ider’s pe m person ithe orderjust todern moth. a little more 5 our reward. and gent’s draperieS, duplicated 025T and garments s :u d on time and mpdy. Why 1e garments week as a here this may. You y article of culate and lition if you .op trrt‘lt J GRENDY ipany|f Ia 431-432 .ndle Park 265 ers “Y . $152 9’ one \\1l- and 13 Lamps and Brackets House, Power and Motor Wiring puma? uwviis. V V 303 Seventh 51.. WW Highland Park, III. 134 2.4. 5nd Tel. sou D. SWIFT . 00. Estimates Furnished on 11- x. m urkgu. h uyrixvuouulnd or». Y . n. Ikrtrhe! or phnullnd do bk. Fa... Phone 335 Estimates Furnished Robert Greenslade vnsu‘rs BUILD POITWID M ALL MACHINE WORK_ GUARANTEED. GAS EN- CINE-LS REBQBED AND REPAIRED. TEL N. C. 413 AUTOMOBILES REGULAR OR SPECIAL CUT ON SHORT NOTICE. North Chicago. Illinois One block north of C. N. W. Depot, near 13.]. Eviaduct Practical Gas Engine Machine Works Interior Decorators and Painters 128 E. Central Avenue (v hunk n-h-n-ocen. mu sunéu me not: “174.3?†shim w Inn-l m um Wm. lad-y. Highland Park State Bank Applications from prospective borrow- ers are assured prompt and courteous attention at all times by the Capital and Surplus $75,000.00 FRANK]. BAKER. Pn'sidnrt ]. AI. :1?! EL, Wa‘ I‘n‘s C. F. (IR:L\'T, Cashier It should be the policy of every well managed bank to loan funds to its cus- tomers as ï¬ts their needs, under proper rules and regulations and on unquestion- ed security, otherwise the bank falls short of its mission in a community. NEW Funds to Loan Drew Savege Wilmtm Exclusive distributor for East and West Deerï¬eld Townships order now and insure prompt delwery. Telephone 140 for demonstrations “I M An. A. G. Me PHERSON Roadster $440 Touring Car $490 Town Car $690 FORD OVERHAULED AND REPAIRED BOUGHT AND SOLD. GEARS Phone 573 Phone 897-Y-2 Will Krumbach Em M45}? Carpenter“! Bile: PRICES Highland Park Continued from First Page. United States or of the immigrants them- selves. Many a poor immigrant (usually the illiterate) would never have disposed of his acre or two and pulled himself and his family up by the roots and brought them across the seas to a strange land if he had thought for a moment that it meant an alley tenement and a labor market choked to overflowing. And if we are to raise our hand and hold some of these thousands hack, how shall we do it? It is a big problem. What I do not know about it would ï¬ll a large volume. The Federal Immigration Com- ;nission appointed some time ago, de voted several years to its study. examin- ing conditions at ï¬rst hand both here and abroad and they gave it as their con- clusion that it would be wise to stay the ever rising tide of immigration to aome extent and that the beat means that their investigation lead them to suggest was to be found in a literacy teat. [followed their.recommendation in supporting this bill which has just failed of paaaage. tin the Presbyterian lecture room. A fsubject of much interest is to be the question of the day, when Mrs. George W. Plummet will speak on “Lesson md iDrill in Parliamentary Law.†. Mrs. Plummer, who is a member of the Illinois i Federation of Women's Club and Illinois ,Equal'Suï¬rage Association. has a good Istore of knowledge that should be of Fvalue to the modern club woman. Mrs. :Herbert Smith, 'a contralto singer will i sing a group of songs. Be that planti them must never at poet to gather rosesâ€"Pill)â€. John's Chum Witoâ€"Now. John. my sister 3011. all hormdy uncomwmlloumto nkht. Bayou Inn-lac: theputoran ideally hnppy married man. 81:05 not quite an or him ya. John manly! -Luvo It to me! That low trim,- Ined me In a bone trade and! no"! !t to Ind-Boston Globe. ‘ Ound Her. " “l cured my wife of quarrellnz about wanting her own way In everything.“ “Bow?" “1 be! her have lt"-Bouton m Wrong 8M “Buying doesn't get on.’ “No. Etta-ht- on 113nm; m the high cost of living instead of on m to re! the pneo."~Wnbln¢ton Bur. The Sleeping Top. A spinning top “sleep." in obedience to a luv of nature The top at the pa» I'lod of In spinning called by boy: f‘lleeplnz" bu the centrifugal and gruitadvo fore. ucflnz upon it in a non-i, palanced de‘m Obeyinx chic!- ly the rotary tom imparted to it by the player. the top seem for t mt]. while. until 3km force In ovm by gravity; to be‘ in a mm of comm- tin rut. 5 At the medal meeting of the Woman' a Club on Tuesday afternoon. it was voted that the matter of consolidating the women" 9 clubs of Highland Park. be aub :mitted to a vote of the club and a date for voting on the question be appointed Iby the Board of Managers. A great 1 number of members were in attendance éand much discussion took place. A series of Lenten eervioee will be held on Sundav evenings at the St. Paul's Evangelical church. The pastor will speakontheaevcn wordslromthe tron. The theme for the ï¬rst lemon will be: "Father Forgive Them for They know not what They do." Rev. and Mrs. J. Lueder enjoyed the visit of Rev. F. Schaer and wife from Shermerville. Their youngest \eon Welter from Chicago Heights was also their guest. Rev. John G. Kircher, the well known minister of the Bethlehem Evangelical church at Lake View. Chicago, died Feb. 1021:, after lingering for some time and was buried in Eden cemetery. Lenten services will be held in the Holy Cross church every Wednesday evening and’l‘hursday morning at eight o'clock. Mn. B. H. Kreu entertained the ï¬ve hundred club at her home on Hue] Ave. Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded (0 Mn Fred Haggie. Mrs. Oscar Beech- am and Mia Jooephine Woodman. Mn. E. Hialey of Pnrk Ridge is visit- ing her sister, Mn. Sarah Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palluth, Miss Elsie and Messrs. Frank and Irving Palluth and Ray Albert of Chicago were the guests of Mrs. Amelia and Miss Clara Pyle Sunday. A number of Laurel Stryker's school friends gave her a pleasant surprise party Thursday afternoon. THE mama pm mmmtpmnnmxs ’ The next regular meeting of the Woman's Club will take pltce on next Tuesday aflerno‘gn at No thirty o'clock. ' Highland Park Woman's Club I lookatthooegoldunboued Schumcher’s Drug Store Spock] 25c lnitid Correspondence ,. THOISOWS LETTER ADDITIONAL DEERHELD Outeido at the Arena Retina ta The. MoetJmpodInt Took. The InoIt enviod men In Japan IN the wrestler-I. who are (It and bulky. The Out requisite of I JIpInaII wru- tler iI thIt he be m. Their IhomIcll are their proudeet mansions. mm, tor the man the more money they will bet on him. even though I hedIlIt cII throw him clear out or the ring. A; I tat wmtler walks down the Itreet I crowd gather: around him. boplng that he will turn into home restaurant it he doeI they gather in the doorwa‘ to l watch himent. They would rather he“ la JapaneIe wreetler eat that go to I § three ring. A wmtler, never disapv L point: them-he play" through In- $ toundlng quantities or food. turning ev- erythinz under except I i‘ew radin. ‘ Ikiun and turnip tops. in unbelieve- able how much noise they make when eating. hy smacking their lipa. sucking up their ten with the open exhaunt and ; picking their teeth with the cutout cry 5 lath “Luann-on.- dune. c. '.utho-modlaunco.mld mullmmotthomm mohhomborhonmwmmm dukvouIchovu-mumuthom mu: u. would be contend Into statingand the very mount-Inn would melt With Men! heat and flow â€to Influx! Iron. Beside Inch facts oat-cor not of thorunlvene seems diminutin. dull and With-ant; Theu two mnflom orb. have been found among 1 troup of twenty to which they‘bclong. Out of the million mum Inn known tn uh: only twen- ty. to am: we know. might flew mum I. Nothing pron- that Inch mam Anu- u 150 and W 286 an. an: of; The champion caters of them all:- the wreatlereâ€"hsre long hair. but in stand of letting it hang down on their shoulders. as one would naturally ex- pect. they do it up in knots until they look like a gigantic kewple. Whenever you see a vpun In Japan going around with a large sized walnut on his head. you may know mi: he follows the an- cient and honorable profession 0! wrestling. Their wrestling consists of me men standing with: in the flex. making a rush at nch other and (no In: to push each other out. Every time two wrestlers eomekoaecher they give a pmdigiofls grunt. thnone of then ï¬nally mm is pushing the other out the crowd bursts forth into michq applause. while m "not Wit m- m- stomach so shower... the praise b ahaâ€"Homes On, in Lane's. I! It Won Out In"! It Would‘l’lh 0v. JAP'AN’S FAT WRESTLERS. Telephone 180 COLOSSAL 90ANOPUS. AYBE your furnace won’t work fir your gutter leaks? Maybe your lock is broken or your keyff won ’t ï¬t, or is it a new glass needed in a window or door? Come twflarder with your trouwa With his uptodate tin shop and ï¬rst workmen he can soon make things right. And the host part f it all, unless you are satis- ï¬ed there will be no charge. if ONTIECOIIEI Something Gabe Wrong? Your: P resiriptions Harders’ Hardw‘ eConiPany ., 1TH? A_ ViCTROLA 111 your Home " , eyéry. mush] longing IS satisï¬ed 'twait until you feel ypu can -_: 56 rd a £100 or$200 instrument .; a; ~fiiére' pie Victrolas at 15, 25, 40, 50, and$75“ anyoneyouselect will play any music you to bar. SAMUEL Aseht mu- 1319th Human Puk 17 Tn, Ca ram 67 230 N. St. Joy... Ave. MMeFueISISumlyCo : minimums: How AM the Old FaSln'Md Cdzy‘ï¬re Place? Kepabrijhf’indcï¬eerï¬ï¬‚ï¬rcinitbyu‘sinzwr We hp've sigma.“ cat-load of Range. mars nu snap . MLL BRANCHES ' West Elm Place IkandPocoEu We keep the hat and guarantee full weight. Call up 335 for'a trial order. ' 12 W. Cantrd Ave. Like Forest 216