lrton Phone 4517 l . l ters all Hangings ~ â€"â€"â€"~â€"_._._l E are ready with almost make the Home Ground attractive. tnost complete and finest assortment of Budding stock ever offered any where. Thousands of Geraniums. from the softest shades everything you will want to we have the of pink to deep red. all the new and good Cannas and everything in the way of Border Plants to make attractive show beds. We can fill your window boxes just as good as the best in the " East. English Ivy. Boston Ferns and Salmon Pink Geraniums. are all the fashion out there and one could hardly find a IITOTL‘ beautiful combination, come over and let us show you the effect. Maybe you want Plants for Cut Flowers this summer, if so you should have a few plants of the new silver pink Snapdragon “Nelr'ose†We noticed this wonderful variety in the Boston Public Park last summer and were so impressed with it that we hunted up the originator and bought. at quite an outlay, 500 Plants You can get from us now, beautiful small plants ready to of it. flower all summer at 10c each. There is absolutely no other Snapdragon just as good or half as good as “Nelrose†I'HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS M -a... .. .â€" a. . Asters. Marigolds /.innias UismosS . a ~-........w.__....m.. . -A- W+» â€".... ~--Q-~,.-_._-A_._'.â€"- Stabiosas Calendulas and many. many other tloweritig Annuals at most reasonable pnces. cheap enough to have everylxxly have some to brighten things up. If you want the best and latest in Dahlias and have them. all named varieties. (iladioli. we Let's quote you a price before you bring home from town a lot of stock not half as good as ours nor as reasonable. Iiveiytliiiig in the way Tomato “John Haerâ€. there of Vegetable Plants. Try the new no better or earlier sort. Mr. Julius Zinimer of our town from It) plants last year picked 1-1 ripe tomatos July 2nd and the plants kept on bearing until cut down by frost, Pepper. Egg Plants. Cabbage. Cauliflower and Celery. ' here is nothing new being introduced anywhere whether here or abroad, we don't go after and give a trial. if it is good we want it, if it isn't we want to know it. part of your order. no one can possibly try harder to be least a deserving of your patronage. and while we (iive us a chance to fill at are doing well, we want to keep it tip. giving better service. the most for your money and help all we can to btautify things outdoors. Highland Park Greenhouses -‘ I To give you suggestions and estimates on a Window or Veranda Box Ilanging Haske ts Rustic Tubs or I‘lower I’eds doc sn't ct st yt u any thing. PHONE 765-W D. McNeil Licensed Sewer and Water Contractor Cement Side-Walks etc. Res. 313 McDaniels Ave. Highland Park ,. Tel, Lake Forest 1' 1 Highland Park ./ THUMAS DOLGLAS Veterinary Surgeon Special attention given Dogs and Cats (Assistant State Veterinarian) 1335 WE BUY OLD SILVER. GOLD. DIAMONDS We make Handwrouuht Sterling § Silver Fine Jewelry-- Designing. . Ilngrav ing- Repainng- Diamond Settinlit We always have for sale Diamonds at reasonable Prices and old Silver pieces to good to melt. Some antiques and special pieces. FRANK BOYDEN CO. Suite 1312 Hoyworth Building 29 E. Mali-on St. Chicago ANNOUNCEMENT All models consisting of Imported Dresses. Tailormades. and coats I/2 PRICE A. SEIDLER 516225. “a- Ave-e 302-320 M Iï¬. hid-I WM SIB I I l l mimnwimm l tniitiluim t hmt mama-r I AVAILABLE FOR CONCERTS mutant-mm ‘9“: S. F. IEWIIALL. m, [L OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tina: MAP-K! D; BICI‘IS COPY“:5NTS Ac. A'v\-.1.- "‘v“.‘.--'\n. t ' I?!" q 1 .i ' ‘I ' - .. .l LHAF. 'Io‘l iiiil'at .t - .1†-.i-rt.r.-- I...’ :tl.‘|hl‘ i. v * ’ .it ~ ,‘Itl : t t 0. receive m ' r w ' \ ut. CUNNO. in tho Sci iitiiic Hmerican. A â€a i‘ v iiiunimed really I" on ctr ‘l'iI‘MV'IL‘llIntjuf'flI ’Ivttwtitl us. 01. Said 1 not “9“! denied. iiiiiiii’ ico‘ mm New lgrlt But. at am «:5 [- sa. Wu'flDJIOIIJ) lDeerfieldi News Itemsl The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mr. John Veiter. Sr.. Thursday afternoon. The topic will be "Stain and Laos " CommenCement exercises for the Inter- denominational Teacher Training class of Deerï¬eld will be held in the Presby- terian church Thursday evening. May 20th at ti o'clock. Mr. Schenet. Field Secretary of the lllmors State Sunday School Association wrll deliver the ad- dress. Specral music has been pmvtded. At the Christian Endeavor Society meeting in the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening. Rev. Orsborne had charge of the meeting and the subject was “Why I am Proud of My Denomina- tion." Statistics of benevolence: and or ganization of the church were given. also stories related of heroes of the Home and Foreign Mission ï¬elds. one of the ‘ most interesting of which was of Frank Higgins. the “sky pilot ol the lumber jacks" Rev. ()rxborn's Sunday morning sermon was a stirring argument (or uni- versal peace. taken from the text. Gen. 9 "I know Not. Am I My Brother's Keeper? Involving Man's Resonnsrbility to the Other Man." A tribute to the president of the L'rnted States was made in the statements. "History will know no better name than that of Woodrow Wilson, who has shown a calmness born of the sense of right. for "Hethat Ruleth His Spirit is Better than He That Taketh aCity." Rev ()rsborn IS an unusually eloquent and fluent speaker. his popularity being attested by the large congregations which overtax the seating capacity of the church. The community is singular- ly fortunate in securing the seriices of such a scholarly man. On account of the severe storm 0! Sat- urday evening the concert to have been given by the Lyric male chorus of Chi- cago was postponed until Saturday :ve- ning. June 5th Part of the program w as given to the audience who were brave enough to go to the school in spite ‘ of the weather, Mr 1 ugye Joranson . sang a Swedish folk song, ‘Du (iamla. du : Fria," the chorus sang "()n the Sea." â€Sunset" and "America." Mr Avern Scholnik. the violinist. played ti\e num‘ bers. Tickets were returned to the audi- ence to be used .it the next concert, when the lull program will be given This generous ((ini‘t‘sslivn sh>uld insure a large attendance. tor the singing of the men was thototiglliy etiiuyed by thou- present Commencement exercises for the Deer held Grammar school will be held in the i.issernbly hall Fr.tld_\' evening. June 4th, Vie will be only t00g lad to do it. Mr R I. Sandwick principal oi the I) S. H S will deliver the address The members of the class are l.lllI.II1 Siliuab. Susie hasten. Dorothy Supple, Dorothy Reichelt. William lloettlier, Benjaiii'n White. Harley Slitiiitlt. suliitatorian. and Edward Thetrieti. \.:ledtt toiiari Friday evening. Mav ch. Mm. Ruth Reichelt gave a IEIIt'lt shower at her home iti compliment to Mm Irene Ilutthison whose marriage to Mr. Ray Reedsol Chi- cago takes place in the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening. June ltith. The beautiful pieces of handiwork Ihlt‘ll were showered upon the I31Itl€vl0b€ were evidence of their esteem tor her. The table decorations were in tnauxe and white. A huge bowl ot lilac: was the center piece. and the place cards and favors were of the same hue. Con-rs were laid for twelve. The “Gold Medal" team of lkerï¬rld beat the "Prairie Dogs" of Wilmot at a ball game Sunday on the grouncï¬ of the latter with a score ol 20 to ll Mrs. R. N Kersten of St Louis is the guest of her mother. Mrs C W Pettis Miss Marian Craig of Highland Park. was the week-end guest of Mra. T I‘Idstrand. Mr and Mn. Morris Dunn of Chicago, were the weekend guests ot Mr and Mrs Reichelt. Sr. Mrs Buckley of Chicago. is the aunt of her niece. Mrs. Edward Selig The Fort Dearborn Club of Chicago had their annual outing at the [her [.itk Farm Inn. Saturday. Sunday. May 23rd being Pentecost, Rev J, Lueder will speak in (ierrnan and English at the Paul] thurch The St Pauls League “I†meet on Thursday. May 27th at 7in p m at the home of Mr. Fwald Winter All meni~ beru are earnestly trqur‘ated to attend The Sunday school of the St I’aul'l church is preparing for \hildren'a du The cantata "Summer 'Iiine†will be given under the auspites ot the teacher: The Misses Elm and Marie Rueder of Chicago were the weekend aunts at Miss Mabel Horenberger. Madame: Fred Hiirenbeiger. Phillip Rommel. and Jacob Antes. Jr attended a party given by Mrs. Ilolstrom in honor of her birthday anniversary Sunday afternoon at her home in Shrinxrrvillr )CY\1\ es iti St Mt: John \leht‘l ol t hit .tgiv iii \lhll ing her parents Mr and .\It" l'hortzu Iliitt) The Misses Matte lmiettl KH’S: Will be hostesses at .i cl;tn.i Iliuwrr T hursday rvrt g in i onipl. ii (iii to Mt:- C :tlerine KdIlll ml at ll art. age to Mr; Frank eaiiirti ot Lrtss Movies. “I! Will take plate the tirstol [.i'u- Eighteen guests have been invited Suppose you call us up met hi hlias lull hlt~)t‘r til Cllii‘agu guest or Mrs I‘Ifll l in in) l.lllll‘ Kenneth Ilagir is Mittciing with abri-ken colfar lmttv ulncl um ihr tr sult ot a hill Mr and \III lra (“toner lei: lursrlay eyetiing liit Hm I‘ T tee Mo. nttendeltlie tum-iai oi Mt mother hartlnrt b A new unitary THIN-O blkrtv hllllp and lunch room is bring Horned II‘. tie Itiitty place on IMI'LCItl Aye by Mu Jamel Nolan ‘ Miss Henrietta l.udlow ()l L llk ago was the guest ol \lta Eugene lander Sunday Mr and Mrs Eduard Doyle of MII‘ waukee~ Wis. Were the guests of Mn H II Kren Sunday The Mines L IIYISIIY‘P Mi Mahan ltla lily nth. Ikenr Kent. and Laura I-‘lrtthrr, the ItJtIH’I at the Ittrlhrlti (.ranmar n howl were rtiteitaii id at tile Ilt'" e ol Miss Margaret Veddar Turadn exciting. Mi“ Mamie Sim-strum of Highland Park was thr- Ink (DC 01 Min I,1Ilthn Schlir Maolfl'o 5 do STATE oi ltIlSlils Cot sh or LAk} In the (In utl (not! w! lakr \ tvurily Mirth Term A It I‘Ii'i Highland Park Stair lush r' l' \. Jam“ Rnl.» rt nl \\ I It Ll..rnrty .i.“. Nut-u! l’ulilic notice is herein In?“ that by virtue ot an order and (leave entered in the above entitlrd rat»:- in the t Hi ull Coul of Lake toutity llliriou at the Marth term A ll WIS on the 17th dai (ll Ap'il. A Il I‘l‘fl the undrrsvgrird Muir-i in t liniiu n tithe t lli till i outt (it Lake «Minn l":tvr-i\ Illi 91.: at public vendor- to tlr bidder t ’t \.i"‘ no “mind“ t’-e lfth III)‘UI J..t‘c '\ l’ l‘.'.'i 41 tlr‘ linut ill 'lir .illffll‘lo’ I'l balt‘ tla) llhbt‘l and he)! on: o I hit it Ill at the lliihl dun: o! 'l r .om'. ihrtiti ol “atikrgnn tom l\ a! lake and Stair ol Ill tmis 'tic In“ tribe-d pie-t iv-s \"ua'ttl It IIM t-nntv ol Lake and Vu'r i-l lmt. -I~ as to“ nus, ID.†The beat me hundred .111 Mtv ton drcdihs (faltf-Ui tort iii irlotk [\urtih tixr 25D and the tint one hundrrd and tilt) (lill Ire: ol the nest ~ 1 ltl.l(1'fd H" and titty liulidtrdlhs \’b.‘l Qt int «it it PM»: iii \A II‘ (it: south one tiundiri‘i and r iglrty int i irri ivl liltnnlwrtiW 1.: It) '- 'li .i. lg .'\ll‘.lr\ \Irn - l.u' th‘luii-fl, 'ut'i tiring .i\i‘-1.i~ ' "M ‘s -" \ it til the \tutthras turn! .\ I I :ll Section titirrti i. t‘ I'vIt. ">ll) it tee 463) N nth Ra c: "u \I‘ il.» ens? oi the Thad I‘iiti "1i Mr 15“ [)‘tnl .it “ailing-iii l'.l’()ll thn ".“lh day or .\l.iy. A l} 2W. lintiz J Ill‘l'hklï¬. Maum in \ liaixriy Glamor E I'tiiiiii-s Solicitor Iiir tur'iplaimnru 141.314 pd is the . Vi here they. M184 Zahiile’s Ridgewood Farm Dairy I PastiirizetlllillianilCrcam 17.191 El- Place See Our Spring Display of Shoes lor Men Women“ and t hildren was was; Iliglilnil Park, Illinois ()ur Spring line is now ii ' 43:3me Frank Rectcnwald 111 E. Col-tn] Avon... Phone 0“ , Long Distance Moving by Auto Truck (luv 'l‘ruc ks go to L hicago en r_\ day and it \oti ll;t\t any household goods. going in we can giu- a reason able pure on inovmg them North Shore Auto Transportation Co. LEUER BROS, Agents In KISSLI HRS Idaho: 550 Hid-d Par-Ii REPAIRING of all makes of Machines as Talking Well as and \‘I'atches. Clocks Jew elt'y. SAMUEL LEVIN, the Jeweler 120 E. Central Ava-m . 1‘ . an «a .â€"â€"â€".-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"râ€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"â€".â€"â€"_â€"__.__â€"â€" _..â€".. .. at near y») ,,m.-vau .- a. A >i‘4rr-ï¬-v, . c.- >1“: t .4 mnqa I a... .L-HW‘ " - W‘ :3 swag :--