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Highland Park Press (1912), 28 Jan 1915, p. 4

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74*; xi: MWPARK Entered u .econdchu mutter Much I. i!“ the pout 083cc M Hmhhnd Park. “limb. all the Act of March 3. 1879. REAL SATISFACTION You must use Nu-Fini-h to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannnt get Nn-Fiui-h results without Nu-Fini-h. Every user becomes an en- thusxafl A trml wxll ronvince you It has no equal. Ill-FINISH; i< :m * ' ‘ 1" - / Jnrlnuxdnkmg A if); ‘_ l ‘ How about Records for that New Talking Ma- chine given you for a Xmas present? Call at Greenes News Co. and select your Records from their stock of the latest Records made; or look over our catalogue and order what you wish. Greenes News Stand E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue Continued from First Page would be paying a smaller tax than the people in most of the cities of the coun- try The rate of taxation based on the full value of property in the principal cities of the country runs from 25 mills in Charleston. South Carolina. dawn to 15 mills in Philadelphia. except in Wash- ington where it is 10 mills. In Chicago it is 17.1 mills. The average paid in the forty leading Cities of the cou‘fitry is 19 mills. Certainly before the people of Wash- ington have any just right to draw on the Federal Treasury. or in any other words to call upon the remaining people of the United States to contribute to the support of their local government. they themselves ought to pay substantially as high a rate as the people from whom they demand contribution. METHOD OF TAKING THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA All Steel Can for C N W. Officials of the .\orth Western Railroad arc in iaxor of all steel coaches in the; suburban senice as well as on the maxim lines running in the north and northwest,_.2 according to gossip among rmlroad men. : Chicago newspapers this wen-L6 carried a' story to the effect that the North West- estem would place sum-l maches in the; suburban scrvncc ‘n the near future. Such an order would View Heel cars and) all steel trains beau-u: chicago and Mil. waukee. Trains beyond that point are not considered suburban. Frequent , wrecks on roads throug‘miut the country " in which the old style of car made of wood is usually telescoped. lS held re-’ sponaiblc for the Change planned. I 1 All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines 217 l Cam] Ave-n: P. 5. Get the latest books written by but authors at our circulating library, at 3 cents per day. TH URSDAY. JANUARY D. C. PURDY Np SpNS INC Sq Paper HAn‘ing 3nd Decqnling Tckphont 1095 C. M. GATES mummy l5 «mm " gavnnmsflo 167d PAINTING HIGHLAND PARK m. 1915 ,3! Autumn Hewitt! Mv‘mhhm' damn-Immen- _ Mrmeklnku'olm “the Summdutmnémalm andumnonN.sc.johmAve.’ - Mrs. Edward Weish of Rannia Park. was the weekend gucst of relutu‘cs on; r the south side, Chicago. i Mr. and Mrs. P. c. Harder m s. Green? ( Bay Rd, hat? as their guests t‘ris week} Mrs. Savage and Miss Margaret Tole of‘ : New York state. Miss Tole left on; Tuesday for Pasadena, Cal. where she{ wrll spend the remainder of the wmlqr; 1, Mrs. Savage wxll spend the week harm; : returning next week to her home. 2 Mi. Bernice Me: of Odkwood Ave. entertnined Mia Ruched Hecketlwdlet of Am over the weekend. Little George and Net! Km, form- erly of this city. now 0! Emston. were ‘the Saturday guests of Mary S. Baker of N. St. Johns Ave. . ; Mr and Mrs Edward Mead of North; :L 1c 30 were the guests on Sunday of! fik Meads parents, Mr. and Mrs.‘ i! D iel Garmy of McGovern St. I Major Earl C. Camahan of Fort Sheri- dan. left Sunday to join his regiment. the 27th. at Texas City. Mia Catherine. his daughter. and her aunt. Mrs. Thomas J. Sealy left for Washington, D. C. Miss Frances Bliss. formerly a teacher at the high school. now an insuuctor at Lake View High school. was th¢ guest of Mrs. Ira J. Over at Prospect Ave., Friday evening, Miss BIISS came to attend me mimtrel show at the high school Friday owning. I‘mf. Ii. P. Clark, instructor of French at Northwestcm l'niversixy. Evanston, \\d.\ the weekend gum! an Ihc Samucl i‘;l.'!xament home on .\2 Sheridan Rd. Lntlc Warren Hruwnlec. who has been suxumly x11 rhu p33: (m; wccks, i: slowly mtproxmg, / '1 he .\1IS.\‘L‘\’ 31.1111.qu um! Mary Hamill m Lhirngn, wcn' (hr \Vtvk-cnd gucsts of \ir :md 3115. Thoma: Wclsh ()f-E. Laurel l The result of the annual election of officers held last week by the West- minster Guild at the home of Mrs. Elisha Morgan was; President. Mrs. Carl H. Booth; vice president. Mrs. Elisha Mor- [gam leader. Mrs. H. B._R6berts; secretary. Miss Estelle Clark; treasurer, Mrs. Orren E Peabody; two patroneuee, Mrs. W. A. 1 Alexmder and Mrs. Frederick Watkins, and current topics, Mrs. B. A. Hamilton. i'l‘he next meeting is to be held at the r home of Mrs. Raymond Flinn next Tues- .‘day afternoon Mr. and Mrs A. Mayer and children. Margaret and Alphonse Mayer oiCounty Line Rd.. were the weekend guests of relatives in Chicago. Mrs. John Finney won the china on Thursday afternoon at the regular week' ly meeting of the chin: club. Mr. and MwN. A. Wink of 5. Second SL, announce the birth of a son, born Sunday, Jan. 24th. Mrs. Chas. Freberg. Deerfleld Ava, who undei'went an operatidn in the Auguatana Hospital last week for appendiéitis,‘ in re- ported as not doing as well as she ought to be. ., Mn. William D. Putnam and children of E. Central Ave" left Tuesday (of Lake l land Fla" where they will spend the win- ltcr with relatim .Mrs. John Glass entertained as her guests over the week-end at a house party, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Terbell, Mr. Arthur Pixley. and Miss Marcia Warren all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gruel and small son Lewis, returned Tuesday from Dan- ville. "L, where they attended the funeral of a relative. Hospital where she is now improving slowly. Mr A. E. Oleson and family of Mor inc Rd..lel1 Friday for Atlanta. Ga. ihe party will travel through Florida nd Cuba and will take in theMardi Gras; after amonlhs' absence they will return home. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Ullman of N. Shfri- dan Rd., who left Sunday for a trip to Florida, will return in two weeks. Mr. Edward Conrad, who was on the sick list last week. is much impro'ved and is back at his work in Antioch, Ill. Miss Hannah Harrison was the Sunday guest of Miss OllieHubbard of Chicago. Miss Emma Evans spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Richard Clemens. Jr‘, of Chicago, Mr, and Mrs‘ Gerald Brunnel and Miss Julxette Abercromby were the week-end guesxs of Mr. and Mrs Archibald Aber- crumby. Mrshwa. Scully of Chicago, while the gueslpf Mrs. John Esmund of E. Central Ave, last week fell and broke her arm and dislocated her hip. Mrs. Scully r;- malncd at the Esmond home until Satur- day when'she was taken to the Henrotin Mr. William Morton left Tuesday even‘ ing for San Mateo. Call, where he will re main for an indefinite length of time. mm mg Miss Marjorie Aldridge was the week- end guest of friends in Rogers Park. Miss Gertrude Beasley. who lived at the Y. W. C. A. room: while teaching the fifth grade at Elm Place. has accepted a position in the Green school. Chitago, where she began her duties as teacher on Monday. 1 Mrs. Ruben Titlebaum. whd underwent gan operation in the Augustana Hospital last week is reported as domg nicely and iw'fll soon be able to return home. Mrs. Charles Genry, Sn, spent Sunday at Columbia Hospital where she visited her grandchild, Julia Donnelly. Sture Nelson, who attend; SchOol of Forestry at Munising, came home last week suffering with appendicitis. He wa: taken to the Augustana Hospital where he \\ is operated upon He is r: ported as doing nitcly and will probably be home in a ten short time. Mr. Chancellor Jenks of Evinston. will ghe a stcrcopticon lecture on("’l‘he Road to Mandaly." on' Thursday evening, February fourth. The SlldOS for thlsl lecture were prepared from pictu taken by Mr. Jenks during his stay in Rurmah. This is to bc a tree lecture at the Rminia Village House to which the public is cordially invited. ' 14"“qu ulccuc. I": "Inc ml» and Highland Groups were guests of the evening. I High School-Notes l The result of the basketball .game of last week Wednesday, with Lake forest Academy was 30 13 in favor of Lake Forest. The team will go to Riverside IHigh school Friday afternoon where they, ‘pect to win the game. The German club held a meetinj Wed- nesday afternoon, refreshments and a program in German were the features of A the entertainment Miss Marion Sutton of fipringfield. Mass.. is the guest of Mn R. K. Buck- man. Jr.. of E. Central Ave. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Card of: E. Centrll Ave, are receiving congrathlations on the birth of a son. born Tuesday. Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Peyton imd daugh- ter Katherine. formerly of this city, now of Hyde Park Hotel, Chicazp, were the week-end guestsof Mrs. Georfie A. Mason. The Highland Park bowliiig team it now tied for first place in the’. Lake Forb eel bowling league with the Emma. of Columbus team. The othet your team ere (our games behind. J. $011 of the local team has the highest hence for three games beim 2289,. and high were M 274. while the Highland Ptkwmn hug the highest average for 3 *meo being 2727 nine or 909 average ;, Major and M113. Frank L. Beale of E. Park Ave.. were the guests a’few due of this week of Mr and Mn Franklin Smith of Milwaukee 3 Mr. and Mrs. P. Ross of Evanston, spent Sunday with Mr. apd Mrs. F. Lamua. I Allan Flinn won high seer: 'prize Int week for Highland Park er: with I 219 game. i Mrs. R. E. Winter, who h§s been the sick list is now able to b9 around. Next Thursday night, Fézruary 4th, will occur the old time sociél given by the Ladies Aid‘ .‘ociety of SLiJohn' s Geb man Evangelical Church in gthe parlors of the church The public ,is cordially invited. i Mr. Henry Kirk White, Who has his studio in the Masonic building. is chang- ing from the Masonic builhing to the Erskine building where he will receive students for vocal instruction on Monday afternoons between the hourb of one and three. Mr. and Mrs George M. Howe of the County Line spent Sunday: with their son and daughter-in-law.\ Mt. and Mrs. Roy M. Howe of S. Green Bay Rd., where they celebrated Mr. Roy Howie's birthday. The out-of-town guests were'lMisses Ella. Mata Schulz, Mr. Alfred Schulz and Miss Mollie Quinlan, all of Glencoe. Mrs. A. B Holabird of Ft. Sheridan, is the guest this week of Mrs. U. H. Struble of Chicago. On Friday evening, February 12, the Luther League will hold their fourth entertainment in the church parlors. The program will consist of seven] humoroub dialogues. songs and recitation; The committee in charge are de oting greet efiorts m making this cut 'nment a creditable one. Tickets mayi be urocured from the members of the Lepgue. AMI program will appeu in a later issue of THE PRESS. The present Sunday school system will undergo several innovationsé in the way of teaching and grading some time near Easter. ; Thursday evening will be he first in- formal meeting of the Luther League, in the church assembly room. 3 From now on all business meetings wil take place the second Thursday of ach month, while the informal: will 1 ‘e place on the fourth. ‘ Visllors are almyswelcome. parsonage Daily confirmation instructions. under Rev. W. F. Suhr, are being i held at the Evan. Lutheran Church Don‘t fail to fead HARDER'S ADV. this week. Barhains every Friday' find Saturdafl unammmcmmwy day um on ulhmmymufilqud WU them .. g The Chippewa Camp Pin Group. In. '; der their guardian, Mrs; Taylor. gave a 1 council meeting in the Astociation root)! Thursday evening. Ring: were awarded 3519i: Blomdahl, £th ‘Hiu, Hilda Larson, iimd Elizabeth Greene. The Blue Eagle and Highland Groups were guests of the ‘evening. mm.mmn.¢w: dinnergivenbythom Fwy. W. CAmMondnyevenln‘h theirhud- mm and later gave a hlkhdowe the Y.W.C.A.boardintheiz. mull meet- ins. Various groups of pcnons. both men and women, are handihg in their names for classes in the new gymnasium for evening and 'out-otâ€"school hours; there seems to be a wide demand for this sort of work A very attractive room in the east building, is being finished. the room is to be a club room where different groups of people may hold meetinga. such as Alumni meetings and P. T. A. meet- ings. The room. which will modnte about one hundred persons. in to be finished in brown wainooottingand will have a very handsome fire place of white material at the north end. I Highland Park Wo'man's Club I A very fine-musicale was given at the evening meeting of the club Tuesday-in Trinity Parish House It eight o’clock. The room was filled with an enthusisetic audience and the numbers were render- ed beautifully. The 'progrsm begun with a piano end violin solo by Mn. Annetxe R. Jones and Mr. George R. Jones which wasvery beautiful. Then followed "0 vocal solo: by Miss Marie O'Connor of Chicago. Her voice is a sweet, deer soprano, which shows careful study and her. interpretations were indeed lovely. 'Next came a trio. piano. violin and. but violin delightfully given by Mrs. Iona. Mr. George Jones and Mr. William The recitation. Guinevere (ldylls of the King-)4 by Tennyeon with a mulical setting by MacDowell, was splendidly rendered by ‘ Miss Jane White with Miss Dora Hersh- now at the piano. The Magicj-‘ire Music ’from Die Wslkuere by Wagner-Brush played by Miss Hersheuow‘was very de- ? lightful. in fact the entire program prov- ed the entertniners finished artists in their talents. An announcement was made by the 'clu‘h’s president, Mrs. John 5 Putnam thanking the people who so de- lightfully rendered their service to the 1 club making this fine musicale possible, [in behalf of the club members. The fevening was in charge of the social com- 'mittee of which Mrs. H. B. Roberts is chairman, assisted by' Medamee C. W. Aldridge. Henry Amter. George -M. Bard, H. W. Boyd. T. H. Decker. John P. Dieter. William M. Dooley. Charle- F. Drake. John Gourley, George Jones. C. N. Kimball, A. Leslie McPherson, H. F. Payne, Cropley G. Phillips. John A. Put. nam, Maud H. Shannon, Clarence G. Smith, Nathalie Van Riper. lanes Watson and Thomas C. Williams. and Miss Jennie M. DeRoo. Therehasheenaehen'ge in the pro gra'rsofdie next moetinaof the club, which will be held Tuesday nfternoon, February ninth at the Trinity Prish‘ House. In place of thenddreqon Puycho- therapy Rev. Hanan Page. D. 1).. Mr. Victor S. of Chic-so. will weak on "The International Mind, Nationalism and Patriotism" Are you in Bondage? If you have been purchasing Coflee m Tea with premium and with to change, but can not do no 4:: ac- count of unredeemed Capone. brim your couponsto us and we will redeem them for you. OmSOcCofluh I’m-:3. OutfloCoyblTuhC-m . '4» vwcufl For Two Week: My W aspecialtyvdfloanaon impmyed rel u: 5,11 meme, Ke'nilwm'th. Winnetka. Glenooe. Highla Park .< Lake Forest Sammy underfinxortgaga in thi erritory i cantinually enhancing while the rate of interest ' attraCti North Shore Trust Com § 113‘]:th Puk, Illinois mflvmm ’ ‘hrmrnh-i-I J Ewelfy “116138432133 Raymond W. Schneiger’s g . Whae‘Shduld Yau’ Tract): i 214 EAST (HEM. Am weekandgiveourworkafair ‘ Ouraummmlmcdladia'zent’s mammdmm poruemfu. ”res, piamcomlaeemrmimetcw canmtbeupticafed byanylocalcleaner.aswe have the ‘ mostSANflARYplangintthest. A wagon willow for and deliver yduéhpnmts an'd'watCh repairing. We make old‘ jewelry like new . reasonable prices, repairing aj replating of silverware of kind. All work guaranteed} We make a Specialty of c121 iéfii‘dkct “Nuns m “FIGS AND WORKS 2123-2133 [hool- Avuu, CHICAGO Men’s Fumisher 13 St. Johns Avenue Telephogac 331 mandiip " service. {bility of _ work in Y01 Purim GRUII. - 8182

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