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Highland Park Press (1912), 22 Apr 1915, p. 1

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Tailor Irdeu's repair- d carc- V21: 1",. Mn 0161b Sargk‘un en [X‘s Chicago 'Intzrest f tHe bond the can at'er r eighteen :veh year powulation )un} neces- it inow! 194 td order, 1U 7-4 pâ€"l N) 26 ‘6’. .3. (I) u) Total H. R Regulars Sullivan. 3rd Richards, 38 Duffy. If Kilby, P. lstb Ahlstrom, rf Pettis. 2nd Williams. cf O‘Farrell Greenslade. p Glader. D Total 5 11 13 ‘27 ll . Earned runsâ€" Regulars. 5â€"â€" Fn'tzl ‘ Scheffs. 3â€"two base hits: Hills, Williams, l ‘ O'Farrell 78358 on balls off Kauffman 1 1 .â€"â€"off Greenslade lâ€"Struckout by Kauff- : man" by Greenslade 3â€"â€" by Glader l -â€" ‘ 7 by Kilby 2. Left on basesâ€" Fritzi Schefi: ONHOOC-‘OH OOWHHoNyâ€"HN OOhwv-‘CNHp-Io I-‘CINODâ€"(DLJNIQ wvâ€"vâ€"HOHomt; ._. V SHNJ-AssJ-Aww c -£-OOOOOONONO Number 8 REGULARSWIN FIRST GAMEOFTHESEASON MMYERSW' LOTSOFSPEED FinllSeore4toS. Duffy Mike. Nou- woflhy Catch Which Snvod two Rut». Will Phy the “Pop- The Regular: opehed the 1915 base ball season Sunday it Central Park by defeating the speedy “Fritzi Scheffs" of CW0 in a tut played game by a score of5to4. Thedny fins almost perfect md the 600 fans who attended. went home well pleased with the article of ball displayed bv both team; The home team showed lots of speed in all department: of the game. but the most noteworthy was the catch of Duffy, who ran back on The visitors got away with three runs in the first inning, while the Regulars came back in their half with two. In the fourth inning the Regulars took the lead by scoring two more runs, making the score 4 to 3 in their favor. There was no more scoring until the ninth inning when the visitors tied the score. Not to be outdone. the Regulars came to bat in their last inning and O'Farrel singled, stole second and was sacrificed to third by Glader, from where he scored on an infield single by Sullivan. The score: Lineup AB R H ’I‘B PO A E Fntzi Scheffs a fly ball about 50 yards and pulled it down with one mit and saved two runs. The hitting of O'Fanel and Sullivan for the Regulars were features. G. ()ehme. 3rd Hills, rf Kauffman, p H. Oehme. ss Irhen. c Colander, cf Peterson. If Voss, lst Paddy. 2nd 5: Regfilars 6. Wild pitch: Grecnslade. First base on errors. Fritzi Scheff, 4â€" Regulars 1â€"Hit by pitcher by Glader, ' Clavtnn W. Lunham. tenor, will give a! rental at the Moraine Hotel on Sunday l evening, Mav 2nd, assisted by Robert‘ LOUIS Barron, violinist, and Catherinee Reid Martin. pianist. Mr. Lunham is 3“ pupil of Ruffo and has been engaged for‘ a long concert season with the Redpathf Chautauquas. Mr. Barron is also a Red- path artist and has had along concert experience. Mrs. Martin, whose home is in Belfast. Ireland, is a pupil of Soebeck. The program includes thel Bach. Gounod, Ave Maria. and “Derl Spielmann" by Hildach. Mrs Martin! Will plav selections by Lizt. Schumann,‘ and Chopin. Mr. Barron will play solos by a number of Chicago composers and Mr. Lunham will be heard in the two groups of songs, one in French and the Fritzi Scheffs Regulars ~ovzhexlin Englivsh. Mrs. Martin played for Lake Forest Woman's Club on Tues- day cvening, April 20m. at Durand Art Institute, when the club presented It: annunl play. Friduy Evening. April\ 23rd. It “I. Church Edifico on Hazel Av... neur 5L John; Ave. Friday evenmg, April 23rd. at eight u‘clogk, m the church edifice on Hazel Axe. near St. Johns Ave. a lecture on L‘hnstmn Scrence will be given by Jacob 52 Smc-ld. C S. 8., a member of the Board u! Lm‘turrshlp of the Mother Church. The Pars! Church of Christ Scxentist, in Bustm.1\1uss. The lecture is free and thy public l5 cordiallv invired to attend. 'onor. Violin and Pinno Solos to be Heard Sunday Evening. May Second LECTURE 0N CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RECITAL AT HOME HOTEL 0.111 211. 101 3311 20 20 00 1-4 1 4 (10 30 20 42 O 0 1 51113 33 T be Highlanb Park P132935 The last regular meeting of the Ossoli Club was held in the Highland Park Club I HouseThursday, April fifteenth. Lunch- leon was served at 12:30 p. m. after which the annual meeting was held. Mrs. Rex L. Jones presiding. The reports of the officers and chairmen of the committees showed a year of splendid activity. Per- haps the most interesting of all was the report of the treasurer which showed the large sum of money disbursed for phil- anthropic purposes. The total receipts for the year were $2424 and of this only 8396 were used for the current expenses of the Ossoli‘and yet 11 excellent pro- grams and 11 study classes were given during the year. The largest sum ex- pended was $894 which was for the main- tenance of the bathing beach. About 20,000 peopleenjoyed the privileges of the beach during the summer. Other or- i ganizations to which money and personal i work were contributed were Lake Bluff [Orphanage University of Chicago Settle- ; ment. Chicago Commons. Art League of } Highland Park, Father Francis of Wau- ikegan. United Charities of Chicago. Re- ; lief and Aid of Highland Park. Visiting 1 Nurse Association of Highland Park. ‘ Woman's Trade Union League. Voca< tional schools. Park Ridge school. Red ‘ Cross work. By the revision of the by- } laws three departments were formed. Art :and Literature, Civics and Philanthropy. Home and Education. It was' with deep regret that the club accepted the retire- Tment of Mrs. Rex L. Jones as president, 'but feels it is very fortunate in having isuch an able successor in Mrs. (ltis L. 3 Beardsley. The other officers elected ' were Mrs. Marshall Sampsell. vice presi« ident; Miss Catherine Cushing. recording (secretary; Miss jessie Chandler, corres. i ponding secretary; Mrs. John Tuttle. l Mrs. Alex Carqueville, Miss Marion 3 Mason, Mrs. Earl Spencer. Mrs. Herman (Thomas. directors; Mrs. Henry Vail. jchairman of the Art and Literature dc- ‘partments; Mrs. William Fyfie. chairman :of the Civrcs and Philanthropy depart- iments; Mrs. Bowen Schumacher. chair- 3' man of the Home and Education depart- l OSSOUCLUBIIASA VERYSUCCFSSFULYEAR DOBIIKBINWYIORK Lug.“ Sum of Mono, Expanded ‘ $894 for Bathing Bosch. Twelve Chriubk $0606. Help-d With Donation. Dr. Ludgate will conduct services each evening at 7:45 o'clock. and an Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after- noons of each week will gwe Blble studies on the “Scrmon on the Mount," Dri Ludgah- is a fine aolbist. a splendid leader of song and an inspiring preacher and teacher of the Word. full of life and enkhusiasm. yet without any undue ex- citement or cmouonalism.J Dr. J. W. Chapman say: of Dr. Ludglte: "He is safe and powerful." Dr. Henry W. Stough in a private letter to Rev. Vm Ever: says: "He is my neighbor I! thuon and the best man you can get." The chorus choir of the church. always pleasing, will be enlarged to in capacity and under the leadership of Dr. Ludgnte you may expect something unusually fine and inspiring. A most cordial invitation is extended to the public. "Come thou with us and we Will do thee good." Notice Personal prupcny schedules must be filed with the assessor before May first to avoid 50% penalty accordmg to law. Frank Lamg, Assessor. 8-9 j FOSTER \‘AN EVERA. Pastor FELLUW L‘lTl/I-Nx If this mean‘ Hn' bzrth 01 new and helm-r things mr Highland Park II Ihm means that the L‘llllt‘nI u! H‘ghland Park are unlled 1n um- gran“ and determine-d rndeavur to: tho: (mnmun wealth of lhl.‘ commumh‘ then I am mdrrd glad, and moat mrtunuux to have been ullrd in your lcadershlp in the promising City 0! today. with 31‘ most uloundmg devclupmcm, ha»: \u- watched the tide of that refining m- fluence, that comes only "om great In your life mm: and mme. I can say. without exaggeration. that we have wen the wilderness 0! yesterday transtormcd Propony Exchange- Recorded Pu! Two Wuh- F‘ M, Spohr and wt to W" A‘ Rough. P 8.!0chsWQE‘QNE M not 33. [kt field twp. Q. C, 31(1). I. J. Gee! and w! :0 M, and (2 Angus tine. |ot 13. blk 43. Hlflhllnd Yuk, W D. $112511). R. W. Hawkins and w! to Wm Wetzlcr, lo! 26 S of Ravine. Rnnml. Highland Park. W. I) 510(1). list of W H. Lambmn. dcc'd. to J. A. Carroll. lot 5, Mahcr's wb m bin 34. Highland Park. lk‘ed 38300001. E. N‘ Scum and wt cl :1 to T. [-1 Don- nelly. Int L’, Ann-rdlgr lnrm sub. Lake Forrsl. \V X1 51 (1| 'r n F. Yore and wt to P. J. Nool’ian. l acrc E u! R. R. In N E '. sec 7. [kerfield Twp. W. I). SLBLXLIIJ. Est 0! W. H. Lambom to D. S. Trum bull and wf. In: L Maher's sub m blk 34 Highland Park. Deed $5691.16. IRELAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL; 22~ 1915 SAMUEL M. HASTINGS, MAYOR-ELECT LOCALRHLESTAIETRMSFERS A Mrssagc from our Nae Mayor I rrahn we hau- but nun-d on I new "an! Indictment but I know (hi! all thmgs an- pusuhlc whrn then u u-am muck. nud spra'mna fur myull, I Can nusurr ynu a~ gaplanz n! ”u. (elm. we .nxe gumx 1.7 U) n» kcrp the prnnnm at good guxcrmm‘nl uhnc ‘C hanr hank-d It. and um huh-u {In limhxl'dlr [hr Int-m rlnlwn II extrrdxngly gnuhxng In \uur m-u (flurry bnauu‘ n! xhr Innu- um- puUH‘, uncanny [hr lh' Itrrgitu! the rnmr wiztchbhlp m lhr new lmm u! gnu-Hymn! \N‘r arr pl! :uulavh' “Hum“: .11 " :- miernl Xakrn 1n (he elnlmn 2.) the m ",Qh n1 vur «'xly Ind the- Innu- wlr um by lhrzn 'Hm argue. vu-H to: (he future As Mayor 0! your uxy. I hen-91y db Clarc Ind pun‘llnh lhal Gm “llmcnr men! 0! (he Pew-pk. lot the Proplr .06 by the People," mu‘ have in rrunrdl lo each of us now. nnd nll d you hence- forth, In rm: and tum” arm-[Mung SANI'EI M. HAs'rmc,‘ M J Anhcr and M In (album: Her"), pan lu! IL'T, Lahr Fbl’nl W D. Sam“ [at n! Huabflh hum, da'd. '0 Venul Munk, r: 125:: x 192 1: I‘m 47. Hqgh- wuud Q ( 81m ()n ucuum 01 Ink u! spade II Rm pre- mt quarlcn Mr Edward I. Bods, wo- pnelm 01 the New \1rthud Trl‘lnd (o!- lrr Stun» vnl! mm: m: nuns hum 21 W. Central -\u- [~17 W \rnni] Axe the Ipfl(€ tanner!) nu umrd by Harm"! (bddlxfll n .I pool “mm M i retail 0' [he rcmmnl Mr, hunk w“ an" 3 Cum‘ plrlv stud. n1 {rut 1mm .mdu‘uflflfltg him a :u-u and lug"! lum": room, vnlh mp”- guznpiur wnr'r, whim hunl Include W Wm '0'. NW". Cnny (lo-plot. Lin. J Fr.“ Fri“ and Vania“ n m’i hm- o! mnvmg today IR. E. J. 00C! IOVES STORE .ncxuu Dd Hr): 7hr Hard nu and nuns! (um'u/ ‘fnuxnt: Ln: htt'n vb handout; “1ngth rm ”worm-n and no u! v.9 prnwr. 4nd 1hr Will LargestVote in the Hiuory of City Elects Edvurda'fluba, Howard H. Hitchcock. Fritz Bnhr 1nd Wu‘d i W. Willi.- Fim Commiuionm ‘ oinghhnd Purl: One a the m «:01qu election. in the history at Highland Put a. ovar‘ ll mm the beginning 0! the Communion Form 0! Govunmcnt for this fly. Th0 Ina: ahead have a Iivc filtered in Highland Park. They are dlouccoufilihflmd m. men 0! ability and'imquty. Tba‘r work will be arduou- in bah.“ d mg community. They will need the coopeiauon 01 In am Let a“ mi 6!me together Iot- new Hum-ad Put undetl new {unlim- M Fate! the rlllrc-d [rack and the ward lines. we'll Ill fed beau. Q The mly decud 0mm: one: For Mayor, Samuel M Ruth's; {Incumb- Iiooefl. Fm: Blbl’. Howard H. Hitchcock, Eduard G. Huber and Wan! W. mum Mrfimmlwillbthddinmutyhulmnflondayevenim I The" m 1721 vote- cut. the largest ever receded in Hum-«4‘15“, o! Samuel M. Hating: 106 Sumac! Levm 09 1721 VOTES CAST. WORN CAST 780 AND [IN 941 Friu Mr 96 How-rd H. Hitchcock 50 Edward G. Huber as Allred A. Moses 163 Willum Nuremberg 7‘ William I. Oboe 59 Frank W.Sheahcn 99 erd W. Willi" 47 rum nmmmoxornunm! Powell. Sway-v. Did-0y" and On'u W. W Puree, mlyor o! Wank-gun luv thtee term. undex the nldexmlnu hum at government. was elected mlyot 01 the at)- In Tueedu'n ekxbon, being chmnen by - xxx-jun!) u! 227 vmes over Mayor Btdmger. to guide the deutmiel ot the county seat at Lake vounty during the u-(xmd tour-yea! term at the cuy nude: the t‘ummtnton lurm plan The vote Io! the two (andtdatn stood ulullows Venue, 2677 thmfer. 24!!! The“ men weve electrdt'nmnuuiunen tu gene with the new mayo: to: the next tour years. (:eurgr N. I'tmell, 2813 James L. Swan'et. m3 J J Duetme)“. 2814 1". \' Huts. 2175 m nru pnxm (-1 u..- liaplm (‘hun‘h ' Mr. («urge ll Thump-on. urompunn-d by MD Thompmu. nriayad In this my Salami” .lmnumn ”(i Waxrrhm, Inwa . MI. Murmur. 1 humumn‘ lhru diughln, II exported to nrnvr m a fru dml Ev." [elm Thompum n bum-«n r'nouahuul the counuy a) 1‘ l'n- ”up hxmgglul Ii HI! IbIIIIy (mph) upon [hr harp, a. we“ I: prcm N, ha: gwrn hm Hm daumclwe' Mm Thnmwm n- nlfip a very ukIHul burp"! My ’Hxnxmwm'rendwd but first mmnn hundn) xnfiun‘ on "Rolling Aw-y 1M Nnnr‘ 1‘. motor In to muime a noun u! ion 1‘ popular "Infiellnlc urn mu m be ( undfird Och Sunday night dunng May w JIM Then mnca mu bum ne‘fiun‘hy night. The um harp. mu be pd Rev. Thompson mll Ibo preach In Hummus. . Ink-d Gh()R(xE H. THOMPSON, ”Harp Evangflist" Ntw Pastor (1! Th Fm! Baptist Church - ' Elm“ C1 0-W- B7 203 182 19‘ 233 47 32 4 17 6 FOR COMMISSION ERS 51 102 89 129 149 35 1‘6 166 175 21 45 97 76 85 11. 97 103 33 ‘8 26 55 ;No 09900660. in Dutnct I.’. V». Casi In Diana ”- ' In nrhooldmm‘l No 107, hr: we?! only 52 votes (as! there ' no 09- pot'uion to Mr E H Mrlulf presided and Mn. Everett Millard nnd.l I! S. A. St PH" 101 member: of the bird. End: candid-(e received 52 votes In dun-m No am one 01 W In”! vote-- m hmury was out. p total of 345 Mr C N Kimball “If fe-decud prflldrn( by I \011- 01307 Mn .R-lph Scymuur and Mr- R S Kurrh of we” reek-(It'd members u! the rd. the Immcr recnvmg 249 vote. It" ihe latter 253' M. Funk R Cam, “hoiiu an m- drpendc-nl mndndau- and did;fl0l file I pruhun, rc-Urnrd 72 \y-(rs ,_n'- I ‘ 1n msum M 11:, Mr. 0. 5:50am do. Iran-d M: Jdmrs Hepburn 1" member n! [In- homd I); luv vmet. ”r. Coach. ymrn'fd 107 and My Hepbur‘ ”5‘ 34 SATIRDAY'S SCHML W 35 1 7B 211 73 X71 137 leumes 371

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