Park »\»c fe rst )1 'n MI) 30m [IL )f WMIOII IIO'. ‘ $0.. 80-20 Albany Send. cumin-0d... .0... TA: Old"! and Anus! Mauu/adurns of 5A0! Funny: m (kt M'urld. IEEI-II I‘il \ .. I c2. a. Q: .32: lzlo E». II!- 1: Iain $352.89. 5:. .55 1-1. grub-I CS... mdâ€"Emuwilon. In round i pack ‘ 1n xmc pox". ynh sponge. 10c. 31:631.: xmc Dozen. wuiupongc. me. In bund- ooneJ-v'c Aluminum boxes, with sponge. â€c. H mar 49d" am no‘ imp ‘3. klnd you want. tend as m. price tn lump- {of (“Hull wm. cum- Bud. "GIL! mum only ladnu’ nhopdndn um: pouiuwly commu- OIL mun. r dishes In hm ma Indics' Ind cuudren's “wen, a“ mu MLM "PIEICI cuss.“ 1L ~. “Wrombmumn for Choc. an! “I†had. 1! rune! or Inn Abocs.10c. MD!" the 25:. FINEST QUALITY ‘5 St. John: Ave. Wamom' 1‘ ShoePaltlsbes " Smoyiuuad Sacha-Off!" My kidnap. und Construc- “Work. ZOymi-EM (.1 3-1“ his?“ Id WI The Copenhagen Shop 1010 lush" Full Ana 314.05.â€. In. Chas. E. Russell For Beautiful Chrishnas Gifts Adliï¬i- 10c; CHHm under lie 5c “The Perils of Pauline" :91: pl 25 or all-a. ‘1. Rug-l Eu. .1. ml .rs 3nâ€" ; {ï¬lm pl a an. #933. Monday In! My Wu News You will alvnyn find I good .how Automobile Tires, Metal- Rubbers A SPECIALTY Drop me a postal card or telephone me and Irwill call for goods North of Deerï¬eld Road EcstofC.N.W.R. R. Box No. 664 Highhnd Plrk Telephone Highland Plrk m-Y-3 Highland Park Theatre West Central Ave; DR. WATSON J. Smith Every Other Tuesday “THE MASTER KEY†Every Friday At the Highland P.rk Thenro LAD" ) .4 “on somus magma 4 LEATHER .3031; â€Ll! damn- _c_o_L.on Special Features onziimc School of Music and An Wioksalc and Refill Dealer in Initials a! Reduced Prices Green Bav Road. cor. of Deerï¬eld Ave, For terms address SISTERS of LORET’I‘O Every Saturday Iron Rags Metal Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. Tclopbouo 374 DENTIST hug-1Com uncut vnlm m. In round whne rah-I gouge. me. In bund- Highhnd Park Into the realm or the yellow man shot the auto, Before a doorway Wllkenon stopped. Rap! Pauseâ€"mp3 Rap! Pauseâ€"rap! A face appeared as the door created open. me face of a Chlnamln. deeva "Bed. the almond shaped eya namely VMble through the nearly cloud lids. A signal and a wmspered word from Wflkenon. and the door Maxed the opening. and I" passed through. With 1 whisk It cloud. Around bends Ind cornea and down As the dearth-es saw the course the other car wns taking they both mar mnmd. “Chinatown t" The house detectiw sprung from ll must nut of nuwhcre and In a savond wzm syn-«Hug nfu-r the fleeing ones. m‘t‘umpfluivd by ulmtlwr plain clothes [1111 n Tho; sighted the ï¬rst tax! as It roundvd [he r-urner of Powell and Eddy Slrt‘t‘ts :lrnw‘. lwr LII-v cw rho HumL “um rux‘! prw'mlml h)‘ [H'utu [ml :1! [ln- thwk . down :I twvnty (In “Keep mm our In 1:1an and catch It If you can!“ 'i‘he chunffour mnde answer with his 100:. "\VHI you be quiet?" Mrs. [)nmell‘s eyes blazed in angered resentment. What were the voice: saying? Ruth sat up. listened. slipped (run) the bed and tiptcwd to the cunalns‘ "You'll do as I say or"â€" “Harry!" "Oh. come. old man. What's the use or all this argument?" and Drake laid his hand on Wilkerson) arm '9 smuuiugly. Their eyes met. WIlker sou culmed himself. With her hand nvvr the girl's mouth. Mrst lmrnvll txvhl her by sheer strength. while the always (-ou‘urdly Wilkerson sun-nnm! hi< commands In :1 lnmh-r tune ttmu thme ur tln- girl had two“. Her head rt-ï¬l tun-k. and nor (may mn'nzxzc limp. "She's {mutt-«H (31131 n tax! at Once! W0 mlh‘f :zo-t lwr on: u! this hotel?“ In ith [32:11] lin- muurin: :Lmn Um qunru-r mmuu- :u; the um-unwxnus rm He turnPd “You mustn I go in there.†“W by not?†‘ “She‘ a sleepingâ€"you ll union her." "Oh. all right!“ He paused and look- ed from Drake to Mn. DemelL â€Well. let's get down to human. Whore are the papers? Have you got them yet?" "I tell you. Jean. you must do as I say! If we wnut to get |nssess§on of those papers and secure the mlue we must not!" "Uh. 1111 right. As you say.†And he stepped to Jean and turned her uruuml to him. Slumi Bung: "Hullu helluf" Wlth um- rush the trio were upon her Mrs‘ Darnell seizvd the uflrlgbted girl and dragged her from the phone shu ~‘(‘I'v:llhml “George. for 6911‘s sake. do some thing?" "Tlu- girl is sick nor to u hmpnul "Ssh! Not so loud"- and Mn. Dar- nell looked apprebemlvely toward the heavy plush hangings. heavy one? She turned on her and the moonlight shone on her white light. :nsp Befm'v the dumruumh-d clerk or [be unmzn-d gmwts could stop to act they were out '0! the [mu-I and in H mm was Wul'th “tulle “v wuuld win the Inim- mu] lin- uumnn a‘xn The umw: ’l'ln- Musmr Key!" The lhuuum hruugm Mm Inlet like the >11.“me u! u “hlp "\\'lwre I: me girl?" I... muted umut brusquely "In there.“ and Mrs. Darnell “united to the vurunus dh'hliuu [(ulh'n room from the other Wilkerson uwrted tom'urd the arch wuy. "Harry!" He turned “You mustn I go in there.†“W by not?†‘ IKéps. Inotber bend and unother (mm of Utah's. The-u uloug a lung ('Ul'rhluf. where scan-«Ix u my of hum Wml rm- blo- All the tune the nhumlux (wt «g “Ir Illlle )‘elluw umn nmld he umml m the "drum 9 ‘ Thvu M Ilnnr stoma-d the 'Il’m'wfllnn. .\Imlln-r serum 0! nlgnnln .umlhm Inna Wait The (11m Ola-um] with :n 1‘ .-u- Hur rwuhlmu mum] They elm-rm! a quwrly urrummd rnum \l ï¬rm 1' :Ilu‘e ll seemed very nun-II mu m- [hr eye [run-led uruuml H~ wull.‘ n.- IIH'JIL’P shape xure one u feeling of feurmme appwbenuluu ll wu- vummewly ryl- Indrh'ul. In her bed Ruth stirred. The mnh mur of voices cnme to her as In I trou- bled dream. Whose were they? Where had she heard that voice before? The "Slurp Uvr xcl'inzl Stnp her!" com munch-d Wilkersuu "Oh. that) all right. Jenn But In most hurry this thlng up." Bdoro a Doorway Wnlkorson Stopped he .[ lwr on: n! this hotel?“ :1“ Un- mumtw llh‘}? “‘vrr u n {In‘ Mm ‘IIUI‘ Almllwr mum and Willie-mun. n'lth nuns farm at (Kw girl In his .u-v con-rm! by Hh- cupe or :N r11<hzngzu‘rn~‘s llwlubb)‘. ln-um- Hrs linrnollstop- nle'xk nu: though to throw my (lui'mr hill is sick :nud we must hurry she nmnuged to side In a l'HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Aftervpolnting out that the gibbon and omng outnng are u a rule right handed and the gorilla And chimpan- Left Handed Mon NM Dof‘chvo. As Im hflllllt‘dln's.‘ N nu tum-ma] chnmrtvrisnc. ummrvntiy behaving as Momln-Iiun rum-sung u in lntrrmtlng to hum Hm lwllaif Hf some Invesnzutun that it Is Ulll' of (he stizmnm of dawnâ€" Gravy, sayi the Juunml n! fh-n-dlty Bnrdeiolwn is qnuh'd In German [wri- Odlcnls as saying: lee left handed (he speaker decided there In: no evidence It all that: left handed person wu mentally or physically lnfeflor. (hum-Hun \\'hiiu (ho lmx wnv4 snil HN‘ [NIL unhw‘x‘ tin-y mm!» hvnd ugnmu tho «tn-um. urn) mrrlml along [ulï¬l lhvir Inullmurka on H)“ Mulvs and hat: (um n!‘ (h.- lmx |'.ul urn-n the Inn Huntml ulnnz “‘IH) Kin-m Hwy carried Hun-2r hxmhuurks with (In-m. and so they made no 0ppu~itlnn to [pt-In swvm Mum: by the ï¬lï¬'illnr‘YOIHhIO Cnmpn ninn “That a few grout mun. such an Lounnrtlu «in “ml were left handed (1008 not neutralize the prevalent the Hot tn all ltL't‘S that tuft hamlmlm-«n Implles n suhsmndurd snhjecL The percentage of left handed recruits I: but 6.8; of school chlldrvn somewhat higher. These ï¬gures are very deeep the. however. for of the left handed chlldreu who become rtght handed the percentage ts some 26. Thu, added to the persistently left handed. raise! the ortztnal percentage of left handed con‘ slderably.†The experiments that proved um were performed some yenn ago by l‘rotesmor E. Pt Lyon He put tome little ï¬sh Into a bottle (Shed with N tet uud corked the bottle. whu'h he then placed In an :tqunrlum. whose sides had se:IWeed upon them When hemmed the bottle along by the uuli uh the ï¬sh crowded to the hinder end of the tmttle. Of cotthu- there was no current In the bottle. The dwh “rm trying to keep ulungflkh- that [mrl n! the wuweed covered \\':t:l thut mu up- twsite them twtore the bottle “II “10 v u L The most nuzural uuppoaltmu would be tbut the manna amounts w I (an deucy to push against the pn-umnr of the water. but experiment:- huu' shown that It ls no! the aunt of touch, but the sense of light (In! plays the Impormut part. The instinct Why They Do No! Gn Carr-0d Away Out Into Deep Winn. 1! pm much a school or minnows m whn- sin-um that [ms u strung uud stll ("Ul'l't'lll )uu wnl am: that they u.\\u_\s hcud upstream. The rmauu 13 plum. Only by cunstuutly =\nm~ min; ugniust the current um the bunk hall n-umm u brook Ush uud not 1111:11- 13 be k‘fll'l'k‘d oux to sun. as the brook empdes lulu a river. and the river exupu'cs Into the oeuuu‘ But we mu- m)! suppose [hut the brook duh knuws (but this WI“ happen tr ll Weuki) nl~ lows the stream to carry ll along. The 30mm minnow l: born with the In smut: lo rests! the flow of 1110* hrvuk |n unulhvr (-xlerun-nl (he pruhwsor rv~n-rw«l (he umdlt'mml He mmle u n'muL-n lmx with wire [wrung M and) 44.1. IN lmttnm he (â€urn-d \\'l'h mun! .xm! us xnm-r 51:10: with svuum-d. 'l'ln-n lzn [Int [lu- lid: mm Hm Inn and [Il-‘H' ('1' it HI :1 \H'mun As lung as the In! “Hi kvgut sliil Hm ï¬sh humh-d ugmnnt the rurrvm, lull! uq sown us the {ms “nu Jihm'wl tn Hunt â€my in m.- SIN'HIH [luv n~n lnxhlv H swam In nny (hum-Hun \\'hiiu (ho lmx \\'n~4 snil lhv [NIL nnhw‘x‘ tin-v mm!» hvnd ug: nu tm» «tn-um. urn) mrrlml along [ulï¬l Wilkerson at I sign from the (‘lnul mun Iald Ruth on the flour and n ('m- nm woman uhutflvd to her I! the lu-vk u! the yellow mun lA‘I‘th Iwr In m» charge or the urlenml. n» nllwl‘l n-(urm-d the way the: bud rum» <I:I_\' lwslrmg to put some of his [hemmul eflw'ls uu'uy. he [Had to upen (In. drvs- wr dr:l\u~m um] disk'uverul (In-m In ho In. km] He tht for u kc)“ and In “Li u! the brook ï¬sh is not to swim against the current. but to keep our the hum? “scenery" on the bunks or bottum of the stream. ()u the urrlvnl of Don ln sun Prun- clsup m- wnn met by l-Zwreu ul um ferry. and together tin-x stunt-d the Minn!) for Ruth First they begun I round of the untelx Falling In kx'xlle her at my 0! the smaller hotels. ï¬rst lnqulrlm: u! the SL Frauds. where me “u: sumrosc-d to stop. they Irrh'n-d at [lu- Mun: Weary und sore from Mn "Inn“ va- I-z-lw of the lllzllt before. Don was rl-ml)‘ to retire to his ruom. lnh-lldlng l0 pun-lmse weurlng Mplnln‘l [he m-xt tin.“ uf Hm â€umum rlnu.‘ Hm) Hulk-«l In 1h:- Imlfltig [muse Mm] svtlh‘d [In-lu‘ \I'HV." to uuzlit further dun-lumm-ms. IHIi' run-xx In» diu-ovurml Ruth's muwrs ‘ Hm mim- Hv unnlv speedy Inquiry ut lln- “mu.- m! frum Um clerk nnd (he dvtowllvc nIHH'II u! [Iu- m-umny Ur MN [inr- wl um! ln-r party Iu'ulu- m the Interim sutured qlmr r~ for the quartet. um! still muting mm 2“ wrun- hiding, \wll guummi by P... nun-Mu! “'th Sing. u [mum-r Inllzulill’.’ mrtm-r of Wilkerson m (h: lln'nt BROOK FISH. nu opx-nim: one of Hm diicul‘urml Ruth's [unlwrs H is said that the â€Mine“! nnturo usually in max-«Yul in obtaining the discordant "hut “uni" In regurd to this "when†mh'h‘v than the {allowing can bg'fqnott-d. "Ani disvusslnn which do" not tend to brim: two people into the one way of thinking: bx worse than uselesl" When to Call. Corvmonioua calls are not and. ho Ween women in the morning. cveuln; or on Sundly afternoon; A mun. aw- ln: to (be end‘onn of Dunne-u. any call In the tuning Ind at Sunday up hnlllz- I‘IUI‘ u (rm-ml phuuui t'll uf HH‘ ll _\mxr ward ('HV um! In Arm- 'l‘he [mum \\ FIHIA'Q‘ in frvmt \nt 393mm [w .\'o sï¬rdmw v than )’ I'H‘“ ' conwr'of lln- I suuwlimvu In HM vlnH|~ unmln-r hers. Duct-once (o the EldIHy. The pretty dawn-nu- (.r )quh In Inc in his; lu Huh-nu- [hone «My: Mum In (â€run-r gun _u-[ l: l: nh‘llj'l :In mhh-mv u! ut-ntm- Mrlb und tum-«Hm: (u be mindful of the human- Hun shumd [m huh! In those thM m huh (u be mindful of the shunid he pub! In those um! “hdnm Thl' lmxh“ lrmlu- (mu :2 Huh me- W! 111.le H")~I ‘ gun-u Five o'Ciock Tn. An nflnrnI-vn to-u is Nippon-d tn h1- lnte in the nrtvrnmm. get not w inh- nu tn interfon- with the tiium-r hour uhilv n-Yrvnhuwntn should nlwu): lw â€Kilt .\UNII;II1"HTHH‘:II§ nre rn-quirwi and when n hmtmu conï¬rm- ha-nwi! tn the cuntotn nf Mervinz hut tmtutmi nnvi i-uttrral Enzlish mumâ€; with thv hm SW00! (‘nkIN nn‘ not run! with tq-n. twittn-r is fruit or any sun Th.- Mm Nor the fun- tho- il'ill'r muv he- ttn- rnlv Itn‘itutiunn nn- ilifnt'itliilrijiIKK a mall (H‘Q'I' the tn'ln-[Ihutw or H mm to uni. friends In vutm- up {ur n “cup of ten’ at 5 o'clock such it day. li-lHl‘ ann Silk glow-d SIM sm-b nu ox'ruihm .\ nun prrw hlw muthnr. if minim“ ur In-r. ls nl 1mm hur rhzumrnn “'ln-n h-min: 1! should any fury“. thank her for thv An Ann-noon Dawuvon. A mustan- ulm wtntu-d tn prmtdp a novel dlvvrntuu fur her urtrruoou gum-tn prrpurvd a number of ahead: of paper with the nutm- o! I mum of In (lulu-rule dinner wrltfcn on each. and at the bottom of end-h lbw! Were I'rtt- !en the- Vt‘urdu. "l vnte for" The [mm-n- er‘e dtntrthuted. and the gumtn Wen- Invlth to write an “Hg" vzal n-ctpe fur thv wum. whh'h fvtl to lwr lot A â€mum-r u! an hour an al- lnwul fur the writing of H)? melt-M. nnd nt the mm! o! the tlnw the mun-r: \n-rv L'ttlhc‘rwl up and PHHHII'HHHHI. no thnt no um- hm! HH- tml-or nlw h.ul “'rittt-n. As nu nnnwn “are on the papers nu mm Lm-u whmw {mm-r :he hu-ld. nnd thus with II-rhu-t Imldtn-ns ~tn- mud nlnml tlw rm-Ipo on ttn- I-upvr in hand, Only the 1'\|l|)l‘1li knn“ “ho hid urtttn-n tln- rw llwfl “h . h ;-:muk .-.l w nmrl‘. tnlrth \\ hon thv} \H-H' rt-ud :tI-md When Ill! Hm rwtlu-s had ln-rn run! 1-:I1'h gmwt \utul nn Hm tutu-y du- hwh‘ fur lhv‘ r‘vt‘llu- ~11“ â€kw! how! T‘m Imu-ru \u-n- thv n w-Is-n tml .124 n .xnl \fh-t' tln' \nh'n’ 'nl“ hm-n Numb-n! Hu- tut/u. “Mn-h um :. mmkl-r} hunk u A Jill â€I“ In ml krmwh ~h \\ ho'h Li! _\1 ur (ulr. r'Hx' "Hourly mlh | ( 4“ â€v \~ mm“ in u \\ Ullll'n N"‘\'I‘ [vainly It un_\‘ 11.In [mm-ms [Ls Mums; frh‘mhl I-vllh-r. ifu-n In hm (.ltfwr :1 WP [irl'f‘t‘lII‘ .'\1\ Elm“ Yr'u'H-i‘ (w h‘. ‘r and nmlhv-r ï¬n! H llwx u m. In H nun-T u! I'uur‘h‘) (n m and “M1 to hz~ “17.- h â€ï¬eod farm I" In M In» mm! â€11 sho ur Bu" Announcomnnh lll Th. Last Word when w Ru. Ircom Et‘quene 1H1!!! hv NY In :1‘ hm Il’ 0H (*1. Tabla .- Im'lzvmm the :Hu'~¥‘ I! in HIV hiNh-u‘ mu m‘vnlng'i plvm-nrv :M nut he \rurn m Kn! ours nn- lurupq-r cfh-r llu-nlï¬ Ill'flf‘l fl Hu-s had 'bv'rh UH Hm pup-1 ~11“ â€kw! how! â€Inn [H] .11.. 7| r.xlu|.IH ~1r «VI-mg on m. I hm! lnlrlr xuzm run- )\\ Hm in 1315! Hr. m ..r .| Jun“! l~ mlrm- Hm! _\-~u Ifh‘r Hm [10;th mm MM Imu- w' III M \llqnm 1I‘I\ HUI )au r. “In“,hr m m-nt lu-ndq- hn-r In Hm! In \VII) H hung on HM H.“ h \\ I†ml H m lL 1 HM “1-H I'll) â€h [1h HI Ill "\nu t‘nn Ht up In 1'. m- }t-u (mm- a (flu-hi! :md vrnwl nndvr H whvu I ('n-dHAIr ln-uH-I lulu nighL"»|urflk Courier Jmmml lguoflncv never nonle- I cumâ€" Din-ell. Ipuum- u! Sluurl H \\:x~ (hr 1.1!«- gm. w]. 1.. pruhl rig!) and [ha-v )nl (nun!) Tho El-portor. "“'hn is your (‘hlx‘lzo friend?“ “Me I: n pmmlnrnt n-poner," "What do“ be upon ."' "I didn‘t may he "pom-d anything He used to be a porter It (be hole! where I Itopped."â€"Clevelnnd Hun Dealer. r--':n\hd .‘I\ H mum] in “w 1m! "('11 t'm v H-rran-d {rum tough! rm I'll! The 80- Horn, Tho- umlr Ina- hunv hm. n IHlu- [mu In H- 1â€. .u’ unrlu-r Hm» “but unm- "mum-r ll l-mm-u Hn- nuu- .I in»! UH- m-u |4~II\C' | ngnhmx n ~lum- and I In Inkr thvu (h'imrh HIM nn- \vn nnml rumdly "In! an: [>111 Illxlu Hf [lulu-n In: It? Tha- c-flwl ht ll of n xn-ul luminous [.0an or uxsnl. \Hn-n n pyrnplmrru light Hut-l uul It h- xml [um-nary [U m: him up with n“. to drnp u «qu. 1n him ur to Hmwr hlm awn). but u mumrm'p duvkinx 1n r‘nld “Mrr mmm-s Thon- ufu'r hln thrw- MHQ- lunh-rnn. mw uh Hm lurwnl und 1“.» on Hn- luuk. rm]! :ngnin nu lurk!†u radium-0 a! |'\I'r m III}! â€N Hun-s. â€I! M â€Jr I'ML. I'mlnn- \-~r_\ m-uri) us ur “mum pro unmiti- H “lair lin- Ih-rmmm pro Lunhvu- it us if n \u-n» npriiml \iuynu} :Hnl HIP Irmq-ln- “f (h(‘ XI-lhvrinmh wall 1: [in- .\l;i.n lirnxwis in \[n‘iimi Hrux u-i..-~ :Il lh'liil‘ “mi ilu- [hull x in nu! lot)» lltllilllt‘d. [H‘lldvrtnnlilir un Hm rhor l't‘lllll‘l’. in [urnnnun Hi qunhrnmmi by m inhabitants. lml ii 1‘ Mum“ up '1Ԡnmndv in mot-t of â€Ir punxmphim Anisl In ill...» slut-Hui .\in,~l Inmnu: bl [mun-n nl immr. Vii-mm in Wivn und (ihvnl in (:nnd. So one might :0 duwn (h.- ihw It in [n be hoped [mu Mime (In) the geo- graphical Iovlvlien will get tum-(her and nut-w upon a uumem-lature mm “H: be unherwily uduph-d Damn Tribune The Pyrophom. A living light. (‘llHt'd [hr p} rnpbore. makes iliuxuinutiun ( hc'lfl) and muren‘ in†in lirzuil. The pyruphurr in I minute-r fire-Hy nn iuvh nmi u hulf lung \\'lib lllll‘ It bl 1m~~lhiv in fluid nut- mm. and three wiii light a room The lirnu'iiun [x-nuum, win-n in- inn-mu by night the [x-riiuu- fun-col path: of his nuzutry, {nah-nu [u with nhw n py- ruphun», Thus illuminated. he has no dimvuity in avoiding poi-0mm: lulkfl. pilinil- and wild henna, Thi' BruIJiiln Hum-[tr {ash-mu in hvr hnir or lwr vor sum- :1 pymphuh- invmwd In whilv (nih- Tha- c-flwl iv. ll of n xn-ul luminous [.0an or uxsnl. Win-n n pyrlullmrru light Kill-l uui ii ‘1- [ml [um-nary In :11: him up with nil. in drnp a «min in him Why Fore'gn Nomenclltwe Ohen Pu: xi" Amerncnn ï¬end-n "Mummy: ul um Ilme Ire-curd the proph- u! bl» lawn In I u-ry urnlnup luau: fat-him: and urn nlwuyl anon lug. on om- pin or another. (owls. goat. and “(her m-od- frmn them. "Al In! â€my vuuld bear ul- onur Unn- nu qum-r. and no Hwy hound hlm m‘urely, [nut him on n urn-11 in m- own huuu‘ bum I ï¬n- under hlm nnd Iprlnklul n qunmlly u! rn-d popper m. H Thrln (2)?) “r“! on! nud uhâ€! llu' dm-r u-lmwl) lx-hlnd lm-m 'J‘hr {run urn! umukc- nllcvd the hm. and Mum mun uni-nun] (n-uwmhnmly. â€0 “mm! hnn- din! l! Hu-rv hm! Inn-n n hm.- umn- {wmwr on lhc' nrv ’,\Y l1|~l Hwy lmvk Mm UH! 0f th- urn! “nuke [tlL‘u hnm'u hnu- din! mun- IWI'I“ ’,\Y Ind \‘anv nnd Ana- the Troatmom HI Doc-mo Quito a Minn-My Chap. in "Among we l‘rlumnr Ii.nkm.;u' John II \Vm-kn lrll- Ilw upâ€) at I vim-I. Mnmpuyn u! Klnkutu‘ “In: I'nll I'd Ull blm ll “'nlbru slulh-II lu r1- qua-I that u twn-ln-r ln- u-ux lu m- uwn. "He mun-d n wry â€uh-L gr“ tlemanl} pun or umu." my: M: kat. “and I nun u-ry luurln rur prised In bar that ho- had not alwnyn been no drhrrulxul and mum-cu. JH "Hoke h. m: Hun ‘ Inn lh hnr :nu! n htnlwl uh Ionnl} kn-pt ' TiEFORIflR'G A SAM \lvu‘n H 1m "III 11 I or \Inililm‘t Gun. HIndy The allxnmuhlh- ha n 1m.» GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. I hid thgv lmvk Mm UH! 0f th- kv nnd le n nHrL m-rmun M! chm! £3 rxlo-nnlnl nrnn wtlh the Inh-n uf pnnhhlnu him Mill {â€er Hum lu-l him H" on [mum-m of n :nu! mnln |»rum|,-u-~s hf IN-tII-r h1- nv “Pm I: prnxulws hr hm: nvrupu llmluu-r ll l-m \\ lwll llw! in [WI mum-nun. Ill \ prulu IHI \.~r_\ m-url um I r~ \x:u.1‘.,u-. “x. .x } l '1 7t! \ unwind II. I Mr (rum; .0.“ ‘1 I" 5-â€! 1.1“! H. l‘ ‘ ' \x' E“: V'I‘l‘r“ “ . D' .‘luurl ll \\:x~ lb. .1 1\ u! "*“1’ "J“ gn. w]. 1.. â€myâ€! â€V .,\..r -\-.t pvt-‘1‘ [ha-v ‘\:ll (mull) .\IH"I.H.)[ 13â€" â€I!" "--~ .7, 7 -- “3n ?.I‘1"IY The 80- Horn, Phur Hmr lr I0. hur‘v hm. n lillu- [Huh I, P,†l and 1. .u’ nurtu-r mm» “but 1“ w'x Iv-mm qur H I411“! [In IL.‘ I, 1.< plum-turn! . lwll llw! urI- huh hm] :vnu. lu- .1.;.mnr pa mum-mm. â€1‘11 mvgu- 1., mm d.“ u! Jan m-u |4~I!\c' |-'1‘\\|“ (I... ‘y-H‘ 1‘ lm rxpens ~lum- and g- x.(|\ n ~Hn~v1 Bnhoh L19. 11'1â€.- HM Hm [>111 mi lu-r Hm. ru‘r- Hn- v urI- huh In Guurdu lrll“ M Hm l.(|\ r I‘m! 1} H 1Y2: [ht'\ 1w! \\'« ‘in H: lh-I-gmtn L'thd‘ rm! Lxmfltu |\ H. an: TIII’) 'SE. ‘HI‘ Iâ€) Ill. and u! Lab- and ‘ " 11"†(mam) Nut? 1 Hut â€It grnv my! UNI-d HH-r nlnl Im- d.“ u! Januan A I) â€It. and xhe law- lm rxpensrs u! amh pnxfl‘dlnfl. uhu‘h :n'punrmc'm um- prmull-d in! b) an or- dznam 1- pawn-d hrrrlumre (m the Inurth d3) (.2 ,‘xnu-wbrr A l) 1914. and the km 3â€; c mum»: of bu‘ h prou-odmg the ()rffumlnl' in: sand Iuppltmrntal apron! any-smurf)! hung on Mr m the â€ï¬‚u? 0! {hr \m \lmk u! sand uxy, and hanng Ip- plzmj U: the (nun!) cnurt 0! Lake Luunty tux an asM-shxnrnl of the cost: of and 1m- pvmrnnrnL nu urdmu lo bfnl'flll, and a supplemental spt‘Clll assessment (hen-0! humg been made and returned lo and court the ï¬nal hearing thereon will be had on the 11m day of January A. I)‘, 1915. or u soon {Matter 1: the busi- neu 01 the court will permit Sand supple-menu] specul assessment 1. payable In one msullmcnt All per- ml dnlnng may ï¬le obyecuom m and (Gun before sad day, and may nppeu on the baring and nakgpgtddm Ofï¬cer Appointed to make and Dated at Highland Pad. Illinois. Decem- ber 2m: A. D. 1914. Noï¬co Supplrmctttal Sport-l Amment None: No 104 Km“: ts hon-by gnen to all persons ttttrvrstrd that the my munml of the Ctty u! Htghland Park. County 0! Lake md ~\tatt ut Hltnms, haxtng ordered that I Kappzf‘l'tl‘Y m1 spï¬'tal aawsunrnt lx' Il-VIed ttv tnn' tho drttttrnt‘) of the «us! 01 the t...†:mt‘. )Y‘tlf'H'lit fot the gradtng, dratn~ a; twp 112;; u tâ€) mat‘udant and tuthcrwtbc w punt); «Hand Bluff Hau- Ind I'm-He in IL the Mt) at Hmhlandl‘utkumnty mt Lalu- and Matt 01 Illtmm. m tulluws, (mam) Nut? l'l:it(’1Â¥()nt tn tumtttm With ‘t H »t",rt.\ tnrut l‘mk Aw thrtue :. tt! rvn tt :1: tntersmttun utttt the vttuth t:tt¢- of Belle Au' ptudumrd Pal-4M I-Idflly VENCEL MUZIK Lat! Pan and Belle- AVt‘, and Belle "-1 luv-11mm, In“! (â€and Bluff Place, 'mv 1hr untrrh hm- nl xm- pan-d mad- m Luv-m pdec-d 1m on brand Nufl "m r Hmmr rautrrl) at nm (.rand Bluï¬ ',.| . and along Bone A\r, (n the cast- r'x Iv-mnnus M Bell? Aux, uhlch Im- yuu-rm-m “as pmndrd (or by In or» .;..'1h\ r passe-d hut-(Mme on the second .‘n u! Januan A I) â€It. and xhe law- “ rxpensrs u! amh pnxfl‘dlnfl. uhu‘h BARR†SHOP W. Cenml Ave. Highland Park Sunc t. 5 and 6. State Bank Bldg. H‘- 678 m MIL IL. .1 Dr. B. A [Infl- DLI L Bah: DENTISTS Sunday Teddy Harris Comedy Co in a number of his acts Admission 10M 20 cents Other Nights 5 and 10c 23 N. Shanda- Rul W M THE BARTLETT Theatre Telephone 632 Saturday Night Highwood, III. Special Vaudeville Every Sunday Paper Hanging And Dunn-tin. Enterprise Stock Co. C. M. GATES FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING (am! h- In†rm Camille > «UUYM mum: bald (â€and PAINTING pre