IOI‘ III" #35 'ed old and order ,ve ge svuorsxs 0F LELTURE 0N CHRISTIAN SCIENCE amt BY MR. JACOB S. SHIELD C. S. B. Flag, Evening April 23rd in the Church Ediï¬ce. Sponkor Inkroduccd by Mr. Alfred Linton. Largo Attendance “It is my great pleasure and privilege on behalf of the Directors and Members of this church to most cordially welcome you here thls evening. In introducmg the speaker Mr. Linton? The Alumni plays and dance held in spoke as follows: lthe gymnasium at the high school Friday “It is my great pleasure and privilege ! evening of last week, were very pretty on behalf of the Directors and Members 2 and attractive. The idea of giving the of this church to most cordially welcome plays in the gymnasium was well earned you here this evening. 3out and certainly eflective with the Enlightened men and women every- lcharming stage with its artistic setting. where are seeking the betterment of the The plays. ï¬ve in number, were cast net and the improvement of the con- from members of the Alumni. with one diï¬ons under which we live. play from Deerï¬eld and two each from If they knew how thev would rid the E Lake Forest and Highland Park. Enlightened men and women every- where are seeking the betterment of the mend the improvement of the con- ditions under which we live. We into whose lives the immeasurable blessing of this Truth has come, know, that Christian Science does heal sickness and sin. that it gives a sense ofconï¬dence and security to those working in the Wworld that it bring: peace to vary heartx Eddy, established a Board of Lectureship the members of which tell to those who with to hear. something of the Truth of Christian Science. If they knew how thev would rid the wofld of disease and sin. Because this is true the First Church of Christ. Scienist, of Boston. Mass., un- der the direction of Mn. Mary Baker We have with us tonight 3 member of this Board. [have the pleasure of introducing to you, Mr. Jacob S. Shield. of Chicago." By Jacob 5. Shield. C. S. B. The message which I bear you is one of love. The Biblc says "love is the ful- ï¬lling of the law," and it is 01 this ful- ï¬lment. as understood and practised in Christian Science. that I would speak to The Lev of Mme end Chriot Joan the ‘ a... as taught by Christian Science The Mosaic law. revealed to all men for all time from Moum Sinai. was thel ï¬rst exposition of the divine law which ‘ should govern man in his relationship to God. .5 well as to his fellow man. From it spring all human laws and moral ; code; The First Commandment is su- peme and all inclusnve. in its declara-i don of God. and its warning against the 2 recognition of any power or law as or-‘ iginating in anything that is physical orl material. "Thou shalt have no other 1 gods before me" is the origin and basis‘ of all true religion. Christ Jesus taught this same law, saying. “Think not thatlam come to destroy the law. or the prophets: I am not come to destroy» but to fulï¬l." In the Old Testament narratives we , may attend tne [unt'xat an new mu“. can ï¬nd a long list of works wrought by E will be held from the home at 804 Main the power of God, through the faith of St.. Evanston at two thirty o‘clock those who conï¬dently relied upon Him. E O’NTWBE‘TH†Moses' transformation of the rod into 31 ' A serpent; the leprous hand and its healing; l “[0.†FINDLAY DISAPPEARS FRIDAY the passage through the Red Sea: the} ‘ v SWeetening of the waters of Marah; the; falling of manna from the skies; the pro- i duction of water from the rock; the heal- E ing 0‘ Miriam's leprosy; Elijah's increase‘ Thomas Findlay, the 18-year-old son 0‘ the widow's meal and oil; the raising of the postmaster of Lake Forest. is be- at the widow's son from death; the rain l ing sought in Chicago cabarets and music which fell in answer to prayer; the trans E halls. lation of Elijah; the deliverance ot the 3 He disappeared from Lake Forest Hebrew boys from the ï¬ery furnace and E Friday night, when the alumni of the the Preservation of Dwiel from the lions. i Deerï¬eld-Shields Township High school are all important records of God's POWER , presented their annal play. He was in “d the direct "Stilt 0f the operation 0t E the cast. and his disappearance obliged divine law. \ E them to put on an understudy. _ M Old Testament wonders are E According to the police. his father in- greatly intensiï¬ed in their signiï¬cance ‘ fanned them his son had been seen on to humanity by the works Of the man i State St., and asked them tolook for him. Jesus and his apostles in their adhe- 3, He said the youth probably woulabeplay- m to the same law. The thousands E ing a piano in some amusement place Who were healed, and the power he extol No reason (or the young man leuing ened over all material conditions and g Lake Forest has been disclosed; In Being Sought in Chicago. Was One in Cant of Alumni Play Christian Science accepts the law in all its completeness. as expounded bv both Moses and Christ Jesus. On page 467 of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" the Christian Science text- book, we readâ€""The first demand of this Science is. 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.‘ . . . The second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neigh- bor as thyself.“ These Old Testarnent wonders are neatly intensiï¬ed in their signiï¬cance to humanity by the works of the man Jesus and his apostles in their adhe- renceto the same law. The thousands who were healed, and the power he ex» ened over all material conditions and ‘0'“: give striking evidence that not only did he have theunbounded faith in God evinced by the Eatriarchs. but that he understood the operation of divine luv and its practical use in earthly life. By adhering strigtly to the original divine law and turning away from all “'3‘! IOdSin matter, by giving to God ulc‘ï¬lory. honor. dbminion and power everlastingly due His holy name." follow- â€I! as cin‘ely .is they can the commands 0‘ the master \ietaphysicnn. Christian Scxentists are: todayhealing the sick and reforming the smner- in a measure re- Pea‘inil [he uorks oi the Patriarch: and Christ Jew; ““hinily seem... Pnctial Religion Thoughiiul men are beginning to real- ize that reiigmn must be more than a =Lontmued on page 6) ALUMNI PLAYS PROVE SUCCESS FRIDAY NIGHT MANY ENJOY DANCE IN GYINASIUI One Sketch. “The Hat†Givon Bolero lake Bluff Wound. Club Tuudny. Doorflold And m. For“! Well Ropnuntod Lake Forest was quite successful in the production of their two plays. â€The Absent Guest" and "Her First Appear- ance." Those appearing in the Lake Forest plays were. Lucille Smith, Phillip Spiedel. Vergil Smith. Ruth King, Edwin Gilroy. and owing to his inability to ap- pear, Thomas Findlay's part was read by William Wrenn. and well done. High- land Park held its own in the two plays, "The Other Woman," in which Harry Eichler. Phillip Siegle, and Mary Seda- wick played their parts very well. in- terpreting them very successfully; and “The Hat" with Adelaide lnman. Gertrude Zahnle and Esther Baker won sufficient applause to be repeated at the afternoon meeting of the Lake Bluï¬ Woman's Club Tuesday of this week. Deerï¬eld's play. “Frenzied Finance" written by Mrs. George McDonald ol Deerï¬eld, was certainly clever, and the parts were well taken by the following. Clara Pyle. Loretta and Ruth Kreas. Mildred Whiting. Florence Carolan. and Ruth Reichelt. A large number of people enjoyed informal dancing atterward in the boys gymnasium. Die: in Evmton Houpiul Monday Mom- 1 in. After Lang Illneu On Monday evening. April 26th. came? the sad news {rem Evanston that Mussi Ida Porter had passed away M|ssPor1er ' had charge of the art work In the s<hnols of district 108 and was highly lowed and respected by all the children. Sznce February she has been absent on account : ll’.lll\l[ - yum.“ ~ l-‘ B hum .-\ L. _lllH\\1|\ 1.50 Anus (nruziii s ),.r)' of her illness. buta steady gain gave hope that she would be strong enough: by September, to return but a relapse! came a week or so ago and she was; again taken to the Evanstun Hospital} when the end came on Monduv morningl lna peaceful. quite sleep. Miss l’uner‘ REGULARS WIN SECOND CAME will be very much missed by everyone She left cheer and happiness wherever she went and she inspired her pupils With an ' “Peplo‘. A_ c." T..,.I Arrive H". unusual lme for and appreciation of the‘ Sunday Wilh Four or Fa" beautiful in nature and helped them to V i Player. Short express their ideas in a most artisiir “a)’.' 'I‘L, n--.ii_.. â€I-..†_.l uh- |\..n_~~l‘)n. The school will be closed nn Thursduv afternoon in order that those who wrsh may attend the funeral services “hlrh will be held from (he home at 804 Mam SL. Evanston at two tinny o‘clock umrmrrnn. ls Being Sought in Chic-go. Was One in Cunt of Alumni Play Thomas Findlay, the 18-year-old son of the postmaster of Lake Forest, is be- ing sought in Chicago cabarets and mule D. S. H. 5. L000 to Like For.“ Acuiomy Score 17 to 7 The base-ball team of the high school played a practise game with Lake Forest Academy yesterday afternoon at Lake Forest. Although the loca-l team lost. by a score of 17 to 7 the boys were glad of an opportumty to get into practise. The base-ball schedule is not made out as yet. but several games with nearby schools are being Ctmtc nplated by Em- mett Duffy the manager. Today marks the COHCIUSIOH nt the track meet betieen the Blue and White teams at school. Tuesday's result was 29 to 25 In favor of the Blues . BASfrBALL GAIE AT LAKE FOREST MISS IDA PORTER PASSES 0N We, the undersmncd Juror: sworn tn Inquxrc 0f the death of Lnum Leuer on oathdo ï¬nd that he came to his death by being struck by cngme Nu 366 on the C. 8; N. W. R. R, at Elm Plucc crossing on March 26th. about 4 p m, from the evndence ï¬nd that the accident was any ed by the neglect 01 Michele I‘ctoma othermse known as Mike Tmm, In in] mg tn close the gates at sand crossing when 531d engine was appnmhmg (ngned) R, W Suntan“: WILLIAM Mm ï¬ns Grunt»: l’mum F B Imus .-\ L. _ll)H\\1|\ 1.50 Axuxx Inquoot o( Loui- hoor Hold at P Undongkin' Room Youorday In the matter at the anmuhon on the body of Louns Leucr. deceased. held a! Prior's ['ndrrtakmg Eslabhshmcm, nn the 29m day of Man h and 23m day u! April 1915. The Regular: why-nu! me huum‘lcan- mg scason by applvmg a hulx- "Dutch Clranscl" to (he "I‘rpluw A L‘ 's " ll waï¬n'l a real game The (Imago [cam nrnvmg hrre wuh tuur nr hu- men shall had to enlist a few pickups In order to play at all. Anyway the Rrgulnrs lhoughl II best to tnm them up a IIHIc and Ir! them off WIâ€) .1 6 tn 1 wallup. The boys feel that they should apologize for last Sunday's performance, but promise a good game {or next Sunday when (hey mll play the fast Mrlnm- I‘alk bunth. "The Piper" Friday Evening, May 21-! Promise. to be Good Perform-ac. The Senior clam WI†give "The Piper". at Ravinia Theatre. Fnday evening May (wenty-ï¬rst. The play offers opponunily for the entire class. In appear moat u- tractively costumed as Hamelm nllagen and strolling players. "The Piper" by )«mphme Preston Peabody is a play of strength and beauty a play aglow wuh lmng dramatic m~ terest. Every 'scenc has a lux'mm of its own. The play Is under the direction of Mn: Alice H. MCI-Elam Election “a Okla" [upon-M Bosh.“ Monday Evening. May 3rd The annual pansh mvrtnng for the election of wardens and \fSHVffltfl ul Tnnitv Church WI†be held In the parish house on Monday nenmg. May third I! eight o'clock. Members and fnendn u! the ï¬nish are urged to attend as beside the elections. matters of Importance WI†be ducussed and acted upon. SENIOR PLAY AT RAVINIA THEATRE TRINITY CIIURCII PARISH IEEIING HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL 29. 1915 conm's JURY mum NEARBY NEWS [THIS SWAT THE FLY Sunday'o “I C... .Q Wuho'o-I $ About fourteen hundred buoball lanai n witnessed the opening of the Wnukegnn ‘ fl \\ P.‘( Side park Sunday fltcrnuon when l (h the -ooke' I Coh- ol ( huï¬o went down‘ m dctu' tome luneu19|n2 Prm hurd' 9‘ band phntd Ntnrc !h!‘ “I." Ind belwn-n‘ Innmgx and 1 male quultttc 1mm Chi-1 Ldgo gau- wme u-rv good u-lecnom BUSINESSIENTOIJIIAIECOUNTY W-ukw Wu! 3“. It, To.- Trin- Cooko'a Colt'o of CW My. Late Force! Main.- Mo. ran-5.. COME..- mgo gau- wme u-rv got-d u-lecnonl Many cuhmnrmm we" heard from the 14m as Mr) pnurt‘d mm the- ground. and {not In Ihc awn-Manda m (N- ï¬eld. and the management slmdd be ( ommend rd fur the rflurts that ude nude [0 h)†the ball park Iu Mn h shap'c Waukeunn nuw h.u without «gunxmn the hnn! park m the arm! pro r4nk~ out ()1 Chic-an ' ll Approved by lad-htm' Wuhno-I And Noni Chic... Will 5. Dry Secrrtnry u! the Nuy )o-ephul Dan 101- n behind lhr mow-men! lu (re-Ir a m: mule pruhlbmon um: ground the Naval Tummy Sunon S¢rrclary han- ml. who bnnuhrd demon rum frum the nu,“ I! u rummcd. m mm rcdy In ex An Maid-c Tvico Woo“! hi5. EI-PbooAm The Hughl-nd Pm Boyl' M has been room-mud under the model-‘1. at Paul W. Blanchard, I lormct bapd bar In the U 5 Army. There are Mt twenty boys who law .0 hr )omad Ind are punk-mg on Monday and Sammy (nuld play ball tun ym! gs good as an) n! the men on (hm “-3an u she hindbrd ï¬ery une ul hrr Ivu-lu- (hamr: like I veleran, and uhrn 11 um): her turn a! {he pLulr y! u.» luund hm! 3h: «mud walhm the ball \th an) n! lhrm. u lhf puke-d uul lwu n! the \meg (than mghl Pm: and won-d their hut yun m the null] ‘ Pursuant In 1: â€admin :umpuâ€"d by board of dllnlnrs w! [hr “Juicy-n Communal Assault-r g! mm unkly meeting Mnnday a pans ‘0! sum: thirty or lurty u! “'aukrgnn': Indxng busmm men left (he Cummuc‘al Autxulmn hrudqunrtrrs \Vrdmuday' morning for a nail vulh their lcilvm busing-us men In the town: In Ihr nurlhcr. hal! 01 lec (aunt). The trip un wr‘thc purpose A are.“ \urpnv~ wasâ€! Hlvlc 1m [hr (in: when lhr Lvmkr‘s Lulu [out [he held and word urn: armlhd that Bahia {hen hrs! baseman “a; A'lldv And she Wank...- Bulinou Mei Tour Con-[y of getting better mqu‘lnted mth the menhantsmet the (null!) and to en» courage to upflahon amf good telluu‘uhtp among all. m the dudnpment ut the ruunty ()ne Impurlan'. leature us. the spread 01 the "buy I! home" gtnpd The tnurut: Ilw studied ttï¬e developmaut. resourm and need. of'the county m that the Ibflllllltlï¬ may} hue Inlorml tmn I! hand tn be at wettest ternce to the County It n planned tn vult the wulhem hall of the (mum) huh) Phn min. C o IOHI lion The Merchdnts A‘soéatlun 0! Lake Hunt In planning a L‘e Fun-t Day that wxll surpass alt prntzmcelebuuolu 0! the day. Committees are Alff.d)' at work perfecting plum ' Noflh Shore Foal â€a “I, Co. wm Continue In Cool and fuel â€do.“ The rumor that {hr \(jm ~\hon- Fuel Ind Supply Lu hau- dmpoxd 01 their buuncu u only par-u l)’ [me They have told only their lumber slick 10th "me. Lumber Co. and ml cunhnuc In the cod md fuel busmcu $81.5 LUIBER WK 0F LOCALIN'IERBT YNEWLY mm omcuus INSTALLED MONDAY NIGIT was cnowo Hum couucncmm T0 (mam ol PUNK l’twopeny. The matting 5d yourned unhl Fnday evening a 7:!) It,“ M's A“ "hm mu mm In tumgm momma the" new uflxm Chung. the voodn 1 ml Queen City 0! our Inlnnd. Kc... Ind [Hmhllnd Park be! most bcmtliul an ‘burbcn Pnnceu ; It vnll be the plenum-ltd ï¬xty 0! you! 1 Mayor and Communion": to vulk hand ‘m hand with than be-ulllul Prmcul. to Igurd and ptolcct bet to the beat at !thnr nbulaty dun’na their Idmkuntrltnon mI-son form a! Government. In ha open-nu mnuh Mayo: Hudngl Inked lhc nudwnct to 3m; the "Star Spangled Harmer" and w» “rump-Med by In arbour. 1mm (he Northvou-m Military Academy The L'ounnl thumb" WI. ï¬lled to In apnnty with m lm lht new government nnd that protein were phoned to note the (nnflormnwn Theold duh winch wen Mod! upon euh nude 0! the room had tum tom out Ind wen rQIoood by a large mat-quay I-Nc Imund which the mum and com» muuoncn gathered All" - shod nd- drcu by the mlyot - bnd boom-u meann. nu hekl and 1h: WIW cloned to that "dou- depnflmcml u toltowl How-rd H. Hllrhcoch. Comma nun" ol ï¬nance, F. () Hubs. Comm-s none: 0! Henlih and Satay. Fm: Baht. Communion" 0! SIM“ md Public l'lll- nir- nnd Ward W. Willi“, Communal" Ex-Mnyor Funk P. H-wkim Introduced New Exocuï¬n. Audience Sung “Stu Slander! Banner" Accom- panied by Orchestn from the North- west“ Miliury Academy Annd Hon] deconumu and tome lune ol the "Stu Wale-d Banner" the new mlym and (mun-morn mumod charge 0! lb: (10'. Iflnln Monday fll‘hl. Er Mlym HIV-dun- who was Highland Plrl‘l hm And In! mayor under the old Iyflrm. muoducod ML Hanan u Huhlnnd I‘ul'u MW cmunvc undo! the Com Secreury u! the Nuy )o-ephul Dan 101- n behind the mow-men! lu rreale 3 rue nule pruhlbmon tune Iround the Naval Tummy Sunon Secretary han- ml. who bnnuhed demon rum frum the nu,“ I! u rummed. m mm rcdy In ex lend the tin â€unmade m the urmorv nu: rounding III the naval naming Hilton. and lhe Inland depot: ml the nan depart xnenllntht-1'nixed Slaves “' A Mnï¬vll.(«Innuahdrl 01 â€be M)! mm at Lake Mluï¬ \Ihu apprued heimr lhe llhlunu grille «mmmurr DIM week to mgr the me nule x1†Ime‘ mauled that he “an .mlhmurd In \raevuy “an Ielslo nuke 1hr appeal In the “1mm. luv maker. The Hughl-nd Park Boyu' been room-mud under the model-‘1. at Paul W. Blanchard, I lorme! band bar In the U 5 Army. There are Mt twenty boys who h-ve .0 hr )omad Ind are punk-mg on Monday and Sammy evenings in the Elm Place audit.“ The band In baked by the Hughlanfl Mk Busmm Men] Anon-no. and it - pmmg in: the Highlnnd Pnrk Day 00' [um and Snlurday mghl ulrefl cm ngfllnnd Parker: should encourage the my: m every any possible In lhn ador- uklng In order to make u a since... A good band WI“ help hven [hangs up “in NI any nothma ol the pod Fulluwm‘ It. 33R nummn‘ "mums fox the buy- The pram: Inu chm. 1hr (â€mun (ml) tor I dmnnnr ul um- and (monuhlh rmk'. around (he Hh\l| Milum Thu. accmdung Iv memndrl Mufï¬n, hu- not much unï¬u u-nl L ummundn Mnl‘ it" h» KIM Iï¬lullt bun who lunar "om 17(019 \rurr uld nndrl hum hugr H (hr hvr n we tune a approved by (he lam-lawn, “nuke-gun and North Chicago wvu|d 30 city. The mic (‘om mince hu namrd a puhcmnmmrr Io make an mxnuguuon Thu coflimfllff Iovmung Ihc naming Manon this week Thruu‘i lhc hard Ind unlumg wurk of Mn Cam u! Fun hhrndan nnd Inum» hero! other Indnn In Haghmnd ï¬nal ptrplnnon to: an mgnnnuxm n! In mnlhuy In the $puu|h A .nru-n War Veteran. war completed penerdly and Wucnll) our ml the prev-ml mun! “nuns and mqpuono wn partnupuled m by the many [WI 0"“in In! my!" m the K o! P HAIL Hmhvuud The umcru moulkd uâ€"m I’M-â€dent, Mn.(a|n. 5!, he: I’lf'NOOI'IL Mn 5 Guru, 11., Yur I‘ve-mom Mb. Fluxrmc ()urum.Cluphn, Mn M glinlun‘ Lon- (ixlot Mn. N. M.“ Aaulam xon (flu-tor. Mu J K-mpr «.u‘d. Mu F. Koch. Aunt-n! gunm. Mn I. Aux-(hm. Human. Mu M lundgrcn; Secret"). Mn V Mullk. Ind â€hr-turn Mn‘ M A most delightful rmmn lair land. tho decorum tore mydlecm-e hang all punch: md now. WOOD HAS NEW ORGANIIATIOI FIGIITFOIHVEIIIIM Votmu. Lon. Rocco“.- Folkw. lutnlhh... we mm end believe wlll meet the W prov-l ol ell 0! our people We uppmtietr the inter“ that.“ by your pl'eeeuoe this even“ “I! ehell welcome to ell of our Mm everyone who deeiree to come ln conch-ion. I should like e0 31' M lamproudtobe undated in ‘m- dud o! the 10mm 0! mt. city vi not: an able body 0! men n are to the vnnooo department! as comm In due time, we dull become ppm- nny acquainted mu: my durum-hm Ind everyone In the employ a! the d. 1nd plan will be adopted to wort with them in own. the but mice 5n but power to II! the people of Highland Park. Highland Park. who has so fa, ndopted thn column-on iorm 0! Val» mom, “ï¬ts, and if lull mutt pit- an «than (Mr bat m It would be uncles and unwise on as. pan 0! you: new ofï¬ce†to alienâ€: to oullm: I plum! procedure on thhoo ration It will be their pohï¬ not to mm, but lo Mom. Your support in needed and 90-0 nun: we shall but It Complnmb dl moon: prompt nuamou. Coon uctbc madam u Invited‘ Where your M nre unable m oolvc the probkms. M ml! cull, .- m u (hey are porn!“ I. do uoundct (hcllw. upon than '50 make the mucous m ad in work†them out (boon-non of tho oomm' good um among the dam ioydtyoo them of all conucud with'lhedtyh the vanouu opp-awn. no Met it what rnpocily will in due time work .11 beneï¬u-ndmdgmmefltu Paul W. Blanchard, I lormct bapd bar In the U, 5. Army. There are Mt twenty boys who law .0 hr )omad Ind are punk-mg on Monday and $.me "things in the Elm Place audsurï¬m. The band an tuned by the Hum-AM Mk Busmm Men] Anon-no. and ii:- pmmg 1m (hr Highllnd PHIL Day 08' [um and Snlurday mghl ulrefl cm. Highland Parker: should encoulm ï¬ne my: m rvrry any possible In lhn ador- uklng In order to make u a since... A good band WI“ help hven [hangs up (his numlnn‘ u: any lmthmg ol the Md huunmg fox the buy: Fulluwm‘ If. an mrnlberl now in pncucc: Cynu m, [runflrfl Flu-bk,- George Hm, m (mun-3h". Harold (kmmer.' Em Shendan. Edwin N-kluni. John PM (mutm-d Armw-Id. Fred (Re-er. CORD: Blown, Rzymond Semen. Sylvan â€can, Edward ()hIw-cm, (Nome (Ill'dn. LII-Ila lxmkuhl, Paul W [SI-MUM. Irudn Fanning Ann“. Kellerâ€"I "IEHIINE’S DAUGHTER" AT m Annette Krllenmn. Ihc mom â€on Immed womun Ind unmmct. will“ at the Huhllnd P-rk Theatre Mm evening May third m H‘Neoumcn w 1"." node! the nuance! 0! MI emu No 712.0 E. s m h an ought reel mum of upkndtd qï¬ly. The [when It! “In producuau m In two dam and each ucIu-t mun ho nor-d in: the uhow It 10 marked for fin .hou u meno'ckxk nod wand M at mne o'dock Both tickets me good 101 the manner at hall me: two oï¬tk. [ml Pooph to Marc Cum-d1, t. “0.! Ari-u in Radial 4 Clayton W. l unhom. 1ffl01...“ U by Ruben Lom- Blvron, "ohms Ind Lame-nae Rnd Mnmr. pmn'm. u‘lï¬w a recital at the Noun 0 Hotel My evening. May "and . An tar-duh.»- gram ha: been prepared and a net“ I It we to: than uho attend. I ’ \ AT ME HOT". WEB" EMS rah.