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Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 6

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“Bill." be said orer the tolephnne. “'1'th La Don- ! want (0 ze-t a wire through to San Francisco." ”All right. John: what Is 1‘?” ‘ John thought :1 moment and then dk- hated this meSsn-ge: "Sharla- Everen. Call Rulldlng. San Fr-m chm: Mil Gallon was 10 have gone to the fit funds, u l wired you beforo DORE Have bean unabie [U rind Miss Galion EVERETT For awhile- his mind rt'flPlPd to work locimiiy. All [but he would think of 'was little Ruth Gallun. she u! the ale-n- df‘l' hands and purv eyes. Io<t in the grunt city and [ritmusiy seeking a fit- milmr fax-9 Rut he pulled himself v12» orousiy touvther and railed up the agent at the .nation 1 John Dorr. leem \‘a’lev. L231 Have been umbie to find My Rum hm! two-u L'um- muny days who” Jun“ lmrr rw'vlvmi .‘IHUHH‘I' “'19 gram ("um HVo-rt-tt tlml mmh- his hmrt atop Its rvznlnr ln-ut .Uan In his cabin m- Inn-d mar n :I“ I! tin-re mm! ho wnn- Indus-n Inc-2min}: Dom-nth the mmh It was ulna-Humble Aft- er nH nu min nnd Ins Very careful forethuuzln for her comfort and sure {3* sumo-Hung Inn] gum: wrong. [CV or?” wnn hriq-r Rum hm! who” .lnhn l gram ("um [- awn Its rod: cvhin m- 1,. .-\(-m-nhn;u ~m- “'lrwl Unrr but .gnfin "me win-i q'rvwsml.” (ur‘ HI thuuuh Irv h-Hrm-d {lull ‘hv was go 1m: In rh» “wwrurn (-iry. m- :sznn lwlm ed lhzll Hum-tr hml {:Illml In mmmw't with Mr (up w-m-nwr mumh-rlmhim-ml :Iil nluumx, and the :h'i “an ”nan-run- po-rsumlwl lo mum-n In San Frunvxwu ru v:lrr_\ um her plum The zrvstvst difficulty my in recondi- lnx Ruth's mind to the myuery of Everett's sudden fiemrmre after she Ind seen him at Mm lmrnell‘s the night before. But the cleverness of And thus lt came about that five days later found them In the metrup~ olh of the Pacific coast. where they were met by Drake. still posing as Ev- eretL er m-xw‘uu e-wn lHHrI' shirtlih: to ,\lr~‘ Imz‘m-H rlmn it hm! [mun h» Ruth (2111‘ k :u'ti-un WM now-11ml. mm“ lem'in: lint!) in the var wirh a [un- varn-ntml ~-V«11w. Hn- uhle-r women was soon [:hunin: m [)rzlkv. tvlkin: hlm In so wvst at nnve and imtructhuz him to meet them in Sun Francisco. where he WM tn [mse m1 Evert-[t and continue carryin: our the plot to swure posses- dun of Ruth'i mining prupvrty. (‘r [ hn~l Tu ! bald n! (‘fl TF1 luv? (‘IIFV 31%| “('1 “H cumin) m. Hva‘r J lllvl‘Y'n'H doiuy “Hi talk! will qUIWU LV .\l (h Hull: I In mu ml 11.11: m 4 1 fun (it'll found htmwlt' {uh-mt [-1 Hull.» :1 hur- fled Hip tu Sun Frutn-iu'u bvr [‘r‘c‘dlca men: Immune the more [bl‘llllt’lllh‘t‘dt The rtltfi” H\‘cI‘-,~t[. chrgt- l’ruhu. took it utmn hithwlf to ml] at the “in for her mnit. HIM]. rcturnmg wtth ward that {hwy \\.l3 uUllv fur hcr. ltuth felt a SIFIIIAJE ernuniHUH xtmt umtters Were hut ['X‘U'JI‘I‘SMIIL' us they shnuld. Mr»; lmrnml found her gazing out of we xlrrlfitltl mum window. hurhltcd In a putho-th- mite heap. vat-ctiuu stump- ed M. t't-Jtm't-s mu! l’ut'm “lmxrw.” put'n-ul the hostms. “you look .1“ if _\uu hm] tut yuur"<t friend on ~ 4": I") chm-r utt \tht is [In- I‘lxh‘lgqn.) calm“ Iut ur’ {UUIMJ L211)» ' ' CHAPTER IX. ’ Master of the “Mutu- Koy" Ming. HEN Ruth Gulluu did not can upon him .unl he fuund Mm- m'if' unable to lucillo: her t'hnrlu‘ EH rut was llK 11 loss “hul [u do Hv luul “in-d burr u! his mun-[y Jinn]: ln-r and bud n-u-h'ul “cm In n-Hy [hut [hr yuuug Hummer bud n'vmhll cummr u: woman-x Alrx THE MASTER KEY San Francisco. Apr” 1 HI I! ml hrr lmud. hm n-muined «Hm-r 1.1I1uutntude. reply LEHH Yul-"‘2 ulplmxruml why Mr lmrr fh-n or “in-«l :m- Ito-21H}: l mu kwuuemm: in r'mxr 1.; Wu lmmwm-d In ham." “‘- iwlkl'»! “I Mr? m-nrvhin: n'o-l‘wl tummy Ulnlur the -'r‘.-‘:.~- lmnzrxn-I), r1" I (”X v-L'H'r Inuth'v. \L up Mr [Zn-rwu‘u ”n... lllrhl <lu- h-nrnwl Hm! h L‘unfill't u: Lucmxu fur llu- gnl, BH' n-v! '[llh xrn gnu [U \\' H E right I’m Ml \‘Wl mind. Afr rwml. UH"? ~‘1u' :1: (‘nmmhus r _'h t'vmml park ' 111-» [mm 0:th .1 ”r ~zlrin: m nut. <lw ‘llic‘d .'| I'rnh- KIN I]: 1 Hum thv Hm! Huh-H \nrl «If (lt'HI! and (rm-h II n9\v \\ l~j\n-r,\'rhlu: Suplumnx \\'v and stun-[mn- Nil“. In]! l’li' of :I x Afh-r l‘t'lI W In wr u! his n-rul \‘ul uzi liver Spanning: an nrruyo hetwon [W0 hills halfway to Silmu \‘nllvy was a slum w. ,< The surwrlIm-mlo-m «If [IM- "\lzlnlel old lmml Key" ln-lHlluo-(l tn the type that In vat mum! r ”R? lll It.“ vlllln Rue-“I n! "Minn Inlx'nl llnrr on lnmltlnn rutlwr than on rc-nsun 'l‘hm “'llilv “nth h'nllun unx mlrvflllly mun Rwy” ml mauled It “‘1“! mun- llmn ”null-lt- Hm! ullmwl v Dorr would m ~ltlr tlllngfi up with the up \ve-nkl aid of lin-n-n rlml nll [Nuns In se-Izv "\\'h:|t contrnl of HM- mim-‘s firov‘k wuuld ln- “Nntlm fume ”9 mm! 1w! lw nllmn-d to go hls :lrm thnn Pram-ism fall. Th But hmv In prervm hlm'! “'Ilke-r strnnt" son ponder-«l r’lln problem rill hls dark "Brlulgr {II-'9 “us surYIm-d with 1mm)" blood gums?” Tum» “us no \\':|_\' but the way of vlo . "Sure." Ienw Mun“: his sensuous appetites “'hlstllm: Wan nonc- fur Maud. but be neth-d hlm just mum sol! to Ms task and shortly after mld “But I l day mllwl for his horse nnd rode out. Tlm m». smtlng that My mm going across the mull-Hum lnvlll‘,‘ to see nlmnt a fresh supply of the spat u wnod. ln [ln- smlnllv svnblmrd be our ed. “I‘ll ”ed a short som- We 29! h: “'us n he u ur- Id In”); uh «hilt-3‘ mu “'ilkvrfinn tho- ulvn l' [lull [burr \\ Vfllle' \lstn motor leh'k In!” In ornmlu :1/ 'J I'lll1[\ "But be Is the superintendent?" “Not of this shanty I never trust an em: until I've broken It." The old 11 John's arm pared. “H: lode? Don‘ sou." "I‘ll cu," sum ltrvrr prumprly "I'll leave my pzuwrs and my new plans In your charge. 'I‘nm." The old man laid his warm hum! on John's arm. "New plans?" he whisr pared. “ane you found the mother lode? Don‘t say nnythIm: m \\'err uxru-vmly '.\:‘-l _\nu jlh! h-nvv th [u un- l'\\- Iuw-n ln-rv smn- [In- lmnv slum-d. 3'14] l :m-xx' I run nth-ml In It frum cook mum; to \Vilkn-l'snu. The man: thing: ‘5 In timl Rulh. 1 Run“ sin-s Mfr. .Hvr nuhmly wuuhl hurt [hm Hulo girl But you've gut In go In l-‘risru'nnnl hvlp her Liko-Iy she‘s funmLhnrsvlr pn-uy much u strunum‘ l :0; Inst in \‘v\\ Urh-uns arm-v. um] I rm Run 1 rixml H 111::in " Holu [sz m L’UHI ”\HHNS Aftef momug over the pmblem N l felt that he must confide In some one l0! all the men In the mlne he {ruled gonly Tom Kane. He strode down (In- hill to [he vonk shanty and found the old man engaged In his task of pn-pnr lng tllv nmmlaly un-nl Tum Kane glanced at him and then at the hit of purer "I know how )nu feel." he ”lulu-rod. "but I've (\mked years euuuuh m knnw that H you lune l.nok hrrv. Tum." John said M) ruptly, holding out Ihv h-k-grum. "l huwu't snld :mythln: In fare. but Ruth Is lust In Sun Fruuvim-u. l'n- win-d [in-I'M! tn'furv. ”t‘ can‘t find lu-r" Without n uur-l the (‘Unk warm-d l'nr thy )‘e‘fnw sllp nnd rpm! 1! slunl) [Iv zlunvetl up nnd amid with rln- 111 must simpli‘n). "l rwkuu you‘d ln-t- {er mm: this n-H-ning's ruin-s! " "But my Wurk lwr1~~sulm~lx~l_\- PM“ got [u look after the mine um] \Vllkvr son"â€" Somethmg Had Gone m M [In “'qu Hu- mix he Nth! IL'! Hn- nwywnuw "did In: lnurv. Ho: \rvnt on ‘rum HIH Tnlnln n» h-nrxml :I~ L'HHIL' w run I“!!! Mme-r 1H Silo'lll \IIIHQ'} “Hh lhn' n ”'11., Mhl Huh-.1 Irwin“ and run-n) suum-srwl \HVko-r mush! mum” to quu-n-l “lth >- un-h "Y“ or III'UH-ml II [H 1:!" I'm-n r. h-nw- '1' 'Ilih-' H) llhl l lhnuflll In [hr m nu Sim-n H. H. H. [HH‘H <mih-«l Nrong “Hh l‘tm nndvrnnndlug ”he («mphnd Down In the spat of the machins- and Wm: hurn ed. “I‘H 1m you llhnfhvr mm whun We get hark [0 camp." kw mild (‘um fortincly. Sn [hwy [Irnm'e'SW'd HIV Inn: and dusty WM hnrk m m.- "Master Key" It wns dark whvn they at "Slurp." sum uld Tum Knne Whistling m hid hurrm again junt vonm nlnm: with fine " “But I hrn'vn't cut my rout." Thu mvvk looked m Mm WH mnh-Nmndlng ”he couphnd the spat of the machins- and wn Thw r wk [nu-nu! ww-Izml .Iml Hun-n unm- lntvl’v' lwhl r\~-r Hm [It-”It'nn'V‘ fur"! [If lllo- you“: rnle'm-r With :rwct rx c-nlnn lw nmnuuwl 1.. WI him up and ['hII'P Mm :h rims «III. 0! HH- Jun. |\‘ find (HM John‘s urm nuh-nmlhnlly vlnqp In: tln- lltth- unhlml'u nn-rk Sm-m: h:m ‘IH'IH'I‘. "ml uvmlnx In Mi N‘ll‘c" Kan.» urn! mm H to [he uumIdo-rhu: ra- nmlm' ..( tln- mm-hlm- m trunk; (or hi! wuny-unh-n Hm- L'lzlm-v wan sum r'lvnt. He- 'lllh'tH‘ “um P-zll‘k nnd nun ed h|~ Inm-m-r tumml [In- mi'n- ”1‘ oh! lmmh. uo-nrml h_\ MN!“ or (making [nulml rfw ”!le hulnlmnn- farm a! Hm‘r The-x 'H-rv ,xlnmu [H Um "\lll'llt'r Km” mlm- \\ hvn hnrr w'mm In nlmwlf “IIIwa 4er Hm lunk ~mMIo- rind “not! up weakly “\\'h:|t hnmwm-d'!‘ no ninth-rm “Nntlnnx m-nh." .«nm Kam- pulling his arm "hour him "Yuu hm] u but! fail. That lungr m-u-r wnu any [on ”v both hi~ nu r! “mm: "‘ «HM {burr In Thv m’o‘nlm: mu nus pouring 11 ml» hlne light thruugh n Mu!) anlfix- (on: whom John lmrr «'rlnu- tn his «mm-i T‘Vl-HU' fm-t 1|“‘:I}' (he nle-mlw mu RHIHIVIQ'HIIL' and [he- sun-H of «)H nnd \M'H'lii‘h My like: u min-sum in ”w L'Hl' h n.- -«.uI«l lmr'lly bra-”Hm ”0 firm.- L‘Ewl pul'rrui') up [hr filmy-e luuunl Uh- huh! :mcl f’lc 1‘ Int . nnwlnuwn-M .Iguth [lo [hulk-d this out. stun-d at It. laugh ed and “‘9”! on “FrIu-u for unhw.‘ mid h.- In tho Heart of Chinatown. [TH quick dwislnn Wilkerflon turm-d his hum: tuwnrd \‘ulld Vista. “0 M! In his povkvts In Sec huw muvh money be had. He discovered that through an M‘t'rfiiuht he had put Into hls povlwt lwtnrv leaving the office the lust Sun Frlnt'lsvo mint mod: for muwthmz like L'Ul'li. There was ln-sidvs this n couple of hundred dollars ed and luukc-d lun'k‘ l-‘nr lu-Iuw him :1 thin wurl u! gm); smuk.» Inurkml thv sitc- uf’ the mnnln-r‘ Kmmin: that ho “‘IH wlfu. Wilkerson vxlmrivm‘nd n tre mumhms rmlrfiun. [11- mixed himself oxnlmntly in his stirrum. Ho MN “MW “mam-r of the “Mush-r Kay" mine. :mnl rmh- r'IH'inm nth-'l‘ SM" Ur UNI n” hi\ \ummsvd (- :1qu kmm' nulhin: H11 [1h- “Fl“! nf'l Pd :Ind luukc-d lnlt thin wurl u! gm} sltv uf’ the 1mm].- u'xu' \ufu. Wilkors \\'l ”,1” hi\ ~k‘\ km “1- :IH) nm- vim-run] mm (IN! "Ln trri‘ .\[ l1'.‘1~[ l1.) Ulll' \\ CI!H\Q‘ Hf Hli< 1':I[ Dul‘x' nnuhl not L'n lnx‘tim-t [uh] hiL ”HI :I struuzo-r [I:I.~ hw mm! sm- fur hi1 [mm] [Iv nmnmw sniftlv Iluwn rln- .~ um- sidc and thou plunuv dmumnnl tn UH‘ rm'kx lwhmi Hc-fun' Hn- sound of that crush t'uuld rn-m'h his llill'lllll: anl‘s he saw u sml-Ivn hum u! "Illlle \hm-t up n (ll'IISQ' snlrl of smnkc 'l‘hc-n. HR.- tln- furuwuy run-Min: w! .‘I lire. mum lhv [mlu- or llh- Holding Ilium-m. (IIHmn-d by :n dull lnmlll‘ “\I). (201?” whislwn-d \Vilkt'rNun tn hi'xm-If‘ “'l‘lu- wh‘ulixn- tank v\plmh~1 mu! [ho t'HI' i“ nu tin-N lll‘ <‘l’Hllr’ho-vi in Hu- 'Il‘lhh. unitih: In M-v ulwflwr 'l'hv ln-nvy (rm-k l-ridm-. um) In the um” on [hv hill suw 1 bridge bt'conudénme man It wu ‘midni‘ternoon when Hurry Wilkerson threw the bridle rein over his pom”- bead and climbed down the bill liope till he wna dii‘w‘tiy under the bridge. 'i‘ln-n in: pull. d [lil- little saw out of his shirt bosom umi lie-gun work Hill-en minutes later he «limited up to (he rnml, broke the suw in UN). liun: lin- ['iu't-s into llio- ivrush uud r0110 nun" lie did nut Kn {Air From his [Have u! \‘Mnlnuz- hulh‘ly up iin- hill Iu- wnin-d The huur [lull l'i:ii|"1'li iwfuru be lumni lin- ruuxhing ii! (iii: umxnr M‘rliimi nu l-milmu Hui rm. Mun or liwnil)’ swwmin. curh murlu-d i:_\' u stabbing lvn-nth Tim“ in- mix“ the lruvk emu-Lu- h‘ulutlu-cul .‘IU'i1'llllI immu- In rumble- ilt‘fl\il_\' (imsn (m- sinih'. Juliu iiurr wna driving With him was um- ni’ lln- immis. HIlHnl 29; um huz'rur M In» thin: tn- hm! Iv. It hit hw- ln~ \wr) wnl. Hltll mauntiiln-vuuhlnur~t:lnllr1ungvr l rmlu r'IH'inIhiy nun) luu'ul'tl the- .-|' siqlv or tln- ”.idv Ho Iulht R" hi\ xummsm! e-rrnn-l :Ilmllt [hr wood Humu' unthin: u! thi< ‘n thw n'rm‘l nf (lu- nu-mmlin m- rum ~IIH 0|"! :rr “nuhl not m. In Sun l-‘rrlnviv'n “\‘IHH'I [UM hilll Y“ ”(‘1' HIP M’I‘IH‘ I :l strulllo-r [I:I.\~illn nxvrvnlm- Mm; rmxxt m-c fur himwlf uhul 114.! [mp IN! ”v Hmnntml his hnr‘w- and hid.- iI‘II)‘ Iluwn the shqm. ‘lzu truI-k hm! (”rm-(1 (-nmylnn-h Vh. HWH'I Hid ”In . \\':lf('!‘\\'1>l‘n III‘I HUI \'n' «“1 Hmvn; HIHHQ‘I' CHAPTER X h. unitih: In >41 n-v‘u-«i tram (h.- u w hrhlm- Dunn-u ”Iv ' li<t:|1 Iu' \u-HLI m'pr 1':|[:l.~H':-[\|Mn I! L'" In Sun I" 1 him In Hm- [HI'IH |\I'll m The brhlue I: \\'IH HIP Knne easily humped lumn the desert sHonve- the it ulih‘tly auuy to plum“: do“ n“ rm] {I WHh RWIH [In [ht MN“ SH! uh: H)" \' on M H IIII‘. \Hl “l'lu nurum ulmi m '4 n.‘ “'1” [hr n'nlhhv' :r cehwl {rum an HIS hvurt [mundt-d U Hh After nll his VIM-mink l’ruh- hunt. um! I “'karv-ll, dvhm: With NH mun- “'e-urH-d m Hn- Inn: H'H» u-rnu (hr (‘ullfllh-HL “nth “:n L'Iml In ro-Urv our 13‘. and sllnvln urn-r Hu- Illhlwr hum Rhe- u‘nu lllrkn-d in ho'l’ de nhd nun-mm: ammlll)‘ .nnn u'rwps In [hr 'll\lH n rap m thv dmn l ' 1- Whv It 1‘ lmrnrll to In-r mn Tho' lulu-r rMnr rrnm Hurry “11k. “‘31 H“ Ill-4 \\.9\ .l The garl I. suck. IND we mun hu” her to A hound-l!" Quirkly nhv II mum: thn- |rml ml m-r hmnrd I .\ word with brake and {Mr “Mfr “'nnmn stemwl tn lhr dent and In a firm hold hum! “'r‘nh‘ “\lm harm-1| um! daughter \ow .Inrm harm-II and ”w ",\l:v.~n-r Key" .\rr1\n~d nt 1h.- \IHHHH ln- ‘9”! lu-r .‘v wln- tc-llh ;.' of Im- mmm: [\H) mm nh-s Inn-r he u‘ |~ ulnulrd Hn- [mm A! he mum! hnrku'unl :1 twin! 0! Hm r-I1I~ dro-w n t-urtuin In his unmhazn. und n» turm-d nnd enu-n-d (hr vur Juan lmruvll rm! llllll II) ”10 sum :I (!:|\ Inn-r I-I\nll:1m 1.: h1~ stHh-d Hn- ~‘mnll\ .‘Illfrflrwh- un (luv Hml h-rml hi~' (mm') H Hun I ol‘k \\.‘lk|‘f\l'l|,l \.'l!! ”I ‘lhll [hut ll"!"ll[ II \uu'u- put 1': gr! um] yuu n- lmnlu! " mil :III “M <1|'I'!‘\LIH ‘l‘HlI‘d un Hu- [.Illh“ huh. min! [n'r -!mul ".\H m_\ anm'} M In Ilf Tum l\.|m' Nil un (hr tqur Iw~lr1r llllu. (“\h [uuwl HI lmlnl. 2|: n N"! u! I'lllllll'lll nr :unlmrll). mud :ln-ummh-d H lnh I’Hn'fll‘ [um-x "'l'lu-rr “an“! nn)‘ lhlm; vlw- In Hw (unL John?” lle- ln-m hi.- uhm- Inuul us if [u ulU‘h n “In-o per llhlmld lkn'r gme I rum-ous- delllallltlml John “I" ”IN! (“hr in:\ '1 In fluid. and Kllw mu um.- to (II. It! land and tum-b bum-ed dunn- lulu (he took Ilmnt)’ n‘lllmul ln-hnu oh-rn rd by nu) u! the umn‘r- hurl nu- ll”! lhlll ALI” t‘nn‘tluun mud \\l‘l.n.'|.\ illlunlllvd In In“; pm (u Ind uh I. :n 1w HUN [mm-flu] Hm! [Ir “Huh-IX Inl- null Continued on Page Hm! Hm" ‘IN’IH'I' Inq sun! ‘Tln're “M‘ HLII ('hw‘k hum (Dr \Xll III' p!" “in"! 1!” _\Ull Ila ~11” ”I‘ll H h 1., l'rgmu I‘m. mum-rx find I? I»: \Hu“ hlhkl") “In-11ml Im- ~'_\t‘n uldvl}, for [hr 1:." IVI:III,..»|.I u! llh hll.lUHHi Hum hr ham-«l fl'nzn llw ln'd Ln'ln’} M In Ilf [In-s 'H“ inlur'iuw um n ).»:1vri\ullu.\‘rn in lunmd to Ruth um! Vol I! 0r ”u- lmillml u‘vnrl Hu- (-n‘\ "torn IIII H Tin-n K'Im- my!” mm! tubu- mwlwml HI- (I! H\ [m Tin-n Irhmwh WHI- 11-1» lh «'[H Nu- )m n! It? What I. not hmnry II dour It und (-iunluu penny -(‘Mn HF'I'u'lv[~ ”my Ih-(l ”1"” [ML Hmmh-d \Iry- ti« In lh'l'~ III \unr haul I‘I‘ll nt and me! [Hr Mum Hm“ u ha "I! M~ hum-runny mu»! m- re HM :(II M! Hnr (hm I! \VI r:lll lhvh III.IF uln-m lll rulklnru- n “mum“. mun mun”: ummter of tln- \\ INIIH â€"â€"l1mdun (‘hrunh Iv Horn. 0' the Hung. 'Hw Hum lmu- prnlml-q lhrlr m-nr m1 mtunl Iinruli-nn (1mm (‘lnhlhll In Hn- Hulgurmu- It )I An ”1114qu h- iuuk {or tin-m in Human: 'l‘lw Mgr» u! (mm. lu-Hn-r Luuun m- the Mm: )urn, hnu- u-ry qu- to du “In: (In- Huun Hut one muxjm'turn! dc-rhlr Hon 0! llw Wurll “um-r" in from the l'grL lhmugh mmruum. u! Ihum vcilh Hu- Huln, ll u-vlus nu-n- prubflMP. huwen-r. Hun “nun” ulmnhl he traced through Spanish and Hnlznn In the [Jilin ()n-uu rnt Hm ”11- pm! or (hr (lo-ml. and afterward In ltnInnm-nque L [U lnr m lH-fi~ )' c-u ry- In :nmul n pc-rnun m-um “a- Li“? Immune [n-rtw plum sum: Hulda nu)- thvh hr “hm: "I IN} Hunr nflm In. um um! 1‘ for m- fuv “e mqu .'| :- uf running m u )‘mr ur I In- \LI lwhw 'ul‘ 1r N') l'x '1 III-hr H .1.“ Lawn {rum llw DP" lhrw- \u [1} um (I! F! John [In H: ,m-unf lulln " cm \\ rlhmll ”twirl-w k riding h- at th‘t‘ :1 FIND” and mu t'Rt'r||N'. “Imh n. “HI-m)! n rwntlu- U!‘ n umumlnnr H 1- HM- nnxlnng um- um! fur “III- “In. Inn-c. It, 1! In“ lu- Iu-[uzu'ui In IH~ILII.K IIN' ll " ‘11 llnhw Hn- “vii :Hul Hn- (’UIH'I 1‘\]*’I|~\( 1-, I‘m, lull Ull le “UIIIHHUII. M) ul-lmhvhl shall, wanrq- our rpm. mkv u drink u! llu- wnh-r from the m-ll In qm-stlunf 'l‘lw [amt Hu-n dra-w from M:- Mp pm-k rt a flush I»! dirty M-Huu- \rnh-r 11ml. :Ifh-r n'xlrm-Hnu the «UH. puss”! n over (H Um “‘le drhvr, Um- ulflnm‘ \Imx vnnuuh ”4- thr‘nst thv battle aside with n dhzlwlml look nml strmlv out of the nulrlnmm with nu nnfiry growl. \\ lnzlllvr ,\l h-IIL’H Alum“; lhr m Jun-pl: \IM 4 \ nun pm! and 1 from 'l‘:|::l‘ hr Ii morn! ulmhmu In an jula-w- “In (In-n- “u." n hula u-r. UHI' «law 1 nrighlmllmml i’l' nHuw him In «1 him 5' hqu-i n nnl)‘ Uh ILw urn “utvl' hm! lN‘Il‘ drllxkulnlv T'H his “wrrk. Iva! us“ ‘(h-Ih'vr \\ 1‘ n 1! Ilu- [burl l'I “INN, And In Unnnoworlblo A>9um0nt In a Sun! I! Law HI mid Thr pxmul u-nvr lulu-u ~':|l¢- uf nu wulc- ”r munh rmlng ur Inlllnu L’ ':|\H_\ 1mm {n A WELL AND A POET. HORSEBACK RIDING. Holiday biscuit, bread and cakes will have a wonderfully fine flavor if you use the flour that cost just a few cents more than ordinary flour -â€" Occident. The Mumc- 1mm: “LI \\o Hu- («1an 1‘\]”IL\( 1-, 1m “UIHHHUII. M) ul-Imhvh our rpm. mkv u drink (I lHl \\ In N- N 'H'avl “In“ l 1:“ L (If K‘NNI drinking «3 11 “Ml drhl-r in prnlmxrd Hm! HH- , unu- u (Iv-1‘ “rH '1 “erle hi~ AIIYI'I‘. "uni-HUI: Hm! :th'!‘ N'Il‘ '11:!“ H H In {1‘ In]; Hm If your [met hun't Occident Flour, he will get it for you from his wholesale destributorsâ€"JZDINGER 8: SPIDEL Phone Evan-ton 5035 or Wilmette 642 m)- III 1: WHO: hag-1- 1hr) up“ t! farm-l to pry” .'| 1n-rfu'l mn-lrr Ur I“ » \llu'l'rnh )HHHI‘ nuld l (ft-“l Gama! In \lmu‘ HM‘ [v “1th finl lH-lt' lhlny (lu- M‘l'h-I u! I'hl‘r- UH H “AMP! Inn-7- Yuk} (If lHI L':-H HH- ( Iv Hf “Hum l1 “‘1 rlnl uh I'H.‘ Hm myh uh“ h “VI-d “1H2 {1hr h I’m HI [In “a. In" loom... 0L Cold k-yul! no. mu...- - mg“ .........., Mafia”: 5 I at. Worn-mm n L. A hundmoty Ill-dud mm I n w' . mull-n of guy .00."qu )I-unm: '. ~ I ~ I It" @fmtu. 0L sum k-yulL gu- my...- n H mm c. In I-n'wv pneulnhc .‘.. vH-nyr ulnar-Ami HIID’SOM m vx 3,... m on nut-ntv fur-u .nhy .mu [urn Ihrvuu'v Mm I: A t .1 ulna“. vrvmm chant. In the Scleiflff Wfiéfican. Miss Alma Sahuri Sir-dial: Mung. 20;! E. Lenin! Ave Mount-nu 1m Hum-“rut Curr-0a Ind Baud 214 “mi.“ A-o. ”W P To»... 7|” Seumd 81.. near Central Ave Telephone 909 JOHN C. BORCHARDT Shoe Repairing 7 1'1 432 Phonr 897rV-2 Klemm Ct Inpnny, Idiom 1364 Woodcluod Avc. Phone “woo 3007 Gmo.‘ The hunt 09m Yrouvt‘n'nâ€"UM-T'Tw-n “In “an In! RLSUHHON.‘ Fm If‘ "Ah Hull” 34A sauna”. - First Class Electric Shoe Repairing. A H work guaranteed and given m‘mnpl attention. Frcsh Butler. H113 and l’uullr) Edna Stuart, \Vaha~ I,. Schaifcr J. P. STEFFEN The Boulc'vard Cafe filasxagr and .szw/ b)" (In How 331 Icnuds Aunt HIGHLAND PARK ”.1. Will Krumbach We! all He mam Van Run-n k’ vw laNr Dr ”(th Dim WM anummum. my. \ pm- Ishrd, handmnne kph! and ( lean. am:- hm: mm- |\ In \uuv Hm?! A Kahuna} “1H drun'r! a pun «paykllng hrahh- M. water In amrrsnun Aumsvm A \anunal( “Vale! [Hm lunlu \1“.‘.r Send t WHY NOT H ighlnnd Park Scroo- find 3"- Sum 0mm“. Ht mu! 1200:. Am ul- (2" >0! vocals-u unnum- oonm whu' mg nut 5! Wu“ wm‘r‘l’l 10-2. Anna, “wuomhmnn [mm-If 1w! w u- _ faith"??? I I... u m mm b- I Uflb‘ I»: M 45 St The C0] Fa Betti Chas. 1010 I.“ Anton Rub‘ ”day.“ have; SI You in" O.‘ Al the Hi West “filIMI ’Sonfis ' Rams LIAM! Drop me telepl mfiink Irv-‘25” “THE Mu amm‘ . Anny-l“ verv (nu-n \I\ Y I‘

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