mum .n. f Greenes News Stand PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. UDELL Entrrrd 45 gecund c‘ms.‘ matter March 1. 1911.3! the pm! wtï¬ce .1! Highland Park, thms. under (h;- .\ct ml March 3 HT“, Buy a Columbia Grafonola a: nghla: Telephone The \xlmlc family will enjoy it Wc would bv charmed to sell vuu one (HR‘ on 02m terms. You must us'c Nu- ‘iuiuh tax A ‘ . . . I have real dusting sausfactlon. ‘f' You cannot gm Nu-Finish‘ results wnhoul Nun-Fini-h.1 Every uscr bcwmes an en- thusmst. A trial will convince yuu It has no equal. Ill-FINISH REAL SATISFACTION p c PURDYM’ SONS me P. 5. Get the latest books written by best authors at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. The Copenhagen Shop Surveying and Engineering. Typo- graphy Landscape and Con“ 'lC-. lion Work. ’20 year: in Engin- erâ€" ing, Surveyjng and Conuruction. ers are differentâ€"some are better than others. The one sure best for .‘0 yearsâ€"the one ma: pmluces the moat heat gar the hunt mar. 13 the one With an: trade-mink. Heats a mid room in n ' z A, ‘â€"m the remote-st cor- m~.'<. he Mr; H (198:1 and odorless. Cvaii 6- '.y L-.:: can: an hour. to useâ€" OFFICE RL‘IDENCI’. Cum House Wuhan LR»: Forest. Trl 33-1 W For Beautiful Christmas Gifts aee 1010 “anha‘l Full Annex 31“,, Chicago. Ill Chas. E. Russ ell um ENGINEER AND County Surveyor Let us ‘hglp youâ€"for oil heat- ‘â€" ï¬n: :md exnrr-"va one M be Urx‘.'~: h buyâ€"r lint gums .z: urn. nghla .6! Park Lake County lllmois ‘ fléater Wisely Qhoose An Oil THI'RSDAY. JANUARY T. 1915 DC. PURDYn" SONS "“1 ‘QUAUTV IS ECONOMY- Initials at Reduced Prices E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue ‘W I: m< IOTA-um I‘ll uxmflfla urn All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines f‘ r lastznz sum» You an only EARLIER H-uxlerR m (hi; . mm: “12 Radix" Highland Park 562 On Saturday morning last. Mrs; Ilzilling . tun“ rimthcr 01 Mrs. Wi J. Fy‘ffr. was walking on Laurel Ave†slipped ï¬nd fell on the icy sidewalk and is now tnnï¬ned to her bed with her left leg brdken be- tween the knee and hip. She is doing as nicely as (an be expectfd. but “ill {probably have to remain in bed for a numbu of weeks. Mary‘s CathOLiC Church. Sundlly marka tht‘ silver }ubilce of Dr. 0' Herrin being the twenty -ï¬fth anniversary of his priest Mr. and Mrs. George 0. Fairfwéather ntChxcagu,'who spent the sunimer in Rm'inia. are receivmg ctmgratï¬ulations on the bith of a girl, b(rn Chrisnnas day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Cain emertam- ed four nut-ut-town guests,ovcr the New Mr. and Mrs. George Pctt havt return- ed from Toronto. Canada. whgre may spent the holidays with Mr, Pan's pmï¬. Wm. McNanly and Aubrey Warren of Lake Forest are in ï¬rst and second place in the two-man tournament now running a! the new Lake Forest bowling alleys. Mr. and Mrs. John Erb and} son. of‘ Chicago, spent thv week-end with Mrs. Erb's parents. Mr. and Mrs.‘ George Sutlth. Sr. The Misses Dorolhy. Rosalind and Cynthia Fuller of'Dorsct, Englï¬nd, who are now ï¬lling an engagement at the Chicago I ittle Theatre Fine Arls Build- ing spent the New Year with Mr. Walter llately of Beach St. \Iixs Exa Horton will be the guest thls week- and of Miss Elizabeth" Hem of l: LWIICI’ (m Ms! wcek Tuesday .\Ir. Haber! W. I'LMUH («All on the if}! sidewaik hear his home and is now suffering with a brnken milnr bone and injured foul as the result of lhr- fullr We are glad to smie he is doing nicely. ? ,1. Hrs John lhpp u! thuagn turmerly . “g‘. n! Highland l’dxk spun [he hnl days “I!!! *4 1m 51)†Mr. Joseph Bmddard of .\. second St. I Mr. Arthur [’ixlcy uf Chiczigo, well finam‘n in lhghland Park, who spent the summerut the Eix'moor Clubflwas the dinner guest 0f Mr. and Mrs} Robert Carr Tuesday evening. ' Mm Tessilc Astor of Mllwurhkuv} Wis. H'ghland Balk Woman's Club \\ as the \wek c'nd guést of he} Iclumc Mrs Vencll Muzxk. 3N Fast 5!; ; The next meeting of the Woman's ClL Mm: Edna Brudddrd spent last wuk vnilmg relutnvs 1n Chicago. 1: Mn" Ruth â€app and Mr§_N01111;1n [.nughhn 0i Chn‘ngo were thaweck cnd guests of frlcmis hero. ' Miss Kathleen Burgen is the guest for hm ur three days of Mrs, Hugh .\[c~ I’mizxm- at River Forest. 1H. ’ Miss Helen A. Mott of Chic 0 was the New Yeargucst of Marmara .Tremaine of Oakwood Ave. . g Miss Consuelo Bergen: of Saï¬ta Fe New Mexico was the holiday guest Mr. Walter C Hately of Beach St. ; Ml» Axum Idldr nf thing" was the guesl on New Year‘s Day of Mliand Mrs. Thumb Unify. Honk-wow! Ave: Mrs R. P. Davidson.’ ,_w ho has been cast for the past weeks. returned to her home Tuesday afternoon. The Northwesterï¬ Miiitary'aï¬d Naval Academy cadets rétumed to the Academy building Wednesday evening in} time for supper after a vacation of nearly four weeks ' Miss Grace Johnson of [Wink ng was the New Year and week end kuest of H. K. Coal: and family. ‘ I 8!. Jahn's Ave arc’ rem-wt [mnsun [Du-bun!) «)1 a < Sum’nn naming Mr. and Mrs. H. C’ Sampsob of Elgin Ill. have been the holiday gueï¬s of Mn. Sampson' 5 parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bell. Dr. O'Herrin of St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee ï¬reached the sermbn on Sun- day morning at ten o'clock Mass in St. ;).1>I \x‘w Mr and Mrs Roy Howe of S Green Bay Rd, had as their New Year‘s day guesxs Mr and Mra Arthur Hanson of Chicago. , Miss Lille Bell spent last w‘gek ï¬t Mu- waukee, where she visited (ridnds. .Miss Lillian Petersm of Evanfston. will be the week-end guest of Miss Helen Conrad, 1'22 McGovern St. Mf. and Mrs J. V. Norcross~ and:fam- 11y whu spun! {he holidays inilanesville, W1». have returned home. Mr. Harlan Freeman of Wcsleyan {him-rm}; 02 \hddleto) (011311. is the gnu-<1 m L Lu‘cncc l'axlmmcm Mr. and Mrs (":0 Pllstm pure the mck cnd guests uf Mzs. hisicr s rela- tins m (-1cmoc.‘ Mrs‘ F. A‘ Hagget‘ty and sonfl’crcy. (If Armdxa. .\Inch., are the guests this‘hweek 01 Mrs. W‘ L. MCKL-nzxc of Fink St. Mrs. J. MCGrc-gur Addms is }hc guest ui Mrs. W. “I \anlits preparaï¬ory to go- mg tn ’l‘homasvnllc. 03., tar th‘d \HIIXCY'. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. mec qf Count)- Line Rd, had as UH'IF guests (aver New Y'uar 5 day ' _and m;- “eek- énd Mr and Mrs R. R. Howard andLM:r and \lrs. John l)e$ager of Chicago: ' (H’lf LOCAL AND [mom ms \'<‘nc:l M‘mk Jr. who has becn on the , y. w a ' In! suï¬trrxng wuh mnsxhus lvr the -+-â€" m week us much nnpmwdn : , L MI, and Mrs. Willmm z_1nn ox \' 1111;411:111le- dpughtrr burn THE mom éARx Many Cur: Annulled. verll Changes in Milwaukee Local on ’Satur- day and Sunday .- The new schedule on the C. M. E. which went into effect Sunday has an- nulled the following trains. The time given is at Central Avenue. North bound from Iivanston to Highwood 7:40 a. m., 8:10 a. m., 9:10 a. m., 6:40 p. m., 10:25 p. m. and 2:41 a. m. The trains annulled south bound from Highwodd to Evanston: 6.11 a. m., 12:41 p. m., 1:11 p. m., 1:41 p. in, 7:11 p. m. and 7:00 a. m. from Zion City. Milwaukee locals north b‘ound: 9:55 a: m. which has ijnade connection for Milwaukee at North Chicago lunction Saturday and Sunday will now make connection Sunday only. The 11:25 a. m. and 7:235 p. m. makes connections with Milwa kee local at North Chicago Sat~ urdav nd Sunday only. “\Eublic'notiec ls bushy given that the Subsc Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Andrew Nordstrom. de- ceased. will attend the County Court of. Lake County, at a term thereof to ,be holden at the Court' House in iWï¬u an, in said county. on the ï¬rst Ma'ndAy of February next. 19l5, when and where all persons having elalms against sdid estate are notiï¬ed and requested to pmsent the same to mid court for adjudication. Wuukegan, Illinois, Dec. 1'4. 1914. O. S. Go'ocu, Attorney. 4 The American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. in loaning Mr. Benninghoff to (his grui! institution, feels that it is CU- operating in a nétion-wide service for the moral and religious uplift of Japan's young mcn. NEW SCHEDULE TOOK EFFECT SUNDAY Waseda l'n.versity is the largest Univ- ersity in Japan in point of numbers, 8.000 students being enrolled: There is a teaching force of 250 professors and lec- turers, all Japanese. Count Okuma, the present premier of Japan, ié the Founder and Chancellor of the University, ably suppurted by a capable staff of adminis- Lrutore of whom Dr. S. T§kata, a former \I l' is presldcnt. Mr. and Mn. Wm. (Expat and but!!! were the New Year's day guest! of Mr: and Mn Cat! Hanson of North Chicago» Mr. and Mn T. H. Maw: New Year“: day with relmives in Batman. Professor Clarence Nuremberg. wï¬o spent the 50mm with; hi. father.‘ bu returned to hit duties It Chmupaign. Mrs. Lu- Smkcr uf lhghmmd, who un dcxwanl smfvml operations. m the Aug ustzmn l1us§>1tul'l\w§d3y,ls rcperlcd as (10‘ mg mccly T Mice Clara Waite will entennin the ladies of the Baptist Church and. their friends at 5 Kensington at hgr me, 225 N. Second SL, next Thursday at moon. Mrs. Joseph Schiebrel of Chicago open! Wednean visiting her sister. Mrs. M. C. Conrad. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roth Will have‘as the†guests this werk-md Mr. and‘ Mrs. George (‘hambcrlzmd and ‘ children lot Chh'agu. ’ ' “thn the Slate Federation is Asking '0! m:- ngislalurv," and a talk by Miss Elsa \\'m'xhc1m. Thc regular social hour- “nh n-freshmcnls will follow the pm gram. ‘ . American Baptists realized (hiyas a splendid opportunity to reach the student class in a great institution. loaned Mr. Benninghoff to the University and built him a home and student dormitory in the ncighborhood okthe school, whet; a/bdï¬t thirly students carry oryariou§ 'forms of Christian work, and condth a model Chris ‘an home for its members. Miss Alma Johnson is the amt unis week of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walterman of Chicago. Howard Kuist preathed the sermon at the First United Evangelical Church Sun- day evening. He is a student at Lemar college and returned to his studies this week He chose‘ ror his subject Sunday “Victorious Life." Mr< Lhas. Ford of Wuukcgun, vxsih fm nds h‘ n- on Smurday. The next meeting of the Woman's Club wxll mkc place next Tuesday afternoon at tvm thirty m thél’resbyN-nan Church lwtmc mum. The program WI“ consist of a talk- by Mrs. Benjamin E. Page LECTURE IN BAPTIST CHURCH TONIGHT Rex. ll ll. Benninghoff of Tokyo 13 pan who la a missionarv of The Amer- ican liaptixt Foreign Mission Society, will giw a stereoptu on lecture in the Baptist Church tonight. After reaching Japan the authorittep or Wuseda University re- quested that his missioii loan him to shem~ for soéial and religious work among the students. They) also requested that he be made a regular member of the faculty teaching, two hours a week, in order that his religious work might havethe prestige of the approval of the University. Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson hid as their New Year's day guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waltermgn of Chicago. The; Woman’s Home and foreign Mis- sionary Societ) will be entertained at the home offlrs. Frutluritmh T hursda) afternoon. By Rev. H. B. Benningho“ of Tokyo, annn to Speak. Every body Welcomé Adjuaication Notice HELENA $::Noknsmom, 4145 pd mmmfm The only other alternative i3:x {or each and every “lame duck" to en- deavor to walk as indus'triously and A: straight as ’ he did before he 5went‘ lame. E Special‘attention is called to the motion pictures on next Tuesday evening. The subject is to be Charles Dickens' master- piece "DavidCopperï¬eld." These picturu come highly recommended from various community and settlement houses all over the country. These picturei have been exhibited at Hull Bovine. Chicago, and are of the best movmg- picture type. The entertainment is to begin promptly at eight ï¬fteen. and will be over at an jam and put through in the confusion and rush incident to the closingdays and weeks of the Congress. From the point of View of the pub- lic and the best intepests of the people whom we are here to serve, it would seem that such a considerable portion of the service of any given Congress should not come after the succeeding Congress has been chosen}. Noghing can change this con'dition, however, unless the Federal Constitution. is amended and that is not an easy thing to do. This short session in :which the House contains such a, considerable portion of defelted Members, and the Senate also a number, but loss in pro- portion to their total membership. using to the {act that only one-third of the terms of the members of the Senate expire each two years, is by no {means on unimportant one. During this session all the annual appropria- tion bills for the ensuing ï¬scal year must be acted upon and such time u is not taken up with a consideration of appropriation bills is crowded to the limit with‘ bills that were not reached for action at the previous session,â€"-â€"some important bills that should be acted upon and others claimed to be important but yvhich either are not so or are positively vicious and‘ are being pressed in the hope that they may be‘caught in the The Civics study class will m:et'l‘hurs-i day morning. January 14th. ‘a! 10:30;! o'clock.- The subject of the morning} will be “Vocational Training." Miss? Davis will speak on “Vocational Guid-i ance;" Mrs. Benjamin Page. on "Lexis-i lative Methods" and “Vocational School‘ at Gary. Ind." ' The dance on Tuesday evening wag a i pretty, successful party i It has always seemed to me that it is not a good thing to have}; three month's session of a legislative body like Congress after the election of the succeeding Congress has been Held. At every such election there are a cer- tain number of Members who are candidates for reâ€"election. I presume this number will avemge as high a ninety per cent of the membership of the House. Of these Members that are seeking re-election, some are de- feated. As I have said. one hundred and ï¬fty of us were defeated in Noâ€" vember out of about three hundred and ninety who were candidates for re-electionf The danger involved in the partici- pation of these defeated Members in another session lasting throughout the winter following their defeat is that they will lose interest in their Work in the House and on Committees and fail to give it that attention which a proper performance of their duties demands or that they will become so engrossed in their plans for the im- mediate future that oï¬'icial duties will be neglected for the remaining por- tion of «their term. ' For instance, a recent roll call in the House disclosed the fact that a very large proportion 'of those absent was made up of Mem- bers who had been defeated in their recent campaigns for re-eleetion ï¬nd who had not had sufficient interest to return for this session. Bycmunom Wuhinxton, D. 0., Jun. 2â€"Jï¬le hit session of every Conn-cu is known â€3 the “short session," owing to the fut that it is only three months in 1ength,‘ beginning on the ï¬rst Mondny in De- cember and ending. under the law, an March fourth. Sanka session is the present one. It is $130 known a: die “lame duck†session, ~for it always contfim I num- bez of members who have been de- feated in the November elections at which they were candidates for meni- bership in the next Congress. There are one hundred and ï¬fty of us in Congress at this session who are “lame ducks." Roan! Roll. Cull Dbdond Fad: M I Lug. Pnponion’ of The. MC Highland Park Club I . Osscfli Club Cunnin- form Charles M. Thomboti. FOR PRESCRIPHON‘S‘E . Highiand Park, Illinois . Am I. m. ma.- m .L an. r». Praia: L; 0mm. (in. Making a specialty of loans on improved real egtate in the†North Shore temtory including Rogers Pank, E ston, Wi. matte, Kenilworth. Winnetka, Glencoe, Highlan P 1rk ané Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this ï¬erritory is continually enhancing while the rate of interest i§ attractive, norm 4 New Spec1 al to Highland Park Bow rs $1. 00 for High Scbre each w k $100 for most ames bowled ’ Wm. McNanly, Cub Don and 13de Fre! are barred from high score ï¬n'ze Afternoon Bowling especiallyinvited. MATT “ EIL, Why not have your clothing renovated ï¬re this week and give‘our work 5 fair trial. , Our CLEANING 'AND DYEING of ladies’ ' gem's garments. oriental rugs: carpets. portiers, aperies, piano covers. lace curtains, etc, cannot- be d licated by any local c1e3ner. as we have the LAR T and most SANITARY‘plant in the West. a A wagon will ed†for and deliver your érrï¬ents , 2123-2133 Lincoln Anton. CfllCAC-O remain. was 1w Div INCORPORATE) 214 EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Telephone Highland Dyers and Cleariiers “The Imperiél†Two w Ann’s. -5 .. ‘ I.“ of mu - 3 Phouu I. Convoniont C. l E. Servicn é short block fwest on Deerpath Avenue, LAQE FOREST Narth Shoré Trust compiny gtho Schumachers :° ug Store the 01d reliable p ° ce. We use nothing but Ethe purest drugs obtainable°° nd always have a full regxger- ed man Ein charge. BOWLIN (1% Shore Trust Corép 13 ; Capital $100,000 5 Mbn'rc’AcE BANKERS ' under the Banking of the State of Illinois MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS mam w. scngmcum I [Avillrestoreyou ‘ menu and make the {slash SWIM 9'" work a trial. good Appearan- ' lecessarily d ._'. enovatpd 5 fair trial. of ladies’ . : Diver‘y .» on: ’ifl 265