Albert LarSon; Stationer CARDS NEW YEAR Raymond W. Schneider The season of the year prompts us to express, to our many patrons, apprecia- tion for the business given us during the past year. In wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year it is our earnest desire for a continuance of the cordial relation exist- ing between 'us. Highland Park State Bank A C, JIORCAN, I’n‘snic'nt j. M. Al’llflv. l'zu‘ I‘n's Health, Happiness, Prosperity. to our friends, our patrons and the public. New Year’s Greeting! Growth, Progress, Prestige. NEW The Kind that Deserves your Patronage , Exclusive distrubutor for East and West Deerï¬eld Townships order now and insure prompt dellvery. Telephone 140 for: demonstrations - I]! Put Av; to our beautiful home city, is the 1915 wish of the ofï¬cers and directors of the A. G. Mc PHERSON 13 St. Johns Avenue Telephone 331 Town Car $600 Roadster $440 Touring- Car $490 FORD C. F GRANT, L‘ashu‘r Establisht’d 1899 Highland Park QUALITY PRICES 1 Highland Park. Illinois. Notice to Stockholder: The regular annual meeting of the stockhoiders of the Highland Park State Bank will be held at its banking house in the City of Highland Park, Illinois, on Saturday, January 9th, A. D. 1915, at 4 o’clock p. m., for the purpose oi electing directors for the ensuing year and for transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting, C. F. GRANT, Cashier. Waukegan, Illinois, Dec. 14. 1914‘ O. S. GOOCH. Attorney. Public notice is hereby given that the Subscriber Executrix oi the last Will and Testarï¬ent of Andrew Nordstrom. de- ceased, will attend the County Court of Lake C0unty. at a term thereof to be holden at the Court Honse in Waukegan. in said county, on the ï¬rst Monday of Fengary next. 1915, when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notiï¬ed and requested to present the same to said court for adjudication. her ' HELENA ‘ SURDSTROM, mark The regular meeting Of the club was held in Trinity parish house Tuesday at ternoon at two o'clock. At this time the ‘children were given their annual Christ jmas party which was indeed niuch en- iioyed by about‘seventyï¬ve little tots l ranging from the ages of nine months to I fourteen years. The program opened 1 with games for the little folks With Miss ‘ Annie Cobb as entertainer. Next follow- {ed a chalk talk by Mr. GeorgeG. Greene, ' which delighted the children immensely: jThe Christmas tree was a beauty and lwith old Santa there himself, made the l party perfect. More games and dancmg I followed and popcorn balls, ice cream I and cake were served. Miss Bertha Har- l baugh furnished the music. The ladies l who had charge of the party were: Mes- ldames James Watson, George M. Bard, {Herman Denzel. and Maud H. Shannon. lThe hostesses of the day were Mrs. 1Clare'i'ice (E. Smith. chairman, assisted by lMe‘sdames James Watson, E. P.5edgwick, J E. A. Turpin, Hamilton Smith. E. H. Purdy. Roy Pingrey. Gerald Peck, GeOrge :Philli'ps, Carl Booth. Stewart Brown, F. l K. Knight. Leslie McPherson, William 3 Millard, Richard Hawkins, Arthur (LourA ‘ley, and Henry Titsworth. Funeral services were held Sunday morning at 10:30 in the chapel at Mercy hospital; interment being in Rosehill. She leaves to survive her a husband and one daughter, Dorothy. Mrs. Lillian West, wife of Mr. Edward R. West of El CentralAve .died on Fnday morning. December twenty-ï¬fth in the Mercy Hospital. Chlcago. of acute coloe- mia. While Mrs. West had been ailing more or less for the past three years her death was very sudden. She was taken to the hospital on Tuesday. Dec. ‘5th. shun sketches L-ns (xrren. (Jain 'ILnkrz. .ud \w stzlnCc Venue Thv I t “111‘ gm" .‘ mtercstlng phy milcd " I‘hc VHXII NI lbw from lhc "I’Imy 5U)rlt'\“ Mrs Fav; and Ellis Faxun gave a duet; Mn [Run played the pmnu and Mr, Hills Run†'h mandolm. The J H. vluh gaw a sew-u girls mulled A n-udmg by Lr>llv (hunt, .-\ thwwm Curnl, by 'l'nrkt'r)’, Sung hv .\l'wrt K1 [1 mug. Reading 1mm Hen HUI. ln' MHUu-d th'h, Remhng {rum thv Yawn n: \u [.‘Iunfall, by James Ruwrll [.munl L) Emanur ersmi_ wwml (hrhmnn ‘ .:?r..\. b)‘ 51h. H. R,Sl1~.l!f.. .1 ulznlc-er' In Ilvzm' U'Vlm’k HH‘ 11‘ The next regular meeting of the Ouoli Club will be held in the Highland Park ,Club House on Thursday afternoon. Jan. l'7th at 2:45 o'clock. There will be a lltcreopticon opera recital, Wagner's Ring ;of (he Nibelungen by Anne Shaw Faulkâ€" ;ner0bemdorfcr and Marx E. ()berndnrler, gpnmst. Thu Epwnrth League of thr Nurth M E. Chunh ml] have a slt’lflh 'I‘hursday «\x-mng 1mm elxht In ()R‘lmk This Is Yu he fullnmrd 9 socidl hum 1mm Ic-n In (4me .le rchgmus wn arm-tram t'h-vm) in MM Highland Park \Voman's Club There is to be a New Year's masquer- ade party New Year's eve ll ten o'clock. The children's Christmas party will be held in the club house Friday afternoon from two to four. The motion pictures will be shown on Saturday evening in- stead of on Friday evening as is the custom, The Junior dance was held Tuesday evening at 830 o'clock Many dinner parties pret‘eeded the affair Highland Park Club THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, meAND PARK was ’IUH Puwhvtrrmn Church North End M. E. Church Adjudicition Notice \\'r(llh'\d !\ l ht' plug: ,HILHI 1mm .‘mrml (hrhm R,Sl1!l!f.. .1 plznlc-er' i "H16 '1 “(-th t} (:LHHN II Lh km. Ossoli Club Obituary MAN ('1‘ Executnx 41-45 JVâ€) End In A junk dealer from the middle west had heard that Ford, the auto manutao turer used tin cans in the construruon of his car. He gathered up several hundred tomato. sauer kraut and oyster cans and sent them to the Ford factory along with a request that they be made Into an au to. A week later he received a Ford by freight and a check for $9.80 by maul. He had aent in too many cans. The Flying Squadron, which will soon make a whirlwind campaign through the state of Kentucky. WI“, it is thought, ,take up the matter of a state vude law prohibiting the use of tobacco in any form. At the recent annual meeting it! the Kentucky Woman’s Christian Tem- perance Union, held in Winchester, Clark county. strong resolutions were passed by the convention. opposing the use of the weed on the grounds of morality and the general beneï¬t 0! the people. The Flying squadron WI“ probably follow this lead and it is likely that prohibition of the use of both liquor and tobacco will be discussed and advocated Many states have anti-cigarette laws practi- cally all 01 which are dead-letters as far as enforcement is concernedâ€"but no state has yet passed a sweeping law against the use of tobacco in any form As Kentucky is one of the great tobacco raismg districts. it WI“ be interesting to watch the results of an attempt to pro- hibit its use in that commonwealth. 1 Will Give a Serieu of Five Circular Toun Opening Wednesday Evening. January 13th W. C. T. U. PA" Reuolutiom Oppooin' the U00 of Wood in any Form "Around the World through the Panama Canal." wrll reveal new scenes at the various ports of call over the seren sea: from New York to the Hawaiian lslands. and thence through the Panama Canal 'buflt to New York 1 he second lecture, “Around the Mediterranean," wrll em- brace a tour from Tangier along the coast of Northern Atrica to Egypt and , the Holy Land. thence to Constantinople the Adriatic. Naples. (ienOa, and the Riviera. ' The third subject, "Around Northern Europe." wrll include Visit! to four great CapllalSâ€"LUndon, Berlin, Vienna and Budapest. and many in be tween place; The fourth topic, "Around Southern Europe," will cowpassa tour from Paris through Swuzerland, Italy and Spain. and back to Paris. while the concluding lecture in the course' "Around the United States," Will make everybody Wish to 'See America First." The entire course of lectures wrll be Illustrated wrth color reproductions from Mr. Elmen» ‘ dort's original negatives. ML Elme‘ndmt's Mnes (hm year, “hm h Will open at Orchestra Hall un Wain"- duy evening, January th, mH nunmat 0! ï¬ve Ideal cm'uldr (ours. The first. "N0 SIOKJNG" IN KENTUCKY? ELMENDORF AT ORCHESTRA HALL 'nloofn Junk Dulct. u Tonto Can and a Ford Machine FROI THE CANNERY No need of having cold feet at night when we are offering Hot Wat prices within the reach of all. Every well regulated home should h; are an actual necessity in cases of sickness. We carry a full line of Rubber Sundries for the nursery and sick room ONTHECORNEI w takes this opportunity to ex- tend to you their appreciation and thanks for the patronage you have favored them with during,r the past year and to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. WINTER NIGHTS ARDER’S HARDWARE Lamps and Brarkcts House, Power and Motor Wiring 134 2d. Steel Tel. 805-1. Estimates Furnished Robert Greenslade W M m. I ll(‘ LX'BI IIIUIIX HUG neat- cst appearing. Just the shoe for young men and men who stay young ’I‘hc best ï¬ning and neat cst appearing. F. Recktmwald GINES REBORED AND REPAIRED ALL MACHINE WORK GUARANTEED. AUTOMOBILES REGULAR OR SPECIAL CUT 9N SHORT’TOTICL North Chicago, Illinois One block north of C. N. W. Depot, near E.J.E.viaduct Practical Gas Fagine Machine Works In E. Central Ave. It’s Quality and Style ("I By (ht Ewrsnn FM“ 3 large range of size. for every reqmrenu-nt {mm “2512;; to: a large ï¬lter to Iupply ynur enhrc house EVERSON FILTER CO 70 w»: m. 3L Ta. Codi-l 0137 an... m SAMUEL LEVIN, Agent buy nâ€"We have u th a Vu‘Uula m the home Every musical Longing |s Ballbï¬fd Every day you Ifl' withâ€" out I \‘nctrola Is so much pleasure lo“. All the lalrsl records mdudmg the Fox Trot And you don't have In Trol in Chicago to Victrolas WATER MADE PURE AND CILAN are offering Hot Water Bottlas at OVERHAULED AND REPAIRED BOUGHT AND iSOLD. GEARS Lu on give you n “tin-Au “5.00 to $250. Phonic C30 should have one. they 413