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Highland Park Press (1912), 15 Apr 1915, p. 1

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n Ehe «3 915 In spite of the difficulty that all or- guiizations supported by private sub- scription have experienced this year, the Juvenile Protective Association of the North Shore has furnished the year with a larger balance in the bank than ever before. They neither solicited their own members for add- .d funds or asked the general public m contribute in any way to their needs. By this they do not mean to guy that they have not trimmed their sails to the tremendous storm, now ANNUAL REPORT OF HIGHW D HASTRREE - PROTECTIVE ASS’N ASP FOR MAYOR Seven New Members from Highland Three Candidate; for City Tun-uror Park. Auocinlion bu Larger And Elm/eh Candidnloa for Alder- Bnlunce in Bank [Inn 1 men. ‘ Election Promin- Ever Before ‘ (6 be Intending n‘ing abroad, which has elected everyone. They have been able to pay only half of their superintendent's time while Evnnaton engaged the re- maining half for probation work. Fifty new members have been added to the Iiet during the past year, seven of the“ being from Highlnnd Park, mely, Mrs. Maurice W. Kozminski, Mrs. Frances H. Brown, Della 1‘. Net:- el. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Snow. Jesse L Smith and Ira I. Geer. Mr. H. D. Faxon was unanimously elected as director of the Board. At the last annual meeting of the Board the same ofl'icers were elected that had served through the preceding year with the exception of the vice-president, _Mrs. Lloyd C. Whitman of Glencoe, who took the place of Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, who resigned. The other of- ficers are Ralph J. Townsburg of Wil- mette. pres; Geo. J. Pope of Glencoe, treasurer; and Mrs. Norris L. Gteeley of Winnetka, secretary. The direct- ors elected at the same meeting re‘ mained the same throughout the year with the following exceptions: In Highland Park H. D. Faxon was elect- ed to fill Mrs. George Dean's place; Mr. Jesse L. Smith succeeded R. L. Sanlwick; the vacancy lett by Mrs. Everett Millard's resignation still re- mains unfilled. In Glencoe, Mrs. Gor- don Ramsey succeeded Mrs. W. H. Johnson. In Winnetka, Mr. Francis A. Lackner succeeded Mr. W. W. Case; Mrs. Lloyd Whitman succeeded Mrs. Ira Couch Wood. In Kenilworth, no changes occurred. In Wilmette. Mr. Henry E. Brown of New Trier high school succeeded Mrs.1 George C. Murdock. ADDS 50 NEW MEMBERS DURING YEAR FOUR CANDIDATES At no time has the work of this as- sociation seemed of such importance as at the present moment when the vast army of the “Unemployed" spreading from city to suburb in their discouraging search for work, finding perhaps instead, the mischief which idle hands may do thus contributing to the dependency if not to the delin- quency of the younger members of society at large. The association thanks its members for their loyalty in the past and asks its continuance in the future for they need it now as never before. Member- of Board to be Ebctod in School Dietrich 107. 108. Ad I” At the Elm Place School Saturday an election will be held for the pur- pose of electing a President and Wm members of the Board of Education for School District 107. Mr. J. V. Norcross is the retiring president and Mrs. B. W. Shumacher and Mrs. E. B. Metzel are the two retiringmembers of the Board. Mr. Metzel 11418 filed a petition as candidate for president and Mr3. Everett Millard his filed a petition as candidate for number of the board Mr. S. “A St Peter is a candidate for the other member of the board although he has not filed a petition. m An election will be held tithe Lin- coln School in district 108 between the hours of 4:00 and 6:30 next Satur- day for the purpose of electing a President and two members of the Boaluli Petitions have been filed for Mi; 4' N. Kimball for president 3nd .\l:<. Ralph Seymour and R. S. Kirch- "PI'L'M' "Hr members of the board. Mr. Frank l1, Cain will also be a candi- \lu’:' {w member of the Board. A. z-Eection will also be held in the “iL'lt'-.\In'd school Saturday between the hwxr~ of 1:00 and 6:00 for the pur- p0<~ .;‘ electing one member of the 3M '1 m“ Education. Mr. James Hep burv: and Mr. Gooch are both undiâ€" (hm ~ for the office. Polls open from 2:00 uni“ 5:00 9-! SCHOOL ELECTIONS SATURDAY Next Tueizday at Highwood there promises to? be a real election. No' bets are beihg made on the outcome; There are,tl'i;ree candidates for mayor,’ George Rettfig on the Resident Peo- ple's Pnrty Cricket; John Meyers, S_r..‘ on the Indeplendent Voters' Party tidk- et; and A. J. Wnlsh on the Progress; Party ticket} On Mr. Rettig's ticketl Harry Olan er is running {or cltyl clerk, Richa O’Connor for treuurér,’ O. S. Gooch for city attorney, Willi‘m H. Burke fer alderman of the fitst ward, Edward Hinderberg for elder- man of the second ward, John Blam- gren for altkrman of the third ward and Herbert; T. Strung for nlderman' of the third wud to fill vncnncy. ‘ On Mr. Meyers' ticket John Lang is running tor city clerk. John Wei- nacht for treasurer, Edward Spellmn for alderman of the first ward, Elmer Igou for alderman of the second ward. N. Steigelmann for alderman of the third ward and Robert G. Smith for alderman of the third ward to fill va- cancy. 0n Mr. Walsh's ticket David Hust- vedt is running for city clerk. Emil Carlson for treasurer, Albert Olson for alderman of the second ward and Henry Liske for alderman of the tlird ward. E. J. Whiting is running for city clerk on the People’s Welfhn Party ticket and ()ris Swenness for alderman 0f :the first wanl on the In» dependent. Psrty ticket. Several Shard Play. to be Given in the New Gymnasium Friday. April 23rd On Friday evening. April ‘23, the members of the Deerfield-Shialds Alumni Association will get together with their friends for another good time. It will be in the form of a series of plays, given under the ‘di- rection of Miss McElrath of the flac‘ ulty. Five short one-act sketches, de- lightful in their humor, action and variety, have been prepared. Doer- field talent makes up one play, that of Highland Park. two, and that of Lake Forest, two. This innovation of having several short sketches from various park; of Deerfield-Shields cannot but prove successful. ‘In greater numbers. lies greater chance for discovery of new talent, and an opportunity {or many of the Alumni to take part. where it would be impossible to meet for reâ€" hearsal of a single play. Previous years. when the Alumni plays were given it meant the renting of Ravinia Park and extra time Ind expense for transportation. This year. on the completion of the new build- ings. the plays will be given right It homeâ€"â€"in the women: gymnasium. An additional treat will be the danc‘ ing, after the entertainment. in the men’s gymntsium. Governor Edward F. Dunno Proclaim- ThundayJApril 22. u“Road Day" To the People of the State of Illinois: “It having been called to my attention that the 20th day of April. heretolore designated by proclamation as "Road Day," falls on the date of the municipal election in tnany of the Villages 9nd cities of the State, it is deemed wise that the date, to be designated as “Road Day" be changed to: Thursday. April 22, HRS. Now, therefore. 1. Edward F. ‘Dunne. Governor at the State of Illinois. hereby proclaim Thprsday, April ’22. 1915. as “Road Day" for this year. and call upon all of the citi ens to set it apart as a day of work upo the public highways of the State and “thy o! the best means of bringing abo I better roads for the State of Illinois. %d I respectfully call upon all‘highwai ‘ cilia and Good Roads or. ganizations 4throughout the common- wealth to ass‘st in directlng the work on that day channels INTHEIN'IERESTOFGOODROADS ANNUAL ALUMNI NIGHT In witness whereof. I. Edy/arid F. Dunfie. Governor of the Sum: of Illinois. do hereby set my hand and (ause go be atfixrd the Great Seal of Stale this seventh day of Apni -\. 1).. 1915. (SflgnédhEDwnn F. DUNN!» imd systematic and pradical FOR CITY CLEIKKEXPECT TO OPEN SATURDAY, JUNE 26%501001. ELECHONS (EASE TO BE TAIE SAIUEL LEVIN T0 RU! FOR IAYOR ELECflON [8 0f (Inetnur THE RAVINIA COMPANY :DR. B. N. PARMENTER MUNICIPAL REGION EVERY MAN ANDWOMEN PLANNING 1915 SEASON} AND Wm.REAY ELECTED TUESDAY, APRILZOth SHOULD VOTE TUESDAY Symphony Concorh by the Cl: Symphony Orchcurn. Grand Open And Duncm. in Pro. ram “A program has been outlined which will follow the precedent already em ubliuhed of symphony concerts (Chi- cago Symphony Orchestra). gnnd op- era and dnncinx, And which will nleo carry out aninin'n policy of progreu 1nd development in it; devotion to the lrt of music in its highest culturnl and recreative forms. The moon of 1915 will mark nnother forVIrd step in the history of this unique institu- tion, which plays such an import-m. part in the summer life of ('hicngo and the North Shore. “To insure success. however. the Park's management must hnve the progresxive vii-operation of it: pu- trnns. Ravinia has no endowment fund with which to curry on IL! work, neither i« it u profit-Seeking enter- prise Hur guarantee of "pt-rating ex- penses comes largely from the ml \unl'o pledges of M-zn‘nn til'krl pur- chases, “Plans are now being made for new season of summer music n E vinia Park. The tollowmg letter sent nut by the anmla Company l0 mrnlbrxs a! (he Ravmna Club and inends ul Ranma Park. practically nssurrs the upcmng ol the Park on Saturday. June 26 tluns hil.‘ already begun, and W? hope that tho: response Wlll ln- worthy of lhv Scum"). "l-Invlused you “'1“ find mhnnce shoots ur' a booklet to he dutrll-uwl umum: the senmn-tu'krt holder! on thc- date of opening, \VhlL‘h wtll list their ~mlv,-('ription.~' fur 1914 as well as l'JlTp If every subscriber u! lnt season Would lNH'Bl l-I hl! or bar sub- scnptlon {ur the cummg summer Rn- \imu l‘urk would be \Mll on Its way toward tlnanrial M‘vurlt)‘, und v01:- truvt: With urthh of ("tulrll‘lh'l fume, hen-tnl'un“ nut 02' our n-uvh. r'mlld l»: signed. “\V.- "w «'mmtmx upuv. you [n nu new your .‘uppurl, nu! we hnpq- that you mu} double your mlmrrxplmn, hr at least nu‘rensc It by u suivdunlml pervenmge, {or Ruvunm'i plum are based upon the vxpoclalwn that the loyalty of its putmns wa gum every season. “huubtlt-ss your «'lrvle m’ {ru-nda m- cludes people who have not been, but would like to he, subscribe“ In Ra- vinia Park. “By adding a new name tn the 115! 0! season ticket-purchasers, you wull be serving the Park in the lpint up- on which it was founded For this purpose blank spaces arr prunded on the back of the subscrlptmn vardn on- closed herewith The n-mea suggest- AA Candidate '0' Mayor My. Lovm Ro- quuta Tho Fun to Publuh the Following Lou" OU‘II.‘ in. Hu Phllom Editor of Thr Hmh'inhd Park PM»: Dear Sn irlu‘r, To (hr \nu'rs of Hughund I‘Irk. As I Am a «'undldule {or ofilce uI Pit-Ase puhlnh {hip uprL ed will be addressed In I manner amu- lnr [u this. and you Will thus serve the Park m a double capacity. ()ur tuwnswumun. Miss Ruth Ewing, editor “f the Humane Advocate and assistant whmr of thc- Nulimml Hu- mane Revww, has been unpainted a delegut; In the Penn»: (‘unfen-m‘e to be held at the Hague. Apnl 28th. 291.!) and MM. pn-sxied ou-r by Mus Jane Addams. "Your hearty co-operatiuu and prompt response ls muted. " Very smcerely yours, Louis Eckstem President" Mi.“ Ewing has been asked to rep‘ resent the protective Work {or child- ren and animals us' acmmphshed by the federation of humlne societies in this country and abroad. A: the Peace Conference is in the interest of humanity in the broadest possible sense. it is most fitting that the or- ganized Work of humnniurilns should be presented at the congress and I plea made- for the protevtmn n! the countles‘ European chlldren and uni- muls mm suflvring from the vruvltiep imposed by wnr IlSS EWING TO ATTEND HAGUE [m The Hague Meeting WI” be a unique and interesting e\‘en!#-n gulheruxg of women from cvery cinlizpd countryâ€"â€" that promuzm‘ m be of histnriral sig- nificance. It is- the fin! time In hia- tory {hat women have taken In artive part in the \rurld's polities. Will Reprolonl Protective Work for Children and Annual. HIGHLANI) PARK. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 191:3 Hm \\ rk n! unum. ~ ‘ h ~nfln.n;- already begun, and W? hope the Chime 58] V0!“ vac CA“ In H..hlud Pnrk. . Grand :35 in Lalo For.“ nod II! In. ‘ in Doodle”. Much Ill. nu 5 hown bonrd Ir!- Incient binary. Thon- were nearly I mom-Ind u)!" can in! Sat- urdly. Highhnd Park bud um candidates, Mn. Earl W. Spencer who received 360 You: Ind Mr John Hliver, who received 299. Like Forest hu‘l one candidlu. Dr. H. N. PlrmenL-r. who mdvod 391; Ind lkerfield one and:- due. Mr, Willum Rely, who recur ed 486 Von-I. [hr two Inner hung elected. Lust Suturdnyr eleclum to: un. mrmberl u! the High Svhm-l Huurd 0! Education prmed m be unr of the wurmcnt content recorded in the- hu- mry of school electmna. The days when I couple 0! dozen \'0er turned out Ind selected the member: of the Highllnd I’Irk pron-d unremah to their nelghhon. Decrfield and Luke Forest, to the extent of defeating their own (undid-ten. Friends of Mr: ()lxver Ind Mr» Spencer support“! Mr. Remy tn the ettent n.’ 3“ Volt: While Ikerfiz-M rt'l‘lprtn‘lh‘d by mung Highland Park 11 \ou-n, 7 (m Mn ‘penc'c-r and t M \Iv ianr lake Fun-st “'I.‘ n huh- murr gun-mus obut mun} (‘nmplnuuh wru- mude nu lu [hr [Method Of rundurhng 5(‘h00: rim (mus, such an \he numbrnng o.’ Inn 1015, no houlhs, etc Thu. hrmn‘rr. I! no fault Hf Iht‘ [Anni (If Niurnhoh «A! any of Na mrmiH-H h 1- the prrlr‘! law that I~ \rnng nnd the mnlxrr ~hnhMI-«1nxrn up \nlh mu n-yvc-xw'. nun-s m r lA-xuhnurr, While Deerfiz-M rfl‘lprm‘lh‘d by mung Highland Park 11 \ou-n, Mn ‘penc'c-r :Ind ¢ M \Iv ianr lake Fun-st “'I.‘ n huh- murr gun-mus obux Highlnmi Pink gnu- In 17»:- wt“ and n, rrlum re (m nut murh l l'urmrntm run-d '.".’, Mrs Spa-m r! gr!hhg“..’ am) Mr. Hhvvr getting 1" ”mi ”mm-M l’urk plu}vd A.- M‘th I» I‘m Leigh bani um! aupponod on!) (he-H wumhduhw both would haur new. vied mrrfihnlnmm nmyw‘H), r-u nun ed L) an ‘11) hut ward, hr: lh-parunrm bunk! mg, corner (‘enlr-l u‘onue and (Rn-er. Ba) pond; Sn-umi ward, Duff)": Ex. pn-n ofl'we, Conn-r ('eIArul nvenue und Sheridan rand, Thlrd ward. I. (' l’ur Ind Sm". Hurdl'nre More, 43% $1 Jnhv,p .umur. fourth Wand. lehhnd Paul Pvt-s: finding 130 M erval urrrxue. 'Hw fulluumu are Judgm nmi «lurk. u! rlm'uon: hm )udgrp, Juhn Silt-then. J J “Fund. |‘ pcuom- wurd ed M :u: uu-nUmlI: (0181 HA? hrn- lu-n OPEN LETTER FROM IR. SAIUEL LEVIN A COLUMN FOR THE USE OF EVERYBODY As I Am a «'umhdule {or ofilce of Mayor you are entitled lu know norm- Lhmg about the and my plulfurm I \nll (Ivor none, )urhcc tu nil 1 mm: to Highland Plrk 1'1 your: ugo xhr Nb of last February. All my hfr l hnd 1L! prlctlce evonomy and I vull punk: the same for the HI). 1 “1H nu! spend your mane) nmrr freely than: my own, SUN-u uhd Illeyn mun be clean An honest chu'n pay {or an honest d1)": unrk (mod and Mean Amunementa fur 1hr «hlldren Pro- u-chon {or all pants u! the my R4:- uma. an extreme part of {he city. :- enhtled In pohvv pluln'hm» A hunt neu udmmutrulnm nnd )uu vnn (IH Ind see me (u. l'u‘a'Ju! a1} tum )uu wish. In mmvluflm: I unh {u 3;). 11k» [and and in Jun-Hum. "I! a! ~hul| Come to pen that I hem-me lllll‘f of Int-cl. nothing vuil ~uu mo [whet ”fin to be your (rxrnd_"- «\‘envmdy'n friend. lcuiuu Io be Known .- Ibo Shot“.- Crocory. Boyl Sloth ho- be known u- !ho- "Sherman (hm-w} W5 MAKE BUYS CROCEIY STORE Relpevtfully )(vun. Samuel Ln 1r. Johnson (a umi )w-ii) '-uwr.c»-~ ”wroughâ€" mnu- hl- ~h-k 10 v 011* Bhvmdlhi and \HH Xukr pop.- ru Thc- ~lw~ uiH phi u. n grrul mude nu lu l‘pon hi» n4urh homr Mundu), M: J P. Smith Mud an “faith! of unh- draw-I .1: candidate (or mayor m up pose Mt. Snmuel M. Huunxa. Al though the amt 11ml! ulIowod by lnw u) mthdruu, had pun-d hn nume Wu dropped from the bulloL Being ab- um from Hl‘hllnd Putin and unlit-re of hu cundldnry fully juuufien the nu- cletk m urn-pun; the withdrawal of Mr. Smith Th. nan man on die In! 1- Mr. Samuel I‘v'm who but ng mhed In wuh 10 run for the office, of his cundidnry fully jurufien the city clerk in Accepting the withdrawal of Mr. Smith The nan man on die llll ll Mr. Samuel Levin who has '1‘ nihed lie wieh 1o run for the office, md whooe name will app." on the hello! opponn; Mr. Huangn. Then nre eight randidabu for (our mil-loner, {our of whom Are to be elected. They Illl nppunr on (he bel- loi in nlphnheiiuil order as required by luv, u follmu: Frlu Bohr, Howâ€" ard H. Hikhnx'h, Edvard G. Huber, Alfred A. Noun, Willi-m Noeronberg, Willi-Ii J 0h". Funk Jo Shenhen and Wnrd W Willilii. The polling 'plnru are, Pin-t ward, l’ire lleparmieiii limld ink. corner (‘enlrnl nvonue and Urn-i. um from “I‘hllnd Perk Ind unuure' Thll election in one of great im- pnrum'i- lo the well-being of every Citizen and thin fact Ihould bring w the pollii on nexl Toad-y every mui Ind wumnn entitled to \ouu For the fire! lime We in to have n Cll)‘ «lac- lion in which wnrd linen are «minor- “ed and in Which pollLK‘I has, or should haw no pertâ€"the only qw- uon being tho! 0! qunlificntion for of- fire. The ponitionl m be filled call {or men of ability, inmrity Ind live in- ten-It In our city. The requirement u Uni of service swung end undu- nun in behnl! of our common infot- eiiu The reward will be the consci» mum-u of service performed for oth- er: imd Lhe honor that come: no thou pul-lu- urn-nu who well and connoiâ€" urrrzue. 'Hw Yunnan-u purrom- are Judgm nmi «lurk. u! rln'uoht hm wurd )udgrp, Juhn She-nhtn. J J “Fund. |‘ Mum"), land and ru-yh. 1(a) Nynmi, I‘D-Huh ‘Imry, Turn ",0th Snumi vunl Judge-n. K E Wmln, A M (amplwll. Mnmh- Shthhnh, Serum! unrd clrrkr. “ )1. Hand. Hun W Fri-berg. I’ H PM.” Thu-d \Ilu‘d )udflrr, Mm. Hum. K W Hawk-m. Flo-IL”! 3“ ”(dun-r Third \I‘AM 0}?th Juhv .\ Suhrrmp, H Sch-«(qr J l' "It: an. )r [mm mm} 1mm." H“ h; and uh vmluv mat on Hell >ululu) «(u-thaw, an lhvee on“. the High land PM). Ra-uulun vull meet xhr Pull; Flu-HI .1 («rural l'nrh. Unm- Mmh mm»! u! the Numb Worn-n. m- pol 031 (MUM nut-mm Thu nhuukd pruve | Ir!) lnrl) uprnmg m- ”I! han. She-fl.- an umndetrd mu- 0! [ha- her! mum. m "Imam: The Raglan arr prlvlu'ull) 1hr sumr up hut year until the excephm. of n [cw mm {nu-I Th!- lu). arr (ui. of yep and they are- out to deft-Ind 1hr Lukr umnt) rhum pnmmhip Mlle \ihlfh Ulr) Inn luhi )ur A «mull udmunmm {u u! {urn tyrfin- ("club “.11 he (hinged .The lineup for Sundny'n [amt \nil [w an (“Howl Roger kilby 1h, Knh PM: Uh, J. Sullism. In, LA thflrum 3h, “0h bu- H'F-nrl x, lru I’ufl) If, "(‘Indrr" “'Ilhumu «Y, fred (.lmdn 11, "Bob" (huh-Inuit p hnmlh “nrd Emir, \gm-s I BALL GAIE AT CENTRAL PARK SUNDAY Rog-Ion Phy ()pomng (Loan with Inn: .85."- ol Chic... Hutu-v TIP CRAY T0 APPEAR IN PICTURES HERE "n Fund-y lflmmmn and rxenlng u huwmuhng pnrturr vull l-r shown a! the llxghlund l'mk 11mm». ‘nllllnd "The ('runhlr." D.) Mark 14-. 1.1mm. irnunng Mumrv =r \ mu '1}. p n a poworful and hunt gnppmu drum: which portru)» Ag wui'n ordeal n m.- melling-pot of bllfleilnfl, {rum ‘hxrh her) furl-Arc H «me-(gnu unu‘ulhrd and Nirv‘lhrnrd In v's lg mum \Luguru‘r ('I-rk pin):- xhr y." of hqu- Jran I’nnohuu'. It (In! hoyden and turn buy, unjustly rundanm-d lo 3 n'fnrm- “my. M.“ hum tnumph~ m-er mu rhnmr n.’ he! lkurlmu‘nmm and thu- andi «nnuplm-n a! LN I".\|14I.'AHH" ', renaming fowl mx! In Hume an hurled hnur u 1h hc-r infr >. Furâ€"BIL ‘2... €31 ucivv 1‘7. l3? ‘Ouncfil; hf} ,5 3? hairâ€"Q: 4'11"an Urn), h'dlu hum: "Tig" formrrl) o! Hwhhwd Pa in 0.0 of the thump-Hr: u inn ph phi] Ind Ihlll‘ hh [MIN 1‘ .0! put- the lrnda. n I! Mun). Mirna-hug rte thou- u'r nmrw prlrunnl‘} (IL .4139, 0: m phrlurm. Mun: e- he: I! half after him n'rluvk P. 5-5153 Nun! Droppod hoc- B-lloi For the Fun! Tine \Vo Arc lo H: Upo- Hio Rclml ‘0 Ace”! Cfly m In Which Wnrd the OH“. 0' Mayor [Anon n“ Pol-In- urc ll Lloflod Oblatonlod IN "uuvlf. ), 1 ml'lr N Null “sud judgrs Rd bf 71 hn phu! H Ham} yell!» the 'l'hr nun-nu of Hwhlmzd l‘nrk have dm ndI-d lu Adopt the L'omnunmn form of government and on Apnl ‘2“ {My \nll elem by formal Volt 3 Mlyor and {our (‘ommiuionon to gene {or a period of {our years, unlrn recpllod by up” u! the Merton. II n- a commonly ruhzrd fart Lhnt {hr mm. 011$qu to ofhm- 1!. our (when we 11w rommonly mrompt-u-m to pmprll) guard the mutmm! and fi muuml Inn-rout: of NW unnnmnny, n14 m tho-1w respects all mum)?” uri- (H‘IHU' 11wa In prnpurhun in MI! profit-I!) inure“: of «nu-h Highland l'nn u now I City of >110 and very runndrrahle wealth and he-r mnu-rml nJrn-ph- cannot be proper!) ronu-rvud rxu'pl lr_\ 1mm of muted bunneu ulnxln) Hm n u m A broad" sen-o lhll «H of our random: are more viâ€" u-H) «flock-d, [Curry man and wom- mlmunl} pvrfonn (hr duhn “hach (he) nanunw ll the roquenl of their {u-lluw mulch-.- in. who “when I lie-uiifiil home city, Henri, urn-ordered. We“ run, In!" and hwilihful. hu u direrl and mu! in- lrvrfl ll 1hr that“!!! (if thou- who Adv HiHHPU‘! our public ufluira and to whum vu- mun look (or the nininu-n» imm- (if thou conditium whivh go in mukr Mt enjoy-bio and vunduriu‘ to thy hlkhrl wallurc of mu {winner and musrhra 5. mm when we I)? Ilvuul lu MN" m. ulmlnlr‘lflknrk of our nflnm for I pent-d of yeIr. ll Would Ippn-Ir that film-n {or {he Mite should be UM hm n-qum-mml. Ind thIt the VIn'ouI «'undldlU‘r nhonldbe judged from all! Mundpmm. (bminly no one would nah-<1 I lmnkor or the mInIrer of I gnu-"y More, or I phymmun Immune hr hIppem-d Lo Ilvo upon I «train “do u! I “rock. or lm-qu hrthp- pmmd u» hr I good fellow; or I {nu-m1 who much! III: for the poamon, unlt-M the Ippthn! hId CIpIcny. Neither Would he rejec! In Ipplwnnl nmpl) lquu he lived m I comi- hmd of house eldlor ImIll or hm; m lmnuw he might happen to [we II Iomr comm lot-II“): How much more should the olcrlon u! Iny rom- mumly I'DdI‘IVOY to nelocl thou to whum \hc-u mod VILIl mun-nut In outrun-tad. from me broad nundpomt of prrInnIl qualificnhon, (nytlund u! Lb} fli'l Um! u. this: tummuv‘ll) whatever mun-p 1n (ho benvh! of any part of nu: ml) n 10! (hr rommnn good; and lhal huny run- dxhum mum! of net-0mm) m. mudr tie» pun-Me {or I”. )1 u: comm that any hone-l. nlplc. loyal (-mun who may be olefin-d u may”: or communion" will nerve nu! My lnynlly; mogmzmg neither pl! \. no'lal or orclumal Hun full) (um 11.54le H! the furl Um! n. this: Thy (‘lllunl of Hlxhlumi l’uyk u)“ hunt the opportunity h» M‘t‘l‘! [we pululu MHTInu 0!) hr“ Tuna“) and (\rr) utter should prmo hlh mun-n 3nd perlurm 'hu duty Ir) (“mung In the pulls and mnkinx In hum-u un- projudu'od ondeuvm‘ to 91904 I muyor Ind comtmuuoncn- who shall be“ pane our common good 1hr Pubhr UNI-«y anmwv n suapcndod harm- oa the puv;v-...-A . 1 - rant 0! (hr Chicago . MI um-xer hm hm Thu mean: the rain «.1 vomaln in mm I" until the t4 nu: my arhun l! mu pruhnby hr mom h ubhc Utility vi“ not At! .n C E Rain for Amber Monvh SUSPEND HEAIINC 0N RATE RAISE VHAL IIPORTAMI Are to Have 0 Volumes

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