MM? PLBLXSHED WEEKLY BY JOHN L. onu. We are gladzo accept any items for! a! Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois "“5 column or the 0' er hoe 0" Telephone 2: 2: Highland Par]: 562 I charge provided a name is signed to the item sent in for publication All itemsl Sisqmtion Price 1.50 Year in Mum: s â€I must be in by ï¬ve o'clock Wednesday Entered as secnndclau mmmuarchi. l9ll aziafternoon. Items mailed in unSIgned the pusl ntï¬ce at Highland Park lllmois under l cannot be used ‘ the Act ut' March 3.1379 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS ‘CIICIGO'S BRIGHTESTV SPOT + H mm}; for the F 0mm! Tckqhono 342 VI. Central Ave-I: Are YOU going to celebrate? PRATT will have ï¬re-works to burn. Watch his Window. Don't use water to wash your auto. Try at OUR EXPENSE our NU-I-‘INISH AUTOSPRAYER just out. Great labor saver. Will keep your car looking like new all the time. Chauffeurs praise it. Women can operate it as well as men. Don’t Fail to Investigate at Once IOTA-LIQHD l.74 Seats fur Evervbody THE MOST EiLABORATE OUTcOF DOOR SHOW EVER IN CHICAGO Gordon’- Gignntic Pyro-Spcctncle Painting and Decorating I mm] Ave-I: HIGHLAND PARK 4 WEEKS com. 8:30 P. M. SAT., JUNE 26 9%,; MAGNIFICENT‘ m imswonxs Terriï¬c Emiancs! Realistic Eruptions! 300 PEOPLE 2 BIG BALLETS! ATTENTION AUTO OWNERS PANAMA THURSDAY. JI'NE 24. 1915 12 SPLENDID CIRCUS ACTS ACRES 0F MASSIVE SCENERY POPULAR PRICES H. C. HALL 39 St. Johns Avenue Telephone 1103 We use but the ï¬nes! of papcxs anc‘ our En g1 avmg is superlative IS.“ 25c-50-75c n c. 'P'URDYg‘j sons * use but the ï¬nest Wnll Pnpcr Sunplu nhovn a: your home lnc!udmg:\dn_1'rs- smn m w hm- Lny mom-outta Mr. and Mrs Edward Mayrr .Ind " famly of Chicago have taken the Earl "W. Spencer home on Wade St. {or the lsummer Mrs. Spencer and her son ‘ Dumarsque are In Ephriam. WI; for the. ;summer. MIss Ethel Spencer. who Is at| |Ephriam also. will return next week to lbe the guest of Mrs. H. S Vail untIl Julyl {4th when she will leave {or the west l i l The Misses Viola Shields and Mary Clark spent last week in Peoria. a: the guest of Mrs. Robey. formerly, Miss Isabelle Scott of this city.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bennett of Chicago have rented the Fred Preston home (or the summer. Mrs. Preston and the child- ren will leave {or Masachusetts where they will spend the summer at the sea shore. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mead and small daughter were the week end guests of Mrs. Mead's parents Mr. and Mn. D. Garrity of McGovern Sc I LOCAL AND PERSflNAl. NEWS l Mr. and Mrs. Albcn Eiem 0! Prairie Ave. are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. born Friday June l8th. The A. Lawrence Mills home on N. St. Johns PI. is quarantcned with Scarlet Fever. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foot: Hall of Chicago are stopping at the Red Top Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Mather Smith who have been in Boston forseveral weeks returned last week, having beeh called home by the death of Mr. Lester Grant of Rixcr- side. Mr. Smith's cousm. Mr James H. Collins of Chicago who has been the guest of the E. A. Arm- strongs has recently left for California in the interests 0! the Chicago Evening Post and The Country Gentleman Miss Bessie Baker spent a part of the week in Chicago visuing friends. Miss Mildred Allen of New Rochelle. New York ‘is the guest of Miss Catherine Schumacher of E. Laurel Ave. for two weeks. Miss Allen and Miss ‘Schumuchcr are room mates at! Vassar. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lobdell and their daughter Miss Edith l obdell of Chicago have taken :he Randall home on Lake Ave. for one month. afterwhich they wnll take the Ralph Fletcher Seymour home In Ravinia for the remainder‘of the sum- met. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Randall and cthren have gone cast for one month. Miss Elizabeth Buckley and Min Helen Willits leave tomorrow for Sioux City, Iowa. where they will visit school friends. Miss Miriam French. will leave for White Lake, Mich. about the tenth of July. accompanied by Miss Mary Rhodus of Chicago who will be a ï¬nal next week of the French family. They expect to be away about one week. Miss Viola Pansie of Oshkosh, Wis.. is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Fritz Bahr. Mm Barrett and. small daughter‘ who have been the guests of Mrs Barrett's mother. Mr. E. Clark of Mc 1 Govern SL. returned to their home ml Texas on Sunday. _ l Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guthrie and daughter Lois of Muncie, 1nd, spent Wednesday with Mr. apd Mrs. Edgar A. Turpm. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kettén of Nn-w York City and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hasel- wood of Chncago were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Blasier at Vinewood Farm. Mr. Ketten is cartoonist tor the New York World. Mrs. J. J. Barbas of Glenvicw Ave. this week for Minnesota where she spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leah: McPherson an- nounce the birth of a daughter, horn Tuesday. June 22nd Mother and daugh. ler are doing nicely. Mrs. John Gloss will spend a part of this week and next in Cleveland. Ohio. where she will attend the wedding of Miss Margaret Moore. who is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mn E. M. Moore. Mrs. Luella Wadsworth of Washington D. C. who has been theguelt of Mn John Irwin Marshall left on Sunday for Cali- fomia. Mm Frank Judd of Chicago was the week end guest of Mn. John Irwin Mu- shnll of Prospect Ave. ‘ Master Eugene Tremtine left yester- of relatives. 11'“ will tun-4m Ann-C. leiâ€"N†mudmdrhmco Inn-II In.“- Im mwamflr-yln mm..- M Ward. and Edith Uvaflduthmi-OM 'mgbcyvill ruminfotoocwuk. Miu Marion Renam- ol Tecnpgseh. “1;;in ha been them of Mn Clan J. Tremflnc ol OakwoodiAn. wul leave on Saturdly tot Berkley, Calilomu Mr. Ind Mrs. J. N. Notcron luv: u» mon‘ow lo: Tray. Penn. when they will spend on: week. Leonard Wolcott returned on Fndny from Williams College, to spend the mm» met a! homer Mrs. Robert Prue Ind Rllph Dawes attended the Commencement Exernsca It the Sun- Normnl School, Mm Ednh Davies IS a member 01 the duo. Mrs. Charles Wcrhanc lull move (hit week from her mnlhncry sum.- on N Sheridan Rd. to “V L‘cnlral Avt becnuk of lack 0! space In the hum" lime Mr, Wcrhanc Will have his headquarters [or his feed store in thc new establuhmem The Nullh Shore Beauty Shop «rill rr‘ mam as before at 10 N. Sheridan Rd. Miss ery Rhodus of Chicago W3! 1 guest of Mr. and Mn Wllllam A‘ French for a part of 13:! week Karl Johnson of Chxctgo upcm the wreck end wixh (icrvu Brown. Mr. John son leaves today {or a [up to Lot Ange- Ies and the laur‘ Mm Eugene A. Bourniquc and family [all last week {or Anmquam. Ms». where they have a cottage [or the summer, Mr. Bourmque will )oln them later. Mrs. George Hart 0! .\' St. Johns Ant. ‘lctt on Monday for California where the ywill nut the Lnr She as traveling m icompany wnh (hr mcmbcrs ()1 he! chapter go! the Kappa Aloha 'l'heta lornruy. Mrs. Hart Will be gone three wccks. Miss Mnry Lundmmun o! Munsty. lnd., was the guest 3 part 01 In! week of Mn Harry A‘ Porter of ()nwenlsu Ave. Mr. and Mtt Leopold Bloom and Mr. and Mr; Joseph Mayrr o! Chicagu have taken the H. Cantield Waller; home un Hazel Ave. [or the summer. Miss Loutsc Sholcs of Morgan l’nxk. was thc gun! at the SChaeter residence nn Sheridan Rd, over lhr wrtk-cnd. Mm Haul Ritchie wull ndc m the In~ nual horsc show at the South Shore Country Club on Fndny and Saturday. Miss Ritchie. who u I tennis expert. mll ride on a horse known as Lord Knchncr. Last year Muss RllChIC wan the blue nb- bon and the Saw trophy, a ulvcr lovmg cup. After all the events are uvrr the contestants apptar m a gorgeous pageant MmR P. Dandson left on Fndlv lo join Colonel handgun and the (Idea who an- making an overland lnp by automuhule In Cahlnrmav Mm Dnndwn Wi|110|nlhr party at Denver and VIII lhenumunuc to Sun Funcxscu Very encouraging messages u! the hospitable reccpuon given the pally n dlï¬ennl (owns, are being received by relatives and friends here. Miss Helen Conrad of Mdlovern 51., was the week- end guest 01 Min Eleanor Rube] o! \hchngan Ave. Chicago. Mrs. John thnm ut lark Ave, and two d1.ldnn lr!’ it: 15 week tor Kansas 1Cit).Mtssoun when they will flat! so- oral Weeks wuh \lrs. Rmme s muther. Jack Baker has returned trom Knox College and Will 5pc nd the summer with his parents Mr and Mrs Charla H Baker on their (arm near Habcuck. “IL Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Butz and Messrs. Herbert Butt and Fremont Hutchrork, “h†have been motonng In the east tur 1w. “l‘l'k3_ returned on I t . t I l t l i t t 3 u Munday. Mlss Ruth Pinkerton. who hm spent the wnnter m Waterloo 1nd Cedar Raptdu Iowa, arrived on Friday to be the guest of Miss Lillie Bell, Muss Jeanne Mans n! Giza-cow, Mom. formerly of [Ins City, I: the guest of [nends in the north end. Mr. and Mn. Raymond Schneider were the Sunday gunu of Mr and Mn George Fishleigh of Chicago. m: mom Pmmmcfm Min Elizabeth Yahnke 0| Delukh. Minn, in the guest of her sister. Mn 5; T. Rebling. Mrs. H. H. Decker and son Henry, 0! Des Moines, 11., are the guests this week of Mn 1), P. Shcahen. Mr. [.Icgh Bmingcr Visited (neods here several days 0! last week Miss V1013 Stm-ld: and her Inter Ehlabt’lh Imu- Iodny for the cut where they wxll upcnd lhc xummcr uthegucsu of relatives. Miss Cornclm Barlow, who hu upcnt {he past WCt‘k nsmng hr! nuny lncnds here. let! on Monday tot her home m Dclevan, Wis Mr. and Mrs. John Bnm H. the latter fotmerly Miss Manorie London. It“ on Monday for Havana. Cuba (or I yeln' absence. ‘ Miss Mildred Thaycr of N‘Shendm Rd, will leave Saturday for Leon. 11.. where she wall vml friends lor two week; Mia Carolme Shields. who has been cast tor three month; returned on Wed~ nesday. ML and Mrs. Anthony Brand! of Bell evuc. II. are guest: 0! Mr. and Mn.‘ 1 L. Gibson 0! Second St. Mr. Hovnrd Kum. who but recently returned from Lamar College. ml lo Lake Geneva. Friday to lurnd the an- nual Y LL C A convcmion (here. :tan-nukeWhthh â€was†ndCych acumen-d 0" mNICIIIbOlLIl-FM 7. v. m be played as sway 1d mi 5!:th been M and tome limelnhfly. Mia Printm- Cm". who u in Sta anciaco, will return It the end 0! u» wed having been gone that In“; Mn. Maud H. Shannon. who under- went In opcnt'xm for nppcndmiln (we! I week no .3 me Huhnemnn Hmpuul. Chrcagn. i: 60mg mcdy and will Mum home soon. Mm Lida Couriey u pumm‘ I turn me! count C the Univcruly of Chicsgo. Th: Chnudan linden-0! Soddy o! 11* Prubyu-nua Church n to hold nu l.‘ mochng o! the yen! on Sunday; Mm Mnry Sedxn‘ck hu charge 0! the mad- mg. The lubyecl n 'Soog had In New Mr. and In. Funk C budlcv And Mn Sullcy'l momâ€, Mn C A Hall. will leave lhu week 1.! Lake hencvn when (hry mll upend Ou- wmmer. They have mt- cd that home on Linden Ave. to Mr M Mr; Uno I (hlhofl u! Cbu’l‘a ML John Kelley, who hn been-enact ly l" for (It pan two VNII, u very much improved Mn V. A Spucker Ieh on Mood†ImI her home In anuuu where Ihl' ml] mend xvtll month; 1 A numb" o! lldlfl met ll thc home of Mn. John Christman o! W. Laurel Arc. ‘ on Thur‘dly nflcmoou and org-mud I ‘ Iucnl WV C. T L'. The county pu-udem‘ and org-aim. Mn Hwy 8. Late 0! ' (Zumet. Nu Smith. Mn Haney, Ind‘ Mm Andean 0! Lake Farsi. were (he‘ out-OMOm uncut; 065cc“ ten damn! ', (or the ensuing your letmhmcnu} wen- ant-d :1th In may.» nun-noon Ycucrby momma )ufl heme norm. I ! near punk Ivu created m 11C Purdy'ul hardware More by the cxplmnoi u! n 25 ulhbfl lutom-lx revolve: whlrh hnd ‘ ban left ‘herr to! rrpurt The unpaved l mm “Cu! Kum who wan ulna. the! revolve: lo the rut 04 lb: more when n 1 ICCtdtnllY exploded. Mr. Kum in! (ah-n to the donut who die-ed the wound and mun-d him 0! no that! whatever. A! the present time Mr. Knu! :- 60mg mccly I Mr Arthur Rum, ‘hu nu {hr {ound i H of The Highland Pull Nm hn pro 1 «Med (he hbury wnh a mmplcle fllc 01f the piper! 1mm 189610 If“. The W"; are [mm but ofï¬ce ï¬le and Conum \ery much turn-sung readmg matter rel-(Ive lo‘enrly Highland Puk mchawa-nï¬m The Blue Eng": Camp Fire group gave a very aura-um] enlemmmcm at High. wood Tundly cvcnmg the prom-«b m beuu-d tor Camp ï¬re 3':er camp "‘1 lkownwoud neu the my 0! Pu: I’nv : Much The rnlmalnmcm vu gwrn un-‘l dcr the direction 01 (he mun-n. Mm Manan Craxg‘ ' Min (kxellu. Camp Fire group. bald a party Sunni-y evening in the Anoth- tioo roodt Dinner wu oéned n nix o‘clock dtcr which Hwy cmoyed pm- greuwr gum-u Pastor Thompoon I! the alpha Church prcuhtdon â€Enthunum.†In! Sunday momma. He aid "There in more eo- thuuum mandated um I new rehmon than over an old one." One ulnar-Don «u taken [mm the ream and cu utnke, when people were shouting hwy over the privilege of nd'm; in lumbet wagons. an] wuons. and oLhcl undeï¬ne- ablc vehndea. became o! the novelty. Sq the novclq u! s new churchcrutel more enthusiasm than the old church which rests on the renhutxm u! repentw to'nrd God and III") in Chriu In the evemna the pastor punched on "Playing the Fool" Next Sunday momma the sumac! WUI be "Punched Ivy " Service. Sunday right In usull, with the two harp: and Goopel "me Sunday (Ytfllnfl nernca In ï¬nals-II an†be dxsnmnnued dunna me turnip! month: “owner. the regular Sunday ternatr cth Sund-y Vllh the ï¬nal-h Nu! Sunday lflVK'fl It" be held in German. the Iollovnna Sunday In W and thus alternating [a the sumac! months. morning truce: In German wtll now ll The Lulbct League till conduct an i we mam-nod ah ale in the not-mm]:1 room Wedneoday. June 30m Baum- t uplm will be the mun lecture. All In; welcome. ! On Sunday. June 20th. lhc Lathe League aa‘tpu'd the mutation to mood the named mmverury ol the yous. pcoplc'l oo-c'wty u Gkocot. About 15 members Ind a few mend: attended the ottauon 3.7353 inn. 'Pn'cc ream-bin. ‘urk Ave. F0: Rur- Room: lot Public Library Notes V. \V. C. A. News van. Lutheran Church Baptist Church Notu 17ml ] Bmlding Maternal 7i ‘Coal 8: Solvay Coke ' Non-{h Shore frat Compan; - A‘AAAM F | Making {specialty of loans on im Nonh territory including Rogers mam, ilworth. Winnetka. Glcm‘oe, Highland Park am Lake {2% Security under mortgages in this territory i 00min enhancing while the rate of interest is :ittractjvg‘ proved real estatr m m Park, Evanstmi, Wil We hauMust ream?! a Sample Lot of 1,an and Auto Coats These aLe txceilem values and {Hé'pï¬Js are very $1 50 $1 98. .98. $3.75 and $5.00. A big m} 91 WA§H masses, Plain fmm DAILY’S Raï¬ to Wear Store _ U Phone {(372 29d door w... of Thutre Highland Park HigIIand Park Fuel Copr 1% WIN flSL HERIAN DENZIL Praia! INCORPORATED zujmumnAm Immmzss WK; not have vour clothing renovated herei this ~ week and give our work a fair trial? ‘ ¢ ~ r CLEANING AND Dvmnc otladim‘ and amt‘s ts. oriental rust. carpets portions. draperies p «9 covers. lace curtains. etc. cannot be duplicated by: ylocalcleaner aswe have the LARGEST and mg: SANITARY plant in the West. girth Shore Trust company u:.LI..A Park. Illinois â€Stylishly Dressed Women Fancy [on will call for and dolly" ygur gambit: Capiul $100,000 Orgunizod under the Banking Lam of the Sate of Illinois MAIN OFFICE AND WORK: ZIZS-ZIJJ Uncoll Am... CHICAGO Highhnd Park. Illinois .' $4.98 up “1011,th come here and ask u: i! we can clean such. “‘6 such ‘lbflfï¬. [rimmed In Hush and bud: a mtnnu Some-(Imps we sutm'ill‘ (he-m with our clam): 01 lbjhly lchwthWcsu We know Whit an bl- dourm the way of Clean In; everything that M would like to co’timc mnn‘ 1 Diverse, - bill If