r16 North Shore Bea My, £91595 Paid“ NORTH. SHORE MILLINERY SHOP NEWZTBLOM'DKHL BLOCK Misses Ella and Emma Tekphou 632 B'ices that are right Phone H. P. .920 Hats from $1.00 to $15.00 First class work. Public cordially invited to come in and look them over. VENCEL MUZIK PHONE H. P. 124 Mas. CHAS. WBRRANE Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings Saturday evening!- Barclumfl ID it ever occur to you that after all the Grounds, sur- rounding your Home, are really nothing less than an extention of it? They are the "Out Door Living Rooms" of your Home. Man isn't satisï¬ed with boxed in quarters any longer. Brick walls. small win- dows. they are being pushed aside, Outdoor Sleeping Rooms. Tile Covered Terraces. Pergolas and Porches with open Fireplace where Light, Air and Sun can get at you is the order of the day. To live. breathe and be out doors as much as possible means To live, breathe and be out doors as much as possible means Health and everything that goes with it. one can't get the best out of Life in the closed-in room. looking at Walls hung full of p01“ traits'of Generations gone or hunt for their likeness in the Family Album it takes Trees, Shrubs. Flowers, the Green Lawn and the Blue Sky, that makes for Happiness'and makes this world a won- derful place to live in. While we haven‘t as yet progressed far enough to have every human being enjoy these privileges which rightfully belong to them. there is no place on earth where one could ï¬nd a more Ideal Spot than Highland Park to create them in. Everyone of us whether on the 50-foot lot or the IOU-acre estate can have an out door Living Room, the open Lawn run- ning into the Flower or Shrub Border, the little Water Garden or the Fountain with its Waterlilies and the Fish,‘ the Rose Arbor. the little path leading to the bridge over the ravine. the Pergola, the Sundial. the Brick Walk. the Rustic Seat or the Bench. What more wonderful Furniture would you want? What a Carpet, what Grand Walls; no artist living could design anything quite SO beautiful as the Green Trees against the Skyline at Sunrise or InHIH iatructing a macedanl roadway having an :aehphelt eurlaoe (l8 feet wide. including; jyconcrete ‘uttere). conttruclin‘ a rain-1 ;lorced concrete tirder-type bridge. and' lotllerwile improving Beach St. iron thei eartrrly line of the paved roedway in St. | (John: Ave. aI hereinafter provided can- , erly to the westerly line oi Sheridan Rd. . (exceptin‘ the aite of the concrete bridge iherein provided), St. Johna Ave. iron. 1'the southerly line of Lincoln Ave. pro-j ‘duced weuerly acrou St. John: Ave..§ i eoutherly to the Ioutherly line 0! Beach , TSL produced westerly acrose St. Johmi Ave.. Forest Ave. from the northerly ‘ line of Wade St. produced weuerly, i ‘aoutherly to the easterly line oftbe paved 5 roadway on St. Johnl Ave. herein pro- ‘ vided; Wade St. lrom the eaeterlv line ol‘ the paved roadway in St. John. Ave. herein provided, aoutheauerly ' to the!I eoutherly line ol Beach St.; Linden Ave. i from the eeat line of Parent Ave. aouth- eaeterly to the eoutherly line of Beach St. and a reinforced concrete brid‘e inE Beech St. between Wade St. and Linden AWL, Ipenein‘ that ravine in Beach St.; allin the city of Hi‘hland Park, County of Lake and Stete of lllinoie. The or- dineece lor the ante beinl on ï¬le in the o‘ee ol the city clerk oi said city and having applied to the county court of Lake County for an aaeeunient ol the coetl oi eaid improvement accordin‘ to ‘heneï¬te, and an aeaeeunent thereol hav- ing been nude end returned to said court, :the ï¬nal hearin‘ thereon will be bad on the 26th day of March A. D l9lS. or an noon thereafter ea the huaineu ol the court will per-it. Said eeeeee-ent is payable in ten (l0) inetallbeeta. with intereet at the rate 0! ï¬ve (5) per centun per anon. on all in- atallnente Iron and alter date of iuue oi Noticc in bcrcby ‘ivm to all penan- intcrestcd that the city council of the City of Hi‘hllnd Park. County 0! Lake. and Stile of "Ii-oil having ordered that the lollowin‘ local improvemcnu be tandem-wit. Grading. druinin‘. curb- ing,providin‘ with catch bninu, cou- int vouch“. All penan- du’irin‘ any ï¬lo obioetiom in aid noun bafon aid day and may â€you on the huri-ï¬ and nuke their Menu. Richard W Olaf Iowifl‘“ ‘° “"h Dulcd u Hi‘hhnd Park. 10m A. D. WIS. 7.1.]... no. 217 V. (dd Aâ€" I . M. GATES Just right now for Fertilizer and Grass 1. Notice No. 220 lllinoiu, Mngc§ Hawki-I. uid um.- lot or the IOU-acre Nationally Advertiéed Goods The catalogs of the goods offered in this sale are the great home magazines, Good Housekeeping, Woman's Home Companion, La- dies’ Home Journal, Cosmopolitan, Hearst’s and so on, with national influence. They are the magazines that help you in your business of economic home management and You have conï¬dence in the Natlonallf' Adveruseu guuus, yuu envy money by buymg themâ€"you get a ful 100 cents' worth 013 of every dollar spent T" The one big teatnre of this sale and celebration is Naï¬onilly Adver- tised goods. Thxs is headquarters. :3 It will be more proï¬table for you to attend this sale thantho listen to others' tall: about the opportunity after it is over. W e Sunset or in Moonlight with the Stardecked ,Wonderful Ceiling. We are just beginning to live, just beginning to realize what it is all about. only a favorite few, and just a éw are getting their money's worth out of their stay here, not waiting for a better world to come, but others are following and our good town was never more beautiful since the earth has beemcreated than it will be this year. and it, as well as its people, will keep on growing more beautiful not only in looks but in mind and thought. For over 20 years ‘ L'nele" has been zilvocating beautiful llome Grounds for our Town, he has helped die best he could to promote every measure for a Better Town and Environments to live in, better and more schools. better streetshiore l’arks, more Trees, Shrubs and Flowers. the cultivating offa love for the Won- derful Outdoors and getting people interested in Gardening not only those with money but Everybody. He} and there some thought it extravagant but the majority help; along themselves to push these ideals and we are going to keep on pushing, only harder than ever and with a few more Pushers some wonderful things are going to happen very soon. ,3 We do anything pertaining to Gardening "and sell everything you need to make that Outdoor Living Room beautiful, but whether you want us to do the work or sell you anything or not isn't nearly as important as to have you think it worth your while to call up K) in order to consult us on matters concerning your Home Grounds. its free. How do we get pair? Simple enough. “Uncle" has a long head, the mere beautiful: your Grounds the more do others want similar work done and we are bound to get our share out of it carry both and are anxious to sell reasonable in the National]?! Advertised goods; you save m-â€"v0u get a ful 100 cents' worth mg of every A kind of sale that will be a pleasure to attend. It breathes quality, excellence and economy. Not a lot of’cheap merchandise, cut standardized goodsiwith big reputation behind each individual ï¬broduct WEEK OF MARCH 22 to 27 szleeping goa farther. It wits and invastigaws the products it-édvertises, right from the raw mQteï¬al to the price and value Ramember thiS‘when buying. prétect you against poor goods. ’I‘He protection lia m their adver- ding only reputable brands with a‘jiuarantee behind them. Good of Sale