nԠEng: LAST OPEN LETTER OF ( CONGRESSMAN THOMSON m, 38! {NE 31 Mil r: tcnure 11: 5t' I trust that the relations between us.i as ciuzens of the Tenth District and our’ Representative in Congress may always be as curdxal as those which I have en yoyed duung the time I have been pri vxleged to zerve you in that capacity, Burgh" Entered Building Through Rear Window Friday Night On Friday night, burglars forced an entrance by breaking a 12x12 window: pane, into the rear of the D. C. Purdy Son's Hardware store on St. that they merely was won by New Trier lrmn Deerï¬eld Shields High School in the latter‘s gym yesterday afternoon the score being 24 to 21. At the end of the first half New Trier was in the lead by seven points and Johns l during the second half the score was tied :\\e. The singular part of the affair isiand then Deerï¬eld was In the lead A took revolvers and‘number of fouls called on Deerï¬eld en- Docket knives. indicating that they hadl all the cartridges they needed as not al- box of cartridges was disturbed. The' lnrafnnlir‘» have SUSDlClODS as to Who: abled the opposing team to “roll up their score." A great crowd of Deerï¬elders witnessed the game while New Trier's rooters were conspicuous by their absence. bux of cartridges was disturbed. The locafpolice have suspicions as to who the gmlty parties are and it is believed that they are young boy The total value of the loss is estimated at about $50~I Property Exchange! Wed ‘Dlll'in‘ Put Two Wooka C. E‘ Brown and wf to Ellen W. Bab- cock. part lot 6, Thompson's Add, Lake Forest. W. D. $1.00. W. L. Wilson and vi to R. K Lake. lot 7, blk 75, Highland Park. And part of lot 160, Ravinia. Deeds $2.00. l the effort at it}: my lmznrd nnJl work. {I PURDY SON’S STORE ROBBED LOCAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ‘nem THIRD LETTER TO CONSTITUENTS L-u' An s r‘x-‘t rm Servue In the House of “Yrsf‘nfthCI u to be Limited a ‘\n.(lr Term. Found \\ rk‘ [nmvabh’ H grnntcmmnal d mike-r Khan ()r( :i .m- misc to my A :r‘..n\.r‘.1\lncnl\lt ianl-u- nu! An 1«‘?\(‘ part 1n Hm murk nt 90, .m 112mg :\ pane furHu-r f >t'T‘Ch‘r‘, bui I huxc mmk- rvsry gl‘-<‘ ynu thz‘ best rrprmcntutmn m} m pm mm m‘; svrnce heu- ff<JrI mt “huh I “.15 "13118, :' that my wrnce hrrz‘ 1.\ ..| single tum In (hr P'mgx‘, a member M A \’ vkt‘ Iht' Hmlw H! Rt‘prt“ » ' fun in rhc pmnt m! high .V 1th rnnn‘ :‘\;)Crl:'n.‘t m ,: xix lvgvxlanxr mdchmerv mam}; hnu- \Hxitm 11> m"! ‘z‘ I nmc [wt nmwmusl‘» \I Hm Ht n (hr ‘ILx‘ArL mysclt and guflu n»: mnt’rss m :1 my wruce hrrz‘ 1.\ 21¢ [mm In (hr wt in «ml-w mm m Hze' murk nt pane furHu-r T be Highlanh Park Prtss 1n CI‘Y\){ .4. h Nil v‘ixkx ut TS Plan: Submllled bv Full Bah or (he Braulennhon n' L A \N \l (n h-nu". and Ihv mm mm or n sax-AI w‘xrc h-nrc near (llz- Hm "m‘. >(‘tht'nui by proper plantmgs. wuh an upon swt‘rp uf 11mm lcmhng In 1! The: land alnng (he rmlmad cuuldn'x kw Luz-(t m Kl‘t‘dlrr ud- vantage at thrsn- pmnh Ihzm fur p‘uk purpusrs M “huh nu hmh «n “H hm 'cr han- [no mm in A! puwcm m Rmks as though Anya-l0 Lunaxdl. Hick-per. \uil by x sturdy bflditl- er fm Hmhland l'rcrk this mmmt-r :md pusslbl)‘ longer. Au‘ordmg In :1 u‘rhal report glwn in tin- (Hy («411ml 'l‘umduy (-w-mng bx MA)†H.m'.«..x:~. a l'mtcd Smtcs Immlgrzm-vn c“!11'1)15\l(ln€r has instructed â€10L ’\' n1 Hmf‘hmd l‘nrk m rate for â€IIVIIMH \mtzl A van be ticpurt ed by the gm ezzlmt-xxt. Hum: come to this Country nn H (wrunn bltalttship It IS necessary that he he tit-pnrted M the same boat. As the Umnmn boats are now (ted up on acurunt ut the war It is tmpossrble to get any mtmedrute aetmn. The City Counctl, upon the ()bjegtmn of Aid. Moses that this mun he kept 1n the city jail. instructed the p-thce COIHHIIIICC tu find suitable quarters tnr hum and re- port at the next meeting. It was sug- gested that a "shack" be bull! on some 0} the city propertv west of town Cottage Will Probably be Built for Him Until his Removal is Possible At present it looks as though Angelo i5lt‘il‘l)'l)1lilltl~ and a xerhal l.una:(li. the leper. xx ill be er it)! Highland l'til'h this summer possibly longer. report giwn tn the city At’t‘oi’tliitg tn \‘it'illlt'll 'l‘uestliiy th-ning by Mayor ll.mi«..t:~. a l'nitcd States lmrnigrziti-vn (unwiitssioner llils instructed the L W nl lll‘tll‘lillltl l‘ark tn (are tor tl‘.:»tii.iit \iittzl it van be deport ed by the guyt-zziiin-ni. this Country lit‘flt,.’ll1 tit-ported by the HM ins: conic to on it sieaiitship it is necessary that he he same boat. As the (it'tttldn boats now tied up on amount «it the war it is impossible to get any immediate action. The City Council, upon the objegtmn of Ald. Moses that this man he kept in the city jail. instructed the pllllCt‘ committee to find suitable quarters port at the next meetmg. gested that 3 ol‘ the city propertv west of town it rt‘ It was sug- UEERHELD LOSES AGAIN TO NEW TRIER t that leadeth to destruction is Cline Unusually Exciting. Plays Good Game. Scor 24 to 21 ‘we will he saved anyway 2‘ tnr mm and re- light of all of Jesus' words of condem- Sha‘yk be buâ€tonwme‘rible consequences of sin, Ullllrltllt‘ll lllt'll lll‘t’ll pussnms much hem- and matiiiiul tlit‘lt’ and left Hui out their t'\t'llltl:lll_\' they \\‘|ll :ill and sun-i wart :‘il desires, plans, that :ll'l‘l\t‘ at the same place, anyway. Such a doctrine has newr very much for the spiritual uplift and re- Hi iit' done generation of the heathen world. It has never sent missionaries to the heathen. For why should we he con- cerned almut men's spiritual welfare, “hen that will eventually adjust itself without our i‘\t‘(‘pi that sut'h are missing so mut-h of good and ministries. [ware lty 1th being at one With God. There is little in the Bible to sup- port that. And in the shadow of the t'ross on which Jesus died for sinful men how can anyone say that we can disregard that if we want to do so, and And in the nation of evil, and warning «if the terâ€" and His 1appeal to men to strive to enter in at Ethe straight gate for broad is the way it not that much more rational to belieVe vsalvation depends absolutely on hu- Local Team man choice NOW AND HERE? And there is nothing in Jesus‘ teaching that seems to controvert the A \ery exciting ga'ne â€"5"†played ine\ital)le inference to be drawn from was “on by New Trltr irmn Deertield the teaching of ï¬le old and new testa- Shiclds High Sthuol in the latters mm ments to the eff.“ that our only yesterday afternoon the store being) '24ichance of forgiveness is in this life .4... . . day in the High School gymnasium. On Saturday night the high school team will play the Alumni Association. Obituary Mrs. Charlotte Kesler of Chicagq formerly of 128 McGovern St. in this city, died on Saturday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Minnie Davis of Chi- cago. Funenl eetvices were held Mon- day afternoon a: three o’clock. Inter- ment In: in Roeehill cemetery. On Friday night Deerï¬eld will play Blue Island High School at Blue Island and Lake Forest Academy on Wednes- \l \\ LEPER TO STAY IN HIGHLAND PARK \- 1 CHARLES H. KHIER PASSES 0N Braulennhon n' L W tht-uf-“th Nurth of (antral .-\\v. In Hospital 1urtdav 5(omnch Trouble PROPOSH) RULRMD PARK SUME SAY "WE GET OUR HELL HERE "JUDGMENT OR THE PUNISHMENT 0F SIN" UH“ of (hr Sent-I nf Srrmnnu on 'Crrll \y; ‘- \\1H he dnlv mmLJM-i ‘1: (i .‘tll \‘H‘ nun and Imungnh \nll. mvmuuliy n-m‘h the l’ulht-r's hUUM', >3: “u hear mun Sn}. “\Vn- gm our HM! lu-I'v." and, “If we do not uttum tn 1hr Iwutiï¬c \iqnn :11 duuth. \n- “Ill L'vl uhuther vhunue :md vu-Muully “1H atmm." “011.1?!sz Nu \z'l‘} q-m-numgmg a Id rumz'ortmg liOk‘H'lHL‘ H‘: u \my, to in» Mona Hut unuthvr “2va }:)1 look at it. II.‘ influx-nu» kuM Hut hu Very II. Second, there is the doctrine of Annihilation, or extinction, or condi- tional immorality. This In. been c111- ed “The Aristocntic Viv of Immo- nlity." It teaches that m is by na- ture mohal. If immortality is ever (Contihued on Page 5) “One passage will suffice. When Ab-i sulom fled from his father’s house. beâ€"J cause of his sin. the wise woman 0“ Takoah came to the king and plead: with him for the forgiveness and re-. storation of his son, and this was heri argument: “For we must needs all die., and are as water spilt on the ground,i which cannot be gathered up again, because God hath not yet taken awayl his life he hath also‘devised means that higbanished be not expelled from Him." In this. as in other passages of scripture, there. seems to be a no“ of ï¬nality, which would indicate tint this life aï¬ords the only opportunity of forgivéness and reconciliation. HIGHLAND [’;\}\’}\’. II.I.IN()I$. 'I‘HI'HMWY, \1 \h’k H 1 l hut kn Kr» Int-s ul [hr er. \\' I LH L' '11 w [AH \und H . Hugh n win-«i \\|ii luv H lrs'nmenl i I ll 1h! h H pussmns a! dosirps. anu, that l\t‘ at [he I? hwlpir hnwever .m‘hmg AKhH' n1 ummon HMJ)‘ pun nt uH vxttu in {hr} 119†HUI HUI III) I I 11L Dnn'l he- I ' Mr. Elilln Mon-n Secure: the Films. ; Opening of Shot-Hun Rd. one of I the Picture. ' Through the courtesy of Mr. Elisha 1Morgan of Sheridan Rd. Manager Pearl jot the Highland Park Theatre. announces ‘that a numb'er of local news pictures, such as the opening of Sheridan Rd.. ‘which occurred last (all, etc, wilt be 7 shown in the theatre tonight (Thursday). Only' I] hum- (uf Ill Kind In United Stale- “w \]\I’.t'~ 2!. M1\\ ,\1 1', Ruth. I 1' Raw \1;.(. [Cu-(H M“ v \ wag-w. Armie- L \ml, Mr and Mrs Prank AzuircwaMr ()ru W lmkumuu Mr and Mrs. lnhn H. Fnlx-v, MI» Lulu A Hzmchut. Addan l' krllv, Mn. vay Lung, Mr lhmnax‘ S Shvahrn, Mrs Chas thuv. Wm. va. Mn hum Hutlrr. Mu A 'l‘ Hmwu Mn [Janna] Bfuun, Mr \\ n Iidumds, Mrs. H P‘ Nu‘huls, MI“ MaryAlwrSteve-m. 5mm Luzm Smrllm, MI Mnmr Kuuer. H N Kent. Mu l..1n(hn,.'\h and Mrs M I7 Mines. Mxxx Snphwflya. I’rh (wk \k hnmit, Mr T (v Smnh. Mrs. A. M Sdumdt. M: N L Hmnmx \1l\\ Man Wunvn Many CIIIIQO to Begin. Tucldny und Thursday Night: for Men. Mon- day for Women The new gunnnmum and svumnnng pool of lln- lugh M haul will lu- upon (ll Tuosdav ovenmg~ to the llndl Yuu x Men's Club. Mulv on Thursday ('wnlngs the local Chung) huumms mrn ulll dr» rive much plrnsurv from II. 31155 Rwd. who IS the girls†gymnasnc mxtruvtor Will meet all “mm-n who drsxrc to have gymnaslu‘ training, on Munday m‘rnlngs at eight o'clock. There Will he uccomo- dations for as many gruups of pcuple as desire lo make use of lhe gymnaug‘, and swunming pool. . On Saturday night remarkable pictures of the ki Tournament, held in Duluth last fa I will be shown in addition to the regular movies. Mr. Morgan took these ‘pictures himself. [Aka County to Hove New Ice Pleat Lake County is to be the home of one of the largest artifical ice. plants in the United States, according to an announce- ment made last week by the Consumers 00mm of Chicago. who have at the Mt time. plans under consideration which embody the expenditure of $5011†it! the purpose of erecting a punt at LII. Forest. where they have already emu! wtioul on several stripe of land. Themuhcturin‘ of ice from distilled waterbtobethe main activity of the â€undertaking but it in stated that distilled water. cod end other utidee will he pieced on the North Shore after the company have fun! mterilliaedthen‘ plant in connection with the new project. NEW ORGAN INSTALLED IN THEATRE nclmmed Mml for. the Following Per- A \Hv H HR. 3]! NEW GYNMASIUM OPEN TO PUBLIC SHIN. VIEWS SATURDAY NIGHT H BL 5Hâ€; TO VOTE TUE5DAY nuns Operated by unr Pernnn and. {ale \NIH be- flute-d ADVERTISED LETTERS Ru-mmnl in Local Office uvr H Hm! \ vrur 'aunile \118 :HH Hr JI‘hn IH In: 1mm H OFFICIALS OF CHICAGO MILWAUKEE R. R. PRESENT Delegation from South End of Highland Park Argue Over Paving. Special Meeting of Council to be Held on Thursday Evening, Mar. 1 1. Smoke Ordinance Engrossed. MEETINGOF CITY COUNCIL HAS A LARGE ATTENDANCE h XIV-x llu'hn vv Inl'. HU'I was (hm lhvy urn *thg [ha whnle at} wantefl, and {HM In 9.1x" 4!»)th ail \1: to "hulldusr" :11 d Kiel ~l: p It Ire-mg \u nun [q 'hr 1H int n,†In (In â€(ï¬v‘hT (Mi: .7 the «'11) u! '11}:L]d!ld‘>.1lkltflli ('11 (ha n nymnqtnhlv IH H33 n Mow: â€LidU .u mulnm :ha return] to {hr mrH ‘admx Inulmn wa~ Inxt. but «as aduplum I)! â€w iuilqumg In dux m] In Aui .\|chul~ In .'\}‘1 “NH“ - ' l‘hnl I! 1‘ IYH'I 'Y]\lt"1kk h'rn 17"â€) “mi “.1111 unmm'Hg “m; p m1: AIL). humng, chm'y'nmn u: Hu- umnmlu'r. hmmg :é‘m-I: 1hr My Loin and [HM Lu 41m -l ~UH'H l conâ€"x tfll\ dcpnsll,‘ X‘éu‘HLd Ihv h tln [n IHK conâ€"x L reply. â€LU“ {fl hull) wan"! pm: Upon a motmn by’Ald. Moses the ow; clerk was insxruct to H‘CPIVC bids fort the purchase of prijnted [forms {or de- ‘ linquent specxal assessments and given powerto purchase game of the lowest bidder plovidnng thegamoum does not ex- ceed $371K). _ g Dr": Yum favor o! F ruary Iwcnzx 51x11; has been recenrd. 'c appra mic xv!) much (hr dcsne u! {an}: of your pcupir to do business with ghxs bank, bu! regret In say that We are willing [u furnish the surety bond rch red. _ . \’§y truly yours. 5 D. HUL‘IRT. Vice T’rcudent The city alreadv 1?);an an 'acrcpxabIr personal securm' ï¬rm the bank look nu action in !his manex’, Ald. Fearing moved. seconded by Ald. Obee, that the sum of $751.10 be appro- priated from the mibcellaneous and con- tingent fund for the: purpooe of enabling the city anomey Elnd Attorney Schu- macher to procura such data as they may need in conn ion with the Chicago Milwaukee EIecgic matter. Motion “W'Vï¬lï¬kmmmlt “can; ï¬ï¬emdde of lost. Ayem MW Fearing and Obee. Nayea: AldermenSï¬hhcn, Moses. Nichols and Stevens. 1!]( npnm x! HUI ,\ plumb: mg rd }' Dunn (â€>1 I); III (I [WI «Ln. fl] 11 11')? (‘HHUKH (mug rm ‘admnnsxmlwn hut MAS lulluwrd 1â€â€œqung H‘MHUII 11ny Mr M] unmpJn) \I‘ I“! â€go A‘ \h 9.91: (11'. In I 1" H33 nan†and Au] l :hkvmhlmm mom: u m h F)! 1" I *1; HIKPIE.‘ (I‘M! Hui} up In than UU‘I hat lhc mullrr 1,. UH) ll er HI u! upâ€)! II Jll Mcrvhun \1 H Ald. HI H 7‘ In k um Mr ' “my "Aid aura Illhg,:\1dl Viva-x pom l .‘ldlt‘: \Vonderful ‘hfoHQ rioduuion Bell, bhown at ALL.“ I.Lm ILcu-c, thcnso ~prnd m a (â€1} main-n yum p..ur m y ur country no \unhdelue H‘ 113 x.x\\. Thr North ‘1- mnuc Hm! LN wâ€! m mgm battle ï¬g;- nsc ufl .Muxmx and me camera $3 Lduahl lhc buxals ul flame spumng Qt trom the muzznes 01 (kc great gun»: they are ï¬red 1n broadsnue. :3, Human um. â€mum. pruuu‘e 0! ï¬le wsgrrk and or the twenty-anal pnudénl departments and bureaus o! the lethal government. The three branches of *e army are seen under held servnce My (Ions; the Senate In SCSblL/nl theoperuï¬m of the postofï¬ce department. the meant); the Department 01 Agriculture. lb: Bureau of Engraving and Prmtmg, wlï¬re all the stamps and paper money )5 Me. the work of the reclamation servnoe, be forestry depanment, the hghthouee‘fï¬p vnce. ï¬shenes, the bureau of nand‘ï¬io, the revenue BCTVICC, weather human, it. A lecturer explalm just what yow to know about each scene. "E Thls IS but une Nature 0! ‘iL‘ncle Sin 3! Work". winch. lukt'n with the CM! and cv-uu Iduuh u] Jw h‘ubk‘l [Inwnnï¬Fs M Bonds mm W... I5,- 3H. Fair-sq 100: not Flying ti Ku- lulldlfl) In «.1 manu- 21â€th mmnmmmmï¬n Th ‘1‘. \id, Hbm Ar “up†:AlnulnA wncd nun M »( Inn: [ht pt’ClaHr lle‘ ‘I.2xl ugh 1mm nu \ £11; N1 d\( {(‘t‘ t r rd .11“: [In koun \lllt ph ulmn 'n HHY‘IHH‘K (In! H an flue .Md .\1 n in: Whax \\ m pH‘\l (J Ulll ‘II In 'UMLL SAM AT WUM" n.1gw.\\llh H 'm H M Wt'tk 2m: ryuamu‘. scaled aux.» 1H wumsim â€Man 10! [3r .1 «,1 Hum) 11 (11.08! aï¬n m.) 1‘: ukaw ll 1: a gtflal m- ‘1.“ “â€1 mm! you and p.uir m y ur country afld H‘ Us X.x\\. Thr North ‘1- » \nn m mghl battle pt;- nmx and me camera $3 buxals ul flame spumng Qt 1H1! I) Ugncm wtlLr Uniled 1;.‘.\ w 2). {1.191.511 www: .:;.L.cnti,- L.» Hun an 'm: <1 Ex Kid ,;, ‘: mum}: >106 WL‘N ‘ ‘ In-cx‘ï¬clï¬ x SHH‘ 1‘1 An“ “lull 0..) EXCUSE MI Hm! 1,“.dblum ha}. I, v I: '1‘Lursday CVC x,!,11:cusru ‘ .x.\.>l\»n-'lf um Ié‘y pn cnll‘LDd .duoxiu'm {lint 'AY Mr. l‘ the 1 'mg UN 01 ,4 ~ In ngune Q 'LIS' w 85 m \1 r. N A be hill ((5 man 1rd .‘Il