3“qu iUZIK ,l , Ave. [ygnland P ark "whim-i Pull Bank Bldg. IUID PARK. "J. Decanting 'mdzy, Wed- nd three ml i ml features. I 1 KS iighiand Park LEAC H E R Y I“ am w) Awe ligbhnd P .TES l L Bughnn inesda y Lures good Ihow Thane Construc- I Engineer- yutmction. bck \mrr SON ang .e a' about IiSpecany Elaine†IKRiLMD MRI ssell .TS .F ER ’URES PARK. ILL ay 'ark ENG Td WV Park m: Irk Box Automobile Tires, Metal: Rubbers A SPECIALTY Admission 5 ;10 cents Drop me 21 postal card or {ck-phone me and ‘ I will call for goods North of Deerfield Raul b:tofC.N.W.R.R. lo: No. 664 Higw Pu‘k Imam“: Him-nu rdrk lac-Yd Best of Moving Pictures THE BARTLEIT Theatre J‘. Sn§ith “Exploits of Elaine†Every Wednesday Night MkndkuilDulnil Iron Rags Metal Rubber “Perils of Pauline†every Friday nght Vaudeville Every Sunday- Night Black Box Every Monday Night Highwood, Ill. Modem be“ Ventilated Thane Bottles Paper, etc. Frank Siljestrom, Local Distribjutor, Telephone 65 urity Ice Refrigerating Co. ‘- The sample of water which you sub- mitted to us for analysis taken from our Water Puriï¬er and Filter showed that it contained four grains of lime per United States gallon. The mud, silica, organic matter and bacteria was all removed, that the water is absolutely pure and the ice that you are making is better than any that is made in the city of Chicago or any suburban town. Purity Ice Refrigerating C9. Highland Park Ill Gentlemen: It is now up to you kind reader, we have in the 'past few weeks been talking PURE ICE to you. We knew what we were talking about and to convince you further we print below a few of the tests made by reliable parties. outside of our own which fully substantiate our claim. PURITY ICEâ€"ALL ICE FOR RENT *Su-am heated apanmcnl. 6 V rooms and bath. um extra room: 1! dc- Isired. 4T 5!. Johns Aw. phones 189 and 199. F. P. Hawkins. I! FOR RENT 7 room hnuw. 2 blocks from 513mm on .\' SI. Juhni .-\\1. Will rent for $22 monthly Address I" O. Box 607. 10 FUR RENI‘ 9-room hnuse redécorared throughout. ()utsnde m be repainted and put In Al condmon Large grounds. cor- ner u! Sheridan Place and Uakwood Ave. Phone 5. .-\‘ St. Pen-r. Highland Park 178 or 442 FOR REXT~Safety deposit Mes and vault space for storage of trunks. em. a! the Erskine Bank FOR RENT AFurmshed rooms and huh! housekeepmg rooms. With pnvale gas plate and meter. Reasonable. Address 25! N. St. John's Ave. If FUR RENTâ€"~(Zood Sized room at rear of State Bank Building. Tel. 52 If FUR RENT-9-room house With all modern Improvements. Q acre, 6m: fruit trees. etc. East side; also several houses and cottages fur rem. Apply 124 S. First St Tel. 26.}. J. .\L Donsing. t! FOR RBNT-8~nmms and bath. hard- wood floors, oak and maple Inmsh. 2 porches. ‘1 blocks from Ravmin depot, 550.00 per month. F. A. Tuukcr. Tel. 57. {I FUR RENTâ€"T room house. garage large enough lur four machmes. Address James Duffy. tf FUR RENTâ€"Modern apartments of 4 to 6 rooms. wnh nr wuthout furnishings. ln- quire of H. i'almer, mt. St. Johns Aw. and Moraine Rd. Tel. 776-51. 1! RUR RENT 7-510 nh‘msé modern u xfur- mshed house, hot water heat. "screened in porch. large yard Rent $351!). 105 W. Lincoln Ave. Tel. 1113 10 FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished apartment for summer mnnths. ï¬rtxnna. sleeping porch and bath; large hung room wnh ï¬re place; cvcryttnng modem Located near Exmuor Club. 11-1. 1:35. It pd FOR RENT -20 acrcs, beautifully wood ed, (S-roum house, tum, good we“, 2 miles west of [MerrieltL Address 1' 0 Box 425 Highland Park. 10 â€"EMPLOYMBNT AGENCYâ€" Women de- siring work, should register, With me. If vou need help address Mm. Geo. Smith Jr.. over Schumachcn's drug sture. Tel. 320. If EMPLOYMENT AGENCYâ€"FITS! class help received for all household positions. Em- ployment of all kinds for women and Mrs. T. Walsh, 315 E. Park Ave. Tel. 868 R. If WANTED 4All kinds of female help. American and fort'lgn. Wages $7 in $10 a week. Also first class help furnished on short notice. Apply 124 50. First Sreet Ava. telephone 263. Mrs. J. M. Dunsing. If girls. near Linden. "Frap" used but little and in splendid condition, can be used to carry uncor {wo passengcrs and in a nmrnrnt changrd to carry four May ix- ucn at my barn. Price $30.00. W. L Fgan. Runne Place. lU‘ll-lZ pd FUR SALE ~1913 Deltullrr. :3 passenger, )ust overhaulcd. in perfect condition, $50.00. Tel. REM-Yd Milton K Tillman. ll Fnk bAlliâ€"Chou‘clui. lm in: trunk age, near Vll’k' :\\r sldlmn. Highland Park Si’llll) vwr (no! lawn and nun The Greer Chemical Co. lwmm, FOR RENT, FOR sma | Licensed Employment Agency Very truly yours, The Greer Chemical Co. Roland C. Greer, Gen'l Mgr 16-24 Deerfield Avenue Chicago, Illinois April 21. 1915 Hm“ \HI) H Hlnnun‘k Suhw‘nbrd .‘md sumn tn bcfnn' me this .“0rh day ()1 Apnl. A l) 1913. â€nun H. l-I\ \N\ Notary Public, Howud H. HItChock,b<-1ng duly atom on oath. dcpuscs and says that he was herelolure. on to \HL the 20th day of April A. [1 1913.91ex'lcdb) [he ole-(tor.- u! the City of Highland Park In xhcofl’kr 010mmns~mnrr n! {he ‘ald (I!) n! High- Land ‘azk, m the unzntv .md stat: Hun:- und‘ and mu! m and about rm- (Jmpalgo for ~mJ uï¬n‘c and In hzs thu-n {mclud Infl hl‘ pnman rinhon) he dvd not spend HI uxmnbutr .my mnnn or ulhcf .aluablc lhn'g or (linsldt‘rdilhn whauu STATE ()F “1.15m“ Cm NTY or LAKE Sm nun Wunuv H" mm In work around mnatr rrsldrmc- M the day or W'rt‘k “Ill “.11th (mod H'YfH'lht‘s Ad- dress "E " Press min? 1“ pd “'A.\1l-Zh~l}mx1 «'wl'irmi mmmn {or general huuwwnrk. x004 err-H-nccs rc- quxn‘d Tel 694 “Had St, Johns Ave 1! FUR HLE L‘Pmu‘e fth. 1015 In our new sulxhvlsmn along Wdukruan Axe, north at Vlm- .>\n- Price All! and upvunds. terms 3“ ur mum «.4331 bulam‘r E£i~) [mum-1115 l) A. Lawn a: tv. Knurn 313 Rumor Hhx‘k. (hrk And Washmxlon 5!: HI 31.â€;3‘11Wdl1k66 :\\c.LhI(agu H FUR SM f. [Kc-durum] new 3 rmvm bunt hula“ a: 37- ‘lec‘nlshl A\ 1-, lame nmms. de-L'wLm-d {hr-wuxh‘ UL mm human-um. .‘t-nwnrï¬rliar mrnzn’c hc'nl‘ hut xmd (old watt-r \ unm-(Hmh Ihllr ('lmmrlt‘d plumbing futures. latex! (-lmtrn‘ light ï¬uuhw, \hmlc.‘ ï¬nd 5‘ menu In! .11] um duws. yrm-m-d ponh l’rnc SQSIHI). any payments If de-slrrd U A Irv-Is (k Cu, Room 318 Reaper Block. lllfu.\ Lurk St . Chicago. III. M FOR SALE - A surrey, 31mm! new canupv [up Address Wm (nrrlcy, St, Johns Ave Fnk bAl.Eâ€"Ch0lrc Int. Km fret trum‘ age, near Vxnc :\\r sldlmn. nghland Park. $3001) per fool. sewer and water paid. Address the Highland Park Press Hr F. b. Anmk, 54 Lnumnxlon Ave, Chlcugu If pd FOR SALE - A surrey, 31mm! new, vulh FUR SALEâ€"A tew articles of house- hold furniture Including beds. spnngx etc. Tel. 483. 10 pd FUR SALEJA styhsh vvprn 4-whccltd l‘HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESJHGLILAN'D PARK'ILLINOIS SITUATION WANTED HELP WANTED The water plated on special media and incubated at 37 degrees C. for 48 hours shows 13,800 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Gas formation 12 per cent Acid production none. Presumptive tests for presence of sew- age contamination (colon bacilli) negative. This water is a safe potable water. Chicago Laboratory, R. W. Webster Director Chemical Dept. Chicago Laboratory 25 E. Wuhinfloo St. Chicago, Ill. The specimen of Ice Water from Lak IVIichigan-«Filtered. received April 26. 1.9] shows on examination: FOR SALE Telephone 341 “’9 Aha" ha\f 4m use [Law and. u u .umglu rnu-n Ind H S '~rv we a u 5).: 1. Incl! blunt lnlmu‘n am: u“ d pant-o Ins! Mrlwcrn I «UH-2 Aw- and hle. 54 Lou! gold {anllu-t and . Lain m din-r It [Mm-L \.‘Il‘.;(‘d .‘\~ Eva'Rmm F‘t‘r‘ry please vrmm (n R‘vsana \huu‘ Hr 3.. \ eruxn' \! I" 1x! UM “'1 hi.“ N'Ahdri Tl" WurkUâ€"AH kind) .. lnzlmlmg galloping rh Irssuxu In cmhruuirrx N-‘nnd 5! Tel H l’ 97' couple lhmnuuhly rxpencnkrd memuui Farm Hand Agvm‘y. 12 N- ( mun \: 2nd â€our. Lhu‘ago R Diamond. l’:. mu Mam ~~Frre a! (“warm- in tauntâ€. Pu-lp pm mg awn (â€In hum. We )upply smglr harm hands, dam) hamh_un<1 munrd WANTâ€! Pupxln xn (unvcnhunni xhuu panning. Jame-d, plflr, rnamrl and Input work (aught Liam: Tuesdgusandï¬nlm days. prwalr lnmms 1! drun-d Mn M I. Jordan, :‘U N (.rccn BA) Rd Tr! 10H 3 pd H Eldnoivo [4430‘ 7.510! - 4 me u! [be hntal of tmbnnfl cit-blah- menu In Chucngo Is that o! F Arcndt. Imam-d suite w 2-4 Hrywonh Bldg. Mr Arrndl has gut-n (he lhdbu [alluring Dunner-s a Mr long slud)’ 1nd I: cnnndtt- ed one 0! the be“ knnwn prrtu m (hn toumry ol malenuls [I you Mr Routing for thr Latest In silks Ind lmrn wmn‘u for swing, dun"! [all to «a! and lnl;u\'l these nnpmmnmn, and I mt. m n [hr many cxclusiw- patterns 8\ rn «‘uemmrt has the pcraonal JIh-hlhrn 0! Mr Arrnd: W KVTEIHSCVIDR by txprnrncrd Mum urn: Tel. 7:3 R. l! H~I‘~‘-M-'“‘I FRANK BOYDEN‘A (I) Sch. 1312 Hey-.015 .uildi. . W 3!. Ch RHYLAND KENN E15 "kiln-d 'nri, Ill-non MISCEILANEOUS Furl: thdl Fm “r nun: llnn‘InmuH Hull-L.- WE BUY ow sum mu. muons hunvs Spank! A H: Mum In; return “'41 “Main: Axr LOST F mr It. lrueï¬x Xi‘- (um. bu purl: ' I) A“. «u a! '4 udrn' I‘ï¬â€˜ Wu" H The water plated on special media and incubated at 37 degrees C. for 48 hours. shows 28,900 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Gas formation 75 per cent Acid production marked l’rwumptiye tats {or presence of sew- age contamination (colon bacnlli) positive. This water is contaminated and should be boiled before use. It is not a safe potable water. Chicago Laboratory 25 E. Wuhin‘tm St. Chicago, Ill. The specimen of water from Lake Michigan, City main at Highland Park re ceived April 26, 1915 shows on examination: ll .nlLr ‘J uh pd The hostess who serves abread and cake made mul‘l M “humus bun..- duh "In†(In Ollh drpusr$ um‘. Hus 'hnl hr uar hrrflnlmr‘ (In h: an mt .‘mh day u! April. A I) 19‘: x 1- («1rd I \ 1hr rim fun u! [bf CH)! U1 Night-M1 I‘nth Vu “It I-Huc u! my“! of mud k1'\ u! Hmhmmi I'ml m (be (nun!) and Van alum-mm and lhal m Ind ubuu! [he (ampugu 1m and on)“ And In bu clnlmn um Iudxng hn pnnury drawn) he did not “m1 (:1 «unlhbutr mu nuns-)- n! â€the: \nlunhï¬r (hm. 01 umudfl-lnm uhnlM-rvn SAMH'I M Huxmm Suhtnbrd and swuyn I‘ In luu- mt lhil mm (In 1)! Agvvxi A h 1"]- Hun h Ix xv MA" as Innuu Lon-h or LAM. \uhu “ht-d and auuxn In {what nrr A D 1915-. rim H-d M :m- rln H \ my ml Hmizlmm I’m). h- {but \umnnnmnm u! lhr Mud \ 1h Rand l’nrk m 1hr counu am: -!a \ani and llml m Ind «huh: 1B,: 11.x Mud \ 1mg hm aprnd m Highland Park, Ill. Wand W “\HHL‘, hung duh runâ€: III! with. dawn-m and an Hm! hr in» in 1r [Horn uh It! MIL Hut I'Hlt das‘ H! Al)!!! \Hn 4» Inmm kUl'hl) u! l «M is secure in the knowledge her guests are enjoying the BEST. Your grocer has ()ccidenr. or he can get it from (hr wholesale distributors: lidingrr 8' Speidel. Phone Evans!†5035 or Wilmette 642 from OCCIDENT FLOUR lhll '{mh do" n! Ap'l [Winn Ibo-rm aim Fuvmflnv H25 haven) "86;: k but “u lumdoyoulu-qupn. In: N»: mm "-1: luv Aunt IHII‘ Hum-hm. u! hour. Imblx Mn. 1â€"le lam Ind nun-tn upm- lwfl â€qu Hung (il MISS GRACE MEEKER “Ann h I‘\A\_\ ,\(>lal\ l'um“ m mnhuw um nu-nrv m “Hm-I Chuago Laboraton R W. Webster Director Chemical Dept I-lJIl\ nnd 1L! .unndrluhun “hum; V\ «up \5 W11 hr rlh Ion U1 1}» 111 mm lud 901 5H1 "M r puny! Hm} “2-31TMIK 29f“ ‘ï¬â€"‘(h-vlï¬o‘ I“ Puma 765 w F. ARENDT use. tan a w u. D. McNeil Lacs-med Sew sud Water Cum Cement suowmu etc. Re; 213 “CW. Ave, For Inn and lines. Talmud to you new Taiwan" " "Pu;