We do our own delivering We also can give a very good price on canned good. It will guy you to visit this Muket, you will without doubt have money Choicest Meats will be sold at wholesale prices. can cut your meat bill 20 per cent. Compare this price list with the present price that you are now paying Native Rib Roast Beef, lst and 2nd' cut .......... 18c Native Pot Roast Beef ................... 12 and 14c Sirloin Roast Beef .............................. 18c Hamburg Steak ............................... 15c Round Steak ................................. 18c Hind Quarter Lamb ............................ 18c Leg Lamb ..................................... 18c Shoulder Roast Veal .......................... 16c Loin Roast Veal ..... . .......................... 20c Peacock Brand Bacon .......................... 25c Breakfast Bacon ............................... 17c Peacock Hams ................................. 17c Leaf Lard .................................. 11§c Wisconsin Canned Corn, per can ................. 7c Wisconsin Canned Peas, per can ................. 7c Home fnade Pork Sausage ....... ; .............. 15c Pork Loins ................................... 129C Pork 'Iéerggerloins .............................. 1133c Spare l ..................................... c Pork Shoulder ................................. 12c Rump Corned Beef ............................. 15c Stewmg Chickens .............................. 20c Strictly Fresh Eggs, 'per doz ..................... 28c 24 W. Cain] Avenue Palace Cash Meat Market SPECIAL SALES e um now in A position to make immediate doliveriu on our Studebnker four And nix cylinder models. $985.00 Ind $1385.00 reopectively." Five-Pumas! ' roux $935 \ \ I uxhï¬u: Eloctric Swan: tad Full Honing ROI! Axlo~Extn Size Tu'u Maintained by First Church of Christ. Scientist, of Highland Park LAKE FOREST GARAGE You are Cordially Invited to make use of the privileges of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 119 East Central Avenue Hours 9 to 12 a. m.. 1 to 5 p. m. Every day except Sunday HARVEY A. BEILGARD, I Lake Forest, Illinois LEO A. HAAK, Mgr. me . Highland Park, [ï¬nk . me»... 160 0N MEATS MESSAGE at the of such proportions that home baking is rapidly becomming the exception rathrr than the rule. The very best of home bakers have learned that our bread l5 at least as good as any they can bake. It is cheaper. too. Try a loaf or two and then tell us. if you can why you should bother vmh bakxng when we do It so well and cheaply for you. Geary’s Home Bakery WE ARE BUILDlNG wholesale pn'ces. We 20 W. Contnl Ave. ....... 18C 12 and 14c ........ 18C ...... 15C ....... 18c ....... 18C ....... 18C . ..... 16c ....... 20C ....... 25c Prop. A BREAD TRADE 11§c ..IC .15c 12k i WANTExk-Sewing by expcnrncrd seam. 133mm. Tel. 718R. :1 4 WANTEDâ€"Dressmaking hv lhr_day or lat home. Emma Ste-Hen. 207 N Serum! l St. Tel. 794«M. t! ! WANrEDâ€"AH kinds of embroidery 2 ’ initialing. scalfopi'qg, etc.._ also will give . . y ,\.\\. clan Will | lessons rn embmidgry. Address 204 Second St. Tr] H. P. 976. . FOR RENTâ€"House in Highland Park iand Highwood. also houses for sate. , Phone 7ll-M. Louis NA Berube, Highland ‘n__|, Ihave several applications for {ur- nished houses. What have you lnr rent? Place your order with J M. Dunsmg. 124 S. First 5!. Tel. 263. 51-2 WANTED-Good lurnishcd mom in private family; will Ham pnwlege n! couking meals. Addre-ss PV 0, Box 68] Highland Park. 1 NEW BLOMDKFL"§I63( NORTH SHORE MILLINERY SHOP Park North Shore Bequlfy Parlors Fun RENT? Furnished. 6~room apart- ment and bath, two sjeeping porches. large living room, nicely furnished. Lo- cated neat Exmoor Country Club. James Hepburn, tel‘ 63. 52 NEW FOR RENT 6-ronm flat with all modern mnvenienccs a: 213 McDamels Ave. Tel. 765W. “’J ‘ FOR RENT-10 room house with all ,modern improvements. Q acre; ï¬ne fruit Hrees etc. East side; also several house: land cottages for rent. Apply 124 S. Pint JSt. Tel. 263. J. M. Donsmg. 52-3pd ] FOR RENTi-A very drslrablr 7vroom ibungalow: all modem Improvemcnu. ‘choice location. Apply at 507 S. Shcridan [Rd. Tel. 224. u I FOR RENT~FIats with all modern con- ,veniences. 104 Walnut Ave. Tel. 100a t! f FOR RENT Rooms very desirable at : moderate prices. 247 E. Central Ave. Ind Fox RENTâ€"Safety deposit boxes ahd‘ vault space {or storage of trunks, etc., It' the Erskine Bank. If 3 FOR Ram lrom station formation. FOR RENT Furniahcd 9-mom house, bathroom and 2 sleepmg porches, June. July and August. Address J 1. Press of- fice. ‘ u-vu“. blocks from stauunLklxflVlï¬l-‘uon, Tel. 178 or 442. ll FOR RENTâ€"Two connecting rooms (or either light house ket'plng or smglc, heat. electric light. etc. Reasonable rcnl. Ap- ply 126 S. First St. 1‘ T. Montgomery FOR RENT- 11 room house and gauge. Good lawn and garden. Near lake. Ap ply owner 15 N. Sheridan Rd. Phone 156. Fox Rmv Nlcely (urm’shed apartment {or summer months. 6 rooms. sleepmg porch and bath; large living room with ï¬re place; everything modern. Located near Exmoor Club. Tel‘ 155. u pd ‘EIPLOYHENT AGENCYâ€"Pir-t dun help mind for 311 hon-hold positions. Employment of til kind: (or women Ind girls. In. '1'. Wflsh, 238 N. First St... nut Elm Place. To]. Prices that are right PhoneH. P. .920 Hats from $1.00 (0 $15.“) First elm work. Public cordially invited to come in and look them over. Open Saturday evening; â€"EMPLOYMINT Acxucvâ€" Women de- tiring work shouid register. with me. If vou need help address Mn Geo. Smith Jr.. over Schumachcrsdrug “on. Tel. Wmmâ€"AH kind: at (and. help; American md Ionian. Wmflmflo a week. Also ï¬rst clm help {uni-bed on abort notice. Appfy 124 So.Pim Snack Ave" telephone 263 Mm). M. Owning t! [wmm,r0um,mnm| FOR Rsxrr Modern 9 room house PHONE H. P. 124 Is. CHAS. Wm; Ella and Emma Borrlmrdl 8L0 MDA HL 131. ()(‘VA' Friday Evenings RENT 4_-room house. 3 blocks MISCELLANEOUS FORRENT H. 652 {or further In rwnvâ€"n pocmm W m.’ have-um: by dacnbmg it 1nd pmv‘ may-“pun tor this uh. I . I myrymcnu ifdemred u A. Lam ‘5 Ca. com 218 Rape! Block. 105nm“ Sc. Chiaao. m. :1 Fa Sun-1911 4-w Hallway? automobile. excellent condition, fully ; equfpoed. run only 6000 mun: com m- ‘ ly antitank-d math. Pricem. -, R.‘ S Vu'l. 110 S. Durham 51.. Chicago. ‘ ; FOR SALEâ€"Beautiful White swan, {mounted will sell lor about co“ 0! mount- }ing. 315(1). Can be placed out oldoon in any had 0! weather without hem damaged. May be seen u the ofï¬ce of ;the Highland Park Pm: 50 I1 FOR SALE Beautiful new 5.room bun- galow u 25 Onwcnma Ave. large rooms. (hunted thughout; ï¬ne balhmom, cement cellar. furnace hell. hot and com "(a connectnom; whne enameled plumbing ï¬xtures; latest electric ham quintet; dude: and screen: tor all win- F I ! FOR SALE» Choke kn, 100 {wt tmnt- age, nru Vmc Ave. Manon. Hmhland Park. $20.00 per foot; newer and water ,pnid. Addreu the Highland Park )‘rm' ‘or F‘ S.Am|ck, 534 Lumnngxun Ava. jChktgo. H pd FOR SALEâ€"Choice 50-“. lot: in our new subdivision slung Waukepn Ava. north of Vine Ave. Pncc $300 and upwards; mm. $50 or more; cub balance. Euy ymenm 0. A. Levin «A. Room 218 Block. Clark and Wuhmmon St: «2156 Milwaukee Ave‘. Chicago. u FOR SALEV‘Din by the wagon luad Tel. 962. 1.2) m4 Fok SALEâ€"~ Home. hunns and buggy, also bed. L‘ual healing stou- and small gas heater. 901$ Green Bay Rd "lei. ‘Nm FOR SALE Electric motor. 5 h. p. ali twinning curirm, exielleni condition bargain. Ur Sheldon, St John, Bldg FUR t‘u.£~36 slightly pilfl‘d boiiet ml. 3 451x41" by 14 feet. Inqum- at Mo awe Hole-I. 1-2 pd Demo-urchin; Cue Autonob In Mr‘ Phllh‘hrndan of “aukrgan. ha‘ on 6.51,)!“ and la ï¬enumalrallng the famous Us: muonobre at Prterum Bins unngr on h". S! )ohns A\c (all m lrlrphum- {or a dcnmnslumm. n In“ cost you nothing adv 1 ad screened , porch. Price SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE A h' tension magneto 5. With the rlzmd beau-câ€" -â€"1't mean u fwcr gmmy. --it menu- : livelier motor. Thane maulmm who use the ba- tery ignition do so to cut down their Illino- fbaun‘ng coon. Tho do u! fauna a w I“. beam it is too and}. magneto. Orily the EhéFerEE £073.0- n'vc battery ignition in tarnished. Thio h entirely independat 0‘ lb. naming and lighcing mm. cedcd by the gran m.., vi“ 0! expcrn and engineer: to be the moot oucï¬cicol. Aha it lathe moot cxpennvc. Althmmth ammo. â€"it means more pomucu M‘ Psafield é'Garage @epbmil’s Bargains on Page Q; El in equipped M Long Distance Moviné by Auto Truck “my; --LUAL-- Scranton Order your on] or wood while the weuther in 2004 North Shore Anita Transportation Co, 1;»): ma, Agents {or um ms rm sso Mud Park ()ur TruckngO to Chicago every day and any househaid goods. going in we can in able price 0? moving them lake Geneva Ice When you porch-ac an Overland you â€I the mod flvhlh. man comfomblc. mod veniem. moot compleu and {non carc- lql “constructed our {or the prim in the W :\ TbeOverlnndh-s emphatic-1 and «tom! improvement. 3!? w“ 5:3 mtg-inn to dry cclh. :‘ Nahuaceulnhightcmion magneto Q’qritonindic-tion that the car is not --COAL-- The but 0! In Overland M. by Ila-«Jo ten time. greater thsn tho , of the ordinary battery ignition. -14 it should be. Something “:17 impormnt _' comequcnlly there might be my important thin“ left of. ol' ich you Ire not am. $31075 Motion Overland moan y day and 'if you have We can give a reason~ lat-bud).- fl‘N-‘g lab-u! Nunâ€".4 >3; 9; Mum: corneal lute-t dl tor Illinois lion- ( l) ‘ num- to Public in 5??? mutual wounmuJ “(from a payment: I In mm 1 mutant bl then-me educatioai ochooh mu impetun [i am today ‘ of macho: barb of 4 incl! (en 1 (he legiow wide loud fund for cl greuive g! vfll