SHOP Highland Park its}. “at?“ nchhry Co ibuch ,tnres .ussell IAEFER LINC ()l’k‘ lLAND PARK. ILL rlSdlY» “4' ad tim reel 5 ml features. «in. Typo- dl Construc- i‘ Engineer- :«aurudion. Him“! Puk |7¢ 3 Rank R‘dg. mum Pm, ILL bittk 0 Jul! EMMY r [IL Banghu KUEHNE hiand Park Cdkmxu HAxmxc lood thaw : The-tn :yor read any lighlnd Park I“ H “by UZIK - Specinky ‘ay Ave. SIM-ad P-rk n "'71. 5.38% 4 5.33. a .3»: ï¬sh â€.3323 Admission 5 10 cents THE BARTLEIT Theatre Best of Moving Pictures Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods North of Deerfield Road E»: of c. a. N. w. R. R. Box No. 664 'Highlnnd Park Telephone Highland Park mY-J The Camp ï¬re Girls will give a play on May lst “Exploits of Elaine†Every Wednesday Night J. Smith Vaudeville Tueod-y. Thundly, Saturday and Snndny w m w Dealer '- Iron Rags Metal Rubber Bottles Paper, etc. “Perils of Pauline" every Friday N xght Highwood, lll. Modern be“ Ventilated Tho-tr. urity Ice Refrigerating Co. Gentlemen: . The sample of water which you submitted to us for analysis taken from our Water Puriï¬er and Filter Showed that it contained four grains of lime per United States gallon. The mud, silica, organic matter and bacteria was all removed, that the water is absolutely pure and the ice that you are making is better than any that is made in the city of Chica- go or any suburban town. Very truly yours, ' The Greer Chemical Co. Roland C. Greer, Gen’l Mgr. Puï¬ty Ice Refrigerating C0,, Highland Park, Illinois WHY use Pond or Distilled Water Ice when you can get the Best Filtered Raw Water Ice for the’ same cost manufact- ured right here in Highland Park? ’ Look! _ Read what Others Have to Say ' A letter from The Greer Chlemical Co. FUR RENT Tâ€"ruun‘ housq 2?. blocks from smtmn on N St Johns vAvc. wm rent for $22 monthly. Addresi P. O. Box 607, . 9 FOR RENTâ€"Good sized room an rear of State Bank Budding. Tel. 52 ti F02 Ram â€"Furnished rooms and light housekeeping rooms. With private gas plateand meteri Reasonable. Address 2111 N. St. John's Ave. l1 FOR RENTâ€"Safety deposit boxes and vault space for atorage of trunks. etc. at the Erskine Bank. if FOR RENTâ€"7 room house. garage large enough lor four machines. Address James Duffy. H FOR RENTâ€"Q-room housc with all modern improvements, i acre: ï¬ne fruit trees. etc. East side; also several house. and cottages for rent. Apply {24 S. First St. Tel. 263. J. M. Donsing. V If FLAT FOR RENT â€"4 rooms agd bath. all modern improvements. 3l Orchard St. Call after 5:00 p. m. or Saturdï¬'ys or Sun- days. Tcl. 776-R. 9 FOR RENTâ€"Steam healed apartmem, 6 rooms and bath; two extra moms If deA sired‘ 4? St Johns Ava. phanes 49 and 199. F. P. Hawkxns. . tf FOR RENT 9-mmn house "decorated throughout. ()umde tn be rrpamled and pm: H: Al (undul'nn L'trgv gnnunds, cor nrr 01 Sherman Have and (Mkwoud Ave Phone 9. A St Peter. Highland Park 17.“ FUR RENT 7 mm inn pnrch. all modern lease fur one ymr. T her I): Sher Phone 9. A HT 4 L1 FUR RENTâ€"Modern apartments of 4 to 6 rooms. With or wuhout furnishings. ln- quire of HA Palmer, cor. St. Johns Ave. and Moraine Rd. Tel. 776M. 1! FOR REN‘r-‘B-rooms and bath, hard- wood floors. oak and maple ï¬nish, 2 porches. 2 blocks from Ravinia depot. $50.00 per month. F. A. Tucker. Tel. 57. ‘ tf FOR RENT-Unfumished attractive 6- room modern bungalow from May lst. Nice yard and screened sun porch. Ten minute walk to station. Rent 540. Ad- dress I. S. G. Press otï¬ce. 9 Licunod Employment Agency EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€"First class help received for all household poditions. Em- ployment of all kmds for .women and girls. Mrs. T. Walsh. 315 8.; Park Ave. near Linden. Tel. 868 R. 11 WANTaDvAll kinds of female help. American and forelgn. Wages}? (0)19 â€"-EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€" Women de- siring work, should regxstcr. with me. If vou need help address Mrs. Geo. Smith Jr.. over Schumacher's drug Itore. Tel. 320. If FOR RBNT»â€"Furnished rooms for light housekxping. Tcl‘ 798-W. Address 338 W. Central Ave. 9 pd awéék. Also ï¬rst cTass helâ€"p fumlshed on short notice. Apply 124 So‘Fint Sreet Ave. telephone 26'}. Mn 1. M. Donsmg‘ (f [wmm FOR RENT, Eon SALE 1 16-24 Deerfield Avenue FOR RENT house iith 5108p convent-Met Will I. 1113. g 9 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Rr-(im-d. (ullun-d \mmg Indy desires positmn as lmvrhnu «umgmnmn (u lady “1th ur without (hlldrrn, nr Will art II nursr 1m \‘hl’drr‘n Address <\ I' High land l’ark PM» ll pd FUR SALEâ€"A chmcr usurlmcnl 0! car riagcs! wull sell very rrawnablr. Addrm Carleton Ahmelry. 636 Pumper! Ave. Tel 19‘ If FUR SALE Slur: future. Infilldlnï¬ He box. show case-s. cuunlcls, cum-r mâ€! and (‘IKIIY (me, chc-ap M H Krllry, UN W Vine Axe. 9 pd FUR SUE Lol and“ (X, rhcap Ad dres‘ uwncr 3S3: .\' Hc-rzvmagr Aw: L'hlcagn. 9 pc “'Asrm .-\ g:rl m awst wnrk murnmp (All A! m Fr! 1131 \S'nnxn» g xpdh huUu-um‘x 1n Raw .1 urn-k ,i In turn!“ FOR SALE '8 room huusc an 5 Second 5!. one and one half hlm’ks from North western dcpm. Trl nghlano Park K13]. Highianf I'mk 1i} FOR SALE 7 5 room bungalow With bath hardwood ï¬nish throughout. alto 50-loot lot. 112 Skokle Ave. Tel 851 M. tl FOR SALErLotn in the Montgomery subdwiston. Mormne Rd. Highland Park, at very low prices consldcnng the character 0! the improvement: and Ihurt distance to can. schools. gull ground; and Moraine Hotel Addreu or tel, l’. A, Montgomery, owner, 328 N. Sheridan Rd, Highland Park 8-9 FUR SALE Beautiful new 5 room bun- galow at 25 ()nwemma Ave. large rooms. decuratcd throughout. ï¬ne bathroom. cement cellar, {umacc heat, but and cold water connections. whltr cnnmclcd plumbing ï¬xtures. latrst electric huh! ï¬xtures. shades and screens for all win- dows; screened pnn‘h. Pncc 8325011! easy payments If desired () A Luv 3 A: (50., Room ’13 Reaper Blank l()5.\ Clark St Chicago. II). t! FOR SALEâ€"{home lot. 100 feet from ‘guuple lm,n;u‘h1y',xp¢“.ï¬ctd mm age, near Vine Ave. Manon, “Ighllnd!pum Hind Agency. 32 59 Cum] St, 2nd Park, 320.11) p" (00‘? "w" and water I floor, Chlrngo R. humond Phone Mlin paid. Addrmthc Highland Park Press 5073 H of F. S. Amlck, 534 Leannngton Awni “Unwrapâ€"AH kind] 0‘ emb I 2 Lhuago. H pd ‘ nnmalmg. u‘nllopmg. etc. Ibo In“ give FOR SALE VA surrey. almost new, wuh " lessons in cmbroodcry Add". 204 N canupy mp. Addreu‘ Wm (.rreley, 25 N ‘Sn‘und 8! Tel H. I’ 976 R! St. Johns Ave. It ‘, FOR 3ALE ~ Chance SO-(L lot: m our new subdivision along Waukegan Avc., mm}: of Vine Ave. Pncc 33(1) and upward; termsSï¬Oor more. cash balance. Easy payment; 0. A. Lem: Lo. Kuom 218 Reaper Block. Clark and Washington Sun. or 2156 Milwaukee Ave . L‘hncago‘ l! FUR SALE 13 tom good bnlcd hay. timothy and clover mun-d, $1611) a (on J. R Mums. [kt-meld. Tel. Lake Forest TQTâ€"YA, H FOR SALE 191;! Detrontcr‘ 5 passenger, just overhauled. In perfect condition. $350.“). Tel. (ELY-1. Milton K. Tillman. H FUR SALE-A horse and wagon. John Borchardt, (cl. 713M. I! SITUATION WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SAII r] twr arm-ml AlH‘iht'\3 one dl\ Kc-h-n-mrs. 'lcl‘ no Furrst AH‘ ED “7-3:: ‘ WEBUY Lurk haw-i Ioummmw Telephone 341 W: Il-n- Mn 1 v u: X'quv-m’ m Win-bk L'hr~ um M \3. ‘9' 1-4- "mg-111m ml mm: mun». And wand aura Fu- MI Fro. â€"Frer o! chug: (0 “Melt. helppl mg own tum met. We tupply u larm hind; dairy hub and mama! guuple thoroughly oxpenoncrd. Dumood Farm â€And Agency. 32 50 Cum] St: 2nd Lon come dog, While Imp: on 13cc. whne coils; and bro-It; lawn cnlorad body Liberal rewind Tel H P. 93 or wnlc box 555 Highlund Puk, 1H 9 Luv Small Fox Tuna, amt?" u the name u! MutL “Id ooh-r on Rt ward lot return P A Ivy, 31 N Linda Ave I MBCLLLAN‘OUl WANYEDâ€"ching by aptnmed scam one... Tel. 758-3. L‘ WAernâ€"AH lunch 0! embmodcry 2 Inmahng. arallopmg, cum Ibo In“ give lessonsln cmbroodcry Add". 204 N Sn‘und 8! Tel H. I’ 976 t! Warn» Drusmalun. by the day at at hmm- Emma Sit-Hen. 207 N Second St Tel. TEN-M. ll I’m»! 731M 4 1.4-! me do yum Wu. 1.! you (an nuu Io: dauntin- Iurnmbm. a! rum-a. PUNK Hunldmg (an-pm: Iden- lad «um-1n upon mot-u Dâ€"mgnfl, Deronxm, Fumnhcr 1425 Slrvenl 80d; L‘hscuo FRANK BOYDEN CO. MISS GRACE MEEKER Soil. I)†“07me W . W 3!. Ch RHYLAND KENNELS ancnu-d Sewer 1nd Water Contractor C(ntm SIdeWalkl ct. Rn 213 Mclhn Ave. HI nd F MIMI-A.“ ’ I'r unit "104“!" Mm K \mn Ln: 1!.va [II-mm, )il'lnr.‘ Rrp‘nnl Durand 5 "my I). McNeil LOST Al flkkT unanu Mmhhnd run can 1).... 1...:ch Amnhkc. Sun-hunt! \\ at} .1 Trnlrn Null ark HighhndPark, Ill. hm Long Distance Moving by Auto Truck 17-19 I. D- Hue Zalmle’s Ridgewood Farm Dairy PutniudflilkudCreu North Shore Auto Transportabon Co. ()ur Trucks go to Chicago every day and if you have any household gwds. going in we can give a reason- able price on moving than SAMUEL LEVIN, the Jeweler See Our Spring Display April 21, 1915 mm,w{amm THIIISSO Haifa-l REPAIRING 120 E. Central Avenue of all mak$ of Talking Machines as well as Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Bids! Put, [his W’s man