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Highland Park Press (1912), 29 Apr 1915, p. 4

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THEfllGHIANDPARKPRESS WhatlfinYe-i hymn) anu BY JOHN L. Unau. at Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: :: Highland Park 562 Entered a second-clu- matter Mnrch1. 1911.1! the post office It Huhland Park. Illinois. under the Act of March 3.1879. , REAL SATISFACTION You must use NI-Fini-h to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nn-Fini-h results without Nil-Finish. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal nu Hausa 4â€". is a marvelous dusting- Greenes News Stand E. F. PRATT. Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue D. G PURDYu" S_ONS "'6 Of our Shipment of April Sample Records :ome in and let us play them over for you All Columbia Records ploy on Victor Talking Machine. Tel-M 5“ Hod-ION 12 D. G PURDYn" SONS taco-mart: Mead Bicycles THURSDAY. APRIL 29, 1915 A specmlly deduned nke for cat. bin : and cutting off heads of dandelion bio.) ns. pmentmg their spreading and< Monti m the lawn. It Is also a sum-nor a1! purpose um rake. as It cleans up the :mnlu twigs and leaves wuhout clugmng .1: dos an ordinary rake. and newr mJun-s sod. Tel. 1158 SPRING OPENING We have made arrange- ments to deliver Mead Bicycles and‘Tires at their regular catalogue prices. Vaughan’s Seeds [01‘ “um I071 Erwin Dandelion Rite Place your order with us Miss Alma Salo Swedish Mum- ZUI E. Central Ave. . 12 (m Hid-Ind PHI- A. J. Fadon m W. Central Avenue ‘ITADLIMD ll‘ll Purdy’s at 151W Pzri Thomas Kelly, the young Lake Shote assistant professional golf player. twon permanent possession of the C. E, } Davin trophy by defeating L. Gullkluon of Jackson Park, Chicago, 4 up and 3 to .play on Saturday. April 17th. The cup was played for seven times and each can'- xtestant won two legs of the cup, bqt finally the local boy proved too Itrong {or (lullickson. Kelly had a score of 70 'while hlS opponent had a card lot 74. This adds one more heautilul cup In 1 Kelly's golf trophies. y The Misses Jean Rosenthal and Sylvia Goldberg of Chicago were the guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Titlebaum nt .\' ‘Second St. mer the weekend ’ Miss Helen Murphy of \\'uumnda, was the week-end guest of her rclatlves. Mn Henry Schoendorf and fannly. Mr. and Mrs. A. (l. Chan: and uhll dren, Eleanor and Dt‘lphln of Chicago, were the Sunduv gumu of Mrs Chub parents. Mr. and Mn Thomas (lreen. The L. .\l. Rutledge} hme mm ed Intw then‘ home un [hum .ml Brunwn ,~\u->. Runma mun Chicago when- (hey lunc- <pvnl the x» 2mm Mildred Walther: and Flomce Glider of S.Green Bay Rd..w:ro: both ill with [lye measles last week. Mr [“I'L‘d GUN“ (hr guest on Sun hmm- an Mdhw. hmm- an Alumna-m \I'w‘ Julu-ttv _\h:-r “:15 (he woe-k rni g 1m! Slhtn’l’ mer \ .‘fx-rmnmln', \V. L Mr and \Ir.\. Jnhzz lmxn Mnnhall umi thmr dmxghter, MI» \Lllmu‘xfl Ram-rm r-xpev! [H rz-mm In Ihrlr henna F66 l'ms pu': An- abom .\1.n :Purd l'hmc lutlc 31m. Juhn [mm Mush‘ull, Jr L» rcwwm mg trout 'rnxx rru'cn: wruuh le'xi, hm. Mrs‘] mecr ml Lnuusnllc. Hy, “b” has hven the guest at hrr daughter. Mn. Gerald Peck fur the past (“a month. lefl on Friday th 11m harm 1n the: svuth. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Putnam left on f Monday for a few days vacation at Green 1 Lake. Wis. , Mrs. Walter McNeil and her three Echildren returned this week from Buffalo, N. Y.. where they have been vismng ‘ relatives for one month. r Mr. Herbert E. Law of San Francisco. Snm‘ 1 left un Springs rxpm: go: ting, Mrs. E F. Andrews and d‘iughh-r, Miss Grace Andrews spent the week end as guests of friends In Elgm. Mrs Peter Marks who has been the guest at her bro(her-1n law and Sister. \Ir. and Mrs Juseph (hm-x! nt \td‘ymexn S:.. for the past nmmh. left List Week (or her home m Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Edwm J. Udell of Grand Rapids Mich. was the week-end guest of Metsrs. and Mesdames John and Paul Udell and Walter Cope. Mrs. Joseph Albert Junes of New York City. who has been the guest of Mrs. Rex L. Jones for the past week, returned home on Monday. n; hm-n \ N. Y.. where they have been vismng relatives for one month. Mr. Herbert E. Law of San Francisco. Cal.. was the week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Marsh of Prosper! Ave. Mrs. James Warren left on Tuesday to join Mr. Warren at their summer home at Gull Lake. Mich, Mrs. W. C Cummings of Highwood. underwent an operation for appendictis Sunday at the Augusmna Hospital, Chi~ cago. Miss Louise aney of Omaha, spent a‘ part of last week as (he guest of Mr and Mrs. John Finney ()f N. St. John. Ave 4‘". GI have bee weeks, n Friday. ed east I Mr. an have m0 ‘ F Peter: Rd. Mr an were {11 Farrell's The C Ave. Is I The 1 Mr. and Mrs. J‘ F. Paul. who have been in FL Thomas, Ky., {or the past six months. returned to this city In! week. Mr. Fred Gallagher has )ust ”turned from a very pleasant western (rip. visit; ing relatives in California and attending the fair. Mrs. W. H. Cloudman of New York. who has spent the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. G V. Dickinson, returned to her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Malmin of Chi cago and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Denman of Wilmette. spent Sunday as the guests of friendsrin Highwlxxi. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wright have re- turned to Ravmia {or the summer after spending the winter in Chicago. The pupils 0! Elm Place Grammar school are enjoying their spring vacation this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mchar and daugh- ter. Janite, wxll move to lhemhome on Onwentsna and Exmoor Aves, from Chi- cago on Friday where they wnll spend the summer Mr Henry Buyd and Mr The I" A. Ivy funny 0! Birmingham. Ala,h:1vctakcn «me of the Bourmquc houses on Linden Ave. and mu mke poe- scsslon this week. Mr. and 'Mrs.‘.\'. A. wmk and firm” are mmxng 1le week from the Fric- hnusc on S Scmnd St. to the F 5(1ar flat on E Central Ave The young men of Tnmly Parish have found It necessary to postman: unh! {all their minslrel show. The show was to have been given this Saturday but on account of so many other social affairs. the plan was ngn up for the: present. “I fl)!‘ a ten di‘H'S. \Ifi‘allfln ‘nnll h pi -n sp: Ln 4! HH‘ \1 H1 gllc‘\ \h and \h HIJ ZUC ,n' Mr Fr nrh [Au 1h )f their tune 1 {0! (W (In: CVU'J' Rube“ I (by Jbl‘ hrmhr 5 [\h‘.) They Mn. W. Lever. who is sunning In St. Francis Hospital, Evnnuon. with Hood zpoiwn' in her arm md hand. caused Hrom what is believed to be a pm prick, :‘u doing nicely. The unending phyucmn iii trying hard to save the nflecwd finger ‘yfrom being implanted Ind u we 30 m ‘ press. conditions are very (Ivorablc. Min Helen Mayer returned Monday from Baldwin Cxty, Kan-n where she hu been for the pan week ukmg part In the Eleventh Annual Muuc Fettlval at Baker Unlveruty “The Baker ()range'fi weekly paper of Baldwin L'nty says 0! Miss Mayer, “Her program “as well chosen and hnlllantlv executed. lmm the great lull tune to the softest humomt‘. her playing was flawless Few Hollmsts can claim a tone as lull nch and reson ant as that prudut ed by tlns tmllunt young Chncago artist \hhllr her l harnnng and “rat louspersmmlntv wholly human-a those who are fortunate enough to meet her. [here u nothing «)1 pnse nr \ntumw :Ilfex‘txun or Mrs about her 5hr u. how Her, .I \lrtumm In tm hmqur uxd .mmty bu! .m :lest m spu The W. 9 '1 l uni and en-mmz IHSIHU'I‘ A room» un chm-uia)’ Hall Will be [he spun Dr I R hmmm: m \hurr Fmvurimn \h‘ (\md :\\r' \\ :hm-Hr .\u ‘mlh u! Chi mu Mr and \h~ mun-on M.-.\ H h\!!!1(‘UH()lull.l.' (Hal Lmdzfiwn h the (wmrth-v [hr \anau’s L N‘rLI d“ gxxc Mr J hump fur glrlx m‘nivr Hm .nhpww or [he (hrh' Fncndh VKH'I)’ 2n L‘hn‘agn The cadfls 0! (hr Nunhwralrrn Milli ary and Naval Acmicmv phyrd Lake Forest Academy on chncsday 01 last wrek In a game of [use ball, 1hr «un- was 4 In 6 In faxor of Laiw Fun-st UH sill? t kax [“1“ f»! .le urher huh-n u .Irtu‘lc> sm‘h ,1‘ aprwu l'hr nthcr mel‘ml'wu u! Mesdames Ch." l(’~ 1' m Lmucm‘c Hurk, and N Mra. Robert hrvgnn {he- ummmtcc dppulnhwf Mr nhtm w fur glrlx mu? \Ix‘ Mrs. thltam Spent'et Crosby, well known In Htghlzmd r’uk, Mm has it en! the past months at the L‘nngream Hutelt Chicago. went west Saturdav to wax: relatives tn Washtngtnn On her return she wrll spend the summer at the Skoktc Club In (ilencoc. Mr. and Mrs Robert Gregory, who have been cast (or the past two or three weeks, returned to their L'httagn home Fnday. Muss Ruth ()reguty has remain ed east for a longer stay Mr. and Mrs Frank Sheeks and firmly have moved into one of the flats tn the F Peterson home at 1043 N Green Bay THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK WIS Mr‘ and Mn F Farrell 0! Chicago were the weekend guests of Mrs Farrell's mother, Mrs M, A Mayer. The C E 8. Swan home on Michigan Ave.. 15 quaranuned unh measles, The Illmu 3 Sunny u! L huuu .m- nuunce their fourth annual dame- n- he be given Saturday evening, May lat. a! Raunia Park (asunn MISS Jessm TaylnL who has spent (ht past eight months In Omaha. Neb. am Kansas. as the Kut'\( n! rrlalnrs. relurn ed (0 her home In Rmmm. Tut-“13v. Mr. Charles Grant, alter havmg unlu- lecth cxtracttd Monday, which resulted m severe bleeding ml the gums all during the mght. was taken (0 (he Augustana Huspltal. Chicago on 'l’ursday A! present Mr (inn! IS rmcnmg the but nl medu‘al attvn um and though hr u quxte weak. ls Imprmmg and .I‘ soon as he gmnh sutlwcwm drengll! ml] return home. Klrx K n for a Miss Catherme Hxll 4)! Chung» uh a guest .1 part at (hx‘ art-k n! In and Mrs L. M, Bergen \h~ 1x04 Mrs. Paul “mi Am! yhuhhen leave (he and of (hr wwk fur \ ”1‘ ”man, “hurt they wxll yum My Hm! and u-mmn unhl fall. Inkcn the hLuw Al 413 St Juhns Aw. occupu-d fxvrnu-rly by Mr and Mr! Juhn Finnry, “hm havc moved mm (ht-1r bungaiow on F. \'.nc Au- Mus lndm I‘nyur w \fv-mfmu Ihw wvrszh hr! paIP'Y'~ \h and \h- Bayard 'I‘n'inr 4-? Rumm Mus Tana! Is an 1n.~trur(u: .1! AIR-mule Farm Mrs W C i'n-vsun «If (lmcland‘ (Nth) {urine-rl)‘ Mrsx Sunk: Bowman 1:! this (My )3 vxsmng mud; here {odd}. Mr: Marat) Wmvdbury o! Ravenswmx} \mted Mrs. H 1’ {human :hn week. Mrs. Funk I mmum Wmn lrh Tuesday r (1 [Wu weekx' \HH m Nru York Mrs. H L‘. Hum-rt u! L‘hu‘ago, has ht‘t'l Y2: x “(H lH‘l‘ 3pm ml u wr'M‘Y -r\ 1:! [hr «(min uh-r nu ~1'»m-1l,l43\:m1Ila)»: ”1'1an Maw Hmhln \ll~~ \\ M.” allytdu‘malt: Mr and Mn Lhnrln \ Mlunn, Ibo muuh mmrrl hmc spent [hr \Amlt: In (haul! ‘1” at or HHumw :prn lhru ~ummrr humr hue nu! neck 5"" “' h‘” Mrs W T l'ndrrumx}. uhn h|| nprnt 3:”: MI- E Ward M Ann Arbor x-n r "”1 "t“"Y? '?.r past Hun urrk~ kzmpp rrlurnt-d 'H‘ \ [up rx \wHI \\ hm. um; \hx \‘(W'VHW‘ 1 NT \Iu'ahxl dkr \plr‘tldl N1r~ I‘. an Mu (he and ‘Mr. Erato! Kahlua-MM“ no. had an muck o! ”1.4%:th ed mocha pee In! week and on .Pndty wu taken In the AW Modal where he underwent In over-not. It. Kuehnc u doing mcel)‘. Mn Emm Huppnch rflumcd In! week from 1h: Preobytcnnn .019an when the has been I“ tome umc.‘ Leo Huh. Jr. with pneumonu Mn Ehnbflh McTnmnncy mumod Monday [mm :- "cck‘s nu! Wllh rel-{Iva In Milwaukee, Wu Mn Lunencc Spndcl 0! Lake Fun-N. well known here, a quill: 1|! In [he Hahnrnunn Hooplul, Chwnco Mrsdamn Richard O'Bnrn and (final Schmndlcy were weekend gut-u u! yr‘mlnn m Kinkakrc, Ill Mr and Mr: Rmnr-nd mt! 4511.14 xu‘sh 4~n \m “111an and daungn I! ,',\1\1n‘n'. [*1"H"w!\!a inghl \1135 I 2111.st “I \hv ‘.’.u« It‘! {he mg 1hr \ mg, .t! \v‘ r ; ULIH Inr bf, Aafl'11\'\h\ Mun” Band. Maze Running. Hzavy pzurallrh, hunzumzla, and Cumpcmnr “Y1“. lndmn Mush . b) the A. adt-m) Hand Yw 1! ()umcu, Caumv Fur. Highland Fling. Tumbling, Signal Squad Dnll Pvumndu Bunkhng Luna-emu? ulmrs, \ulhfll Dan “rt-«(1mg Squad Atmom dance Bunkhng Luna-emu? ulmrs, \ ullnu Dan “rt-«(1mg Squad Mhlrm dance (Juann‘). (rut Company [)nlL Th: cans tor the western (rt) uhrch are all purchlu-d Ind are brnthc-duu! nrc L'adllllcun mm- m number‘ Ind are all a! the K. ndemv prepatalory to leaving, June trmh to \nn the '31! The tnvball gameun NIurdayl-flmâ€"m (he (adrts and (ram- Jumm Hulk-gr, roiullrd m \‘thI\ tor the law. (he The butball game (he (adds and kn resulted m \‘thI\ SCUYl‘ vus In 9 - h \1.l\ 'l‘hr apt-(ml Sunday mg‘hl lhlngrhlhc wnncs a! the Baptm (hum h mnduucd b)‘ Pa‘lvlt Thompson. NAHrd of? )U\\~ tull) Sunday mght unh I Qt“ tilled housv The [\I‘u harp; whrch 1mmcd In M‘L‘nthpanlmtnl lo Mr 1 bummonu 3mg» mg, wrrc mmh emuyed. Hr look for h1:tcxlhc11il‘.¢"Wh¢-xc AH ku’ '. and spnkr on the lm‘nlmn n! a you! In rrltr- (me (0 had No! where a man II de- nmmnauonally finammll) sud-Hy. oi p-olmcnlly, but, when- » he nunually? Again and aglm, the «an hum question "21pm to (he audxcm‘e "When u! thou"? The Harp Eungelm n In tfleclwr plal 9mm Ipenkcr no finor o! pomnmm m h]! \mcr. Word. or happy inc. Bum In! 0! good humor hu dnn‘uutul are bnghl \nth rxpcnencn Ind anecdotes that kn-p (he umflfeflllum on gondH-mn uuh (ht- \prakrr Hum hemnmr‘ (0 end Whrn hr npphn :hc Ina drvtr n1 pleu- lnln he n In'fhhfh‘ pmmrd Ina timed and shunt: Huh! I! the mark and mm (0 hi! H "rung l\\“! he buuxhl H um rr.l¢2.l\ rw‘ Iwr I ptrumrm. am m.- was dmary skull and Hm: I? e (-(thu-nru «q -r N. \V. \11hlan Acadcmx 1wa . unwrflqu mind») I 1! 1 tel- uxrw yr "tr Lcir! lhu 43h Ma) and )unc ll TU» hula >unday m‘hl. lhrrr ‘1“ be a hurt-n mmule han' lr-rnnl m Mun erjnnc Trompvm. Iflnuhuh 1hr wnur n! ‘mrprl «mm h-rp Guru and (rug-cl “rung: u. i ‘ Ha“ ("ha >cnhrs umdudrd lu, Rn Ila: .vr tummrr unn‘h ind 1-. firr p134 r r 1‘.th i':\xi»\ u Hm harp u may 1(II \tan 0 ¢I\ IH ”1‘ m Kn! Baptns! Chum h Notes \hs H Al and Park Club |\ Flt» . Rmmund \\' \dmrldrl u-sh 4~n \undm Mn Van mum”! (hr Mun-cg Haul “Y1“. lndmn Clubs dull A. adcmy Hand (unlpflnnr H Mu u (onfmcd lo bu ’Lrh 10“ Run old. he nay: 1nd hzndcd' Ihlch w I! m a trtullfu‘. m» was: It vulh rnuur Ha! [I uddl mq‘ .1 l0 {ht “xv inmdm run 1110 program vull M thr A‘adtnn Hzavy K)l1H;ntn.\. and flying ring. Mun Clubs dull whale-d I!) Rn “flhlrhdl\ L:th A and (Dr Mmdn \ u .e' 3: H ”(K {H u rx' ‘hfi 4“ 'n "wifilpnrf'lv h' ' 1-124 )2"an '\ m; ruym vnlh "annirnt 1m IH‘d IV 1 ~ “re-k prrpu .u the vm' Mu“! {Mu ru .0LH)~ M ll‘rh but u 3H!" lrn North Shore Trust COMM? Makmg a specialty of luau Nonh Shun- lvrmnry 1nd mute. Krnilwunh. Wmmâ€" Lake Fun-st Security ur cunlmuallv rnhzmcmg wh AIY‘IIYI I \l mu AUTOMOBILES GINES REBORED REGULABQLSELAL . «kw , Nuflh Cl ()nv blm'k north «)3 L». k ;\ Raymond W. Schneider Men’s Funisher Telephone 331 214 EASTCLNTIAL MENU! Talent-u lid-l Ind 265 Why not have “my t‘luthing rcnovattd here this week and wve nur work a fair trial? ()ur (mum. AND MIN; 0! ladies' and gents gamut-n15. urwnml rugs. carpets. pnmers. drum-neg, piano (ow-rs, lace k unmm, l'!(.. cannot be duplwated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGESFI and most SAMTARY plant m the West. North Shore Trust Company wagon will (all for and deliver your garments OUTING SHIRTS FOR MEN Low Cut and Short Sleeves just the thing for golf, tennis and automobiling. Capinl 3100.000 organized undo! the Bunkinl Law: of ‘W MORTGAGE BANKERS iahy of luans on Impmv ‘rntnrx' Indudmgt Rogers Park. Evanston, \Nll- mh. Wmnctka, (“Pnfllfi Highland Park and Security under mortgages in this territory is t us attractive. mmcmg Whllt‘ the ratc- of interes ed ma] estate in the MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2113-1133 [Jacob Avcnu. CHICAGO Highland P1 How about you? AND REPAIRED. "TEL N. c. 41; OVERHAULED AND REPAIRQ k N. \V. Depot. INCORPORATED )cnxn. Emnom NOTIC ' an '11 We“ ’ark, lllinoi. :(),I|1xxmis 13 S. St Johns Av. Are you pllnmng {owe-r you: In! your": Mm lur a ulnle? I! n'u I unanly (ul n11! hlllnfl nun, uur Work :1: ml] min u look quue n good as new and It I‘IH xurpnu you to know ham much wru you mm M!“ get outu! Ihr gar Inc-mu. Hung DUNN” n! )uur old lwaflrl II and not hum wt will m-atr ll near I; “and?!” i. J. vaduct J mum (A- - .153 I?!) «HM 4%

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