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Highland Park Press (1912), 22 Apr 1915, p. 6

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Pine 184 17-19 W. Elm Place Long Distance Moving by Auto Truck ]acob S. Shield, C. S. B. Friday Evening, Apri123, 1915 AT EIGHT O’CLOCK The Public is Cordially Invited to be present FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST HIGHLAND PARK Zalmle’s Ridgewood Farm Dairy A FREE LECTURE North Shore Auto Transportation Co. LEUER “08., Agents for KISSEL HRS Telephone 550 Highland Park Our Trucks go to Chicago every day and if you have any household goods, going in we can give a reason- able price on moving them See Our Spring Display SAMUEL LEVIN, the Jewler CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts xw ‘ ~ ~“WM.“1p-Amaqr Pasturized Milk and Cream REPAIRING The Church Edifice 120 E. Central Avenue Hazel Avenue, near St. Johns Avenue of all makes of Talking Machines as well as Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. will be given under the auspices of Frank Rectenwald of Shoes for Men, Women I” E. Central Avenue Phone 446 Spring line Highfand Park, Illinois and children Wat’s W lilk m IS HOW YOL' ARE HEREBY NHTIHEI) that on the third day of April. 1915, the Village of Deerfield. filt‘li a peti» tion in the County (‘ourt of Lake Co.. ‘praying‘ that steps be taken for levy- ing of a special assessment {or the lo- cal improvement of the construction and installation including labor, ma- terial, appliances and appurtenances {or a cast iron water main of 6 inch in- ternal diameter to be laid in Spring- field avenue, from Hazel Avenue to Fair Oaks avenue. inviuding fire by drants. connections, gate'vulves, \‘ulve boxes. crosses. tees. and all necessary castings. eta. all in the Village of Deerfield. in ut'vordum'e With the pro- \'isions of an Hrdimmrt- {or ~flltl im- prm‘cnient. The total out 01' mid im- provement lveini: the win of “tummy and the total <um 2.“qu tn th‘ \"il- lnge 1H lwm-'it~ upw: thI- pubili' there- in. being .‘h'lhl'L’. \t‘liirl‘. pram-what: is h»\\\‘ {4,-‘1'11’1', Yh.:‘ ”Hp“; will rho roll “m "1-.9 Ll“ :v~woeizi’x:: NOTICE OF HEARING ALVAN KNAAK. Person appointed by the Board Local Improvements M the Vullnm- Deerfield, Lake ('uumy. Illmois, spread said .-\sws.~mm.t. That the assessment is payable in five installments. Application Will be made to said County Court for the confirmation of said assessment on the third day of May. 1915-. at 10 o'clock, a. m., or as soon thcn-nfter as the business uf tho (‘uurt will per- mit. If so desired. you may file ObjeCA tions in sand ('ourt before the date last mentioned. and may appear on the hearing and make your defense. ’Dazed; worm-M 1913. 2 Deerfield Special No. 6 i YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED 'that on the third day of April, 1915, ‘the Village of Deerfield, filed a peti- tion in the County Court of Lake (‘0. «praying that steps be taken {or levyâ€" ing of a special assessment for the 10- cal improvement of the construction ‘and installation including labor. ma~ terial, appliances and appurtenances for a cast iron water main 6 inch in- ternal diameter to be laid in (later- mann avenue from (Brand avenue to the West Village Limits of the Vil- Iago of Deertield. ln ('hestnut street from ()stermann avenue to the North Line of Ostermann's Subdivision, in- cluding fire-hydrants, connections. cast iron-fittings. gate-valves. value» boxes. cut, all in the Village of Deer» field, in accordance with the proxiâ€" aions of an Ordinance for said im- being the sum of $2,107.52, and the total sum assessed In the Village aa benefits upon the public therein. being NOTHING. which proceeding is now pending; that an assessment roll was filed in this proceeding in the office of the clerk oflsaid (ban on the third day; of April, 1915. NOTICE OF HEARING 11mm PARK mm mom Pmmmom Decrfield Special No. 8 ().\' ('().\' HRMATION ON CONFIRMATION 11111 -\pr11 of to paikugr JDDY Passed Apnl Apphn't d A} Mini E A Scdmn 2‘ Any person, firm 0! corpora» hon who than uolatc an) nl UK- pru- vmuns of sn'tmn one u! lhxs urdmamr shall bcnncd no! less than ’11:.- dullar (5100) nor mun- ("run mt)- dmI-n‘ (850(1)! lur carh ottrme and chh and! every dav on uh“ h m h unlulum dug: \c :L.:.1l(‘ continue shut! hr ”(third .1 offense. (1110113 full {ura- and: All Ordinanco to Prohibit the Emmo- ol Don-o. Sancho Be nt nullified by the (I!) {oulltll at the L’tt)’ u! Htghland l’atk‘ Settmn l 'lhat the emu‘mn «:1 dense smnke \chm the Mt) {mm the Mltulhf stink of any ltlurtnulnl'. Iteam mllev steam dernck. Iteam ptl. (llhfl ”If kettle. or other \ltttlldt mat hme nr \<'l\ “name or {tom the smoke btbtk 1'! Chlthntey «.1 an) btnldmg m pretmwx, ex cept tor a pew-d of nut tmnutn m lny one hour during “huh the hre box {I cleaned out or a new hre being buxlt theretn, ll hereby det lared no he :1 Huts- ance and may be Iummanly .matml M the Clly manhnll or by ln\0t\e wit vm he mly authonxe (or such purpose \ut h abatement may be m Iddttton tn the hue heretnalter provided Am- person hnn or Corporation owning. npt’nttng or In charge or control or Iny luconwlue. steam roller. :team dernck. Meant ptle driver, tar kettle m uthet lumlu ma- chtne 0r Contrnam‘e or of an) bunldtng or premium who shall ”use or penmt the ennutun of dense smoke, vuthm the (”)2 (tum the smoke stat'k t)! chxmrttev 0! any 'U\ h lm Utttutl\e_ akam ttnllt't steam derttd, steam pxtr drum t.” kettle. or other \ll’llllflf mat htne Ht .un- lnvant‘e, or ltum the smelt at u A «At chimney of .An) buxldmg ur 'trthme's m owned, (ontrulled m 1H thazge n! 11:72.. her or them extept tut n prtlud mt mx mtnutes In any one huur durum uhnh the fire box I» beam: t leaned out or .. urn fire being bunlt then-tn. ~halt lx gulltv u! I \‘tolatlon nl thts set tum You should be xrprmnlod rxthcr u pcnon m by proxy. "05¢. 05 Stockholder. ‘Moofin‘ Htghlnnd Park. lH., ”an! 5th, WIS To the Itockholden at thr [huh land Park Sutr Bank, It.“ land Park. Ill You In: hertby notmcd that A apt-t ml meeting nt the stockholder! ol the High- land Puk State Bank is hetevuth tulle-d. to be held on Mhy 51h, 191:3. at three o'clock p. m. at the um”: ot the said Highland Pm but: Butt. Highland Park, III. the obpcct of the ONQII’IR bring to votr upon the propouuoti 0! mat» in: the number of dun-(tuna)! the bent under the provmnns u! ~\ertjm't 1: or m; Act Concerning curvmatmn‘ with bank mg powers If no desired you may file 01:)“- tions in and Court befotc the dau- Inn! mentioned. and mu.‘ u penr on the hearing and make ya” dune. ALVAN KNAAK. Person Appumted by the Bard of Local Improvements of the VIM-Kc u! Decrfield, [‘kl' (”ounty, “Hymn, to lpreld and Anaessmont ( nv (Ink 'ltued: Decrfield. “lino”, April I915. 'omc. of on the th I m: a ton lulu] made to :conflnnu the third That (in autumn-v.1 b punt?” a" five Inlullmenln. Apphmhm. \«xi‘, he made m sand (‘oumy (‘oun {m m. confimnuon o! and nurumcnx m. the» third (h)- of May, 1915,31 10 o'dm‘k, or as soon therruhrr m. the Paula-rm of the (‘uurt will pernm. fur a can! nun wulm n.“ u umh n. u'rnal dlnuu-u-r In be ME M [Mr \Ke-v-l sldv u! Shendnn aurer {nun Hun-3 “\Q'I.ut {n Summcrwl u!u.ur_ II.|.J(1 mg firr hydnnu, rmmmhmm gnu- \ulvus, \u1\r~buxr.~_ ”was“. (tn, and RH necesur) CAL-(mgr. 6'1 . ui. u‘ Un- \'lllnke of l’wrhrid, m Ifwlrdlhl‘t' With the prmumnn o! In mdmunm- for said lmprmements Tho lnui (up! u! sand Imprmemrm hem: the rum of “511.00, Ind the mud lum ant-nod to the “Hun as hem-fits upon 1hr puhhc benefits then-m, bung NUT” INC, which prom-wing h mm pr'ui mg; that In unnumcu hu‘l um Med in Una procoedmg m 1h. meavr n! [hr (“H‘k of the and (hurt or; {hr Hard day of April, 1915, lk-crfield Spatial No. 7 YOU ARE HERE“! NH’ {hut un (he Khxrd «ily of Apr: the VIIIMge n! Deerficl‘i, mm “on m the (‘ounty I‘nufl nf L: pruymg {but sic-p.» lu- ulu-n !\ mg (of at ”man: uhfil"§hlrn‘ local lmprmrnu-LK u! 1h. uln‘ and nutullatmu HMIJdXIK luf- lerml. apphuxm-s and Ippurk That the W: in nblo ln ton installments. Appl‘ J; will be made to laid Coun for the confirm-Non o! 33’ men! on the third day of MILLIONS. at 10 o'clock, I. m., or u Dominion-fur u the business of the Coup will pcnniL 'l _‘ J-4:-,) I! I0 duired you Yy file tionl In aid Court befonr: the dub: 5:1 mentionod and may upon on hearing and nuke )ourudelenu. Al \ Ari KNAAK mm”: or manna Person Ippomtod by > he Board Local Imprm‘emenu of e “11:31- Ueerfield, Luke ('ounly.» Hlmun, apn-ud uxd Annulment 'Imed: Dot-meld, mm”, Aprxl ma. - \S ox ('(Nnnuu‘mx .V ; usuCEH 2.3< .2 a .3533 J J 3.3;..2 L 1.1.5. anti: 11:...2 4 < IDYI NHTIFH‘H' April, X1017“ ilrli n pct: f Lake (h n fur u-\'.\ m fur ‘hr unslrurlnm qu- yr, mu 'urirhmwrr I'WHI ilyllmn nu» .. mind “"111 :m on Hum le vurtuuuly mun-d (run. lln- rn~| arr am I» mwww+4u~o~u+w~fla+~ THE FASHION BUDGET. § o-o-wmowwâ€"o «wwwtw Tull (in-«m are made I"?! lithium (and IL!"- (‘olon-d [undue-n Me»! wan dunno- nn in rrmu don-um! Whnr u-rur mm nrr brighh-md by n wuvh of hrmlnm IHh-I Amigo! “PM.“ p: nuu-h urr :Iu Erunnh Mr" Hm! m-lm m UvLI‘ ‘ \Inm nhulns ..{ mun-n um! gn‘flm-h g'nnA .srr turn ”I dro-~~ mnh-rmh I‘m-u the p11. Inn» xm- ho a. Mr M 11 rm to and wnrk H Junk and for”) “oily and Mom“ u nun! Hm 1-9 npdu len pm the pm In I: m-u pure! and nmkr flnuthvf 111-“ XL lhh wn’ you can hrrnk ufY [uh-<9 Mm want 6! am OMIMI Mu Cunmg an.“ Paul 00 0a. Whom \uu hmr a large- rule of h Ind vum n ~muH Mom- lu put In a man you Ire mmrwhnl helplm I! you but no kw- [‘Irk at hum} lu- an urllhmry pin lln-lvnd H! in IN [m k Ind yum can Lnu- [he l-‘r In [flaw llw Mu! )‘uu 41¢- Ilrr Tbr ulugnn "Shop uriy?" might to he «minim In the lummvr ”we both fur [he nhumu-r 11nd fur Hu- clrrk. for in summer the early part M 1th d" In nun-Iv the mule“ Honor" m mm! 0! 1hr MR «1M9: the nurt- rim-u: early 1n Iummc-r and Hw woman Ihn lbw. late in [hr afternoon in loaning (he (‘IHkI from Knuth (11-!!de Nut and M‘MHHH If you are u-ry and. If your bad Ihmh- um; brulv I! pm] h-c-l really “I from Infirm- nnd warm”), Irlrfl II mmfnrtnh‘w than. Inlu- at? your but :lmq- juur rye-s and fun‘v youm‘lf l0 n-lnx A: noun un pun an m", «- rn-dn-d my bunn- Xuvo the ml 07 lln- nlmmvhuz {or number (In, If you feel Um) whm- shunting mat. [Hum-nun {rum lu-M mm I) mm" ‘1‘")! be l‘uldvd Hot! n um In, N rut-Id n Tin-n nrr pic-mum! rr-t room- In mm: or the hu dfimn mrnl nun-I. (Ivan and mmfnflnhlr when you mu rr'nx fur hm! In twur nn hour If non-d he. nnd ru-pHnmn-nmh and Minna-901T be voided H one nlvruyl but file (1be Chang“ In um! of (be departmvul slum. of «mm. thomm Inn-t In" for I'I'flllh furmlHlk-c [0 Int gulw through um). ulna-wet the) m 10 N win (blnflt' or not. lCul at certain muulcn In [hr-u- more.» It the nuuun much-r u-ullly and unturllma “In-re tun" gvull and Doll- Ire told‘mr “tom-er I In) Inn 1hr «nu-t change mm; 1-0- lol he! punhnu and Ivan Imnw mum-l: And in nothing lvux O depart un-m .h-n- (not (-bunn- ”)th quid mirth-ling any LOIOuroly and Gymnalic WI). 04 DO- ang I! thl anonfi (uh-whoa. A l-hrullful Iuppl’ of small Chink! |l often u! [ml bdp to the tumuwr mapper Much whom wnlan; may 'I‘Iu Iunclhe Iummer chain of nkkvr are mmnd hero Owing to (In-4r gnu-e. [he Inluron. hula of cult: km 1- no! '11“le Io (hm Tho-y luv. cunhhmn an o-n-d I'M!) handsome (-rrwuue In futurlnl pull-run (mun Thin II I «Irh-um- )R'IIDUII 50 In In hum-r furnuhmg h romvnrd. (‘N mum-I (an: m on vvory ride The) Irv mud to nut-r IIHI. u dour or Mudwu tunxmga, All had mwrinp and c-u-n In Ulnhullll'dh‘ hummer fur Thy Hon “M A“ 0th.! FAN-‘9. 'or hammer UMVMI- SUMMER SHOPPING. CRETONIE COVERS. mm»: ‘ (mum: Hutu 2:. uh awn ll':f;l(‘h"~ ”In. trad:- Pd in k u m VENCEL MUZIK BARBER SHOP W Crmr-l Ave, “my Sun: 4, 5 and 6, Sat: Hank Bldg;- Idfi- 67‘ um rm. ‘ 48 50.. John Avo. W1?“ TMJY¢ PAINTING, DECORATING AND PAPER HANGING I05 to“ An- I”. 171 mum. 01.! LB“ DENTISTS ZJIWM Wrm Telephone 032 CHUro-‘I Huh Cutting. Spot-flaky in. Surveying and: Conn-mien. r101..- DIL HIS-.0018? 4:3. Gill: Filth)! Dl nos-.33. 39' ‘9}. No VII: r! E? (an I- 'd.- mgr-sudsuw Phorw 897 ‘52 Chas. E. Russell CIVIL ENGINEER AND Oh You: New Spring Hut 7’7 "--1 Nu. II In S but: is!” on: dour nonh maid lddrm ”I" blur! 50th of Mnduson 54 . Chit-m (k‘cumlnu on In" "nth flom 3"; $5.00 to $10 ERNESTH.KUEHNE Mlflcflflfiudaiu W t ( nn'mnke two-t \nuv In! Ira-nu) hnu In m‘ “with than“ , Turfo‘r Hat BIO-char, Co. ‘ Hm 5-in-5 a“ nd kit-u. Inky ad M! 'I' k" Inhyulmothahafiy. Id- “yd“."tl‘fiflffll m land, Park? DIR. WATSON Wat Central Ave. FRED SCHAEFER fl-UMBING Fresh Butlér. Bus and Poultry 33] Itch-lids Ava-e ammo PARK. ILL on will alway- find I good .how at the NW Put Thou" J. P. STEFFEN Every Tuesday Lorenz Lung Burber Shop County Surveyor Will Krumbach I. W. Cosh-II An H ughlmd l'nrk Highland Put 722] “Jinks. it. at»...

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