Tut- Qhrls:a.;:x F.1Hit‘l\\1r Sammy r1! thc I‘rethcrmn (bur-En cntcrtmncd the Lake County Chrxstazm l‘fntlctn'or Smith» at a Wurkurs' meeting ‘md suppvr Thurs- day evenmg In the upstairs aï¬embly room. A busmcs: meeting tout-wed the wpper at which “me It was decided that the next meeting of that surt would take place on the evening at the last Friday of February at the Libertyville Presbyttrian Church. Major and Mrs. M. M. McNamee were host and hostess Saturday evening at a Japanese dinner {or nine guests. The table and house decorations and the menu were all Japanese. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Prindiville were host and hostess to a party of sixteen at a dinner on Wednesday evening of last week. The third of Miss Carver's talks on: the Romanticists in Music, given on; Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs George R. Jones. dealt with Schumann.‘ In the review of his life and the illustra- ' tions from his compositions, this great; composer was revealed as the embodi-i merit of the Romantic school. Schumann presents both an example and a warning, to young aspirants to fame as pianists ‘. In an effort to gain independence of movement in his fourth ï¬nger byashort- cut process. he brought down upon him-f self a kind of paralysis of the hand which: practically ended his piano playing.‘ Nevertheless, the world beneï¬ted through ‘ his misfortune, for his musicale energies then sought an outlet in those beautiful‘ composmons which are now on nearly'“ every pianofnrtr recital program. Schu- mann’s: marriage to Clara Wieck. a {animus pianists. constitutes one uf the classic example: oi ideal unmna and. throughout the following years her Ii:- spirutiun “us the impt-E‘mg motixe for his best \\|'li‘\.\ The tirrt vmr of i715 Hn .\1nn:idycwxn:1g. Fchruury mgh'ir, :1! {hr nghldnd E’ark Limb, Ml» Caner wxil gne a musical program consxstmg of notablcexamplt-s of the works of the: composers already dealt with in her talks cher, Schubert and Schumann. Assistmg her w111be: Mrs. Annette Jones, Miss Marion Mason. Mrs. Roland Whitâ€" man. Mrs. Slason Thompson. Mr. Alex P. Gray, Iâ€, Mr. George R. Jones. Mr. Sydney James, Mr. Landon Hoyt, and Mr. Edward Carlson. Tickets may be obtained at Gscll’s drug store or purchas- ed a: the door. Mrs. Arch. Abercromby will be hatess on Fnday afternoon to the afternoon sewing club. Mrs. Henry F. Clow and Mrs. George Tucker will be hostesses this afternoon lathe social servuc club of Campbeil Chapter Eastern Star at the home of the former. d 'l‘hc Swim] Sidc’ofLifc Announcement ALMA PECK ‘ 235 West Vine Ave. N'H? in with :I Re'ï¬ablg Launhgg Ht give National I I '1 _ , new we “'1 Modiste---MillW MC Hgbï¬uo Para 11mm! suits on this special ,HL LL! [M mn \\ unrlrrt ffvr'cd Mr, Francis Evrrcll wu,‘ MM un Sn! (1 (run) urduq.‘ cwmng tor [wunly gue>t>gclcbmt n‘. Hn‘ my hi5 birmdm‘; (luncmg and rehab Int-ms were umuyed by the young pcoplc I (Tug-wk?! um! Fre'uw'z [)ry Clvmu'rs Affairs of the week by 'l hv dunrv gn'cn :wn Smurduy night \hws flux}; and .\x hnr ' Smmsun, 1w ;, Sn‘mgx and Hugh Mm‘rvn in Baglm MR, Hrghwund, was 21 mm! success. The Km 93' mdudcd young folks {mm Ohi- rzmn Lake Forest and Waukegan. Ru. Irm‘nuu-Ms were served. M135 Louise \Veiskopf of ()akwood Ava, was hostess Monday evening to the Euchre club. Mrs. Frederick H. Sargent of Ft. Sheri~ dun, was hostess Tuesday pvenipg of la t week at a dinner given in compli» mint to Mrs. William L Davis of Texas City. her guest. Covers were laid for ten guests. Mrs. John T. Alexander of Deerï¬eld, entertained informally at dinner on Thursday in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Rogan, who were married Tuesday, January twentyusixth. The table was attractive in decorations of white narcissus and daï¬odils. The guests pruent were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ro- gan and Mesdames J. C. Rogan, Wm. Ralph, Sr., Wm. Ralph. In. John Ralph, A. G. Erickson. John T. Erickson. George Keeler and Mary Kelly, all of this city. Mr. and Mrs William Salyards were happily surprised on Friday evening when a party of friends came in to help them celebrate their twentieth wedding annviersary. Cards were the feature of the evening. The prizes for highest score were won by Mrs. Fred. Moon and Mr. Frank Sheeks. while consolation prizes were awarded to Mrs A. Knudson and Mr. Albert Larson. The host and hostess were presented with many ap- propriate gifts, the event being their china anniversary. I Mrs. John Glass entertained six guests Tucsdav at a luncheon in compliment to Mrs. Frank Lewis Molby of Detroit, who is the guest of her sister, st. E. E. Andrews. On Saturday evening about eighteen couples most pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. William Terry. They have quite recently moved into their new home on Homewood Ave, and this was a house-warming. Every one present re~ ported a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Mills of St. Johns Place, entertained the Fridav even- ing brigde club on Saturday evening of last week. Mrs. H. S. Haskin of Prospect Ave. en- tertained informally about ï¬fteen ladies on Wednesday afternoon to meet Madame de Mendonca. who is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. A. J. F. Mac Bean. Mrs. W. E. Carr will entertain the Bridge clubun Wednesday afternoon of next week. Mrs. J( hn blag“ will entertain tonight for xwelvc at a dinner to be followed by bridge. Nathaniel Kuisl of N. Second Sr, was hr»: Tuesday evening at a birthday. din~ ner at sxx thirty; covers were laid for twalve. After dinner the party enjoyed a sleigh ridz. Mrs. Henry D. Doty of E. Central Ave.. was hostess at a very pretty dinner party Tueifay evening preceeding the dance at the ighland Park Club. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Mrs. John (? party Samrda; lnmrnuzll dnm‘ L‘Hh‘rtullllIH'IH y' evening tnr twelve gllhts. mg hmncd a pint of thc Telephone 405 lass entertained at a dinner Muionul Ali/alga THE HIGHLAND PARK ï¬REss. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS § Misses Edna and Esther Bosold of Mo- }kena. III. were the weekend guests of ‘ Miss Eleanor Meyer. 5 Mr. Fred Bleimehl, who has been :visiling his sister. Mrs. Frank Snydcr of Boom" 1a., returned to his home in Deer ‘ held Friday afternoon. i cherfield News Items’ Mr. and Mn. L [.Scoï¬eld and Mr. Bruce Hawthorn of Chicago Were the guests of Mrs. Eugene Ender Sunday.“ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whiting and Mildred Whiting were entertained at din- ner at the home of Mn. Whifing's sister, Miss Elizabeth Clark of irving Park Mrs. Ralph King of Waukegtn was the :guest of Mrs. S. P. Hutchlson Saturday. i Misses Christen: McMahIn. Lela ()lym'h. “9va Kent, Ruth Reichclt and Mr. S. 1). Nelson attended the tcaélxers mcting at Waukrgnn Friday and 5mm- A I 1 in May. The Mu ngma Chi enjoyed "500" at the residence of the Misses Kicss Thurs- day cu-ning. Prizes wen: :warded to Miss Mildred Whiting and ‘Miss Lela Glynch. One of the most succesilul social functions of the season was ‘1he enter- tainment given under the aus§icesof the Parent Teacher Aséociation in the school assembly hall Friday evening. The mov- ing pictures which formed the ï¬rst part of the evening“ s entertainment were the best pictures which have been shown in the school hall. Following the movies, dancing and refreshments we}: enjoyed by the Deerï¬elders and many People from the surrounding towns. ‘ Dorothy Supdle was the week -end guest of her brother. Mr. Frank Supple of Chicago The young men of Deerï¬eld will give a dance in Anderson's ha" Saturday evening, February 6th. Miss Elizabeth Reichelt gaVe a dinner Saturday evening in complimeét to Misses Edna and Esther Bosold d Mokena; covers were laid for twelve. Mrs. Ross Sherman entertaihed a num- ber of her friends at her hotne Sunday anemoon m honor of her bihhday an- niversary Dr. Benjamin C. Grout o! Dak Park; was the guest of Mr. J. A. Réichelt, Jr., Saturday. Mr. Mc'I‘uggert of Lake Zurï¬ch wasthe guts! M Mr. S. 1). Nelson Friday. Thc Young People's Missiotiary Sock-(v of the ['niIc-d Evangelkal cflurch gave Mrs. C. A_ Wolff a pleasant surprise Tuesday evening and presented her with a beautiful cut glass vase. ‘- Mr. Elmer Therrieh entertgined a few of his friends at a “molt" patty Sunday afternoon. The regular meeting of the Parent Teacher Association will be held in the school assembly hall Friday; afternoon. February 5th. The Y. P. M. S. of the U. fE. church was entertained by Mrs. Sgdie Curtis Friday evening. \ The Ladies Aid Society of} St. Paul's Evangelical church met with Mrs. Wm. Huhn Thursday afternoon. The Mission Band of the U, E. church will hold their closing meeting for the year in the church Sunday". nftémoon. February 7th. The Woman's"Misaionary Societv will also/meet Sunday; afternoon. A special program has been prepared for the afternoon's entertainmént, having the gathering offering banks as the special teature. A minstrel show, which is under the direction of Miss Christine. McMahtn and Mr. S. D. Nelson will be given in the school assembly hall Fridqy evening. February 27th. Next Sunday the service ;in the Sm Paul’s church will be in Englih. Every- body will be heartily welcome. During Lent special services will be held on Sun- day evening beginning on Feb. 2X38. Rev. Lueder will speak on the seven words from the cross. Mrs. Ellen Knickerbocker Entertain“! the “"500 club at her home on Lincoln Ave. Tuesday afternoon. ,' Miss Margaret Vedder left; last week for a months' trip thi‘ough themth. The Perent- Teacher A-o'detiou will meet Friday, February 5th at the 0::th Start saving coupons for the S50 Subscription Contest Theo. J. Knaak will tell you all about the contest. This contest is onty for Deerï¬eld an d vicinity and is open to everbody over 13 years of age. $50.00 in Gold F nee ‘ w'hm Charlemagho Teak I Bath. Lilde so many of the European warm springs and bathing plane. Baden- Baden was ï¬rst appreciated by the Rumaus. The Emperor Cnracallu in especial honored it by hi: patronage and adorned ltin vnriotu Roman way: With the [all of the empire and the Ir- rivnl together of the barbarian- and Christianity bathing and. above all bathing in warm water. fell into disuse all over Europe as. Ill enfeebllm: and immonl practice It was only when Charlemagne. whose name was one to conjure with. dipped hii imperial per f“ Looking on (M MOI! mo. ' ' Somebody puoed I counterfeit dol- lar on old Uncle Moon. which nan! broke hlsiheart. Week! hm ho unlit- ed his trouble- to his employs: “Ah done gm up Iookln' for do man that gimme It." be said “An reckon It ain't no use tryin' for w and Mm.†“Well. It look pretty good for a counterfeit.†remarked the other. “Why don‘t you trv to get rid of It?" "You. an: you. son. Sho‘ do»: look thamwny. Some days Ah think more “Ht. good. Gum Ahll )es' wall for one of em good dnvn an‘ JeII' pans R oriong."-Argo Ion In‘ the bot wring: M Mxln- Cba' pelle that bathing. aftt‘r sown can- tune. of dlsune. becann Mu permis- sible. 1! not almost dwlmbh From that tlme‘on, with nrylnx fortunes. BademBaden um I health and plea» are reer-Huflson Rhoda In an per'l Magazine. If you don't do ‘ybur best “'3 foolhh to try to -onvince people thnl'yon could have done better. â€"Detroit Fm Press. . naut Language Mind. ‘ThaL" said the l)ll,\‘iil'hn. II ho ex- amined the lump on the man'- neck. "In the wmnius of an old boil that started to wme nud then became 9111inth there.“ Ono Comfort. '1! in nlwnys unufnrfluz to reflect that no mun mw- muked us 1nd via: a flush- Nght photograph of hlmsefl.â€"-Delm|t Free I‘m. 1 Ru! Enjoyment. Number (alumina \‘lk‘ltur throught- Yes my dear. exery “oman ought to jnln :\ Hub It's so refreshing to black hull >1 me uue you dun t liker Life. , "Well." said the nnlmered lament. "It sure '1?†encysted on smyln' were. ' -CbI(-ago PosL In "n We. Smu‘ Noun. She all Im- Inn 0! In» «musk» what :- MI that main» duwn lilo-m? tit-"m to» null. I cum, I! must no .no (mu-n nmuklmz. dune-Hammer: ‘Amrnrun Hurdonmg Stool. The usual methnd o! hank-mm: nee: by Immonlou In on ur want or nlkn Mm- bntna_ It in am. Nimit- In m:- for mntiun of 11 line- of musmmhw [em-Inn betu‘wn the burdened and maintained pnru By the use of compliant-d alr human-pr. Hu- xom-s of coollnu may be mrvfulIy mclnatod and much better results olmmwd By adapting the theme of the nozzle to the Roth 1 Ind» range of results In Name. " Lanyabllok. A German probe.- bf collecting inmp black consists in placing‘ two electrodes in a name rich in carbon and putting I din-ct eiectric current or about ï¬fteen volt: The lamphhch dope-ind on the negative ‘electrode comm of mudh ï¬ner particles than the ordinary. the material being especially nimble for one printing inks and high mde paints- ‘ ldlo Curiosity. For no reason at all In ï¬ve wouddr ea and wondered pad wonderd whï¬t moth: at: before Adam and Inn mtmmwmâ€"M Get your Eeighbors to subscribe for the Press and get 2000 votes for each subscription. Stop in and? We willmakb‘a pot of E"Coffee; for you Free Will Sell Bread Milwaukee qu TELEPHONES: 3 Auto Repuring of all . ' ,Amombblleso‘rerhauled and p I if 1W 5 Old and Strong 1 3 per cent interest paid 011 ? Real Estate, Loans and lnsur Bowman Dairy Cordbafny i v ‘ Any instr'ument from the \ idorâ€"Vi la IV 3x5 to the $200 Victor-Vicu'ola XVI will 13) ev record 111 the Victqr catalog. ; . It isn ’t necessary for you to have higher-priced V ictor-Victrolasy to haven wonderful vgriety of Victor music.__ _ . Select the instrume'nt that is best 5 ' to 3 home and start in man 0y the music and {in Cam in and see us about it y. * ' Haida-humidiï¬- Knaak’s Pharmacy -. $15 $25 $40 owman Dairy Confpanfl Doés not apply to Safe Milk It is the c_ ' article 01 food that you can buy. The? ‘ Price has not been increased. > 7- These are the three vital nts connect gwith the prpduction of Safe ilk. All our 1) ucts are éafe. Dairy. Inspection Perfect Pasteunzation < Bottling m the CoQtry W awe High Cost of Liï¬}E if not And thereby cut down your living Use MOre Safe Mini? :‘GOOD, BANK mamas... 121 Vine Avenue HIGHLAND PARK. 9. lechlic and Regina ’ 5 cents brSmlll 1M“ 10 cent-for Luge Loaves 15 and25 cents ENCOE. 0?: in out (8111 in); EXIT I»! W1 perm horej for ‘ tL' 1m. th! 11.1% â€07‘ ('81! Mon 5'â€! men are “ by f good (me ter. ! "9 HS you less. prlo In um ’10 M-"t Uv NV! NH Q boa ad vxl u « nub m outc 1 hell the†Vin alt: WW M" qui 'I'br Hm \' 1-,:1