Mrs. D. M. Erskine entertained the embroidery class at her home on E. Park Ave, yesterday afternoon. Miss Gertrude Agnes Such. daughter of Mr. and Mn William Sasch of Green Bay Rd., has chosen Wednuday June thirtieth as her wedding day, when she will marry Mr. Harry Edward Clarkson. son of Mr. Edward Clarkson 0! this citv. The marriage will be solemniz- ed at the St. James Parish at Highwood. with Father 5. J. Gates reading the ser- vice at three o’clock in the afternoon. A reception at the home of the bride's mother will follow from ï¬ve to eight. Mrs. J. F. L. Curtis of Prospect Ave, entertained at a bridge party on Friday afternoon for Miss Gertrude Roberts of Evanston, whose marriage to Mr. Walter Smith took place on Tuesday evening. The affair was given for the young mar- ried and unmarried ladies of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ewart of Santa Fe. Isle of Pines. formerly of this city. announce the marriage of their daughter. Helen Henderson Ewart to Frank Derby Fuller. which took place Sunday, June sixth. Mrs. Franklin Hussey, of N. Linden Ave., entertained a few of her friends It |uncbeon on Thursday. Luncheon was served at one thirty after which a delight- ful reading was given by Mrs. Eu] Spencer. being one of the “Arcadian Ad- ventures." The house wu pretty in or- iental poppies of various bright colors. On Saturday afternoon, June nine- teenth. the marriage of Miss Ruth Gregory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gregorv to Mr. Arthur Sweetser will take place on the lawn of the summer home of the bride‘s parents on S. Sheridan Rd. The matron of honor is to be Mrs. Edward Badman. at whose marriage just two months ago Miss Gregory ‘served as a bridesmaid. Miss Jean Sterling is to be maid ol honor; the Misses Dorothy Sterling and Alice Buck- ingham. cousins of the bride. are to be bridesmaids. Little Elisabeth Durham of Winnelka. a niece of the bride, is to act as floner girl. Dr. P. C. Wolcott of the Trinity Church. will oï¬iciate. After a honeymoon trip, the young couple will beI‘ at home July ï¬rst at Forest Hills. Long; Island. l Voting is Lively at Warren’s Panama Exposition Store Do not delay, make your nominations now. Contest OPEN TO ALL. Every purchase entitles you to votes for one of the contestants The Dry Goods Men’s Furnishing Headquarters far Highland Park Phone us your needs 110 TRADE AT HOME Free Trip-Panama Exposition The Social Side of Life We will call tor, launder in the bent poetible manner and deliver your entire family waah for 75¢ per doaen. except handhuehieia. each. and stocking: which will he charged at 2c each. Shirts. collars. shirtwaiata. blankets quilta and ruga liat price. This arrangement is made to meet the demand of iamiliee who with to ECONOMIZE and do away with the diaagreeablc bother of having their laundry done at home and the trouble of getting a aatiafactory and reliable laundreaa. Your waahing will can you no more than it is coating you now and all you will have to do in to get it ready for the driver when he ails. Our 15 years aucceaaful experience and modern methods guarantee long life and proper laundering to your linens. Our driver will call at a certain time each week. Call any one of our three phonesâ€"178. 179. 471. Rmcï¬ououFlï¬shedFamilyla-ih WE__A§K YQU no 999366“. nerioudy,our reduced nu on W family laundry. as follow: High Class Launderern and French Dry Cleaners Chas. H. Warren Co. Maugham Local Affairs of the week Hgmrarï¬ By the Obocrvcr Mn 8. A. Feuenden. preoident ol the Chicago Chapter Daughter: of the Found- :ers and Patriots, will preside‘ at the an- : nual luncheon to be given in the English 1' room of the Blockatone Hotel today. {Following the luncheon there will be a {program at which Mlaa Jennie Harding 1 will appear in a few of her new readings. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. London of “5 N. Sheridan Rd., announce the marriage of their daughter. Marjorie to John Newton Briggs. ll of this city which took place Saturday. June twelfth in the presence 0! the immediate family. Rev. R. Calvin Dobaon read the ceremony. Mr. and Mn Briggs will leave the latter part of the week {or the east. later going to Ha- vana. Cuba where they will temporarily make their home. ; Mn. Marshall E. Sampoell 0! Lake Ave. , was hostess at a dinner party on Saturdny ievening for eleven guests in compliment ; to Mn Frank S. Borton 0! Cleveland, FOhio. who was the guest Int week of ! Mrsfjohn Glass. After dinner the party , attended the dance at Exmoor. Miss Florence McNiel gave 1 kitchen shower for Miss Gertrude Such ofGreen Bay Rd. on Tuesday evening 01 Int week. The color scheme wu yellow. carried out very prettily with yellow flowers all over the house. A pleasant time. with refreshments following, pasted the hour: of the evening. Mia Sasch is to be mar. ried on June thirtieth to Mr. Harry Ed- ward Clarkson. Exmoor Club we. pretty in I promo. sion of lovely flower! and decoration- on Saturday alternoon when Madame. Howard Smith had Robert Smith were hooteueeat Itwenty-eeven table bridge tor MiuGertrude Roberts of Evmtou who become Mn. Walter Smith Tuesday eve~ ning. Refmhmente were Ierved on the porch overlooking the beautiful colt links. Cards were played in the dinifig room amid verv pretty pink decorations. Ma- dama Howard Smith. Robert Smith. and Mn. Charles Roberts. the bride'- mother, and the bride. Mn. Walter Smith received. Miss Bessie Moon was pleasantly sur- prised on Monday evening by a number of her friends at the home oan Bother. Miss Moon leaves the end of this week to spend the summer with her mother in Fenton. Mich. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESSWP‘RKW Rev. F. Holke will leave non Wednes- day to attend the annual (antenna a! the Northern lllmois District 0! Sun- golictl churches. at Champnign. m. The conference Will be in union from June 23 to June 28. Then- will be no preach- ing service at the St. Johm Evtncehcfl Church on Sunday, June 27m. during the Iï¬ocnce of the pastor A six o'clock dunner mll be and by the Eutem Sur chaplcr of Highland} Plrk on Thurnday evening June 2‘. in compliment to Mm Selma Wiuy grand; worthy matron of Hlmou He... lute! all reservation: by Monday evening. E June twenty‘ï¬m. I Mia Bertha Hubauah entertained: twenty five sorority Inter: oi North- western chapter 0! Alpha Chi Omega sorority on the beach on Fridav evening. A six o'clock dinner inll be served by the Eutem Star chapter oi Highland} Park on Thurnday evening June 2‘. in compliment to Mm Selma Wim. gra-d‘ worthy matron of lllmoi; all reservation: by Monday evening. l June twenty‘ï¬m. I 1 Rev. F Holke will leave next Wednes- day to attend the annual conierence oi; the Northern lllmois District 0! Evan- gelical churches. at Champaign. Ill. The conference WI" be in eeuion from June 1 23 to June 28. There will be no preach- ‘ in service at the St. Johm Evtncdicfl Church on Sunday, June 27th. during the‘ alioence of the pastor ‘brnrrtrnionacmst. IANY U353 FOR GUIS. They Have Inn Icon the No.0. I Time. .0 towing Liv... Gun- would not 30 cm i! m were abolished For enmpie. the - minnofquphun-dtoumouu‘ It would be ‘Mcult to and an equally efloctln nil-mute. The 1 o'clock run. .00. which D And by CW“, hull (lmuwich obnerntory, in the modd- toctln meant manila of “boom-In. the end time to surrounding m while nothing more trawl-tn mid .bofoundthuithominnte‘unlw for public 900th and the mute (Iv- [common-ofpnukum Gum nave lir- 0- well u like then. In deter-t countries. when It h dint-Ht w mlkl‘t water out of a more amp Mn. H. B. Clnrlte entertuned inlorm- ll! the C00" Hm In 'Im i. I“ ally u luncheon tor her guest- lut Tues 1000“â€. 00 the 51" Monday 0‘ Aw day Ind Wednaday. On Sunday Mr :next. 19H. when I“ Vite" I" m Clarke entertained their Mtlvnukee hum; chum -10“ I!†8'.“ w friends and several guest: from Chicngoé I “00M and mud ‘0 mt lb lboard hi: yacht taking the party :1 hr WM '0 “'4 €00" '0' imm- u Kmoeht. hnving luncheon and din-n Cu'ne k Millieâ€. [mutt on board and returning late in the eve- ‘ Williâ€!!! "1:me 7 1915 1‘49 -- -__- , ning. g Mn. kalin [l Honey will contain the Drama Reading clu- u be: home. Friday evening. The reading will be “The Children of Men", by Mia Brown which has been «used in New You re- cently. I Mrs. J W. Pnndxvnllcu! E Lawn-IA"- ‘mll entertain fourteen guests at Idmncr part) on Saturday (wrung at the Ex- 'moor Club Ihc event In the unusual {opening 01 the outdoor dancxng platfutm fgivcn lo the club by Mr‘ Rob"! F. Can, Ethe president. The dancmg II to be I gwomcns’ choice aflanr ; Elizabeth Prindnwlle entertain“! her ,lteacheu at a dinner pan) on Tum) fevening. Miss Prindnlllc gndualtd from Elm Pint: on Wedneuday evening Ten chiflren. III pupils 0! Mi. Joce- phine Trot! of Glcncoc. give I piano and vï¬olin recital on Sunday “cannon It (be Ewing residence on S St John. Ave. The childrcn cnme (tom anin‘u. Glaxo: and this city. Forty gum enjoyed the music. Mrs. J. W. Prindiville wn bone- for seven guest: at I dinner party Saturday evening onccding the duke .1 Exam. Mn Thoma Clement. 0! Lake Ave.. wu hostess ll asupper party Sunday evening to fourteen guest; Mr; Robert F. Carr will in: a lunchâ€" eon Ioday at Exmoor {or uxlcen guests in comphmenl to Mn John Tume. of our dry. which reprmnttdngreu deal 0! work And was applauded en- lhusa‘uncallyby all. A putt flag. the decorations and sentiment. o! whlch certaxnly uvor of world-wide pctce In made and exhlblltd by Mn E. Ward Knapp. Refreshments were served whlle the guests had the opportumty u! wanna paperS. bod". plcturrs, maps and model- ol early homes. which were loaned lor cxhnbmun and wtlc all rxlrrmrly m- (creating. fusion 6! nvly oolond lover: The PM conduct! a! pouiodc turn led byMadame-W.AM¢nnd¢rmdcc. Alexandct with Mr. Sidney Arno bind: I! the pane: I" the gum joined the chapter in Iv song: which m vet, Inning ir Mn Sewn" Tm: read In excellent papa on the early hmory mDJchmcrdfluI-IMM “Wmmuuwy M m‘uimmmww Magic the Trinity Purhh Ho's. WWI!†was my Mil, decontbdin American has MID") «duh-mural.“ mwmnnmamam No Oiflonnoo. ‘ Jinks » “M: h 'umrn Law Hu- warn 19min". Mnmh or I-rum-lh-n" Rink-«i My “Mo hm- ».m-n rum nml I mum non we at.) (hm-Win!- er YMI Tum-I “inn! thrower yuur [[Ih‘ hnun by (he «rd: 0! man 69mm: pun-molâ€" Wlmam .\l. Tnyk-r Food and Frat Aw. You can 111 a may day- n "bum (cod. hm ,wu mnnm llh- ruur mlnulu mm out Mr. Thom alum Irma lrw. I. N win- (a 1mm numhu wuh food and unru- cum-hm hr min! of Hr? ‘ Your Chum. ' The “(He (‘I‘Ilu'bl Hum-f and "-me but the Km! vhqu-I (van- and my and : non-r num- again. I! “c- .uutd Iooii bm-k ou-r the â€for 0! (hr law“: by! “how wr nn- nqnmundw! hmr many; mt mu! th nppnï¬llleh-u u-uum '0} m that thou ha'c- lu-rmlllrd to drift: by tho-m unzmymwul' f A IlIrIt, captured with I m of In": in the (mum. I'll om put I chum of I who chow. Dunn; tho voyln Vim run out Ind Int-g Inv- » Ind pm:- ctr" won I“ dying of (him. Then I mum km on I W- mm Ida. Mu Ill lb:- IrIHIbb you him'h. he plum up the bun-h ends 0! I [6' d (hem. Blind Gulf ham rm: Ia met It»! not than Ind up Imou; the mal- ut the pile; flu. m-nI-muumrooehonuu tumult) the olbei tun lamb ("I It comm. Tb» cool“; Iu-Im mlbrud In the nhnpo of uueflom (mt: WI!" III! by xm- menu- ton-I of Mrs m unwed “Pear-on] “’uctly. ne- at and. [uh lunch II'I om wuk Into the mod. By this man- moutunhmllocudlnlhobonm many lira but been pints-ed by a timely drur u the laugh. hablkootioeilhenbydm Mm Sub-cribs Elana-ix 0! lb. Ln Will demtolSu-nhlmw win-(tend the County Conn ol Llh County.unl:rmthcuol to be both uttbcCounHmin'umilldd The movement In baud by MI Love“ 01 “In“ UMy. Prd. George W. Kind.†and John I“ Curt olColumNo. Duvb P. Km, John Haye- meoad. Aha! 50-. Human Holt. my Jan. It. Back. with the governor- o(' (to m m Gunmen. diplomatic“. [arm and batman men n W dent Wiboo Tbcphn i. [ugly the Idea 0‘ My. Tm. who mll M u tbs contact-cc and n undemood to have the M though uuomcuL'mdonom-l 0‘ Pan'- lt II prupooed that the Umttd Sum shall become on. 0! the league 01 men who shall nxree to unr then put mutiny term to ptevrnt any one at their num- ber tcom nouns to In: with m he tore recount u ï¬nd to: Michal tflbulul. or. what! the W100 II «blunt: it not insatiable, to an Internal-out council 0! coocdhum. M NH! be Imprnung to watch the papcrl 1o! dn'flonmem- o! the inflow- Ing plan 0! Mr. TIMI. A. II II but“! by some of the bed bun-u 0! our country Acommmn 0! 100 u! lhc prominent men 0! (be coulu'y. hendod by loan“ Preudcm T131. has: “and I cull lo: I conkreuce (0 be held In Independence hall. Phil-dclphh, on June 17. lo «and :1 (he adomnon o! pwpouh lot a loan: 0! pace. 0! luau ol hum dOJbt And the vodd Imh (mltmpl, Wu H thus that he ploddc-d ahead Km: tuxnm‘ M? Then â€11ml. 0‘ the Iflclhu he led Nave: mmd ho. he died " While doc-ll"; in"... it . 1.99 2.5.! 28832:.- grit-axe!» .Elltli xiv-3...; MaoiITUIU gag-.1189} 18:3-‘13'3: EtilLQti... :iitri “ANY U33 FOR GUIS. “HM-hwd‘d byAnluh L Anu'ru PaAct COLUMN hm mlh - It’s Old and Strong 3percent interest paid onSavi RalEchthoamnndlmunnce THE ERSKINE BAN l7-l9 I. E Phat hum TELEPHONBS Bowman Dairy Compat Coal, Coke and Wood Feed and Building Material Bowman Dairy Com pany mskumoodrmw Pmmdï¬m SAMUEL LEVIN, the Jeweler GOOD BANK ' Perfectly Puteurized The Butter with the Mild, Sweet. Delicate Finvor BUTTER 120 E. Central Av.“ 121 Vine Avenue 5 HIGHLAND nun, v ¢ uumcoa. 7o Phone 67 Pure Cream Talking Machine as well as Watchts, Clocks and Jewe ry W!" Ch Atriuo ova-Ida. (Hydra-(ofï¬ng flounmcgbux, ., hudbyu h Wei-nth ’ m and (admin Mamba-t cumulus Gauy’uHome Mary â€W.Cc-u‘lAvo. of all makes of WPULM du’u,