinz sm‘h (linnurn-nn-ntq :11 "(mm "(phhiunq of nan-mu irrimtinn and nut mmh explaining. At Iln rm» (hay grew (”user and] year. and {mlm Ellis wonders how he could in ne Mn such in {00L First he thought that he “'Ullil‘ lay down a .wrie-s of rules for thv guid~ anve n! hinm-lf and his “i{(' and if sln- mmhi :Iuree to abide by them he wullhi :n hunw and try to lin- ln [i’zli‘fl ll» Mon u'rute nut several ui’ thme rulm‘ but tnru them up. ”u thnught n! \‘ui‘inlh‘ t‘Xl'tNiit‘lNS. but hum- wane-ll prm-tivnl in the mvrninz whm nil hi~ plans “‘w'v tii~4'zll‘d«-Ii hv wrutv a “ml“ to In with illiililitiil: his mistakv and :NLing “‘lh-rln-r if he mum- imino ln- \\ullili he I'w-niuui :|~I imi‘ure his (h‘l'ilrilil'i‘. MN. Elil< ropliml that he would lw “wit-um“. nil'lin: lib munlitiun nr \lilllliflfn'il u‘hntc-ulr, [iv hml swarm-l) i'o-m-lu-d hm" l1' [1‘ win-n ho ('iliit‘d ah :mh-nmllile and will tlw rhaun’our tu «lriw JrreL ~‘1r(-~liv\’e- uf :iirmi limit. to his hunw. ilk “ife met him at ihi‘ «l-mr and throw lu-r arms about hl~~ inn-k TU- :c-thvr tin-y went lntn the tiinin: mum. \"ht‘i‘i' ihv rhildren \n-ro ,lu‘t liniahlng their uml'nln: meal All raw and junuvvd upon him. The older nm-s had sasyvo-rtml that snmethlng \\‘a< wrong in the father‘s going and \wrv much warm! at his \‘Ilddf‘n return. When the» :rt-otinzs were un-r and the chil- dren on their way to school Ellis said to his Wife: "Where an: those copies 0‘ our pre- nuptial :isrt-vnwut? )irs, Ellis disappeared and soon re« turned will) the articles lnqnln-d fur. \‘o-izin: thém. her huu‘hnnd turc- them inin him and threw them inn» iilu fire burning nn tho hearth. “Witt-T he said with animation. "it is my «million that these m-wi'anglod plane fur trial marriage»: and i-:i.~'_\‘ di- vorw‘s arn {-lr persons whn uithvr can't get’nn tuxvthor or imu- m-n-r liven married. i’ur you and me tin-y are ri- din-alum. lere is no fool like the thong-Mic fool. [10 run gu on-r tin-“rim that have gruwn up in his mind. Hwy tw- ('Ollilll'.’ mare and more [wrfwt tn him the while. und hot 900 some glaring defect that to another will plulnly ll‘t down his whole fabric. l-Illls' {zllvrlc was toppling before he left homo. He had no sooner got to his new quartvm and looked about him in a room in which more were furniture and Joann:- tinns. but no living being. Win-n it mllnpsod uttvrly. That night was the must miserable of his existt-nve. lie (lid not sleep. but lny awake trying to form n plun whereby he might gm humc and save his face at the same time. (Tying " , Tht‘ IHIT)‘ l'w-lrly \\‘:|'4 fl ('lnsvr INK; .\i 8mm :H Um rather" 11ml Mdclwn :md by In Him“ h" seized his szltwlml :lml Shut nut ur the door \vmmnx Innkm: behind )lhu. to the wonder 111’ MH 1-! cent the mutln-r. {hut mum \‘lt uM' H mororimpommt that (“or Hum nlhur new I\\Zl\ ”is" [lpr Insluuml said hundvcl hr!” the lat: wlmt lrt- ”want 1 1| [ ugh lulu: \\'h \ UH h ”c xiuw‘idl mmrH-l xmw. but on Li<<0d :IH [ht- ll llmt he huggw ‘Il'h‘l'vll v “'11" ~ IIM xmt nsk XI Ini~1h'\‘il‘t~f”l‘ m «1H nut HI’I Hm: wnn- tum-I :xzt H" Msumul llm ‘r ki<~mL and it :2 ul it 1mm! In: rmm SUM iiH'J' r thvy In- snmu rssury m Hi. i n (1| :4: WIN" Her. lnzt slu- k In his Ill‘t’il‘l 111;; :n\\ :vln-rui pxxu '[llllh'l'HuHLl mum”)..- |\ \' laHll unlwn d mum: | ”v lilflrd wail/m lhl'ii‘ THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK W < Grading, draining, ruthing, pning uilh {concrete maudam. Ind Olhcrwnr :mpmw iing a connected spam 04 mm" in Rnige- «wood Park nubdivinion In the city of Hm?» lland Put. consisting of Gage Ave . Dc- Supplemental Special Asmunont Nodco Supplemental Special “'arrant .\'n. 179 Public native is hereh) given that the county court of Lake C(‘unty. Illinois. bu rendered judgement tor a ‘Ecund ar iup- plemental Ipecial a‘senment tn pan the amount of defimency in the hrut aneumem upon property benefited by the tul‘nmmg improvement: Grading, draining. curbing. pawng with concrete macadam and wtheruhe improv- ing of McDaniel: Ave. in the rity of High- land Park. from the southerly line of the paved roadway of Deerheld Aver, thence suuthetly to the southerly terminus of uid McDaniel: Ave, u will more tullyfapptar from the certified copy of the judgement on tile in the collector's vtl'ice. That the war- rant for the collection of Sut‘h assessment Is in the hands of the undersigned. and all penons interested are hereby notified “Hill and pay the amount asnessed at the ('ol- lector's office in the city hall. Highland Park. Illinois, within thirty day from the date hereof. Dated an Highland Park. Illmoia Supplement-I Special Aneument Notice Supplemental Sperial “'31er Nu. lhT PuMir native is held“ that the (*uunly court uf Lake (hunt); Illnnor. haI render- ed judgement fur a second or myplemrntll special assestment t0 pav thc amnunt at db ficicnry in the first “acumen! upnn proper- ty benefited h\ the following improvement: '1 his th day of Decemhn Grading. draxning. (‘mbmp macadam and otherwiu imprm Ave. in the HIV of “IgMand the soulherh imc of Lim’uCn A 1)- lo the unulhcrlv line of (”a WI“ mort tuih appear fnm ‘ (‘opy nt 1hr judgement on m:- lemor'! «.fiu‘e, [hat [hr unvv Canrtiun u! nu h awe-um: m x~ of (ho underugm-d, an! .IV ,‘ (‘th arr hrrvl‘) nwt [ht IHHHIIH 25‘9"“! In (ht: Iin hJW Hi), \thin lth\ Supplement-l Spochl AucumcnlNolico Supplemcmal Special “'zvram No 181 Public notice u hereby that the roumy court of Lake County. Illinms, hn rend"- ed mdgrmcm for I urond nr myplcmcnul Ipctial “acumen! (0 pa) 1hr lnmunl of de- ficiency in the fin! aneuuxrm upnn proper- !) l‘cnehlcd by Ihc following In pymemrnl Data! at Highland Pa'L thin 24th d-y of December. A. I), 19“ such nunsment il in Ihc hind; at the undcnitncd. and I” pcrun~ mlernlcd Ire herchy mmfied lucull Ind on the amount gunned 3! lb: («Hm-Hr" office in the (Iii) Hull. Hi‘hlnnd Pull. IlhnoiI. within thirly day: lrum the due hereof. ' Hnrn H Evian, (Iii) Cullrclur, Dllcd ll Highland Plrk. lihnou Sup] leln snInl Special Ann-"men! Nolixa Slyplemcnal Smcinl “nvrunl _\uv M6} I'ublic Nuncr: n hcrrlw Ll\(l\ (Ln! (ht C1 untyc m” of Luke (:uunvy, IHInuu, Ins ren icrrd ‘m'ntmenl im a u-u rd or supple ncnlnl \prcml uMl'uernt In [my the nnumnl L-t dth(l€n() H: II: fun nu- usmcnt upon pruprrn hemhlcd by Ihc Mllowing unnnucmcnl: Mucuuundlu‘fl um} (uh-rm ~c umvrmmg OI thrldun PIICC In I pmnl ten 10! H. luulh of the nnrlhtrl) lune “I l unrunAxc. in [he (‘in ul Hi‘M-nd Park. Lake Cuunh. llllnuin, an ml] mun: quv Ip- pear from :1 certified (“In M ‘Ilc Judge- m:nt on file in the 90110“an Mich rhh 3411]. «In Hf Drum?” Construction of a can iron lateral main water supply pipe, together with fire hy- drantl, shut-ofl' valvea and apecial caatin‘a, to be constructed and laid along and un- der Linden Avenue. Cedar Avenue and Sheridan Road. in the City of Highland Park county of Lake, and State olllllnoia connectin‘ with the water main at the intersection ol Linden and Lincoln Ave. and running from thence Ioutheauerly along said Linden Ave. to Cedar Ave. thence eanterly along aaid Linden Ave. to (ledar Av. thence eauerly alon‘ Cedar Av to Sheridan Rd. thence ecsterly and south- erly along said Sheridan Rd. to and con- necting with the water main now laid in Roger Willi-ma Ave. at unll more fully appear from the certified copy ol the judgement on file in the Collector'a ()l- ficc. That the warrant lor the collection of such assessment ia in the hand; ol the undersigned. and ~a|l peru nu inter- cued are herehi notified to Cali and pay the amount unused at the L‘nllector'a office in the (fin Hall, Highland Park. lilinoia. wuhin thirty days lrtrm the date hereul. This 2m. dl)’ of Degcmhcr. A ”Med 5! Highlnnd Punk. lllunus Thullhc warrant for [he cullutv-nol Supplement-l Special Wan-m N0. 172 Public Notice is hereby given (but (In County Court 0! Lake County. Illinoil, hu rendered judgement [or n .econd or Iupplemenlll npecinl Inellmem to pay the Imuunl of deficiency in the fin! up eument upon properly benefited by the lollowin‘ improvement: S-pplononhl Spock! W Node- HL‘UC ‘_\ nwm‘ed :1 «.11 .m turd at tin/Hr1 uluvk Highfaml I’Jrk, H .n~ hum vh- (Iqh‘ hn’v lrum (he Harry B Fun. Harry B. Eum, (Iily (IoHn-lm Ham H Emu (:Il) (Inllcclur L‘m (¢ I l mp plwngwith prmmg nl Huge nd Park, Hum n Axe. wulhcr (”av Au. a‘ A. I). 11014 um: hcrh llnc .11 .md pm (1 luv '«uth lize xelhhrd am In the CHI Hlxhr I) NH ”HHS l‘lrl [he James C. Boylan, Officer appomted to make sand assess- ment. Dated at Highland Park, “1.. December 17m. A. D. 1914. 4‘: 134 of first voucher. All persons dcurmg may file objections in sand court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense, Said assessment: is payable in (on in- stallments, with interest at the rate of five (5) per centum per lnnum on all in stallmcnts from and after date of iuue Specie] Anon-nun! Notice No. 2l9 Nutire is hereby given to all persons into-rented that the city count il «>1 the t it) (it Highland l’aik, L’ounty of Lake and St’ite Ht “lHlUls having ordered that Skukir Aw. be graded. dunno-d, turtxtl, paved Will] asphalt macadam pd\t'lh(‘nl , upon a niucudnm foundation and other Wise improved. {10in the east line (it Ex» ninur Ku- outer!) to a line filtrni (l3; feet vim-Merl). from and parallel ui'li the center line n! Green Bu) Road, all in thr‘ Cll)‘ at Highland l’aik. Lake Count)» Illinois The Oldtl ance 'or the .u n e bee mg on tile in the office of the City clerk of said cuv and having applied to the} county court of Lake county for an ' assesument of the costs 0! lald improve- ment according to benefita,and an gssess- ‘ mem thereof having been made and re turned to said court. the final hearing thereon will be hid on the second day of January A‘ D. 1915. or as soon thereafter I as the business of the court will permit. szblr Au.. Beech St and Rnxml Rd , I! will mute full) nppclr from the rcrtthrd (an (It the yudgcmenl rm hlr In the (ol- lectur's uthtc That the wuunt (or the rnllntn-n at IIN‘h quumcnt n in the hand- n! the undrnlgnrd, and all pcnonnnlunl- ed are herein nouned In all and pl) 1hr awn-mm aunud u lhf (ullcaork nth” m the «My haH, Highland PHI. IHmnu. with in lhnu din hum Ihr dale hen”! Darn! J! HighlanJ Pall I (m JNh Jn M l‘flemhn I) Tolepbooo no“ Do your Christmas shop ping at Schneiders le‘ payments of taxes and :tSSt‘SStht'nIa attended to. Property owners protect C(l at tax Sfllt‘S. Almtravts of Title and Guarantee Titles furnished through SH‘UTH)‘ 'I‘itlc and Trust Company. Special rcporta supplied promptly to mortgage holders as to distxmition of taxes and JlS\t‘\‘SlI‘lt‘lllS on rail «state hold as sum tty. Legal rt-prv scntation furnished lx'forr the Board of Rm ms. III/1M to dwtm my .w um tut/1 \(Iu umhxplam m ddml Imu 1! u 11/ fart/Ila“ (In ~ [Irma/ulna: III yrm [WI/HIM mhI'm'x Nn'vty Bunds The matter of protecting their property interests is a source of no little inconvenience and often of needless expense to property owners, especially to such who own considerable or scattered pieces or who are not year ’round residents of Lake County. I Look after Your Interests in Lake County About $22,000 in taxes due on Lake County property. approximately $1. 500,000 in value, is sold annually at tax sales because of the non-payment of taxes. Forty percent- of these sales are due merely to oversight on the part of tax payers, to their failure to obtain proper information regarding their taxes or to their being out of reach of noticesissued by the county authorities. Efficient Protection of Property Interests :3 Ruth Berg no L‘s-cob Ava... ”any H [mm (‘m («Hut I]! 1| Inui- ICEIKUH‘Y Innh :1 James Hepburn M\ 1 AX HH' A IN! .ur yr:n~' INIK‘FIC‘TH‘!‘ in {hr (nunh IH‘MSUH‘I s uflut as INpUIy Insunw nzv ‘11: His mtrlhgth and mprhrmhlc hervu‘c whnh nulntrh prvdtu h [he-u HHI'HWIN a~ Int-pt H) uwnrra but Ban-s H1 Room 10. Sheridui Building Highland Park, Illinois Mk Bowman Dairy Company T ELEI'HUNES Bowman Dairy Company Telephone 67 North Shore Fuel Supply Co. Telephone 63 Tht'N‘ urc- Ihr I] n-r \‘|I£.] points (1mm (It‘d “1th 1hr prndmlmn u! 532(- Mxlk All our pmducts arc sale, . Insumncc [Rx-s not apply to 5:110 Mllk. h 15 the cheapest nmdvof 100d {hay you can bU) The Retail l’ncc has not been Increased. Dairy Inspection Perfect I’astcurization Bottling in the Country High Cost of Living OUR CHRISTMAS WISH IS HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY TO YOU DURING NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN ”h *‘md then-by cut down yuur ln'mg (Us! Esc More Safe Milk W. [l ”UAR, Inner rn 121 Vine Avenue HIGHLAND PARK, 9. Rm} I551 110 230 N. St. Johns Ave. Rennng Collections GLENCOE. 70

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