Greenes News Stand Of our Shipment of f Mav Sample Records 3 Come In and let us play. them over for you i i All Columbia ; Records play on 1 Victor Talking ; Machines D. C. PURDY'r" SONS â€You must use NI-Fi-i-h to have real ‘dusting satisfaction'. You cannot get Nu-Pi-inh results without IVs-Finish. Every uar becoma an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no gqual. ' Entered as secondclass matter March 1. 1911.3! the past otï¬ce at Highland Park. llhnons. under the Act of March 3.1879. SubscrinhlPriceSIM per Year in Advance REAL SATISFACTION hummlmpdpdn . clegmn “gaining ' . Ind. hyouhfl ulintheuspflway-n butwhata (Influence! Nodu-tflyinz In [hr ‘ momto nettle down Every speckjsuhenw an...“ 1"“ '“n‘d up. at the lame (hue. with no extn your furniture. woodwork “Wood 600:: m cleaned-mm Taaï¬cbonlg, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. UDELL at Highland Park. Lake County, Illinois Telephone :: :2 Highland Park 562 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS D. G PURDYH" SONS In Telephone 567 Albert Larson, Stationer SPRING OPENING ThisCouponiSWortIISOCents 39 St. Johns Avnue E. F. PRATT, Prop. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1915 Clip this Advertisment IIYAILIIm I07. ICORPOIATD at standard prices and this is a good oppor- tunity to obtain a Waterman, Swan, Conklin or Sheaffer Fountain Pen at reduced cost. sum .94 and present it to Albert Larson, Stationer as part payment of any pen in the store of $12.50 value or over. All our pens are plainly marked We are overstocked and take this means of reducmg our lme Fountain Pens on a cash purchase of any of our Standard Priced I Miss Winifred Carlisle of Chicago is the guest of Miss Mildred Thayer of N , g Sheridan Rd. this week. ; Mrs Mather Smith of Circle Ave. left 3yesterday tor a ten days' trip 'to New fYork where she will join Mr.‘Mather ’Smith. Dr. and Mrs. John F. McEwan of Orlando Fla. who have been guests of the Mather Smiths accompanied Mn Smith to New York. Mrs. Trim Waller and her little daugh- ter. Mary Tn'gg. left on Tuesday (or a six weeks' stay at Charlevoix, Mich Colonel and Mrs. J‘ A. Gaston of the Sixth Cavalry, l.'. S. A.. were the week- end guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Hukins of Prospect Ave. Mr. and Mn H. M. Hyde. formerly of ’ this city. now of Chicago. were the week- ' end guests 01 Mrs. John Class at Cary Ave. 1 Mrs. I. DA Lane of Bad Axe. Mich. a former teacher in the Elm Place school. is the guest of Mrs. E. E. Parfait of N. St. Johns Ave. Miss Ida Dowling of Turedo. Ohio, was the guest 2 part of last week of Mn. H. D. Faxon. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor of Chi‘ case were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. 1‘ rhayer of N. Sheridan Rd. Among the young people returning from school for the summer months. this week and next. are; The Misses Dorothy and Rowena Bastin from Ann Arbor; Joseph Blum from Stout In stitute; George Baldwin and Samuel Hingham from Cornell; Edward Knox and George Moseley from Yale; Darel» and William Louderbuck from St. Paul's school; Gray Stubbs from St. Albany school; Walter (ioelitz and Harold (“mm from the University of lllinons; Marjorie Follansbee from Emma Willard school, Jean Ten Broeck from Wellesley: -the Misses Helen and Caroline Willits and Marion Moseley from the University School for Girls; and McGregor Willxts from Hill's school. The ladies of the Trinity Parish House are planning a bazaar to be held Tues~ day the twenty-third of November. Mrs. John Glass is chairman and Mrs. Robert Carr. vice chairman. assisted by a com- mittee of enthusiastic workers. Mrs. G. A. Mason entertained the Mises Frances. Martha and Harriet Mason of Riverside over Sunday. Miss Gladys Spencer left on Tuesday for a stay with a College friend. Miss Corona Williams of Berkley, Cal. The ladies of St. Johns Evangelical Church. Green Bay Rd. and Home-wood Ave, will give a ten cent social 'Ifhum day, June 24th. in the church parlon and on the lawn. Everybody is cordially invited. Miss Marjorie Small has returned from a short stay with friends in Danvillc. Mn. Melville of N. Green M Rd.. won the crocheted bedspread which was ruffled off Monday evening at the Myytic Work‘ ers meeting in Masonic hall. Mn J. A. Parnell left In: week for Salt Lake City. Utah. where the will spend some time visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Brown, who have been living in one of the Tom Dooley houses on N. Green Bay Rd‘, moved to Chictgo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Streiber motored to Mlywood on Sunday where they were guests of relative; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martyn Bacon 0! N. Sheridan Rd,. have rented their home to Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Moore of Galveston. Texas. The Bacon family will leave be- fore the ï¬rst of July for Portage Lake. Mich., their summer home. We are glad to accept any items for this column or the Observer. free of charge. provided a name is signed to the item sent in for publication. All items mustbe in by ï¬ve o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Items mailed in.'unsigned. cannot be used‘ | LOCAL AND PERSONAL ms [g No. 7 St. Johns» Ave. 5' Mm May 20!: of Chicago vmtl'd ‘friends m Hugh nd Park over the rack [end i Charles Roschow. is expxltd around the ï¬rst of July from Demer. (Manda. to vmt his parq'ms .\lr,und Mn 0 Row- now of 5 ()rekn Bay Rd for seven weeks. i Green HIV R'd. Innouncc the birth 0! I Mr. and M V Hurry Micheal! o! N. son. born Satu day. June 5th ()enrude Pdrry. the Clflhl month old daughter of Mt and Mn Alexander Per- ry of s. Furs! it. died on Sunday of pneu- momn. She wt: burned Tuesday mom- mu In St, Marj's cemeaery. Mrs. G. W. flatter 3nd daughter Verna 0! Chicago yea: the week end guest! 0! Mn. A. Bloom eld. } , Miss Priscilb Carver let! on Tueadty for a Visit to the San Franciu‘o lair. Sh:- is the guest of Mrs‘ Willxam S. Nolh of Chicago and in“ rclurn on the twenty- sixth of (hm Month. ()n the twenty-ninth Miss Carver w.†begun‘ a concert tour at Ohio. to last *ven week; Mm Caner has recentfy phyed before Ihe Mary No blc Club of Ch‘cago. I ()n Wednaday evening Mr and Mn ‘George Howe of County Lnne Rd. attend ‘ed the marriage 0! Min Mlldred Lane iand Robert L; Bachnher both people at :Chicago whxch took place In St. Mathew; Church of Chicago at flu- o'rluck. MrsJ J. \“lnrrs n! Horne-wood Ave returned Sunday (rom the Auxusuna Hospnal wher't she utderwenl In opern‘ tion for apï¬ndncins about three weeks ago‘ Mn. W‘xters I: doing nicely. Mr‘ Andrew Bloomï¬vld left last I‘ttk fur a scvcral Weeks busmcss (up through the south. The \Vthï¬h-‘s Hume and Furmgn Mu- smnary shorty u! [hr Furs! l'n-ch Evan gcln‘al (hurch met Thursday ahcrnoun .n! Ihv home m \In H wiry M QKhUC, >r Mrs (1mm: Krvxmbm 'n has bum quan- iH In! the pan wm-k but vu- are glad to sum- she Is niprthng. 0n Saturd‘y evening the Mines Mu- dalenc McNeil. France: Green and Due Wmen and ‘Mmr's. Juhn White. John Gallagher and Harvey Wmen cmoyed I motor trip (0‘ Wauconda. where they cn~ ;oycd a dummy: party It Murphy'a hotel The Ban¢a Club of the Pin! United Evangelical Church were entertained on Tuesday at the homeo! Mr Wm. Noerm berg. Mr. M. J‘ (dbl). ha: been Ippointed postmaster it High-mod to wot-ted Mr. w. Bartlett. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. T. H. DeckerolS.Scmod St. were (M Sunday guest. 0! relatives in Libertyvje. Mr. and Mn Lawrence Cmth Am- moru are leg'ving today [or Lbbon. New Hamphirc here they will ipcad the warmer. Vey will with in Bolton be- lore going (Q Lisbon and will open their full term in fmuuic October In. in room 10 Enkme Rank 8563. Little lrenje Shaun. the three year old daughter olng. and Mn. Hairy She-He. who wu baQIy burned about three week- ago with abiding water in getting do“ hirly well. ï¬he recelvcd the moat were injurie: about the chat ind haul. Mn F. Chvey enlcmined about ï¬fty member: of Ladies Aid Smitty of Dec:- ï¬eld Lutherfn church on In: Thur-day. Mr. Ind Mn. M. H. Connd and chil- dren. Irvin > and Eleanor, melon-d 1mm Woodstocqu‘turdny and we die week- end sum. 9! Mr Ind Mn. N CConrud of McGovem St. Mm C. P. Follambcc us In Troy. N. Y. attending ihc graduation extremes ol the Emma Willlfd school. Mil- Mu- Jone Fullarrbce is I member ol the clan. Mr. (J. L, Vetter and son Walter spent several day! of In! week uniting Mr. Vetter's smer. Mn. A. Loomu oi Bel- videre. formerly 0! this City. Miss Alum Backing at Woodstock. “1.. visited lriends here a pan 0! In! week. Mr, Aidan S. Baker of W. Vme Ave. left last week for Yellownonc National Park, Wvo. where he will remain {or the summer. Mrs. H‘ ? Davidson and her daughter. Miss AliceiDavndwn lelt on Friday for Lake (Send/a where the commencement exercises of the Nonhwulérn Mnhtary and Naval :Academy were held xhu Week, The mewbers of {he Alumni Asooua- tlon of tho Deerï¬eti- Shields High School announcc their ï¬lteemh annual banqun to be held Wednesday evening, June 1601 at seven .n'clock It the high‘ schoolA Dancing lb the girls' gymnasium ml! follow. Mrs WiH. Cloutlman of Elgin was the guest last [week 01'Mn G. V. Dickinson. Mr. and‘MrI. Hubert Martin 01 Chi- cago men? the wkkcnd with Mr; and Mn. John‘Shcahet. Mr. andiMrs. Theodore C. But: leave today for t motor trip 1hrough the can to be gone tor ten day; Smith {or few day; Mr. 1 Mn. Hurry Adm and Dr. J. Gnu! of can Phrk were (be Sunday guests of . r. and Mn A. Abercromby. Next human-'00â€!- lChuch. Apno- “In nth Ila-fl“- ":1 â€mï¬'hm â€" wdhhlwuk ' Rank 01 Suunhy'u golf. are: [Blade medal play mu‘: to: d’ A. Waller E Egnn. “their: ads! pic! Mndoap luv clmflCJl‘ outrun an. 8.1 M. Seem-n. ‘32-" .wmm I. dun C. J. M. latch it '72. Man: W. Km. “XI-2476 in da- D, )A m If": conn'ol an o! $¢ Mahmu- whmh rm execmtd bysAndm defl- Rohbu m â€Â£3 for the ‘Irom o! the Foundhnp' “009qu 1: Donna. The urn rum pwcu rrplnce {be none med- nlhom winch were at in“: we Iron! 0! the mum. at am The Amnicu Tern Coal Company 04 Crysu! Lulu. manufacturer: 0! Taco Ink. rm give: the comma for the work. The (note. were modeled uprndy 1,: "It Anne: by Call Schnadfl and um cosmic-d in the colon n! the orulndu. the back ground: ban; a doudy blue ugh-ml which the £111“! Iorml and out In high and, The“ ham 11: canon up proprintc and Inuit “on lot It: from 0! I building there Ehfld alum" “methane the purpo-e‘lov ubch it was (mad. 3 Each of ‘he two [able ‘lronu o! the Elm Place Annex has In! Mk receivrd nu tin-I decoration m the ban 0! I m Vrry mic-mung drill: to: mmmnuiod rd and non<omrmuond [uflmrn are held every day (his 1nd: tith Capt J E. Hemphull and Major M M. McNamee In mmmznd. Mn M. M Manmnmtmme-mhl gurus u a dinner panv‘ madam the hop I! "we oï¬cen' dufl on Thundny evening The dinnev Iruromphmrnun' [0 Col and Mn Jmhon u. ChK‘Ago The demuhom wen- In ydloï¬. . Mind MCNIM left ion Wednndny for West Point when he will"cm« lot tru‘nmg June ï¬fteenth. Mn. N. McClurt anti her dtughlfl, Mm Koch at Hyde Park, have taken I home in the mutton [or the summer. Song.†ï¬lm “The Ni‘hliï¬lk' by Gun! Sch-Her. and "The Insh SGM" by Lohr. Refruhmeml um and odloen hop on nut-dd Ming. ‘ Mm E A’ Heinrich nomad from i a ten dan'u'iptooc ' Tenn. ; The Tina-Oneal}: {nutty h- been , onkred to the Phillip‘ The (mop. will a" the ï¬fth 0! bet. : Mn (2. L Convene m... onf Fridu afternoon to (b: mantra o! the; Maia] Gab. The 0! the day. ‘ readby “alibi“: amen. van on the whim of the Me Sidney "om. Mi. Mary Sodnick in. two 04 him compvnhiom. "Rt-quid" md "Bnnyo‘ cu (tom beta; very’bu Luckily neither l incvnck m M. 'MtbeMchenon immunolorregd Awnumut fâ€saute. we, numbenoanch mas-am; MNwTrflm «bond mo- children will Men~ Month de.uldu C.N.Kilnhu. mm theMchenon " when the at w. mm {or read The Oak Park Marina Church In cooperating with Highland Purl: Wu Church In via. to outing to one hndnd and ty-Gve children and helm {mm the Chad Mb “W“W' 1+ gulp; The A ï¬ve-pawns" ()verhnd (outing at with an occupants, a yo’na man and at» man. in dnven over flu.- edge 0! the rum: on Rlvme MIG. enrlv Sundny afternoon. The cutdl'lony feel turn. in; over two or lhtoc tune; The em- bankment was very loll which and lhc cu (tom beta; very’bndly wracked. Luckily wither , l was injured. The ruck m dean. uny by men Highland Council. 5499. North Amet- ian Union, mll hold in open meeting Wednesday. June lth.‘E n 8.30 p m. at (he Muomc hnlL qubcn 1nd pro.- pectne member: Ind Oren Indy friend- are cordially muted m - muuul and literary entertainment. ' ' Dr. and Mn. R. Cal n Doboon spent Sunday at Lake Cent when Dr Dob- son preached the bachlnureatc sermon (or the cummcnccmcn‘ extrane- o! the Miliury and Naval ï¬cademy. Bnhnp Samuel Fatima, who: land the corner stone 0! the building hyr. which recent- ly burned down, laid up corner "one. 01 he LII: Geneva buddl‘g on Sunday. Min Princilh N ' her; in vuinna friend in Shannon. II this week. Mr. Ind Mn. C. N. nub-ll went In! Week mutating in (he dirondadt Mean. 1‘ M. AppelgC F. Gram. D. M. Erskine and Arthur W‘ Verror attended (hr annual manna of he Lake County Bankers' Aewcunnn Am, Ill. yulrr» (by afternuun. Mr. kinc n prwdcnl oi the naocuuon. r. and Mn N. I. an unmet. Mr. V: (cm to Lom- vill have In her luau. next week, . and Mn. Byron 1. Hopkins 0! Mil-nu Min Pinball: Non friend in Shannon. ll Mr. Ind Mn. C. N. week mutating in (he LII-d yet-any “flu-t. ‘ din. Md 3! ‘maudmuw; Elm Place Schobl Notcs' Exmoor Club gNotes Fort Sheï¬dan thland Park Fuel Company: 102 n. In a. mm mm President 1.»... 335? Building Material: Daily’s Ready to Wear Store M1072 2-ddoorWut of Tho-tn Highland Pd'k One lot high class Drawers, values to $1.00. Special at ..................... Highland Park, lllinoio walnut,“ m1m,v~n- “mum A baton will call for and deliver your («mum Making a :.pecialty of loans on improved real estate in the North Shore territory including Rogers Park. Evanston. Wil matte. Kemlworth. Winnetka. Glennie, Highland Park and Lake Forest. ' Security under mortgages in this terntmgv is continually cnhanizing while the rate of interest is attractiVe. Why not have vour clothing renovau-d here this wwk and give uur work a fair trial? ()ur CLLANmu AND mum of ladies' and gvnl's garments. nrwnml men. camels. porucrs. dramn'es. piano cow-I 5. law cumulus. run. cannot be duplu'ated by any lcx‘al clmncr, as we have the LARGEST and M Sun/w» plant m du-WcsL North Shore Trust Company ‘, Capital $100,000 INCORPORATED 21‘ EAST CENTRAL AVENUE Idaho: Hid-i Pli‘ZGS Muslin Under Drawers Stylishly Dressed Women North Shore Trust Company Coal Solvay Coke MAIN OPTICE AND WORKS 2|23-2l33 bucol- Avm. CHICAGO Organized nude: the Barking Laws of the State of lllflnoin MORTGAGE BANKERS Lace and embroidered trimmed, special ' at .................... ' While they last, $1.75 value Waist at Waists! Waists! Corset Covers (um: here and an. m II we can drun Mich and such “brat "mum-d m Inch and such 14 manna Somcu'mra wr wrpnu 'lhem "uh um rlanne of Ihilny 'chuNWeSay We know what (an tx- dmrm the Im â€1 Hum my everything mm um umuid Inhr In (rmlmm wearing Dnvomy - 3152 49c? 19b