PUBLISHED Wnluâ€"Y Wmsmonflwi .3 Highland Park Telephone " ' Entered as strand-class mater March 1. X911.“ Ill: post urï¬ce ax Hmhhnd Park. lllmou. under the Act of Marcn 3.183 Telephone 342 W. Cami hm: Painï¬ng THl'RSl)AY. JULY 121915 39 St. Johns Avenue Telephone 1103 \V 6 [St but the ï¬nest 01 papers and our En gruv ing is superlative and Decorating . HALL BY JOHN L. Unlu- m County. Illinois Highland Park 552 Wnll Paper 51mph- ;hown .1 your noun HICHLAND PARK this column or the Observer. (rec 0! charge. provided a name in uigned to the item sent in for publication. All items must be in by ï¬ve o'clock Wednesday afternoon. items mailed in. unsigned. cannot be used. Mrs. Hannib day for a mo“ company with ton. The W M eeks. Dr. C. E. Peck 0| last week for the company with me Dealers Assocnannn weeks Mrs. Thomas (E. Troxcl of E‘ Central Mrs. Henry Krllrr of I’m: \\ Ashmgh n. “\Vt’» ha“ as ht'l' KUVSIS ht'l' duughh’l. Wu was the mn-‘xQ-nd guns! 0! hlrnds Mrs. D. W. Rylher and hme daughu'r. «I “14! â€1mm" m umn Furt Leavenworth. Kan , and her sustrr. Mr. .md M†Eul l‘uxdy and hunly Mrs, W, I). Mann 0! Fun 511L0kla. “In (If Lmdvn An- hmc KI‘IH‘ h, h“ Lake. allex:ectmremmn here tor the sum- 1H “heâ€. mâ€. w†“mud â€w \urm months at lhcxr uumner home H)?!‘ Mrs. Caxi H‘ Booth and family [“u‘k Ann left ycsle-IdAy for SL Ohm where they wnll spend two r The Booth resndencr is rented to! Mrs. Erickson and tunnly (-f Chlca We are glad to acct!“ Mrs. R. W. Schneider and aaugmcx Horencc will leave Friday for a weeks' stav a Lake Beula. Wis. Mr. Schneider will spend the week-end and Monday with his family It the like. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Conrad enjoyed a motor trip to Fox L day where they spent the day sex-1 and daughter-in-Iaw George F. Conrad. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Buck and daughter Virginia left for California Sun- day to be gone for two months. Their house is rented to Mr. and Mn Charles E. Murison of Chicago. Mr. Murison ll of the ï¬rm Shortall and Mun'uon. Mrs. Raymond Flinn and family of E. Park Ave, have left (or Seattle, Wash. 1 to be the guests of relatives. They will ‘ be gone two months. The Flinn home is rented to Mr. Alexander Zukovaky of Chicago, who is a violinist in the Thomas Orchestra at Ravinia Park. Mrs. John H. Harmon of E Park Ave , left on Thursday for an extended mp through California for two months. The Thomas Clements lamily have taken the 1 Harmon house for the summer. l Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bard have taken Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bard have taken the Trig; Waller house on E. Park Ave.. while the Waller family is in Charlcvoix. Mich. for the summer. , Mrs. Charles Drake and her son are in La Salle, “L. where they will remain for the summer. Mr and \1rs.S J BIker and (mu!) III W. Vine ...-\ve entertained as their gut-5H on Saturday Mesdanus]. A, Sibley H.i H Cooley andC. (‘1. Shaw alloIChI‘agu. Miss Elizabeth thownIng of DeIrm' ’ \lIch,, Is the guest III hcr sIsIer Mrs. W D. Mann of N, SI J Ihn~ Ave Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sandwick anu ‘ Mm fam‘ly lat! last week forOmkrn I. \lush (mm for the summer. Mr. Sandwick wxll rr- 1 spcnt I turn in two weeks. ‘ isirs [- Bennett and Charles Schauffler arrived I Mrs I‘LAL uru u- .-.v .._-__, l Bennett and Charles Schauffler arrived I Mrs. W T l'ndervmod of Ann Arbor. last week from the east to be the guests l Mich, lurnn-rly n! this City. end her two 0! Miss Alice DBVldt-Ofl. Mr. Bennett 1sum, Thomas and Lovell are here [or the ‘ will leave soon for Big Sandy, ,Montv for summer as guests of Mrs, William Loved. the summer, while Charles will rennin l Mr Lint†l'ndermmd has a position at here all summer. ‘the llhnms Steel Co. In Clncagu Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver Thayer ol Chi-i Mr, George Sanbnrn Ind mm have cago arrived this week to be the guestsl moved to 2002 Sherman Ave. Evanston of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thuyer of N. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fesaenden â€d Sheridan Rd. form indeï¬nite length 0! Mrs. R G p,“ and Mn. ‘time. [)oruthy Fessenden mll lene on the Mrs. H. H. Chandler of S._ Sheridan seventh ol July {or Mnine where they Rd. has as her guest her daughter, Mrs. will spend the summer Ind upon their - . -.L_--_ A: r... (tantalum Mo. return make their home in ChICI‘O. Mrs. H. H. Chandler of S._ Sheridan Rd.. has as her guest her daughter, Mrs. Jared Johnwn of Cape Ginrdeau. Mo. .\u.. .._.. __ v Jared Johnwn 0'! Cape Ginrdeau. Mo. Helen. Willard. Harold and Russell Thompson are enjoying their summer va- cation at Anderson, lnd.. where (My are visiting with their mndpamu. Hannibal Chandler left on Tue}. 3 momr trip through the cut in ny Imh Mrs. John Spry of Suns- l‘he party wdl be gone nevcral Miss Adele Event! has just returncd from a two months’ absence in the out where she visited many pointnoi imcmt. Mrs. Robert W. Schneider Ielt yester- ' day for Arlington. lll.. where she will spend two weeks â€the guest of relative; ‘ Mr. Schneider will spend the weekend there. ' Mr. and Mn A. B. Holubiid. Mr. and Mn Cllrence Holabird-Slnltb. and their lfluCSL.MI'. Raymond Hunter '0! Deï¬cit. Michq will leave tom for Lake Koshkonong. wu. when ml, wing-ad ‘ Peck 0( Sheridan Rd} lclt for the Califurma furs, m with members of the Milk ssncnannn. to be gone several Schneider and daughter M. C. Conrad and {amlly ' trip to Fox Lake Satur- spcm the day with their er-in-Iaw. Mr. fand Mr: any item: for L. Sandwick and mly SL 0: l‘ Marx H Rd. an receivin‘ 'cownmlauou on an 3’ birth 0! a daughter. Frances Stem {or [OdelL born Wednesday. June 23rd. ’ Mr. John 5 km man the week» lhe jend in Constmtine. Mich. am; ‘ The “ban will be cloned on Monday. day owing to the Fourth of July holiday. 11 Mr.lndHnCU|0ddlolN.m Miss Priscnlla Conrad. who has spent the put three weeks With her grind- parenu and relative: here. returned to her home m Fox Lake Sunday. Mrs. A. V. Stntford and children 0! N. Green Bay Rd. will leave on Sunday. Julv fourth (or Nelmosa “M tor an ax werks' visn \hllh relalnes, Mrs. Rex Jones has as her gum. her mm, Miss Anne Se) mnur 01 New York (Hy. who \Hll remain heu- lur rmeral urt'ks \lr and Mn- (murxc Hnur had an then m-- n rnd gum MI» Run lmnbu u: St. 10385)“, Mlch (m >unday Dr and Mrs W H Huldun v! Chicago unmoved out .md spent the (Ln .1! lhv Huvu- Pu'm- 0.1 C um!) l.;m- Rd 'mmcmmmmmmn Mus Haul Rthu'. w South Shore Cuunln‘ C wonlhc [allowing plan even“, ï¬rst. second am lhela‘hcs' humus, tint; sadJlr class. and s-cn ri 1mg Iram‘ cvrm. Mr. Silver (up In the contra! ball {ollnwmg the home mince appeared 1n the huh hats of the hunting Mr. and Mn Haul l'uxd} Lmdvn An- hmc gum- u when- Ihw vull spcnd onlhs at â€1:1! uumner hon )or‘ Jack Vcrcoe of N Shendan Rd; will leave Monday evening {or I Um week:' stay in New York Cuy. later 30mg xo the Mame coast where he I!†spend the summer m compan) wuh Robert Shieldl Mus Nellu- thl at H ~er Ave. has as her guest Miss C E â€IIKAWI)’ of (Jena Falls. N. Y. Mr. and Mn J. L. Holtrook It": on Smurdny for I several weeks nuy at The P1 es. Mich. Mr. and Mn. A. B. MIL‘CJU‘My had‘ as "It†guest: on Sunday. Mr. Richard S Folsom. corporation counul, Mm Fol- ‘ 90m. and Mr. W. R Moorhouu, Com-' mission! 01 Public Worlu. boll. ol Chr cago. an - Mm Ruse at Baltimore. j Colonel Winston, who i: I rcurcd C. S. army ofï¬cer, but lately been given the posmon ol Iupennlendenl of the Morgan Park Academv Col and Mn.Winuon no former resident: of Highland l’lrk' Mrs. Wllllam (l Smnh, Mm Gnu- ‘Smllh. and Mm Alyce M Carr of Ed‘l‘ watt! are guests 0! Mn H C. Breldm of N. St John; Ave. Muss Janet Muchtle. who has ï¬cn ill the past week, is ahlc (u be around again. Miss Mariorr Craig, wuh the Blue Elsie Camp Fire grnup of wlugh she I: guardran. wxll lgavc Fnday (or her summer resort at Lake Hrownwood, Paw Paw. Mmhr where thcv wrll spend .\ mnnlh 'l‘lu grrls who arr- rung are, Pnrrl funny Humor Bank“, Fannie “chin. and Dana Shrllun. MI\ Md‘mn mt nghum-d W1†accompany {hr-2n .17 3.51.1. .5 ICE... 1:. ".515“: I an . Mt'x H H Rtttx'rts h.t~ )ttxt returned (mm [.3 tiranxr. lnd. uhe hag spent the month of June vmttttg relattve‘ Mrs Ruberts matured trnm La Grange. Mrs. W T l'nderwuod nf Ann Arbor. Much, formerly Ul this City. we her two sons, Thomas and Lovell are her:- summer as guests of Mrs. thltam Lm'etl. Mr Lmell l'ntlermmd hu 3 posttion at the llltnurs Steel Co. In Chtcagu Mrv (ienrge Sunburn and sons have moved to 2002 Sherman Ave. Evanston Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fesaenden nrd Mrs. R, G. Peck and Mar [)oruthy Fessenden mll lene on the: seventh 0! July {or Mnine where lheyl wtll spend the summer Ind upon their! return make thetr home in Chtcno. l Mr; John Hank and chtldren ol Ham-l .L. _‘....- I... â€"-h all u ht'rt‘ Mrs. A. It Mutlhw ol halttnture, n. the_ guest of Mn: Lathenne Cashmu ll the Moraine ‘ 1TH- l'nttrd Photo Play to who ha? been maluna an elnbaute mum! on the hotel groundt. 1nd hue been dtuppmnt- I m"l"¢"e<! many tuna, bectuw ul Inclement‘ weather have sut'reeded at last m gettmg; a very good pttture Eight) two people7 form the company, and spent Monday: II the hutel Tne pron-n ul mill“: the pocturc lurmshed rnuxh rntertun-; man In! cuttrenl must 0! whom we": prenent at the ucctum. :l Rnther elaborate weparutuom are bo- l in‘ made (or a unmmtng heath, w u moi encourage bathing among the (mu. Al; lile lune 1nd m anchored urtmmtna n"! have been pluced in pomnon. and every: eflon to populmu um sport u hein‘l l return make their home in Ch'cno. Mr; John Hank and chddren ol Ham- mond. lnd.. were the guests last week of Mn Hank's mother. Mn M. Deidrick of 4 Walnut St. Mr. Geo. Hurder let! on Saturday lot' the Wiaconsin Dell. Ind is expected to; return today. The Camp Fire group of which Mia Olivu Goclitx in guardian. took I hit: Wedncndny nltemoon n hr :- Wilmette md ate their lunch with Nnomi We‘d. one of _their number uho h'ï¬ Indy moved to Wilmene. The (id. mural atterthdtkmxmmpbut W with! 106 ate hwulv o! the many M m W. C. A. News of I’m! \\ ashmgh n lwu chlidrrp u]; Iuh' Hnmnwou“ Hnu (- had I! â€haiku-Imu- mummy d- â€Mont-Rub“ by am M! u Hump!" jvhooondudd luloc Ola-63"“fl In: mun, win be here My mom- inc It Kc. o'doct to "he-tub. Mm Humphrey will gave en] M bend! md will be bv other punk Flowenwil be wit m M! mornioqlo The Common u: Chm. h u "many huped lhal du- Mend. ul u :- ‘-..-.-.., .7 , the Manon null but "no m mmd andumdumlny bouquet u pocubh In (M twacquznrn win-u- lhc Mercury \‘IH ukc (huge of them and we mu Ihry are km 10 (he ytlkmcm u Puwl lid 0 II' t" Um that 191 :mp prev-m on A! momma invahlp Rev. Van lawn u {I speak un ' Amnun " In the cre- nang X'll‘ unto! has (mm 10: MI nu!» "a! \VM, \Ihu \ aux-rs I! ï¬lm trnn XLC hurdrn n! 31 um inc xrnniy In! 1(' anul mm M u! n palliub‘ hllulr vnll n hum ltmr I'd (hr u-x \ ntl Clyde lhclrlr null lr. Endeavor matting \M ‘ hunal Ideal: Ind haw vull promon- (hem erl Sunday, 5pm ml sch n rs wnl cm ‘uuxr Lhcluh)n1n1~;nuuu§ gutnuxum. x ‘13. lNHunhdrflag II“ Inc pau- (rd oflmd‘ Min Joan Surya. b. chaperonc. Mm Florence Cum. her dusting partner, Mr. (merge H-rcourt and be! man-ctr, Mr S 1 dc Kuh wd Mr: de Kn“ In II the Monxnc ind I‘ill roman the" durum the SawycrHucuun cnmtmcm ul Rninu Purl, Mlle Later Luï¬nn. Uxu‘lgu. Mr and! Mrs. W _\ (.Ilchrnt, New Yolk, Mr.‘ md Mr: Funk (‘1 lobe-t, and Mm Lulu H Jones of thphn, Mr and Mn H. R Cunmng, lndmnnpolu. Mr Fredencl muck. Lhu 1Xâ€. Kenneth buxcnwn. (h1- Lag6.and Mr and Mn W ( Funl, \k-Vrl‘nd The dancing lawm- a! me Murmur dunng [he Noun Mr (n In: gum b) M»: howl!» [\lhh otUuk l'uk. Ihu hasnlxuuh Ixznmiuni mull-d scvcxal pupnh elem m and- will "i mum .1 Ba M Thur; am My at Ilia Dub; 5:13. whomndudd ounce-9 : of, Ila-chi la Y. V: C. A†"ma. vi“ be berg My mom- ‘t Kc. o'doct to "he-Mn} “ll-pity willy" all doâ€; all md Ill! be M m LLand Haw lefl hot WU. ybodinflw- Mich†lot a two months' xrs! Unllt‘d [ HWH'. \‘ Ru‘cnl unuln I! the hon-l Ire Col. nod Mn Wlllhm Nicholson cam ulned duh! gm I I very pretty db- ntr ptny on Saturdq "emu. ll Ltd! h prrsm MIN. Fort Sheridan gr nil 3h. “z†be gun: .11 hp :1: 0-321: mmn'xd- hmc, and um- wlll alto ‘hu haul“ fir!" mrm- n 1h er1 l9 k.|hl:’ McNunc win by u _h_« Chuu'h n (*9 an†em 15¢- Sand-y way I 01 loans on improved red mu m the Making a Nonh Shore 1 including Rogers Park. Evansmh. Wu, meat. Kcnil L W'mndka. Gkncoe. Highland Park and this territory :5 ,lm'ty under mortgages in Lakr Form . mm: while the rate of interest is attracuve. cum muulIy ( Beauï¬ï¬ll m it Ready to Wear Store M1072 ‘ï¬uaaouwac or That" aw Pull 2H EAST‘UTRAL AVENUE qub-uflwl’ï¬m Why d have vour clothing renovaked here this eck and give our work a fair mal? LEANING AND Dance of ladia’ md gent' a rlcntalnm. carpets. Deniers. draperi punoq laoccunaimetcw cmnot beduplm china. as we hive the LAW my AanhntintheWut. Cola] Solvay Coke Very Special at $4.98 and $5.98 We don’t believe you'll see a larger collection in cities much larger than Highland Park and (‘t’lv tainly no better values . Included is every wanted style and material favored this season, Included is W81? “'3' and material favored (hi Voilea Crepcv 3355‘“ e“ of handsome Dams â€d dons. It! a}; ’0‘" O“ DAILY"S ' â€talk-"‘5' Bgthing Sm’ts and Ca!†Tum Coinâ€? gl‘ '5 31W Tub Frocks ha .29; :7»; “If“ come here and ask ue :1 we can clean such and such labna. trimmed m such Ind auch a manna Sometime. we surpruw them with our (him: 0! utility. 'cbl-tMVeSu We know what can be donein the way 01 Cleari- ing everythim Hut you‘ would “he to continue $5.98 in (h? n, “’ll» a I‘M .5 g