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Highland Park Press (1912), 15 Apr 1915, p. 5

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Ave. tk quite} 1 ”1d it: to know- tom lift for smartly nit, our brks‘ .er ‘rk .815? 'e thi 1LT1 gent'i peries‘ 'ed. to u: ill run ’1 LUCt gar VJ" Lamps and Brackets House, Power and Motor Wiring Highland Park, “I. 134 2nd. Sreet Tel. Robert Greenslade Tstimates Furnished If you have decided on your new resr- dence or business locanon, glve us the order now to We request thirty days notice on move orders due between April 15th and June lst. The easy way is to telephone your order. Call Telephone 9903. If you send a written notice, be sure to give telephone number at your old ad- dress, also Hat, floor or room number at your new address. Chicago Telephone Company C. T. Ford. District Manger Telephone 9903 Because it gives the highest motor car service at the lowest cost, the Ford is the one car you'll find in large numbers and in constant use, in every land. It's a better car this year than ever beforeâ€"but it sells for $60 less than last year; The Ford is everybody's motor car because everybody can easily understand and safely operate it. Doesn't take I skilled mechanic to operate or care for the Ford. Less than two cents a mile to operate and maintain the Ford. With “Ford Service for Ford Owners" your Ford car is never idle Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail 300.000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 1915. ' Runabout. $440; Touring Car, $490: Town Car, 5690; Coupe- let. $750; Sedan, $975. f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. On display and sale at In every land and clime. man plans, toils and sacrifices in the inspiration and anticipa- tion of 3 HOME. A HOME wherein to live. the FAMILY HOME. A HOME dedicated for worship. the CHI'RCH HOME A HOME for associations and fraternily. the LODGE HUME. To every man, woman and child in this vicin- ity, :1 cordial welcome is extended to establish 21 Banking Home with us. Highland Park State Bank 0‘ A HOME Fntahli‘hed 15 ‘61." [‘R.“ .VK I “Ah-ER. [‘n'SIIil‘n! I. 3! .'1I’/F/,, ‘nr C. I“ (/RAN'T. (‘U3hII‘I Highland Park Garage 1 1] E. Park Ave. Telep A Banking Home 0H safe: substauhul, (onwmrnt Banking Harm Bell for the protection of funds and valuablt-s, the BANKING HUME. A. G. Mc PHERSON . Move Your Telephone Tel. 805-1. Telephone 149 System THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS I. Urged by One Hundred and Two-ty- f'wo Voters in School Dhln'd IO. The following letter sent out to voters of School District No. 108 IS endorwd by every family whose children amend the Ravinia School wilh the exception of We. the undersigned you-rs In school district 103. lxvmg In the nanny o! Rav~ inia School, desire your suppon in elect- ing the full School Board tickrlas pruned on the ballot. We particularly urge upon you the dealrabuny n! n- dating Mn. Ralph Flt-(chcr Seymour one Mrs. Seymour has‘ been A “~1de u! Ravinm for rlrven vcar‘ hastwuchlidn-n In the Runnm S“ hunl, has prom-d an rmucm nn-mhrr or {he 8" howl “want and we bchcu‘ [hill (“H mm“. [hard should Yx- \Uinu'h Hans }' Andvrsnzxj H M Imuma M .\ldndgc. (Luv! Mdnr Mrnrlm- Hrnmrz, L Aln‘rF Huilrx’k Alhe kw. “-11me k, [mun- Hmhxln Ada L Hymn, (‘ I' \ hmlum K Unnlund. N (randML k L'mmLIII, Lucmgv “Amu- Tmlm (.lrl. Andrv“ Luhhl [Du-(er. Mar) F I’n-(rr, All» ILL! R Hum-H, H .-\ Urn-flu lined-w. F (i thH. Ros"- Hnrenu- H Fnhcr, Hrnntl l’rlc~k¢'.F (i thH. Ruslr 1 run”. Florenu- H Fnhcr, llrnnifnhrr. Mu I“. :\ Fnhrr. Mn T thH Jr luv-p?) l. anngw‘u-«v U Panrunuhrr \z-l.u~ l) Rnlrwraan-r Adviph (.m-lul Mn ,\!: nu (fix-1112. Arum! tux-1H1. Rum Rimmka Juha L (.rmg, Mm (. M. Huuc I h Hcshlcr,.\1r> MJhidu erslrx Mum); H.xrd.urr, Mr: F J ”mien, Kath-Hm Ildrder, l' C Herz-r. Mary lzlxmtwlh nghlc-y, Mn. Many Ellrn Hmhlcx, Mu M. R. H )dgcs. Aux k A Juhannxn. Mn Mary )nhunnscn L l' Jarxrr. A E. Jacgcr. laruh P. hlmr. Mrs M.ny kimr. Henry Krlhnp. Mn N KrHIng A M. Lownc, Mn ;\ M luwrnnj 1’ Lraxmxtg Kdthcrmc M Lcdmlng, B A. l.cn~.¢nburg, Fred Lmdhulm. Mary Lmdhulm. Anna Mnrgrm. (L R Mules. Wlmirrd M, Mxirg, Francis ernrh-c. Wallet (u. Mx'erl. Mrs. N. ()lsun. Th R ()lshcrwsky. Mrs. T R. ()lsht'rw‘kv. L'haxlrs M l'uvu-Il, Ellzafx-Ih .\ l'nwrll. Fred 1). l’nrtrr. Hum M I’nrtrr, Ma Jane Morgan Palmer, Mrs Georg:- Rudnlph, Mn .-\ Rudwlph, Mrs k Rudulphc Rudnlph, W R Run- nrr, Mer l. W Rumm, V S Raynmnd. LumscRJym-md. l. M Rutlmigc. Mn. I‘Ilhcl.‘ Rutlcdgr \hx R W Strum. Jug Schm-nmgrr Hrsh-x ”an haenmgn. lelartHL Mania. (.Irulme- M Shula. Hznfdanfitrangx-r, Mm Ennhr Strung-r. Mn C F Stung”, Mn R. 1. Sulmrd. H A SK-Hrry, liIuahc-th \\‘ warn. Mrs Thus. Simpson. 1.011.: (nu-v \‘lmvv l'rrrl B Sdlnaner I’ H 5.||)'.n1. [Lnud 'l‘dylar. Mrs. Bayard I‘aylur, (ye-mgr Tucker, E C Webb Mrs. E, L‘ \Vrlsh, L E “er5. Jane Remus Werka, Mac “'IHIH, Frank \Vlcks. Etrllc R \thi, Lean-r1} Wood. lithe-l H Wood. k' 1.. W'vodrufl. '1‘ M Wlldx-r. Edna H. \VxMH, and Harriet B “'00de This list Im‘ludei snunMun-s from “My famllv whnsc chxldrrn attend the Ru» lma School, save um- The enclosed IN of been endorsed by the FA mince of the Woman\ Ravxnla and by the Pan sociauon of durum! 1W representation from LIHC and Ridgr Schools (The names of candidates rmlused mth this letter are; Mr C. N Kimball for president, Mrs. Ralph Seymour and Mr R. Kirsrhberger lur momben ol‘ the Board.) Election Saturday alternoon. Apnl 17, from lour to gut thirty o't‘lock at the Llnroln Axe yhtml In choose a President and two members of the Board 0! Edu cation Will Spuk bad 36-. Sunday Nor-in" a! Presbyterian Church 5 city Missions. wnh lwmg example: all their results. WI” be pron-mod at ”tel Prabytcrian Church next Sunday mom-l ing at eleven o'clock; whenlhe pulor will be misled by Mr. George A, Gillespie and Mr. Davnd W. Bergxtrom. Supennlcn- dent and wlmst ul the Popular llall l Minion on State St. whnch u I pan 0! the Chic-go Chnsnan lnduslnal League These speakers ml] fllVl' their expencnml of conversmn and nnsslun work. Ind Mr Berslum w1ll sung a Unspel Solo. The public Is cordially mute-d to hear that very Intercslmg men wnh their remark-- ble message i l l l l l The last meeting of the South Di- vision Pnrent-Tenchen' Association was held Tuesday Afternoon It the Vilâ€" loge House in aninin. The business of the dny Wu the election of odicen for the ensuing yen; The nominntin; committee's report w ich was accept- ed by the Associ-tion, v“ u follovn: Mrs. Robers Seyfnrth. chnirunn of the South Division; Mrs. Noble Cnndlll, vice-chflrmnn; Mn. E. E. Day. unn- ury; Mn. Henry Atwntcr, tmlunr. The committee WM that the following committee. he appoimr “BET IRS. RALPH SEYIOUR" 0d at once :lombenhip. Ml. Edu- cational. Program and Pro-L. Th topic of the fly wu ably had” by ’arents and 'l‘eachcrs' Assocmnon RECUE llSSl0N CONVERTS luyd In! of «'andldlles has rscd by (he qucatmnal Lum- lhc Womans (Inca Hut) 0! 1d by the Pawn! Trachcu As at durum! 1‘38. WhlL‘h mdudrs mun frmnl.mcu|nAve..R.u'|n1| Min-u thhnx L“ n hn‘h‘r, AHX‘H‘ Hag; H .-\ Urn-4w, M” H Alhr kwg Hwt' I r lhndx.kl:xutux;\ H I' \ hmlund Mrs } (randJiL Unllmu J H .Mdmigr \hs r1r~kt-,,\1n H A. Ruslr l l'xahrr. 'Hn'J‘nhrr. Mu mhrr Jr luv-Ma trunuhrr \z-l.|c (nu-In] Mn ,\!: ML Rub! R.(IYI'IA" M. kuc I 4. erslrx Mann; Hui H1 h ~1(y uf llll VegelnhIQ-x MM. Aulmzvtte [bimbo of th‘ ~1(}' uf “1"th on “The tax. [hr “XUJI'H! unnLnln-pa Thnu‘ Hxh‘ urrv Esther Juu'ph ()IIV A lnrgq- number of \H) 3 (run! and |'\lrr|lvr pu‘tuua‘ m. (uh-L fur 1hr who“! )‘rnr rm pu‘turrx uuhnir rlan-rwun» “mm, .uhup, dumesur N‘l nun». .uhup. mum: And mvgwm room: there mr pnrmriu \l‘hUh! (‘luivm ('lhrvu Thu. li'iY‘JPlA'dt «Irma nluu, mun-r 1hr dlrvvhnh U{ Ml." 1““an ”4* teacher, pn-pun-«i I \ery duh!) .um !. mm fur the Lake rounl) mmmlurulr I-H' usnx‘luhun Uh Tarpda} M lhr high fiChUU: Uh the "M “.113 “huh \u-rr m-nlly lypeuntlrn l.) the rum npmphy clan, the rxul'l (MM u! (hr meal wa’ cumpulai, umludlng nmuuuk of heat usvd. and (he IHIUUL! 0! {00d \‘nlue 1n rnch IFUCIQ of food Aflrv lunchrmz me men \ultod lhl' new buddings. lpendmg much “me n. the Industnul crux budding. when- there were n-xhllulu of work duhr m flu! drplr‘mrhl Uh Mundu) the Nude-Me urn- dc huhtfully enmrumod b} Mn (1 (2 Alexander, who nng “My TMsutP." "The Song: My Mower Thugh! Me," and "The 11nd of Lhe Sly-Blur “'- u-r." accompanied on the plum» I!) Mr Suiney Arno Ihetrh‘ 1m Thursday evening {he Girl! (Eh-e "lub, 1: to ping for the- mwhng u.’ the [Alu- Forts! “'ummfa (lulu. UHH‘ V The pupils of the upprr Kl’ldrn are plunnmg n \‘rry mtg-reflux: prng'rnm {or their parents on Thurpd-y use-x. mg, Apr: 22. The objerl o! the men mg I! 10 nhnw the parent: thr work dum- m the- M'hool Ind the new ll‘ldm m. the Pun-m- c-nnl which ‘IH Ulun- Unu- the talk Which the “Von”: nude wxll give. The Eighth (rude in to prraent 'he court trem- {mm 1hr Merchant of Venice. Sperm] mumr In 10 be Irrlngod {or {he enlertmn menl. Then- will be I small Charge uf ndnmlluon [he proceeds of 'hlrh will to to me punch-M- of more Huh-n for the ’(‘hnnl Ilnu‘n: x Even though you are nut I numb: of 'theN A 01C 5. E lhll medin‘ has I been nyled u 1 gr! tout-(her mmins ol inlllhc CIVII bcrwcc Employee. 0! (he INonh Shore 3nd their lneodn. no make 3:! I pom! to be present Ind Ink your llncndl to do likewuc, i Take Mill-uh" Elorlm (0 Elm StmL walk one block north on the fin! cum [cut of the luck Civil Sonic. £39k"..- Imn'u FM. to Alto-J Mn. Sunday The National Auonnlmn n! ux'fl unr VIC!‘ employ-ct. Nunh Shore Hunt) No 11, extends In Innumm In all “HI I?! NC: employees Ind the" friend. to a! lend an entrruinnwnt to be [war on Apnl 17 at (he Commumly Club House, Wmndkl, Ill An ‘nleresnng mgr-m ha been arranged nnd all who .1me are assured 01 l plenum ever-mg Trimming "I. Curio?- The ”and Bortwr<§unm Mr. Almll ‘ I'll lend you I dulh‘r‘ (Had to Mu) you ‘ Ill. Mr. Allnll - Mnny (hnhu. oh! man. The}?! hum: I III! u! "ft-u > mor- Ironnd the comet. “ad I d‘dn't tum to uni- lL-l'hmdolpma Bulk 6n. Gum-um. Kb. , 'rm. IIH lrlvln-n the um M'IIII In me lo l-o- «in-mlfnl!) lung ll. â€" Yr- Ynu Min Inc-nu gran an! um: pun-d In ring»: and ”no tunnnuvun-u' 1- lllul'l!‘ trying m mqu 1hr «(You n- rrnli-Hv mt unnulblr -l()' hmnnd Tum-- Ding-«(vb g." lmpmvrml b a! profound Ian-Ill"! I. Hi hot. -W? M I." Boyâ€"l but I). do. not)" to an M wwâ€" nut luau 307â€"de M loco-d mu Boy Lu Links In“. RESCRIPTION ROMPT ROGRESSIVE PULAR ERFECTION RECISE HARMAClST RICES : i High School Non: WILL ENTEITMI AT IINIETKA Every ml and “urchin. elm fut Incoln School Notes HONE 200 1hr } Iflrrmml. m' 1. |~ wrch {uvulty and «1th underta- i'hlvnwv l'nhrnxt} uhur , “1H (nu-r the prxzr ex nnvl (hr readily H-Ltl'lllo rang (hr H'utlmg (allvlh- knug Jnn. n! Ino- lby‘f‘, Ind {- \(‘II‘YHQ Kl P N JAhS. Chum-n ‘hl‘ HIJH {ho- 11.”: DALE SWEETLAND’S HARMWCIYM H “nu LXVI'T HM of STYLISH CLOTHES FOR wow Instead ohm why; h 1:111) u.’ (wrr lhc old-Inshumrd Lnrad nu board equu) your w.‘ hr.) \A'llh a UNIVERSAL I r 1 Ma‘wr uni do the m‘xmg and Lnradxug a UNIVERSAL I : uni do the llemg n In three tumult». Your brrud “-151 Yr 11.-h!cr and hrHrr.1l.c wmk r ‘xu-r and your hunts in [he knight-n lessened. UNIVERSAL ix and Knead Your Bread in '00!“ Broad We are well stocked up with During Month of Agril Luce Egg, small Egg. Range, Chestnut and Pen Have it delivered before you start Housecleaning area Minutes [Emma 3 MM; The great consideration isfibt how fine to the much or l'p'w long the raiment will win, unless with that finenebofild length of service you can hive good taste, correct lines, m1:- less details and know the fir- ment is the one YOU in W- ticular. ought to wear. 4' Daily's Ready to Wear 50'" M 1.72 W 1'me The UNIVERSAL Br'qd Mekerie simple in operauon 4 produces {he best results» ‘ y one can use it. Any yeast. 5611! or recipe dun will make W by hand makee better w by me UNIVERSAL mound. It in the most unitary we‘re: your hands only come in connct thh the dough when n in tgben from the "fixer nnd placed-In the pan: for baking. 1...». c. «u. Trudo u... u Smp in and let us demon-u“ the emmmy and convem of UNIVERSAL Bread Mahala Bread Maker umwmde These thing. you an (at at From $5 to $35 Karla’s Hardware Proper Knudm‘

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