216 “l7 70 North Shore Bea foallï¬‚ï¬ FEWTZO KID/1 HL BLOCK mum NORTH SHORE MILLlNERY SHOP W. Central Ave. NEW BLOMDAHL BLOC Misses Ella and Emma Borchardt numb“. 632 BKWROM Save $5.00 to $10 0!: Your New 5min! “9‘ We can make over you; In! so hats into new stylnh shape Turner Hat lilo-cam bu- Now 3:18 S. State St†one door north 0! vld address. HA1! block oouth of Madison St. Chicazo. Occupying e1» tire memh floor Prices that are right Phone H. P. 920 FRED SCHAEF ER PLUMBING Hats from $1.00 to $1500 Firscclass work. Public cordially invited to come in and look them over. Open Saturday evenings. Tu VENCEL MUZIK smut SHOP PHONE H. P. 124 Mas. CHAS. WERHANE Open deay and Friday Evenings Highland Park Greenhouses OMB kind hearted soul of a neighbor called up 78 Tues- day night and wanted to‘ know if there was any truth in the rumor that “Uncle" had jumped into Mooney's Pond on account of the outcome of the Primary Elec- tion. This happened while “Uncle" sat with his kids in the Nickel Show enjoying the “Exploits of Swedie" and just for fear that there may be other good neighbors or peeple we owe money to. worrying about our welfare, let it be known that the folks here consider that we done just splendid. consenting to run the last minute in order to put a little more life Into the campaign and getting 301 votes. We are in the Ring to stay, very much alive and feeling ï¬ne. Thank you. Every man, who on Tuesday's election, allowed his name to go on the ballot as a candidate for office to serve for 4 years to come, in conducting the affairs of our city. deserves credit. It means for him to give up a lot of his time, he is bound to create bad feelings as well as good feelings in the discharge of his duties. for even with the best of intentions things don't always run smoothly. Tobe progressive and actually do things is what Highland Park needs; to make it a’istill more beautiful town will beneï¬t us all the more and there is no doubt in my mind but lull‘h Supplemental Special Aueument Notice Supplemental Special Warrant No. lO-l Notice: Public notice ll hereby given that the county court of Lake County, llli- noit, has rendered judgement tor a second or supplemental Special Assessment to pay the amount of deï¬ciency in the ï¬rst assen- ment upon property benefited by the follow- ing improvement: Grading. draining. paving with macadam and otherwise im- proving Grand Blufl Place and Belle Ave, in the city of Highland Park. County of Lake and State of Illinois, as will more fully appear from the certiï¬ed cnpy of the judgement on tile in the collet‘tor‘a othce. That the warrant for the collection of such lassessment is-in the hands of the undersign- led, all persons interested are hereby notiï¬ed Eto call and pay the amount assessed at the {collector’s ofï¬ce in the city hall, Highland {Park. Illinois, within thirty days tmm the dale thereof Supphmonul Special Mus-nun! Notice Dated n Highland Park. this 4m day of March A Supplememll Special erranl No. 188 Notice: Public notice is hereby given till! the county court 0! Lake County, Illi- nois, has rendered judgement for a second or supplemental Special Agsessmem to pay the amount of deï¬ciency in the ï¬n: aneu- menr upon property beneï¬ted by rhefollow- ing improvement: Comtruuion of a main ----- in MrDaniel Ave. Ind McDaniel or supplemental Special A’sessment to pay} the amount of deï¬ciency in the flux unen- ment upon property beneï¬ted by thelollow- ing improvement: Comtrurtion of a main never in McDaniel Ave. and McDaniel Ave. produced Iouthetly together with n laternl sewer, mmholet, flu-hing connec- tion, house junctions, Ind I nevuge puriï¬ca- tion worh. without an outlet pipe there- from, 1nd crating a tewer district therefor. to be known as District “G." u will note â€"_. Harry B. Evan» City Cullenm ark. IHmoiu‘ :h.'\. I). 1915 Harry B. Evan‘s. (‘in Collecmr rm: mm mm â€@3ch PARK nmus fully Ippent from the C("lMd copy 04 the judgement on ï¬le in the cullertor'l oflice. That the warrant for the mlleetion of Iuch useument is in the hands of the undenign- ed. Ill per-om intetested are hetehy notiï¬ed to call and pay the amount unwed II the collector‘s uthce in the city hall. Highland Yuk, Illinois, within Ihl") day: how the due hereof, Specinl Aueusnent Notice No. 220 Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the city council of the City oi Highlsnd Park. County oi Lake. and State of Illinois hevin‘ ordered that the iollowing local improvements he made to-wit‘ Gredin‘. drainin‘, cutb- in‘, providin‘ with catch besins. con- structing a macadam roadway having no aehphelt suriace (18 feet wide. including concrete gutters). constructing a rein- iorced concrete 1irder-type bridge. end otherwise improving Beach St. iron the eerterly‘ line oi the paved rosdwey in St. Johns Ave as hereinafter provided eut- erly to the westerly line oi Sheridan Rd. (excepting the site of the concrete hrid‘e herein provided). St. Johns Ave. iro- the southerly line of Lincoln Ave. pro- ;duced westerly across St. Johns Ave.. southerly to the southerly line oi Moth St. produced westerly across St. Johns Ave.. Foreet Ave. imm the northerly line oi Wade St. produced weeterly, southerly to the easterly line oithe paved roadway on St. Johns Ave. herein pro- vided; Wade St. iron: the easterly line oi the peved roadway in St. John Ave herein provided, southeasterly to the coutherly line oi Beach St.; Linden Ave. from the east line oi Forest Ave. south- easterly to the southerly line of Bench St. and e reiniorced concrete bridge in Beach St. between Wade St. and Linden Ave,. spanning that ravine in Beech 5L; Dated at Highland Park, thois, (his 4th d1) of March A I) 1915 all in the city of “I‘hllfld Park. County 0! Luke and State of lllinoil. The. or- dinance lor tho ume being on ï¬le in the oï¬ce ol the city clerk of uid city and having applied to the county court of Lake County for In III“!.‘.' 04 the con" c! said inprovcnznt occordil‘ to beneï¬ts. lld In uncut-cot (bond law in; been made and "turned to In“ court. the Incl heurin‘ thcrooo will be bod on the 26th duy 01 Much A. D IQIS. or u soon thereof"! In the bud-cu ol the court will permit. ' cunt Said aneumcm is payable in n- (l0) installucou, with mun-t at (In ran at ï¬ve (5) par column on anna- oa all in-' atalluenu (to. and all" data a! loan. ol‘ In! voucher. All perica- doairi.‘ nay ila obicctionl in said court W. said } dayand nay-"oatm- the Mari-(004‘ nah (hair “at... i neat. DI!“ at “W Put, llliuk, "Oct 10!]: A. D. 1915. 2-3! Oï¬er appointed to not. aid tutu-i i iichud W. Pluck". Harry H l'klnl. (‘m Culledot what every man on the ballot held these same 'views, realized the task and was willing and capable to help alongE-towards carrying out these ideals, and l for one, whether elected 'pr not will be only too glad to support those who will be called to Serve. Whatever may happen next month don‘t fdfget paying atten- tion to the out door spring work, no better timchan the present to sow Grass Seed. No higher grade of seed gyms ever put up than ours, a 5-pound sack of fancy triple clean †seed, full of life and sure to grow if given half a chance, we sel ,‘for one silver dol- lar. or if you call up we deliver and charge it. 9 Fertilizer for the lawn and garden contain; more actual plant food. is free from weeds and costs less than stable manure. Why not use it? A 100pound bag for $2.00. Thrée bags for $6.00. You can't do better anywhere. Why hesitateï¬ [bound W Ago-q Eurmvum Anna-Fm: clu- help ‘ received to: all household positiont. Em- ’ ploymem 0! III kind. for women and, 'gulvt Mn T. Walth. 315 E. Park Ave. near Linden. Tel. 868 R U WANT!» All kinds 0! 1cmn|e help; Amcncm and ion-3n. Wage. 87 to $10 a week Also ï¬rst cluc help Iurmnhcd on shot! nouce. Apply 124 So Fm! Sree! Avé., telephonc 263. Mn 1‘ M. Donmu. wmmmnmmm â€"EJIPLOYHKNT AGENCY- Women de- |iring Work. should register, With me. H vou need help addreu Mn. (jeo. Smllh 11., over Schumacher's drug um". Tel Tm l1 FOR RENT Full RENTâ€"Good and room I! tum! Slate Bank Bulldmg. Tel. 52 2 Do you intend planting Trees. Shrubs q Perennials this spring? Don‘t you want to consult us? It's So simple; Central can get us together over 85 in a minute and inh‘ few more min- utes you will be convinced that we know wlï¬t we are talking about when it comes to Flowers, Plants or thq’ â€Grounds Beauti- , .v- _L___- In- “Hummenne pccimatm nraivisit with our Ford. Fox Ramâ€" Niccly lurmshed apartment {or summer months. 6 rooms. sleeping porch lnd bath; large hvmg room mm ï¬re pitce. everything modern. Lot-led near Exmoor Club. Tel. 155. u pd Fol RENT - Modern 9-room ban», 2 blocks from sultan, good location. Td. 178 or “2. U Foal RENTâ€"A very durable Troom bun‘llow; Ill modem |mpwvcmenm chonce location. Awly II 507 S Shendxn Rd‘ Tel‘ 224. t! F0. Rm~nuu wilh all modern con- venicncu. 106 Walnut Ave. Tel. 10011 If Fon Run R‘oomn very desirable n modem: price: 2‘7 E. Central Ave. lpd F0! Rm-IO room bout: with all modem um vemcm; Q nae; ï¬ne In“! (rm etc. side; also ml hon... and conga !or rem. Apply 124 S. Fin! SL Tel. 263. J. M. Dentin; 52-396 ful" {5630"}? WWI}? ' ' u 10! RWYâ€"Seven] rooms nun-bk- (o! ofl'mel over Harder' I Hudwue. 2 F0: Runâ€"Home in Highlnnd Put md Highwod. also home! tor ale. tho 7ll-M. Louis N. Rube. Highland Park. (1 No charge for suggestions, estimates or a Elisit with our lllu", - )n. Td- 4 F0! W Chart 50!! ‘0“ In bu: new U ; lubdlvhnon along Wauk' an Avr. nunh Troom 0‘ VI“ Ave. PM and upwardt. vcmcnu, ‘ WI $50 0' more; c but-nu l-Luy Shendun ‘ rymcnu 0 A. buli- Q U).. Room 218 if! caper Hock. Chrl ind Washington Sm. em con- lot 215 Milwauku Avo‘Chbcuo 1! 10m :1! FoI s»; Banana ' w 5 room bun “u- -. l [flow It 25 Onveqnh v3. latte roam. â€It 25 Oman.“ lhmu‘bou Fol SAL! Five er Studebakfl I l h." “WI“ 'ppl Incomobulc. '1) hum , newly palm- " ad; I (Inc at. Can bdwoen II M, A :zï¬f>m:‘er£u‘i Pofltro. 166 ()nvenuh ï¬ve. TeL 836].†S Fim 5L Tel 263‘ Pm SAuâ€"At - bug , nugnuy Bauer Upnghx panno,‘ nhoanny Tel. H P. 572 : 'plnmNn‘ 61mm ll :6xturu; duds und " '60"; mud» 90"†Co. can :13 Rap" 15L. Cuban. |||~ FUISALI- -Pnu m I and lawn. Strum o! b C. White 0 won em Ior handling Ibo baby ch to! sale. In quue 0! A. E, Sullivan, rfkld, fllr ' 9 r‘ M Fun SAu‘Chmoe ‘5100 led lrom~ m. near Vme Ave. mm, Highland Park. 820m per foot; or and um" mid Addrr-lhc Hum nd Pnrk Pro» paid.'Addreo;lN Huh nd Pnrk Pro» or F, S. Amlcl. 534 nunglon A\e. Chicago, 9 n pd RMAURAN‘I mu SAL: Huhlund Put Cafe. rim duo bunnab tor the nghl puny. Muuu-l! on 0‘ accoum o! I“ heal! . 6 5, Fun Sl.,sH|ghla-nd Park Tel. ' . 2 5 St. 165:» Ave acme“ cell-r lumooe flu. hand 0010 water connections; 'hnle namded :4 I_L. Foamâ€"1911 4-â€! Human automobile. ucdlcm non. fully (mum run only milo. oomph!» Iy ovfl‘hlukd («mam ï¬ï¬ceflfflnno. R 8!ka Fm 31mm: I Mm "ï¬rmwï¬ Foul Wmâ€"gmr-flu VJLHI-ï¬â€˜sv lmmis: _ Chkgo. iALlSWA surrey.‘lmou new, vmh lop. Addlens W. (heck-y. 25 N WWW At a bandit. flight]! “'94 ‘ 1 0M Saharan. m dectn'c lab! 1» {or nil win- Pr'x‘c $3230.“). ().A Lam wk. lmNClnrl ll Hand-y 26pd Warmâ€"lJundry work by the day or tub. DI.) hon-c damn. Address I: S Caner-v De|ivcry, Wankepn. Ill. 2 pd MISCELLANEOUS. l hue awn-l apphauooo I. muhed Mun. Whu “"3 ’2' fl Wane-All lundl 01 embtmdcn- 2 Inmulm‘, Kllluplnfl, cm. 11.0 mll awe kuom m embroidery. Addrul 204 N. 80th SI. Trl H. P. 976 u Drmmakmg and ladies mloriq‘. Will 30 out by IM- day Add!“ Mn McMamn. 313 Wu: 1 m, Wlukqnn. ll. Tel Wuukqln 1392w 2-5 pd WANTw Puplls m muvmtionnl (hm! pmnnng; rmud. punt. c-mmrl ma lustre Walk (mum Ham lunday and 5mm- d1). pnvllc lea-m:- Il cleared. Mn M. L Jurd-n, 53 .\. (.Iern Bay Rd Tel. 1(ll3. z pd U “'ANTII) m {M lluuu lmm Mu ï¬rIl. l brdruomm. all cunvrmcncrt. nouo cxceud ‘50 (av: lull drucripnon Ad- dreu W (1 C Pmuofhcc. 2 pd In! Educ Etch-.0 â€" I own 400 m rnol land near Hounon. Trxns. In ralntxll, am me ï¬lm. What have you to rxrhlngc lor the above 111 Hmhland Park pruptrn" Write me. John A. Rncbeh. Deerï¬eld. “L 3-7 hay to Watch the Aw Game... New 6n. Like a w-tumu. I! h- nmd Hm! any one may uvmnlly Inc:- We wmd Ivy moun- of I rnuunno hand-Ir. The exln-ngm 1- “mph "mutt: In he vmrw (ï¬lm: at haul Amrdlnx m (ho-o I lm lune mmh- 0w undue-m. nll mm In new-nun 1| 3 hand-w and 1 good bran-n. On In; blow: (in; hntd tho saw min“ the wind~thnl tn. If the I'lnd h tn the north hold the saw wtth am: and pointing out and the other wont Hold t!» It ‘1â€: the tooth turn" must and Up It “1va Inward the ho run!) until it t- It nu nnzle of about forty the dorms. By glancing along the Mgr of the tooth you run "In the Winn" It '1]! ho pouring ovar the on†o! the C. much after the mans that "or poun orer I wan-mil. This I- doubt la- duo to the not that than an uvnyu an. punch- of dust to we Itr. and In a strong m the wind tum lplnlt the slanting sma- of an nv. us. up the Int-fut Ind suddenly “pour! our" when It mam It i doubtle- tho thy partition that momanamwmnmnu â€unwomthOMpofmouw . tho vim mt drop. hot n In SEEING THE WIND. nuke-aw"